Gregors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 4, 2023


greg expected that Mac would be up before him on Sunday: that was sort of a given. As he was coming out of sleep, he heard some low level noises - as if Mac were rutching around, and trying not to be too noisy. He rolled into the spot where Mac slept, hoping for a bit more warmth, and he found it. greg snored a little when it was almost time for him to wake up, and so Mac knew that it was almost time for his new scene to begin. After he had gotten up, Mac went into the spare room and had pulled out, as quietly as he could, the serious leather gear he used to wear: his chaps, his harness, the leather jacket, the cap. The reflector glasses. He had handcuffs attached at one point on his chaps, and a small whip at another point. He had a black handkerchief coming out of his left pocket.

As greg stirred, just before he opened his eyes, Mac lowered his voice. 'GET UP BOY' Mac , not suspecting this, woke up and saw Mac standing at the foot of the bed, his hands on his hips so Mac could see his bare chest through the harness, with as stern an expression as he could muster, with a naked greg in front of him.

His mouth dropped. "HOLY SHIT MAC. THAT IS FUCKING HOT." Mac didn't break tableau "DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SPEAK, BOI?" "Uh, no Sir." The deep sound of Mac's voice, his commanding presence, and the whole situation, was giving greg more than a hard on. "NOW PAY ATTENTION BOI. DADDY HAS WAITED FAR TOO LONG FOR YOU TO WAKE UP. YOU GET THAT PISS OUT OF YOU AND GET BACK HERE. DO NOT - I REPEAT, DO NOT, START DINGLING YOURSELF. NOT UNTIL YOU HAVE PERMISSION." "Uh , YES SIR." greg hurried off as he saw Mac remove the whip from his belt loop. He wanted coffee, but this was better. "ARE YOU PLAYING WITH YOURSELF AFTER I TOLD YOU NOT TO BOI?" "No sir. I'm not. I'm just too excited. I'm.. trying. " He felt the rough hand clasp the back of his neck. "WELL DADDY IS FUCKING TIRED OF WAITING." Mac dragged greg back to the bed and threw him on it. "SPREAD OUT BOI. WE GOT SOME WORK TO DO BEFORE YOU GET FUCKED. " "YES SIR! " greg had never had sex with a leather man, and now... to have it with Mac..." He felt the restraints going around his wrists, and tied off tight. Then his ankles. Mac had never spread him out this far before. He could barely move. Mac peeled off his jacket, and greg saw the leather band on Mac's left arm. "BOI, IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU STARTED LOOKING MORE LIKE A BOI." "Wha wha, what do you mean Sir?" He felt the whip kiss his balls. "THAT IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE ANSWER. THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE ANSWER IS YES SIR. IS THAT CLEAR?" "Uh, yes sir." "MEN HAVE BODY HAIR, BOIS ARE SMOOTH. YOU'RE A BOI AREN'T YOU?" "Yes sir." "YOU'VE GOT BODY HAIR, DON'T YOU?" "Yes sir." "WELL IT SEEMS TO ME WE HAVE TO FIX THAT." greg saw the smile on Mac's face as he reached for a clipper. Now , this was NOT something greg expected. He started to squirm, but he couldn't: Mac had tied him too well. He wasn't sure about this: back at the club, a lot of the other escorts had shaved themselves regularly. He had never heard of someone's client shaving him, although as he thought about it, why not? And as he thought about it, apart from the fact that he had no choice... it would grow back. He heard the whine of the clipper. "OPEN YOUR EYES BOI. I WANT YOU TO SEE IT GO. SEE YOU BEGIN YOUR NEW LIFE AS DADDY MAC'S BOI." As greg slid the clipper up greg's torso, from his hip area all the way up to his pecs, greg was getting harder, and harder. "FUCK THIS FEELS HOT" he was thinking. Mac knew what he was doing, and could shave greg with just the one hand. The other hand was gripping greg's balls. "NOW DON'T YOU LOOK EVEN PRETTIER BOI." Mac pulled up a towel and wiped down greg. "Can I see it Sir?" "NOT YET. I'M NOT DONE." greg grealized Mac hadn't let go of his balls. "OH NO! NO SIR. NOT THAT PLEASE. " "SHUT UP BOI. I LIKE A SMOOTH MAN PUSSY, AND THAT'S WHAT I'M GONNA GET. BE STILL. THIS HURTS MORE IF I SLIP THAN YOUR CHEST WOULD." For this, greg COULDN'T see what was happening, but he could feel it. It felt... strange. It felt like, whether he liked it or not, he was becoming greg's boi. Or sub. Or... maybe even his wife. "HEH HEH. ONE MORE PLACE TO GO. " greg was so stretched out, he couldn't resist as Mac got to work on his armpits. He began to realize that yes, this was some kind of feminization: women shaved there. Not too many men. "NOW YOU'RE DONE BOI. WHAT DOES DADDY DO WITH HIS BOI?" "Fucks him Sir? Fucks him hard with that damn beer can of a cock his got.?" "DAMN RIGHT BOI. I KNEW I TOOK YOU FOR MORE THAN YOUR LOOKS." greg felt Mac undoing his ankle restraints, but there was enough of a lead to the leather straps that he could tie them to greg's ankles, and keep his legs separated. "LOOK AT THAT ROSE MY BOI GREW FOR ME. IS THAT FOR ME BOI?" "Oh, YES SIR. If it's good enough. Is my worthless hole good enough for you?" "LET'S SEE." Slowly, Mack inserted one finger, and then a second one. Now, greg HAD been finger fucked by guys before Mac. Trust to be told, Mac's rough skin had surprised him at first, but now it spoiled him. The different textures, the different way Mac's fingers moved in greg's ass had convinced greg he'd never be satisfied with anyone else. "FEELS LIKE YOU'RE OPENED ENOUGH. LET'S SEE. " greg felt Mac's HUGE cockhead at his opening, and felt it slipping in. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." That head was so big that it was a shock every single time. It was this time. And when Mac didn't do his usual gradual sliding, but sort of shoved in all at once, it was another shock to greg. "WHOA. EASY SIR. EASY." "YOU WANT ME TO GAG YOU FUCKTOI? YOU TAKE WHAT I GIVE YOU." greg took a deep breath. He shouldn't be liking this . Why was he?

