Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Jun 28, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I think it was that great American Philosopher, Burt Reynolds, who said "getting old is not for sissies." He may well be right, but getting old is a different thing to different people. From the vantage point of age thirty, I visualized old age as a sexual desert created by the combination of deteriorating physical appearance and lack of sexual desire.

From my vantage point now, firmly ensconced in middle age, I haven't noticed any lessening of sexual desire. When I was younger, I was shy and unsure of myself. That's not a problem now. I don't know if I outgrew my shyness or just don't give a damn anymore. Some people may view innocence as a virtue, but I have come to admire experience more.

I read a book years ago about men's best sexual experiences. Most of the men seem to have thought their first introduction to man sex as the highpoint of their sexual lives. I think they must have been doing something wrong. The more you do it, the better it gets. Admittedly, it's exciting to meet a new man and blindly launch yourself into a sexual relationship. The thrill of the unknown has some allure.

But sex with an old friend or a lover is even better. You know each other. You know what excites your partner. You know where the bells and whistles are and how to get to them. My best friend, Lou, and I were together for twenty years. We fucked two, three or times a week. You can do the math, but even after twenty years, the sex was still great.

You would think two men would have exhausted all the possibilities after ten of fifteen years. That ignores the ability of the human body to feel. Nothing feels more than a cock or an ass. A cock can slip deeper, or hit a new spot and it's as if you had just met. After several years modesty vanishes and you can wallow in sex, able to enjoy any and every experience.

Lou died after a long battle with cancer and I was a free agent again. I was never much involved in the gay community, mostly because work took most of the time not occupied by Lou. Workaholics are a strange breed and I never thought of myself as one. Looking back others might have thought that of me.

I am a biologist specializing in Toxicology. I work at a local University and was engaged in cutting edge studies. Everyone I worked with was obsessed. Scientific breakthroughs aren't made by people with a casual interest in Toxicology. My only real hobby and release was sex.

Lou and I had largely separate lives. He was a musician, the conductor of a local choral group as well as a professor of music. After he died, I was a bit lost. I had never gone to bars. I tried one, but was a scant 30 years too old. I have to admit twenty to thirty-year-old somethings were not my cup of tea anyway. I went to some parties with the chandeliers and Chablis crowd and they weren't my type either.

I like men, but mostly I like men who look like men. I had no interest in effeminate men, twinks or cross dressers. I also wasn't attracted to the leather and metal studs crowd. I like men, plain old men, masculine but not obsessively so. I am a professional man who happens to be gay, not a gay man who happens to have a job. After looking over the available men I figured I was stuck.

I was home one evening when Karl Ritter, one of the singers in Lou's choir dropped by. Karl was a ginger-bearded rolley-polley bear of a man. He was a bass and a very good one. Karl was always cheerful and good be around. He had brought a framed photograph of Lou conducting the choir. I was touched.

I offered him a drink and we sat and talked. Karl was aggressively cheerful and a joy to be around. He was a computer geek who ran a big corporate web site and possessed an unending series of hilarious stories about computers and the inept corporate staff he served. Several times, I was all but rolling on the floor. What would aggravate some men, he found amusing. He also could tell the stories in a way a layman could understand.

I had always seen Karl wearing a tuxedo at a performance. Today he was wearing a flannel shirt and Docksiders. His shirt was open and showed a thick pelt of curly, ginger hair on his chest. Of course, he knew I was gay, but I had no idea as to his sexual orientation. After a half hour of conversation I was pretty sure he was on the side of the angels.

When Karl got up to leave, he asked me to a barbeque. "I'm having a little party at my river cottage this Saturday, I'd love it if you could join us. My friends are a congenial group of men." I agreed to join them. He e mailed me directions the next day.

That Saturday, I drove to Karl's summer place. I took two or three turns off of a small county road to find his cottage. It was a real summer cottage, not dressed up like most river houses. The low wooden house was surrounded on all sides by a broad porch. There were several cars parked in the front yard. A dog barked at me as I drove up.

Karl emerged behind the dog to greet me. The bark was ferocious, but the dog was a Basset Hound, more comic than scary looking.

