Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Apr 22, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 4

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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"Neil!" It had happened so fast, one moment I was trying to figure out how to wave the flag in front of Logan and not make myself look like some sort of whore by blurting out `I'm single and I want to fuck that tight ass so hard' to having my roommate bodily shoved through the door with someone yelling death threats. I was off the desk before I knew what happened and a local jock came through the door aiming for Neil. Suddenly he was pinned against the wall with his arm twisted behind his back, Logan with a death grip on his wrist shoving him with his good shoulder. "How about You get the hell out of here before we call the cops? And I don't mean the campus ones Jackass." "Let go of me fag!" He screamed like a baby when Logan twisted his arm further, Gabe came running and nearly growled the name. "Frank! Logan let him go before you break something else man." Two other large guys suddenly grabbed Frank and yanked him out of the room, Gabe came in and pushed Logan back as he seemed ready to tear after them. Damn... cute, clueless and a hero complex. Not a good time for me to get a hard-on for Logan as I kneeled over Neil and tried to see how bad he was hurt. "Is he okay?" Gabe and Logan nearly asked at the same time. Neil nodded and took the tissues I pulled off my desk, staunching his nose. "Don't tilt your head back, you can drown your fool self, lean forward and pinch. You hurt elsewhere?" "M'kay... that asshole... I was just talking to Maggie about our project and he came after me." His tone a bit nasally as he had tissue up his nose. Oh great, a jealous boyfriend. As if my room was not small enough Peter came in a moment later. "What crawled up Frank's ass and died?" Gabe shot him a look and Peter shrugged. Gabe had the patience of a saint but loved to gossip so I was a bit surprised by the look though not too surprised when he spouted off. "Neil's classmate evidently has a jealous man-child. Seriously, you okay Neil? And again, Welcome to C dorm Logan." Gabe laughed, and Logan groaned, sitting back in my chair. I went over to check on him. "One arm, fresh surgery wounds and you fricken pinned him, are you a gym rat or something? How's your arm and shoulder?" "Tender but I'll be okay, arms sprained not broken by some miracle. And no, not a gym rat, just a little brother and my dad runs a riding center. When you have to wrangle one-ton horses a scrawny jock isn't much." I was looking down at those emerald eyes and my heart was not the only thing that thudded. Gabe helped Neil to his feet and Peter got him on the other side, Gabe grinning like Alice's Cheshire cat. "Come on bro, let's get you to the aid station and file a damn report. You guys don't go giving me too much paperwork this semester please." they shut the door behind them thankfully as when I glanced back to Logan he had stood up again, his lips a hairs breath from my own and then claiming mine with one hand weaving his fingers into my curls. I was stunned, breathless and hesitated a moment but managed to catch him as he started to backpaddle. Pulling him into another kiss. There was no denying the nearly tangible draw between both of us much less the bulge in my pants or his. "You... You hesitated..." Logan whispered, and I flinched faintly before nodding. "I, never... I mean." He pulled back and looked so confused a moment. Damn... those emerald green orbs had darkened, it was not a trick of the light, his eyes actually changed color with his emotions, and I was more than mystified and taken with them. "You've never been with a guy?" It was embarrassing, I wanted to lie and tell him I had, I felt inadequate somehow about it but shrugged slightly. "No, never with anyone..." ~~~~Logan~~~~ Patrick's hesitation had made me withdraw admittedly. Being pulled back to him was a dream though until his admittance. This was turning out to be a hell of a first day at college for me. Much as I wanted to go for it there was a rather lot of pressure behind that simple sentence. "Pat... I'll go for that walk with you guys in the morning... damn... I want nothing more than to stay here right now but our roommates will probably be back in a minute and I think your doors busted.... I don't think we're ready to come out to the whole floor just yet that way." I was trying to pull it off as a joke, but it was not easy to make myself let go of him and head for the bathroom door. Patrick seemed to understand and nodded, backing up a step. "Hey Logan? See you tomorrow morning?" "Damn right you will." I headed into the bathroom and heard a thump as Patrick evidently climbed into the loft bed. I went to my own room where Peter was still absent and checked my schedule. First class was to be at ten. Perfect. Torrand did not have the grandness of Ashville and Biltmore but it was near Pisgah national forest so had a good many walking trails both around campus and around town. Bike and horseback trails as well. I was eager to get back into shape after a few weeks laying around but also found myself eager to get to know this group of guys. One in particular as my phone dinged at me. I dropped onto my bed and checked the message. Somehow not surprised it was from Patrick. "Sleep well" I grinned and considered something but decided a different route was better just yet despite the throbbing ache growing in my cock. "Good night Sexy." Before I could chicken out I hit send and put the phone away at footsteps. Peter came into the room and dropped onto his bed hard enough to make it creak. "How's the guy? Neil wasn't it?" "He's good, bloody nose, likely going to have a black eye. Gabes damned good at playing nurse." "Hey, Peter? I have to ask... You heard what Frank said right?" Peter rolled over and looked at me, grabbing something from under his bed and offering a pouch of trail mix. "Want some nuts?" I stared at him and cracked up; my ribs ached but I could not stop for a moment. Peter just looked rather puzzled and those oak brown eyes of his narrowed. "it was not that funny man. And which part of what Frank said in his mouthing off are you talking about?" "Yes, I'd like some nuts. I'm bi, prefer guys though Peter. Don't worry, you're not my type no offence." I hoped he would take it in stride and Peter seemed to hesitate and think it over a moment before launching the bag of mix at me rather hard. "Man, you had me all confused and shit. I don't care. Screw who you want to screw, just let me know so I can be out of the room okay. This wasn't my original room Logan. My other roomie was a real piece of work and I asked if I could get moved to a floor with a more accepting R.A., so they put me with Gabe. I'm not straight either. Or gay. Hell, I don't know what I am. I'm broken I guess." I winced, not at getting smacked in the chest with the little bag but at his words. Looking over at him and remembering that line from one of my classmates in high school. Hell, I had thought the same thing about myself for many years. "You aren't broken Peter. You are just you. Everyone makes it all out about labels but it's not. It's just being who you are. And You are running with us all, tomorrow right?" "Yea, Yea." He rolled over, and I had the feeling that was not the last of that conversation.

Next: Chapter 5

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