Why was he getting harder, as he surrendered his ass to Mac. Mac clearly wanted him badly. He pounded greg. There was some serious fucking going on. and greg was moaning louder and louder. So was Mac. Mac was fucking greg so hard, greg wondered what was on Mac's mind. Had he known... Mac was determining how he was going to "pull the final trigger" as he put it, and get greg to agree to what he wanted. He visualized the moment, of greg's complete submission and surrender, and he shot deeeply into greg. greg's thoughts were not too far from this. He was thinking "I can have THIS every night. Or something like this. From a man who, well.. he'd take a bullet for me. Who holds open doors for me. Who.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK SIR YOU HIT THE SPOT." Mac laughed as greg lost control and shot everywhere. He was breathing hard, crying, sweating, begging Mac to kiss him. When Mac was done, he didn't untie greg, but he lay down next to him. "you enjoy that babe?" "ENJOY IT? FUCK SIR MAC. I LOVED IT. I FUCKING LOVED IT. " "Did you have a favorite part?" Mac was running his hand through his lover's hair. "Well, Sir, seeing you for the first time as a full leather man. GOD. I just wanted to be on a leash, led by you, in some dark, smelly bar, where I could suck you off in front of the crowd to show how much I love you." "AWWWW, that's sweet greg. " "I wasn't too keen on the shaving. It was hot, but.... " he sighed. "I guess it'll grow back." "Yup... " Mac flicked his tit. "And I'll shave it right off again." greg looked at him. "I don't have anything to say about that?" "NOPE. Bois don't vote." greg sighed. "And that fuck you threw in me. HOLY JESUS." Mac laughed . "I was inspired. I wasn't sure how you were gonna react to the leather, but when I saw your face ." "Can you dress like that for me, big Mac? Maybe once a week or so? " "Heh heh. Sure can. And when we get back to NY, we're gonna get YOU an outfit too. Then we WILL go to that club. Now, lemme untie you. You want coffee, or cuddles?" "Cuddles first, coffee later."


