Grinding College Away

By Nick Anon

Published on Dec 24, 2017


Grinding College Away #1 By: Anon_Nick College, m/m

This story involves sexual acts between college aged guys. If this bothers you, get the fuck out and do something else with your day.

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Grindr is a beautiful thing to have when you're horny, funny thing is though, I didn't even discover it until I started college. And my straight best friend got me to use it.

My name's Cooper and I guess this whole story starts when I was 18 and beginning my first semester as a freshman at Harwood University. I was by no means a total stud, but I was cute (I've been told). I have black hair and gray eyes and on lazy days I wear my glasses and have terrible bedhead. I didn't have any real discernable muscles, but I didn't exactly have any body fat either. My cock stood proud at 6.5 inches, cut, and pretty thick if I want to brag about it. I was, by most standards, a twink. And damn proud of it.

So, about a week into my first semester I was pretty lonely. I had a roommate, but I didn't really talk to him and I'd hardly made friends in my classes. Part of me kind of just wanted to call it quits. After a 2 AM call to my best friend from high school that went to school across the country in California though, I was determined to stay.

"Why don't you try out Grindr?" He told me. He's straight, as far as I know, but he knows his shit about the gay community. "Best case scenario is your loneliness is solved by getting dick. Worst case scenario is your loneliness is solved by making some new gay friends. Sow win-win right?"

So, the next day I decided to give Grindr a shot. It was a Wednesday and I only had one class on Wednesdays that went until 1 PM. I grabbed lunch after class, went back to my dorm, and downloaded Grindr.

I made a profile quick and put up some goofy selfie as my profile picture. I was really glad my roommate wasn't around because that way I could just leave Grindr open, eat my lunch and wait. After about five minutes, my phone vibrated and I got my first message. I picked up my phone, and I'm not going to lie, my heart was racing pretty fast.

I clicked on the profile of the guy who messaged me. There wasn't a face attached to the profile, just a shirtless selfie. I was practically drooling, this guy had amazing muscles, I wanted to see more of him. His profile name was simply Woody and surprisingly he was only...500 feet away!

Woody: aye, you're Cooper right?

Me: uh, yeah, you know me??

Woody: ha, yeah, I live on the 7th floor of our dorm and you live on 6, right? Sometimes I go down there to shower...I've seen you around. You're cute ;)

Me: oh, wow, thanks...but who are you?

Woody: fuck, right, sorry. I always forget I don't have a face pic up.

The next message he sent was a face pic and I was actually stunned right away, I recognized the guy. He was one of the RAs in my dorm, the only sophomore RA in the dorm. He had curly blond hair and these deep, sexy blue eyes. He had stubble on his chin and cheeks that made him all the more sexy. He was probably my favorite RA so far, next to my own. My own was exceptionally hot.

Woody: I guess you can tell why I don't have my face as my profile pic, right?

Me: Yeah,'re fuckin hot

Woody: haha blunt. I like that in a guy. Why haven't I seen ya on here before? You've been here, what, a week now?

Me: this is my first time using Grindr. I'd heard of it but I didn't decided to download it until today

Woody: well I'm clearly glad you did

The next thing I got from him was a surprise. He sent me a dick pic and he was really clearly hard. I was shocked and turned on all at the same time. From my guessing, he was probably 7" and average thickness. His pubes looked to be well groomed too.

Me: oh, wow

Woody: you like what you see, bud?

Me: fuck yeah...I haven't seen too many other dicks before

Woody: are you a virgin?

Me: I had a friend in high school I messed around with. We'd jerk each other and I sucked him a few times, but that's about it

Woody: well, wanna get some experience then?

Me: like now??

Woody: yeah, if you want. I don't have a roommate so when I'm not in classes or working I'm usually just here chilling...and I'm done with classes for the day.

Me: I've never done anything like this before really

Woody: don't worry, I'll show you the ropes, and we don't have to do anything you're not cool with. If anything's weird just say idk apple, and we'll stop

Me: okkk

Woody: I'm in 713, just walk upstairs and knock

I was nervous as fuck now. I was also incredibly horny, as acknowledged by the prominent bulge in my shorts. I took a couple deep breaths, put my phone in my pocket, and left my room. The walk up the stairs was kind of scary, only because my heart was beating so fast. I was about to go and mess around with a guy I hardly knew. Fuck, did I even know his name?

When I got to the 7th floor, I accidentally went down the wrong hallway. When I started noticing the high numbers and girl names on the doors I realized I was in the wrong place. I hightailed it back down the hallway and into the guys' wing. I finally found 713 the name tag on the door read `RA Steve' and knocked. Immediately the door was opened.

