Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on May 3, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 9

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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Everything was happening so fast and yet it was as if I were watching it slowly unfold. Logan had pulled his shirt off as he whirled around and headed for the boys about to fight and the boys started yelling out insults. I'm still not quite sure why I did what I did but I already had my phone in hand having been about to do something that was instantly forgotten. I pulled up a video on my smart phone as quickly as possible `guard dog frenzy' and then hit play as the sound was cranked to maximum. I suppose I got lucky, the dogs sounded as if they were charged down the hiking path and two of the teens took off, a third hesitating but Logan storming towards them had him grabbing his buddies' arm and all four bolted. Logan just turned a rather baffled look at me. "Dogs?" "Better than charging at them halfcocked when they could have had weapons or something Logan. Damnit you are only just getting better!" I was a bit more scared than I had let on and only just realized my hands were shaking as I attempted to pause the noisy video. Logan came over and took the phone, pausing the video and locking the phone before taking my hands. "I'm sorry Pat, you are right. I just saw red is all. Come on, let's head back to the bike and relax a bit." I just eyed him a moment as he apologized so quickly and had a spike of worry if we ran into those four again there would be trouble. "You might want to put your shirt back on though. It is a bit nippy out you know" I could not help but look his body up and down a moment while he grabbed his top though I really had to wonder why fighters always did that! After making sure we had everything we needed and left nothing behind we headed up the trail. It would not even be twenty minutes later when a park ranger came towards us with her shoulder unit clicking and mumbling. She made eye contact pointedly with us and then Logan but went past before stopping and calling out. "Sir's? Have you two seen a pack of dogs running around loose anywhere?" "No Ma'am. Was it four teenagers who told you about them? " Logan had spoken up while I was just trying to figure out when the hell I became a `sir'? At least it was better than `Hey you' I suppose. The ranger came back up to us looking a bit suspicious and I could not help but smile as she was all of five-foot-tall and reminded me a lot of my sister with that fire in her eyes. "I'm listening" "We were sitting down at the picnic area just past the curve and these boys started throwing rocks and calling us slurs. This wise ass here was quicker than I am and turned on a guard dog video on his phone." Logan was beaming as if proud of me for that and the Ranger just raised both brows and held her hand out. I assumed that she wanted proof of the video and I pulled out my phone, unlocking it showed the video paused and when she hit play the dogs of course started barking. She lost it and handed me the phone back with tears in her eyes. "You two got damned lucky those boys were scared of dogs. I'm Ranger Sheila Mache. Are you going to press charges then? I can take you up to the station and begin that process." "Patrick Aberg and that's Logan Divan... No, I don't think we need to press charges. I mean... it would be really impossible to prove it ever happened wouldn't it? Just... let us get to our bike and get out of here." "Understood, and yes without some sort of proof it's your words against theirs and it would likely get thrown out unfortunately. I'll walk you young men up, just give me a moment." She stepped to the side of the trail and relayed the information to her dispatcher who was promptly heard to snort as if attempting to hold back laughter. Sheila then moving on along with us. "What would you have done if they had not been scared of dogs?" "Not sure. I saw this one video once of some guy getting out of a fight by stripping all the way to his briefs and charging the bullies. I wonder if that would have worked?" Logan's answer had me wide eyed and blushing, Sheila just glancing our way with a rather motherly `tsk'. "No, Then I would have to haul you for public indecency. Avoid fighting if you can. Not saying you have to run away but try de-escalating first even if they were the ones to start it. You two guys brothers?" "No! No, we both go to Ashborne College. He's my... boyfriend." I was a bit worried she would be just as judgmental, and Logan put an arm around me but did not say a word. Sheila was quiet a moment as we three just listened to the birds and crunch of gravel and fall leaves underfoot. She finally spoke up. "you two are cute together. Don't worry about those guys though. They are pretty harmless. They are at the park frequently. I'll have a long chat with them. I hope this hasn't spoiled you both on Pisgah." "no ma'am. It's a beautiful park. I hope they learn from it all. Thank you for the escort Miss Sheila." Logan was a gentleman when he wanted to be, and I could only smile at him and was quite glad to see Ebony where I had left her chained in the parking lot. Sheila headed to her duties and I had to wonder if we would see her again out here. "She's nice isn't she Logan?" "Yea, she's got a wicked `mom' look though. Ready to head back to campus or elsewhere?" ~~~~Logan~~~~ We had ridden for a while, just rambling with my arms around him and while tempted to be a brat and stir up trouble, I had already been in one accident and really did not want to be in another for fondling my lovers junk while he was steering at highway speeds. We made it back to the dorm just before sunset and parked the bike but rather than going back to our rooms we headed to the top floor of the parking deck and Patrick leaned on me as we watched the sun set. "Logan?" "yea?" "Why do guys do that?" His question was out of the blue and I had to look at him a moment in utter confusion. What the nine hells was he talking about? He grinned like he was about to laugh though. "Your shirt, I've never really gotten into a fist fight but every time I see someone else fight they always pull their clothes off first. Why? Isn't it easier to get hurt that way?" I had to laugh a bit and shrugged, wrapping my arms around him a bit as a brisk breeze filtered through and the fall trees showed their colors even against the sunset. "Only if they have a weapon. It's harder to hold onto someone fighting you if they don't have fabric to grab or hair to pull. Well, at least that's what one of my friends growing up use to say." "Logan? Are you ready to go back to the room yet?" I shook my head no at his question and he leaned in closer and whispered in my ear. "Come with me, I want to show you something I found last semester" Now -That- made me quite curious as he took my hand and started to lead me away towards the dorm building.

Next: Chapter 10

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