Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on May 18, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 13

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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My heart tore with every animal they pulled out of that trailer. How they could handle them without being torn apart I was not sure. I did not know if I could do such a thing as they did here. It was just all too good to be true that Logans family was this loving. At least that his father was. Charles seemed a sullen, silent cranky figure. Faye and Meg had not really spoken more than a word my direction but then again both times I had seen them so far, they were shoulder deep in some job. Logans `can I keep him?' question to his dad, Pops, caught me a bit off-guard and before I realized I said it the words were rolling out of my mouth. "What do you mean? I'm the one who found you, so I should get to keep you right?" Mr. Divan just grinned toothily at both of us. "Now, now, boys. I think we can safely say you can keep each other. Loggey I'm going to be sleeping at the stable tonight. You said you two are staying till tomorrow evening?" "Yes dad." Logan sighed at the nickname again and I could not help the smile I felt, my arms going around him from behind and chin on his shoulder. It just seemed so... right... and the fact no one here would yell or cuss us out for it was beyond expectation. I was a little worried `Pop' would not like me wallowing on Logan so, but he just gave a warm smile. "Welcome to the glen Paddy. Fair warning, we're up with the rooster around here." "You have a rooster?" I did not think I had ever seen a real one aside from an elementary school field trip. Logan laughed. "Not anymore. Fox got'm. but we do have hens running around. Ever had a fresh egg for breakfast? After you do you'll never want store bought again I swear." "Can't say I have. I'll try anything once" I just watched Pop meander off to the barn, worn blue jeans, grey button up and salt and pepper high and tight hair though more salt than pepper. Logan must have gotten his dark golden-brown locks from his mother. Who I thankfully remembered not to ask about as I saw Pops still had a worn gold ring around his finger. Logan leaned back against me and whispered something. "I didn't catch that Loggey?" "Oh! Not you too! Alright Paddy. Two can play at that. I was asking if you wanted to go inside though. I think we've missed supper." I had to laugh at his dislike of the nickname and the one his dad had tossed at me. "I don't mind Paddy; I've been called so much worse. Patty, Patricia, Pat-Pat. You name it. As for dinner. Yea, let's grab a bite and I could stand a nap, or early bed... it's been a hell of a day Logan." "I can well imagine. If you don't want me to, I won't tell dad what's going on any more than he already knows about your family, which is just that you aren't welcome back. But I'd rather tell him." "I... Yea, you can tell him. I trust you. Your dad, pops... I wish my family was like him." We turned and headed for the weathered porch, Logan putting an arm around my shoulders comfortingly and gave a sly smile. "Trust me, we've had our ups and downs too Patrick, but we're family in the end and love each other. That's what counts right?" I could only nod, thinking that's how it was supposed to be at least. Logan headed us for the kitchen, brushing a stack of books off into a basket to clear the counter and thinking. "You got me thinking about eggs now, Omelet?" "Sounds good to me love. something light is best after today. Those horses? You adopt a lot of them?" "Yea, the farm was grandmothers, when mom inherited it she wanted to rescue. Lucy was the first. We've had... sixty? I think. Come through here now. Some we just get healthy then adopt out, others didn't make it. They go out to the back woods; we just make sure they know they were cared for. We've had three that stayed here, just too bad shape to get adopted out even after care. Retirement is what dad called it. But others once they are sound, able to be ridden and such, help keep this place afloat by doing lessons and such." He talked as he cooked, adding tomatoes, peppers, and diced ham to the omelet. I felt useless just sitting back and watching but the tone in his voice as he talked about this place made me wonder why he was starting his own shop instead of working here. "But you don't want to work here?" "Pat? If anyone ever says they are into horses for the money they are lying through their teeth. They are beautiful, stupidly smart animals who deserve way better than they get in life but... they eat like crazy and there's always a hay shortage going on somewhere. Their vet bills are obscene. Dad barely stays afloat. There's been many times we've nearly lost everything just to save one horse. I love them... I really do, just not sure I can handle the heartbreak you know?" I nodded silently at that and took the plate he handed me. Worn ceramic with a few cracks running through its glazing. I had taken ceramics in high school and immediately recognized a handmade piece but settled into a chair while he sat on the kitchen counter and we ate in silence a moment. "I don't think I could handle it. Seeing them like that all the time. But to see them get better? It's got to be great. Did you ever decide what