Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Jan 8, 2005


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 16

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Lamont disappeared on assignment a day later and life settled into a routine. That was fine with me. My life could use less excitement. Wayland came by regularly. He was still seeing Larry, but Larry was much involved with Catfish. Wayland didn't tell me anything about the investigation, but I had a feeling it was serious business.

Jimmy was seeing quite a bit of Earnest. Earnest seemed very outgoing, but he played his cards near his chest. He said nothing of his relationship with Jimmy. I had a suspicion he was finding Jimmy either attractive or a real challenge. Jimmy was difficult, but many men would think he was attractive. He might be worth the effort.

The big event was a trip to the Netherlands to meet with the doctors who were working on my case there. I had to get my passport up dated and ready for a long trip. Mark was like a mother hen getting me ready. I was going with one of the younger doctors on my team, Karl Milner, so I was in good hands. That wasn't enough for Mark. He wrote out all the instructions on how I liked things in unbelievable detail and gave them to Karl.

Mark drove us up to Dulles and went over all of his instructions. Poor Karl looked rattled as we boarded the plane. "I don't think I can remember all of that," he said.

I laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not anywhere as demanding as Mark," I said. "I'm actually rather flexible."

"I don't think Mark is," Karl remarked.

"I won't tell," I replied. Karl was a brilliant doctor, but if the word "nerd" hadn't been invented, they would have had to create it for Karl. He was tall, but hunched over as if he were embarrassed he was so tall. He wore thick Coke-bottle type glasses and wore clothes his Mother got him in high school.

Karl had a great bedside manner and wrote well. That is why the team selected him to give a paper. He had never been to Europe before and was both excited and uneasy. Like many men with a one track mind he had little knowledge outside his specialty. Karl had no idea what it would be like. When we got to Amsterdam, a small delegation of doctors greeted us and they assigned a young doctor, Hans de Bruge, to guide us.

Karl was greatly relived, not only to have Hans to help us, but he hadn't realized almost everyone could speak English. He was puzzled the Dutch spoke it with an English accent. I explained the BBC to him. Hans had a car and took us to a modern hotel. We had two days to rest before the conference. That was good, since I have a problem with jet lag.

The next night, we went to dinner with Dr. Peter Van der Gull, the leading man in the study of brain damage in Europe. He was with his wife and daughter. We had a pleasant dinner, but I noticed Karl and Dr. Van der Gull's daughter hit it off really well. She was a medical researcher with a Ph.D. in Bio-Chemistry. In some ways she was a female equivalent of Karl, although her mother had much better taste in clothes than Karl's.

The conference was good and Karl distinguished himself. I was more of a visual aid than a participant, but I greatly enjoyed the event. I gave a brief talk about the problems of patients facing brain injuries. I discussed my living arrangements with a full time physical therapist and an EMT in residence. After pointing out this made it possible to have intense physical therapy in an informal setting, several men were interested.

I explained I thought getting back to a home environment was helpful in re establishing normal living patterns. "While I'm a doctor," I said, "the hospital environment is foreign and strange. It was hard for me to think of myself as anything other than as an invalid. At home I was a person. That was helpful in getting back to something approaching a normal life."

I also had a chance to play cupid. Dr. Van der Gull told me Karl was the first man his daughter was attracted too. I suggested they have some time together without me. "That is impossible," Van der Gull said. "You need a companion." Hans appeared. Van der Gull took him to the side and arrangements were made. Dr. de Bruge became my companion. We had a week to sightsee after the conference. Hans was a good and interesting guide.

The Netherlands and most of Europe experienced a heat wave during my visit. Compared with Richmond, it didn't seem that bad. The Dutch were wilting. Hotels and restaurants were not air conditioned, so it was warm. I told Hans it was bikini briefs and halter top weather. He said that was the way he felt, but bikinis were too hot. "To tell you the truth, at home I am a nudist." he confessed.

