Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Jun 18, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 16

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This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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We had headed home not long after. I was a bit concerned though despite everything. Some little niggling thing in the back of my mind after mother had said she had not heard from Harris In a few days. He did have other things to take care of though and surely dad would not hurt a grown man? We made it back to the dorm in time to find Gabriel and his brother Jacob sitting in my room pouring over the contents of the lockbox still. I would have expected them to have been done with it by now. "Hey guys? Any hidden treasures?" Logan's quip having the pair yank their heads up. Jacob was decent looking, his head shaved bald and just as dark as his brother, his chocolate eyes bright about something, however. "Hey, you must be Logan and good to see you again Patrick. Gabe's been going on and on about you guys and Pete." "Hey Jacob, haven't seen you in a while." I just smiled, shaking his extended hand as he pulled off a glove, he shook Logan's as well and put the glove back on, picking up a few coins from the box again. "Yea, hard to get free time lately. The auction houses are keeping me busy. Coin collecting picking up again. Everyone wants to find that hidden gem you know? I'm a numismatist and appraiser of rare and antique coins for several auction houses in New York, Jacob Kalen's at your service. Normally I would not do `house calls' but since my bro asked nicely and claims you have a '43 penny, well, my interest is piqued." "So if it's real what happens?" I was a bit curious. Logan just flopped on our bed however and seemed disinterested a bit though did watch. "Isn't a penny just a penny?" Jacob looked at Logan like he had suddenly sprouted three heads. "You mean the 1943 copper--alloy cent that only 41 exist in the entire world? One of which sold for 1.7 million in 2010? Let me put it this way man... If someone offered you ten for this penny in my hand right now and you took it? I'd hope Gabe or your man there would smack the tar out of you. And by ten I don't mean bucks, I mean hundred. Lowball, I'd say 75 thou for it. It's in good shape and it is real. See the way the tail on the three is long like that? It's not magnetic either. So, to answer Patrick's question. Next step is you sign this baby into my care, still your ownership, since I'm NCS authorized, I just authenticated it and documented, I send it in to be graded and slabbed and either send it back to you for your collection or put it at auction." My head was spinning, and Logan had sat up at the numbers, his eyes wide. I just blurted. "Your Nan was sitting on that?! I can't take that from your family Logan." "Grade, slab it, whatever you must do, then sell it. Pat you won't have to worry about your college costs anymore, But I don't want the money being traced to you Pat, your dad..." I was confused at first and then it dawned on me. Daniel would do anything in his power to get that money if he knew I had it. Gabe just grinned. "Know what? I think we need to make a business fella. I'll file the paperwork for an LLC Monday, P&L, we can use that to auction that beauty and some of these others off. You have a few other nice ones in here too Logan, Pat. Maybe a thousand rounded up in loose change. Jacob will grade and slab them for you, we'll pay him his fee after the auctions done though normally he likes that upfront, they'll get their cut too of course." My head was spinning but I trusted Gabriel and Logan was just staring at me as if uncertain. He did not know Gabe or his family as well as I did. I had spent most of my holidays last year with him and his brothers though. "We'll sign, we trust you guys, but we retain ownership, right? As for my college fees, Logan, it's your and your dad's money, he could use it to help those horses and do what he needs to on the farm." "We'll talk about its later Pat. Gabe? You are doing all of this stuff, the LLC and getting Jacob here to look, How much of the cut do you want?" I could see Gabe's wheels turning and he just looked at me for a solid moment and then at Logan, drumming his fingers on the coin case Jacob had brought while his brother pulled out the appropriate papers which Gabe took first to give a read. "50 percent, I know both of you too damned well, you'd give the whole remainder away. So, what I'm going to do is put 25 percent of that in an account and let it stew. Other ten percent's going to your LLC and buying stocks and bonds. Hell, it'll give me class credit this semester