kind of auto shop you want to open up Logan?" "I don't know, I've had a lot of thoughts, motorcycles to cars or even restoration but I'm not sure I would be any good compared to the stuff I've seen come out of your sisters shop before. That still amazes me, I knew your sister before I knew you, only thanks to my grandmother on dad's side." "I know that problem. I just know I needed to get out of that house. Small business management seemed the way to go at the time." I was having doubts, the classes were fairly easy so far except for financing and excel but that was almost more the damned programs they made us use. Inserting space 0 would get you an automatic incorrect whereas 0 was correct on some of them, while other similar answers would require the space before or after. It drove half the class crazy on a good day. I just was not sure that was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I traced the faint pattern in the glaze of the plate with a finger. "Like those? My grans on mom's side made them. She was a ceramic artist when she was young, still did it till she was ninety too. She had mom late in life." "oh? I used to take ceramics in high school. I can't remember the teachers name but she was always encouraging me. Father broke every one of my pieces though. Said it was a worthless waste of time just like me." I felt the blood rush to my face and knew I was getting upset again, closing my eyes, and looking up at the feel of hands taking the plate away and then cupping my cheeks. Those bright green eyes seemed both full of sorrow and anger somehow at the same time. "You have never been, nor will you ever be a waste of time Patrick. Come on, let's wash up and get some rest alright? I'll ask dad tomorrow about where Nan's stuff is. Hell, it may still be in her studio for all I know. It's on this property, out past the pasture." "That's alright, I'd love to see it sometime, but I don't want to be a bother. I keep breaking down like some kid with you Logan." I did stand though and follow him to the bathroom. There was one attached to his bedroom and thankfully this time, Lucy, Max, and Ruby were all outside so when he locked the bedroom door and pulled the shutters closed we were without audience. His room was only a little neater than the rest of the house. A backpack tossed in a corner, riding trophies gathering dust on a shelf along with several dozen books about motorcycles and antique cars. The dresser had seen better days and held a picture taped to it of a young Logan sitting in a woman's lap building a sandcastle together. One look at her golden hair and bright green eyes told me that was his mother. The attached bathroom was surprisingly decent sized. A tub with shower and the plastic shielding. I hated those tracks that supported those things. They always cut at your bare feet. The sink was a double with a mirror that needed a good wiping down and toilet had a... blue fuzzy lid on it. Logan stripped down and I could not help but look him over. His scars were faint now from the accident and his body was just muscular enough without being hard as a brick. I liked that he was just soft enough in places to rest against but strong enough to handle the horses or bikes. He gave me an expectant look and I stripped down too while the water was turned on. Logan bending over was so damn tempting. "You know you don't have to be such a tease, right?" He shot a grin back at my quip and slapped his own ass before jumping into the shower, giving a little yelp. "Cold! Get in here Pat." "Need to be warmed up?" I had to offer and was a bit more careful getting into the shower with him. Two showers in one day seemed a bit much but this was different than earlier. I felt `here' and awake for the first time in a long time. Logan grabbed a washcloth and soaped it up, starting to rinse himself under the oversized showerhead, I snatched the cloth from him and started at his back, running down the muscles and faint rolls at his sides. He had just enough body hair to him that it defined his muscles under the wet skin. I traced every one of them slowly and down to his crevice, being sure to clean well between his cheeks as he leaned against the shower wall and moaned a bit. It was an encouraging sound and my heart fluttered at hearing his breathlessness. I reached around and ran the cloth across his cock and massaged his balls. Logan whispering back at me. "That feels good, fuck me Patrick. Please?" His hardened cock in hand I rubbed my own against his slick ass but pulled away a moment. "Logan? I've never bottomed, I don't want a screw though. Love me?" I kissed his neck and my voice almost came out pleadingly, tasting the soap and his skin, his hand coming back to my head and he groaned again, leaning against me. "Always Pat, turn around." I slid a little, but the tubs rubber mat stopped me from falling as I leaned on the shower wall uncertainly. Logan took the rag and swept it across my body in slow lingering circles. His lips down my spine mingling with the feel of the hot water spilling across us both. He moved the showerhead a bit and began to slowly wash my ass and balls. Sliding a finger against my tight hole making it hurt. I winced and groaned as he penetrated and stopped. "Shit you are tight. Don't tense up" He was right, I had tensed and forced myself to relax, he