
By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Oct 13, 2006


This story contains sex between an adult male and a teenager, please leave if this isn't to your tastes in literature, if your underage or it is illegal where you reside to read such material it is your choice to read it.

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Remember SAFE SEX SAVES LIVES!!!!!!!

Greg, by justjames17.

I first met Greg when he was 17. He was hitch hiking along a major road as I came home from the airport in the early hours of the morning. I spotted his tall slim shape in the loom of a streetlight, he was standing thumb out looking for a lift and his shadow cast an elongated ghostly shape on the swirling mists. I slowed and pulled over and he ran to where I'd stopped his sneakers silent on the damp road as he bent to my opening window. I smelt alcohol on his breath as he asked where I was heading for; I told him I was going home to Camberwell.

He said, "Great I live near there can you give me a lift?"

I looked into his thin freckled face and nodded. "Ok mate climb in out of the cold and we'll be off."

He hurried to the passenger side as I unlocked the door for him; he opened the door and folding his tall slender body slid into the leather bucket seat closing the door and spreading his long jean clad legs out as he buckled up the seat belt. He looked at me smiling and said, "Hi I'm Gregg what's your name?"

I smiled back at him and told him it was nice meeting him and that my name was Peter, my hand was resting on the knob of the stubby floor shift and I felt his bony knee press against my hand, I pushed the clutch and changed into first gear gently accelerating away. I had driven my antique 1950 Riley 2.5 litre that day and you had to be gentle in first gear or risk snapping a rear axle. We cruised along listening to the radio Greg's knee remained in contact with my hand through the gear changes. I decided to leave my hand there as I drove to see what his caper was.

He sat there slouched in the seat his legs wide apart and left hand resting on his crotch, his right hand was on his thigh and as we drove I watched him from the corner of my eye his left hand was playing with his cock not outrageously but surreptitiously, just gently fondling himself. His right hand crept little by little down his slender thigh until it was resting just above his knee next to my own hand on the gear stick. I must say I was feeling not a little excited at what I could see, his worn denims showed a respectable bulge under his hand.

Suddenly I felt his little finger touch my own, I controlled my reflex to pull away and left my hand lightly on the smooth black gear stick knob as his finger caressed mine gently. He sat there not increasing contact but I was beginning to shake excitedly, we hadn't spoken for a while but sexual tension filled the car. He slid his hand fully onto mine and warmly folded his fingers between my own, I shivered and sort of gasped he turned his face towards me his eyes glistening in the passing flashes from the streetlights. He had a sexy face, not pretty not really handsome but decidedly sexy, full lips, which I saw his tongue creep out and caress making them, glisten as he cleared his throat and said, "Peter you could come and sleep at my house if you'd like."

I glanced across at him and asked, "Don't you live at home with your parents?"

He nodded his curly mop of hair bouncing and said, "Yeah but don't worry they know I'm gay and I can sleep with who I please, they will welcome you in the morning when they meet you. You are older than me but younger than some guys I've brought home, plus they will love it that I've brought home an airline pilot."

I was completely taken aback by his openly telling me about his usual pick ups, this boy was completely blase about sex something I'd not met with before. I found him fascinatingly candid and completely at ease with his sexuality, he was the opposite to me I was very backward at coming forward. We finally arrived at his home and we climbed out of the car locking it and made our way down the steep driveway leading to his house. He unlocked the door and ushered me inside I realised how tall he was, I'm 6 foot tall but this stripling was at least 2 inches taller. He obviously had put on a huge growth spurt as he was so slender, he had huge feet and long slim fingered hands I noticed he had a hot cute little bubble bum in the very worn faded and holey jeans.

He grabbed me folding his long gangly arms around me and pressed his totally hard cock against mine, it felt huge I'm not small by any means at 7 inches and thick but his felt a foot long but slim like he was. Greg began grinding against me as his face closed with mine lips seeking and finding as his tongue snaked out against my lips I opened to him tasting the beer on his breath then I lost it and we ground together kissing frantically tongues slithering wetly about each other. He pulled back gasping and said loudly, "Fucking hell you are so hot Pete."