I told him that was fine with me, so when we were in the hotel room we were naked most of the time. "You are a Grizzly Bear," he said the first time he saw me nude. Hans was thin with a swimmer's build. He had a compact set of balls and a modest cock. He was totally shaved except for a well cropped square of pubic hair, directly above his cock.

Several times I saw him looking at me when he thought I wasn't looking. Once he noticed I had seem him. "I hope I haven't offended you," he said. "I've never been so near a man who is even close to being as hairy as you are."

"Don't worry, it doesn't bother me," I said. "Does it offend you?"

"No, but most of the time I see young men. They are smooth," he said. "They don't like body hair. "

"Do you go to the beach?" I asked, wondering where he saw so many smooth young men.

"Sometimes," Hans said. He paused a few seconds, then added, "sometimes I see them in a Sauna."

"I heard about them, but have never been to one," I replied. His cock began to firm up. I knew we were talking about the same thing.

"Would you like to go to one?" he asked.

"I admit I'm curious, but I'm afraid my wares are not for all seasons." I said. "My salad days are well in the past."

"Shakespear?" he asked.

"A free interpretation of Shakespear," I replied. "Do you go to the saunas often?"

"More than I should," Hans replied. "I'm afraid I spent too much time at work. It's hard to have a relationship."

"I was lucky," I said.

"You have a partner?"

"No, my partner died several years ago, but I have friends," I said. We were on a sight seeing expedition to the Hague and spent the rest of the day enjoying the warm weather.

The next day Hans asked me if I was interested in visiting a sauna. "There is one in Amsterdam that has a night for older men."

"You think I qualify?"

"I asked it they included Polar Bears," Hans said with a smile. "They told me Polar Bears get a discount."

"When is the event?"

"Tonight, getting there will be easy," he replied. I agreed to go. We drove to Amsterdam and went to his apartment. It was pleasant but spare. Nothing indicated he spent much time there. After dinner we went to the Sultan's Baths. I had no clear vision of what it would be like. From the outside it was just a door on a canal. Hans knocked, a man let us in, took a fee, gave us a towel and told us to go to the end the corridor. "Hans, Peter and Dieter are here, they asked where you had been," the doorman said.

"You've been here before?" I asked.

Hans laughed. "Once or twice. It is relaxed here. I hope sex in the open does not shock you." I told him not to worry.

In at the end of the corridor was a changing room, we stripped, showered then went into the baths proper. It looked as if the building had been a turn-of-the century Turkish bath. A large steam room with a small pool sat in the middle of the Sauna. It was all marble and tile and dimly illuminated. It took a while for my eyes to get accustomed to the light. A half dozen men sat in the steamy room.

I sat on a bench. A bowl sitting at the corner of the bench contained lubricant and poppers. A box to the side held an assortment of dildos and sex toys. It was free and easy there.

"Let me find my friends," Hans said, "They are probably in the back room. I will be back shortly." He left and vanished through a door into a dark corridor.

I sat and enjoyed the steam, I hadn't been in a steam room in years. I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep.

"Santa!" a voice cried.

"I'm not that heavy!" I said. Opening my eyes I saw a young man, thin but very hairy.

"You are English?" he asked.

"American," I said.

"I don't like George Bush," he said.

"I don't either," I replied, "Have a seat."

"I'm Carlo," he said as he sat next to me. He reached over and stroked the hair on my chest. "I like bears."

I reached over and stroked his cock. "I like cocks," I said. Carlo was uncut.

"We have a lot in common," he said as he got on the floor and began to suck my cock.

A solid looking middle-aged man was watching us. He stood, came over and sat next to me. "You must forgive Carlo," he said, "he is a one man welcoming committee. My name is Gunter." I introduced myself. Gunter was a businessman from Oslo and seemed friendly and outgoing. Very pale, a fine, but thick, coat of almost blond hair covered most of his body. He was uncut as were most European men. He looked powerful, and I could easily see him as a Viking Chieftain.

