Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Jul 11, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 3

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

"Does either of you have any theoretical objection to mindless sex?" Angus asked.

"I don't think so," I said, "I never thought of it that way, but I sure don't object."

"I'm into fun," Templeton said. "I wouldn't mind love, but I'll take sex!"

"That makes sense to me," Angus said, he was on his knees and my cock was in his mouth. Angus and Templeton were a Mutt and Jeff like couple. Angus was as big as Templeton was small. Angus' cock seemed small in proportion to his body. Templeton's meat was a monster.

Later I realized Angus's dick was as big as mine, a solid 6 inches. It was small only when compared to his bulk. Templeton's, however, was by any standard a horse cock. Angus was a delicate and considerate partner who loved to suck. When I say loved, I mean loved. The diminutive and dapper Templeton was an old-fashioned man rammer. He wasn't crude, but he certainly was focused.

After several years of a sexual drought, it seemed as if I had entered a veritable rain forest. Angus was nursing my cock like a new born babe at his mother's breast. I was sucking, or trying to suck Templeton's cock. It was big, uncut club cock, with the head the same size as the shaft. While it was almost too big to suck, he oozed enough precum to ease the way.

I wasn't much of a precum fancier, but Templeton's juice was exciting and went a long way toward changing my mind. To tell you the truth, I was flattered that the young man was turned on. I know you can't ooze just to be polite. Templeton was handsome and I hadn't expected he would be at all interested in me.

I was thinking about Templeton when I began to shoot. Poor Angus got a real mouthful. I apologized to him, but he didn't seem to mind. Later I found out he was a cum hound and didn't mind a desert served from my cock. I sure didn't mind either. After the orgasm, I felt drained.

Angus puzzled me by getting on his hands and knees. A few seconds later the mystery was solved. Templeton was right behind him and his cock was at Angus' hole. Angus winced as the huge organ rammed his ass. I was shocked and almost told Templeton to stop; I was afraid he was being hurt. Just then I heard Angus growl. It was a deep guttural growl. I'm not sure I had ever heard the sound of pure pleasure before, but that's what it was.

It was the sound of Templeton's cock touching every sexual nerve in Angus' body and making them sing. I soon realized they had been together before and Templeton's cock was retracing a well-worn path. I knew from my life with Lou; sex gets better with familiarity. There might be less mystery, perhaps, but more pleasure. I could see Angus moving his body to accommodate Templeton's organ and noticed Templeton knew exactly when to thrust and when to let Angus do the work. They were a well oiled, or more correctly lubricated, sex machine.

"I'm ready to shoot!" Templeton cried. "Do you want it or do you want me to show it to Tom?" Before Angus had a chance to answer, Templeton pulled out and sprayed Angus's back with his seed. The moon was out and the moonlight made the cum sparkle. For a second it looked like a Roman candle shooting from the tip of Templeton's cock. Angus stood. I went to suck him, but discovered he had already shot off.

We went down to the pool and took a swim. Max and Wally were there, sitting nude on the edge of the pool. Somehow I knew they were relaxing after their orgasms. I went home after the swim and slept well.

The next week was a madhouse at work. The Governor had eliminated all state funds for scientific research in the next year's budget. He said any decent research should be self supporting. 90% of our funds were private or from Federal sources, but some state participation was required to get the grants which were our lifeblood. To make maters worse, the governor wanted to charge privately supported studies rent for the use of state facilities.

In recent years the Governors of Virginia traditionally aim for the lowest common denominator. As a general rule, institutions of higher learning in Virginia thrive in spite of the state rather than because of it. Fortunately the Governor's entire proposal could go down the tubes if the Senate rejected it out of hand. There were some good men in the Senate. If we could get them to understand the Governor's stupidity could be defeated. It was a month of hell for the Universities and academics in the state. I was at meetings or writing position papers every night.

I got calls from Mark, Wally and Karl, but was too worn out to go anywhere or do anything. I did see Wally, Karl, Max and Angus' names on a full page add in the paper opposing the Governor's proposal. Friday night Mark appeared at my door. I said I was too tired, and he said, that was fine, we could sleep together.

We ended up going out to diner and Mark was nice enough to let me rant for an hour or so. I had a good dinner for the first time in a week or two and I felt better. Returning to my house, he offered to give me a massage.

"Do you expect me to fall for that again?" I asked.

"I sure as hell do!" Mark replied. We both burst out laughing. A few minutes later I was naked on my bed and he was working some oil into my back.

"I don't know if I can do much. I haven't been this tired in years," I complained.