"I was starting to think you got lost, dude," he said to me with a grin. He was standing in the doorway wearing only a pair of gym shorts as far as I could tell. His torso looked like it was sculpted from the gods. I really hoped I wasn't drooling.

I blushed. "I, uh, actually went down the girls' wing first."

He laughed really loudly. "So, you DID get lost then!" He opened the door a little more. "Well, welcome to Casa Steve."

I walked in and my palms were really sweaty. It seemed like every other dorm room, except Steve had pushed both his twin beds together to form one giant bed. His PS4 was on, but paused.

"Nice place." I was trying to make small talk, I had no clue what I was doing.

"Thanks." He closed the door and turned towards me. "You remember the safe word?"

I nodded my head. Apple.

"Now this is totally up to you, we can go at your pace, or we can go at mine. Either way you can use the safe word and it's completely your choice, it doesn't matter to me. And if you want to duck out before we finish, that's cool too, no hard feelings."

I laughed at his unintentional pun. "What's the difference between paces?"

"Well, I'm usually pretty aggressive with guys. I know what I want and I take what I want. That's my pace. Your pace I would assume would be slower and all we'd do is what you want to do, when you want to do it."

I gulped. "How pace, but you lead? I've never really done this before."

"As you wish."

He walked towards me and dropped his gym shorts in the process. He was wearing a pair of blue and green striped American Eagle boxer briefs. He looked incredibly sexy. He stood right in front of me grabbed the hair on the back of my head, not too rough, and pulled me in for a kiss. It was my first real kiss and it was intense.

I could feel Steve messing around with my shorts and suddenly they were around my ankles. I was in an RA's room wearing only my boxers and a t-shirt making out with said RA. Next thing I know, we were walking backwards and I was suddenly on my back on his bed and he was on top of me, still making out. Our bulges were rubbing against each other and one of us was leaking a lot of precum. He broke our kiss to help pull my shirt off.

He looked down at me. "Is this ok?" I just nodded and grinned.

He went back down for a kiss but instead went for my neck with light nibbles. I moaned out incredibly loud. He giggled a little. He went from my neck and started kissing my chest. He stopped to lightly bite each nipple. I moaned even more. He kissed down to my bellybutton and then suddenly those kisses were on my cock through the fabric of my boxers.

"Please, Steve," I moaned out.

"I want to hear you say it," he growled.

"Suck me!" I had no clue how loud I was being and in the moment, I didn't care.

He practically ripped off my boxers to get at my cock. He didn't comment on it, he just went right to town, and I think I fell in love. He licked up and down the shaft and swallowed my whole cock in his mouth. He flicked his tongue around the head and it felt incredible. He was playing with my balls with his hands and I was so close to cumming.

"S-Steve, I'm gonna cum."

He nodded and kept going. Bobbing up and down on my cock. My eyes were closed and I was in ecstasy. I started fucking my cock into his mouth and next thing I know I'm cumming and he's swallowing just as fast as I could cum. I was breathing heavy cumming down from my orgasm when I noticed Steve on his knees between my legs pulling his cock out.

He started jacking furiously and next thing I know I'm being coated in streaks of his cum. Not going to lie, I found it pretty hot. Steve crashed down on the bed beside me and pecked my lips.

"Have fun?"

"Oh, fuck yes!"

"You're pretty loud." I blushed. "I'd love to hear what you sound like when you're getting fucked."

Before I could answer, someone started knocking on his door. I was paranoid and scrambling for my clothes.

"Oh, fuck," he sighed. He dropped his voice. "Put on your boxers and stand behind the door." I did as he said and watched him pull on his gym shorts and open the door.

"Yo, Steve, I locked myself out. Can you help?" I didn't recognize the voice.

Steve sighed. "Second offense, dude, but yeah. Give me a minute to get dressed. Head to the lobby, I'll meet you down there." Steve closed the door.

He looked at me kind of sad. "Sorry, Cooper, but job calls. Did you have fun?"

I was grinning ear to ear. "It was amazing! Could we do it again some time?"

"Of course, give me your phone." I walked to my shorts and pulled out my phone and handed it to him. He put in his number. "There, if you ever need anything just text RA Steve, AKA Woody."

We both got dressed and left his room. I had wiped off the cum using some tissues but once I got down to my room I went and took a shower before my roommate came back.

That night I called my best friend before I went to bed. "Dude, I fucking love Grindr."


Next: Chapter 2

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