Gregors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 2, 2023


Greg, or Gregor, began to develop a routine. He settled into his regular radio programming job, which he loved . Then, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, he would either leave work or home, and settle in at the club. Tuesday and Thursday were shorter days, actually evenings. He'd get to Roger's club (named, appropriately "Ramjet's") by 6, and work for 4-5 hours. On Sundays, he'd kiss Chase goodbye at about 2, and then work nearly a full hour day - he'd leave at 10 unless he was with a client. The schedule worked well for both Roger and for Gregor: Tuesdays and Sundays were notoriously slow days at the club. The more seasoned escorts didn't want them, because the clientele was so sparse. Thursdays were busy, but Gregor had a "look" that made him attractive to guys who were looking for a session with an "executive" type. Gregor didn't have the "daddy" look about him, but he looked like a "boss." He even started keeping items like a necktie, and a white shirt, at the club, in case he had specific requests. There were other escorts who had earned nicknames, like "Sean the Twink" or "Rock the Jock," etc. "Boss Gregor" became his nickname. Gregor would laugh about it. If they only knew about his homelife! Chase was the boss there.

Whatever else the week would bring, Gregor could count on a pounding from Chase twice a week. It was only twice because his schedule at the club left Gregor uninterested in anything but cuddling when he came home. That DID have an impact on their relationship: Chase loved him, but with a cock his size , he needed more sex than he could get from Gregor. they discussed it, and Chase would play on the side on the days when Gregor was working. Sometimes, if things worked out, Chase would stop by on Sundays, pick up Gregor and they'd go home together. They'd stop for a drink, or the occasional ice cream cone, whatever. They had come to peace on the topic of sex, and had separated it from love. Anyone who saw the two of them holding hands, laughing, kissing, on the street, would not have any idea about the sexual dynamics of their relationship.

Gregor had also developed a group of regular clients. Kevin, his very first client, was a regular visitor on Tuesdays, usually for a blow job, sometimes for having Gregor edge him. Simon liked kissing, and friction rubbing to bring himself off. And then the guys who were looking to fuck a boss, or to work over a boss, sexually. And then of course, there was Mac.

No one at the club had any idea what Mac did for a living, but he seemed to be well off enough to come in two Sundays a month, for a session fucking Gregor. "I think he's a day trader. I may have heard him say that once," Sean said when the place was slow and they were chatting. "He must be very intense about it," Gregor said. "If I were at home all day, I'd be wonking off. He's always so full, I think he doesn't at home." In fact, Mac didn't. At least not that often. Now that he had met Gregor, he saved his jizz for a week before visiting him. His "deposits" were always big ones. There were rumors of another escort in his life, at another club, but no one had ever met him .

He continued to be flush with his money for Mac. It had become a game: he'd hide it in the bathroom at a different place every Sunday, and let Gregor find it. He always did: the hiding places weren't all that involved, but it gave Gregor a laugh, after the biweekly reaming he got.

Mac was usually very aggressive, and got right down to business when he met with Gregor. One Sunday, he wasn't. He seemed pensive, as he sat on the end of the bed, as Gregor began undressing. "Hey, Gregor, don't strip yet, ok? How about just sitting down next to me?" "I could do that Big Mac," Mac smiled. The nickname was common, but hearing it with Gregor's thicker European accent always made him shiver a little. Gregor put his arm around Mac's shoulder. "What's on your mind today, stud?" "Well, I've been thinking , Gregor. I wonder... would you mind if, well, we had a little romance before we had sex?" Gregor smiled. "Mac, it's your time. We can do whatever you want. " "How about kissing me Gregor? As if we were, I don't know, serious boyfriends." Gregor got close to Mac. "I know what you mean, you big stud, but.... why don't you take control?" Gregor opened his mouth for Mac's tongue, and Mac was glad to oblige. "MMMMMMM." Gregor teased Mac by pulling away. "That's nice, but I don't think you mean it?" "OH NO? GRRRRRRRRRR" Mac grabbed Gregor and tossed him down on the bed, landing on top of him. "NOW kiss me studbottom. KISS ME." The lip lock was hot. Gregor didn't usually feel himself getting hard after all this work with clients. This time, he did. Mac was surprisingly agile, and he kept an arch over Gregor, gently letting himself down. He moved his mouth to Gregor's ear. "Whoever marries you Gregor, is gonna get one helluva man." "Thank you Mac. Same is true for you, only they're gonna get a nice, big thick cock too. " Mack stopped nibbling on Gregor's ear to say "Just like you are." Gregor knew how to bring this to conclusion. He giggled. "Don't make promises you can't keep, handsome." Mac smiled. "You think I can't keep it Gregor? HMMMM? Get those pants off and I'll prove it." "Why don't you come and get what you want?" Mac was like a gentle, but enraged bull, as he got Gregor out of his pants, and then got his legs in the air. He fucked Gregor that night, probably harder than he had fucked him since he knew him. Gregor felt it for at least two days. Mac kissed him at the end of the session "I love our meetings Gregor. I always feel good about myself afterwards." He kissed him again. "I do too, Mac. You're a good man." Then the ritual. "Can I just clean up before I leave?" The running of the water and then, after another kiss, Gregor would head into the bathroom. He limped just a bit tonight: he was that sore. He found 5 one hundred dollar bills instead of the usual 3. And they weren't hidden. Chase wasn't coming for him that night, and as usual, Mac was his last client of the night. Roger was working as Gregor began to close out his account. "Hey, Gregor, I need to discuss something with you." "Sure. Is something wrong?" "No, it's just, well... we get these requests occasionally, and we tell the client it's between the escort and the client, but in this case... " "What's up, Roger?" "Well, on his way out, Mac asked if you were available for a date. A REAL date. He wants to pick you up here, take you out, maybe to a show, maybe to dinner, bring you back here, have his usual session. A whole day affair really." Gregor laughed. "Really? I think I should be flattered. What do you think Roger?" "I think you need to be careful with this one. He's a little strange." Gregor smiled. "Yeah , he is, but he has a good heart. I'll check with Chase, to see if its ok with him. What would we charge?" Roger winced. "That's the thing. I'm not sure, because of what he does and who he is... you think we could charge 2500.? " "Let's ask. You know, Mac gave me his phone number a while ago, 'just in case'. I'll call him. I'll report back to you. "

