Grey Hanky

Published on Jul 9, 1993



GREY HANKY ==========


A few years ago, shortly after I had moved to New York, I was strolling with a number of other gay men in Greenwich Village. Most of these guys were strangers to me, but we had all been participants in a gay rap group during which we had let down many of our normal barriers.

As we walked, I noticed that one of the guys walking ahead of me had a grey handkerchief tucked into the left rear pocket of his jeans. I recognized that as the signal that he was interested in bondage, and that he liked to play the top role. My own bondage fantasies had been strong since my teenage years, and I always kept my eye out for the grey-hanky signal. Once in a blue moon my alertness paid off.

I was nervous, but I refused to let the opportunity pass. I remembered from the rap group that the guy's name was Lou. I walked a little faster until I was alongside of him and waited until everyone around us seemed to be engaged in separate conversations. Then, my heart pounding, I said, "Do you just like grey or does that handkerchief mean something?"

"What do you think it means?" he asked, as his eyes did a lightning-fast survey of my face and body.

"It means bondage, as far as I know."

He glanced over his shoulder at my ass. "I don't see you wearing one," he commented.

"Sometimes I do."

"Which pocket?"

"The right one."

There was a long silence. We continued strolling. Then he looked over at me through narrowed eyes, smiling just enough to help me relax.

"Would you like to come over to my place?" Lou said.

I felt myself blushing. "Sure."

So at the next intersection we broke away from the group and walked the few blocks to Lou's basement apartment. We made a bit of small talk as we walked, but no further mention of bondage or sexual fantasies was made. I thought back over my impressions of Lou that I'd formed in the course of the afternoon and reassured myself that he seemed balanced and responsible--no one that I needed to be afraid of.

I also remembered that I'd been attracted to him all along. He seemed good-humored and boyish, masculine in an unaffected, easy way. He was about my height but his broad, muscular shoulders gave his torso more of a v-shape than mine. He had very full lips, and his teeth were subtly uneven--an imperfection that added to a mischievous quality in his smile. His hair was soft and wavy, long enough to rest lightly on the tops of his ears. He seemed sensitive, but his well-built body projected strength and energy. He reminded me of the guys I would most like to have wrestled with back when I was in junior high.

When we descended the stairs that led to his apartment, I was about to say something cautionary, but Lou made it unnecessary. "If there's anything that goes on that you're not enjoying, just look me in the eye and shake your head, or say `Uh-uh!'"

I nodded. He turned his key and we went inside.

I'd had a hard-on for the entire walk, but it got even more urgent as we entered Lou's living room. I was swimming in fantasies about what might be about to occur. Lou indicated that I should sit on the sofa.

"Do you smoke grass?" he asked. I nodded. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a joint. As he walked back to join me, he said off-handedly, "Take off your jeans."

So while he sank onto the sofa and lit the joint, I pulled off my sneakers, then unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them down over my legs. Tossing them over the arm of a nearby chair, I sat down. I was very conscious of my erection which was thrusting up toward the elastic band of my white jockey shorts, but there wasn't much that could be done to hide it, and the more I thought about it, the more it twitched and shifted. I took the joint that Lou was offering me and inhaled a couple of puffs.

The marijuana quickly made my whole body feel flushed and pleasant. I leaned back and enjoyed the rush. I stopped feeling embarrassed about the way I could feel Lou looking me over from head to toe. At that point I was wearing white athletic socks, a tight tee-shirt and the jockey shorts I mentioned earlier. I could feel light sweat moistening the armpits of my tee-shirt. Being stoned, I enjoyed the sensual feel of the wet fabric, especially the cool cotton rubbing across my nipples. Little tremors of pleasure shot upward through my cock, which kept moving restlessly inside my underwear.

After allowing me a minute of this reverie, Lou decided that it was time to take action. He strode over to his dresser and opened a drawer. He returned with some rope and black leather cuffs.

"Take off your shirt," he instructed.

I grabbed the hem of my tee-shirt in both hands and slid it up across my chest and over my head, in a fluid, hopefully butch motion that I never bother using unless I'm undressing for sex. I draped the shirt over my already discarded jeans. Lou began buckling my wrists snugly into the leather cuffs. "Stand up," he said.

I stood up.

