Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Sep 18, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 22

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now. I am having to switch to a every other week schedule.

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~~ Patrick~~

The next morning, we were awakened early by voices in the living room, though on realizing we could hear them it dawned on me, they likely had heard us last night. Logan and I shared a look before heading out where the other four were sitting.

"Good morning everyone."

"Oh, I'm sure it is. Hey, not gonna beat around the bush but think we can work something out to find some way to buffer the sound around here. Walls are really thin and while I'm sure Saul's a great singer, I'd rather not get woken up to that when hes showering you know?"

Juan's quipping had Logan blushing though not as much as I was sure I would be. It was all I could do to nod.

"Let us call the bank so they don't freeze our cards thinking they were stolen or something and we'll pick up some acoustic tiling. I know that's what Ab's has in her office at her shop. My sister, she's a mechanic. They work well there so should be more than good enough here. Just have to find a way to attach them to the walls without damaging them."

It was Susan who grinned a bit at that.

"Leave that to me. I'll grab some ribbons and a staplegun, I know how to use it."

"Well, there we go. Oh, any word this morning about you know who?"

Logan had to ask. He was clearly worried Melinda was going to cause too much drama. Susan simply turned her hands palm up in the universal 'who knows' fashion.

"Tried to call mom this morning and she hung up on me. I say let's just go about our day. Sooo since we are all up and moving now, how are we doing breakfast? All six of us can't cook at the same time in that tiny kitchen."

"Why don't we use the fridge in here for communal food, everyone chips in a bit for that, since we'll have our own fridges for the rest then it won't be so bad for say having a carton of eggs for breakfast or something. However, for today, I'll get us breakfast on the way."

I made the offer and the others thought it over while Logan headed into the bedroom to call the bank. Letting them know in advance we were likely going to be spending nearly a grand today. The mini refrigerators with freezers would cost us almost six hundred on their own.

He would shortly be back then we would be off, taking our truck with Juan and Lisa in their truck following behind us. We swung into a local drive thru for breakfast, paying for Juan behind us too though Logan vetoed my trying to pay for the guy behind them just to be nice. We would be spending a lot of money today as it was and while we could afford it, we would have to be careful a bit.

Once at the hardware and appliance store the six of us made quick work selecting the units. The others griping about the costs and wanting to get smaller ones with no freezers, but we talked them into identical stainless steel, 4.5 ft minis with the freezer compartment. At 250 on sale we knew it was not a bad deal. Especially since we would be covering most of it. Then the acoustic tiles with a reminder from Lisa about Juan's singing, of which we took their entire stock of the expensive gray squares that only covered one 12x12 panel. We also snagged some 'external door locks' to replace our bedroom locks to keep the R.A. out even though I had a feeling he would have a snit fit about that.

It was soon passing noon with us all heading for the dorm again, Susan nursing a soda until we made it to the drive thru again and then towards home. I was exhausted already, and the day was hardly done as we realized something. Saul patting the minifridge in the back of the truck bed once at the parking lot.

"Sooo... who has dollies to get these up to the fourth floor?"

"Aw fuck..."

Logan grumped a bit. Saul just motioning Susan.

"Stay here, I'll take the chevy and go rent us three dollies. My dime this time."

He headed off to do that while we got everything else squared away. My worrying getting the better of me.

"Do you think the Michael is going to say something about all this?"

"He likely will but I saw nothing in the rules about our own fridges. The door locks may be iffy. And using the ribbons and staplegun which we forgot to get, we should be able to put up the sound boards fine without damaging walls. If he does say anything, touch luck for him."

Logan nonchalantly shrugged. Both our phones going off at the same time with a distinctive sound.


I pulled out my phone, knowing it was the driveway alarm and figuring one of the animals must have set it off or Dad was leaving, or one of the others at the farm. intending to mute notifications while we were at campus. The thumbnail tat popped up however was of a car crossing the sensor we'd had installed with the security system. A vehicle I did not recognize. I clicked the screen in time to watch the 4-door blue sedan pull slowly up the drive.

"I wonder who that is?"

Patrick has turned his own as well and sat on the gate of the truck. We could see Ruby and Max sleeping on the porch in the sunlight. Lucy grazing by the fence though on the outside. I could just make out Charles heading into the stable on the corner of the camera. I switched views and hooked into the speaker.

"Hey Charles, is anyone expected to arrive today?"

He damned near jumped out of his shoes and looked up at the camera with a negative shake of his head before turning back to head for the driveway after dropping the horse blanket he had been carrying over a stall. I switched the camera back but could not see the car. Then flipping through the cameras until I got to the front porch's doorbell one. Susan had come over now and was peering over Patrick's shoulder looking confused as did Lisa while Juan just leaned on the truck.

The car had backed up a bit down the driveway before suddenly gunning it. The driver veering right for little Lucy. The generally inattentive miniature had looked up at the revving engine with annoyance at first but when it came for her, she bolted. A cloud of dirt, dust and splintering wood appearing on the screen as Patrick screamed. I was shouting too though I knew they could not hear me from that camera logically.

"Where is she! Lucy run damnit!"

The car revved in reverse, stuck on part of the fence before tearing itself free. I saw the record button light up, meaning someone had activated it on the system and it would record the prior three minutes in the buffer as well as current footage. Lucy was laying on her side inside the corral. Not moving which terrified me. There was nothing I could do as Pop came flying out the door of the house. Ruby and Max tearing off after the car barking until Pop whistled for them. It was the popping sound that had me paling more until Faye came into view holding a gun. She took aim at the car as it did an unbelievably bad two-point turn, barreling off down the driveway again. Susan's eyes going wide as dinner plates.

"Oh no... I think that's Madeline's car..."

I really did not care right now. Just wanting to get home quickly. Managing to click the speaker on the doorbell camera.

"Dad! They hit Lucy! Is she?!"

"Faye's calling the police."

Dad looked like he was about to have a heart attack as he went out of view. I switched cameras again, looking through to try and find Lucy. Finding Charles kneeling over here while Meg helped him check her out. I could barely see anything for the distance of the camera but what I could see, and what the others saw had us all cheering. Lucy got up on her own, shaking off though she held her back leg stiffly and limped as Charles led her to one of the trucks and to Dad who dropped to his knees hugging her. I knew damned well he was crying as much as I was.

"We gotta go home Logan!"

Patrick manage to get himself under control, I looked at our truck full of stuff then to Juan.

"Let's get it all in my truck. Saul should be back shortly; I'll explain to him. Susan you alright there?"

Next: Chapter 24

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