Gregors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 20, 2022


greg decided that he and Mac were dating after that last one: a couple. He quit working at the gentlemen's club, with a promise from the owner that he could come back whenever he wanted, for however long he wanted. It was nice to have the good term departure. Gregor had loved working there, but he realized, first of all, that when he was there during the week, he was really only "marking time" until Mac made his weekly or biweekly visit. Also, now that he was seeing Mac outside of the club, he could see Mac's jealous side coming out. If Gregor worked on, say, a Thursday, and went out with Mac on Friday, he usually needed an hour to convince Mac that he was NOT working at the club because Mac wasn't good enough, or Mac wasn't giving him enough. He saw Mac's jealous side when they were out, too: if someone smiled at Gregor, he would frequently have to calm down Mac "It meant nothing Mac. Maybe he just liked my shirt." "He should. It's a beautiful shirt. But he smiled at your face greg. I KNOW he did. And I could swear he turned around and smiled at your ass." Gregor would smile, squeeze Mac's arm, and say something like "Well, we both know that he's not getting that " Mack would smile, make a growling noise and respond "Damn straight he's not. That's mine. And now I'm getting hard thinking about it." "And I'm getting hard thinking about it too big Mac. I hope you're ready for me." Mac always was. He had modified his approach to love making too, for Gregor. Gregor liked the foreplay, the teasing, the reaching a climax before reaching the CLIMAX. He taught Mac more about kissing, about being gentle as well as rough when he played with Gregor's nipples, or ears, or any part of his body. He began letting Mac express some of his kinky side on him: Mac had fucked him while he was handcuffed to the bed (and Gregor had to agree, later, that that fuck was one of the hottest ones he had ever had). They had tried nipple clamps, and the thing that Gregor liked the best: spanking. One night, it just happened: Gregor had rolled over onto his belly to tease Mac, and make him roll him over. That's when he felt the first smack on his left butt cheek. And they kept on falling, more and more as he moaned. It felt GOOD. How had he missed this. "YES SIR. YES. TAKE ME. TAKE ME AND FUCK YOUR BOTTOM" he had yelled after about 25 of the smacks. When he rolled over, he saw the look in Mac's eye: the one he was used to. A combination of lust, and concern that he had hurt Gregor. "I want it big Mac. I want your cock. And I want spankings again.

More of them.. NOW JUST FUCK ME" and Mac did, sliding his thick cock into greg. Gregor's butt was already quite lubricated: the spanking had stimulated those glands, and Mac got all the way in, very easily. He had learned that Greg liked to be jerked while he was getting fucked, and because his hands were so rough, he wore gloves so he didn't hurt Gregor. At least he did until Gregor put an end to it. "Big Mac, your hands are part of the fun. I LOVE how they feel. " They'd fall asleep in Mac's bed and maybe have another go at it in the morning, if they woke up early enough. Mac was always an early riser, and he woke up horny, all the time. Gregor slept later, but he needed to get in his gym time, so he was up early too .

Gregor was also smitten with the way Mac treated him in public. If any man he had ever met could be called a gentleman, Mac was moreso. He always held open doors for Gregor, stood on the street side when they walked together so that any dirt would hit him, rather than Gregor, pulled out chairs at restaurants, etc.

"Doesn't that make you feel like he's treating you like his woman?" one of his friends had asked, concerned. "Hmmm. I guess it could look that way," Gregor had responded. "Maybe it is. He told me about his old fashioned beliefs, but... what can I say? I've never been treated like a king the way he does." "Or a queen darling. Be careful. Just be careful." They spoke almost daily . Mac was very nervous when he made the call that day. He was about to start implementing his plan of making Greg his man wife, and he was nervous. "Hey big Mac. Just made my day." "AWWWW greg. Don't say that. You've got such a great job. Is anyone treating you bad? Let me know." "No Mac. Nothing like that. So what's up?" "Well, a few things gorgeous. First, I wonder if you'd have dinner with me tonight? I'd like to ask you something I don't want to ask on the phone." "Hmmm. THAT sounds intriguing Big Mac." Greg wondered if he was going to propose. He hoped not. He wasn't ready for it. "I'd love to have dinner. You pick the place. 7? And back to your place after?" "OH, that sounds even better Greg. You sure you have time?" "I always have time for you big Mac." "DAMN you're making me shiver greg. So let me ask my second question before I forget. About three months ago, I rented a cabin in the country for the weekend. I did it thinking if I didn't have anyone to go with, I'd go by myself. But now....." his voice trailed off. "If you're inviting me to spend the weekend with you, Mac, I'd love to. Just let me know how cold it is, so I can pack right." "Oh, I'll keep you warm greg. You know that." Gregor smiled. He WAS sensitive to cold, but Mac was like a small generator when they slept. If he got cold, he just curled up closer to Mac and he was fine. "Ha ha. That is true. But I'm hoping we'll be out and around and it might not always be convenient. This is great though. The usual place for dinner?" "Yeah, I guess so. They must be getting sick of my face - they couldn't get sick of YOURS, handsome, but until I find someplace else, yeah." "Ok, big Mac. I'll see you later. Bye sweetheart." He tossed Mac a kiss before he got off the phone. After the call, Mac was rigidly hard. His plan was to ask greg to move in with him and, if he said no, as he thought he would, he had a plan for getting him back home after the weekend, and securing him in his apartment, until greg agreed to being his live in "man-wife" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

