Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Nov 2, 2020


Green eyed Boy

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now. I am having to switch to a every other week schedule.

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Neil had gotten off Michael. Snatching a pill bottle from his hand and passing it to Logan.

"This asshole stole my cousin's seizure medicine off his counter while we were talking. Just barged in and grabbed it. Can you get the R.A. for this floor?"

That question had me giving an impish smile while motioning to Michaels suddenly snoring form.

"Neil, meet our R.A. Michael."

It would be a short while later that the Dean himself graced us with his presence, along with a few police officers. During the process of which Logan made it a point to mention the occurrence, video, and calls about the Glen just so it would be on record where he was. Susan backing him that her sister had called later claiming all sorts of things the last few months. The cops rolling their eyes a bit about it but did write it all on the reports. Within the hour the Dean had promoted Niels cousin to R.A. since he was a senior and willing to do it. Percy a decent guy thankfully and quite glad to have his medication back.

Once home again I settled onto the couch.

"Loooooggggyyy... Can we keep the mini fridges anyhow? We just got them set up and I would not mind ice cream in our room."

"I have no problem with that Paddy. If you guys want to return yours that's fine though?"

Logans question had Lisa and Susan looking appalled.

"Nope, I want to keep them please!"

"Agreed! Can we hubby?"

Susan giving Saul the biggest puppy dog eyes she could.

"Sure, I guess. Makes sense anyhow rather than coming out in the middle of the night risking waking everyone. Speaking of we still forgot the ribbon for those tiles."


Logan flopped down on the couch, his head on my lap and looking up at me with false annoyance. I just patted him on the head. By nightfall there was still no word from Pops about Lucy, or any calls from the police about the whole incident. The security cameras showed only that Meg and Faye had fixed the damage fence as much as possible. The police had been there, mostly because shots were fired, but had left again without taking anyone with them.

It was the next morning when Logans phone rang and he sleepily muttered for me to get it. Neither of us had slept well and I simply flung a handout from under the blankets, feeling around until I snagged the phone and drew it under the blanket where my head was on Logans chest.


"Hey Patty, it's Pop. Lucy is going to be okay. She's just real bruised up and needed some stitches on her back leg where a piece of the fence nailed her. But she's okay."

"Oh, thank God Pop. Are you though? Is Faye in trouble?"

"Yea, don't worry about me my boy. I'm proud of you and Loggey staying put. Was scared he'd get hurt or blamed if he came out there all angry. Faye's got self-defense on her side, video and all that. Plus, it seems the girl who did it has been committing a lot of fraud. Cops picked her up this morning at her folks' house. He was right, it weas his ex-Melinda. I knew I didn't like that girl. Is Loggey awake?"

"Yea, kind of Pops."

My throat tightened a bit when Pops had said he was proud of me. Even after a few months living with him and everyone else it still nearly brought tears. Especially after I elbowed Logan awake enough to take the phone and heard Pops.

"Good, let me talk to him. Love you son, be careful."

"Love you too Pops."

I passed the phone off, scooting out of bed and heading for the bathroom to splash water on my face. I could not breathe a moment; I knew I had to get a grip and could not have a breakdown every time someone praised me or showed emotion to me, but it was still difficult. My hand seemed of its own mind as I reached back and felt the knot of scar tissue there. No, Daniel had not shot me, but he was the main catalyst of it all. I had never in my life, before meeting Pops, heard those words. 'I love you son'. They echoed in my head and I looked in the mirror a long moment. I was not that scared boy anymore. I was not alone anymore. I could be strong, I was too worthy of being loved, of loving someone else. I smiled at myself, used the facilities, washed up and headed back to my husband.

I climbed back into the bed under the covers as he spoke to Pops. Just being there for him until he said bye and hung up. For a long moment Logan was silent. I knew he was seething. Lucy was one of the last connections he had to his mom and to his brother Vince. I pulled myself up on the bed and pulled his head to my chest for a change.

"He told me she's going to be okay Logan. That he is too."

"I know... But she could have killed them both Patrick."

"She could have, but she did not. She's in jail now Loggy, From what Susan said I doubt she can make bail. If nothing else she gets a psych eval and spends a few months behind bars, hopefully realizing how crazy she's been and leaves us alone."

"And if she doesn't?"

He looked up at me with those worried dark emerald eyes. I just cupped his chin, if she did not? I did not know what to do but the lie he needed to hear fell from my lips anyhow.

"Like you have told me about Daniel love. We'll deal with it one day at a time."


I knew he was parroting my own words back to me, ones he never believed but the fact he thought I needed the mmore, and really I did, heartened me some. Everyone was fine for now and that was what mattered most. I nestled against him a bit longer but all too soon the sounds of the rest of our roommates stirring had us up and dressed.

Patrick headed off with Lisa and Susan to get things so we could put the acoustic tiles up. I settled in chatting with Saul and Juan for a while. Letting them know too what Pops had said. Once Pat was home we set to work making giant picture frames from beadboard he had purchased instead of attempting to put the heavy tiles on ribbons. Once the new dull gray walls were done and in place there were discussions about what to do for our last free weekend before classes started. Ab's and Garick would be back this weekend, so would Pats mom and Harris. We decided to visit them the following week however just to let them relax after being gone on their honeymoons.

Instead we spent the weekend at the Glen, checking on the horses, the potters shop, riding. Lucy came home from the vets a little more skittish and less prone to grazing beside the driveway which really was fine with me.

As in all things time marches on. It seemed before we knew it classes were in full swing, schedules and plans were made. The only interuptions being occasional chats with our lawyers about both Melinda and Daniel. By the end of spring semester we were shocked we had actually had a peaceful term. Then was the rush of getting signed up for things for the fall. Deciding what to do and where to go over the summer.

Day by day that first fall together became nothing more than a fading nightmare. It was late fall when Abs surprised Patrick and myself with a pair of teddy bears reading 'Uncle Patrick' and Uncle Logan' respectively. The following spring Conche's workshop had a screaming baby girl on premises who only slept when she heard the roar of a motorcycle muffled through the shop walls.

Then the trials. Faye was up first, our lawyers the best we could afford and she was let off with only a warning to be more careful of when she draws a firearm. Something I felt was bullshit since she had been defending Pops about it. A week later Melinda stood trial and we found out she had been out on bail most of the time. However for three counts of fruad, animal abuse, and using the car as a weapon with intent she was sentenced to ten years. Likely to be paroled in five however.

Patrick and I graduated with honors the following fall. Finally free of college he set to work in his clay shop. His pottery managed to support itself while I took over the Glen rescue sanctuary. Pops of course refused to retire.

And here my friends, I am signing off as my husband awaits me in bed with naught but the moonlight shining off the faint white hairs trying to turn his dark crown into silver already.

I am ending Patrick and Logans story here as I feel they have nothing left to say and I want to thank all of you have commented, or silently enjoyed this journey. I am hoping when things settle a bit more to begin new stories with new characters and tales to tell.Thank you all. Sincerly, EdEm

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