thrust his finger in deeper and I had never felt anything like that before as he stroked inside me, finally withdrawing his fingers, and pressing his cockhead against me. I was not sure how it was going to fit, for a moment it seemed like it would not until a soft pop came and he pinched at my ass, bending over and softly biting my back and shoulders distracting me as my breath left me. I had my hands and forehead against the warming tiles of the wall and could only gasp a single word. "More" I wanted to feel him fill me all the way, I wanted to know what it was like and above all else, I wanted him in ways I never had wanted anyone else. Logan complied and thrust slowly deeper, soon bracing one hand above my head, the other around my waist stroking my own hard cock. He drove deep and hard and the small bathroom was full of our smell, sweat, soap and sex, the sound of our wet bodies slapping together and sliding on the tub and shower until I could not stand the pounding of my prostate any longer and felt white hot as six sticky ropes splashed against the wall. Moaning Logan's name seemed to urge him to finish as well. His throbbing cock filling my colon as he pushed balls deep into my spread ass, his chin against my back. "Oh God, Patrick... oh fuck." "Didn't we just?" I panted a bit, shaking as he released me and took a moment to lean his shoulder against the wall. I looked up at him over my own and could only admire the vision above me. He took the showerhead wand after a moment and rinsed us both off and the tub before helping me out of the now cold water. Stepping out himself we both toweled off and silently went to his bed, only a double but we curled up against each other in the nude, him spooning against my back and whispering in my ear. "You are safe with me Patrick. I love you, and I won't let anyone hurt you again." My hand went to his on my chest and held it there. I knew it. I knew he would do his best to keep that promise. "I love you too Logan... we... we can switch rooms with Neil or Pete. I know you won't let me fail, and I won't let you either." ~~~~Logan~~~~ I had rarely slept better, Patrick in my arms and his dark hair tickling my nose. The sun was barely up, and I was blinking awake. It took a moment to realize his cellphone chirping had woken me. I reached to the bedside table and grabbed it from alongside mine. The top message was from Ab saying to call her, dated only a few minutes ago. "Pat? Ab's needs you to call her" Patrick grumbled and rolled over, burying his face into my chest and mumbling out his four-digit code. "you call her? If it's important I'll talk to her." He was so not a morning person, but I found the way he curled up adorable. Not that I dared call him adorable to his face. I entered the pin and found his sister in the phone book. After a moment of ringing Abs picked up. "Conch's, you wreck'm I rebuild them." "Hey Abigail? It's Logan. Patrick's phone said you needed to talk to him, but he's sorts of out of it right now. Is it an emergency?" "Logan? Right! Cute boy with the Indian chief. Call me Ab's or Abbie, nah not an emergency but he said for me to call mom, her cellphones disconnected and no one's answering the home number. Not surprised. Pats not an early bird unless he has to be." I had to think a moment and it dawned on me why Meredith's phone was not working. Patrick must have forgotten. "Her cell accidently got smashed, I'll give you Harris's number. He helped her move out from Daniel yesterday. Hang on." I eyed Patrick who had one eye open but did not seem really awake. Kissing his cheek, I scooted off the bed and pulled the blanket back over him, getting a pair of jeans on and heading out of the room. "Sorry, didn't want to wake Pat. First off, your moms alright, I think she's had a hell of a wakeup call though. Daniel left a nasty message on Patrick's phone, we think he used a burner, it said that Meredith had committed suicide and it was Patrick's fault." I was glad I did not have the phone close to my ear while I started making some French toast for breakfast. Ab's devolved into cursing and yelling about that asshole and how she was going to do certain anatomically impossible things to him and his cohorts especially if they hurt her mother. I heard someone else come into the room where Abs was and try to calm her down some. I finally managed to interject. "Abs, hey, don't do anything foolish, you have a business and all sorts of other things going on I'm sure. Harris is doing his best to help your mom. I've got Patrick at my dad's place today. And I'll get you my phone number too. We'll be heading back to campus this afternoon. But I've already told Patrick he's more than welcome to stay with me for the holidays and winter break. I'll talk to my dad and see about inviting you and Miss Aberg here too if you like for thanksgiving and Christmas." "Go ahead." Dad's voice made me jump, he was leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen looking tired, holding a coffee cup. I nodded and relayed that to Abs. "We'll think about its Logan. Thanks. And your bikes almost done. I just need one more part to come in for the warbonnet. Just so you know, Thanksgiving is Patrick's least favorite holiday so be careful. With Daniel it was prime `jump down your throat and lecture you in front of family' day. I've got shit