Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Nov 10, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 15

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Things calmed down after that. Everyone's cum had been redistributed and there was none left for further activity, except for Earnest and Catfish. They were like insatiable Energizer Bunnies. A man's cock is the gift that keeps on giving and both Earnest and Catfish were giving guys.

The next few days were not too good for me. I had gone in for a new treatment and it left me dizzy. Some experiments work and some don't. This was very much a don't. My Doctor's figured out want was wrong. I actually helped them when I guessed it was a drug interaction. I have a strong background in chemistry and I suspected it was an unexpected reaction.

Getting sick wasn't good, and my doctor's were worried I wasn't up to it. When the world was spinning out of control, I wasn't too sure myself. When everything settled down, I was proud my mind was still working. I seemed to have a harder time with small, day to day activities that I did with high-powered biology. I felt good about that.

This event was followed by an outbreak of the flue at the hospital. There was no way my doctors would let me get near that, so I did my class through the computer. Mt reading was fine, but typing replies was none too good. Fortunately Elmer and Mark were willing to help with that when they could. Wally also pitched in, by either typing himself or finding someone who could.

I was in a pinch late in the week. Papers needed a critique by me and everyone was busy. Wayland came to the rescue and sent his son, Jimmy over. Jimmy had been an English major and was good on the computer. It was uneasy at first, but once he got into it, Jimmy was good. He had no scientific background at all. He wasn't even curious about it.

After a few hours, he began to get the hang of it. He didn't understand, but he did begin to see what my students were trying to do. I think Jimmy was one of those right-to-lifers whose interest in life ended at birth. All my students were working on projects trying to correct physical problems associated with birth defects or major disease.

Jimmy had simply accepted these things as "gods' will." One of my students, Elizabeth Richardson, was looking for a way to turn off the palsy in Cerebral Palsy. She was trying to get the brain to regain control of bodily movements.

"There's no way you could do that!" he protested. "It's foolish to think you can do that." "Elizabeth is no fool. She knows what the odds are and she knows there's not much chance she will be the one to find a cure or treatment." I said. "She's willing to devote her entire professional life to the search. She wants to help. If she even makes a half step forward, it will be a great achievement."

"She'll be really famous if she finds it," Jimmy said.

"She doesn't give a shit about fame. Her younger brother had the disease," I explained. "He died when she was 14 and she had an IQ high enough to be able to dream of a cure."

"She's that smart?"

"That's only part of it. She isn't scared of the word incurable," I said. "She was telling me that the word incurable is time dependant. What was incurable in 1860 was curable in 1900. Polio was incurable in 1940. Things are only incurable if you accept them as such. She doesn't. I don't."

"Well, it's really unlikely you'll find the cure."

"What chance is there you'll find a cure if you don't look?" I replied. Wayland brought us lunch and we took some time off. After we ate, Jimmy had a much better attitude. He asked some questions and I explained what I was talking about. There was a lot to do, so I could do as much explaining as I would have liked to. I was surprised when he offered to come back the next day to help. Elmer was going to help, but his typing skills weren't that good. He would enjoy some time off.

I came to understand Jimmy as we talked. He wanted to be successful and to be admired, but he wanted the success to be sure fire. The idea that the way to brilliant success is often paved with a string of failures was foreign to him. He also wanted it to be easy. That might have been part of his interest in fundamentalist religion. You could claim to be saved a good Christian, but there is no empirical test. If gave him a way to feel superior to persons of true achievement.

I was trying to ease him away from this sad approach to life when Jimmy met Earnest. Earnest dropped off some materials from the University. It was dinner time, so they went out to get a bite. A few days later I got a report about the dinner from Wayland. The Dinner had been oddly successful.

In the match up with the brilliant dwarf, poor Jimmy was out classed. Earnest had no tolerance for fools. Jimmy was a poor judge of character and had tried to intimidate Earnest. Being raised in Wilson's Hollow gave Earnest time to hone his skills dealing with big red necks. He blew Jimmy from the water. Jimmy had come home steaming. Later that night he called Earnest and apologized. Wayland said it was a real apology, not pro forma one.

They had dinner again a few days later and Jimmy finally recognized he was dealing with a person who was both brighter than he and more driven. Wayland though his son was finally understanding the difference between real people working on real problems and talkers.

Larry was also going to be back in town on Friday. He wanted to talk to Catfish, but was a bit uneasy about talking on the phone.

"Is it that bad?" I asked. "That sounds like real cloak and dagger stuff."

"Probably not, but Larry's had some odd things happening on the phone." Wayland said. "He had been on a trip to the Soviet Union in a trade delegation many years ago. Something happened which made him suspicious."

"In the Soviet Union or in Virginia?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, both." Wayland answered. "Do you mind if we have another dinner at your house? He'd prefer for the meeting to be `accidental'."

"No problem for me, I'll check with Elmer and Mark."

"Too late, I already did," Wayland admitted. "I check with the senior staff before to take to the boss man."

I laughed. "That's probably a good idea." That weekend Elmer was off, so it was just Mark and Mark in the house. Catfish was bringing two other men with him , Freddy Williams, who was an accountant and an undercover operative named Lamont. Larry and Wayland arrived promptly at six.

Freddy was a bland, big guy who had worked for the police and earned a degree in accounting. Lamont looked like a used car salesman. He was the least likely man I had ever seen to be an undercover operative. He as loud, brash, impulsive and dressed in polyester. It took a while for me to realize it was all an act.

It was soon clear Freddy was a computer wiz too. He had been looking into the corporate ownership of the businesses Larry thought were suspect. Freddy was well connected and had access to private information. The real ownership of the problem companies was well concealed and consisted of the Governor's Chief of Staff' brother and the Gov.'s campaign manager's father-in-law. There were others involved, but Freddy hadn't been able to find the relationship to the governor.

