Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Sep 27, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 11

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I didn't know what to expect from Catfish. He looked odd, but seemed friendly and affable. Mark was a good judge of character and if he liked Catfish that was a good sign. They were a Mutt and Jeff pair, with Mark tall and ungainly and Catfish, short and wiry. Both had huge cocks. Catfish's meat may have been a bit bigger, but I think that was in comparison to his body. His dong looked as if it hung to his knees.

I had come to enjoy Mark's monster, and frankly, I was curious about Catfish's meat. I wasn't sure if I was attracted to Mark or just to his cock. Was it the size I liked, or the man? I didn't know and I was thinking of my interlude with Catfish as an experiment. I soon found all big cocks aren't equal.

Catfish had a much more aggressive technique than Mark's. I felt like a cowboy riding a wild bronco. Catfish lubricated his cock and my ass. His hand was diminutive and I came damn close to being fisted as he worked the lubricant into my ass. I don't think he got more than four fingers in, but he got the lubricant deep and gave my prostate a massage while doing it.

"Take a snort!" he ordered as he held a bottle of poppers to my nose. Putting my legs on his shoulders, he forced my knees apart, so my ass was wide open. I sniffed as he asked. As the fumes took effect, his cock entered my ass. He didn't ram it, but he surely didn't ease it in either. It was a solid, rather businesslike thrust. I gasped for air.

"Shit, I'm in fucking love!" Catfish exclaimed. "I hadn't guessed you'd be that tight, Tommy! You've got good balls too, nice and meaty." As he said this, he lifted my balls out of the way and shoved his cock in another inch. "I'll let you get use to it before we get down to business."

I was having trouble thinking, his cock was as big as Mark's but it seemed to have hit all new places in my ass, and it was hard for me to make sense of the sensations flooding over me. Catfish wasn't still. He rubbed his cock back and forth in small movements. I would almost get a grip on my emotions and he would jiggle his cock and I'd go to the moon again.

Just when I got use to the small movements, he would pull back and make a deep thrust. "Sorry about that Tommy." he said. "Your ass is too good for me to hold back. Do you think I can get any deeper?"

I certainly didn't, but I cried out, "Deeper!" Catfish smiled and pushed my legs back further and rammed me hard. That didn't quite hurt, but it was the most intensely sexual feeling I had ever experienced.

"Shit, that was good!" Catfish cried. "You just lie back and relax. All you have to do is feel. I'll do the rest." He opened the poppers again and held it to my nose. "You look like you could use these again." After I took a snort, he took the bottle raised it to his nose and inhaled deeply. "Tommy, this is going to be a bumpy night. A rumpdy, bumpy night!"

I don't know exactly what Catfish did for the next ten minutes. At first the feelings were so intense I couldn't tell if they were of pain or pleasure. After a while they clearly turned into pleasure. Catfish changed his rhythm and the depth of his thrusts, so I couldn't get use to them.

Catfish suddenly stopped and stood still. Something was tickling my ass. I realized it was his cum. He was shooting off and I actually could feel his ejaculations as the sperm shot into my ass. He slowly pulled out of my ass.

"Damn, I don't believe I shot off so fast," Catfish said as he leaned over and kissed me. I hadn't expected that. "I'm sorry I didn't get you off, it was just too good. It was beautiful."

"Tommy," Elmer said, "I kind of like sloppy seconds, Do you mind if I give you a try?" I thought he was going to be fucked by Mark, but apparently they had watched Catfish and me instead.

Catfish had primed the pump and my balls were full and I wanted to climax, so I nodded. Looking at his cock I saw Elmer's long curved shaft, crowned with a purple, deeply flared cock head. It looked like the size of an old silver dollar. The wide piss slit was drooling pre cum. He quickly coated it in lubricant and eased it into my hole.

Elmer was as long as Mark and Catfish, but the only thickness was in the head itself. The shaft looked thin because of its length, but the cock slid in easily. It felt almost delicate compared to Catfish or Mark's fuck tools.

Elmer was laid back and playful. It was slow and comfortable. He whet to the hilt on his first push, but then played in my ass. It was almost as if he were massaging my ass lining. He was in no hurry to shoot off and enjoyed the ride.