to do but your right, that jackass isn't worth my shop. Text me Harris's number later." "I will Abs and thanks." I hung up with her and plated the French toast for dad as he needed it more. He just gave me a `spill it' look. "How's the new horses dad?" "They aren't out of the woods yet but getting there. Vet's already come and gone this morning. Farrier is due about noon. Faye and meg are with them. Now spill it." I exhaled and told him everything Patrick had been going through, that vein in dad's forehead seemed to turn a bit redder with each incident and each new thing I had learned plus knowing how abuse was we both knew the signs. Patrick's skittishness, his fear of disappointing, of not being man enough. Daniel may not have ever hit him, but he had certainly worked hard to break him down. "Logan, you see that man at campus call security immediately and get yourself and Patrick away. Don't go getting arrested. I don't want either of you getting hurt or having that on your records. Now, what are your plans this morning?" We would talk a little longer before dad had to go back to the stables. Patrick stumbled out half-dressed not long after and I presented him with a fresh plate of French toast and bacon which he silently devoured while I told him what Ab's had said. "Guess I forgot that detail. Thanks Logan. So, what are we doing this morning? Unless I slept the day away?" "We, Lover, are going to go play in the woods. Knee high riding boots, gloves, long sleeves, and jeans. I don't think there is any poison ivy out there, but I would rather neither of us found out. Dad said we can look for nan's shop, but we have to be careful and if the floors soft we are to stay out of the building. It hasn't been used in fifteen or so years really but just had a new roof on before she passed." Patrick was giving me one of `those' looks of his. I had just gone into unknown territory with him again. He really was sheltered sometimes but I did not mind being the one to teach him things. "Which part?" "Huh?" "Which part did I lose you on Pat? You kind of got this doggish tilt headed thing going on when I lose you." "All I know about poison ivy is shiny leaves of three? I think, and how is a floor soft? Like carpeting?" "Leaves of three let it be, yes. And it is often shiny but not always nor is it always green either. But it's a vine on the ground or up tree trunks. As for floors, well when you step on a soft floor it means the floor is rotting and while it may -look- fine you can feel it bounce the whole room from a single step. It feels like you may just go through the floor. Nan's shop didn't have a cellar though so you would only fall a few feet." "That's comforting." He shot me a look and finished his plate, putting it in the sink before we headed back to my room. Once we were decked out and the back door was open Max and Ruby came flying to meet us. I was amazed how quickly the dogs loved up on Patrick and the fact he was not afraid of a pair of roughhousing hundred plus pound rottweilers as well. He actually crouched down and ruffed up their fur, getting licked in the face and loving on them right back as their rear ends bounced back and forth trying to wag so hard. Patrick finally stood and just looked at me. "What's wrong Logan?" "Not a damn thing Pat." He gave me a lot to think about, seeing him so happy here, the way the animals liked him instantly. It made me wonder if opening a mechanics shop was the way to go really, or should I take this place over from dad? But how would I keep it afloat when dad barely could? I started off for the woods with Patrick beside me and the dogs bounding at either side of us. More like crashing at either side of us as they plowed through and over downed limbs, chased squirrels and weaved old fencepoles. I pointed out the `back woods' pasture where an old concrete horse stood guard, age having taken its ears and worn the details away. "Nan's made that, it was of her first horse when she was a girl, things gotta be almost fifty years old by now." "Wow. How old do horses usually get anyhow?" "I've heard of some living until they are forty but that's really old, most are usually twenties to mid-thirties but if I recall there was one who lived to be just over fifty." I could not help the grin at his astounded expression. For some reason it seemed a lot of people only thought horses lived to be ten to fifteen years old. I paid attention again to the trail we had found, it was overgrown but there was still a rutted road to follow. I did point out a clump of poison ivy and we managed to get the dogs to go around it rather than through it. Not that it would hurt the dogs, but I'd rather not pet them afterwards. Soon enough the old brick building appeared, the windows seemed intact though the paint was flaking off in chunks. The bricks were overgrown with mosses and lichen. A few saplings had taken root in the gutters as well, though one gutter hung off the front and bent to the ground thanks to a fallen tree branch. I had the key dad had scrounged up for me and as the front porch and steps were stone that much was safe enough. "Here we are Patrick, Nan's shop. And if you like, dad said you can have or use anything from it, the shop included though obviously it would need repairs."

Next: Chapter 14

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