Mac was at their usual table when gregor walked in. He had a big smile on his face. "Hello my sweet big Mac," he planted a kiss on his cheek and as he took off his jacket, he handed Mac a bouquet of lillies - he knew that the pink ones were Mac's favorite flower. Mac looked like he was about to cry. "AWWW greg. You shouldn't do things like that." He put his bulbous nose into the flowers and smelled. "I must look like Ferdinand the Bull - you remember that story - the big bull who loved flowers. greg smiled as he took Mac's hands. "I sure do. He preferred flowers to bullfights. Just like my big Mac." Mac smiled and blushed. "I really like that shirt you're wearing greg. You have a way of pulling off colors that are just askew of center." Mac's shirt was a sort of pale, burnt orange. He smiled. "You think so? I'm flattered." "No, I mean it. I think of your colors as Spring or Fall - sort of not quite where they will be eventually - and they look good on you because... hell greg, I'm biased. They look good on you because YOU look so good." Gregor sat there thinking "WHERE HAS HE BEEN ALL MY LIFE AND WHY AREN'T THERE MORE OF THEM?" He wasn't getting "hard" exactly, but he wanted to be in Mac's bed, with Mac, right now. He looked at Mac. "So, you said you had an important question to ask me, big Mac. " He joked. "I don't see a blue box on the table so I guess the marriage proposal isn't coming," he laughed when he saw Mac's face . "I'm just kidding. Seriously , stud, just kidding. We haven't known each other long enough for that. You said the question was serious, so I wanted to make it lighter." Mac smiled. "Well, I guess it's sort of a question on the way to that one: you know, we spend so much time together, greg, and I love it when you stay over, so.... I was wondering if you'd be interested in moving in with me." Mac's eyes looked very serious, and terrified. Gregor thought he looked scared, for the first time since he had known him. Gregor was caught off guard too: this was not a question he expected. WOW. He squeezed Mac's hand. "Mac, I think that may be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I'm so flattered and, honestly, overwhelmed. In fact, I've been overwhelmed since we started dating. No one has ever treated me as well as you do, or been such a ... damn sweetheart, withou being a sugar daddy. " He paused. "But Mac, I'm not ready for that. Not yet. Maybe soon. Maybe you could ask me after we spend the weekend together. A night together is swell, but living together? Differerent." Mac looked down. Gregor was afraid he had hurt him with his answer. Mac looked up and smiled. "Nah, I'm not hurt. That answer is not what I HOPED it would be, but it's what I EXPECTED if that makes sense." "It does big Mac. You know, you think you're not smart and you don't express yourself. I get it. I get you. " He dropped his voice. "And I want you. I have a surprise for you tonight that's gonna have to wait until after dinner. " He was smiling brightly. "I bet it's something you never had. " "OH greg! Now I'm intrigued. Gimme a hint" "Nope. Let's eat and then you'll find out. And you better eat, big Mac, cause you're gonna need your stamina! Well, now Mac was intrigued. HE was usually the one who wore guys out. What did greg have in mind? He found out when they got to his place. First, greg dropped his coat and, before Mac could get out of his, he pushed him against the wall, and pushed HIS tongue into Mac's mouth. Mac was caught by surprise, and enjoyed the game. He spun greg around so HE was on the wall, and took control of greg's mouth. Then, as he pulled off his coat greg, almost breathless, gasped out "GET UNDRESSED. ALL THE WAY. THEN GET ON THE BED THE WAY YOU PUT ME ON THE BED." Mac smiled. "Hey, are you planning to..." 'JUST DO IT FOR ONCE BIG MAC. I PROMISE YOU WON'T LOSE CONTROL" Mac shrugged his shoulders "Ok, greg. I trust you. " He dropped every bit of clothing and lay down on the bed, in a position unfamiliar to him. Then greg came in, also naked. "Another one of the escorts taught me about this, big Mac. Tonight, I'm gonna RIDE THE BULL" He climbed on top of Mac, and lowered himself on Mac's swollen, hard, cock. "OH FUCK I NEVER DID THIS GREG." ' "Greg smiled. "Me either Topman. So I guess we're virgins again. " "Ha ha ha ha ha. I never thought I'd be called a virgin... OH SHIT. WHAT DID YOU JUST DO YOU SEXY BASTARD?" "Now it's my turn to laugh, Sir. It's called Jack and the Beanstalk." "FUCK. More like Jack and the Beer can." "NAH. I can handle my Mac truck.." Then greg closed his eyes and started pumping, faster and faster. Mac tried to push his hips up, but he didn't have great flexibility, and greg was just big enough to be able to hold him down if he didn't struggle - and he wasn't struggling. greg moved his hand to his cock and Mac pushed it away. "Let me do that. Let me do something." "Tonight, it's all about you, lover. .. Put your hand down." Mac wasn't used to being "handled" in bed, but greg seemed real secure about what he was doing, and real confident he was making Mac happy. He was right about that. He saw Mac smile, and felt more secure. He was pleasing his man. He DESPERATELY wanted to please this man. Why , then, didn't he want to move in? He remembered. He remembered their talk about what Mac wanted in a relationship ultimately. Then it slipped out of his head, as he heard Mac almost neigh, and start shooting into greg's ass. "I'm aiming for that beautiful mug of yours, big Mac. Right at those... LIPS!!!!!" greg shot, and Mac got the first facial he had gotten in a long time. "DAMN GREG. I gotta send a thank you note to the guy who taught you that. That was better than ANYTHING I coulda come up with." greg "dismounted" and curled up next to Mac on the bed. Mack put his arm around him. "I wanted to do something special for you stud. I didn't think it would happen, but I'm fucking falling in love with you big Mac. " Mac pulled him closer. "Well, then we'll be on the same page, cause I've been in love with you for a long time, you handsome devil." Greg put his hand on Mac's heart. "This is SO big. I'm not sure anyone can handle it. But I'm gonna give it a try this weekend. Then I'm gonna think about it. Gimme a week, stud, ok? Then we'll revisit my moving in. Is that ok with you?" Mac smiled. He had his own ideas. "I couldn't ask for anything more than that, greg. Ready to sleep?" "Yes sir."