I quailed at his loudness then I heard a woman's voice, "Greg go take your friend to bed so we can get back to sleep, we'll see you in the morning for breakfast."

I stood dumbfounded at the totally casual way this family took gay behaviour then Greg took my hand and dragged me down to his bedroom and closed the door before turning on the light. I squinted in the glare as he reached out and unbuttoned my uniform overcoat, he stripped it off folded it and put it on a chair then began undoing the brass buttons of my jacket. I could now study him in the bright light. He was as I said very slim, gangly, his pale face was longish a little gaunt, a flurry of golden freckles dotted his nose and across his cheeks under his dark blue eyes giving him a cute waifish look. His lips were strangely full and deep pink in contrast to his pale skin, a long slender neck with prominent Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. He had wide shoulders that tapered to a slim waist, a very large bulge in his jeans above long skinny legs.

He removed my jacket and tie then unbuttoned my shirt opening it exposing my smooth torso, I was pretty smooth all over and tanned from my trips to the Northern hemisphere's summer. Gregg squeezed my nipples between his slim fingers rolling my nubs about until I was trembling and breathing hard while my erection throbbed in my trousers. His aggression I found terribly erotic as he began licking my quivering flesh, my hands locked in his tightly curled mop of hair as I clutched him pulling him to me, not that he needed my encouragement he was doing great by himself.

His wet warm mouth and tongue sent raging sensations through me as his fingers fumbled with my trousers, he undid the top clip opening my waist band and allowing free access to my zipper which he slid slowly and sensuously down pressing against my pulsing hard prick. My trousers opened and fell to my feet while he licked and prodded my sensitive belly button with his prehensile tongue, I moaned in erotic ecstasy poking the soft flesh under his chin with my raging rod. My head was thrown back as I arched to him then I bent forward to look at his face as he laved my navel with that incredible wet appendage, my eyes met his as he looked up at me I saw the long curved lashes as he blinked an expression of total lust glowed in his dark blue orbs.

His lips curved up at the corners in a smile as he tongued my sensitive button, he knew I was totally under his control my moans filled the room as my legs quivered in excitement while my hips hunched my inflated tool under his jaw feeling his Adam's apple rubbing on my hardness as he swallowed constantly. Greg slid his fingers into my under pants and pulled the waistband out and down in one swift motion, hooking them under my excited tightly drawn up balls. He leaned back studying my throbbing cock, which was drooling pre cum fluidly, he smirked his full lips curving up showing his deep dimples. My heart flip-flopped in my breast, he looked so ravishingly devastating as he smiled and his tongue slid sensuously across his pink salivary-coated lips.

His eyes studied me for what seemed like hours then he looked at my pubes, my smooth curved lower abdomen with my treasure trail creeping up to my navel. His fingers traced the heavy blood vessels running down my belly where they vanished into my pubes, I gasped and groaned deliriously, his hot breath was blowing on my stiff schlong. His hands moved to my narrow waist then slowly up to my ribs as he caressed me sensuously; my cock was leaping as it bounced with tension. I was ready to beg him to suck me, he read my mood and grinned up at me then as I watched entranced holding my breath his tongue slid from his smiling lips and began swirling, licking down my rippling belly to lave my wet cock crown.

I gasped and groaned as I humped my steely hard erection into the warm wet cavern of Gregg's hungry mouth, his lips rolled on my hard sensitive knob as I pushed inside while his tongue tip stabbed my piss hole repeatedly. I was in paradise as I slipped deep inside that wondrous cavern, Greg swallowed me deep then the excruciating sensation of him taking me deeper into his gulping gullet as he swallowed me completely to my pubes. Greg knew how to suck cock better then anyone I'd ever been with, he was amazing for such a young guy and he obviously relished sucking prick.