"Hands behind you."

I followed orders. He laced the rope through metal loops that were stitched into the cuffs, and then pulled the rope taut, so that my wrists were pulled firmly together. Then he used more rope to make the connection thoroughly secure. The more I could feel the tightness, the more sexually excited I became.

He paused to look me over and to run his hands over my skin. He cupped my balls in his hand through the cotton shorts, then let his fingers slide teasingly up the shaft of my cock. He tapped the head of my cock back and forth lightly, so that the soft cloth brushed this way and that across its tip. Then he slid his fingers up over my abdomen, dipping the tip of one into my navel, playing with the strands of hair that grew in a silky trail between my navel and the bush of pubic hair that my hard-on was resting in. He took a minute to move his hands over my ass and explore the crease between the two cheeks. Then he got back to the business at hand.

Using a succession of relatively short pieces of rope, Lou made sure that my arms were pinned securely to my upper body, so that I had no slack that would permit me to maneuver and conceivably free myself. Strands of rope wound around my biceps and looped firmly around my elbows, forearms and wrists, then stretched around my upper trunk and shoulders. He took care, I noticed, that the restraints wouldn't interfere with my circulation. He also took care not to miss any opportunity to tease my nipples with his hands as he stretched the rope across my naked chest, and he made sure to press his thigh against my rigid dick as he leaned against me to get a better grip on the rope he was threading around me.

By this time my cock was throbbing with the desire to be outside the confining jockey shorts so that it could stretch out and flex itself freely. Lou seemed ready to give it that opportunity, but first . . .

"Want another toke?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," I said. Lou and I were the same age, but at this point "sir" seemed the correct word to use.

Lou took a fresh joint, lit it, took a good toke himself and then placed the moist paper between my lips. I closed my eyes and drew the sweet smoke into my lungs. I savored the wave of stimulation that spread through me, which was heightened by the awareness of the rope tugging softly but insistently at so many points of my upper body. My eyes closed. In the warm blackness I felt Lou slip his thumbs under the elastic waistband of my briefs and slide them downward over my ass and thighs. My cock didn't let go instantly; it was hooked underneath the elastic like a tentpole, and as Lou tugged the shorts downward, my cock was pulled downward, too. The tension was delicious. Finally the fabric slid over the tingling head of my penis, which bobbed and bounced in the air. Lou slid the briefs down over my calves and ankles, signalling me with a squeeze of his hand to lift first one foot and then the other so that he could discard the jockey shorts. I lifted my feet again and felt my socks being removed. Now I was naked.

In the darkness I felt Lou's hands exploring my body, feeling the bristly hair of my legs, tucking itself between my legs, teasing the soft mouth of my asshole, then gliding forward to gently separate and fondle my balls. With a slight tug downward he could force my cock, which was straining upward with excitement, to dip downward. Reflexively the organ resisted with muscles of its own which I knew from experience would make the cock's head swell even more, so that the skin was stretched slick over taut veins and the nerve endings were bursting with sensation.

I stood there waiting to feel what would happen next. When Lou withdrew his hands, I opened my eyes and saw that he had decided to shed some of his own clothes. He slipped his leather vest over his shoulders. When he saw that I was watching him undress, he slowed down the process, taking time to run his hands over his own tight tee-shirt, pressing the palms against his hard, rounded chest muscles and teasing his own nipples with his fingers until they thrust outward, two sexy little bumps underneath the cloth. Then he pulled off the shirt, mussing his soft, boyish hair in the process. The tan of his flesh was wonderful to behold. He ran his fingers through his hair to brush it out of his eyes and grinned at me. Somehow he was able to seem both reassuring and thoroughly wicked at the same time. He certainly seemed to relish the power he had over me, though no more than I relished the pleasure of submitting to it.

I thought he was about to strip off his jeans then and there, but he had something else in mind first. Grabbing more pieces of rope, he set about binding even more parts of my body to each other. Now that I was naked, no section of me was unavailable, and he took full advantage of that. Rope tied to my wrists was pulled between my legs and anchored to the base of my cock, knotted into a tantalizing rope cockring that pushed my balls outward at the same time that it put voluptuous stress on my stiff, throbbing dick. Rope connected to other points criscrossed in complex patterns, traveling between my legs and burrowing into the crease of my ass, so that any movement I made rubbed the soft rope against my sphincter. Now Lou set about tying my legs tightly together, so that the rope was pressing against more and more inches of the skin.