greg was in the shower for a long time, because he was thinking: trying to figure things out. Part of that involved looking at his now smooth body, feeling the slight sting under his arms, and seeing pubes that hadn't been that bare since , well, grade school. Mac hadn't asked if he could do this: he just did. But then again, he didn't ask if he could fuck greg, and he just did. Or if he could tie him up, and he just did. greg was fine with all of that, and he wasn't sure about the shaving. What unnerved him more than anything else, was Mac saying he'd do it again when the hairs began growing back There was a VERY complex equation in his head that he had to solve. He knew, that if he let this go, and then if he let Mac shave him again, he had, in fact, surrendered completely, and there was nothing left BUT to agree to be Mac's wife. "Why is it that I get aroused every time I think about that?" he asked himself. He was confused. He LOVED being around Mac, he loved snuggling up against this very masculine man, who took total charge, and took complete care of him. He needed help to figure this out. On Monday, he'd try to have lunch with his best work friend, Marisol. She had been following this relationship from the first time Mac saw greg, and maybe she had some advice.

As Mac made breakfast, he was thinking too, but his thinking was of a completely different sort. He fully expected that greg wouldn't protest TOO much when he was getting shaved. Mac had been with enough subs, enough bottoms, to know when they were teetering: when they were ready for that final "push" to complete submission. When he was younger, it had happened during an all day session, when his soon to be Dom had staked him out, fucked him every two hours, used nipple clamps, tickling, and every conceivable form of "persuasion" as he put it, before Mac broke and became his sub. That Dom had dumped him when he got too old for him (25), which turned out to be a blessing for Mac, since he had been feeling like he wanted to try topping. He had always felt slightly uncomfortable as a bottom sub, and that he came into his own when he switched roles. Would he ever go back? Nope. He smiled. Mac had equipment at home for keeping greg there, and he planned to use it. He was confident that, by the time he did, it was all gonna be show.

greg came out of the bathroom. He had put on jeans, and a black shirt. "OH DAMN greg. You're just trying to make sure I wind up hard for 48 damn hours straight. DON'T you look HOT. Nearly as hot as you do when you're naked." greg laughed. "STOP Mac, Sir, you're embarrassing me." "I'm serious greg. I just wanna throw you on the bed and have my way with you again." greg smiled. He had been pursued before, but there had never been anyone as into him as Mac was. "C'mon Big Mac. Gimme a LITTLE bit of a break. My butt has to recover. " Mac came over and hugged him. "I know sweetpea. I'm sorry. I just can't control myself around you. Maybe tonight?" "DEFINITELY tonight Sir. Now go get cleaned up so we can go out. I promise I won't change." "OOOOOOOOOOOOH. I'm gonna be driving around NY with the hottest guy in the state." Mac ran off. While he was gone, greg called Marisol and set up lunch the next day. "I need to talk about Mac." "Relationship problems?" "Well, not exactly. I wish I could talk now, but tomorrow. Ok." "Ok love. 1pm." "By the way Marisol... Have you ever thought of me as a June Cleaver type?" "Marisol started laughing "Gregor, I guess you never heard the talk. Everyone says you're a shirtwaist and an apron away from making some man the perfect wife." "Oh boy..." He thought to himself. THIS is gonna be an interesting conversation. " "I'm trying to dress up to par so I don't shame you greg, but... this is the best I got." Mac had on a denim, country style shirt over a black t shirt, a pair of dark genes, and his car coat. greg thought he was the handsomest man in the world. "HEY. There's my Marlboro Man. My Macboro Man." "AWWWWW greg. Now you're gonna make me blush. Ya finish breakfast?" "I did. I'm thinking I may want sausage later. "HEHE HEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHE. GOOD ONE greg. Maybe even kielbasa. Anyhow, c'mon, let's get riding. We should leave by mid afternoon to avoid the traffic, and there's so much up here I want you to see."

