Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Jun 30, 2020


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Green eyed Boy Part 18

Slowly I heard it. The rhythmic beeping that started to annoy me. Everything hurt. My head was pounding, and I felt like I could not think straight. My throat felt as if I had swallowed a wad of hot cotton. Was I not just on the way to the campus with Logan? Oh God! Logan! He had hit his head on the door of the truck. I saw blood running down his face and tried to reach for him. Someone grabbed my wrists and I heard a voice talking calmly. It took me a moment as my eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room. The man who had my wrists looked like he had been in a boxing match with his hands tied behind his back though the bruises were a fading garish yellow and green color. The voice gave me a touch of hesitancy, however. "H-Harris?" "Hey sport. Welcome back. Take it easy. Your mothers on the way back up. I texted her." "Where's Logan? Is he okay? He was hurt, why am I here? What happened to you? Da-... Daniel? Did he? He tried to..." Everything just came spilling out at once and I tried to get out of the bed, the I.V. in my arm tangled and I clawed at the tape, I had to get lose, I had to find Logan. Why was Harris here and what in God's name had happened to him. A nurse came in quickly and tried to stop me from ripping everything out. "Easy Mr. Aberg, relax. You have been through a lot. Let me take care of that for you before you hurt yourself. Do you know what day it is?" I stared at her a moment. "Monday... October eighth, fall break just started... Where is Logan?" "Mr. Divan is fine Patrick. He went downstairs with your mother." The nurse pressed a button on the beeping machines, then on something attached to the I.V. line and I felt an odd tingle in my arm and a warmth spread across my body. The aches started to fade but the hot tears came. I was so confused however and when Logan appeared at the door I could only hold up my arms to him. He all but ran to the bedside and hugged me carefully over the railing. The nurse thankfully went and just reached around him, dropping the rail. Though when she did, and I finally took my eyes off Logan, I saw the whiteboard. `You are at Torrand General, Today is 11/2/18' it listed my doctors name and nurses and room number as well, but I just stared at the day. Logan cupped my face and I kissed his palm. "What happened... Why am I here? You were bleeding... Dad... He went over... How did he even find us? What happened to Harris's face?" Harris suddenly laughed. Mom was standing beside him and just hid her face in both her hands before coming over and kissing my forehead. "Your father is still alive... Evidently drunks seem to survive impacts better somehow... A dash camera showed him making a U-turn on the interstate when he saw the truck. He had been at the college Patrick, but one of your friends chased him off. He... Harry... Daniel tried to kill him... I'm sorry Patrick... I was supposed to protect you and instead everyone just got hurt." Mother was crying, and Harris came and pulled her away. "Why don't we go get some coffee, let the boys have a moment. Logan can you tell him the rest?" "Yea, Thanks Harry, oh call Ab's and let her know will you?" Logan had not looked away from me a moment. I could not let go of his hand now that I had it. "Logan... why am I the one in bed?" "You really don't remember?" "No, I just remember you bleeding." "Yea. I got a nice little scar from that. The medics came up, got you out of the truck and on the backboard, you kept saying you were fine and then your eyes just... rolled back and you went so pale... Patrick... do you remember those two large pops before Daniel went over?" "I... No? I think?" "The officer was trying to shoot out his tires. He thought that Daniel was going to kill us. One of the bullets ricochet off something and went through the truck door. Right into your abdomen from the back. Somehow it managed to miss everything vital but every time they tried to wake you up you started screaming and having nightmares. They decided to wean you off the meds they had you on since you are better. As for Harris, He had to have reconstructive surgery on his jaw twice, hence all the bruising. But he faked being dead and Daniel left him, he broke into Harris's house in Kinston that Friday night when he had gone back. By Monday morning Harris was in the hospital. The cops were already looking for Daniel. Patrick... He's going away for a very long time. He tried to kill us, Harris, He is up on four counts of attempted murder, assault with a lethal weapon, assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest. Hell, if I could I'd have hate crimes added in there, but I doubt we could prove that one... He's never going to hurt you again Patrick." I could not believe what I was hearing. He would find a way to charm his way out of things. He always did. Vague memories returned. Him telling my teachers how clumsy I was. Mom always taking him back after he finally pushed her enough that she wanted to leave. He had only hit me once. However, he would sneak up on me while I was doing things in the house and start screaming or chase me when I was little. If he caught me he would tell me how horrible I was and how I did not deserve to live. Although when someone outside the family was involved... He became the most perfect father alive in an instant. I was lost in my own mind a moment and Logan's warm hand against my cheek brought me back. "He's going to get out somehow... I know it." "Not this time Paddy, He's going away for twenty-five to life and he's already been ordered to be held without bond. You are just going to get better, right now your biggest choice is what liquids you want for dinner and who you are going with when you get out of here... Your mom or me? Dad has already said you can move into my room. No rent, only thing you have to do