His hand clutched my arse cheeks tightly as he pulled me hard against his face muffled moans slid round my impaling pole as he swallowed again and again on my sensitive knob while his tongue caressed my pulsing shaft. I pulled slowly back enjoying the sensation as his throat muscles caressed my dick then thrust back deep and fast as he took me without a whimper. In out in out I sawed at his now puffy saliva drooling lips until my whole body tensed every muscle aching as my tool swelled in his gulping gullet, my tight balls squeezed tight into my groin as my cock bucked once, twice, thrice pulsing frantically in the hot wet slippery throat then I barked a coughing grunt as I unloaded my pent up passion. My seed sprayed in thick globules into Greg's gullet, rope after thick gooey rope I blew as my body slammed hard crushing his nose into my hard pubis. My balls emptied in a frantic flood of sperm deluging down his throat as he moaned around my pulsing pole.

My knees jellied and I swayed as his hands held me up then he pushed me backwards ripping my still oozing cock from his throat and mouth the final sensation as my now screamingly sensitive knob slid quickly from the paradise of his throat tore a further orgasm from me as I groaned and fell satiated onto his bed gasping for oxygen. My cock was pulsing jerking on my belly as it oozed the last vestiges of my incredible orgasm, cum pooled on my heaving sweaty belly. Greg knelt there licking his bruised lips then he smiled an impishly evil grin and began playing with his long slender erection, his eyes were riveted on my arse between my splayed legs.

I regained my senses and my blurred vision cleared I saw the expression on his face and a quiver of fear suddenly coursed through me, I knew he what wanted, his desire was plain in his almost glowingly hypnotic eyes. Greg wanted to root me something that had only happened a couple of times in my life, I looked down and saw his woody it was incredibly long, his clenched hand only covered approximately a quarter of its length. I calculated it was nearly 12 inches in length, he saw my expression and spoke softly, "Its only 10 inches Pete, you will love it slipping into your hole and everyone who I've fucked ended up loving my prick."

I quailed and said hoarsely, "Cripes Greg only 10 inches! That is at least 3 inches longer than any cock I've ever had and that was years ago. I doubt I can take you in my arse."

He frowned and pouted those delicious lips I felt like a heel but I truly thought he would do me serious damage if I let him have his way. Greg moved between my open legs pushing them up and outwards rotating my arse up, he breathed heavily on my anal entrance, my sphincter quivered as he puffed warm air on my muscle. I was excited and euphoric as he paid close attention to my muscle. I had never experienced an encounter like this it felt really dirty but truly exciting as he bent to my arse, his breath was like steam on my sensitive flesh. I gasped, I couldn't believe it, his tongue licked me. I bucked in his grasp as I groaned and writhed about as he continued to swab my crack and my arse hole with his wet rasping tongue. My legs waved about in the air, my toes clenched and unclenched in spasms of delight, I was moaning continuously as he kept making oral love to my bum.

Greg knew what he was doing he was manipulating me to bend me to his desire to sink that long dick of his inside my almost virginal anus, I was delirious with pleasure as his tongue opened my quivering muscle and then I groaned his tongue was now swabbing about in my steaming squirming rectum. My whole being seemed to be there, that tongue was tantalising me totally, tingling, teasing, tasting and tormenting me continually. I moaned, I couldn't believe my ears, I was asking, no begging him to fuck me. My rioting rectum demanded his pulsing penis to fill it and sooth the incredible itch I was experiencing in my depths.

Greg grinned toothily at me as he stroked his slippery juice coated cock, my dazed vision watched as his uncut cock head appeared and disappeared in and out of that unreal hood of soft supple skin. Greg's deep angry looking crimson knob glistened from his free flowing pre cum as the foreskin slurped slickly back and forth. Greg wriggled closer on his knees his stiff tool swaying as he moved, his narrow bony hips brushed my sweaty hot arse as his towering tool rubbed my crack, nuzzling into my stretched crevice exciting my already aroused arse lips.

