Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Sep 12, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 10

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Foreskin covered half of Mark's cock head as he eased it into Rocco's ass. Rocco winced as the head popped through his sphincter. "Take it easy," Rocco gasped. Mark withdrew it. Rocco's ass had peeled the skin back exposing the tip of Mark's battering ram.

"Are you ready?" Mark asked after he re lubricated his knob. Rocco nodded. Rocco was on his side and Mark held Rocco's leg up so the hole was exposed. Again the monster cock noosed into the quivering hole. Mark pressed a few times, then the sphincter gave way and the head popped in again.

"That's better," Rocco said. "A lot better." Mark pushed until four or five inches of his were in. Then he rested. His reaction to Mark's cock was unexpected. He took it much more easily than I expected.

"Damn, that's hot!" Giorgio exclaimed.

"Relax," Mark said to Rocco. "You're almost home free. Look at Giorgio. You've turned him on. He's taking Wayland like a pro now." Giorgio was on his hands and knees, staring at his uncle taking Mark's cock and being rammed by Wayland. There was no resistance at all, Giorgio had no problem taking anything Wayland had to give.

Mark was pumping Rocco with short thrusts, maybe of an inch or two. I found the bottle of poppers and held it to Rocco's nose. He inhaled deeply. A second later the cock had vanished into his ass. You could only see Mark's low hangers.

Giorgio fell forward and began to lick Mark and Rocco's balls. He left his ass in the air so Wayland continued his slow fucking.

"Tommy, why don't you come over here and relieve me for a while," Wayland asked. "I'm way too close to cumming." He pulled out and I slipped my cock in. Giorgio moaned.

"You're doing all right?" I asked.

Giorgio wiggled his ass and said, "Can't you tell?" His ass was downright hot and tight. He squeezed his sphincter in response to my deeper thrusts. We all played for a while then Rocco asked for a break. He needed to rest.

"I don't believe how good that was!" Giorgio exclaimed. "I thought I had died and gone to heaven."

"I thought I had just died," Rocco said.

"I'm sorry," Mark said with concern in his voice.

"Just joking, Mark. It was fine," Rocco said. "Not easy but worth it. I can see how this could grow on you."

"It's so strange," Giorgio said. "Not at all they way I thought it would be. My first experience was so bad, I couldn't understand why I was drawn to it. Something deep inside me must have realized it could be good."

"I don't understand guys who think sex is power, or is a way to humiliate another person," I said. "It feels so good, I can't figure out how you can think about anything else."

"Was it okay when you did it the first time?" Rocco asked. "I guess I'm a real late bloomer when it comes to this kind of stuff."

"I was with a guy I knew at college. We had both heard about it and decided to give it a try. It was okay and I knew I would be doing it again. Now, I have to admit it's much better. It was five or six years later when I found a cock that worked perfectly for me."

"I'm afraid there's no real alternative to trial and error," Mark said. "Sometimes a really nice guy just doesn't fit or hit the right spot."

"Do you bottom?" Giorgio asked.

"That I do." Mark said. "If there is such a thing as a social bottom, that's me. I bottom to be polite. There are guys I love to fuck and after a while, it's only right they get a chance to try me out. A friend told me, he didn't want to fuck me often, he just wanted to know if I was willing to let him in."

"Like me and you?" Rocco asked.

"That's it," Mark replied. "You know, you can never tell what will work out. My friend Catfish is a top like me. We ere both horny and wanted to have sex, so we sort of flipped a coin to see who would play bottom. Damn if it didn't turn out to be great, ball busting great. When you have men who have good attitude, like all of us in this house, things work out, and they work out for the better."

"It wasn't what I thought it would be," Giorgio said.

"I admit I fuck to get my rocks off, you're the first guy I've screwed to give pleasure to," Wayland said. "Damn, if it wasn't better than before, much better." He put his arm around Giorgio. Giorgio cuddled up to him and reached over a stroked Wayland's cock.

"As I said before, if you don't both enjoy it, you're doing something wrong," Mark said. "It helps if you're all relaxed. I think it's safe to say the atmosphere here in Tommy's house is laid back. Everyone here likes sex and is willing to help out."

"It was hard for me to think of the ass as a sex organ. I understand that now. It's a totally different feeling from sucking or jerking off." Giorgio commented. "It also seems odd not to sneak away to have sex. It's so open here."

