Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Jul 3, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 2

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Mark slowly pulled out after his orgasm. He got off of me and I got in the water again. Still a bit dizzy, Mark had left me disoriented. The sex had been so good it was disorienting. When my mind cleared, I was embarrassed, but no one seemed to either mind or have noticed.

Karl joined me in the pool. He swam a few laps and then he came to the edge of the pool next to me. "I'm sorry I made a spectacle of myself," I said.

"Tom, no one here is exactly a virgin. I think it's safe to say we all like sex and don't mind seeing friends enjoying themselves," Karl said. "We're all members of the fraternity. Been there, done that. To tell you the truth, while I love doing it, I like to watch too. You get to share in other guy's pleasure."

"Well, there was a lot of pleasure involved," I responded.

Karl laughed. "I could tell," he said as he leaned close to me, "I was hoping you liked it. Mark is a good friend, but it hard for him to find partners who can enjoy his equipment. There was a look of pure bliss on his face."

"What's his problem?" I asked, "I'd think the size queens would be lined up to try him out."

"He's not a bar fly. Some size queens line up, but most are just curious. Some just want to say they could take it," Karl said. "Mark's not most men's vision of a dream boat. The guys here are his best friends. His cock is more of a challenge then most of us can take on a daily basis."

"I'm not sure I could do on a daily basis!"

Karl laughed. The sleepy time of the afternoon was over and soon everyone was back in the pool splashing around. Wally came over to me. I knew the Captain was his lover, so I was a bit uneasy.

"I hope our welcome wagon didn't offend." Wally said with a smile. "We think of ourselves as a friendly group, but some might think it's a bit forward."

I laughed. "I sure beats a casserole or a fruit basket!" I said. "I was afraid I might have been trespassing." "Not a problem. I guess you could say we're open and straight forward. We both enjoy sex and as long as it's open and above board, it's fine with me," Wally replied.

"That seems like a risky approach to a relationship," I said.

"We friends for years before we started living together," Wally explained. "We had our own friends and buddies. Instead of dropping all of our old friends when we got together, we merged them. Strangely enough it seemed to strengthen our relationship. We found out we liked much the same kind of man. When you become partners, sometimes you lose old friends and there's a feeling of loss. We didn't have that problem."

"I guess that makes some sense." I said. I'm afraid I must have sounded unconvinced.

"We have one rule, one for all and all for one," Wally said. "If you're unwilling to bring him home, don't do it!"

I laughed, "That rule might be good for all of us! I hope I would be a keeper."

"Don't worry about that Tom. You were on the "A" list the minute we saw you," Wally said. "Karl said you were a nice guy. He thought we would get along."

"Are there admission requirements?" I asked. "Is this a club?"

"Nothing so formal," Karl said. "We're a group of friends, sort of a mutual support group. We think the same way and enjoy each others company. We're all gay, but I'm afraid we're about as straight as gay men can be."

"Straight, except for the sex part," Wally said. "Sexually we're as queer as a three-dollar bill!"

"And damn proud of it!" The Captain said as he joined us. "I love man sex and all my friends love it too."

"I guess it like it too," I said.

"Take it from me, you do," the Captain said.

"I've been out of commission for a while," I said. "All of this has been a bit sudden. My head is spinning."

"I felt the same way when I met Wally the first time," Karl said. "I was a nice, very uptight, gay guy from Staunton who was afraid of gay sex. I thought it was a sign of weakness. I think it was a remnant of my Southern Baptist background. I thought it was wrong to admit you liked sex. Of course I did, but afterwards I was so consumed by guilt I beat myself silly. I couldn't think of sex as a part of my life. Sex was alien to what I thought of as a normal life."

"I was brought up that way too," the Captain interjected. "Moral men didn't do sex. Sex was evil and bad, except for the magic moment you conceive an heir. Boy, does that kind of thinking screw you up."

"I have saved these two men from a life of meaningless, sexless morality and led them to a morass of mindless sexual abandon!" Wally said, doing an imitation of an evangelical preacher. "Why wait for heaven when you can experience it here on earth, here and now. Don't wait until after death to experience pleasure. When you're dead, you're dead! Who wants to screw around when your cold and squishy? Fuck in the here and now, not in the here after!"

"Glory!" Mark proclaimed. "Praise the lord! Pass the collection plate!"

"I'd be glad to make a deposit, but it's not in the plate," Wally said.