is work on the shop and decide if you are going back to college or not. Gabe's been to visit, so has Neil, Cathy, Sheila, Pete. Damn near everyone. They even had a fundraiser going to cover your medical bills, but I canceled it and what money was collected your mother donated in your name to the women's shelter." I felt a bit of confusion and anger there. They were making choices without me. Then again, I had evidently been asleep for quite a while now. It was very disconcerting to feel like I had just been in the truck when for everyone else... It was months ago. "But... How am I paying for all this? Months in the hospital?!" "Patrick... Daniel never took you off his health insurance, or life insurance. Plus, the coins sold at auction... Love... three of the fifteen of them sold for enough to cover your medical bills on its own. One hundred seventy thousand. We have the specifics listed but Dad agreed. Half the profits from the auctions went to you. We would not even have looked out there until it all came down if it had not been for you and the accounts are already set up and money in them so don't you dare try to give anything back." I was taken aback and just put my head back on the pillow. It was all too much. I was a `can barely afford ramen' college student and now he was saying I had enough to pay off my medical bills? Daniel would be going away a long time. I had already missed too many classes; I knew there was no way I could catch back up now. "I do love my mother Logan... But I want to go home... I want to see Pops, Lucy, the dogs. Did that penny sell that Gabe's brother was nuts over?" Logan stood and paced the room a bit. Rubbing the back of his head and adjusting his jacket. It dawned on me I missed the first snowfall in the mountains likely. I had missed Halloween too. It used to be one of my favorite holidays. I did have to wonder why he was so nervous though. Finally, Logan brought something up on his cellphone, logging into his bank account he brought the phone back over and showed me the amount transferred to another account. The heart monitor's line visibly spiked higher as my heart leaped. I had never seen so many zeros in my life. Seven digits long and Logan grinned at what had to be the most shocked expression I was sure I had ever worn. "We'll have to hire tax attorneys next year, I made sure we have stocks and bonds too, Gabe's been hired to watch our portfolio for us. I got Neil a new gaming rig and Pete got a car. Your mother got herself a new used car too and repairs done on the little house. She bought it outright from Harris though I think it's going to be half his again in a few years personally. Everything's taken care of Paddy. I'm here and everything is going to be alright." There were footsteps in the hallway but in a hospital that was not uncommon. An officer appeared at the door and fear gripped my chest tight. Had something happened to mother? Had Daniel gotten lose? Logan waved him in. "Patrick, this is Mathew Dunnigan, he was one of the officers on scene." I stared a moment, Mathew gave a weak smile. He seemed young and in good shape, head nearly shaved bald as he removed his hat. "I can't tell you how sorry I am Mr. Aberg. I did not expect it to ricochet like that. I was just hoping to blow his tires and make him come to a stop before anyone got hurt." "I'm not Mr. Aberg... That's Daniels name... Soon as I get out of here I'm changing mine. I don't know what to though... Really though Officer, I should be thanking you, you saved our lives. So, thank you. I hope you did not get into too much trouble for hitting me. I know it's not like you were aiming at me or anything." "I'm just glad you fellas are alright, don't worry about me. I was heading home from my shift and got the call about the same time I saw him smack you two. Between my squad's camera and body cam, that classmate's camera footage of yours. Plus, Harris Duncan's testimony they may not need to call you up to testify. I would write down your testimony though just in case. That and it may be up to a year before he goes to trial." "Thank you Officer Dunnigan. But I don't hold it against you. I'm really tired though, I know I've been sleeping almost a month but..." "Sure, you get better now. I was stopping to see my wife, she's a nurse here so I'll go do that." He nodded and headed back out. I hoped we would see him again on better terms, he seemed nice. Logan came back closer again. "Want me to leave? Your moms been sleeping overnight with you, they won't let me since I'm not related. Visiting hours are over soon though." "No, I want you to stay... Please. Though can you call mom back in. I want to tell her I want to go home." Logan sent mother in and I told her as I had told him. She was definitely not happy about it but finally saw my side of things I suppose. The doctors were not yet ready to release me and after a few jokes to avoid the green Jell-O everyone was forced to leave. I spent the night listening to mother snoring on the reclining chair and staring at the light and numbers on the monitors. Several times the nurses came by and I may have dozed a time or two. The next few days went by the same way, long, boring and full of tests. Then rehab and Finally, they let me go home. Logan pulled a small ford escort up and I was just glad he had gotten a used car. My meager belongings were in the back seat and I was still sore. The hospital would not allow me to walk to the car, so I had to gingerly transfer myself from the chair to the car. Logan attempted to help but I had to do this myself. I had lost a lot of muscle lying in bed so long, not just muscle but body fat too as I had only been eating through a tube evidently. It was halfway home when he finally spoke. "They are going to lock the animals up, so they don't jump on you... Patrick... Please don't ever scare me like this again..." "Honestly Logan... I was scared too; I swear I don't remember a thing between seeing you