"I'm sure there is more to it, but it may take a while to figure out," Freddy said. "There's no indication of illegal activity yet, but there's smoke everywhere. They went to quite a bit of trouble to hide the ownership. There no reason to do that if everything is on the up and up."

Freddy and Larry got into some quite technical discussions of property ownership and governmental contracting. Freddy had found out some things, but he also asked the right questions. Larry was impressed. The two men hit it off well. By the end of dinner it was as if we were all old friends.

Lamont wasn't involved in the case yet. He was going to get into it when they found the right person or place. He was trying to feel out the lay of the land. Lamont had been working on a stolen car ring and came to dinner in his used car salesman's persona. He shifted his personality to being more of wheeler-dealer type as we talked. I could sense him turning into someone who would be appealing to the Governor's cronies.

Lamont was trained as an actor, but since there was no shortage of waiters in town, he hooked up somehow with Catfish. We had far more in common than I would have guessed as I attended concerts and plays regularly and we had seen many of the same performances.

Lamont and I also talked about the paintings on the wall. He knew most of the artists and appreciated the works. Lou had been the art collector and it was clear Lamont shared the same tastes. It was a pleasant evening, but I went to bed early. I was bushed.

The next morning I woke rested and feeling good. It was Saturday and there was nothing on my schedule. Both Mark and Elmer went out on personal chores. It was nice to be alone in my house. Around ten the doorbell rang. It was Lamont. He had lost a key and he was hoping it was somewhere in the house.

Lamont had changed his appearance and was dressed in a flannel shirt and jeans. He looked like a rugged construction worker. I commented on his transformation. "I hate it when it's that obvious," he said. "My strong suit as an actor was looking the part."

"And your weak suit?" I asked.

"Remembering my lines," he said. We both laughed. "I'm really good at ad-libbing and at improv. Strangely, most playwrights don't seem to like that in their actors. It's really good if you're a private dick."

We looked under the sofa and took out the cushions to see if it had slipped behind. He rather sheepishly told me it might be in Elmer's room. I laughed and we went there. Much to my surprise it was on the floor in the corner where he had put his clothes when playing with Elmer.

"A mystery solved!" I said. "By the way, Lamont, which of your personalities is the real one?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm a bit confused about that my self, but I think the flannel shirt is closer to being me than the polyester sport's coat."

"That's a relief," I said. "The sport's coat would have been hard to live with. I don't think it would have bother Elmer though."

Lamont let out a belly laugh. "Elmer asked me where I got the nice threads!" he said. "He's a nice guy, but I don't know about a man who's still pining for polyester leisure suits." He looked me over. "I like guys in terry cloth robes, though." I hadn't dressed yet and was still in my bath robe.

"Is that a come on?" I asked.

"If you want it to be, it's a come on," Lamont answered. "If you're insulted, it was just a comment about the robe you're wearing." I wasn't sure want to do. Fate intervened. My robe fell open. I was nude and Lamont was sucking my cock before I had a chance to tie the belt again.

Lamont was a first rate cock sucker. I was surprised he was interested, but after a second or two of him sucking, I wasn't complaining. We ended up in my bedroom. Lamont was better looking naked than dressed. He had average good looks, not handsome, not ugly. His body was muscular and toned. He wasn't a bodybuilder, but he obviously worked out. He was blond, with soft wavy hair on his chest, a treasure trail and a thick bush.

Lamont had a nice cock, cut, with a flared mushroom head. It struck me as average until I sucked it. He had the most responsive cock I had ever encountered. I like cocks. They excite me, but Lamont's oozed, twitched or shivered with my every movement. I had never felt as appreciated and skilled. It was great for a middle-aged guy.

I fucked him and then he fucked me. For a moment I was concerned that he was an actor and he might be faking it. You can't fake precum and Lamont was the Niagra Falls of man ooze. Everything was good.

With Catfish and Mark I had been slipping into the size-queen mode. Lamont brought me back to an admiration of moderation. I think it was his deeply flared cock head that did the trick for me. We traded places a few times before we wore each other out. I had shot off twice in Lamont's ass.

"Damn, you turn me on," Lamont said.

"Are you into Daddies? Bears?"

"Not until last night," he replied. "It caught be by surprise."

"Not as much as it surprised me!"

"Sorry about that, I got carried away," Lamont said. "I'm usually a bit more sophisticated than sucking a cock as soon as I see it." He leaned over and began sucking my cock again. Mark returned and looked in my bedroom.

"I see you've met." Mark observed.

"That's one way to put it," Lamont said as he briefly looked up from his sucking duties. Mark took his clothes off and got on the bed with us. A few seconds later Elmer appeared.

"Damn, you started the party and didn't even wait for me!" he said as he stripped. I had pivoted so I could suck Lamont again. While we 69ed, Elmer slipped his cock into Lamont's ass and Mark popped into my cum filled hole.

Mark slowly massaged my ass with his monster. It was slow and casual. I think Elmer was doing the same to Lamont. Lamont was oozing precum every time Elmer when deep and I responded the same way to Mark's slow thrusts. At some point I lost track of who was doing what to whom.

Somehow the four of us turned into a single sexual body. I could feel Lamont's excitement. Mark's cock was a part of me, as was Lamont's oozing member. We were all in a sexual trance, simulating and being stimulated. I came out of it when I tasted Lamont's thick seed and felt Mark twitch as he shot his load into my ass. I was shooting too, but I couldn't tell if it was in response to Mark's fucking or Lamont's sucking. I fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 16

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