Mac's little corner of the country turned out to have a lake, filled with ducks greg had never seen, herons, egrets, and then.. he heard the splash. Mac put a finger to his lip. He whispered "She doesn't show up often. That's Milly the Trout. They say she may be 15 years old. That's OLD for a trout." He took greg's hand and held it, and they were quiet. She jumped again. She almost seemed to be performing for them. "Every year, there's at least a few bumpkins who come by and try to hook her. She wins every time. " He shook his head. "They say a trout shouldn't live more than 7 years. Milly's got that beat. I wonder, though...." greg looked at him and smiled. "I bet you have plans to make sure she lives a long, long life." Mac smiled. "you get me greg. That's the thing. " "The thing?" "Yeah, the thing. I know I'm not beautiful, I know I'm not classy, but I know, DAMN I know - I've got a REAL big heart, and I'd do anything for my man - ANYTHING." "Big Mac, you'd do anything for ANYONE you like." "No greg, lemme finish this one. " He stared at him. "If you asked me for a house in a state outside of NY, I'd find it. Or I'd build it. If you told me you wanted to travel around the world for a year, but with me, I'd do it. If you told me you wanted us to go vegetarian... well, that'd be hard, but I'd do it. So I know... walking down the street with me, no one's gonna be jealous of the man you've got, no one's ever gonna ask you 'wow, how'd you hook THAT hottie, or anything like that, and I KNOW that's a big sacrifice for you superstuds. But DAMN IT TO HELL GREG I FUCKING LOVE YOU " greg began to cry as he embraced Mac. "Mac man... when I look at you, I see the handsomest man in the world. And know what? I'm GLAD no one is trying to get their hooks in you: it means I don't have to be nasty to people. And I know I've got you ALL TO MYSELF. " He paused. "Big Mac. You're not my first. I've been with a LOT of men. And a LOT of them have been crappy. A LOT of them have held my hand and turned around and looked at someone else walking by. Hell, before you, I was with a man who wanted two nights a week to go and play with his other boyfriends" He paused again. "I've never seen you look at anyone else when you're with me." "I haven't greg. " "I haven't heard you ask for time for yourself, or time away from me, or anything. I'm your world. All of it. I can't ask for anything else." They were silent for a bit, before Mac whispered "You want that sausage?" "Yes sir." greg got down on his knees on that lake shore, opened Mac's jeans, and blew him until Mac gave out a yell that even scared Milly.


Later that day, as they were driving back to the city, Mac seemed lost in thought. He didn't even have his hand on greg's thigh, the way he usually did. greg reached out his hand to MAC's thigh. "What's going on in your head, big dog? " Mac snorted. "Oh, I was just thinking of how odd life is greg. ." He paused, shook his head and smiled. "Look, be honest to me greg. If you saw me in a bar, would you have ever come up to say hello" Mac thought for a minute. "An honest answer, big Mac, probably not." "And I'll be honest, I would have been too intimidated to come on to you." greg gave Mac's bicep a little squeeze. "And it would've been MY loss, greg. MINE. Someone else would've come along and snapped you up." Mac grinned. He was watching the road, because there were deer known to run across it here. "You're very kind greg. I just have to believe that the universe makes sure we get what we need. " Now his hand went to greg's thigh. "Did you enjoy yourself this weekend? Did you like the country place?" "OH, MAC, of course I did! It was beautiful, and I loved seeing your waterfall, but how could I not enjoy it? I was with you. That's all I wanted." He paused. "Can I stay over tonight big Mac?" Mac smiled. "You can stay over forever. " "Well, I will be moving in won't happen right away, but tonight... I don't want the weekend to end so fast. And I want to do something for you. I want to make us dinner. Myself. By hand. Spanish food. Can you get into that?" Mac smiled. "Heck, watching you cook? I can do that. Yeah, I'll be your sidekick greg boi. " "Great. Let's stop at my place first, though. I need to get my good pan - the one I trust - and I gotta get just a few clothes. Ok with you Sir?" Mack laughed. "I guess clothes for work. If you ran around nude at my place, I'd be perfectly happy. Now it was greg's turn to laugh. "If I were nude, I think I'd be tied down all the time." "You might be anyway. You have no idea what a turn on it is undressing you greg." greg blushed. He DID dress to turn on Mac. He was trying to learn what his favorites were and to stick to them. The black shirt he was wearing seemed to be a "go" for Mac.