"That's what you get from hanging around older guys," Mark said. "We've been around, we know what we are and what we like. We aren't ashamed of our sexual preferences and aren't embarrassed either. I like men and I like sex with men. You may have guessed I like sex a lot and there's nothing wrong with that, period."

"Well, I'm a newcomer to that point of view," Wayland said, "but I can vouch for it. I was married for years and hid all my true feelings and was a good family man. There were good times and bad times and I wouldn't reject it. I've had more pure enjoyment since I met Tommy and Mark several weeks ago, than I had in the previous twenty years. I had all but forgotten how good sex could be."

"Do you feel short changed?" Rocco asked.

"There no use in looking back," Wayland said. "It's not the choices you made 20 years ago that count; it's what you choose to do now."

"I wish I could think that way," Rocco said. "I keep on replaying my life to see if I could have done it better."

"Well you can teach old dogs new tricks." I said. "Old dongs can learn too. Am I right in thinking you discovered a new sex organ in your ass a few minutes ago? Look on the bright side." We were silent for a few moments. "Damn, I'm sounding like Pollyanna!"

"Shit, I'm a lot happier with a Pollyanna than Cassandra!" Wayland said. "It's wild to discover as you enter the "sunset years" you still have a sex life." He hugged Giorgio again.

"Do you think you can take the whole thing this time?" Mark asked of Rocco. "I'm getting in the mood again."

"I'm getting into the mood too," Rocco answered. Mark was lubricating his cock again. I was watching his love pole fill out when I heard Giorgio moan. I knew Wayland was in his ass again. Mark was on his back and Rocco straddled him and sat on the cock. I gave Rocco a snort of poppers and all was well.

I went over to Wayland to help them out, but they didn't need it. Wayland's cock was massive, rather than long, but I will swear as he pulled it out of Giorgio's ass, Wayland had an inch or two more of cock. He was excited.

Rocco was doing what looked like a hula dance on Mark's pole. Warm cum splatter he as he shot off. A second later Giorgio followed suit and I was covered in Italian man seed. Wayland was twitching so I knew he was rear loading Giorgio. The evening quieted down after that. Wayland had to go home, and Rocco had to study for his classes.

I watched televison for a while, then went to bed and slept well. The next morning I got up early and cooked breakfast. It was slower going than I would have thought. Cracking an egg without getting the shell in the pan was a problem, but it turned out well. I felt good about returning to normal day to day activities.

Giorgio took me to my therapy session and then went to see what programs were available locally in psychological counseling. When he picked me up he was enthusiastic. He had found a program he was interested in.

We exercised that afternoon. I was to go to a University function that night and a college was to pick me us, so the crew at my house had the night off. I went to dinner at an old friend's house and then to a seminar on current research. I was pleased to find I could follow the papers and asked a few questions.

I hadn't followed the political events following my near death experience, but University President and a few friendly Senators had gone in for the kill and had dealt the Governor a major set back. The president's wife, Elizabeth, sought me out at a reception afterwards. I had met her once or twice before at receptions, and she had sent me a letter of sympathy after Lou died, but I didn't know her otherwise. She was known as the Queen of Darkness to those she didn't like. The Governor she didn't like. She filled me in on all the juicy details.

She was a Southern Belle from Charleston, was independently wealthy and had a PhD from M.I.T in Mathematic. She knew a lot about my treatment and was excited about my improved condition. I had the odd feeling she was testing me to see if I was indeed improved. It was an interesting night.

I got home late and Rocco and Mark were waiting for me. It was almost as if I was coming home from the Prom. I told them about it and the looked pleased. The next few days were quiet but then I got a cold. That wasn't good. It knocked me out of commission for a week. My system was still weak and it was hard to deal with simple things like a cold.

Giorgio had to go home, but he was well on the way to getting into a Richmond school. He would be back. I was surprised when Rocco brought home a friend of his. Elmer Wilson was a older man who, like Rocco, had been laid off and was taking up Physical Therapy. He had quit school at 16 and had worked for the same factory until it went belly up and took his pension with it. Rocco had to do an internship out of town, so he wouldn't be able to help. He had picked Elmer as his replacement.

Elmer was tall and looked and sounded a bit like Gomer Pyle. He made Mark with his Blue Ridge Mountain accent sound like Sir Lawrence Olivier. Elmer was a good therapist and a nice guy. It was fine once I got use to the accent.

