Greenwell Academy

By Joshua Freeman

Published on Jan 16, 2013


Hello friends! It has been a long while since my last post, I apologize to those of you who waited for an update to this story, I promise to try my best to post more often, and to make them as damn good as I possibly can, that being said, I hope you enjoy this next instalment :)

My email is free for criticism, comments; good and bad, so please drop me a message...

Also, feel free to share your own stories, I've heard quite a few, and I always love to hear some real life experiences to give me some inspiration!

The usual warnings... the people in this story aren't real, they aren't based on anyone real, or anything real ever... it's a fictional story, basically. Whilst the characters in the story may not practice safe sex, you definitely should, because bad things happen otherwise.

Anyway, on with the story...

Heather entered the theatre where the induction was taking place, it had already begun, and her entrance was a disturbance. The whole room turned to stare at her; she had never felt more exposed in all her life, the wetness between her legs probably didn't help how uncomfortable she felt. Her face flushed red rapidly and she found the nearest empty seat. The principle stood on the stage, as he addressed the room of girls. Heather thought it strange that the head of a girl's school should be a man, but she supposed the staff weren't set the same limitations as the students. His words faded out as she began to think of what she had just done. If she had been caught doing that at home she would have been caned for sure, and then the girl! She shuddered at the thought of what might happen should she be caught with another girl.

At the same time however, she could not help but feel aroused, her nipples hardened again, a habit which was becoming frustrating. She thought of her again and felt herself become even more moist. She looked around the theatre at all the girls there. All of them. Their slender bodies, their protruding, supple breasts, soft to the touch, their smooth legs, their full, juicy pouting lips, their wet tongues. She wanted them, she wanted all of them; never had she felt such desire, what had happened to her? She had just arrived and she had gone from being an innocent naïve little girl into a dirty, sinful, slutty succubus.

She spied the girl she had encountered in the cubicle. She didn't seem to notice her. She really was stunningly beautiful, she looked flawless.

The speeches ended and each person was assigned a form tutor, the form tutor gave them their timetables, the timetable told heather that she had no classes today. After the induction they were all given a tour around the site, the tour ended at the dormitory, and they were all given permission to leave. Most girls made their way to classes; Heather seemed to be the only one who didn't have anything to do. The feeling of loneliness started to creep back. She made her way to her dorm room; she had nothing better to do.

She spent the rest of the evening reading her books, trying not to think about the events earlier that day, it had certainly been the most eventful introduction she had ever had.

A few hours passed, and it was beginning to get dark, the sun was setting and leaving a trail of crimson splashed across the sky, the dormitory however, was still empty. Heather decided to explore the building, it was huge, and there were so many different rooms let alone a surplus of bedrooms and adjacent bathrooms. The facilities were more the adequate, and were squeaky clean, she wondered whether it would look as clean if it were a boys dormitory.

A voice lingered in the distance. Someone was singing.

She made her way to the sound, it was delectable; it was warm and welcoming. As she got closer she could hear the sound of a shower running, it seemed to accompany the voice perfectly, it was glowing. Soon she came to a bathroom door, the room was communal, showers would be shared between the girls; Heather tingled with excitement at that idea. She listened at the door for a moment. She could hear the girl scrubbing her body, she could hear the squelch of liquid soap slapping her skin, but most of all, she could hear the wet, the water trickling down. She had never felt more turned on in her life, she listened to the girl clean herself and sing; it was such a fantastic combination it could have made her weep. She had to look.

She opened the door a crack, praying they would not hear. It was her. Of course it was her, who else would it be? She shone like an angel, her skin glowing from the water flowing from the shower. Her blonde hair wet and wild. She was completely naked, and just as perfect. Her breasts were perfection, stunningly rounded and pert, her nipples covering a reasonable amount of her skin. Her ass shone gloriously, just as pert as her breasts, but decidedly more peachy. Heather wanted, needed, more. She opened the door wider, with a treacherous creak. She turned around.

"Oh my god, you freak! What are you doing?"

Heather knew she should run, but she stayed rooted to the spot. She didn't know what to say. The girl however seemed to calm down and her mouth twisted in a wicked smile.

"Thought it was your turn to sneak up on me did ya?" She laughed, "well- you got me! Do you like what you see?"

Heather definitely liked what she saw. She had never witness such beauty in all her life. She had been wrong about her vagina though; there was the tiniest sprinkle of pubic hair, just above it. She thought it was perfect.

"What is your name sweetie?" the girl asked curiously.

"H-Heather" she managed to force from her lips, feeling more awkward than ever.

"Emma" the blonde girl spoke clearly, pointing to herself "come over here, join me."

"But- my uniform- I-"

"Well then, take it off!" she laughed.

Heather hesitantly removed her clothing, she shook with fear, spying on people was fine, but this was something new and she didn't know how to respond. Before long she stood naked. Her breasts weren't as big as Emma's, but they were just as pert and youthful. Her vagina was smaller and tighter too, most likely from lack of use.

Emma signalled for her to come closer. She took her hand and guided it to her pussy. Heather gasped as she touched it, it was so warm and soft. She began to rub it gently, caressing the lips and finally Emma forced her fingers inside her. She pushed the fingers deep inside her and left them there for a few seconds. Then she removed them and told Heather to suck on her fingers. She did as she was told, the taste was strange, but not bad, she could certainly get used to it.

"Do you like how I taste?" Emma asked seductively, rubbing her breasts and playing with her nipples, "would you like some more?"

She did not wait for a response; she pushed Heather to her knees, and pushed her groin into her face. Heather did not need any more encouragement; she began lapping at Emma's pussy furiously. The small tuft of hair above her vagina tickled her nose, which only made her want it more, she had never wanted anything more in her life. She stuck her tongue in as deep as she could manage, sucking, licking, kissing.

"Oh Heather, baby!" Emma cried, throwing her head back in ecstasy, "just like that, mmm yeah." Heather inserted her fingers inside her, and began to finger her rapidly as she tickled her clitoris with her tongue. She surprised herself how good she was at this. Everything was wet, and the passion was blinding.

Emma grabbed Heather's head and forced her tongue deeper inside her. She began playing with her nipples as she could feel herself coming. She was wailing, screaming with pleasure, she had never made this much noise before. She felt it rising inside her, her body began to quake and tremble and surged towards her vagina. She crumbled under the sheer force of her orgasm. Screaming, she held Heather's face in place as her juices exploded from her. It took her a while to recover fully, but when she did she threw Heather to the floor violently.

"Slut." It was a statement, not an insult, not an attack. She walked out of the bathroom, picking up a towel on her way out. Heather lay in a crumpled heap on the floor, the hot water from the shower pouring down on her naked body. How did she feel? She didn't know, but it felt like happiness. It felt like freedom.

That night in bed she let her fingers go wandering under her pants. She felt no shame, no remorse. Every penetration was beautiful, it was bliss. She moaned softly to herself, scared of waking the hot, seductive, sweet, tender girls that lay sleeping around her. She let her fingers travel deep inside her, in and out, in and out. She came gloriously three times that night, screaming with pleasure into her pillow as she did. By the morning her sheets were soaking wet, but she didn't care, she felt like she had found herself at last.

Okay guys... I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, i promise to update soon and not leave it another year this time, any suggestions for what will happen next, or any comments, stories etc. are welcome, just drop me and email! Thank you for reading, and see you next time! :)

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