I groaned as his pole swayed far above my own testicles like a cobra mesmerised by the snake charmer's flute, I suddenly realised once again how long his cock was and a shudder ran through me. Greg quickly grasped himself pulling his cock down and aligned his knob with my now clenched entrance. He moved a little rubbing the slick helmet on my wrinkled muscle, I moaned and tightened up but he grasped my loose balls in his grasp and squeezed hard. The aching pain raced through me and I concentrated on relaxing my sphincter, Greg felt me soften under his knob and without delay he plunged into my canal.

I winced my breath hissing between clenched teeth as he opened me and sank about 3 inches oh hard hot meat inside my body, Greg threw his head back moaning as my innards wrapped him in a humid silken grasp. He looked down again to watch my quivering ring trembling about his cock like a pink collar, he grimaced leering at me then pushed slowly into my depths. I felt my insides adjusting about the demanding invader as it sank deeper and deeper causing me to spasm out of control. Greg continued his assault sliding slowly deeper and deeper until I felt his sparse pubes tickling my sensitive flesh, I now realised I could accommodate him and loved the sensation of fullness heat and the feel of him throbbing through my rectum.

Greg paused buried inside me as I wriggled on his impaling pole, he saw my smile of bliss as I lay there eyes closed and relaxed, he sighed and rubbed my very soft penis as he said, "Gees you are so tight on my cock, you feel unreal you're the tightest arse I've ever had."

He slowly pulled back as I squeezed tightly on his shaft, his eyes rolled back in his head as he pulled out his mouth open drunkenly, he stalled as his knob pulled on my tight ring then with a grunt he leant into me driving down my tunnel as I relaxed again. Back and forth, in and out, side to side he moved searching every inch of my colon, he rubbed on that special spot and my prostate throbbed driving my cock mad as it erected blood surging into the spongy muscle hardening it till it was as hard as steel and leaking juice into my belly button.

Gregg rooted me harder and faster as his climax started, his bony hips slamming painfully into my stretched buttocks, I watched his face become distorted with lust, his lips drew back exposing his tightly clenched teeth, his eyes vanished, rolling back and spookily I saw only the whites of his eyes. His body was tensed up his stomach muscles rolled in waves as he slammed me, then with a loud grunt his head dropped forward and I felt him grind against me as his long slim cock erupted deep in my guts. Again and again his groin rubbed hard against me as he emptied his teen sperm into my boiling hot guts. My arse milked him like a cow, rippling on his stalk coaxing out every last drop of his seed.

Greg collapsed onto me as I also drooled a small load out on my stomach, his shuddering torso quivered on my own heaving torso as I climaxed. We lay slumped together on his bed as our ardour and perspiration cooled, Greg's fuzzy hair tickled my ear and his mouth drooled on my shoulder. I felt him shrinking inside me and I wished he was able to stay hard, unfortunately Greg like myself was satiated and needed sleep as I looked at the bedside clock to see 4.35am click up. He slipped wetly from my aching arse and then rolled onto his side nuzzling my ear with his nose as he reached behind him and turned off the light saying, "Thanks for that Pete, it was incredibly molten. I'll see you in the morning."

Darkness flooded the room and I too rolled on my side as he nestled against me, warmly hugging me to him and pressing his slimy cock against my crack as we dozed off. I awoke to see sunlight streaming blindingly through the window, as usual after a foggy night the day turned out to be brilliant, I felt Greg move snuggling tighter to my back his thin freckled arms pulling me against his raging morning wood. I smiled to myself remembering his performance earlier, the feel of that teen erection as he penetrated me then completely dominated my psyche and body. He was a very competent and aggressive lover for such a young guy, I had never been with a teen since my own youth but I surmised things today were different to what they were 10 or so years ago, youths today seemed more flagrantly open if Greg was anything to judge by.

As I lay there thinking enjoying the warmth of his slim body there was a knock on the door to which Greg said come in, I was totally embarrassed as the door opened and there stood a woman, I presume his mother. She looked at us and smiled disarmingly saying, "Good morning breakfast will be ready in twenty minutes, if you want to get showered."

