Grinding College Away

By Nick Anon

Published on Jun 16, 2018


Grinding College Away #4 By: Nick Anon College, m/m

This story involves sexual acts between college aged guys. If this bothers you, get the fuck out and do something else with your day.

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Last time...

I decided on hooking up with my roommate, Darren. And it was really fucking hot.

Needless to say, after having sex, Darren and I had broken the ice. I texted Steve the next day as soon as I got out of my 8 AM what happened in a play by play.

Steve: Well shit, aren't you lucky? Just play it safe man, I doubt you wanna go to your CA with roommate issues that started with you two fucking lol

So, I decided playing it safe would be best for a while with Darren. I'd do my best to wait for Darren to make the first move. And I was really hoping he would make the first move.

Evidently, I was shit out of luck.

When I got back to the room, Darren wasn't around. He normally would have been, Our Tuesday/Thursday schedules were pretty similar in times. I got a text from him though.

Darren: hey man, last night was awesome! In case you're wondering where I'm emergency. I'll probably be back Sunday night, maybe earlier.

Obviously, I was bummed, but it'd be fucked up of me to expect him to give up dealing with a family emergency just so I could suck his dick. So, I texted him back that it was fine, and I plopped myself on my bed.

I was really fucking horny and I honestly have no idea why. And what was frustrating was that I wasn't able to mess around with either of the two guys I already had. Darren was gone and Steve had classes all day on Thursdays, so no point in bothering him. So, to Grindr I went.

The first thing I checked was the favorites that Steve had starred for me. However, considering it was 10:30 in the morning, it looked like most guys were either in class, nor horny, or just not on. There was one guy on but when I looked at his profile it showed that he was actually 30 miles away and that was too far away for my horniness. My phone did ding on its own, though.

I went to the messages and looked at the profile. No picture. His username was HotelDude. So I scrolled down to look at his bio. He was 35, so old but not terribly so. 6'2", good. 175, good. Top and not HIV+, good and good. Of course, reading his bio would be helpful too:

"In town on business, staying at a hotel and can drive and/or host. Looking for a twink I can have some fun with and dominate. I'm only in town until Friday so this has gotta happen games."

I had no clue who this guy was, but I was chubbed up at his bios. I figured I would give him a shot.

HotelDude: What's up twink? ;)

Me: Hi, just got done with my class

HotelDude: ahh, classes, don't miss those. What're you lookin for?

Me: Not really sure, tbh. The guys I normally mess around with aren't on or around.

HotelDude: maybe you should try out something new then.

He sent me two pics back to back then. The first was a shirtless selfie in a mirror. For 35, he was hot. Flat stomach, firm (but small) pecs. He had the sexy `V' pointing down into his crotch but the most he showed were pubes. He had short black hair that was spiked up and a beard of black stubble. I guess he would also be considered an otter as his torso had a light covering of hair. The second pic was his dick. He was probably 7" and average thickness. He had a bush too. It seemed like an average dick except for the silver piercing through the head. That looked painful and sexy all at the same time. Dude got me intrigued.

Me: damn man, you're hot

HotelDude: glad you like. You're cute yourself. Just the kind of twink I'd enjoy dominating

Me: oh? What's that entail?

HotelDude: you in my hotel room, me showing you a good time. And me being allowed to use you however I want...barring anything you don't wanna do of course. Interested?

I gulped. I had been told countless times how stupid it was to meet random strangers that you didn't know. I mean, I hadn't known Steve very well but at least he lived in my dorm, I knew there wasn't an risk of catfishing, or him killing me. Yet, I was getting harder at the thought. I decided to call Steve and hope he wasn't in class. The phone rang twice before he answered.

"Coop, what's up? If you want dick, I'm sorry to disappoint...but classes." He sounded like he was whispering, my guess was he was in the library in the bathroom.

"No, no, that's not it," I told him. "Well, sort of is. A guy messaged me, invited me to his hotel room. Wants to dominate me, whatever that means. And I'm horny and kind of want to."

"Guy seem normal?"

"As far as I can tell."

"Pics look real?"