"On your knees!" Lou ordered. I followed instructions and kneeled, as he made sure I didn't lose my balance. Standing in front of me, Lou grasped my head and pressed my face against his crotch. Beneath the warm denim I could feel his own long erection twitching against my cheek. "Take off my jeans!" Lou said.

It wasn't easy, particularly since he was wearing a belt, but I wasn't about to argue. Using my teeth and tongue, I managed to tug on the belt until the buckle came free. Then, starting at his waist, I wrestled loose each button of his button-fly 501s. The cloth was wet with my saliva by the time I had finished, but I was rewarded for my effort as, each time I nursed a button out of its hole, the fly of his jeans fell open that much more, and I could nuzzle and smell the thick, hard penis that was waiting inside. Lou was wearing no underwear, so as I gnawed and tugged the blue jeans aside, his hard flesh filled my field of vision, and no clothing was there to mute the masculine fragrance of his tangled brown pubic hair.

Hunching over awkwardly, I pulled his tight jeans down along his muscular thighs. Out of the corner of my eye I watched his balls shift free of the cloth. I wanted to backtrack and spend a few moments pressing my face against them, but Lou said, "Finish!" so I resumed undressing him. As I gripped the cuffs of his jeans in my teeth and pressed them to the floor, he lifted his feet and stepped out of the pants. I was ready to tug off his socks, but he preferred to leave them on.

"Want more grass?" he asked. Stoned as I was, I was ready for more. "Lie down!" he said, pushing me sideways so that I fell onto the carpet. Its bristly texture teased the full length of my cock and felt pretty good to all the parts of my body that were touching it. Before reaching for the marijuana, Lou roped my wrists and ankles together. Then he relit the half-joint that was waiting in a nearby ashtray, supported my head in the crook of his arm and placed the cigarette in my mouth. I sucked the smoke in deep, simultaneously enjoying the tangy smell of Lou's armpit. With my head resting on the virile muscles of his arm, I felt like I was floating in space. I permitted myself to twist and writhe, straining my muscles against the relentless pull of the rope. Nothing would give way. I surrendered to voluptuous awareness of every inch of my naked body. Every movement tugged in some teasing way against the base of my cock, which I could tell was getting dangerously close to an orgasm.

"Now I want to see how you look in something," Lou commented as he took a quick, final toke from the joint and placed it back in its ashtray. He crossed the room to the drawer he had opened earlier and took out a black leather hood. It had openings for the eyes, mouth and nostrils, although snaps beside the mouth and eyes suggested that the mask might have interesting auxiliary components.

Kneeling beside me, Lou slid the mask down over my head and began lacing it securely in back, so that it molded itself tightly to my face, pressing my ears against my head until all sounds around me were muffled and distant. I had seen bondage porn showing guys laced into masks like this one; I had a good idea what I looked like. With my face hidden, I was becoming that great taboo: the pure sex object. And it felt great!

I twisted and strained against the ropes. My hard-on insistently thrust itself into the air, then pushed against Lou's coarse carpet as my nude and bound body rolled back and forth. Suddenly I felt Lou's hand grip my cock. He squeezed it and stroked it, and I felt myself about to lose control; another second and I'd be spurting cum all over the place. I grunted to let him know. He got the message. He gave my cock a playful tap and let it rest. For a few seconds I thought he had lingered too long; my dick was twitching and bobbing with a life of its own. Hampered as my peripheral vision was by the mask's small eye holes, I could still lower my chin enough to see pre-cum glistening on my penis tip. A hefty orgasm was obviously building inside my throbbing rod, but I didn't want it to happen yet. I realized I was panting. "Calm down!" I told myself. Eventually my rock-hard organ cooperated.

"You really look great!" Lou remarked. I ran my eyes over him in turn. "So do you!" I said in my mind. Even from inside the mask I had a clear view of his body. It was the kind of body I'd love to wake up some sexy morning inside of. Its color was sublime--a terrific bronze accented by the slightly paler skin of his groin and buttocks. He seemed as turned on by our sex play as I was: his cock, rigid as a flagpole, waved jauntily as he walked about. I loved the uninhibited way Lou permitted his hand to keep drifting downward to his dick, copping idle strokes while he considered what to do with me next.