At 55, Elmer was also a bachelor. He was a big NASCAR fan and loved professional wrestling. I had suspicions about him, although I wasn't sure Elmer knew about himself. A week after I met Elmer, Rocco moved out for four months and Elmer moved in. He owned a TV set and had one duffle bag.

He moved in on Sunday and by Friday I had made peace with him. Elmer was poorly educated, but learned things quickly and he had a real knack for getting my muscles to do what he wanted. Elmer was the worst cook I have ever encountered, but he was a good help in the kitchen when I was cooking. That worked out well. Elmer also thought I was a genius. While it wasn't true, it was faltering.

On Friday Catfish, Mark's good friend came, over for dinner. He ran a very successful security company and had been away on a case. Catfish was a diminutive, hairball of a man. With Mark, Elmer and Catfish at the kitchen table it looked as if we were part of a Beverley Hillbilly's series gone bad.

The conversation was good. Catfish was a bright man with many interesting experiences. I cooked dinner with Elmer's aid and it was a success. After dinner we were sitting in the living room talking.

"How did you end up in Tommy's fraternity house?" Catfish asked of Elmer. Elmer explained his predicament. It was a sad story, but in Elmer's defense, he wasn't self pitying.

"You aren't from these parts. Where are you from?" Catfish asked.

"I'm from a small place in south west Virginia. No one's ever heard of the place, Wilson's Hollow," Elmer said.

"Damn, do you know Joey and Johnnie?" Mark asked.

"You mean Uncle Joey and Johnny?"

"It's a small world."Mark said.

"How do you know them?" Elmer asked.

"I had some friends there and I went to a party or two at the Hunting lodge." Catfish answered. "I didn't see you there. Have you been any of the parties?" Elmer looked at Catfish in an odd way.

"I sure have." Elmer replied. "Did you like them?"

"Loved it," Catfish said, "You?"

"They're great. I am a Wilson. We all love them."

"Okay boys," Mark said. "Let us in on the secret. This sounds like you're talking in code."

"Elmer is a member of foremost family of cock hounds in Virginia," Catfish said. "I don't know if you realize it Elmer, but you have fallen into the Briar Patch. Everyone here likes cock just as much as you do."

"You're shitting me!" Elmer exclaimed.

"Not one bit." Catfish said. He then explained about his adventures in Wilson's Hollow. It was an odd story, but most of Catfish's stories were odd. He ended by saying the Wilsons were the most playful and fun men he had ever met.

"All you guys like cock?" Elmer asked.

"That's right," I said.

"Just sucking or fucking too?" he asked.

"I think I can speak for all of us and say we like it all," I replied. Elmer looked at us oddly, trying to digest the information.

"I will be you like it all too, don't you?" Catfish asked. Elmer nodded. Catfish looked at him for a long time. "You've never done it with anyone who wasn't related to you, have you?"

Elmer smiled. "I can't say that I have, but I can't say I wouldn't mind trying it either," he said slowly. He paused, then said, "I'm kinda big."

"Be still my heart," I said. I thought I said it in my head, but I actually said it aloud. Everyone laughed.

"Well, what in hell are we waiting for?" Catfish said. We all went to my bedroom. After we stripped I looked at my partners. They were all horse hung, hairy and horny. Catfish looked like a chimpanzee with a cock transplanted from Godzilla. It may not have been quite as long as Mark's, but it was thicker. He had dark brown hair with lots of grey in it covering most of his body.

Elmer was bald, but had thick, dirty blond hair on his chest and a treasure trail to his bush. His cock was long and thin, but had a bulbous knob enveloped in thick foreskin. His balls were meaty and enclosed in a hairy, low hanging pouch. "Well boys, Catfish and I are usually tops and Tommy likes the bottom. What are your likes, Elmer?" Mark asked.

"Let's just say, I like the bottom and I like big meat, but don't hold me to that if I get inspired," he replied.

Catfish came over to me and whispered in my ear, "Mark says you're great. Would you mind if I gave you a poke?"

I smiled. "You do have a nice, sophisticated air, I wouldn't mind at all," I said.

"Don't worry, I taught Mark everything he knows about upscale fucking," Catfish said. "It's going to be nice and easy and lots of fun. I like to be in charge, trust me and it will be fine. It will be fine, if you like poppers, that is."

I said, "I liked poppers."

Next: Chapter 11

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