Gregs Service Journal

Published on Oct 20, 2023


If anyone has any comments I'm up for reading them, thanks. This is all new to me, writing that is, and I hope you like it. -Greg

Greg's Service Journal "The Room" By Greg Benson

Lately Ben's become inclined to occasionally use his belt, or sometimes a thick leather strap on me. Rough going for sure but in one way I kind of like that it makes me stronger in taking pain, sort of a challenge personally. For Ben, whether it's a short and patriarchal kind of smack, or a long and intense beating, it's just one way of connection. The more it happens the more deeply I feel that connection, which for me is accepting my destiny, and letting it move me into a kind of elation as we reinforce it.

It's helped that a few months ago I started a new job at a local cabinet shop. Since then Ben's been noticing my body getting a little more muscular. I even started putting on a few pounds, with my chest in particular getting a little meatier. My back, well, my shoulder blades, are definitely getting some muscle. I can tell that Ben likes the changes too so I even do some push-ups at home when I get in from work.

One day after I had done my push-ups Ben called me down to the basement. There was an old room in the back down there that a long time ago had been used for storing coal. Ben had had me clean it out real good and paint it a few months ago. Since then he had some floor people put down a plywood floor which Ben carpeted. The small window up near the ceiling was how the coal used to get shoveled into the room and he had covered it with a hinged door that had some kind of thick foam insulation attached on the other side. It was a real tight room, and Ben had made it sound proof. It was amazing to go in there and hear nothing from the outside world. It might sound kind of drab but it wasn't. There was a dresser with a lamp on it for light, and a wide bench that had a long cushion on it. It was dry, clean, and even cozy... and best yet, warm.

I hadn't seen the room since the week before when I helped bring the dresser in but as I came down the stairs this time I noticed something new, Ben had installed a deadbolt on it, and he was unlocking it. Something else was new about the room, when I got to the bottom of the stairs he ordered me into it, quietly, firmly, and with minimal words.

He told me to strip down as he shut the door behind us. As I started taking off my jeans and other clothes I saw he was opening the drawers to the dresser. I saw some straps with Velcro in one. Some rope was in another with some towels. He took out a wide leather strap and set it on the dresser.

After I pitched my clothes to the corner I stood comfortably naked as he wordlessly turned the light down to a lower level.

He moved closer, and his hand started slowly rubbing across my back feeling my shoulder blades, like a light massage, then worked down across my ass to my upper legs. The room was warm, comfortable. He spread his palm across my left leg and stoked the muscles, then the other leg. This went on for a few minutes as I nervously relaxed. He was caring and it felt good. He was enjoying the feel of my body. I was enjoying the feel of his hand. I wondered what he was thinking about, planning.

"Turn and face the wall for a warm-up Greg"

I knew exactly what he wanted and faced the wall, putting my arms out to hold myself against it. I spread my legs a bit.

When he said 'warm up' the last time, it became what would be an intense beating. By now the marks were about gone. As I said before, he's gotten to like this on occasion and I swear that with each time we become closer somehow. I took a deep breath, not knowing how long he would go at it, but I did know that he would probably beat me until we reached a point where I was likely to be in a daze or sobbing. In a way it was becoming more and more... well, a kind of spiritual connection or maybe transition point if that makes any sense.

As I leaned against the wall in the low light my mind drifted quickly to thinking about his cock. It's like a deliberate distraction on my part that's helped me a lot in getting through the beginning. I make my mind shuck all the little thoughts, and think about his cock, big and hard, with his hairy balls hanging down from it. It always gets me hard, and helps make the blows easier to take especially the first ones. Thinking about his cock had me half hard immediately. I imagined the cock head that I knew every bit of, imagined it in my mouth, all big, and felt my own cock starting to stand up. I thought about the shaft, which can get hard as a rock, with my lips wrapped around it squeezing. My cock rose hard, and thick. My balls are kind of low hangers as they say. They were hanging free, and low. I took a deep breath.

The first blow stung, blasting across my back, an instant shock. Another and another immediately followed it. And another. My balls slapped against my legs and my hard cock swung hitting the wall. My back twisted in pain, my head arching in agony as Ben struck with a steady relentless rhythm. The blows made loud smacks, solid thuds, and sharp cracking sounds as they went to different parts of my back. The impacts, some of them, made my body move from the force. My gasps between the first strokes quickly became moans and then scream until finally with the last few heavy strikes, low sobs. Ben could tell I was almost right what with my tears starting to well up, even as I stomped my foot to try and deal with the racing pain.... And with one more swing across my back I went to my knees sobbing.

I could barely make out but vaguely I was aware of him unzipping his pants. I felt his hands turn my head as my sobbing continued and felt his hard cock enter my mouth....

