Green World

Published on Mar 5, 2006



Green World By Bacteriaburger

I don't remember a lot about my intro to Shakespeare class in college -- I probably never even read the plays the whole way through -- but for some reason this one thing always sticks in my head. It was a concept someone had attributed to his plays called "the green world." It referred to this `other' place where the characters would go, a place removed from rules and reality. In the green world, things happened that didn't happen in normal life. People let loose and got a little crazy, and afterwards they came back changed from the experience. Like I said, I can't remember it all that well, but it was something like that.

My friend Darrin was studying Shakespeare in his English class one semester, and his teacher decided to take the whole class up to this Shakespeare festival in Canada. Darrin asked me to come along as his guest, and I said sure. For one thing, it was a little unusual for a college class to take a field trip. I thought it might be interesting. Plus we were old enough to drink up there.

So I got in a van with all these people I didn't know and we headed up to Canada. I don't remember much about the ride. I guess I didn't think too much about the fact that Darrin and I were going to be sharing a room together. I mean, Darrin was straight but he knew I was gay. We were cool. I wondered about his sexuality sometimes--I mean, he was definitely into girls, but I thought he might go the other way in right circumstance. I could recognize that he was handsome. Girls loved him, this Italian skater boy with jet-black hair and a sly smile. Still, I didn't really think, or realize, I was attracted to him. I just shut that part of my brain down.

How they put us up was really weird. All these people in town lent out rooms in their houses, kind of like a bed and breakfast thing except they were just these residential houses. So we were all on different streets. Darrin and I checked into our room, which was small and had two beds. We had to walk through this lady's living room to get to it and to leave, which was surreal.

The plays were in this big theater in the center of town. People came from all around for this thing, and the plays were really well done and elaborate. Still, after the long ride, and sitting there for what felt like hours trying to figure out this language, I got pretty tired and just fell asleep right there in the seat. That wasn't too cool, but I couldn't help it.

The next night I didn't think I could sit through another one of those things. We were all waiting outside in the crowd waiting to file inside, and Darrin and I decided to sneak out. Nobody had seen us sleeping the first night, so we figured they wouldn't miss us this time.

We took a long walk into town, buzzing from the excitement of cutting out. Eventually we found a little bar. We didn't have any Canadian money, and I felt like a dumb American but the bartender was nice enough, and we sat at that bar and had a drink together. Darrin never really liked to get drunk. But I was in the spirit, so I kept ordering us up shots and Darrin eventually loosened up and started having a good time. I realized we were pretty-much shit faced when I was having trouble finding the bathroom.

We left soon after that, stumbled around town for a while before starting the long walk back to our place. I don't know how we found it. I guess Darrin, who was pretty level-headed for being as drunk as he must have been, kept us in the right direction. We were having a blast, just goofing and cracking each other up. I'd never had this much fun with him before. At school, we hung out a lot but it was usually with other people. I'd never gotten drunk with just him before, and we were having a great time.

We found our house on this quiet little street that looked like where my mom lived. I had to piss so I did it right in somebody's yard. We crept as quietly as we could into this lady's house. When we got to our little room, turned on the light and shut the door, we let out our breath--like we were intruders or something.

I don't remember what we were joking about but we were on the floor laughing our asses off, and laughing even harder because we were supposed to be quiet. I don't know what came over me, but I was laying there and I looked at Darrin, and I asked if I could kiss him.

"No," he said, chuckling.

"Okay, can I suck your dick then?" I don't know if I meant it as a joke or if it was serious, but Darrin stopped for a minute like he was giving it some thought.

"Forget it," I said, because I felt embarrassed. But Darrin didn't seem weirded out or anything.

"I don't know," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"I guess I'm a little bit curious. Anyway, if I was going to have sex with a guy, you'd be the one I'd do it with."



"Whatever. I guess that's a compliment." I sat back on my elbows. Darrin was lying beside me.

"You really want to don't you?" He said this like he was so sure of himself. But whether I was just horny or the moment was right or whatever, I realized I really did. Really, really did. "Okay, I'll be gay for one night. But ^Å I don't know. Just don't tell anyone, okay?"

"I wouldn't."

"Okay." To my surprise, he turned and went to kiss me. I went for it. The kiss was totally electric--like I said, the moment just must have been right or something. His tongue found mine. From then on, it just rolled along.

As we made out we got more and more urgent. I felt his body underneath his clothes, which I'd never really thought about before, but he had a nice body -- slim and toned. He was touching me, too, wrapping his arms around my back and pulling me close. I could feel his cock against my thigh, and it felt pretty fucking big. I'd heard rumors about the size of his dick, now I was starting to realize they were all true.

He got on top of me and was grinding his body onto mine, still kissing me passionately. It was really erotic just to be able to touch him wherever I wanted--his back, his ass, his legs. I tore his shirt off and he tore mine off. He rubbed his hairy chest against my smooth one. I grabbed onto his ass and he ground against me, like he was trying to find his way inside.

