Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Apr 19, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 3

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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It should not have been a surprise. I knew that a Logan was to be in that room and that he was a week overdue. Gabe had told me as much when I told him about the accident earlier. I also of course knew there were at least another ten Logan's on this campus, and I was cynical enough to think it could not possibly be him. I had gotten a text from him last week, but it had been short, blunt almost. Now seeing him with a sling on his arm, and holding his well-endowed cut cock in the other, gave some explanation for the short replies. I was not sure what to do for a moment after I panicked and backed out of the bathroom, shutting the door between us. I could not get those green eyes out of my head and it was a good thing Neil was not in the room. I locked the doors and needed to clear my mind. Be rational. Maybe it was best if I pretended, I saw nothing in there. The wall was in the way, that was best. Damned teenage hormones were betraying me though and I had to take several deep breaths, trying to think of something else, anything else. I tried to think about classes, as a business major I was taking things like Business law and Ethics that could be tedious. Just as I regained some iota of control my phone buzzed with a text message. "Sorry, I just got in and forgot to lock the door. It won't happen again." Holy hell he texts in full sentences. Pity it would not happen again though. I found my breath catching as I thought about him. I did not know Logan from anyone, he could be a drug head or thief or straightest most homophobic man alive for all I knew. Or... my heart thudded... He could be gay, bi, willing to experiment, a nice guy... yea right. I texted back. "It's okay. I should have knocked. Welcome to C dorm. Don't worry. I didn't see anything." "Thanks. auto busy? I can come over and get my Keynes." That one confused me, I must have stared at it more than a moment before a second message appeared. "Damn Auto carrot" I could not help but smirk at that. Autocorrect could be a pain but that explained how he was typing so well with one hand. Again, I was glad Neil was at class. Neil was an okay roommate in the end. Minded his own business, was quiet, never seemed to have girls over but Heavens above getting him started on videogames was a bad idea. He had enrolled to be a game designer and was taking coding and such classes very seriously. I was glad the day he came in with a `ally' bracelet he had bought during a fundraiser for the LGBT club as it had let me broach the subject and feel safer about it. We had a deal between us. I was not to screw in our dorm room, and neither was he. I was still staring at my phone when another text came through. "Pat?" "Not busy, come on over" He knocked once on the door, coming around front rather than through the adjoining bathroom for some reason. I let him in and headed for my desk, unlocking the drawer to get his things. "Hey Logan... I really am sorry about barging in on you." "It happens, my fault, should have locked the door." He shuffled a bit, jeans, t-shirt spouting the line `ain't I just a ray of sunshine' and his dark wheat hair was cut short. "I'm glad you are okay though, was worried after the accident. Still sorry to hear the bike was busted though, hope you can fix it." I handed him the keys and he pocketed them, holding the license plate in one hand as he shrugged slightly. "Honestly, I owe you big time bud. I was bleeding internally, went to surgery soon as they had the scans and shit done. As for the chief, it was my grans bike, she is livid that it's busted up, but she's got a neighbor who builds bikes from scratch. Some girl, Abigail Conch or something." My expression must have been clear, as those emerald eyes took a worried look and I swear they went darker. "You know her?" "Hell, yea I know her. That's my sister, man... she built my bike... I'll text her for you, Ab's will get you a good deal on the repairs." Logan laughed and my heart thudded in my chest, he had an infectious sort of laugh that made me start as well. I would have talked to dad again for him at that point. Thankfully, my big sis saw my view on things, I would definatly be calling her later. ~~~~Logan~~~ "She built your bike. Sweet. We'll have to hit up her shop in Ashville sometime then." I had offered before my brain actually thought that out. He might not be interested, may be straight. At least I could make a friend in this place. So far everything was getting off to a pretty good start... said the man in the sling to himself. Patrick hopped up out of his chair and pushed it to me, sitting on the edge of his computer desk instead even though there was his roommates chair at the other desk. "I'd like that, Hey, think you would be up for a jog or at least a walk tomorrow? Gabe and I hit the park every morning before classes, when's your first?" Patrick offered and his hopeful smile made my chest feel tight suddenly, or was it just the medicine I had been taking? I sunk gratefully into the chair, one of those `racer' style gaming computer chairs with duct tape on a rip to say it had seen better days. Comfortable though. "I could walk, don't want to barge in on anything though. I mean... shit..." I spotted the ally bracelet on the other desk and glanced that way, wait? Was Patrick with the R.A.? Jealousy reared its head and I sunk back a bit. Patrick just looked confused. "I wouldn't have offered if you were. We'll go easy on you, anyhow, okay... Enough." I blinked, confused as hell at his declaration of `Enough' and stood to leave. "Okay, sorry... I'll get going--" "Wait, Logan, sit please. I know it's not my place to say anything and I've only done this twice so bear with me." Those blue eyes looked so frightened and worried that I really wanted to go to him and take him in my arms. I found myself wondering how that raven black hair smelled and if it was as soft as those curls looked. Like a puppet I returned to the seat and Patrick rubbed his forehead. "I'm listening Patrick" "Pat's fine if you like... I... I'm gay... Gabriel's... what did he call it? Homoromantic Asexual." I blanked on that one and just stared at him. "So? He likes romance but not sex and likes guys? Right? I think there was someone like that in the LGBT club in high school. Or maybe it was aeromantic. There's so many acronyms you know?" I had just unintentionally come out myself to a degree and gave him a slightly forced smile, so Gabe and he could still be a thing romantically but not sexually. Damn. Patrick ruffled his own hair in a rather cute way and nodded. "That's what I think too. It is confusing. But Gabe's one of my best friends here. He was my roommate last semester." My heart sank with every word. "Oh, I'll have to check my schedule for tomorrow... I may have class in the morning." The disappointment in Patrick's face and tone was almost tangible as his voice dropped. "Okay... if you change your mind we'll be out here at seven... my roommate, Neil has a class at six so won't be joining us. But Peter does sometimes. You said you were part of the LGBT club in high school?" I was very torn and confused now but nodded to his question. "I came out of the closet as bi when I was fifteen. Not the easiest thing to do in the bible belt as you well know I'm sure. But I had help and felt a lot better knowing I could be me though I think bi can pass slightly easier than gay sometimes. So, have you and Gabe been together long?" Patrick went wide eyed at that question and gaped a moment as if trying to fathom a response. It was a rather straight forward question admittedly, Had I just crammed my foot down my throat again? "Logan... Gabe's just a friend, nothing more. I swear..." It was then someone slammed into Patrick's room door and flung it open, the boy with bright red hair hit the ground with a bloody nose and another guy screamed obscenities as he followed through the door. "You son of a bitch! I'm going to rip your head off!"

Next: Chapter 4

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