"Tom, good to see you!" Karl exclaimed. "This is Cerberus, the hound from hell. Don't worry, he never bites." As I got out of the car, the dog raced up to me with his tail wagging. Karl took me to the rear of the house. The house was on a high bluff overlooking a broad river. Four men were sitting around a pool, sunning themselves. I didn't know any of them.

Karl introduced me to Wally, who was an organist in a downtown church; a man he called the Captain; a big blond man named Bill and a man named Max. They were all about my age and all looked good to me. All except for the Captain were bearded. He had a carefully groomed moustache. I sat and we talked.

It's usually difficult to sit with a group of men you've never met and carry on a conversation, but it was no problem here. Everyone was personable and seemed interested in me and my work. Bill was a construction superintendent, Max was an architect. I knew some of his work. The Captain was an instructor in the EMT Academy.

We knew enough in common to have a pleasant conversation. All were well educated and aware. After a half hour I felt as if they were all old friends.

The pool apparently was new and while the other men had been to the cottage before, they were unaware of the new feature. It was hot and getting hotter, but no one had trunks. Karl resolved the problem by stripping naked and jumping in. The Cottage was secluded, so that wasn't a problem.

Wally and the Captain followed suit and the rest of us were right behind them. I was a bit uncomfortable being naked, but soon got over that. The water was refreshing but not cold, the prefect temperature for swimming. Wally, Karl, Bill and I had prefect swimmers' builds, if you remember Walruses swim. Captain and Max were slimmer. A tall, thin gawky man arrived, stripped naked in record time and jumped in the pool.

I was pretty sure all of the men were gay, but there was nothing overt. My gaydar was working full time. Everyone got naked awfully easily. The new man swam over to me and introduced himself. His name was Mark and he was an EMT who apparently worked with Captain.

Mark had a strong mountain accent, but was surprisingly well informed about drug interactions, so we had a good conversation. He sounded like a hillbilly, but was anything but that. Captain came over and joined us. Both men were knowledgeable and their real world experience was very different from my laboratory approach. Sometimes you run into people who look down on laboratory science, but there was no trace of that here.

As we talked, Mark was close to me and I felt his hand touch my ass. I didn't react, so the hand moved and eventually he was fondling my balls. A little bit later the Captain's hand did the same. I reached over and played with Mark's meat. He had a prize winner. Even soft it was a handful, but it didn't stay soft for long. We continued the conversation while playing under the water.

"Time to get out of the water!" Karl cried. "Lunch is being served."

I was hard by then. "I'm afraid I'm not presentable," I said under my breath.

The Captain and Mark laughed. "Don't worry. This is a pretty open minded group. You won't stand out at all," the Captain said. We got out of the water. The Captain was right. Everyone was between half staff and full erection. Mark's huge cock was rock hard.

"I don't know why the Good Lord gave a guy as odd looking as you all that meat!" Wally the organist said, looking at Mark's cock. "It just doesn't seem fair."

Mark laughed. "If my memory serves me, every time I've shoved it between your love buns, it changed you from being a tenor to a bass!" Mark retorted.

"Jealousy is an unattractive characteristic," Karl said. "Mark has always been willing to share the wealth." There was some banter on the subject of Mark's cock and its ability to promote the general welfare as we ate lunch. It was a congenial group. I figured out Captain and Wally were partners as were Bill and Max, but it was clear both couples had open relationships. They were all old friends and I guessed sex was a part of the friendship. The men were comfortable being naked together. I wasn't use to nudity at all, but I was strangely at ease being naked with these men.

The sun was getting hot after lunch, so Karl brought out the sun lotion. I hadn't been in the sun for a while, so I was an obvious candidate. The Captain covered me. I noticed he was careful to coat my ass. His finger touched my ass hole once, then later he slipped his entire finger in. I didn't know exactly was going on, but I didn't object.

Later, I swam some laps. Exercise wasn't my strong suit and when I got out, I mentioned I was going to be sore the next day.

"Well come over here to me and I'll take care of that. I give great massages," Mark said.

"Hey, you promised me a massage," Max said.