too. The remaining fifteen percent I'll keep. I've got some major college loans to pay off after all if this thing sells as well as Jacob thinks. Speaking of payoffs, Logan, that little bundle right there your Nan wrote numbers on? Did you open the bundle itself?" "No, I don't think I did, we got distracted with classes and everything." Jacob and Gabriel shared a look and Jacob shook his head. "Man, you weren't kidding about them. I'd have been all over every piece of that box bro." "Logan, that's got your name on it, it's a trust fund set up for you and some guy, Victor?" Logan frowned a moment and I was trying to figure it out before it dawned on me, twice I had heard a brother mentioned but there was not a picture in his house of said brother, nor had he introduced his brother to me when we were at the farm. "Your brother Logan?" I hesitated to ask, and he nodded a moment. "Yea... he was, He was a marine, Afghanistan. He didn't come back from his first tour. They said it was an IED. I think, Pat, Mondays going to be plenty busy for us. We'll have to get up early, hit the bank, go to town hall, and meet Ab's and Garrick, they're getting married at the courthouse Gabe, and then we'll meet you there to sign whatever we need to for the LLC. Let's get this signed so you can take those coins Jacob... and pops just called it pocket change and wanted up to buy a hamburger with it." Logan's tone had started out soft but he was grinning at the end. Those jewel green eyes of his going from dark and clouded to sparkling bright as he looked at me. I could only squeeze his hand, sitting on the floor in front of him beside the bed so the other two had the chairs. "That's a boatload of hamburgers. Of course, it might not sell for even that much right Jacob? How long will all this take?" Jacob thought things over while Gabe handed us the paper, circling the parts that stated we still owned the coin and that Jacobs company was insured against loss of the coins and such. I signed after reading it quickly but carefully, the company had a 25$ minimum with 4% of the value expected to be paid upfront normally but Jacob was making an exception for us thankfully. I know I did not have that kind of money. Jacob clearing his throat while Logan just signed with barely a glance at the paper. "Week to two for the grading and slabbing normally. I however can likely get it expedited. Then they'll take pictures of it, do some advertising, hype it up with some other high-profile coins and the auction will likely be in two weeks. Either you can come up and watch it or you can remote in by camera or video call. I'll give you passwords and such for that, so you can see how it goes. I can't promise it will sell high, hell I can't promise it will sell at all, but I think it will." Jacob packed everything up and paused a moment, looking over the case and Gabe smacked him on the shoulder before the pair headed out. I just looked up at Logan quietly. "Do you think it'll really sell for that much?" "Something is only worth what someone will pay for its Paddy. Who knows. I won't believe it until we have the cash in hand you know? And even then, there are so many fees. I'm glad Jacob and Gabe are covering them. We can trust them, right?" Asked the guy who had barely read the paper handed him to sign. I just gave him the most incredulous look I could muster. "Logan... Gabe I would trust with my life; I have only met his brother twice and that was a year ago... but you know what? If something happens to it all then we are just back right where we are now is all. If it does sell, I don't want to be one of those guys who goes from poor to rich and blows it all overnight." Logan suddenly snickered and rolled over on the bed, hiding his face in the pillow. I jumped up and scrambled on top of him, trying to pull the pillow away, feeling a bit giddy suddenly. "What are you snickering so about?" "I've got something you can blow alright." "Loggey!" I laughed though I knew damned well what he had been laughing about. Somedays he was a thoughtful grown up and other days... neither one of us were far past being teens. I pinned him down and tickled him a little. Logan laughed and managed to twist around, catching my hands and pulling me down to kiss. I of course enjoyed every moment of it and slid down, laying against him and putting my head to his chest where I could hear his heart rapidly beating a few moments before calming with his breath. "I love you Paddy, this isn't going to change anything between us." "I hope not Logan. I love you too, I don't want us to worry about it. It's your money and your dads far as I'm concerned. If Daniel learns... if he learns I have anything he'll take it... hell I may lose my grants for