"Suck it Greg"

I went to it, sucking his cock working it with my lips as I drew it in deeper. I slowly eased back off it, then went down on it again, even deeper. Then I slowly backed off it and wrapped my tongue and let it swirl around his head before I went down on it again, this time even deeper than before. Back and forth I went, slowly up, and faster down, each time getting it a little deeper until it was near entering my throat...As I went down I felt how hard the shaft was and how firm the head was getting.... I swallowed and let it all slide into my throat as Ben moaned. I smoothly guided my head up and down his cock feeling it spreading my throat as I slid it in and out faster and back throbbed as I felt Ben's hands rest on my shoulders.

Ben moaned and put a hand in my hair... "Eat it Greg. Eat my load, take it."

And with that I felt his cock spasm and jerk. A blast of cum shot in my mouth, shooting out of his cock like cannon, followed by another and another as I struggled to swallow it all down, gulping as my mouth filled with his warm slimy cum.

Ben continued moaning after he finished shooting while I swallowed his cum that was in my mouth. I knew he loved this part too, so I kept on, gently sucking, barely moving, as his hard cock stayed parked in my mouth, my lips gently massaging it, maintaining and extending his orgasm for a good while longer.

Ben had me clean his dick off real good before he let me off it completely. It was huge as I sucked it clean, not as hard, but like a big sausage, and heavy. As he pulled out our eyes met.. mine all red and puffy his all relaxed and calm.

"Good job Greg" Damn that made me feel good hearing it.

After a pause he continued on.... "I feel so good I think I'm going to give Mike a call.... and see if he wants to check out the new room we made. Why don't you go lay down on the bench for awhile."

Zipping up his pants he then took the key off the dresser and looked at it.

"You know, I hadn't thought of this since the lock is for keeping other people out when we're not using the room, but you know, I think Mike just might enjoy the idea of using this key, when I let him that is."

As Ben shut the door behind himself I heard the key enter the lock, turn the chambers and click as the bolt mechanism slid to lock the door.

I could only imagine the phone conversation with his brother Mike. Ben probably invited him over for some 'fun' which was the discreet way of saying I was available for him. But this locked door thing was new. I had to wonder if Ben was even going to be here for showing off the new room. I figured he would but I wasn't really sure. I never really liked Mike too much. Cocky, and mean too sometimes. His fancy cars and expensive home were wasted on him as far as I was concerned.

I have no idea how much time had gone by, it could have been an hour, I don't know. I was laying face down on the cushioned bench when I heard the key slide into the lock and turn.

The door opened.

I turned to look up was Mike.... And he walked in holding the key up like a prize or something. His boastful voice broke the silence. "Looky looky little Greg.....Your buddy Mike has a special key all for himself to use for the next half hour." He was holding it up for me to see, then laughed as he turned and shut the door behind him...AND LOCKED IT. Oh man I thought, Ben didn't lock the door before...and now.oh mannnn.

Mike locked the door, turned, and with a big grin twirled the key in his fingers in front of me and then stuck it in his jeans pocket.

"Ben has told me all about how you guys go all exploring the edges and pushing limits. He even said you guys have a special little way about your scenes, about how you guys bond or some such crap."

I thought how cool that Ben and I were really hitting the same connection, I mean, as lousy a way that Mike put it, it was what I had been feeling too. I looked up and Mike was grinning, patting the jeans pocket he had put the key into.

"You up for a dose of MY scene Greg? "

My choices were pretty limited. I nodded.

"Hmmm.. A good answer" "Well lets get to it kiddo. Ben gave me a half hour and I aim to use it""

"Stand up you little fucker"

"And put your hands behind your back"

I did.

Mike ran his rough hand across my abs.

"Ahhh I thought so.... You're full of Ben's cum. I do think we need to make a little more room" He paused, then patted my abs. "You know, I've been getting kind of tired of my load always getting all mixed in with Ben's". "I think we need to really move Ben's load along and make some room for mine, a lot of room." Mike picked up the leather strap Ben had left on the dresser and grinned..."It's been a good while too, so its a very full bucket today Greg"

I stood there as he felt the weight of the strap, giving it a few half swings in the air until he looked at me.

"Eyes to the ceiling Greg"

I clenched my hands behind my back. I looked up. After a brief soundless moment I heard a rustle, then heard the belt flying through the air. With a force that almost knocked me over he landed the belt right across my abs full force. The sting was unbelievable, almost taking my breath away as I doubled over.

"Put those fucking hands back and NOW Greg "

I was gasping for breath as he came close for a look at the growing scarlet stripe across my abs. His hand ran across it making me wince."Still a little full eh Greg? "

He backed up and struck my abs several more times with the strap, each time so painful I doubled over, and each time I doubled over he sent a light whack on my already welted back to straighten me up. And each time after that he came over to rub my abs to see if I had enough "room" for his load.

