Gregors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 27, 2023


At work, they called him Greg. At his "other" job, they called him Gregor, or sometimes, Grigor. According to the club manager, the name made him sound more "exotic," something that the clients were looking for. Greg had come to the United States ten years before. Half Spanish, half Italian, his two languages did not help him find a job in his field in the US , which was radio engineering. Greg was the guy who put together the play lists that you hear on popular radio. He had a successful career in Madrid, which he gave up after he had taken a vacation to the United States. He had fallen in love with cities like San Francisco, Austin, and Boston, but his favorite was New York. He moved there, thinking that he would have no trouble finding a job. He was wrong.

While his citizenship papers were pending, he looked, and looked, and looked. The problem was that his knowledge of American radio was almost non-existent, and while his native Spanish would have served him well on a Spanish language radio station, the music Latin Americans knew, was not the music they knew in Europe. While he was looking for a job, he did what everyone does: he waited tables. A continental bistro, where he could charm the customers with his Italian, and talk to the kitchen help with his Spanish. His dark, handsome looks, including an incredibly sexy short beard, his dark eyes, and his winning smile, made him popular. Very popular. One regular client, a man who signed all his charge slips with the name "Roger Burke," spoke to him one day.

"Greg, have you ever considered, well, how should I put this, escorting?" Greg didn't understand what Roger was talking about, so he asked one of the busboys to come over. It was a strange, awkward conversation, as Roger would speak in English, Greg would translate for the busboy, and then the busboy would translate back into colloquial Spanish. When he finally understood what Roger was talking about, Greg laughed. "Oh, no senor, that is not for me. I don't think I could do that." "Well, Greg, if you ever reconsider, give me a call." He handed Greg a business card. It read "Roger Burke, West Side Gentlemen's Club" It had an email address, and a phone number. That night, Greg looked up the web site. As he read it, he realized he was somewhat mistaken: he thought Greg was talking about becoming an escort, or even prostitution. Apparently, what Roger's establishment did, apart from other things, was provide "an evening's entertainment for the discerning gentleman" as the site said. There was also information for "models" to apply. Greg looked at the information about compensation. It was certainly more, per hour, than he was making waiting tables - MUCH more. It would also give him a chance to , bluntly, get his rocks off. Between looking for a job, and waiting tables, Greg was usually tired, or busy, or both. Instead of going to clubs, bringing guys home, or going home with guys on the weekends, like in Madrid, Greg either worked extra shifts, or just recovered from difficult weeks. There was laundry to do, grocery shopping, all the trappings of being a single man in a big city. He was horny, a lot.

If Greg were to describe his tastes, he would have called himself versatile, but leaning toward the more "adventurous" types of sex. He had a solid body - so far the years he had spent going to the gym in Spain were helping to hold him up, because he had no time for the gym, and he had a certain stylish flair: he knew what looked good on him, and his clothing reflected it. He would smile if he got a look on the way to his shift at the restaurant, or if a receptionist gave him an extra big smile at a job interview, but it never came to more than that.

He didn't need to call Roger: he came into the restaurant about a week later. He wasn't sitting in Roger's section, but Greg was pretty good friends with the other waiter working the lunch shift, and he traded two of his tables for Roger. "Excuse me, Mr. Burke?" "Roger please." "Ok. Roger. I wonder if I could come to talk to you about maybe working for your club." Roger smiled. "Terrific Greg. Do you want to come after your shift, or would another time be better?" "You could see me that quickly, Sir?" "Greg, I've been wanting you to come and work for us for weeks. I'll make the time. "