had hit your head and waking up in that room. Everything hurt so much... I don't ever want to go through this again. I just want to go to college, get my degree, Have a normal life. After this, that should be easy right?" "I hope so love. That was the worst thing I had ever seen in my life. I had nightmares for weeks until you came around. I thought I lost you. I got your stuff from the dorm; I don't remember if I told you that. We both are canceled this fall; I'm going back in the spring though. I considered just taking it all online, but I would be too distracted. I figured we could work on the shop until the next snowfall." I stared at him a moment as he talked. Turning my attention to the nearly barren trees and could see deeper in the woods here and there were piles of mush and ice. "It snowed? I missed my first mountain snow? Aw man..." I huffed and sunk into the seat, Logan laughing. He called the house before we arrived. Lucy, Ruby and Max getting locked into the stable so I could limp my way into the house. Someone had cleaned up. Saddles were piled in a corner; the sofa was covered with a clean blanket. The carpets were vacuumed, and shelves dusted. I liked it better the way it had been before though. Pops came into the living room from the kitchen and came straight for me. His thick arms wrapped around me and I was ready for a crushing hug but instead it was gentle. He hugged me tight and stepped back. "My poor boy, come on, let's get you unpacked and Loggy can help wash that chemical smell off you. Want anything to eat? What's the look for?" He looked around the room a moment and smiled. "It got cleaned up well for you." "Thanks pops. I thought it looked great before. I'm not hungry though. I have to be careful what I eat a few days. Not a lot and nothing spicy or heavy unfortunately. But a shower sounds great." I did not remember taking one the last week at the hospital so figured I either missed my own sponge baths or it had been several months since I had one. Logan took my bag to his... no, our room and closed the door. Locking it he stepped up to me. "Let me help you Patrick." He tried to help get my shirt off but only succeeded in tangling it up a moment. I got it the rest of the way off but stopped to watch him. Lean and strong with just enough body hair to lead a trail to his waistline. I did enjoy that view quite happily. He just smirked and quipped. "See something you like?" "Always Loggey. Now help me out of these pants so I can wash... I feel filthy from the hospital." "Just from there?" I knew he was teasing and trying to make me feel better about myself. I looked at those bright emerald eyes and then past him at a mirror. My hair was dull and skin pale, my arms folded across my bare chest, I had some skin sagging where I had lost mass and I looked thinner than I had in a long time. I barely recognized the man looking back at me. Logan furrowed his brow, he looked over his shoulder a moment and then to me, wrapping himself around me suddenly. "You know what I see Patrick? A survivor. You survived the worst things he could throw at you, but you are alive, and you are home and best of all, you are safe. Let's clean up." ~~Logan~~ It had been forever to me that I had gotten to hold Patrick in my arms. The shower was warm for him, but I took the outside to help support him even if it meant I was getting cold. The water ran filthy at first, dried blood mostly. His wounds were nearly all healed, but he was still so sore and tender in the way he moved. I just kept remembering that moment. They had pulled him out and when they laid him flat on the backboard `just in case' it was suddenly lights out. He had come around a few times but did not seem to remember those, thankfully. I did, however. He had screamed so much and been so sure his father was there and hurting him, or hurting me, that they had to sedate him. I had to remind myself it was over now. Daniel had only spent two weeks in the hospital after going off the hillside, but he was in jail, hopefully the rest of his life. Patrick and I had a nice nest egg, hopefully we would never have to worry about anything again. I helped him to get dressed and laid him in my bed. My room was cleaner than it likely ever had been, but I was scared he would get infection from dog or horsehair or something so had employed his mother to help clean as much as we could. Patrick laid a few minutes quietly as I sat on the bedside and watched him. His hand taking mine. "It's not your fault Loggey. Can Lucy come in? I missed her... It's weird, I swear it all only happened yesterday. Hell, of a honeymoon for Ab's and Garrick." I could not help but grin at him. Always worried about others. "Yea, I'll let Lucy in, but she can't get on the bed with you. And yea, Ab's spent the night with the rest of us in the waiting room that night. They... They tried to tell me I couldn't be there since I was not family, Ab's told them they needed to shut up and let me in. Remind me to never piss that woman off." Patrick laughed a bit and I knew then what I had to do. I stood and dug into my dresser a moment before coming back to the bedside. "Patrick? I was going to wait until Christmas... But I don't want to wait anymore." Why the hell was I so nervous? I knew the truth; I knew the answer, but my heart was racing, and hands shook as he scooted up on the bed and looked so confused a moment. "Patrick? W-Would you marry me? Become Mr. Divan?" The rings were tungsten, light and surreal feeling in my hand, both single solid bands inscribed with the pattern of our heartbeats. He said nothing and just stared a moment. I started grasping at straws. "I know it's fast... so much going on, I just... I don't want to ever lose you. I swear we've been together our whole lives... I..." His hand went over my mouth silencing me and he grinned, tears in his eyes. "Shut up Logan. I said yes."

Next: Chapter 19

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