"Mark, you take Max, I'll help out Tommy," the Captain said. "Don't worry Tom, I taught Mark everything he knows." I got on an air mattress. The Captain poured some oil on my back, straddled me and began massaging. On the other side of the pool, Mark was doing the same to Max. Mark's cock was hard.

The Captain was very good. He was gentle and relaxing. I almost fell asleep. Someone jumped in the pool and splashed me with water. This roused me out of my revery. Glancing across the pool I saw Mark continuing to massage Max, but I noticed Mark's erection had vanished. Max was muttering, "Damn, that feels good." I put two and two together and realized Mark's meat was massaging Max's ass hole.

I looked around the pool. No one seemed to be worried, or seemed to regard it as anything out of the ordinary. The next thing I noticed there was something at my ass. Of course I knew what it was. I heard a whispered command, "Relax."

There was a brief second of feeling stretched, then the rest of the cock slid easily into my ass. Lou had been the last man in my ass and that had been two years earlier before he got sick. The Captain wasn't any where as thick, but just as long. His strong hands continued to kneed my muscles as his cock massaged the inside of my ass and caressed my prostate.

I felt my sex organs coming to life again. They had been sleeping, but all of the old feelings and sensation were still there.

Mark walked up. He had finished with Max. "Your hubby wants you to help him out," Mark said to the Captain. "I'd be glad to finish Tom for you."

The Captain leaned over to me and whispered, "Do you mind if Mark helps you out?" he asked. "He's a really big boy, but I don't think you'll have any trouble, will you?" I nodded. The Captain slowly got up, slipping his cock out of my ass. Mark took his place.

I was expecting to feel his cock immediately. Instead he continued the massage. His hands seemed to be everywhere. If anything his touch was more delicate than the Captain's. It was almost a back rub rather than a massage. He was such a odd looking man, I hadn't expected that. Mark had straddled me and I felt his low hanging balls against my ass.

His touch was sensual. I knew he was soon going to be in my ass, but the delay and slow build up exited me. Mark slipped back and leaned over me. This let him position his member at my hole. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. He nibbled on my ear then ran his hand down my backbone. I shivered and quivered in response. That was when he pushed. I was totally unable to resist. His entire donkey dick eased in and I was occupied.

It was a shock. Not of pain, but I hadn't expected to be so totally involved. I knew physically it would be an adventure, but it was as if Mark's cock slipped to the deepest recess of my ass and then continued deeper until it touched my brain. Whether there is such a thing as brain-cock intercourse I don't know. If it does exist, that is what Mark was doing to me.

Lou had been big too, he had a huge, flared mushroom head. That was the action end of his cock. His shaft was by no means thin, but it was in the sexual shadow of the monster head. The shaft existed only to get the head into position. I always felt I was being fucked by his cock head. Mark's cock head was as big as Lou's, but the shaft was the same size. I was being fucked by the entire organ.

The second his cock was in deep, I was totally involved, mind, spirt and body. I could only react to his movements and the incredible sensations his cock produced as it stimulated every sexual nerve in my body. Not being in control of my emotions or thoughts, I was a passive receptor for his cock.

Mark stopped moving his cock and laid down on me. "Do you like this as much as I think you do?" he asked. I could talk, but I managed to nod my head and eventually croaked out a "Yes."

"I thought so," he continued. "This may sound funny, but I can feel you enjoy it. It hurts some guys, other want to try it as an experience, just to prove they can take it. You're loving it aren't you? A perfect fit." He made several small movements of his cock. It was wonderful. Mark got up and resumed his messaging. The rhythmic movement of his hands was perfectly coordinated with cock's thrusts.

Mark liked variety and he varied the pace and depth of his attack, Sometimes he used deep, slow thrusts, sometimes he just jiggled his cock in my ass sending shivers through my entire body. He would be perfectly still and check to see how I was doing.

I heard Wally moaning as the Captain mounted him. Bill and Karl were talking about local politics. It seemed as if sex was an ordinary part of the day, a part of life, not an exceptional occurrence.

Mark leaned over me and whispered again, "I'm going to shoot off, Tommy. Do you want me to pull out?"

I told him to leave it in.

Next: Chapter 2

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