"Tommy my boy, all you need to do is feel," Mark said. "Just relax and let me do everything."

"Relaxing is a problem," I said. "Screwing up my work is one thing, but ruining the entire research institution is another. I can't let that happen."

"Calm down and let Dr. Mark take charge. "Just think of it as therapy."

"Is it therapy for you or me?" I asked.

"To tell you the truth, I was hoping for a bit of both," Mark said as he began to massage in earnest. He was good at it, and I have to admit, the massage combined with prospect of feeling his cock again seemed to dissipate the exhaustion I felt.

His big balls were resting on my ass as he massaged my back. Because it was hard, most of the time, I couldn't feel his cock. Once and a while he'd lean over and I would feel his shaft on my ass crack.

Mark was talking as he worked. "You know there was a time when I didn't like to shoot off," he said. "I know the orgasm is the main attraction, but to me it meant the fun was over. I was younger then. I didn't have a hair trigger, but I did get to the point real fast. I liked watching other guys shooting off, but I was a problem for me."

"You seem to have got over it."

"Well, you may have noticed I'm a top. I like to be in charge and in control," Mark continued. As he rubbed me down, he oiled my ass and had begun to lubricate my hole. "You can't be in control when you are shooting. I know I'm a goofy looking guy, but when I'm naked, my fuck tool demands admiration. I thought I killed the mystique when I had an orgasm. It's hard to go from being a Cock God to Gomer Pyle in half a minute."

"I never thought of you that way," I said.

"My friends don't see it that way either. As I've gotten older, it's harder to climax and I found out my quality time, that nice and slow build up to an orgasm, got longer and longer. It use to be I couldn't fuck guys for more than four of five minutes, I can go 20-30 minutes without taking a breath now."

"I think I noticed that," I said. Mark laughed. By now his cock head was at my ass hole and he was slowly applying pressure. I didn't want to fight it, but my hole seemed to have another opinion. He pressed a little harder.

"When I've been playing long enough my cock really needs some release," Mark continued. "Open wide." I tried to shift my ass and his cock slipped in, first just the head. He hesitated a minute, then pushed a second time easing the rest of his cock deep into my ass.

"Damn. I love this," Mark exclaimed. I loved it too. My first experiences with Mark were good, but you wonder if it might just have been a fluke. As his cock slid deep into my ass, I knew it wasn't a fluke. It was even better than it had been before.

"You've relaxed some," Mark muttered. "It's nice and easy." It was nice, but not that easy. While it must have been the absolute upper limit of cock I could take, it wasn't pain which was the problem. It was the intensity of sexual sensation which was almost too much. It was as if his cock was stroking a bare nerve. It felt so good it almost hurt.

I also had a problem breathing. I was winded by his deep strokes. Mark noticed this and adjusted his strokes. He leaned over me and whispered in my ear, "Is this easier?" He was slowly pumping his cock only an inch or two in my ass.

"It's wonderful," I said.

"It's good for me too," he continued. I could feel his chest hair rubbing my back and his cock pulsed in my ass. After a while he rolled me on my back a spread my legs on his shoulders. With the lone exception of my cock, I was limp as a dish rag by then. His cock slid into my ass both deeply and easily. I almost passed out it felt so good. This had been Lou's favorite position, but I felt no wave of nostalgia, Mark's cock was unique in my experience and the sensations were all new.

Oddly, it felt as if a different man was fucking me. In the course of the next hour we discovered by changing positions, we also changed the sensation. This, in itself is not particularly unusual, but with Mark it was as it was an all new cock. Mark felt it too.

Spread eagled, doggy style or side ways, it was all good, but very different. Mark was oddly analytic sometimes. He figured out what was happening and told me about it in serious, almost clinical terms.

"My cock's wider than deep," he said. "I'd say about two and a half inches wide and an inch and a half deep, except for the cum tunnel and lube dispenser on the underside. I think my cum chute is rubbing your prostate and giving it some special attention when I'm rear ending you. When I'm fucking you from the side, your magic button is getting the full width of the shaft. That why it feels so different."

"That might be it," I agreed. "Do you effect other guys the same way you do me?"

"Not even close," he declared. "Not even close. Just getting the thing in their ass is the major achievement for most guys. Some guys love it. Others just want the sense of achievement."

"Like climbing Everest?" I suggested, "because it's there?"

Mark laughed, "Something like that. You're the first guy I've met who is a prefect fit."

"I don't believe that! I'm sure you have a lot of practice fucking, and you've had some return customers."