Four hours later, Greg was sitting opposite Roger in Roger's office. "Greg, this is how it works. For our full time staff, we expect you to work 4, maybe 5 hours a day. I will be honest: things get busier later in the afternoon, as our , ahem 'straight' clients stop on their way home, and in the evening, when it gets much busier. Our free lancers? If we have a client who wants a particular type, we call to see if they're interested. Now, there's a list of what our models are supposed to charge for different acts. I'll provide it to you. You can decline to do certain things, but to be honest, it will make you less desirable, and it WILL impact tips from customers. " He paused. "Do you have any questions?" "Yes, Sir." Greg asked. "What type of things do your clients want?" Roger sat back, rolled his eyes and laughed. "I wish I could give you a definitive answer. Some want our models to strip for them while they masturbate, and others want to worship muscles. Others want a spanking. Others want the model to blow them, others want to fuck the model, or vice versa. We try to match the model with what the client wants. " "So if I didn't want to top someone, you'd try to make sure I didn't get guys who wanted dick?" "That's right Greg. Although, I will be honest: we don't get a LOT of clients who want to get fucked. Normally, THEY want to do the topping." "It's done safely?" "ALWAYS. If we find out a client refuses to use protection , or does something he shouldn't, he's gone. Period. " "Roger, you've been honest to me, so I'll be honest with you. I'm looking for a job other than being a waiter. If I get that job, I won't be able to work for you." Roger smiled. "I'm hoping that when that happens Greg, you'll consider free lancing for us. " "Can I think about this, Roger?" "You can, but Greg, if someone else comes looking for a job, and he's your type, I may not be able to hire you." Greg thought about it for a few minutes. "Ok Sir. Yes, what can it hurt? When can I start?" "You could start tonight if you want to, but I'd suggest tomorrow. Take the day off from the restaurant, rest up, and come by here about 4. That's when things get started. For now, though, let's fill out the paperwork. In order to keep everything on the up and up, your job title is 'host'." That's how Roger learned that "Greg" was really "Gregor." "Oh, we must call you that. It's your real name, and that touch of the foreign - it'll interest more clients than you might think." So, Greg became Gregor , he shook Roger's hands, and went home. The next day was his day off from the restaurant, so he didn't have to worry about that. As he slept, he wondered if he were doing the right thing. He reported to the club the next day. Roger was there, with his assistant, Chase. Chase was a young, pimply red head, with a nervous air about him . "Nice to meet you Gregor." He looked him over. "Nice. You know how to dress. That will help. Now, let me show you where you'll take clients, and then, we'll get you started. As Chase took Gregor to the room where he'd be working, he began speaking in Spanish. Gregor smiled. "You are Latino?" "Oh no, I'm not that lucky. I studied Spanish in high school, majored in it in college and spent a year in Barcelona. " He laughed. "Which explains why I'm working at a gentleman's club." "Do you not like it?" "Oh, it's ok, it's fine. It's just that... you know, I'm sort of the administrator. I don't see any of the action, or not a lot of it anyway. Very few guys are interested in a geeky red head, even if he has a big cock." "Do you?" Gregor was smiling. This man intrigued him. Chase blushed. "I can show you after the night is over, but not now. It's gonna get busy very soon. Now, it's Thursday, so we won't be extremely busy, so you'll be working with 5 other guys. You hang out in the lounge, and if Roger or I asks for you, it means a client has asked for you. We'll explain what he wants, and then, if it sounds good, off you go. Don't spend more than an hour with any single client. " "It's like therapy" Gregor smiled. "Yes, and no. We give a full hour. None of this 45 minute stuff. " He paused. "Ok. One last thing. Sometimes, a client wants to do something that involves equipment. That always involves a surcharge, and it needs our approval. If that happens, there's a buzzer. Use it. And they are NOT allowed to bring in equipment. They have to use ours. "Sounds good. Let's start." Chase brought Gregor to the lounge, thinking "I wonder if he could take ten inches? He's HOT." He introduced him to the other escorts/models/hosts, and the evening began.

Chase was right. The first two hours were quiet: VERY quiet. Gregor kept busy by pouring drinks for the clients, and making small talk. Most of them were regulars, and they recognized that Gregor was new. In many ways, so far, the job was no different from his waiting tables job, except he was dressed better.

At 6:30, that changed. Chase came over to him. "Gregor, Roger would like you to meet someone." Chase took Gregor to a private room, where Roger was talking to an older , balding man with a bit of a belly. The man looked up when Gregor came in and smiled. "Yes, he's the one," he said to Roger. Roger turned to Gregor: "Gregor, this is Kevin. Could you spend a little time relaxing Kevin tonight?" Gregor turned his killer smile on Kevin. "What might I do to help you relax tonight, Sir?" "Well, some oral sex would be nice. That always relaxes me." "Very well Sir. Do you think my beard might tickle your privates too much for you to enjoy it?" He saw Roger smile and give him the thumbs up. "Oh, No. I think.. I think that would make it more fun." "Very well. Do you prefer Sir or Kevin?" "Oh, Kevin's fine." "Then, Kevin, please follow me." As they walked off, Roger turned to Chase. "I think he's a natural. 'Do you prefer Sir or Kevin? Who taught him that?" "I don't know, but it turned ME on." Chase laughed.