"Well, if you decide to, be safe. Make limits clear. Don't be afraid to say no." He paused for a second. "Oh! And make sure you get the hotel and room number. Text it to me. Even if I'm in class. Text it to me and then text me when you leave so I know you're good. Ok?"

Well damn, Steve actually cared about me. I felt flattered.

"Thanks Steve."

"Not a problem, man. Now I gotta get back to my study partner. I'm in the bathroom. Peace."

I went back to Grindr and thankfully HotelDude was still online.

Me: Yeah, I'm interested. Not sure how I can get to your hotel though.

HotelDude: Shouldn't be a problem. I actually have work stuff until 3. I could pick you up after if that's cool?

Me: uh, I have a class until 3:15 but I guess you could pick me up after?

HotelDude: yeah, sure. I know campus, just message me then. I gotta head into a meeting now.

I was leaking precum in anticipation for the afternoon and it was only 11. I didn't have class until 2. Fuck.

The time thankfully flew by and my boner sort of went down. Of course, I struggled to pay any attention to my class. As soon as the clock hit 3:15 I bolted out the door and hopped on Grindr.

Me: hey, I'm done with class. You can pick me up behind the Science Center.

HotelDude: Sweet. Red Buick. Be there in like 2 minutes.

And sure enough, a Red Buick pulled up to the sidewalk in front of me and the driver's window rolled down. I breathed a sigh of relief to know that the guy hadn't catfished me.

"Hop in," he told me. It almost sounded more like an order. He had a smirk on his face.

I just nodded and got in the passenger seat. He rolled up the window and immediately put his hand on my thigh. I jumped a little but he just chuckled at that.

"Relax, kid. I'm not trying to kill you." My nerves stayed anyways. And of course my boner was back, which he brushed against.

"What's your name anyways? I'm Scott."

"Cooper, but my friends call me Coop."


His hotel was only about 10 minutes from campus, the nice Hilton we had in town. That was where I was suspecting he was staying at. Without any words he parked the car and got out. I just followed. We went into the lobby and he just led me right to the elevator. He hit the 4 button and once we got to the floor we walked down the hallway a little before he keyed in. I pulled out my phone quickly to text Steve: Hilton 413.

"Sit," Scott said, but it again sounded like an order.

I sat though, awkward and nervous on his bed while I watched him stand at the dresser. He took off his watch and shoes. He mussed up his hair a little too.

"Shoes off." I listened and toed them off.

Scott turned to face me, leaning back against the dresser. "So, tell me your limits Coop. What don't you do?"

"Uh..." I honestly didn't know what all I was supposed to say.

"Or, I can ask. Do you suck?" I nodded. "Ever been fucked?" Shook my head no. "Damn, you've got a nice ass. But that's fine. You like making out?" I nodded. "What about hickeys or biting?" I scrunched up my face which I'm guessing got the message across. "Noted."

He opened a drawer and looked in it for something. He kept talking though. "Easiest way to do this Cooper is for you to say what's not working for you. Normally I gag guys because I find it hot, but I won't for you so you can verbalize. If you don't like something, say it. BUT, I will encourage you to at least try. Understood?" I nodded again.

He finally pulled out two short lengths of rope from the drawer. I jumped up immediately. "Woah, woah. What is that for?"

Scott laughed again and motioned for me to sit back down. "I told you I wanted to dominate you. I want to tie you to the bed. You can still talk, just can't move your arms well. You can squirm...but that will just be more fun." I took a breath, nervous but more relaxed. "So lay back." I started to but then Scott stopped me. "Wait. Shirt off. Otherwise I'd have to rip it off and you clearly do not have a spare with you."

I stripped off my shirt and threw it onto the ground. I laid back on the bed, lying my head on the pillow. My nerves drifted away more knowing that I could just lay back on the bed and relax during this whole thing.

Scott walked over to me. He nodded his head at my right hand and I held it out to him. He pulled my arm over to the bed post and tied a piece of rope around my wrist. He took the other end and tied it tightly around the bed post. He walked to the other side of the bed and I gave him my left hand without thinking. He took it and did the same thing. I pulled on my restraints but Scott was good. I definitely was not getting out of this bind anytime soon.

