Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Sep 4, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 22

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now. I am having to switch to a every other week schedule.

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~~ Patrick~~

By the time Susan emerged from her room the moving men had gone. Logan, Saul and Juan had settled in front of the tv we had brought with Saul's game system. I was content to just plop onto the floor and watch them battle it out on screen. Looking up to see Susan looking rather pissed as she grabbed her purse off the counter and started going through it, finding a bottle and trying to get the lid off. Since Soal seemed distracted I jumped up.

"Need a hand? You alright?"

"Yea, just, its metformin, I have diabetes. My sugars crashing and I'm so angry right now. Hell of a first day at campus huh?"

Her words were starting to slur a tiny bit so I popped the lid and handed her one of the large disks that were in the tube, Taking her elbow and heading her to a chair while considering smacking Saul on the back of the head.


"What? Oh shit, you okay babe?"

"Yea, just need a drink and a minute. Stuff was starting to go muffled on me."

The game was forgotten quickly while Saul hopped over the back of the couch, grabbing some juice from the fridge. It had Juans name on it but Juan waved him on when he started to put it back. Susan didn't look as pale now but did seem embaressed with everyone making a fuss over her. I simply stepped back to Logan's side.

"That call from your mom? Melinda still sticking to her story?"

"Wouldn't know. Mom said she can't find my sister. Dad threatened to call his lawyer on you two and I told him you can't sue someone for being alive when it was your daughter who claimed they were dead. Mom took the phone and told me I should demand to have you two kicked out of the school. It's a shitshow but you know what? It's their shitshow. I'm done with it."

Susan seemed to be the most sensible one out of her family thankfully. Saul just rubbing her arm and rolling his eyes.

"I propose a rule for us all that drama stays out of this triad. Leave it at the door."

"Maybe instead we should have one night a week where we can adress things so they don't boil over?"

Lisa had appeared from her room with a towel wrapped around her head. I held my hand up to that.


"Thirded then, motions carried and courts adjourned?"

"Loggy, it does not work that way."

I rubbed my face in my hand and Logan just grinned innocently. Shortly enough we would all head for our own rooms, getting everything unpacked, set up the way we liked, bed made and all the little details. I did remember to call mother as well so she knew we were safe and sound. Even if she was on vacation with Harris up north. Once I ended the call Logan wrapped his arms around my waist and yanked me down to the bed.


We cuddled a bit on the bed before having a dinner of leftovers. While everyone was in the living room together again I spoke up.

"Maybe we should get small dorm fridges, since our R.a. seems to be a ass."

"Can't afford it this semester. Kids cost a lot."

Juan grumped a bit though I knew damned well how much he loved his kid. Patrick speaking up a bit.

"I'll get us all one each. Susan and Saul need one too don't you?"

"Yea it would be good to have juice or whatnot closer at night for her. She's usually a better watch on her sugar, gotta be for nursing and stuff. Trying to avoid having to get injections."

"I wasn't paying attention this time. But we can't ask you to do that Patrick, logan, thats not cheap for three of them."

"I've got a bit of a nest egg. It's not that expensive."

I sighed at Patricks answer and just patted him on the head as I finished up my leftovers.

"He'd save the world if he could. One fridge at a time. I think they run about two hundred for a dorm size one with a freezer. I am pretty sure as well that if the R.a. pitches a fit we can just say 'its medical' and take it to the dean. Classes start next week so I think we'd best all get our sleep schedules ready. Tomorrow we can head to town and get the fridges. My truck can handle it."

I made the offer, Saul and Juan just looking at their wives then each other and accepting with a caveat from Juan.

"Sounds good but we'll be giving you some towards it as we go along."

"Same here, I can put half on one tomorrow but that'd be the end of the budget for the month for us."

"Well, in that case, we go get them tomorrow and you both pay us 5 bucks each payday and if you get loans or grants or whatnot, when that clears you pay half, I am considering the other half a gift and peace of mind so we aren't calling a ambulance in the middle of the night got it?"

They grumbled at me a bit but shook hands. I knew how they felt, I hated taking handouts or being put on the spot when it came to a expensive purchase. Prior to the coins sell, or our stocks that Gabe was still managing for us, ths would have been a expensive purchase. Oh it meant we could not spend quite as much this month but we still would be good and had our tuitions covered from our own pockets for a change too so no waiting on grants or loans. The evening devolved into more chatter and friendly banter before we all headed for our rooms. I was not surprised when Pat locked the door behind him.

My arms wrapped around his body, pulling the shirt off over his head with a deep kiss before flinging the clothes in the general direction of the laundry basket. His hands going to my rear and tucking under the jeans to pull my aching groin against him.

"Keep that up and we'll never make it to bed."

I was breathless, so was he. Those eyes of his flashing mischieviously as he stepped away and stripped fully. Standing beside the bed in all his erect splendor.

"This bed?"

"No the other bed, yes of course that bed."

I stripped down, grabbing his shaft and sinking onto the bed where I pulled him to my mouth. Sucking and stroking him while I played with myself a moment. Not that I needed the help to stay erect as I peered up at him. His face was priceless with his hands on my head, his own tilted back as he moaned. That throbbing cock in my mouth making me want more. I finally pulled away, grabbing the lube frojm the bedside table where we had put it earlier in the day. Patricks whimper at being denied had me running a finger up his crevice.

"Top or bottom?"

"Fuck me Logan."


I squirted a bit of lube onto my aching shaft, moving onto the bed a bit better and pulling him to straddle my lap. I had to remind myself to be careful after I felt the scar on his back. Trying not to treat him like glass but wanting to pound him hard as I ever had. With a little slipping I drove deep into him slowly, again and again. Covering his mouth with my hand when his moans started getting a little loud. He laughed and panted above me, those blue eyes of his so full of passion.

Next: Chapter 23

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