"I sure have," Mark said. "What I mean is you are the perfect fit. It's like a tight fitting glove. It's as if your ass was shrink wrapped to my cock. Everything that can feel is feeling, every move I make you respond to." As if to illustrate his point, Mark raised one of my legs, straddled the other and nosed his cock into my ass again. I shivered as the monster slipped in sideways.

"You feel it too, don't you?" he asked. I nodded.

"I don't want to get married or anything like that, but I sure wouldn't mind getting together kind of regular like," he said.

"As long as sex is involved, I'm game," I managed to say. "It doesn't seem to me love is in the cards, but some nice, simple lust would really hit the spot."

"Thank you Jesus!" Mark exclaimed. "I was hoping you'd feel that way." Mark spent the night and we continued our explorations. While I had several meetings the next day, the evening with Mark seemed to have given me new energy.

On Sunday I was scheduled to take part in a panel discussion on the Governor's proposals on the Public Televison station. I had been expecting a sensible airing of views, but that wasn't in the interests of the Governor. He sent a 35-year-old party hack to present his case as representing old time true religion verses Godless science.

The hack, Jimmy Savage was a lay minister for some out of the way religious group and the Governor's assistant public affair's spokesman. I gave a brief presentation on the significance of research to the health and prosperity of the Commonwealth. He pulled out a well-worn Bible given to him by his Grandmother and said everything he needed to know about science he could find in the "good book."

"And in addition," the jerk said, "the Governor proposes to require "Creation Studies" departments in State schools. We will add Creation Studies to the requirements for getting a degree in the Commonwealth." This caused an uproar in the studio audience.

My fellow panelist, a distinguished Physicist from UVA and a Dean from Tech were dumbfounded and all but speechless. I said, "Maybe Mr. Savage can read between the lines of the bible and understand computer code. Praying might well be good for your health, but if you have cancer you might better try chemo, radiation or surgery."

"I have heard there are no atheist on a death bed, but thanks to science that death bed experience is thirty of forty years further in the future for the average person than in biblical times." I continued. The audience burst into applause.

"I'm talking about belief!" Savage cried.

"You can believe anything you want. Science is about understanding the real world, not the spiritual world," I retorted. "You can believe a computer works by magic, or you can understand and learn how it works. You can believe faith heals, or you can become and doctor and nurse and really heal your fellow man. You can believe a disease is incurable, of you can become a scientist and look for a cure!" The audience rose to their feet and applauded and yelled their support.

Savage turned bright red, snarled and threw a glass of water at me. I don't know what happened after that. I didn't even feel the jolt of electricity which knocked me out. Apparently, the water connected with an electrical outlet and almost electrocuted me. Live on televison.

The Medical professions were well represented in the audience and kept me alive until the EMTs arrived. The studios were near a hospital and I was put on life support in record time.

I was transferred to the University Hospital where I worked and got spectacular care. When you are near death, it's good to have a group of brilliant, workaholic doctors and scientist on your side. I had no direct family but my associates knew me and decided to try a bold new procedure. There was massive brain damage and they knew I would rather take a risk to repair the damage than to live is a semi-vegetative state.

I was conscious again four days later. One side of me wasn't working well and I couldn't figure out how to talk. It was not good. Later, I found out being alive period was a pretty major achievement from a medical point of view. The doctors were overjoyed.

I could understand things, and Dr. Freddy explained everything to me. Dr. Frederick Asbury Mills III was an old friends and the head of neurosurgery. He told me most of the paralysis was due to swelling and would diminish. Dr. Freddy was a straight shooter, and he told me while the prognosis wasn't good, it could be a lot worse. They had tried some new techniques from the Netherlands where stem cell work was allowed and they would continue with it if I was game.

For the first few days after I came out of the coma, I faded in and out. Time was impossible from me to figure out. People came to see me and talked. I still couldn't talk back, but the company was good. Mark came by to see me. He had been in the emergency crew that saved me. He looked at me the way a chef looks at a particularly good dinner. My ability to talk had just started to return and I almost had a sensible conversation with him.

The plan was to stay in the hospital for several months, but I couldn't stand that. After two weeks the paralysis was largely gone and I could talk. Hospitals are so confused, I wanted to go home and rest. My doctors didn't want me to live alone. Mark came to my rescue. He was looking for a new apartment, and was willing to say with me. As an EMT, Mark satisfied my doctors who wanted someone professional near by.

Three days later I was home and Mark was in the guest's bedroom.

Next: Chapter 4

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