Greg the Counselor

By Scott U

Published on Mar 8, 2003


Ok, bowing to a number of readers who have asked for the "other" story, I will try to tell the story of Kelly and me.

It seemed like other boys were more interested in sex then I was when I was a kid. They would make some comments or jokes about stuff that I had no idea what they were talking about. I would laugh if the others were, but that was about all I would contribute. Possible my biggest concern related to that was trying to keep from getting racked, or getting hit in the balls. Yeah, it was fun playing like you just got hit in the gonads but most of the time the hit would not do all that much damage. It was those times during a bike crash or slipping while walking across the pipes across the arroyo, that balls could get crushed a little and make you turn a shade somewhere between blue and green.

It was a sport that was enjoyed most of the boys in my class, racking I mean. You could be standing there, minding your own business and then all of a sudden get hit in the nuts. All the other thought it was hilarious. The target of the racking was obligated to perform, writhing and squatting, holding onto you balls, and pretending to be in real pain, while vowing to get even with the racker. There were even times when arguments arose about whether contact was made. The boy who claimed that he felt a ball when he hit another got shit for that for years. He was known for feeling another boy's balls, and bragging about it.

My point being that I was not interested in sex and thought my dick and balls were really only good as targets. I didn't even think too much about my body, being naked and such. I hated to have my bedroom door closed. The kids' bathroom was down the hall and I didn't like taking the towel back to the bathroom after I got out of the shower, so I would wander on back to my room naked. My sister and I saw each other naked all the time, until she got a training bra and then she hid. But I was also pretty oblivious to who else was in the house. But then I would smile when I heard the screams and giggles from my sister's friends when they saw me naked roaming around the hall and my room.

It wasn't such a single event like my sister's training bra, but it could be marked with almost as an exact time, when sex became an element in my life. It was when I started noticing my pubes. I don't think they appeared overnight like I remember but it seemed like I looked down one day and there they were. Up to that point, I had hardly ever noticed pubes on any one. My boy cousin had shown me his while trying to get me to show him my dick. I wasn't impressed by the little glob of black hair he had above his dick. I showed him what I had, no big deal because I was going to go piss anyway.

When I noticed mine, they were very light blond, like my hair would get in the summer. My hand started to stay down there much more. I liked the feeling of the pubes on my fingers. And my fingers found more and more to play with down there. I was getting boners all the time. That was no problem when I was home alone, but a challenge to keep hidden while walking around in school and made me change the style of swim suit, a little more baggy. And when my balls grew bigger, they became greater targets for the racking, and they were much more sensitive. Fortunately, that game seemed to just fade away. But it seemed I was always having to adjust my balls. I had to pull them out from between my legs, or get them positioned just right in my underwear.

I did get hornier and hornier. I didn't know how to get relief, I had heard of jacking off and such but for all I knew it was just another way of racking another boy. I had a few wet dreams, not really knowing what happened. It was years later in high school when Boys Health class got talking about it, that it hit me what had happened then.

As my dick grew, and constantly boned up, my interest in other boys grew as well. While some boys talked about tits, I thought more and more of dicks. I would take advantage of every sleep over, trips to the pool, restroom breaks, or anything that I could possibly see a naked dick. That was really the drive that got Kelly and I started.

It was the summer that Kelly first went with me to camp. I got all kinds of looks at dicks. I would keep myself awake at night for an opportunity of seeing my counselor Greg get undressed for bed in hopes of seeing his dick and balls. When I would shower, either in the cabin or at the pool showers, I would be one other first ones in and the last ones out. I would often get so dry while toweling off so long.

Kelly and I really hadn't done anything. I had felt his boner pressing against me as we wrestled. I had snuck a hand over under the sheets during sleep overs. I could never seem to get inside his underwear and would settle for feeling something I recognized, either a ball or dick. During camp, we got a little closer physically. We didn't talk about it that much but it seemed like anytime we could touch bodies we did. Especially in the pool. There was no hiding that we each had boners. The play in the pool would allow us to rub dicks against butts and get an occasional hand to slide along boners. I thought I was going to bust when Greg had Kelly and I in a bear hug, Kelly and I facing each other and Greg pulling us tight against each other.

I was excited enough that I said that I could feel Kelly's boner. Kelly just told me to shut up, while laughing and giggling, and said that I was hard too. Greg thought that was funny and since that was the case, he moved his big ol' arms up and down and had Kelly and I rubbing against each other. While it was mostly belly to belly rubbing, it did feel so good. Kelly and I were the last to get out of the pool, I was waiting until my boner went down enough to walk to the lockerroom.

