Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Sep 29, 2020


Green Eyed Boy

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now. I am having to switch to a every other week schedule.

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We had to get home. I knew really there was not anything we could do. Pop and Charles loaded Lucy into a truck, hauling her to the vet. I turned my feed off to make myself stop looking at the torn-up fence and furrows in the driveway. Susan was crying over my shoulder though not loudly. Logan was on the phone with someone. Then Saul came back with the dollies just in time. Juan heading over to fill him in on everything. It was all a blur and getting to be just too much. All the mess with dad flooding back. Lisa took my elbow and made me sit on the trucks gate a minute before she went to talk to Logan. At least someone had control. In ever perfect timing Michael appeared, staggering out of his Junker of a car and being loudmouth as he swung a half open bottle of beer around. Then pretended like he was going to hit the closest person with it.

"What the hell you bunch of idiots doing? Having a damn party? I'll write every one of you-"

He was on the ground holding his jaw, Logan standing over him.

"I have had enough of your childish bullying you drunken asshole! Now is NOT the time to be pushing me. I will be filing a complaint with the dean NOW."

Michael started spluttering about having him arrested for assault and having us kicked out when Saul and Juan looked at each other.


"I saw it clear as day too. You tried to hit him with the beer bottle, and you are clearly very drunk."

Michael staggered back to his feet and headed off for the dorms, shouting back at us.

"You hit like a pussy!"

Logan just growled and I grabbed his arm to keep him from going after the idiot.

"Are we going home?"

"No, that was pop, he said to stay here, and Meg called the police. They are sending them the security video though the ladies might get in trouble for discharging a firearm. Let's just get this stuff upstairs before Michael decides to wreck out apartment. I'll call the main office and file a complaint about Michael. Susan... you said that was Melinda's car? You sure?"

"I'm sure, especially with the text."

She held up her phone. It was a text from her sister.

'Logn sht me. Blieve me Nw?'

"He wasn't even there!"

I wanted to reach through the phone and throttle the daylights out of her, then felt sick to my stomach for even thinking about doing something like that. I hated fighting. I hated arguing, much less hitting people. However, she had hurt an innocent animal, even one as bratty as a mini could be did not deserve that. She could have hurt someone else too.

We got everything loaded up, off the trucks, and into the elevators. Then into our apartment which was thankfully untouched. Logan taking the phone into our room about the same time Susan's phone rang. She just looked at the number and nearly hung it up before answering it icily.

"Hello sister dear. Tell me. Do you know what a security camera is? Especially in broad daylight from multiple angles. Oh I'm sure mom and dad will love to see you aiming the car at an innocent animal in its yard much less when you aimed it at an old man coming off his front porch Before someone shot at you... If you are bleeding, then I suggest you go to the emergency room. Unless for some reason you don't think the police will believe you. Yes, you are my sister and I do love you, but your lies are destroying your life and that of other peoples and I will not be involved. Logan did not shoot at you. I know this for a fact dumbass. He was in the parking lot with the rest of us watching the security cameras on their phones when you triggered them you moron... Oh look she hung up."

Susan plopped down on the couch looking as angry as I felt. I could not help but feel bad for her. It is her sister in the end. Saul going to his wife to console her a moment before we got the mini fridges all in place. Logan just emerging from our room and silently helping. We knew the systems had to sit at least 24 hours before we should plug them in.

"Well? What did the Office say?"

Juan had to be the one to ask.


I was too angry for words. First dealing with Daniel, Patrick having been in the hospital and the months of rehab. I had hoped this year would be a walk in the park compared to that. I had been the one this time to drag the drama into our lives and that of our new friends. I knew damned well I should not have punched Michael, but I was seeing red at the time. Really, I still was. He had just pushed me that little bit too much when I was already on edge. As I had walked back into the living room, I had heard Susan on the phone with her sister. Thankfully, she was not taking Melinda's side however I had not even seen what she, and evidently Faye had seen. That the car had aimed at dad. I could have lost him all because I dated someone with a few screws loose for less than a month or two almost a year ago. Juan was talking to me now though and I managed to snap out of my own head.


"Earth to Logan, what did the main office say about the asshole?"

"Juan, language."

Lisa chided.

"What? He is!"

"Yea, well, they said they would look into it. So, no telling if they will do more than slap him on the wrist or whatnot."

I had been annoyed by that answer myself however I was already pissed off enough. Patrick came over and took my arm.

"Come on, let's lay down a minute. We'll get the stuff to put up the acoustic tiles later and get that done and then we can prepare our desks. Classes start Monday so we have three days I think?"

"Yeup, todays Thursday. Hell, of a start to the semester. I hope it's not going to be this dramatic all the time, no offense guys."

Juan muttering as he plopped on the overstuffed chair. Patrick just gave him a brief odd look, but Lisa beat us both to the punch.

"Not like anyone of us is doing it on purpose Juan. Oh, mind you all we are going to see our baby girl tomorrow. Likely it will be a every weekend thing until midterm time. Is it okay if she comes here on occasion for one night or something?"

It had not even dawned on me how badly they must miss Rosa. I could not imagine being a little kid and having to spend so much time away from my parents though I knew Patrick likely wished he could have. I really had been blessed with my parents and my brother.

"Of course, she can. She's what? five? I mean, as long as she doesn't break stuff it should be fine with us."

"Same here, we don't mind as long as she's not super loud or getting into things."

Saul voicing his opinion too. Lisa smiling.

"She's six as of Christmas. Likely she will have her nose stuck in a game or book the whole time she is here I think."

I started to say something before we heard a shout in the hallway and a crash. Juan, Patrick, Saul, and I were to the door quickly. For a moment I was confused on seeing no one until the sound of splintering wood came from the common room. Patrick hesitated only a moment before he was heading that way, no way in hell I was letting him handle a fight alone. Rounding the corner, we found someone sitting squarely on Michael's back, pinning Michael's arms behind him.

"Neil? What the hell?!"

"Oh, Hey Logan."

I heard Juan come up behind us then and mutter.

"Know what? I think Rosa's safer at her grandparents. Maybe we'll just go see her on weekends instead."

Next: Chapter 25

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