"I've already given, but, speaking for myself, my balls produce the gift that keeps on giving," Mark said as he joined us. Everyone laughed. "And indeed, it seems to me male genitals are one of the great wonders of the natural world. No matter how many times you fuck, suck or jerk off, the cock never wears out. It never gets callused and somehow you never develop a tolerance for sex like some antibiotics. Fucking is just as good the hundredth time as it was the first time. Glory!"

"That is an attractive way to look at it," I said. "It is another point of view I've never considered. It had a certain logic to it."

"I'm a bottomless pit of logic," Mark observed.

"Well, I have to leave this deep and philosophical discussion and get dinner ready," Karl said as he got out of the pool. I offered to help, so I got out of the pool, dried off and followed him into the kitchen. I chopped up vegetables for a toss salad. Karl was marinating chicken for the grill.

He took the chicken out to the grill, leaving me alone in the kitchen. Mark came in.

"Tommy, I sure enjoyed our time by the pool. I was hoping you did too."

"It was good," I said. I looked up at him; he looked worried.

"To tell you the truth, it was a lot more than good for me," he said. "I don't think I've enjoyed another man that much in years. "

"Well Mark, to tell you the truth is was really good for me too. I lost my bearings a few times; it was that intense. I don't know what your cock did in there, but it hit some things I didn't know existed." I looked at Mark again. He was still worried.

"I was kind of wondering if you might be willing to do it again?" Mark asked. " I know I'm an odd looking guy, but . . ."

I understood what he was worried about. "I'm no looker. At 55 no one is knocking down the doors to hop into bed with me. I'd like to do it again," I said.

"You're a good-looking man. I look like someone lost the instruction book when they put me together," Mark replied. "Somehow, when I was giving you that prostate massage, I had feelings I'd never experienced before. I don't know what it was, maybe a prefect fit, but I sure want to do it again. I was hoping you felt the same thing." He paused. "Did you?"

Nodding and looking him straight in the eye, I said, "Yes."

A look of relief spread across his face. "I was thinking, if we play our cards right we might go somewhere neither of us has been before. With some practice it should be possible. Willing to give it a try?"

"I don't think I'm ready for a relationship," I said.

"I was hoping we could just be friends who fuck like rabbits," Mark replied.

I burst out laughing. "That is a plan I can live with!" I exclaimed. Karl returned and the three of us finished up dinner preparations.

After dinner I drove back to my house. Mark followed me home and came in for a night cap. We were in my bedroom a few minutes later. I was expecting him to get in my ass as soon as possible, instead I found my cock in his mouth.

Mark swallowed the whole thing in one gulp. We got on the bed and 69ed. He was uncut and not 100% hard yet, so I worked my tongue into his foreskin and licked his head. I hadn't sucked an uncut cock in years. I tasted the combination of old precum and chlorine. Mark's cock head was the blunt end of his cock shaft with almost no mushroom like flair. His slit was wide and my tongue licked it and eased into his shaft.

Almost immediately I tasted fresh precum. This turned me on. My late partner liked precum. He said it marked the point when the body revs up and turns on the automatic pilot. You can't fake precum, so I knew Mark was into it.

I am a heavy leaker of the stuff. Until I met Lou, this had embarrassed me. It seemed messy. Lou had loved it. Clearly Mark did too. He loved it. I had the odd sense of being attached to a gentle milking machine. He coaxed the fluid from my increasingly excited cock.

Mark was relaxing to be with. I was comfortable. It was odd to be both relaxed and sexually stimulated. I had never sucked him before, but it seemed as if having his cock in my mouth was the most natural thing in the world. As I got more excited, I wanted to get his cock in my ass again. I had some lube in the bathroom, so when we broke apart, I got it and coated Mark's cock.

"You want it again, don't you?" Mark asked. "Why don't you sit on it? You control it."

Mark's cock looked huge coated in lubricant, like an oversized dildo. I think If I had seen it close up before he fucked me before, I would have had second thoughts. I knew it would fit. Straddling him, I positioned his cock at my hole as sat back slowly, very slowly.

"That's it, Tommy, take it slowly, we've got all night," Mark urged. The phone rang and startled me. My ass must have relaxed for a second and four of five inches of Mark's man rammer slipped into my ass. It felt great. The answering machine pick up the call; it was a man selling aluminum replacement windows.

Mark coated my cock with lube and stroked it. "Tommy, I had a feeling you were hard when I was fucking you. You've got a beauty there," he said. "Most guys lose their hard when I fuck them. I could feel you were excited."

I was bouncing on his cock, easing the remaining part of his cock into my hole. "I feel like a dwarf compared to you," I replied.

