Green Eyed Monster

By Dillon Hall

Published on Aug 4, 2021



Chapter 1

By D Hall (

Jon sighed into his drink. His friend Zach had dragged him to this pool party. It was exactly as Zach advertised: loud, drunk, and full of hot shirtless men...but none of them wanted anything to do with Jon.

Jon gritted his teeth and looked on. Zach was holding court at the far end, joking, laughing, putting his arms around anyone that came nearby. And it was easy to see why: Zach was tall, with ripped musculature and blonde hair that Jon liked to say looked like a Ken doll. From across the deck, Jon could see Zach's dimple as he hugged yet another hot guy. "Another guy in Zach's orbit," Jon thought to himself.

On the other side of the pool, Jon's orbit was smaller. He stood watching with a close friend, but Jon wasn't exactly the king of this party. The most attention he'd received was the guy who pushed past him to get to the drinks table. That guy was now making out some muscle idiot at the corner of the pool.

"Jon, this party sucks."

Jon shrugged and looked at his friend, "you only think it sucks because you're not getting hit on."

"Yup! And what about you, dude? Are you here to keep an eye on Zach all night? It's not like I've seen you pull any bottoms yet."

"Shut up."

It wasn't that Jon was ugly: he had a cute face and chiseled biceps. But he wasn't stunning. Cute but not hot, lean but not built...Jon wasn't holding anyone's attention. His most defining characteristic were his green eyes--the color of midori--and a smile that left you wanting him to be your best friend. But maybe not a fuck friend.

"Jon, give me one good reason to stay at this shitty party," his friend whined. "And Evan is NOT a good reason."

"Jesus fuck! He'll hear you," Jon scowled at his friend. They both turned and looked towards Evan, only a few feet away. He had his back to them, but they could still see his tall, strong build. At the top of his 6'4 frame, he wore a blue and orange baseball cap, backwards.

"The Mets aren't even good this year, Jon."

"I'm not looking at his hat..." Jon stared. Evan was absentmindedly rubbing the back of his own neck, flexing his arm. Jon could see ropes of muscle ripple across Evan's back.

Jon doubted Evan even knew his name.


"Jon, they're out of ice. I'm calling it."

"Okay fine, just let me finish my drink."

But as soon as Jon brought his red solo cup to his lips, he was knocked over from behind. A woman cried out, falling on the deck in front of him.

"Chicks here just take up space," he heard Evan joke loudly behind him. "Find your own damn party. Next time, just stay out of my way."

"What the fuck, Evan!" Jon shouted and helped her up. She was a cute redhead, flushed with embarrassment, knee scraped.

"Just because you don't want to fuck her doesn't mean she's invisible," Jon snapped at Evan, with anger that surprised even himself.

Jon couldn't tell if he was talking about her, or himself too.

"I'm okay, really," she whispered to Jon. Her long hair fell over her eyes. "I'm mostly just embarrassed."

"Glad you're okay. Gay guys can be shitheads," Jon offered. He looked into her eyes and noticed they were green, too.

"You're gay and you don't seem so bad," she leaned onto his arm. In a strangely intimate motion, she brought her palm to the underside of Jon's chin. It felt soft, cool to the touch. "Look those `shitheads' in the eye next time they try something like this again."


Before Jon could process his stranger's advice, she stood up, dusted herself off, and disappeared into the crowd.

Jon spun around to Evan. "What the fuck, man?" Evan still had his back to him, but Jon could see him tensing up.

"Uh, do I know you, you little sh...?" Evan paused when his eyes met Jon. "Wait a minute. Jon, right?"

Evan's posture suddenly softened, and he reached for Jon's hand. His grip was strong, but Evan's smile looked genuine. His eyes were laser-focused on Jon.

"Yeah, I'm Jon. We've met before. Listen, you shouldn't act like that."

"My bad, I didn't realize she was your friend."

"What? No, I've never seen her befor..."

"Shit! Did your drink get knocked? Let me get you another."

Before Jon could respond, Evan galloped off to get him another drink. Jon stood dumbfounded. His friend's jaw was on the floor.

"So Jon? I guess you're staying now?" Jon's friend laughed.

"Shut up."


Jon's friend took the cue and left the party. But Jon could have used some back-up: while waiting for Evan, Jon caught the eyes of another man on the deck: beautiful, dark-haired, ripped up. He had an Asian complexion, smooth tan skin, and the biggest pecs Jon had ever seen. He seemed to be scanning the crowd, but his eyes lit up as soon as Jon fixed his eyes on him.