He saw that I was watching him. "Enjoy the scenery," he said, "'cause you're not going to see it anymore for a while." With that he picked up a leather blindfold that was equipped with snaps, and clicked it into place over the eyeholes of my mask.

Now I was encircled with darkness, my body bound with rope and my face encased in soft leather that smelled deliciously from what I suspected was the sweat of other naked men whose faces had been there before mine. I was floating in a totally erotic universe.

I heard Lou's muffled voice: "Open wide." Then a cock-shaped leather gag was thrust into my mouth. Lou's palm pressed against my cheeks, and I heard snaps clicking into place. The base of the gag was fastened soundly to the face of the mask. With effort my tongue could force itself into different positions around the leather that filled my mouth, but there was no way I could make much noise. I reminded myself that I felt safe surrendering my body into Lou's care. I allowed my mind to recede into pure animal sensations of physical pleasure. I shifted my wrists and stretched my legs, but the ropes kept all movements in check. My penis tingled. It was the most free, most alive part of me. Everything else was restrained, but my cock was throbbing with voluptuous feelings. Nothing could prevent it from doing what it knew best how to do.

Suddenly Lou's hard, muscular body was all over mine, hugging and crawling and pressing his parts and mine against each other in every possible combination.

It was so exciting that I found myself squirming and moaning with pleasure, and he did his share of moaning, too. His hard-on would slide against my butt; his face would nuzzle my balls. Then his body would shift and I would smell the musk of his crotch and feel his erection pressed between his stomach and the soft leather of my mask. His tongue lightly flicked the head of my dick; his arms wrapped themselves around my thighs and ankles; he burrowed against my abdominal muscles with his head, letting his silky hair brush against my stomach then whisk playfully over my cock's straining length. A half-dozen times I thought I was going to shoot my wad, but I managed to hold it in.

Abruptly Lou stood up. "You look too great. I've gotta share this," he said.

I heard him walk across the room and pick up the phone. The rotary dial whirled. Lou's end of the conversation went roughly like this:

"Hi, it's me. Listen, I've got something here I think you'd love to see."


"Remember last winter? This one's even better."


"That's right. Why don't you come on downstairs?"


"That's o.k. They're cool. Bring them down, too."

Then he hung up. I could feel myself blushing.

A minute passed and then I heard several feet descending the stairs outside Lou's apartment door. A buzzer sounded; Lou crossed the room and opened the door. There was some whispered conversation accompanied by chuckles. The door closed. I could feel the presence of at least two, maybe three new people in the room. I shifted my body nervously, embarrassed to be exposed this way to unknown outsiders. I hoped they liked what they saw. I reminded myself that my body was in reasonably good shape--nothing to be ashamed of. I felt funny about the raging hard-on that was jutting up from my crotch, but the sexual excitement I felt was out of my control. In any event, I got the definite feeling that nobody was shocked!

I felt the vibrations of the nnewcomers' footsteps as they walked around me and studied every naked inch of me.

"Very nice," I heard a voice murmur.

"Turn him over on his stomach," another voice said.

I felt two pairs of hands slip under me and roll me over onto my stomach. My ankles were pulled upward toward my bound wrists by the connecting rope, and my rigid cock was ground into the rough carpet underneath me. Then the hands began to slide over my skin, caressing and exploring. It was hard to keep track, but I thought I counted four different pairs of hands. I had no way of knowing whether any of them belonged to Lou.

A hand slipped beneath my heels, which were pulled up against my butt, and slid close to my asshole. Suddenly I felt the unmistakable, cool sensation of a lubricant being globbed onto my quivering sphincter. Two other hands pulled my buttocks apart to make the targeted area easier to get at. Then I felt a finger slide deliciously into my asshole, up to the knuckle. I couldn't stop myself from moaning in ecstasy.

"He likes that!" a voice said.

"Now roll him back on his side," another voice suggested. "I wanna look at that cock of his some more."

Again several hands repositioned me. There was no interruption of the finger-fucking I was getting. I squeezed the cheeks of my ass around the finger and against the hand that was pressed outside of me. The finger responded by sliding in and out in slippery rhythms that sent chills through me.