"Good balls in a low hanging bag, thick meat, you've got no worries in the cock division," Mark said. "I think of a cock as a sex thermometer. It gives me an up-to-the-minute indicator of how we're doing." He stoked my cock and pre cum dribbled down the shaft. He jerked his hips a little. It was like a shock of pleasure electrifying my body. "That was good?" he asked. I nodded. He was fully lodged.

"I have no problem knowing how you're doing," I said. My whole weight was sitting on him. "Is this comfortable for you?"

Mark smiled. "I'm like the Energizer bunny. I can stay hard for hours," he said. "I'm fine. I like this position. I get to see you and your cock. It takes two to make good sex, and I like to see what works."

"You talk about sex as if it is a scientific study?"

"That it!" he exclaimed, "Just think of me as doing post doctoral studies in man sex." He jerked his hips again. I felt dizzy and moaned in pleasure. My cock oozed more precum.

"I'm making a mess," I said as the cock juice drooled down my cock into his bush.

"Let me be the judge of that," Mark said. "It seems to me the more mess the better it is. Your balls make that stuff so sex will be better. Nothing is thicker, messier and harder to clean up the cum, but that doesn't seem to have affected the urge to blow your load." He pulled me forward and kissed me. His cock still filled my ass. We were kissing as his meat slowly pumped.

Mark rolled me over so he was on top of me. "Did I mention, Tommy, I like every position as long as I can get my cock in your ass?"

I laughed. "No, you didn't, but I kind of guessed it." Mark was on his knees now and had my legs on his shoulders.

"Do you trust me enough to let me have some fun?" he asked. "I'll be careful." I nodded. He had already begun to pump and thrust. "Let's try some real fucking," he said. Just having his cock in my ass was stimulating, when he started to ram me I almost lost it.

Almost is the operative word. Mark was aggressive but he knew when to slow up and when I needed to rest. We alternated periods of all out fucking with quiet times when we just held each other and twitched.

I was getting tired when he rammed me hard and I felt my balls all but explode. "I'm going to shoot," I cried. Mark felt the first spasm, pulled his cock out and sucked my cock. I ate and indeed, savored every drop. When I was done, he eased his cock into may ass, pumped three or four times and shot off.

"Damn," he said. I couldn't say anything. He and I both had to work the next day, so he went home and I went to bed. I slept well, but I had some memorably strange dreams.

We talked a few times on the phone that week. We were both busy, so we couldn't get together again. Mark had to go out of town for the next weekend, but Wally gave me a call and asked me over for dinner on Saturday. He said it was going to be informal and to wear shorts.

Wally's house was located on an island in the James River. I went to the rear of an expensive district, went down a lane, crossed a bridge and found Wally's house. I was an impressive house, traditional, elegant, but not conventional. Wally met me at the door wearing a Hawaiian shirt about as outlandish as I had ever seen.

"Welcome! I'm afraid the Captain and Mark are off recruiting." Wally said, "I figured while the Cat's away the mice can play. Don't worry. Both are tops. Come on in!" The house was well furnished and decorated, but you could tell a decorator hadn't had a hand in it. It was too distinctive. Max, the architect twas there with two other men, I didn't know.

"Tom, I'd like you to meet Templeton, who is a banker and Angus Balfour. He the new curator of ancient art at the museum," Wally said in introduction. We shook hands and Wally went to get drinks. Templeton was a small, but dapper man with black hair and a well groomed beard. His shirt was open and exposed a hairy chest. Balfour was barrel chested with brown hair and looked more like the chief of a pirate crew than a museum curator. He looked like someone I knew. Later that evening I realized he looked like Brian Blessed.

I'm m]not the most socially adept person, but Wally was the perfect host. He kept the conversation going and made sure everyone was included. Dinner was simple but very good. Wally had the knack of adding something to ordinary food to make it distinctive. After diner we sat on the terrace overlooking the river. The sun set in spectacular fashion.

We were talking in the darkness. Wine had taken effect and we were all pretty mellow. I was with Angus and Templeton on one side of the terrace. Wally and Max gone down to the river to check the pump of the swimming pool.

Angus' knee touched mine, I didn't move. I put my hand on his leg. He didn't move. I moved my hand toward his crotch. There I encountered another hand, Templeton's. We all laughed.

"A warn night, good wine and hot men!" Angus whispered. "Are you guys as horny as I am? I could fuck a horse." Templeton stood up took off his shirt and dropped his shorts.

"Actions are better than words," he said.

"What if Max and Wally come back?" I asked.

"I think there doing exactly the same thing at the pool,"Templeton said.

Next: Chapter 3

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