Later that summer, Kelly went with me and mother to Mexico. She would go shopping in the markets there for some groceries and stuff. She would check to make sure we were close by, most of the time, but I told her we were going to get a Coke. Mexico had the best Cokes then. They were in bigger bottles and they were kept in ice so they were so cold when I poured them down my throat. We were hanging around looking at some of the junk for sale when a Mexican boy started talking to us. We were used to ignoring the constant hawking of wares by the store owners and at first this boy sounded just like them. Kelly and I knew enough Spanish to recognize some of the nasty words the boy was saying to us. He would point to his dick, point around the corner, and hold out his hand. I didn't completely understand but this sounded interesting enough that we played along. I finally understood when he unzipped his pants and stuck a finger out of the fly.

We followed him right around the corner into a very small alley. He held out his hand and asked for dinero, or asked for dollar. I had 2 quarters left in my pockets, I dug deep like I was getting every bit of money I had and pulled out one quarter. He wanted a dollar but when I convinced him that all I had was a quarter, he agreed. He looked around, checking the street to make sure no one was looking and then pulled his pants down to just under his balls. It was the absence of underwear that caught me first. Then I was staring at his dark little dick. The head was about as pink as mine, but the shaft was much darker. It wasn't huge by any means, but he had a few pubes. I think I could have easily traced each hair from tip to the root above his dick. I motioned for him to pick it up so I could see underneath.

I leaned in and bumped heads with Kelly as he was as interested as I was. All three of us laughed as the boy shook back and forth and flopped his dick and balls. I was already hard but this was making me hard enough that my hand went right my crotch and hung on to my boner.

The boy said 'no mas' and buttoned his pants up. Kelly hadn't had enough, as he offered another quarter. The boy was happy to get it and exposed himself again. This time, Kelly grabbed one hand with the other and let only his middle finger out. He raised it like dick getting hard and motioned to the boy to do it. The boy held out his hand and Kelly gave him every cent his had, all 37 cents. The boy shook his dick hard, sending blood into it and then arched his back to show off about 4 inches. The bright pink head throbbing in concert with his heart beat, pushed out there by a rigid dark shaft. It even made his balls more obvious where they hung in his sack.

I was already to give him the other quarter I had stashed away when an older man came out of a door on the side of the building and yelled and screamed and waved an old broom. Kelly and I ran, made a sharp left turn at the street and looked back as the Mexican boy took the other way. As soon as Kelly and I realized we were safe, we started laughing, barely able to get our breath. The Coke in our hands were still cold and finished those off and handed the bottles to a very little boy picking up bottles. Our laughing increased as Kelly motioned to this boy to show us his little dick. It was probably his mother who took offense and ran us off.

We found my mother just inside the next store and she was ready to go. She knew we had been up to something. She said something about that if we were laughing that hard, we must have really been up to no good. She was kidding when she said we ought to get out of there before the police came and got us.

It was that adventure that made me arrange for Kelly to spend the night. I was as interested in being able to talk about what had happened than anything else. I knew it had happened by the look on Kelly's face and the fact that we kept laughing when we looked at each other, but I wanted to make sure by talking about it.

Kelly and I were in my room, even closed to the door. We sat on the floor and started talking about it and laughing. Kelly said he wished he could have got the boy to jack off (I still didn't know what that meant, and thought how I would have loved to find out). My fascination was still on how pink his head was. We kept talking but we got quieter, and harder. I had a motive when I told Kelly to pretend he was the boy.

Kelly stood up and leaned against a wall, my bed made the other side of the pretend alleyway. I was playing around, being much bolder than we were that day, coaxing Kelly to show his dick. Kelly would almost unzip but then hold out his hand, begging for money. That quarter I still had only got Kelly to unzip and unbutton. I didn't wait around long before I dug my hand into my stash of change. Another quarter got me a quick peek of his dick. Another got his pants to lower and show him in his underwear. Kelly usually wore colored underwear, (it even made me fantasize back then if he was one of those Underoo's kids). Kelly had on a bright red pair. The waist band and all the cloth were the same color red. Except for that spot, about dime size, right at the tip of his dick. It was a dried little spot of cum or precum, but I didn't know.

I studied his underwear. His dick was pressing the underwear out in a tent.

I could see the impression of his dick head, the ridge around his head and the curve of it. When he lifted his shirt, a little happy trail of pubes were just starting to grow from his belly button and disappearing into his underwear. I had never noticed that on him before. Kelly's dark complexion hid much of the soft downy hair he had on his body. I was very anxious to see what other hair he had hidden under the red underwear.