I reached down and unbuckled his pants. I felt his dick -- thick and hot in my hand. Darrin groaned into my mouth. I got him off of me and went for his chest, kissing and licking my way down to his cock.

It was really a site to behold -- like a slab of marble or something, so big and thick it was. He was also uncut, and the head was sticky with pre-come he'd leaked while we were getting it on. I started by licking his shaft, enjoying the meaty taste of his shaft and his pre-come. As weird as it was, I was really getting turned on by the size of his cock. I really had had no idea it would be this nice. Like I say it was weird, sucking my friend's dick, but I was getting him off so good and getting off myself in the process, that I didn't really think about it at all.

I licked his balls a little which he really seemed to like. I licked along the hairy underside of his nuts, and my tongue flirted with the edge of his butthole. He didn't seem to mind, but I guess I was wary of freaking him out, because I backed off.

He was really keyed up, his body flushed and his chest heaving. I laid myself back on the floor, and Darrin got up and hovered his naked body over mine. He smiled at me and we kissed. As we made out, he started unbuckling my pants, and I helped him pull them off.

"Well, here goes nothing," he joked, looking down at my dick, hard and leaking against my smooth stomach. He got down and started sucking me. Truthfully, anything he could've done to me at that point would've gotten me off, but I really think he was a natural. He looked so cute, dutifully pumping his mouth up and down on my pole. And he kept at it for a while, relaxing and letting me take over at times. He even licked my balls like I'd licked his, and it felt so good.

"You wanna do it together?" he said once he picked his head up.

"You mean sixty nine? Yeah." Darrin swung his legs over my body and positioned his dick over my mouth. We'd kept the light on this whole time, so I could see his big hairy dick as it came down on my face. I knew it wasn't going to take me much to get off like this. I lifted my head a little and took the foreskin-covered tip of his dick into my mouth. He sucked on mine.

The angle was a little awkward, I had to concentrate on keeping his dick in my mouth. It sort of made more sense to lick his balls, so I did that, then I went back to lick the space beneath them. This time his asshole was much more exposed, and my tongue just inevitably found its way back there.

Darrin's really reacted to it. He stopped sucking my dick and let out this incredible moan. I licked his butt, really gently for a minute, feeling my way into it.

"Wow," Darrin said, in between breaths. He was looking back at me from under his body. "You really like doing that?"

"Yeah," I said. "Why, is it okay?"

"No, I mean, yeah--don't stop. It's turning me on like hell." His butthole had a tangy taste that went away as I slobbered it up and got my tongue really deep into it. He went back to sucking my dick and I just kept eating out his ass.

He loved it. I imagine it was probably pretty taboo for him, to have someone lick his ass like that, so I think it was really turning him on. I think sucking my dick sort of had the same effect on him--just like having sex with one of my straight friends was having an effect on me. It was like setting ourselves free from all those taboos had really set us off.

I knew I was close when Darrin grabbed hold of the base of my dick, his finger right on the edge of my asshole. I moaned into his ass to let him know I liked it, and he pressed his finger right onto my hole.

I took his dick into my hand, sliding his foreskin back and forth. His dick was so hard. My tongue was buried really deep into his butt. He kept sucking my dick, pressing his finger harder and harder against my asshole, and suddenly I just knew I couldn't hold back anymore.

I didn't warn him I was going to cum, but I guess he knew because he took my dick out of his mouth and stroked it. My nuts tightened, and the first shot of my load flew out and landed on his back.

"Yeah," Darrin said, like he was proud of getting me off. I shot the rest of my load on my stomach, and Darrin never missed a stroke. When I was done, I felt his tongue licking the tip of my dick. He must have been tasting my cum, which I thought was so hot.

I went back to his ass. Darrin put both of his hands on the floor and just let himself enjoy it. His asshole was really loose and receptive. I couldn't believe how much fun we were having, I honestly never would've guessed that Darrin was so sexy. I kept a steady rhythm on his dick. It only took a minute from when I shot off, to where he was losing it, too. His big dick jerked and shuddered in my hand, and his asshole clenched against my tongue. A jet of white-hot jism landed on my stomach, more poured out after that. Darrin moaned loud and tried to stifle his moans as he bust his nut. I kept my tongue planted in his ass until he was finished.

"Holy shit," he said when he got up. He was still smiling. I was smiling too. It was about the best sex I'd ever had, but I'm not sure I realized that until later.

We left the next day. My relationship with Darrin didn't really change, on the surface. Every once in a while we talked about it, joked about it. We never did it again, and I was cool with that because it wasn't worth fucking up our friendship for. But the weirdest thing was that it seemed to bring us closer. Any tension we'd had around each other had been wiped away.

I think about that time a lot. It was one of the best times of my life. We somehow stumbled into that green world, without even realizing it. It was that town in Canada, that little room in that little house, the alcohol, everything. Life somehow conspired for it.


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