Greg nodded and thanked her saying that we'd be there shortly; he groped my own stiff cock as he spoke and his mother grinned and left the room. I was totally blown away by the casual acceptance I'd just witnessed and turned my head to kiss him on those sexy lips, Greg kissed me back squeezed my cock and said, "Come on lover man lets get up piss and shower then eat so we can replace all those calories we expended last night."

We climbed out of bed and I get a good look at him in the bright sunlight, he was as I knew tall and skinny his very white skin was peppered with tiny golden freckles on his arms, shoulders and face, his long slim legs were almost hairless but his pubes were quite thick and lush and matched the hair on his head. He had only a little muscle definition mainly due to his being so skinny, a cute innie navel set in the white expanse of his flat abdomen, his nipples were small pink nubs on his almost flat pectorals only when I looked at that huge still erect penis did he look like a man it stood up throbbing against his flat tummy with its angry crimson knob peeking out the soft hood as it glistened wetly.

Greg took my hand in his and led me across the hallway to the bathroom, I was freaking out being nude, we entered the bathroom and there was a man shaving, he casually turned his partly shaven face to look me up and down then he grinned and winked at Greg saying, "You've got a live one there son."

He reached out his hand after dropping the razor in a container of water and took my hand in his shaking it and welcoming me to their home. Greg tugged me away into the clear glass shower recess and closed the door after adjusting the temperature of the water, we slipped under the warm spray and began to soap up. I felt embarrassed as greg stroked my body in front of his father but the man seemed to be concentrating on his shave, although I'm sure he could see us in the large mirror in front of him.

Greg dropped to his knees and sucked my semi hard prick, his eyes raised to mine as I watched his sexy lips slip back and forth rolling on my hard muscle. I lost it forgetting about the audience as I humped his saturated face his mop top wet and sagging on his head, it took no time till my balls emptied into his throat as he swallowed me to the pubes. I gasped and gurgled as my balls drained, Greg sucked me dry then pulled off dragging his tight lips up my tool draining every drop from my throbbing cock.

He got to his feet and placed his hands on my shoulders pushing me down to my knees as I followed his lead, I knelt and opened my mouth to swallow his long slender prick, I gagged momentarily as his cock head pressed against my gullet but I swallowed a couple of times to take him into my throat. Greg moaned softly licking his lips as he thrust in and out, water cascaded on my head and face as I worked his tool with my tongue and throat muscles. His pale belly was close to my face and I could see his fledgling abdominal muscles tensing and rippling under the water flooded pale flesh. My hand clutched his low hanging eggs toying with them rolling them about, slowly they drew up towards his groin, Greg began to hammer my mouth his hard pubis crunching against my nose hairs tickling me.

I felt his excited erection grow in my mouth and throat as he began to lose it, his action became more and more erratic, no longer long smooth thrusts but fast jerking stabs in and out of my aching gullet as his climax raced through his tall young frame. His grasp on my saturated head tightened painfully as he held me there, then he arched hard into my mouth his curved lower belly seemed to tremble as his abs rippled, his cock spasmed on my tongue as he blew flooding down my gasping gullet to send his sperm parcels directly into my belly.

His body quaked and quivered as he swayed about holding tight to my head, I felt his cock throbbing as his sperm raced through his urethra into my throat. Slowly he calmed and regained his composure his wobbly legs firmed and he stood looking down at me as I held his softening tool inside me. Greg smiled and took a deep breath then slowly gently he began sliding that long muscle from my gullet as I swallowed fast to give him a farewell pleasure.

He flopped from my lips dangling in front of me so I kissed his long tube then holding onto his bony hips I pulled myself to my feet sliding my tongue up his stomach to his tight nipple nubs licking them on the way to meeting his lips. We kissed passionately tongues dancing together as we tasted our sperm then we heard his dad say, "Come on you two lovebirds breakfast is ready."

He left the bathroom and we quickly finished showering, dried off and quickly exited the bathroom to throw clothes on and joining his parents for breakfast.

To be continued.

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Hugs, James

Next: Chapter 2

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