"Did you learn to like sloppy seconds at Wilson's Hollow?" Catfish asked of Elmer.

"Yes, when you're one of the younger ones, you don't get the first pick," Elmer said. "It's funny, some of the guys liked to be the first to pop a cherry. The first guy I fucked was Uncle Joey. It was late at night and he must have had three or four guys' jiz in his hole. I was fifteen or sixteen and I saw him on a bench with his ass wide open and drooling."

"You just popped in?" Mark asked.

"No, Uncle Joey saw me looking at me and asked if I wanted to give it a try," Elmer said. "His exact words were. "If you don't mind sloppy seconds, give me a poke." I may not be the brightest guy in the world, but even then I knew a good thing when I heard it."

"I shoved my cock in and just stood there like an idiot. Joey said his ass was filled with man cream, why didn't I try to make butter," Elmer continued. "I can't get use to K-Y. Man seed is the best lubricant." While he talked, Elmer continued to use his cock to explore my ass. I twitched when his cock head rubbed my prostate. He began to return to that spot over and over again.

Elmer continued to talk with Mark and Catfish about Wilson's Hollow, but his cock must have had a brain of it's own. I got more excited as the bloated head rubbed sensitive spots repeatedly. I moaned as I felt the orgasm build. Then I twitched, and when the glob of cum spouted from my cock, Catfish was there, eating it up. Catfish took the whole load. When he finished, he stood. Elmer pulled out and shot his load across my belly to my chest and beard.

I was coated in it. There must have been a pint of man seed. He leaned over and began to lick it up. I fell asleep before he finished.

When I woke the next morning, I felt great. Elmer and I acted the same way towards each other, but I felt much more comfortable with him. He never initiated sexual activity, but when I was interested, he was ready willing and able.

A few days later I got a call from Wayland. He said he was taking a day trip to see a friend in the mountains and wanted to know if I wanted to come along. He said I might like his friend. I had been either in the house or the hospital for months and a change of scenery seemed like a good thing, so I went with him. There was no therapy scheduled for Friday, so he picked me up at nine and we drove west toward the Blue Ridge.

We left the main road just beyond Charlottesville and kept on turning onto increasingly poorer roads until we drove up the side of a mountain on a dirt road. We were deep in the woods and arrived at an impressive log cabin. It was in the style of the Adirondack log cabins of turn-of the-century millionaires, rustic but luxurious.

A middle-aged man came from the wide porch and greeted us. Wayland introduced me and the man introduced himself as Larry. He seemed nervous. Larry was a big man with curly black hair and was probably 6-3 and solid. Clean shaven, his clothes were pure Brooks Brothers and contrasted with his lumberjack-like physique.

We went on the porch and sat down. The property was fully wooded, but the view from the porch was spectacular. Larry was a friend of Wayland's from the army who had gone to D.C. where he became a successful real estate developer. His wife had died a year earlier and he had re contacted some of his friends.

"You guys must have been pretty close in the army?" I said.

"We were best buddies sharing a fox hole and just about everything else. That happened in Nam," Wayland said. "We lost touch after Larry got married. Fortunately, I'm living in the same house I did thirty years ago, so we hooked up again."

"Wayland is the only guy I could find," Larry said. "Thirty years is a long time. When I finally found him, I called and we found out we had a lot in common. His wife had just died too."

"We had been really close, but drifted apart. Marriage, kids, you know the usual stuff." Larry added. "It's strange though, when I called, it was as if we hadn't been out of contact at all."

"It's odd, but I had really missed him for all that time." Wayland said.

"I'm not sure it's that odd. There are people you were close to, but you got separated by jobs or family," I said. "If you had it to do all over again, you would do it differently."

"Our wives could have been sisters," Wayland said. "Neither of them liked us as we were. They wanted us to be someone else and didn't tend to like our friends." He paused, "Neither was into . . . "

"Sex?" I said.

Both men laughed. "I guess you're more direct than I am," Larry said. "We never mentioned it for the whole time we were married. It still seems to be shocking. Annie was a straightlaced woman."