next semester once the government finds out what tax bracket I'd be in. " Logan grumbled something, and I knew he was not happy I was denying the money. Finally, he just wrapped his arms tightly around me and closed his eyes though it was not terribly late in the evening yet. "If you do, whatever's in nan's trust-fund will be yours then. I won't let them kick you out. Victor wouldn't either. He was always touting college as the best thing ever. He's the reason I'm attending now. His benefits are paying my way... He'd have adored you." "I'll repay you someday Logan. When we're out of here." "You already have Paddy." I groaned at the nickname and just closed my eyes. Maybe, just Maybe, things would turn out well after all. ~~~~Logan~~~ Sunday dawned, and we spent the morning hanging out with the others. Neil was up the wall about Cathy and Sheila. Pete was quiet, but Patrick offered to go grab us some lunch and Neil offered to go with him. I decided to stay put this time as I had not had much time lately to talk to Pete. The other two headed out chatting animatedly, mostly Neil rambling and I pushed a chair at Pete. "So? You and Gabe?" "Yeap. We're giving it a shot mate. He found me miserable a few weeks back right? Got to talking. He said a lotta muck that made sense. Still wanting to be with people but not interested in the biology parts much ya know? I asked, if I could give it a go with him after a few days of us chatting and he said alright. Just keep it low though. He's the R.a. and not supposed to be fraternizing with the likes of us aye?" It had not dawned on me Gabe could get in trouble for playing favorites and I nodded. "I'll shush Pat about it then. I'm just happy to see your happy bud. I was real worried about you for a bit but with all the shit Pats been going through I wasn't sure how to broach it and all." Pete just chuckled and rubbed the back of his head though the smile fell away. "Me and Neil's been taking care of some stuff too. that morning when Pat got that text? Some asshole posted a video of him bawling like a calf to Yo-Tu. We went and got them to take it down just to have it crop up on other sites. Most are decent though, you tell'm a man was just told his mum was murdered and they'll take it down pretty quick like." I growled hearing that. I wanted to knock the kid who recorded that out cold. There was no reason other than to bully or ridicule someone to do such a thing. Pete held his hand up in defense. "Don't know who it did, but we've got it. Neil knows someone who can do those deep web search and cleans and he's talking to them about getting it all gone. Though you know what they say about the web, once somethings there, it's out there forever." "Shit man... Thanks and thank Neil too. Does Pat know?" Pete just scuffed his beard a moment against his palm and shrugged. "I don't think so? Unless Neil tells him... speaking of his mum? How's she?" "Meredith's alright. Kind of space cadet when we talked to her yesterday. Scared shitless. Poor woman has never called the shots a day in her life. And that Harris guy who moved her and all, he's not messaged her in a few days now and its worrying Pat that his dad did something to the fella. Honestly, it worries me too. They don't think Daniel would hurt anyone but... He's lost all his victims; he's lost control of all his so-called toys... you take that from a bully and there is no telling what they may do to retaliate." "I hear that. I think I'm one of the lucky ones. Folks were decent when I was brought up. Got spanked but who the hell our age didn't ya know? Never anything over the top. I still call them up time to time. Hell. After hearing the shit Pats going through, I called my folks up and said thanks to them. They weren't sure why, but I felt like I needed to." "Yeah. Know the feeling. I'm glad my pop is as laid back as he is. We're going to spend the week at his place whenever Patrick and Neil get back with the food." I could hear them coming down the hall with bags rustling since the door was cracked open just enough and heard Patrick's wonderful laugh at something Neil had said. Given his mood I figured Neil had not told him about the video either and for the moment I was not willing to say anything and spoil that beaming smile or the laughter in those blue eyes of his. I stood and snagged a bag of burgers from Pat, rolling my chair at him since Pete was sitting in the other one. Patrick just taking the seat and munching some fries. "When -are- we going home Logan? Tomorrow after we finish everything else?" My heart thudded when he called it home. I just managed to raise a brow at him though could not help the smile.

Next: Chapter 17

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