Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Apr 24, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 5

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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I had gotten up at the crack of dawn it felt like, though poor Neil was already gone for the day which let me get a quick rub in the shower before dressing and met with Gabe, Peter, and Logan along with another guy Anson and his girl Lisa. They were good company though most of the others jogged on ahead of us, Lisa hung back with Logan and me. We talked about classes; Logan was taking a mechanics course the college offered with a major in small business studies. He enjoyed welding and arts too with aspirations to have a shop of some sort in Ashville which I knew had a strong arts community. Lisa wanted to be a singer, but her backup plan was computers and cyber security. She shared a class with Neil unsurprisingly. We laughed about a few of our teachers and I was very happy to hear I shared a class with Logan every other day. College however is college and can be a pain in the rear end. Meaning we had classes to attend. Logan's laugh and grin got me through until lunch at which point, I remembered to call Ab's when I got back to my room. Neil was again gone so I had the room and its newly repaired door to myself. I hoped she was not as angry with me as Mom and Dad seemed to be since I had not heard from them. Abigail had always been weird about phones, she never texted if she could help it. She was a good four years my senior though but had left home at sixteen. For a long time, we did not know what had happened to her and one day she showed up on a motorcycle at the front door. The phone number I had was for her shop as I knew that's where she or Garrick would be right now. It felt like it rang forever before her voice answered. "Hello? Conch's place, what ya want?" "Ab's? It's Patrick" She was quiet way too long, but I could vaguely hear the crunch of footsteps and a door slamming as she told someone she was taking the call to the office. I could see her duct taped busted chair in my head as it squeaked and the thud of her boots as she propped them on the desk, knowing her, cluttered with paperwork. "Patty... the hell? Do you know Moms been bawling her eyes out every fucking night man? Dad swears you chewed him and her out and stormed off to go to some tramp. And there's been rumors someone got creamed on the way to Torrand. Mom thought it was you. Why haven't you called?!" Her tone raised a good bit, but I just let her scold. Maybe this was not the best idea. She finally went quiet enough I could answer. "Is that what he told you and mom? She was not even there. She was off with her boyfriend. Abs. I told dad I am gay and that I was coming back to Ashborne. He told me to get the hell out and that he never wanted to see me again. That what I was doing to him and my poor mother was worse than..." I almost said it and I heard that silence boiling between my sister and me. Abs hissed between her teeth. "Than what I did?" "Yea... That. I didn't want to leave like that sis. It's only been a week since I left though." "I'm glad it wasn't you who got creamed Patty, just let me deal with Mr. Perfect. I've got bikes to get back to building and a few to fix." "Yea. Speaking of, I told my friend who did get creamed to send his 1950 Indian Chief Blackhawk to you, He wanted to know the chief would be well taken care of." I knew better and held the phone away from my ear just in time as she shrieked. "You fucker! I've always wanted to work on one of those!" "Just remember he is a college student sis. I know he said something about the war bonnet? Was smashed." "Yea, that's the light on the front fender. Shit. I may be able to find an OEM or aftermarket. May even print one if I have to." I could just see the dollar signs flying in front of her and smiled. "Thanks sis. I know the chief is in good hands" "How's Ebony?" "She's great, running like a dream. I had a few inquiries about her on the way here. Just hate having to put her in the underground parking. I've got her locked up tighter than anything though and may take her out for a run tonight after classes before the weather turns too much." Ebony being my custom bike she had given me for Christmas last year. I was not sure who loved that thing more, me or her. We talked a bit longer about bikes and college. I understood why sis left home when she was 16. Dad was very controlling towards us and yet let mom run all over town with whoever she wanted. Neither really had much to do with our lives once sis and I were old enough to care for ourselves. It was all too soon that I had to go back to class. It was a short day for me, but I would come to enjoy this next class. Intro to Advertising, the best part though was that Logan was also in it. Later that night I was sitting at my desk doing homework. Neil, who now had a beauty of a black eye, was typing furiously away at his own computer when Logan popped up on my messenger. "Busy?" "Frustrated more like. Excels being a pain." I replied, more than annoyed by it but a break would likely help. "Meet me in the Jack." I cast a look at Neil and closed the laptop, stretched, and headed for the bathroom, not sure why really but I locked the door behind me. Logan was sitting on the sink in just jeans despite how cold it was this time of year in the mountains. He was not hard cut but not flabby either, just defined enough to look good. The scar from his surgery well healing but still striking against his body but I immediately noticed his arm. "You got the sling off already? Sweet!" "You know it. They said the sprains healed up mostly, just gotta be careful of it yet. Damn lucky it wasn't broken like they originally said it was. Wanted to show you something else too." I stepped closer curiously to see what