He pushed through the crowd towards Jon.

"You must be Jon." He stuck out his hand. Jon noticed a sleeve tattoo running up his tanned left bicep.

"Hey...uh...yeah," Jon stammered. "Have we met?"

"No, but that loudmouth Evan? He won't shut up about you back there." He was still gripping Jon's hand and then cocked an eyebrow. "And I can see why."

"Huh?" Jon blushed and tried to pull his hand away. The guy held on and pulled back slightly.

The guy looked Jon up and down, sizing up Jon's 5'8 frame. He began to smile, when suddenly Evan crashed through.

"Hey dude all they had was vodka...whoa! What's going on here? Ricky?"

Ricky whirred around and stood-up straight. "Closing-out what you couldn't manage, E-dog."

"Jon, tell this guy to scram," Evan stared down Ricky. "You're out of his league."

"Dude, I don't know what you're fucking talking about," Ricky replied, taking a step into Evan's personal space.

"You do know, Ricky. Now let me hand this man his drink," Evan taunted Ricky, tilting his head down to emphasize his clear height advantage.

Jon gaped as Ricky puffed his chest out and took another step forward, but Evan didn't move and they bumped chests. Both their chests looked so hard, and Ricky's bounced on contact.

After a few seconds, Ricky broke the stare-down. Trying to not look defeated, he took a sidestep and called back at Jon, "Let me know when you want to talk to a real man, J," walking off.


Jon was still stunned when Evan turned back. His friend was never going to believe this.

Hell, he could barely believe it.

"Sorry about Ricky. That guy has been scavenging after my scraps for years." Evan handed him the drink.

"Does that make me a scrap?" Jon joked.

"Fuck no! You're the hottest guy here!" Evan kept his eyes fixed on Jon. "I mean...damn!"

"Shut up."

"No, you shut up. You must be one hell of a stud if you got us fighting over you," Evan winked.

Jon was speechless...for once. His eyes scanned across Evan's remarkable build, pausing on a thick line of black hair trailing down from his bellybutton to his waistband. Evan was hot. His wide stance, his entire vibe--it gave off a masculine-charged energy. Jon wanted to be mad at Evan for mistreating the girl early, but Jon's stomach fluttered anyways. Jon could feel his forehead begin to sweat.

"I'm a stud that didn't like how you treated that girl earlier."

"Well, can I make it up to you?"

Evan handed Jon a warm drink and looked at him with pleading eyes. His "tough guy" persona with Ricky was completely gone.

"It's gonna take a lot more than a warm drink to make it up to me," Jon smirked.

"How about two then?" Evan smiled and handed his drink to Jon. Evan kept his eyes fixed on Jon.

Evan was smiling at him, but Jon knew that Evan was the same arrogant fucker that had just taunted that woman. And ignored him. "What changed?" Jon wondered. Is he challenging me?

Jon took him in, trying not to look anxious. Evan's massive chest had a light dusting of hair that cupped each pec. Fitted blue trunks that matched his backwards Mets hat, a thin gold chain buried in his hairy torso, leather-flip flips. He stared at Jon the entire time, smiling.

This complete attention was a new feeling, but Jon was determined to take advantage. This is what Jon wanted, right? Jon pushed down his apprehension, stood up straight, and met Evan's confident stare.

Jon was still holding both drinks.

Releasing his gaze from Evan, Jon let Evan look-on as he proceeded to down both drinks in front of Evan. Jon tilted his head back, guzzling the first down in four massive gulps. Then, to Evan's surprise, he did the same to Evan's drink--letting some of the warm, sticky drink run over his lips and drip down his tight torso.

Evan's jaw was on the floor. "What am I gonna drink now, Jon?"

"I think there's some right here you can lick off, `E-dog' " Jon pointed at his tight abs.

Evan blushed but didn't move.

"I'd let you fetch a couple more drinks for me, but how are you going to explain that?" Jon nodded down at Evan's crotch when he said that.

"Shit," Evan muttered under his breath. His cock was completely stiff, hanging left, very visible through his swimsuit. He was quiet again as Jon held Evan's gaze. Evan shifted uncomfortably, adjusting his stance to hide his bulge and casually looked around the pool. He then looked back. Jon was still staring.

"The drinks were warm anyways, pretty boy. We're gonna have to find a better way for you to `make it up' to me."