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They agreed that Mac would pick up greg at greg's office on Friday afternoon. They'd head off to the cabin, maybe stop to get a quick bite to eat on the way, and then drive until they got there. It was going to be about a four hour drive. greg left his office with his bag- he packed as little as he could, but he really wanted to please Mac, so there was undoubtedly more than he needed. He looked around for the van, and didn't see it. "Odd," he thought "Mac is never late." Then he heard a honk of a car, and Mac's voice. "HEY HANDSOME. YOUR CHARIOT AWAITS." Mac was calling to him out of the window of a black BMW. Greg smiled. "Big Mac! Yours?" "Ha ha. Just for the week. The van needed repairs, so I left it in the shop. I didn't wanna cancel this trip, so I rented this girl. Let's call her, I don't know, Betty? " Greg smiled. "Did you rent a BMW because of ME?" Mac blushed. "greg, you look so good, I want you to be surrounded by what looks good." He smiled. "That's why... today I joined a gym." "MAC! You did that for me too? You HATE the gym." "Well, I plan to go when their traffic is low and I have someone to work out with me: a trainer: Sheela, and we'll start after you and I get back." greg had changed before he got down to the car. He was wearing a nicely fitting pair of jeans, a dark blue corduroy shirt over a simple grey t shirt, and a silver bomber jacket. "I won't embarrass you here, sweetheart, but I just wanna toss you on the hood of Betty and screw the shit out of this handsome man I'm spending the weekend with." "Ha ha. Maybe not the car, but plenty of time, big Mac, plenty of time." They took off. "You warm enough, greg?" "I'm just fine. If I get cold, can I cuddle up to you?" "You CAN, but then I may have trouble driving since I'll be thinking about what to do with you." greg put his hand on Mac's thigh. "Tell you what big man? Let's set a timer. When we're two hours out, pull over to the side, and I will give you a blow job better than one I ever gave you at the club." "Now THAT's gonna be a tall order, greg. If it isn't... can I exact a penalty?" "Why don't you exact it now, stud?" "Oh, do NOT tempt me greg. DO NOT tempt me." "I'm tempting you. I know you probably brought handcuffs." "Heh heh. You know me too well. Glove compartment. Put em on if you want." Greg did, and all of a sudden, HE was hard. The time went off. "Pull over stud? I can do this in these" "You sure?" "I've done it before. Long story." "Not for me though" "No, not for you." "Only for me from now on, ok?" "Yes sir. There's a spot up ahead. " Mac piloted the car into a small opening in the woods. He got out and ran to greg's door. He took both of his hands, and smiled. "greg you REALLY don't need to do this." "Stand back so I can kneel big Mac. You'll have to get your zipper down yourself though. I might have problems in these." After the zipper went down, and he took Mac's cock in his mouth, greg began to think of Mac's comment: 'only for me from now on'. It reminded him of... something. WHY COULDN'T HE REMEMBER? Something about Mac and relationships. For now, though, he forgot all of that as he moved his tongue up and down on Mac's cock, the way Mac liked it. "OH SHIT THIS IS GOOD GREG. Nature, fresh air. A handsome man doing me. FUCK. What could be better." He grabbed the back of greg's head and pushed down. "THAT. Making you deep throat. " Greg expected it, and just tickled Mac's cockhead with his tongue. That brought Mac off and here, in the woods, with no one else around, Mac's scream of delight, would have scared any wildlife around. "Feeling peckish, stud?" Mac patted greg on the knee. "Peckish? That's a word I don't know." "Oh, it just means 'you wanna peck at some food? A snack or something?" "After my smoothie? " He laughed. "Yeah, I could use something solid, maybe a soda too." They saw a place up ahead, and Mac pulled in. "WAIT. I better get those cuffs off you before they think I'm a cop and you're my prisoner." "Hmmm. I could get into that big Mac." "FUCK. Put it on the agenda. My kinky lover greg." They stopped, got some quick food, and headed back out.