They pulled up in front of Mac's apartment. "Just give me a couple of minutes big Mac. I know what I want to get. Just a few things, and my big cast iron pan. Then a trip to the grocer,ok? Mack shook his head and laughed. "We COULD go out." "NO MAC. We can't go out every night, really. I want to start doing some things for you. Ok?" Mac clapped the back of greg's neck, a gesture that always made greg feel secure. "You take such good care of me." greg grabbed a few shirts, checking them over for ones he thought Mac would like. He grabbed his skilled and looked around. There were 4 more months left on this lease: the apartment he had lived in since he came to NY. It was a constant. If he wrote down his time here, it would be full of swerves and changes, but the apartment: it was always a place he went to. He wondered. Hmmm. Would Chase like the apartment on his own? Or with that new boyfriend? He'd have to call.

"Sorry Mighty Mac. It took me longer to settle on what to wear to work tomorrow, but.... we're set. A trip to the grocer now? OK? "GEEZ. You sound like you're domesticating me, greg. You got a list of other places to go to? greg blushed. Mac was right. They DID sound like a suburban couple. It felt kinda good to greg, as they pulled up in front of a market, parked, and went in. As always, they got stares. Mac stared back, sometimes with a not so friendly look, while greg went around picking up what he needed that night . "Ok, big stud. Now we're set. We'll eat well." It was just a short ride back to Mac's place and they were there shortly. Mac brought up their luggage, greg had the groceries. As he put them on the table, he felt Mac's arm around him. It was in an odd place. Mac had moved his arm up around greg's throat, like he were going to choke him. There was no pressure: just the feeling of the iron bar he got from Mac's strength. His other hand had a grip on greg's body: his right side, just where his torso entered his pants. It was very sensitive, and Mac knew it. greg began to giggle. "BIG MAC! I can't tell if you wanna kill me by choking me or tickling you to death." Mac didn't answer. He just put his mouth over greg's ear, and started breathing hard "OH Mac man! You're gonna spoil dinner.." "I aint' gonna spoil dinner sexy." He bumped his crotch into greg's ass. "I just want to remind you who your man is. " Now greg was breathing hard. "I don't need reminders you sexy brute. Hold me if you wanna but... I'm not going away. I wanna make my Mac Man his dinner and then... I just wanna make love to him all night. " He giggled some more. "BUT STOP TICKING ME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Mac laughed. "Your giggling always reminds me of church bells."

"You want dinner or you want... a big peach.." greg crooned. Mac smiled. "Can I have dinner first and a peach for dessert?" "sure can. And breakfast too." greg got to work making a Spanish tortilla. He gave Mac the potatoes to peel and to cut and when that was done , put him to work on salad making. He was all business. "GEEZ greg. I didn't know. In the kitchen, you are a BOSS. " "Well, we bottoms gotta show we can top SOMEWHERE" greg laughed. "It may not be the bedroom, but SOMEWHERE." He felt Mac's strong fingers massaging his shoulders. "None of my business greg. Tell me to go away if I'm imposing. Did you ever take the top position?" He sighed. "I tried it. I tried it with Chase. I didn't like it. I just... well, everytime I tried, I kept on thinking I could be the guy getting pounded, being ordered around, being, well, dominated. And the only way I could keep my erections, was thinking of a reversal in positions. So, I did, but I don't want to anymore." He felt Mac's fingers dig in. "And it's a good thing, because my current lover isn't ever gonna give up that top position."