I reached in and with a few coins, he completely dropped his pants but just didn't expose anything else. I whined "oh man!" and that caused us both to laugh. But I was insistent and with even more coins, I got Kelly to slide his fingers in the red waist band and start pulling his underwear down. Out popped his dick, much darker than mine but lighter than the boy's from that day. His head was closer to the color of his shaft and had a most elegant curve. I was staring and breathing hard, it was hard to swallow as I took my attention from his dick to his pubes.

I don't think you could call it a bush of pubes but it was tight against his dick. I did get to find the other end of that happy trail that I discovered starting at his belly button. The thought of how lucky he was to have dark black pubes. They looked stiff, much like the hair on his head which tended to spike when left uncombed. I got closer and knew I was going to take a big step when my hand lifted toward his dick.

At first, one finger brushed against his pubes. They felt a little like mine but there were more and felt fuller. Kelly started to shake, more like shivering. We were no longer talking. I think I stopped breathing. I was down on my knees, face just inches from his boner.

The shivering continued and Kelly placed a shaking hand on my head. (Kelly told me years later that he intended to lead me to sucking him, it would have been a first for both of us) The hand on my head just gave me confidence to continue. I reached up and instead of going to his hard throbbing boner, my fingers found his sack. Kelly was standing in such a way that his balls were stuck between his legs, and I knew instinctively that it would be better to free them. As one finger moved to the back of his sack, Kelly's shaking was intensifying, I even felt his knees give a little as I curved my finger up behind his balls.

I felt the sweat and musk that had built up around his balls all day, and when I pulled his sack forward and loose, I was hit with the most sexy, the most arousing aroma I have ever had hit me. Kelly was the cleanest kid, smelled of soap and shampoo, but this was raw. The musk, the sweat, the precum, all the various smells. I could have stuck my face into that and breathed it in for hours. (Kelly told me that he was so ready for me to do that, but would have cum in about 10 seconds) But my fingers roamed around, exploring his balls, feeling that silky skin of his sack, twisting some of his pubes, making him shiver and shake even more when my fingers made renewed contact with his dick and then his balls.

I was starting to shake myself, and my throat was parched. Kelly was loving it, scared but loving it. He had to be close to cuming when he backed me off a step. He grabbed the coins I had given him and held them out to me. I took them and he had to fling his hands to get the rest off of his sweaty palms. "Do it all" he said. I pulled off my pants and underwear off in one move, struggled a little to get them off my ankles and scrapping my socks off completely. Kelly spread my feet, my boner was as hard as it had ever been. My balls were hanging loose, I felt the cool air-conditioned breeze blow around all that hot flesh.

I propped myself against the bed, leaned my head back, and it felt like hours of Kelly playing with my dick and balls. He licked the tip of my dick twice, that almost sent me through the roof. He caressed my balls, squeezed my dick, found enough pubes to play with, pumped my boner, and stretched my skin tight. I would, as much as I could continue to play with his balls. Kelly would have to take my hand back to his balls every so often. Each time, he would gasp a little and shake some.

I got to the point that I just couldn't hold it any longer. I rushed down the hall to the bathroom, feeling like I was going to piss all over the place. It would have been just a second or two from my very first cum, at least while awake, had I let Kelly continue to play. It took a while for my boner to subside and allow me to piss. It sure didn't relieve me as much as normal, I still had an urge from my balls, my dick was tingling, I felt like swinging my hips as I went back.

Not only had I left my bedroom door open, my sister was in her room, with her door open. She barely looked up as I walked back to my room in only a t-shirt. But Kelly was a little more worried about my sister. He could barely see her in her room and he stayed hidden behind the bed, not attempting to close the door. He still had his underwear down around his ankles. Pulling them up when I pulled mine back up. He slipped on his pants, at least enough to slink on to the bathroom. He came back a few minutes later. Kelly told me years later that he had jacked off. The first time ever outside his bedroom or bathroom. He was soft and cummy smelling when we got into bed, his heart still pounding.

Our adventures continued, I did eventually learn what jacking off was, learned how to do it. Kelly was there to witness my first cum. And we did join in fantasies about counselor Greg and some other boys we thought about. One of us would be Greg, lifting the other and throwing him on the bed. "Greg" would suck, jack, rub, and otherwise make us feel good. It made me blush when I got to see Greg the following summers, if he only knew what he was doing to us.

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