"I hope I didn't offend?" I said, "I hate to sound like a crazed libertine, but I like sex."

"As I recall, I did too," Larry said, "Until I got married!" We all laughed again.

"It was the same situation for me," Wayland added, "but I was telling Larry, I like it again. That's thanks to you."

"I'm not sure it takes much work to get a guy interested in sex again," I said. "As they say in the advertizing world, it's a product that sells itself." Larry seemed to relax when the subject of sex came up. It was as if the genie was finally out of the bottle.

"I never thought of what Larry and I did thirty-five years ago as sex," Wayland said. "It was just messing around."

"My wife was what you would call a high maintenance woman. She demanded and got all my attention when she was alive. I retired about five years ago and then it became a 24/7 thing. When she died, I was lost," Larry said. "I was lonely and went looking for old friends. I found Wayland and we got together."

"Did you mess around again?" I asked.

"How did you know that?" Wayland asked. "Damn, you must be psychic."

"A good guess," I said. "When Lou, my partner died, I had the same feelings. I think I wanted to go back and try to find the people I knew before I met him and start again where we had left off. I didn't find anyone." We continued talking as we went into the house for lunch. The interior was impressive, but oddly feminine.

"Your wife decorated the place?" I asked.

"You got it," Larry said. "I did the exterior, Annie did the interior." We had a lunch of hearty roast beef sandwiches and traded stories about our experienced dealing with loss. Larry was a man of action, not given to introspection. I hate the term, but he really needed to get in touch with his feelings. Not only was he not in touch, he was one of those guys who thought feelings were things other guys had. He had been blind sided when his wife died and didn't know what to do. It was odd to see this powerful and driven man so lost.

I could sense Larry relaxing as he realized he wasn't the only man to experience the feelings he felt. The subject turned to sex again.

"It's odd, but since I met Tommy, it's as if my juices are flowing again," Wayland said.

"What juices are those?" Larry asked, smiling slyly.

"Ball juice, man milk, jiz and spunk!" Wayland replied. "I had been brain washed by my wife into thinking sex wasn't important. I didn't realize everything was in working order and once Tommy pressed the reset button, everything went into full production."

"I didn't know you liked men that much?" Larry said.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't either," Wayland said. "I know I like sex with men. I think there are fewer strings and entanglements. They don't expect you to marry them and they don't want you to support them for the rest of their lives."

"Most don't." I said. "You need to be a bit careful about that. You do find boys who are looking for daddy, or men looking for houseboys." We got up from the table and I almost creaked I was so stiff.

"Are you all right?" Larry asked.

"Just old age," I said, "I may have the sex drive of a teenager, but my joints are getting along in years. I usually spend sometime in a hot tub every day to get everything working again." We walked out to a terrace on the side of the house. To the side was a hot tub bubbling away.

"Well be my guest," Larry said. A second later Wayland was stripping and in the water. Larry was in the water too by the time I had undressed and made it to the tub.

Larry was in good shape and must have exercised regularly. I would guess he was Greek or Italian. He had a dark complexion and the hair on his chest was thick and turning white. With a full head of black hair, he obviously dyed it. He shaved, so no trace of his hairy body was visible when he was dressed.

"You're a hairy one," I said.

"My wife hated it, I shaved when she was alive," he said. "I stopped when she died."

"That's a year's growth?" I asked. "You must have been a gorilla."

"I may shave it again," he said.

"That was a compliment, not a complaint. I like men who look like men." I said.

"None of us are smooth beach bunnies," Wayland said. As I stepped into the tub I slipped and both Wayland and Larry jumped up to steady me. Larry caught me and lowered me into the water. He sat next to me and made sure I didn't slip again. He had his arm around me. His other hand brushed my cock as we talked with Wayland. When I didn't object, his hand touched my cock again.

I reached over and stroked his cock. Larry was uncut. His foreskin was thick and soft enclosing a rock hard cock the size his cock of a deli dill pickle. He must have had a lot of skin. I peeled it back and exposed his cock head. It was a blunt knob. I rubbed my finger across it and felt Larry's precum. Above the surface of the water is was calm and relaxed. His cock was already beghin for release.

Next: Chapter 12

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