he wanted to show me. He grabbed the back of my head and suddenly kissed me. I swear my toes curled from it this time and I did not hesitate to lock lips back. Grabbing hold of his dark wheat hair and holding him there. I broke the kiss to murmur. "You locked the door?" "No, Peters out, won't be back for hours" As if I was not hard enough, his answer made it worse, or perhaps better. I groaned and he lifted his legs, pinning me between them and pulling my hips against his, bucking his clothed erection against me before suddenly releasing me and pushing back to lead us to his dorm room. I hesitated at a sudden thought and unlocked the door to my room, but quickly followed when he gave me a funny look, so I explained. "Neil will come looking if he can't go to the head you know." Logan laughed, those emerald eyes of his seemed even brighter now instead of darker somehow. We closed the Jack bath door and locked it and the dorm door, before I knew it my shirt was off and his hands were all over me, pushing my shoulders to force me down onto his bed. I nearly whimpered and went to unfasten my jeans but his hands pushed mine away as he kissed down my abs stopping me. "No, let's have some fun with this." "Shit... Logan... Please... Fuck me." "Not yet." He murmured and kissed my stomach. He seemed to watch the way my muscles twitched, my hands tightened in his hair and I scooted a bit to lean against the wall and watch as he slowly unbuttoned my jeans and worked them down. My briefs were taught as could be and a small damp spot had begun to form from the pre-leaking out. He groaned and shucked his own clothing, evidently commando beneath as his hard cock sprung free and nearly touched his own stomach. His mouth glided over my briefs and nuzzled the hard cock before he rolled the cloth down. I was cut and felt like my length was nothing like his but the hunger in his eyes made me feel like a damned god. "Logan..." He grinned up at me, my heart thudded, and eyes closed very briefly in bliss as the warmth of his mouth engulfed my cockhead and shaft. He sucked and tugged, rolling my balls in his hand. My own fingers in his hair as I started to buck a bit at him, but he pushed my hips down and kept going at me until I thought I was going to burst. Pulling away from me then. "Not yet Pat." He grabbed a condom from his bedside table and a small bottle of lube, pinching the tip and unrolling the rubber down my aching cock making me groan again. I lifted my knee carefully and rubbed at his shaft, he nearly doubled over a moment and I was afraid I had done it too hard and hurt him but he pushed my leg down and straddled it, rubbing his balls against me. "I want to ride you so fucking bad Patrick, fuck me you are thick." It seemed in an instant he was straddled above my cock, and had one hand behind himself to aim the hard thing into his ass. His eyes rolled back in his head as he sank down, stopped for a moment, and then went all the way down. His tight ass nearly making me cum then and there, but I willed myself not to, tried anyhow. I stroked his cock and started thrusting up into him as much as I could, he leaned forward just enough and rode me hard. Our lips meeting as the sound of slapping slippery flesh filled the room. I stroked and pulled at his hard shaft and imagined it filling my ass the way I was filling his now, his sweaty glistening skin above me as I drove deep into him, the bed squeaking and groaning beneath us, he gasped my name and my cock jerked inside that tight ass, unloading into the rubber. Not but an instant later his cum spilled out in long white-hot ropes against my chest with him arching above me. ~~~~Logan~~~~ Patrick's girth filled my tight hole to the point of aching. I found myself gasping above him and the cum dripping from my cock in long hot ribbons attested to the power of he seemed to have on me. He was still hard, and the condom was filled in my ass. I rocked a bit against the heat, and he grabbed my arm almost sharply, all but hissing between his teeth. "Please Logan, I need more." "I'm not going anywhere lover. Oh, fuck you are sooo good!" I had to moan and rose up just a little, hesitating as the condom slipped off his shaft and out from inside me. Patrick's blue eyes locked with mine and he nodded, whispering. "I'm clean Logan... Your my first..." "I'm clean too, just got tested last month... you sure?" His answer to my question was a heart pounding yank on my head to bring me close enough for our lips to join, I sat back down hard on that sticky hot shaft, stretching my aching hole and filling me with his heat again as I rode him, my hands roving that firm chest and I twisted his nipple once just to see his reaction, gasping when his shaft jerked in my hole, tightening my ass as much as I could I did it again and he groaned, his back arching against the mattress as he filled me and I let my load go across him again. He dipped his fingers into the puddle and licked it once, I groaned and stole the taste from his mouth for a long moment before removing myself from his finally softening cock. Just collapsing beside him, his head moving to my shoulder and his hand going to the scar on my side. "I didn't make you hurt, did I?" "Only in a good way. Damn... I wish we could stay like this..." I sighed but the logic seemed to be coming back now and I knew Pete was going to be back after his class let out and he would not be happy finding us cocks out and covered in jizz. Patrick had been looking at me and something must have tipped him off as he sat up and looked amused. "Your eyes, they really do change color... It's not just the light." I blinked and just looked at him with a tilt of my head. "Pat... your crazy, and we need a shower before Pete gets back here..." Pete's voice came from the doorway. "Too late."

Next: Chapter 6

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