greg's dinner was very tasty. The Spanish potato tortilla, a bitter greens salad, and a big red wine that Mac had found in his collection. greg had picked up ice cream for dessert, but they never got there. They cleaned up after their meal, and they were sitting on Mac's sofa, Mac's arm wrapped around greg , sipping wine, when the kissing began. First gentle, then heavy , and romantic. When he stopped for breath, greg looked at Mac. "I'm serious sweet man. I had the BEST time this weekend. The MOST INCREDIBLE TIME with you! " He laughed. "Now you know what the one thing I want to do is? I want you to take me to a leather club. Lead me in on a leash. Gag me if you want. I want everyone to know, I'm yours. " Mac was a little woozy from the wine. "I'll see what I can do," he whispered." greg smiled. "Listen, Mac man, I'm pretty beat. I'm gonna head off to bed. I'll wait for you. "Fifteen minutes max," he said, and he was in bed in ten. greg was already drifting off to sleep, but he felt Mack throw his arm around his chest, his leg around his leg, and he was content.

Late in his sleep, greg began to have a dream. He was in the position he was in earlier that night, when Mac had come up from behind. Mac's arm was around his neck again, his hand on his side, and his tongue in greg's ear. Only this time, he was speaking. "NOW I've got ya greg. And I'm not letting you go, until you say 'I submit'. In the dream, greg pushed against Mac's arm, and he found that if he did that, he'd be choking himself. He fell back. "Mac, please let me go Sir. PLEASE." There was a whisper "SUBMIT" Then he felt Mac's hand massaging his ticklish spot. It didn't feel ticklish. It felt erotic. It was making him get aroused. Mac was running teeth along his ear lobe and rim and whispered again "SUBMIT." Another push, and Mac's arm didn't move. "MAC... what do you want from me. " Now Mac was nibbling his ear. "YOU. You're what I want. SUBMIT. Be my sub. My partner. My wife." greg pushed one more time, and made no progress. He felt a big hard on in his crotch and the warmth of Mac's tongue. "YES. YES. I SUBMIT I SUBMIT" he yelled in the dream, and woke up in a sweat. He felt sticky below the waist. "OH SHIT" he thought. "I haven't had a wet dream in how long?" He had cum in the bed. "Hey, sweetpea. Something wrong?" Mac was up, His arm around greg's waist. "You ok?" "I... I don't know... Something just happened Mac. I'm... I'm sorry." He pushed away the covers. "Ah, that's no big thing greg. No worries. You wanna wash up? I'll go make up the sofa bed. We'll finish up there. I'll have everything washed tomorrow. No worries. As long as you alright." "I'm fine babe. I'm fine." Before he headed off to the shower he came over to Mac's side. "I love you big Mac." "I love you too, my Spanish peanut." greg laughed. That was a new one.

He went off to get cleaned up, and then when he came out, he saw Mac had already stripped the bed and set up the sofa. "It'll be fine.. Get over here. Your heat producing missile is ready." greg sank into his arms. Mack was semi hard but he didn't try anything. Just before, he had done something he did rarely. greg asked if his screams had woken Mac . Mac denied it, but he heard the scream of "I SUBMIT" .