Scott looked down on me like I was a work of art to him. A toy to be played with. That's when it hit me. I was really at his whim. He could do anything he wanted and I really had no say in that. What'd I get myself into?

He smirked as he started to undo his tie, it was black silk and looked hella expensive. He pulled it off and looked down on me. He walked towards me as he held out the tie. "Losing one sense amplifies the others. This will be your blindfold. If you don't like it, say so, and I'll take it off. But try." I nodded and he proceeded to put the soft fabric over my eyes. I felt him tie it tightly around my head and for sure, I couldn't see.

"This will be fun," I heard Scott say.

His fingertips grazed my torso and I shivered under his touch. He wasn't doing anything more than tracing circles on my stomach but the feeling was intense. At one point his fingers made their way up to my nipples and I let out an involuntary moan. Scott just laughed, he was enjoying this.

His fingers trailed down my stomach until they reached my shorts and I Scott started to take off my belt. He got it off and tossed it into the floor. He undid the button and pulled down the zipper before yanking off my shorts. He left me in just a pair of bright red CK boxer briefs. (Yes, I dressed for the occasion.)

Scott touched my stomach again before making his way down to my underwear. His hand grazed over my bulge and I immediately moaned and tugged on my restraints. This was pure torture, and yet I was rock hard with no sign of that changing anytime soon.

Scott lifted his fingers and since I was blindfolded I had no clue what was happening. However, I soon felt his lips kissing up from my bulge to my stomach. Each kiss was light, but I trembled at each one. He moved to my chest and slightly nibbled on each nipple. I moaned in pleasure and squirmed against my restraints. He kissed his way up my neck and I felt my mouth open, ready for his kiss, but he stopped. Tease.

There was a moment of pause before suddenly Scott grabbed my bulge through my boxer briefs. I yelped and jumped because it was the last thing I was expecting.

"Gotta make sure you remember who's in charge here," he said sternly, but there was also amusement in his voice.

"Yes," was all I managed to squeak out. I was in heaven and I wanted more.

Scott stood over me and gently rubbed his hand over my bulge, even touching the spot where I was leaking precum. "You do not cum until I do, understood?"

"Yes sir," I answered. I'm not even sure where the "sir" came from, it just felt right in the moment.

Scott let go and I was left with just listening. I could hear Scott unbuckle his belt and the sound of his pants dropping to the ground. I could hear him slowly unbutton his shirt and that softly landed on the floor. The only reason I knew he took off his underwearÑbriefsÑwas because he threw them on my face, forcing me to inhale his musky scent. I felt movement and Scott was crawling onto the bed with me. I felt a hand, wait, no, his cock, graze past my bulge and I knew that Scott was straddling me.

I felt his breath on my neck and I trembled under him. His knees were at my armpits, his cock was at my face. He leaned down though and kissed me right on my lips, slipping his tongue into my mouth. We made out, but it wasn't tender. It was forceful, it was filled with lust. And every second my CKs were getting wetter.

Scott pulled away and simply said, "Cock time."

I felt the cool metal of his piercing and the spongy head of his cock press against my lips and I opened up. Because of my angle, I really didn't have much leeway in how this was going to go, so it was all up to Scott. He pushed in more and more until he felt me gag slightly.

"Work on that, boy." But he pulled back anyways resting his cock on my tongue. "Get to work with that tongue. And play with the piercing."

I twirled my tongue around his cock, trying to focus mainly on the head. I had no idea what to do with the piercing but I used my tongue to flick at it and Scott responded in moans. He started to slowly fuck my mouth while he grabbed onto my hair. The fucking picked up some pace and I just laid there under Scott's control. I did my best to work my tongue over his cock and every now and then I would do something that would just cause Scott to yell out and the pace would pick up.

It eventually got to the point where both hands were tangled in my hair and he was jackhammering in and out of my mouth. My mouth was getting sore but I didn't exactly have any way to complain. He kept trying to push more cock into my mouth which caused my nose to be mashed into his pubes, smelling his sweaty scent.