Now I was resting on my right side, and someone was playing with my cock, touching it lightly, pulling the skin as far upward and downward along the shaft as it would go. Suddenly the sensation changed: spit had been introduced into the palm, and the hand was sliding back and forth along my dick with a juicy ease. Again, I couldn't stop myself from moaning.

Abruptly, I felt my head and shoulders being enclosed, and I realized that one of the newcomers was kneeling and straddling my head. I knew it was one of the newcomers and not Lou because the legs weren't naked. The tiny nostil-holes of the leather mask permitted me to smell the musky aroma of the sweaty crotch of his jeans. I heard the sound of a zipper unzipping.

"Gonna go for it, eh?" I heard Lou say. "I think I will, too."

"Me, too!" someone else said.

"Me, too!" This last voice came from behind me, and I realized that it came from the guy whose finger had made itself at home in my anal column. Even through the wall of the mask I could hear the soft sounds of other zippers opening. Then silence fell, except for four people breathing heavily around me.

My head and shoulders began being jostled by the motions of the guy who was jerking himself off while straddling me. One of the other guys, also in denim, knelt astride my bound thighs and ankles. My finger-fucking friend pressed his knees against my back and used his remaining hand to pound on his own cock; the vibrations of his masturbation made his finger twitch erratically in my asshole. I felt Lou's feet, still in socks, touching my stomach as he stood and beat his meat high above me.

The scene was so hot that I couldn't help but writhe and tug against the restraints that held me in position. Nobody was touching my own dick at the moment, but I still felt that it might explode with cum any second. The feeling of that finger up my ass kept my thoughts helplessly locked into those few lust-drenched inches between my balls and my asshole. The prospect of an orgasm was intoxicating, but I also wanted this erotic scene to last forever.

But it couldn't. The guy who was straddling my head was the first to let loose. I could tell by the spasms in his thighs what was happening. He clamped his legs tightly around me and gasped. A split-second later I felt a rich spurt of hot cum land on my arm and chest.

His climax started a chain reaction. The finger in my wet asshole began to quiver as the guy behind me jerked faster and faster on his cock. Then he, too, gasped. Lou and the guy at my feet also moaned, and cum started raining on me from three different directions.

"Wow!" I heard someone mutter, as all of them sighed with satisfaction. A few seconds followed while all four of them milked every possible drop of tangy semen out of their pulsing cocks.

Then Lou bent over and scooped up the thick cum from the various puddles on my body. I held my breath and waited. Then it happened: I felt the warm jism being spread over my own twitching erection--the best and sexiest lubricant I could have wished for.

Lou's hand began sliding rapidly from the base of my cock to its head. The slippery friction drove every nerve in my organ wild. In only a few seconds, I found myself thrashing about and emitting gasps of ecstasy. All that existed for me was my cock and the hand that was bringing every inch of its skin to life. I felt a familiar floodgate within my groin burst open. Semen surged through the dark channel of my cock, awakening every nerve it touched along the way. A jet of cum flew out the tip of my penis. I had barely finished gasping from that explosion when a second wave of fluid surged out of my dick into the palm of Lou's hand, mixing with the cum from the other men in the room, heating up the lubricant and making it even more slippery. Several more times my cock shuddered with delight, and more drops of cum spurted out of my trembling body into the air. Then finally the intense sensations subsided, and I was able to lie back and drift in a glow of contentment. Spots of color floated before my eyes within the dark hood that shrouded them. I remembered that I was still stoned.

There was some whispered conversation that I didn't pay any attention to. Then I heard the front door open and close. Lou and I were alone again.

"Did ya like that?" he asked. I provided a grunt, but no answer was really necessary. I felt Lou's hands set about the task of untying me.

When my mouth was free of the gag, I said, "I don't guess you're going to tell me who those extra people were?"

"Why should I?" he replied. The hood still covered my eyes, but I could hear the grin in his voice.

"I wonder if any of them know me," I said.

Lou laughed. "I doubt they would have recognized you under the circumstances."

Then after a few seconds he added, "Unless they happened to be familiar with that interesting mole on your ass."

As I left Lou's apartment, I found myself trying to remember if I had ever been in his building before.

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