Well, here it is, greg. Paradise for the weekend." Mac parked the BMW about 30 feet in front of what was a medium sized timber framed house. "It belonged to some farmers who lived here, years ago. Rumor was they were a couple, but they kept to themselves. Built the place, moved in, hunted, the whole nine yards. Since then, it's kinda been passed down in the blue collar/hands dirty crowd of which I am proud to be a part of." He squeezed greg's hand. "Especially since I'm moving on up with my sexy European lover who's the smartest, handsomest guy in the world." "MAC, why do you put yourself down all the time? You're not moving up. You're getting what you deserve. A man who loves you. Who loves you so much it hurts sometimes." "Aww, greg, I always wonder why you hang around. You could do so much better." Now, greg cuddled in. "They don't come better than you Mac. Don't let anyone convince you to the contrary. " He kissed Mac, and in the middle of the kiss, opened his mouth, and "mmmm'ed " as Mac's tongue went in. "Wow. If the rest of the weekend is half as good..." Mac smiled. "Ok, so why don't you wait while I get the luggage and start a fire? The car is warm." "There's a fireplace?" Mac smiled. "SURPRISE. You can get naked and not freeze your tail blue." "Hmmm. I have an idea, big Mac. You say you're a strong man?" "Pretty strong I'd say." "Think you could carry me over the threshold?" Mac gulped. He turned white. "HUH? " "Yeah. Carry me over the threshold. I think I made my decision on the way up." "You mean? You mean? "' "Big Mac, I mean I'm moving in with you. As soon as we get back. " "Oh. Oh shit. OH GOD. You said yes. You said yes... Oh greg... You know how happy you just made me?" "Prove it. Carry me over that threshold you brute. Make it clear: you're my man." Mac was doing the happy dance in his head. This was gonna be SO easy.

He let greg out of the car, and hugged him for a long time, before he smiled. "Ok, handsome. Now let's get you up and off the ground. I'll come back for the luggage." Greg felt himself in Mac's strong arms, wondering what he had done? SOMETHING was nagging at the back of his head, but Mac's strong hands were so comforting. His scent , his strength. His kindness. "HERE WE GO." Mac pushed open the door after he found the key, and then closed it behind them. He got the luggage the next morning.

Next: Chapter 6

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