"Nice shirt greg. Is that one this Mac fellow likes?" Mac was sitting with Marisol at a restaurant /cafe' near their office. They were having salads. She was referring to a shirt that was sort of a creamy burnt orange, which fit greg perfectly. Mac hadn't seen it before, but he told greg that it was giving him ideas about making him late, especially after he put on the came colored trousers that shaped his ass so well. greg made a big sigh. "I think I could wear a garbage bag and it would turn Mac on. " He smiled. "Not that I'm complaining." "You shouldn't be amigo. Since you started dating him, you've been so happy. " "I know. Marisol, I say this a lot, but it's true. Mac is kind of a throwback to all those stories about how men treated their women right. They put them on pedestals, they worshipped them. He really, REALLY feels like I stepped down to date him. " "Do you feel that way, greg?" "NO. NO NO NO NO NO. Yes, there's no question.." He blushed. "The physical aspects are wonderful. OH, are they wonderful. But so much more. The way he looks after me, protect me. Last night, ..." He was tearing up. "Last night, he felt me shiver once when we were sleeping. He moved his hand, covered the spot that was shivering, and moved more blankets over it. He does little things like that." "And you've never introduced us... Hmmm. Afraid he'll switch teams." "Ha ha. I can assure you Marisol. THAT's not happening." Marsiol wore big, round glasses in a powder blue frame. She looked over them at greg. "So... what is the problem?" greg sighed, and told her about Mac's attitudes, and what he looked for in a relationship. When he was done she sat back. "So, I don't understand. Why is this a problem? You don't love this job, he can take care of you, why wouldn't you do it." He paused. Then she smiled. "You know , I think I know what's going on. It's two things. The first one. You think you're going to be a prisoner in his house. But if you go and look at those shows: the "June Cleaver" things, they were out of the house all the time. They went to bridge clubs, or other meetings, they had people over for tea, and..." she laughed here. "Back home we say "whoever is in charge of the kitchen is in charge of everything . You'd have a LOT more power than you think you would." greg paused. "Still..." Marisol dropped her voice. "It's the word 'wife' isn't it?" greg shook his head yes. "Do you feel like he treats you like you're a woman?" "Well, no, but..." "He uses some words you associate with women, doesn't he? " "He does. He call me babe. Sometimes he uses stronger language." "Like 'bitch' greg?" He blushed "Yes." "Rhetorical question querido. Have you ever said 'take your bitch' to him?" Another blush "Yes." "so it's the wife word" "I... I think so. I can't get over it." She smiled. "You know... I have an idea. I know you told me he's rigid, but.... let's see." She put her head next to greg's and she must have said something good, because he began to smile. "Marisol, I LOVE you. I'm going to try it. " When they got back to the office, he called Mac. "GREG! What a great surprise. Everything ok?" "Everything's great Big Mac. How about with you?" "Oh, I'm fine. Just getting a few more things done around the house before I get back to trading. What's up?" "Big Mac, can I take my DOM out to dinner tonight to have a good meal and to chat? " "AWWWW. You don't have to do that greg. " "I want to. I really do. And... Big Mac. Not too much to drink tonight, ok?" "Ha ha. Well, ok, but can I ask why?" greg was smiling when he said "you know, you carried me over the threshold at the country place, but it's not official until you carry me into the apartment, and I don't want you to drop me." There was silence on Mac's end. "Gaaa. uh, uh.... greg are you saying what I think you are?" "Let's have dinner Big Mac. We'll talk more. "OH WOW. YES SIR."


They went to the little Italian place they both liked. After greg had ordered champagne, and they had their first sip, he grabbed each of Mac's rough hands. "Big Mac... I have been thinking of this for a long, long time. Arguing with myself over it, fighting it, denying things to you." He breathed deeply. "Well, I'm not going to give you all the particulars of the dream I had last night, but I had one that sort of showed me the way. " "Yes Mac, I want to be your.... house husband. Not your wife. Don't EVER call me your wife, you'll lose me. There are certain things I'll want - they won't be much, but... I'm ready to surrender to you. Completely. " He laughed. "In a lot of ways, I feel like I already have, sexually. You can do whatever you want to me. And I hope you do much much more because... well DAMN IT TO HELL MAC YOU ARE AN AMAZING LOVER." Mac blushed. So did the tables sitting around them that heard it. greg dropped his voice. "The thought of not having you in me, every day, makes me feel like I'd be missing something. The thought of not being there to take care of my man..." He paused. "All day , when I thought about you doing the laundry, I kept on thinking "that's my job." "It's not greg. Laundry isn't for dignified people. It's for folks like me." greg looked at him. "Don't talk that way. That's one of the things I insist on. You keep on talking about how you're so lucky I chose you. Well, Mr. Mac... we chose each other. And I feel lucky. "

Mac was looking away. "LOOK IN MY EYES MAC. " It took him a bit, but he did. greg was smiling. I submit. Now take me home. Carry me over the threshold. Take me into the bedroom. And fuck me like I've never been fucked before. "