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"Why don't you let me do that Kevin? You need some relaxation" Kevin had begun to open his pants, and Gregor moved his hand to his crotch, but didn't do anything more than that. "Oh, I can do it myself, but.... " then Gregor DID start opening his zipper. "Oh MY. Oh..." "You'll be more relaxed if you sit Kevin. Standing is fine, but not for a man like you who worked hard all day." "I think you're right Gregor. I think you're... right... " He stopped talking as Gregor gave him the first blow job he had given a man in close to a year. Kevin certainly seemed to be enjoying it. Gregor realized that they hadn't told him if he was supposed to swallow or not. As Kevin came to climax, he didn't have to make that decision. Kevin pulled out and shot all over the floor. He caught his breath. "Gregor, welcome to the club! You did me GOOD!" Gregor stood, with his hands behind his back. "I am glad I could help you ease into the evening Kevin. Is there anything else I can do for you? " "One peck, handsome. One little kiss to your cheek." "I believe I can do that." Then Kevin finished dressing, and left. Gregor waited until Kevin would have some time to leave, and then he went to Roger's office. He was with a client, so Chase went to another room with him. "How did it go? " "Oh, it was very easy. I do have questions though." "Please. Feel free. " "I should have asked about swallowing when I give a blow job." Chuck looked at him. "Kevin didn't make you swallow did he?" "Oh, NO. I was going to, but he pulled out and shot on the floor." Chase looked relieved. "Good. Kevin is one of our best clients. He knows the rules. I should have told you. No swallowing. If a client insists: BITE. " Gregor laughed. "I'd wanted to do that so often in Spain it isn't funny. " "Well, hopefully you won't have to do it here, but that's the rule." "Should I go back and clean up?" "Yes, just a quick wipe or something like that, so no one knows someone's been in there already. You'll probably have more clients tonight. OH, Gregor?" "Yes?" "Kevin doesn't normally do this, but he wanted to wish you well on your start, and left you a tip." He handed Gregor a 50 dollar bill. "Sometimes they leave them with Roger or myself, and sometimes in the room. You'll get used to knowing where they leave them when they're trying to be clever. Most times, though, they'll just hand you the money."

That happened two more times that night. Gregor didn't have to do anything too difficult. He gave two more blowjobs, and a handjob to a third guy. He had one customer who wanted to jerk HIM off, which Roger had negotiated to edging. "In my experience, when the models ejaculate, they lose interest in their work. If it's your last client of the night, fine. Otherwise, no." The evening ended at midnight. As the models suited up, one introduced himself to Gregor. "Hi. I'm Keith. Welcome to the family." "Nice to meet you. " "How was your first night?" "Oh, pretty uneventful." "It usually is on Thursday. Rest up. Things get busy on the weekend." Gregor was putting on his leather jacket when Chase called him "Hey, Gregor, don't leave without your money. We pay at the end of the night. Makes it easier. For the night, Gregor had given three blow jobs, jerked off one guy, and let another guy edge him. The agreed payment was 1/3 of what he brought in, plus tips. He left that night, with 600.00 in his pocket. "I know, I know, Gregor, it was a slow night. It'll get better when you work weekends." 600.00 for an 8 hour shift, was more money than Gregor had ever been paid. He quit the waiter job the next day .

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In the days that followed, Gregor learned that, as the "newbie," he wasn't going to get the most lucrative shifts. Roger had more than 30 men who worked for him on different schedules. For now, he had Gregor working on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays. For the first week, Gregor made 1500.00. All in cash. Chase explained to him that they would "report" a payment to him for the three days, of 600.00. "That's the number we found keeps the IRS happy. " It was in his second week, that Gregor met Mac. When Mac came in, Chase took Gregor aside. "Listen, you're his type, so he's probably going to ask for you. You have to know, his nickname around here is "coke can." He likes to fuck, and he's not hugely long, but he IS very thick. And he's rough. So, if you take him, you're probably done for the night. He'll exhaust you. He doesn't come in often, but that's the story with him. Always. We charge him 1200 because, well, our staff can't do anything when he's done with them. And he always pays. It's up to you.

"If he wants me, let's do it." Mac DID want him. He smiled when they met in Roger's office and Roger used more "circumspect " language. "About time you got a MAN around here, not a boy. Nice to meet ya Greg" Mac was not sophisticated, but he was generous. That night, after Gregor had gotten the "Coke can " treatment, he knew what they meant. Mac did NOT really seem to care about Gregor's well being, or anything other than getting his rocks off. Gregor understood that, as he put his legs on Mac's shoulders, and braced himself. Afterward, Mac talked about how Gregor's moans had really enhanced the experience. "They were real" he told Roger and Chase. "I was hurting." That was the night he learned about how some clients liked to "hide" their tips." After Mack had left, and Gregor was disposing of the extra large condom, and cleaning the lube off his bottom, he found three one hundred dollar bills under a bottle of hand creme. Gregor became Mac's preferred escort. He didn't come in often, but when he did, he always wanted Gregor.

About 3 months into working for Roger, Gregor got a real job at a radio network. He didn't want to give up the income, so he went to a free lance system with Roger. What that meant was that his photos went into Roger's book of "available escorts," which people could peruse on line. Clients who had come to know him , including Mac, could and did ask for him.

It was about the time that Gregor got the radio job, that Chase gave his notice: he was going to get a regular, 9-5 job. "They come and they go," Roger shrugged his shoulders. "Chase was one of the best, but that's life." He hired a new assistant manager: a short blond guy named Adam. A week later, Chase called Gregor. He was very nervous, but he asked if he could take Gregor out for a drink "or something." "SURE." was Gregor's reply. He had developed a real fondness for Chase over those months. "Remember. You promised to show me something and, well, you haven't." He showed it to Gregor that night. Right before he put it in his mouth. And then Gregor learned that he COULD take 10 inches up his ass.

He and Chase became boyfriends shortly after that. Roger knew. The other escorts knew. Mac didn't.

Next: Chapter 2

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