I could hear him moaning loudly and his pace increased. His breathing became quicker and suddenly he yelled out,

"I'm cumming, get ready!"

I hadn't exactly agreed to swallowing but I guess it was just gonna happen. And next thing I knew, my mouth was filled with Scott's cum. After a few more spurts, Scott pulled out. I did my best to swallow but I felt some dribble out of my mouth.

"That's a hot sight," I heard Scott say. His fingertips trailed down my body and got all the way down to my boxers and that's when I realized: I hadn't cum yet!

"Please," I begged Scott.

Without a word he pulled on my waistband and slipped my boxers off of me. I was rock hard and needed to cum badly. He grabbed a hold and I moaned loudly.

"Before you cum, you say. Got it?"

"Yes. Yes. Please, help me cum."

He started jacking me slowly while another hand went up and tweaked my one nipple. It was torture and pleasure all at the same time. I knew it wouldn't take me long to cum. I could even feel it coming along.

"I'm almost there!" And Scott pulled away.

I pulled on my restraints and bucked my hips up, reaching for Scott's hand, but nothing. "Please!"

Scott went down and started jacking me again. Alternating between fast and slow. He teased the head and his hand became wet with my precum. He picked up the pace a little and I even bucked my hips, fucking into his hand.

"I'm gonna cum!" And Scott pulled away again.

I squirmed and pulled. I was rock hard and desperate to cum. "Scott please!"

Scott moved closer to me and I felt him lean down, his breath hot on my neck. "I need you to know who's in charge here, boy," he whispered into my ear.

"Please sir!" I begged.

Scott touched my chest and traced his way down to my dick. I was craving his touch on my cock, but he moved past all the way down to my ankles. I felt him grab both as he crawled up onto the bed with me and push them up, exposing my asshole to him.

"One thing first," he said gruffly. "If you're good. You cum."

I didn't even get to say anything before I felt his tongue start attacking my ass. I was being rimmed...and it was fucking amazing. Scott probed my hole with his tongue while his stubble scraped against my smooth ass. I moaned loudly, pulling against my restraints and yelling out probably louder than I should have. When he pulled away, I begged for more.

"Tasty ass, boy, but we have time against us. Time to finish you up."

Scott released my ankles and my legs fell down. Scott started to jack my hard dick again and I squirmed under his touch. He went faster and this time I wasn't even able to warn him, it happened too fast. My cum squirted out landing mostly on my chest, but one shot even hit my lips. It was epic and I was fucking exhausted.

"That was fucking amazing," Scott and I said at the same time.

Scott got up off the bed and I felt him undoing the rope and finally my arms were free. He then touched my head and undid his tie, finally letting me see. Naked Scott stood before me and he was as hot as his picture, I definitely was not disappointed.

Scott walked over to a closet and threw a towel at me. "Clean yourself up, kid. It's 5 and I've got dinner at 5:45 and still have to take you back."

I wiped the cum off my stomach but licked off the cum that landed on my face. Once I was clean enough I slipped on my boxers and then finished getting dressed. By the time I slipped my shoes back on, Scott looked just as he did when we entered the room.

Scott led the way out of the room but just before he opened the door he turned around and pulled me into one final kiss. He slipped his tongue and I let him, battling his with my own. But he finally pulled away.

We walked down to his car and he drove me back to campus. I told him what dorm I lived and he dropped me off around the corner. Before I got out of the car he grabbed my leg.

"I'm in town every couple months. When you're ready to get fucked...hit me up." He waved me out before I could say anything after glancing at the time.

I pulled out my phone to text Steve while I walked back to my room.

Me: That was fucking amazing. I'm back safe now.

Steve: Glad to hear! Maybe you'll have to tell me about it this weekend. Movie night?

Hmm, maybe I was actually becoming friends with Steve instead of just fuck buddies. Or was movie night code for me sucking his dick while he watched a movie?

Once I got into my room I plopped down on my bed and promptly passed out, exhausted from my wild afternoon.


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