Jon could see Evan's dick jump in response. Evan's eyes were wide and his jaw hung open. Evan was utterly speechless.

"And if you keep that pretty mouth open and I'm gonna to stick my dick in," Jon teased.

Evan snapped his mouth shut and swallowed hard.

Jon didn't wait for a response. Instead, he put his hand on the small of Evan's back and started to lead him away from the pool. "Time to find your keys, E-dog. I just downed a lot of vodka and need a ride home."


During the ride, Jon was so turned on...but confused. Jon didn't know Evan well, but he had assumed Evan's alpha persona carried into bed, too. Evan was built and hot, and Evan knew it. Jon always thought when (or if) he finally had sex with Evan, it would be some heavy petting and jerking off between two tops. Maybe some mutual blowjobs. It never crossed Jon's mind, even in his deepest fantasies, that he would get to top Evan. Never. But here he was, getting chauffeured home in Evan's jeep--and Evan owed him, big time.

Jon felt an urge take all of Evan's muscle, bend him over, and fuck all that cockiness out of him.


They entered Jon's apartment building and climbed two flights of stairs, to the third floor. The entire time, Jon led Evan with his hand on the small of Evan's back. Jon was determined to keep the upper hand, if only symbolically.

At Jon's door, Jon moved his hand down Evan's back to his ass and grabbed a handful before unlocking the door. Evan didn't resist. He hadn't all day.

Inside, Jon locked the door. As he turned, Evan grabbed Jon's shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"Fuck, you look good," Evan's voice sounded raspy with lust before he took Jon's face in both hands for a rough, masculine kiss. Jon felt Evan's boner riding up against his waist, the faint feeling of muscle behind his shirt.

Jon pushed Evan back against the opposite wall. "Where the fuck you been, `E-dog'?" Jon teased.

"Don't know. Guess I saw you in a new light today," Evan smirked and walked forward towards Jon.

Jon pushed him away again. "You've known me for years, dumbass."

"I...well, yeah. I guess I've seen you check me out before and I didn't think I was interested--but I was wrong. Your look today got me hard as hell."

Jon balked at the word "look". `Look those shitheads in the eye...'?

During Jon's pause, Evan rushed to reassure him. "Don't take this the wrong way, dude!"

"Still trying to making it up to me?" Jon smirked.

"Fuck, alright. So what do I have to do?"

"First, quit stroking it, idiot." Evan had been absentmindedly tugging the front of his swimsuit the entire time.

"God, I'm so fucking hard," his eyes were fixed on Jon and his free hand ran up under his shirt.

"Second, get in here and get out of my hallway."


Jon didn't know how he got here, but he knew exactly what he wanted to do. He brought Evan to his living room and stood beside him.

"Let's get started, pretty boy," Jon teased.

In response, Evan crossed his arms and slipped his shirt off. Smirking, he outstretched his arms for Jon's appraisal.

"Is that supposed to impress me?"

"Well, does it disappoint you?"

"It disappointed me that you stopped, cocky fuck. Keep going, and don't rush it."

Jon made Evan bend over and neatly fold his shirt on the coffee table, followed by his blue trunks. When they came off, his dick snapped hard against his belly button. But then Evan felt an even bigger THWACK against his ass. It was Jon's bare palm.

"You took that off too quickly. Put your clothes on and try again," Jon ordered.

"You fucking kidding me?"

"Listen. If you're not up for it, then give me Ricky's number and he'll do it for me."

Evan exhaled and shook his head. "Can't believe this little shit just spanked me," he thought. But Evan was up for it, and his dick was too: he struggled to fit it back into his trunks. And when he stood up again, it jutted out obscenely in front of him. Jon could see a wet spot forming on his front.

"Time for round two."

Evan tried to non-verbally retake control of the situation by standing up tall, with a wide stance, but Jon would not have it. He kept looking up at Evan, giving him direct eye contact and never wavering. And this time, after Evan peeled off his shirt, Jon cupped Evan's chest. And when Evan bent over to fold it, Jon grabbed his ass. Evan couldn't believe how hot it made him. Soon he was naked again--even his flipflops came off.

"Better. Lose the chain...but you can keep that hat."

Jon looked over Evan's impressive body. Even on display, Evan oozed confidence and charisma. He was handsome, tall, and built like a brick wall. Naked, Jon noticed that Evan's furry treasure trail traveled down to a thick bush. His cock was rigid, pointing straight ahead. The end was shiny, slick with precum.

