Gregs Service Journal

Published on Oct 20, 2023


Greg's Service Journal entry #3 By Greg Benson

If anyone wants to comment I'd be glad to hear it. Hope you enjoy this.

Thanks, -Greg

After Mike had 'checked out' Ben's new room he apparently gave Ben a glowing report on my ability to 'take a load of cum'. It was I though who told Ben the whole story, how Mike had pinned me down, shoved his cock all the way in and just rammed away until he shot his load. I lifted my T shirt and showed Ben the red stripes across my abs that Mike made with the strap, trying to form a letter 'M'.

While I finished telling Ben all about it he got a couple of beers from the fridge and grinned. As he handed me one he told me I made him proud.

The next few days went by uneventfully. Even though my throat was a little sore I still had to give Ben his morning blowjob, like I do everyday. He was real good about it though; he had me just work on his shaft and head until he came, no deep-throating. Said that swallowing his cum was going to help my throat feel better. And it did.

Friday morning came along in no time. Ben had me bring him coffee and I sucked him off in his bed before he'd even gotten out of it. He shot a good load and had me stay under the covers as he sipped his coffee enjoying the feel of my mouth on his eager to piss cock before he got up to go to the bathroom and get started with the day.

It looked like it was going to be a good day outside. I got dressed for work, putting on my favorite old flannel shirt. I like Fridays. Then I checked in with Ben. He was dressed too, looking casual and professional, as always good. That's when he told me the weekend plans. He'd decided it would be good to get up to the cabin, and had invited some friends up to spend Saturday afternoon and night.

I love going to the cabin with Ben. It's a real private place way back in the woods. There's a pond too. In the summer it's great for swimming. The cabin used to be a farm way back when but now the pastures were at least a hundred years overgrown with trees. There were a few outbuildings too. Nice ones that had been kept up over all the years. Anyway, I could go on and on about it but I wont. It's a great place, with a neat 2-story cabin that Ben has fixed up real comfortably.

I asked if I could go with him, and he laughed. "You're expected Greg, by all of us! " Talk about a clue as to what to expect. Still, it was always good being with Ben and making him happy. I left for work looking forward to the end of the day. Ben liked to get up to the cabin early and I figured, correctly, that we'd be going up today after work.

When I got home Ben had already packed up some food and extra clothes. We took a look at it all and made a list of the few more things to get on the way, mainly beer and meat. After I loaded it all into the landcruiser we were off. A few blocks away we stopped and got the other stuff we needed then hit the highway for the hour and a half long trip to the cabin. About 15 minutes later Ben, who was driving, unbuckled his belt, unzipped his fly and opened his pants. He adjusted his seat back, settled in and started up a good CD. With an easy grin in my direction he made the sign I know so well.

I leaned over and placed my head against his shirt, the buttons pressing against my cheek. He pulled his underwear down to catch under his balls then put his arm up around my shoulder and guided me around the steering wheel and down to his cock. The zipper, now wide open, brushed against the sides of my face as my lips opened sliding over his head and then down the shaft. Ben adjusted my head so that it was resting below the steering wheel in his legs and crotch. His cock stirred warm in my mouth. Then he took his shirt and covered my head up burying me in his crotch. His warmth quickly filled the air between his shirt and me as I heard him let out a deep sigh. I felt his cock getting thicker.

" Right there feels good Greg. Keep it this way till we get to the cabin."

His cock was more than half-hard, thick, full, weighty. Not erect but close to it. My tongue wrapped around his mushroom head feeling its ridge and the fat meatiness of it. My lips went snug around his shaft.

And I knew what he meant about 'keeping it this way'. For the next hour I would gently massage his cock with my lips, and when he started getting much more than half hard I'd become perfectly still. Ben had put a good CD in for the trip and aside from that, and the occasional sound of turn signals as he switched lanes, I only heard the rustle of his shirt over my ears and the low vibrations from the tires as Ben drove to the cabin.

A lot of the time I was fairly still, my mouth like a glove wrapped around his heavy cock. To move even a little, to massage it just a little too much got him heading too far toward erect. I had to totally focus on every subtle nuance and change and feel of his cock to keep it just right. A few times I had to let his pre-cum just ooze and build up in my mouth, not daring to move, afraid to swallow as he seemed right on the edge of getting erect. After a little while of me being still his cock would start to soften and I'd swallow the pre cum... which would get the whole thing started again as his cock responded, getting hard from feeling my lips press into it as I swallowed. This went on the whole way to the cabin. My only focus was how hard his cock was and what it was doing as I felt it with my lips and tasted him oozing pre-cum.

It seemed like only a short time before I could tell we were getting off the highway. It was dark now and I knew we weren't too far from the cabin when he turned onto gravel. Sure enough a few minutes later he was going over a few bumps and then applying the brakes. He put the car in park and rubbed my hair.

"We're here Greg".

He lifted his shirt off me and I eased on up around the steering wheel to see the cabin sitting in front of us, all lit up from the headlights. Ben was smiling at me as he pulled his pants up.

"Go hit the porch lights Greg so I can turn the headlights off"

I hopped out and headed up the steps to turn the outside lights on. We unpacked the car and brought it all into the cabin. As I started a fire in the woodstove to get the heat going Ben went about turning up the thermostats and running water in the sinks to make sure everything was working. All the usual, everything was good and as we had left it. The food we put away, clothes brought to the bedroom, we were done.

Ben had cracked open a beer and motioned me over to join him on the sofa.

"Greg, it's going to be a good weekend I'm sure. Right now though we have some time... just you and me... and you know what I want?"

I looked at him, thinking how good he looked. "No, what?"

" I want you to get me off twice tonight, maybe three times. The first one's going to be easy, the rest are up to you." He took a big drink from his beer. "Let's move upstairs and get undressed. And by the way, we might be up pretty late, I feel like kicking back, taking my time enjoying you suck me off tonight"

I followed him up the stairs. Man, getting him off twice might be not too hard. But three times? That's a lot of cock sucking.

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