As they left the restaurant, a big grin on Mac's face, he put his hand on the back of greg's neck. "Where do your hands go when you walk with your DOM, boi?" Sorry, Sir. I forgot. " greg put them behind him. "Well you won't after tonight, that's for sure. " Then they got back to the apartment, before Mac pulled out the key, he smiled. "One minute. I wanna kiss my house husband the way he deserves to be kissed." He pressed lips to greg, and as his tongue snaked down, he slowly gathered greg in his arms. greg started laughing. "How are you gonna open the door, SIR?" "I had a suspicicion..." He pushed it open and then pushed it shut. He carried greg all the way back to the bedroom, lay him on the bed, and climbed on top. "This may be the happiest day of my life, sexy greg. My house husband for now, my legal husband later... He ran his scruff over greg's neck and greg swooned. "OH ... Yes sir. " He felt Mac's hands open his pants, and he barely felt his legs go in the air. He did feel the gentle, slow movement of Mac's thick cock, as it snaked into his ass, fucking him gently, but firmly. It was the type of control Mac exercised. And he loved it.


So what happened next? Well, first things first: they went back to greg's apartment and got all of his stuff. They spent a weekend day with greg trying on everything. If Mac gave a thumbs up, it stayed. If thumbs down, it went out. No questions asked. When Chase wasn't interested in the apartment, Mac called the broker, offered him 75% of the remaining four months up front, which was accepted, and that took care of that. greg was now ensconced in Mac's apartment. He loved this new life. Marisol was right. Mac wasn't looking for a dungeon slave: he just wanted the life he had seen his father have, and Mac gave that to him. Sometimes he'd let Mac pick his outfit for the day, and sometimes he'd surprise him. And every day, around 3, he'd go up to Mac and ask "What's my love want in his glass tonight?" He'd get the makings of their drinks. Sometimes, they'd go up on Mac's roof to drink them if the weather permitted it. greg took charge of the kitchen. Mac learned to love Iberian food, but greg also took classes and became quite the all around chef.

Mac's jealousy didn't automatically go away, and one day, when greg came back from class, talking about the hot guy who taught it, well.... that night was a scheduled shaving night, and while greg was tied up, Mac introduced him to chastity cages. greg protested, but Mac grabbed his balls. "Who surrendered greg? Was it me?" "No Sir." "I'll take it off when you're back home with me, but not when you're around other men." greg sighed, and said "Yes sir. " They visited the country house about once every two months. In the spring, greg got to see the Mac waterfall. "Hey, big Mac, how cold do you think the water is?" "Pretty cold handsome." "Think you could keep me warm under it?" Mac smiled and began to strip. They didn't make love, not UNDER the falls, but they kissed for a good thirty minutes before they went back home and had a wild afternoon of love making. No one remembered when, but Marisol came over to dinner shortly after they were together. Her words to greg the next day were "Hold onto him. Or I'll take him." greg kept that in mind. One day, he told Mac he wanted to go and take a trip to midtown "to do some shopping." That night, out of curiosity, after another delicious dinner, Mac asked greg what he had bought that day. "Oh, something small. Let me get it. " greg had put on one of the shirts Mac liked best: a white one, with a thin blue stripe, without a collar. He had on tight black jeans too. He came back, smiling, hands behind his back. He went up to Mac, and Mac sat confused as greg got down in front of him and pulled out the Tiffany box. "Marry me Big Mac. PLEASE. Make me even happier." Mac began to cry. You wanna marry ME? This old thing? " greg just smiled and didn't move. SOBBING, Mac held out his hand for the ring. Then greg sat on his lap and kissed him over and over again. He whispered. "Open your pants Sir. Fuck your fiance'" Marisol got certification as a minister and, with two witnesses, they made it official two months later.


And there we are, gentle readers. A LONG, but I hope enjoyable story, with a happy ending. I hope you enjoy my other stories, and the stories by others that you get FOR FREE here. Make a donation. Help out Nifty. Now take care. I hope you all find your bliss in 2021.

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