By now, Evan wasn't putting up any resistance. As the only guy naked in the room, he knew Jon was in complete control. He stood looking straight ahead, wearing nothing but a backwards cap and a shit ton of muscle.

Soon Jon's hands were on his ass, pulling at his cheeks and lightly spreading them apart, tickling the light hair running down his crack.

"You know I'm a top, right?" Evan said, turning back but letting Jon continue.


"Couldn't I just suck you tonight?" he asked, shuddering as Jon's finger slid up and down Evan's deep crack.

"After the bullshit you tried to pull at the pool?"

"Wait, I've never been fucked. Don't you think..." Evan stopped short as Jon began rubbing against Evan's tight hole.

"Never been touched here, pretty boy?"

"Fuck," Evan grunted as Jon slowly wore down his defenses. Jon believed Evan, because he had a tight little hole. It felt like a closed entrance around his middle finger.

Evan felt Jon's hot breath against his ear. "You might be a top out there but, in here, in here, you're my bottom now. Just accept it."

Evan shuddered again. He hadn't been spoken to like this in, well...ever. Most guys expected him to take charge and take their hole--but Jon was flipping the script.

Jon walked in front of Evan and lightly slapped his pecs. "You're so tight and warm back there. Like a pussy."

"Knock it off, Jon," Evan looked pissed but he couldn't keep his eyes off him.

"You're right. Okay. I don't want to fuck you till you're begging for it."

Jon led Evan to his couch. Evan plopped down, cock pointing to the sky. From this angle, Jon noticed Evan had a fat dick and massive low hangers. He could tell that Evan shaved his balls smooth, to show off their massive size, leaving a thick bush behind his dick.

Jon sat down on the coffee table across from Evan. "So like I said, beg."

"Jon...why am I so fucking hard?" Evan shook his head in awe, looking straight into Jon's emerald green eyes.

"Because pretty boy. You like where this is headed. And I like knowing that I'm gonna fuck your thick ass and no one knows. Now," he grabbed Evan's large rough hand and guided it below Evan's big balls. "do as I say."

Before Evan could react, Jon used Evan's finger to roughly push on his hole until popped in.

Evan's abs tightened and balls lurched up. "Ahhhh...oh fuck."

"Yeah, that's it."

Jon worked Evan's finger in and out of his hole, sawing up-and-down. Evan hadn't been kidding, he was tight as all hell. And without lube, it hurt. But Jon kept at it, and soon he had Evan in a slow rhythm, fingering himself.

"Yeah, open yourself up for me pretty boy."

Jon leaned back, watching Evan work his own hole. Happy with his progress, Jon slid down his shorts, too. He pulled out his dick, a moderately long one with a fat mushroom head.

"Dude, there's no way I'm sitting on that thing," he heard Evan say.

"I didn't tell you to stop fingering your pussy. Suck on it and put it back in."

To both their surprise, Evan complied without even a thought. And now, his ass was getting more relaxed. He groaned, closed his eyes, and kicked up his muscular legs onto the coffee table.

"J, why do you have this effect on me?"

"Open your eyes--look at me."

When Evan's eyes met Jon's, it felt electric. He was already hard, but looking into those green eyes gave Evan a jolt. His asshole twitched around his finger.


"Look into my eyes and think about me fucking you. How good this head is going to feel teasing your tight man-pussy."

With his free hand, Evan was furiously tugging on his dick. Hard.

"Yeah. You're a big strong guy, but you got a man pussy. Just for me."

"Fuck Jon!" Evan was grunting hard. Jon could see precum flooding over Evan's dick.

"You know, if you really plan to make it up to me, you'll curl your finger on your prostate," Jon suggested. "Hit your spot."

Evan tried and let out a low, guttural grunt. His face flushed, and his breathing started to get clipped.

"Ufffff!" Jon could hear the sloshing precum run off Evan's dick as he stroked.

And then, without warning, Evan shot. "Fucking fuck me, Jon!!" he blurted, hitting his chin. Two ropes dripped from his hairy pecs.

Jon grabbed a nearby towel and threw it at Evan. "Nice work. Now clean up and get out of here."

"But...what about you?"

"I don't have a use for a man with empty balls. Maybe next time you'll be nicer at our next pool party. See ya."

Comments welcome. So are pictures for, uh, inspiration. So keep them coming.

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Next: Chapter 2

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