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Chase hadn't gotten home yet when Gregor did, so he decided he'd call Mac. "Hey Mac. It's Gregor." "HEY SEXY! Thanks for calling. Is everything ok? Did I do something wrong today?" "Aw, now Mac, how could you do something wrong? No, of course not."

Gregor was smiling. This brute was as sweet as could be. "I'm just so surprised my Gregor is calling me. " "Ha ha. Well, I'm calling you because... Mac, you DID do something wrong." "I did? What did I do?" "Well, you wanted to ask me out on a date, but you went to the front desk and spoke to Roger." "Was that wrong? I didn't want to cheat on your time." "No no. I'm teasing you Mac. You could have asked me directly. Of course I'll go on a date with you. Just tell me what Sunday, and I'll block out my schedule for that day." "YOU WILL? REALLY?" "Well, yes. You WILL have to check with the front desk about their fee though, because I work for Ramjets on Sunday. If the number is ok with you, then SURE." "OH GEEZ. Gregor you just made my week. Hey, can you tell me what you think they're gonna charge?" Gregor smiled. He knew it was going to be 2500, but he said "I think Roger said 3000.00" "For a day with you? Oh, I woulda paid a lot more. I'll arrange it with him. THANKS GREGOR. I'm so excited now." "I hope not THAT excited Gregor, because if you are, I'm not doing my job ." "No, no.. Not that way. Other ways. What do you want to go? Theater? Opera? " "Well, to be honest Gregor, if I'm gonna have a date with you, I wanna spend it with YOU, not 3000 people, so.... how about something like central park, or the zoo, or something like that, and then maybe dinner, and then... if you want, we can go back to Ramjets and... finish our evening." "OH SHIT. OOOPS. Pardon my language Gregor but.... You like the zoo? " "I love the zoo . Bet you can't tell my favorite animal?" "Hmmm. Giraffes?" "Ha ha. Nope. I like bears. Especially grizzly bears. I think they're cute." "HEY. Did you know I have a t shirt that says "All American grizzly"

(Of course Gregor did). "I don't think I saw it. Can you wear it on our date?" "OH HELL YEAH. Hey, can I ask you to wear something?" "You can ask. If I have it, I will" "Oh you have it. I've seen them. Your white pants. " "For you Mac, of course. You want me to wear a specific shirt?" "Nah. You pick that. " "Ok. You call Ramjets and set it up, handsome, and I'll meet you there on Sunday... when? 12?" "OH WOW. I'm gonna have you with me all that time? " "If you can stand me." "How about next week." "I think that'll work. It's too early for people to book appointments, so... I'll see you next Sunday." Mac sounded almost tearful. "Hey thanks Gregor. Guys like me don't get to be seen with classy guys like you." "Well, that's just another thing wrong with this world, Mac. They'll see us together next week. Now Mac..." "Yup." "But your cheek next to the phone. I'm gonna give you a kiss." Mac nearly fainted as he put down the phone. Gregor took a deep breath and called Roger. "Hey, Roj... I just spoke with Mac." "Can't talk to you bud. Mac is on the phone. Tell me Tuesday, ok? I'll block the day for you." "Sounds good." As they talked , Mac was smiling. He figured that he'd make the grab on the second date. He couldn't wait. He wanted a man slave , and Gregor would be perfect. It would just take a little bit of time...

Next: Chapter 3

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