Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Jul 17, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 19

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now. I apologize for the delay between chapters.

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The feel of his muscles against mine. His heart pulsing between my thighs. The heated breath between us and draw of flesh as the world fell away. My own breath stolen by what I witnessed, what I felt as I rose and fell rhythmically. The thrust of his body, those primal cries that tore from my throat and his both. Jubilant and freed as our souls in that moment. Fingers curling tightly into his hair, It was all I could do to cling to him until it felt we would collapse. It seemed an eternity when he slowed, stopped and dropped to his knees.

He turned his head to regard me as I slid a bit across the bare oaken back towards his side as not to get crushed under his weight. I simply brushed my hand against the breadth of his greying face with a deep breath. Horse sweat, hay and soap a comforting and familiar scent now. He was your standard mustang, his brand still freezeburned onto the poll of his neck and his flank. Once in his youth he had been a golden red but had faded to a deep earth brown grizzled with grey about the face and eartips. I could hear hurried footsteps as Logan rushed to us. His green eyes filled with worry. I simply extended my hand to him which he took to haul me to my feet.

"Patrick, are you hurt?"

"No, Is Captain? We were just running and he went down. It's so freeing to ride like that."

"Maybe but at least use a halter and saddlepad. Both of you could have been hurt. I think the old mans just tired is all."

Logan looked relieved though i was a bit chagrinned. There was a huge difference in riding horses and riding the motorcycles I had come to discover. Both gave a freedom unique to them alone. With the horses however there was a trust I could not explain. Captain had come to pops farm just after I had and we both needed physical therapy from our ordeals. I did from being bedbound for several months and he from being abandoned, left tied up on the side of a back country road for weeks before being found. The older mustang was still laying down beside us even as we talked, ignoring us until Lucy pranced her way over to attempt to wedge between logan and I for pettings. Only then did Captain whinny and get up.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again Captain. I promise Loggey. Are we still going back to Torrand this spring?"

I could not help but feel a bit of trepidating about that. Campus was not far and yet I had not returned or even gone past it since the incident. Daniel was still in jail and I hoped he would stay there. Mother and Harris were still safe, Abby and Garrick had finally gotten to take that honeymoon. It had been one strange winter and christmas season. Now the snow only lingered in shadowed patches, the sun warmed us enough I knew I would not need my jacket much longer, and the dogs were starting to lose their winter coats. Likely being in the mountains now as we were, we would get at least one more good snowfall. Logans voice bringing me back to reality.

"Patty? Earth to Patrick, I said that was the plan, unless you changed your mind? You know you don't have to worry about anything anymore. You still have the stocks and bonds Gabe is controlling for us, not to mention the rest from the sales."

"I'm not going to coast my way or blow it all Logan. Anyhow some of that is going to taking care of this place, pops, and your nannas clay shop is going to cost a good bit to either move or rebuild."

I had come to love that dilapidated old thing however it was so far off the road that it would never function well as both a workshop and storefront. Logan wrapped his arms around me and I just sighed comfortably as we stood in the smelly pasture.


I swear he loved to scare me. Seeing him sitting on Captains back like that one moment with the mustang patiently grazing. Then the next they were both tearing across the new paddock with no reins, no bridle, halter or saddle. Patrick was a natural with the animals. They seemed to understand him and he them. They had all been through things, seen things. As I held him in my arms I knew damned well Captain was going no where. The stallion was crochety with everyone else, aggressive towards our help, however when it came to Patrick he was a big kitten. A kitten who suddnly dropped his green slobbery nose onto Patricks shoulder and planted a wet slimy streak across my cheek with a snort.

"Eww Captain!"

I laughed however. Patrick looking up and laughing as well which sent both the mustang and little Lucy scurrying off in a bout of play. I so did enjoy that laugh of his.

"What loggey?"

"Hmm? Just thinking, Instead of singular rooms this semester do you want to go with a 4 square or dual and maybe make friends with another couple? I wish Gabe hadn't graduated last semester."

"I kind of wish we could just stay here, I know it would be a pain between classes though. We're just far enough away."

"Patrick Divan, We are NOT hiding away from the world. The therapist said you have to confront it eventually if you want to return to college. How about after we get the horses put away we'll drive past. Just there, right through, then back home again. You have to go by that spot to get to your classes anyhow."

His eyes pleaded with me not to make him do this, I felt the bully for it though I knew it was for his own good. He leaned a bit more against me. The winter had seen him fill out a little again. More wirey muscle now as he had helped us with the animals to rebuild his own strength. I could feel the moment he gave in, in his shoulders.

"Okay. Though... I could just take classes online..."

"You cannot take ceramic classes online Patty. It does not work that way."

"Aww, spoil all my fun husband."

He may have sulked however my heart skipped a beat hearing him say that word. It was only a month ago when we'd had our own not so private two minute monotone wedding at the courthouse. Emerging to find Gabe, Pete, Cathy, Neil, Sheila and our friends waiting for us. His mother and sister had witnessed, the afterparty was astounding and had been held here at the rescue. Seeing the others interact with the animals had been a blast really and I would definately never forget Abbys face as she ran away from one horse who had lost a eye. By the end of the night she had been that mares best friend however. The initial 'wtf' from the 'superwoman' as Garrick called her, had been priceless.

"As you wish Pat. If you want online classes, you'll have online classes... Though I will have to be on campus you know..."

"Wait... So I'd be here without you? Okay mind made up. We're going back to Torrand."

Next: Chapter 20

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