A massive bearded man joined us. Introducing himself as Ali, he said he was an Iranian rug merchant. We formed a tight group with Carlo in the middle sucking whichever cock was closest. We were all hard.

Ali leaned over and whispered to me, "Carlo likes to be fucked. If you want take him, please do," he said.

"It's early in the night for me," I said.

"Do you mind if I take your place? I hate to see a valuable resource go to waste," Ali asked. I said no. Ali got behind Carlo and shoved his cock into the young man's ass. I was shocked at the speed Ali skewered him. Carlo had no problem at all. Once he was deep in Carlo's ass, Ali calmed down and we talked.

"The rules here are a bit informal," Gunter said. "Carlo and Ali are old friends."

"If either of you wants to try him out, just ask," Ali said. "Carlo likes making new friends."

"I can see he has a way with him," I said.

"Until I met Carlo, I didn't know men could enjoy getting fucked," Ali said. "My sexual experiences before meeting him were limited. I didn't know a man could welcome another man's cock. The first time I fucked him it was as if my cock had found the home it always wanted."

"Doesn't Carlo get tired?" I asked. Ali was thrusting deep, but varying his stroke as he talked. Ali was a vigorous fucker.

"The longer you fuck him, he relaxes and you can get deeper," Ali said, "after a few hours he turns into a quivering mass."

"But a happy quivering mass," Carlo added. He was still sucking Gunter and me. Hans returned to the bath.

"You seem to have made some friends," he said. I introduced him to Carlo, Ali and Gunter. When he saw Ali's cock in Carlo's ass, Hans got hard as rock. He bent over to get a closer look at Ali and Marco and I saw he had a butt plug in his ass.

"Are you saving that ass for someone special?" Gunter asked when he saw the butt plug. Hans stood up.

"I was, but I may reconsider," he said laughing. Two young men joined us. Both were totally shaved, without a trace of hair. "Peter, Dieter these are my new friends," he added. We shook hands. Dieter was a body builder with steroid enhanced muscles. He had a dark tan and small, compact genitals. Peter was small and very pale. It was as if he never got outside. Both men were between twenty and twenty-five I guessed, but seemed younger than their age. Both seemed uneasy.

"Have a seat, I'm not going to eat you," Gunter said. Peter and Dieter laughed nervously. I think Dieter hit the nail on the head. The boys were afraid of older men. We talked and they relaxed. Peter was a florist and Dieter was in the army.

Ali pulled out of Marco's ass and Gunter took his place. Marco moaned when Gunter's beer can cock slipped into his ass. It was casual, almost as if taking a cock in front of several men was the most natural thing in the world. Clearly Gunter's cock generated more intense sexual feelings than Ali's. Marco stopped sucking and devoted his energies to keeping Gunter happy.

Ali sat between Peter and Dieter and played with their cocks. Neither of the younger men looked comfortable at first, but their cocks responded.

Ali had a darker complexion than the boys and had a hair-covered barrel chest connected to his bush with a treasure trail. He was cut, as were most Muslim men. He had a huge cock head and potato sized balls. His piss slit was still oozing from his session with Marco. For a second, I got a strange vision of a Sultan with his Christian slave boys.

Hans was lying on the bench next to me. He feet were on the bench and I could clearly see the butt plug. Reaching over, I pressed it. Hans shivered and sighed.

I played with the plug, jiggling it. Hans loved that. Soft, his cock was small. As I played with the butt plug, his cock grew to be quite respectable. It was thin, but long and curved. On the other side of me Ali had both Peter and Dieter wound up. Gunter and Marco were taking a rest. Marco straddled Hans' head and let the young doctor suck his cock. Hans liked that.

Gunter went off to the showers to rinse off and then rejoined us. By this time, a dozen or more men filled the room. Most were big, beefy men, but a few hairy otters made it a more mixed group. As far as I could see, no one was shy. Everyone was there for sex and no one pretended they were there for any other reason. I was shocked at first, then realized how stupid that was. Everyone was an adult and there was no reason to pretend.

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