Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Apr 18, 2020


Green Eyed Boy Part 2

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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Upon walking into the dorm room, I noticed Gabe's loft bed was gone. Mine was still where it was supposed to be, however. Another guy was sitting on a cheap normal mattress with a game system in hand and I decided to be nice. "Uh. Hey, I didn't know I was getting a new roommate. I'm Patrick" I extended my hand he barely glanced up. Pale skin, freckles and shockingly red hair that was cut high and tight. He refused the hand with just a cold look. "Neil." Neil went right back to his game. I blinked a moment and settled in, starting to unpack and get my laptop set up again the way I liked on the desk under the loft bed. Gabe had not said a word to me about not returning, in fact he had been rather vehement about coming back this fall and had been the one to encourage me to come out to my family over the summer break. We had been good friends and roommates, so I had thought. He was a 4.0 student while I held a decent 3.7, which I needed to beat to keep my way here paid now. Not to mention I never had to worry about who he was bringing over since he was ace or asexual and simply not interested in the messy side of things. "Nice to meet you Neil. You wouldn't happen to know what happened to Gabe would you?" This time an odd rubbing noise erupted, and it dawned on me he was grinding his teeth. Great. This is going to be a fun semester. Neil finally grumbled under his breath. "R.A." I was not so sure at first if he was demanding I get the R.A. or saying that Gabe was the new R.A. with whom I still needed to check in anyhow. I just closed and locked my laptop to the desk with the port designed for it, it had been stolen once last semester already. A nightmare I did not care to go through again. Only then heading out the door and for the R.A.'s room. My heart leaped in my throat on hearing Gabe's deep voice and seeing his door open. I knocked on the doorsill before stepping in where he was talking to someone. "Gotcha down Peter, your roommates not here yet but you'll be sharing a bathroom with my old roomie, speak of the devil!" It's a real pity Gabe is Ace. Big shouldered, dark chocolate skin and soul melting oak brown eyes. I laughed and got caught in a back-crunching hug. "Good to see you too Gabe. Mind the ribs bud. I see you ran off on me in a hurry." "Oh it's not like that. The position came up after Mick graduated and I snatched it. Have you met Neil yet? This is Peter, hes going to be sharing the Jack-bath with you and Neil." Jack-bath was what Gabe always called the `jack and Jill' shower/toilets we shared on this floor rather than a huge communal shower like many college dorms had. "Oh Yes. I have met Neil. Nice guy... I think? Doesn't talk much. Nice to meet you Peter." I got a good look at him now that Gabe was not squishing me in a bear hug. Lanky and tall with a dark short beard and farmers tan. I grinned and shook hands with him. "Nice beard. I look like a mangy coyote with one. Clogged the sink last spring shaving it off." "No worries of me doing that mate. I'll catch up to you later though fellas, got some stuff to put away." I was glad he at least was friendly and watched him go. I closed the door behind him so I could talk to Gabe who immediately knew something was up from that action alone. "Spill it Pat, I can see somethings going on." ~~~Logan~~~ I was a week late to classes, better than the two weeks Dad had wanted me to stay out. My arm was healing faster than expected but I still had a sling on it. Which meant that dad had to haul my stuff to the dorm room for me. The R.A. was a hunk. Gabriel, Gabe for short, nice guy too and made sure I was comfortable before settling in for the night as late as it was when I arrived. I had texted Patrick and spoken less than a few minutes with him agreeing to hold onto the keys and such for me. But after that we had not talked much. I know he is a college student here too and was likely busy in his classes. I had missed all the orientation boredom though and would have to dig straight in. My roommate showed up an hour after dad left, the poor fellow seemed to be dragging and looked startled to see me on my bed so I offered my hand. "You must be Peter, Gabe said we'd be rooming, I'm Logan." "The famous Logan, good to meet you finally. Hope you don't mind, I kind of threw a few boxes in your closet. I'll get them out if you need?" "Thanks, it can wait until morning. Rough day at class?" I did wonder at his `famous' remark but left it alone. He was decent looking, farmers tan, well-built and with a rough dark beard and hair to match. I had been sitting up with a pillow on my lap watching something on my laptop and was glad for it. Damned hormones. Peter just rolled his shoulders and fell onto his bed hard enough to make it groan. "Oh yea. So, do you have Professor Danson for Business Ethics by chance? If you do, watch out for him. Right prat he is mate. He came flouncing in the first time, right? All hyper and acting like we're kids an' need to be entertained to learn something so I told him ya know? We're not a bunch of kiddlets... yea today he showed up in a business suit an' did the whole monotone drawl reading from a book thing at the lectern for about half an hour before we were pleading him to stop afore every one of us was asleep. I had to get up and apologize to him in front of the whole class. Yes, you can laugh. I deserved it" I could not help but picture it all and started laughing, partially at how animated Peter was in the retelling of the story, complete with monotone typical professors' voice and prancing at the beginning. I tucked the pillow aside and dropped my cellphone into a cubby between my bed and wall. Rolling to my feet. "Need a hand up?" "Nah. I have it, just a sprained wrist and tender side is all. Stitches came out yesterday. Need to hit the men's room." "You mean the Jack-bath?" I laughed again at his tone. "Yea, that thing, Gabe's a nice guy but never heard it called that before." I headed for the shared bathroom and thought about asking who the guys are we shared it with. I could do that when I was out. I locked the door on our side and looked over the bathroom. One sink, one shower stall, one toilet with a weird half wall on which someone had put a stack of paper, two-ply thank heavens. The counter was... well there have been three guys living here so it was relatively immaculate with four trays lined up under the mirror, three containing grooming supplies, combs, toothpastes, brushes, razors, and that ilk. It was easy to tell Peter's as he had a trimmer standing on its charger beside of his. I was so busy gawking I did not think to go lock the other door from the inside before working one handedly to get my jeans down and t-shirt up enough. Damn, I was still half hard from earlier and wondered if I could get away with a quick rub when I heard the tell-tale creak of a door opening just as I was about to finish my business. I looked up to see the bluest eyes ever staring wide at me as I stood there with my hardening pole in hand. "You've got to be fucking me." My words jumbled as they fell from my mouth. They however were the wrong choice as the door slammed shut as Patrick retreated and I was slack jawed a moment more.

Next: Chapter 3

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