"I think were getting close now Greg oh yes, I see a nice big group of red 'X''s all over those abs. And hey, look, they're starting to look just like nice big scarlet 'M'.... for MIKE. I like it. Now lets see if there's enough room in there for a big load of MIKE cum"

"Lay on the bench Greg, on the bench and face up"

I lay down, face up. My back throbbed, but my abs were burning as I stretched out. Mike walked over and stood at the end behind my head, and unzipped his jeans. He was enjoying opening his jeans and he did it slowly to taunt me, insisting I look up at his crotch and see what was coming my way. After he loosened his jeans I could see his hard-on outlined in his briefs. He put his hand in them and rubbed his cock, then with his other hand pulled his briefs back, his hard cock now in his clenched fist. His fist was wrapped tight around the shaft making the head all purple, showing it off, doing it all right over my face. His hard cock looked menacing with its long head. He held that swollen purple head inches from my face then opened his fist to completely reveal his bent cock, something he was particularly proud of it.

As I looked up at it my abs were burning with Mike's signature, his 'making room' for his load.

"I'm definitely going to have a good mouth fuck today Greg. Open up"

He was behind me. I leaned my head back more, suddenly feeling his jeans against my hair.

"You better try harder than that Greg.... Put your damn neck on the end of the bench so's your head hangs over the edge a bit"

I scooched back further and was right below his hanging balls.

He lowered them. "Kiss 'em Greg, my load wants you to kiss it"

I looked up to see them hanging between his hairy legs, right over me.

I lifted my head and kissed his balls, my lips feeling the long scraggly dark brown hair as I pressed through it to reach the skin of his balls, which was thick. As my lips pushed against it I felt how heavy his balls were. They squirmed as my lips kissed them, like his cum was anxious, ready to go.

He rubbed his balls on me then started slapping my face with his cock to get good and hard telling me al the while how much fun we were about to have. I could feel his cock getting harder each time he slapped me with it until it was really hard, and he let it stand up free telling me to take a good look at his big bent man cock. Then his hand covered my mouth and chin and opened my jaw. His other hand fed his cock head into my mouth. With my head hanging backwards over the edge he guided the first couple of inches of his cock in, let go, then leaned over me completely, putting his arms and hands to support himself on the bench down near my hips.

Then it began. He started humping my face. Nothing except for his balls and dick were in contact with me as grunted pushing his bent dick in deeper and deeper. I wrapped my moist lips around his shaft tight. He had my head tilted backwards over the bench edge and keeping me in place as he arched over me humping his cock in each time deeper and deeper as his balls dragged back and forth across my forehead until with one hard push and loud grunt Mike rammed that bent dick all the way into my throat.... Instantly my whole body jerked.. my head and shoulders arched from the bench. That really got him going and he pulled back halfway and rammed in again in a rough way that ended up shoving me back down onto the bench. My mouth was crushed against the base of his shaft with all of his coarse pubic hair. He then focused his body weight through his crotch to pin me down. Now he had my throat extended in a straight shot, positioned properly for him. That was when the real fucking started. He went right at it hard and fast. Every single time he drove it in all the way. It felt like a baseball bat or a piston ramming and reaming as his balls mashed my face. Sweat was running off his brow and dripping down onto my burning red abs making them sting even more. My forehead was getting ground into his sweaty balls as he fucked my mouth over and over. He started grunting.....No words, just grunting. I was about to pass out when I felt my head get gripped with his legs. With a really loud grunt he jammed his cock in so hard that my lips were pushing into his crotch as his legs started squeezing my head.... And then it started coming.... His hard cock throbbed..... and then blasted his load into my throat from that long cock head.. The first two shots exploded out with a furious moan then he made a loud grunt as each blast of cum pumped into me, grunts like a fighter punching a bag over and over.

I don't know how many but his blasts and grunts kept coming until I was almost mindless. Then he shuddered, and with one last grunt his dick oozed the last bit out, his balls wet and mashed into my face, the smell of his sweat and cum everywhere in my half consciousness.

With a loud sigh he pushed himself upright off of the bench and guided his cock out of my throat as I gasped for air while trying to swallow and clear my throat of his cum.

He stood up, ran his hands through his almost wet hair then began pulling his jeans up... "Clean me off, like you do with Ben"

I managed to get off of the bench and onto my knees still trying to catch my breath. I leaned in to suck his dripping cock clean. I sucked it gently as it went down to about half-hard.

He pulled back, tucked his shirt in and zipped back up. Reaching in to his back pocket he pulled out a comb and ran it through his hair.

"Oh... Greg... Ben said to tell you to lock up when you leave and bring the key to him"

With a smug grin he pulled the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He then tossed it onto the bench.

"Oh, and don't worry about thanking him, I'll take care of that for you." He chuckled to himself about that one as he left.

I sat on the bench next to the key and caught my breath; still feeling some of Mike's cum sliding down in my windpipe.

I looked down at the key on the cushion, glad that it belongs to Ben.

Next: Chapter 3

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