Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on May 13, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 12

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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It was all I could do to pull myself together. Logan was right in the end after all. Mom was alive and unharmed. Ab's texted me while we were on route to get Logan's truck, having gotten a lift from one of Logan's classmates heading to Ashville anyhow. `wtf Patty?' `explain later, don't call home number, call mom cell' I hoped that would tide her over and just watched the trees and rolling mountains, leaning on the door a bit while Logan sat upfront with his classmate. Juan seemed a decent fellow. Pale skin and freckles with a head of curly dark hair. He was a senior as well and older than both of us but kept glancing back at me and then to Logan. "You were in the hallway earlier today, weren't you? You alright?" Thankfully Logan answered for me. "Yea, it was a case of mistaken identity, someone told him his mother was dead but she's alright. Turn up here before we get to Weaverville. There's a side road that takes us up to my dad's place." Juan just nodded but seemed to be thinking something over before asking rather abruptly. "You two are gay right? Why?" "Why what?" I had to ask that, such a question was confusing but at least he wasn't yelling or being obscene about it. "I mean, why be gay? Why would you want to? You keep hearing all the trouble and stuff on the news. Wouldn't it be easier on you just to be straight?" Logan's eyes had narrowed, and I could see in the rearview mirrors reflection they had darkened as well. Not a good sign. He gritted his teeth a moment and I remembered reading something somewhere. "Why are you straight? Go gay for a week or two and try it before you knock it. I mean... if it's so easy to just be something you're not born as?" Juan shut up a moment and took the turn onto the quieter backwoods road. "Fair enough. I don't think my wife would be too happy if I did that... you guys going to need a lift back to the campus?" "Nah man, we're picking up my dad's truck. Slow ahead though. I have no idea if the dogs are out or not and the roads not paved up there." "Gotcha. Sorry if I offended you or anything there. Just curious I guess." Logan seemed to simmer down and I took Juan's apology at face value. "Better than yelling and screaming at us." I went quiet as we went from paved road to dirt and the older Nissan rumbled over the gravel. Several dogs barked and I spotted a deer freezing beside the road until a horse appeared and the wild animal fled. The pasture was behind a line of trees, but I could still see several bodies. I had never really seen a horse in person before and supposed I had some romanticized ideal of them from watching t.v. and movies. Logan told Juan to stop before we got to the large stone house that had seen better days. The home was half the size of the stables alongside it and there were three trucks and six trailers out front. Two large rottweilers lay on the porch along with a third animal that was just a little smaller than them. Logan stepped out and got our overnight things from the trunk while I stretched. "Here, I'll give you some gas money Juan?" "Nah, I'm heading this way anyhow to see my girls in Ashville. They want to see Biltmore again... for the billionth time." He laughed and waved me off after I had taken my wallet out. Logan waited until Juan had torn back off down the road before he called out. "Max! Ruby! Lucy!" At hearing their names the three dogs bolted off the porch and towards us. I did a doubletake suddenly, two dogs and a horse, that stood barely shoulder high to the rottweilers, who were wagging their nub tails so hard their entire rear ends moved. "Is that a baby?" "Nope, she's ten years old, that's Lucy, the most spoiled rotten miniature horse to ever live. She was moms baby girl. Aint that right?" He ruffled the tiny blond mane and I put my hand out for the animals to smell. Lucy hardly cared but the two rotties stopped and snuffled me a moment before one of them `Boofed' and the other looked at Logan and then me, suddenly deciding it liked me the dog jumped up and started licking me. "Down Ruby! Don't go beating him up now ladies." "This ones Ruby then? So, where's your dad?" I was a bit nervous about meeting him and Logan shrugged. "He said he'd be home today; he was out adopting a couple of horses from some rescue center near the queen city. Come on, we can stay overnight in my room and be back before our noon class tomorrow easy." He unlocked the house and headed inside with all three animals following us. I had to give him a funny look as Lucy pranced right on into the house. "The horse too?" "Oh yea, we've got these special Velcro on rubber horseshoes, super industrial Velcro too. She can go anywhere the dogs go. Guess I've just grown up with her, she's got a diaper for when she's in the house a long time but just an hour or two and she's usually okay." It was nothing like I had grown up with. I was not allowed so much as a fish. Mother had kept the house so clean you could eat off the floor, in fact she had mopped the kitchen so much one summer she had stripped the paint off the floor tiles. But this house, while not filthy, was far from sterile. There was dog fur and likely pony fur too, on the couch. A saddle over the arm of the chair and pile of bridles and halters hanging from a coatrack in a corner. Several coats of various thicknesses and helmets of several types were laying around the living room as Logan headed us to a room under the stairs and opposite the kitchen. "This is my room, no wizard wisecracks." "I don't know what you are talking about." I cracked a smile at him, and he somehow looked quite relieved. Lucy beat us to the room when he opened the door and jumped right up onto the bed, plopping her somehow oversized head down and rolling onto her back with her legs in the air. "I thought horses couldn't get back up if they laid down?" "Only if they are down for hours on end. It can cut off circulation in their legs or colons and make them colic. I just hope you aren't allergic, I never asked." "I think you may have once, but I wouldn't know. Lucy's the closest I've ever been to a horse." I really did not like the way Logans' eyes lit up when I said that. Not in the least. He all but launched himself into his closet and dug out a pair of boots, a helmet, and some thin gloves before pushing me back onto his bed. I laughed but Ruby and Max took offence and were between me and Logan in a heartbeat with their backs bristled and ears back, teeth bared. Not at me however but at Logan. "Hey! Whoa! Stand down. Who do you think you are talking to that way?" "Boof" Max answered and there came a five-minute conversation between Logan and the two dogs. I lost it and started laughing so hard I could not breathe. Flopping back onto his bed and coming face to face with Lucy. I hoped she would not bite but instead she just sniffed my face and promptly laid her head on my chest. I tried scratching her ears and was surprised at how stiff horsehair really was compared to what I had expected. The ear scratches had her making odd little grumbling noises. Logan sat on the bed beside me and looked out the window. "Well, it's almost dinner now. I don't think we've time to get you in a saddle today but... would you want to skip tomorrow? I know, I know, you have your grant to worry about, but you need a mental health day Pat. And I really do want you to meet dad too." I thought it over and nodded slowly. He was right, I was a mess and would not be able to focus on classes tomorrow likely. We could go back to campus tomorrow afternoon and fall break would be soon enough as well. "Just tomorrow Logan. I can't afford to miss anything more." There were footsteps in the kitchen area and one of the dogs, Ruby I think, who had a bit more of a reddish hue to her black fur, had her hackles up a moment and stalked from the room before suddenly bolting into the kitchen with a happy prancing of her claws on linoleum. Someone came to Logans' door a moment later. Tall, dark skin and pale eyes I knew he could not be Logans' dad. Logan however did not look happy to see him. "Hey Charles. I'm just staying overnight. Charles this is Patrick, Pat, Charles takes care of the place when dads away." Charles just eyed us silently, nodded once and headed out of the house without so much as a hello. Slamming the back door as he went and making Lucy jump, hoofing me in the ribs a bit. "Ouch, easy girl. I don't mind being a pillow but watch those things." "Yea, she may be small, but she's got a hell of a kick. Come on. I'll show you around and we can go see the stables before Lucy doll makes a mess." He offered me a hand and pulled me to my feet. It was too easy to fall against him. The temptation was there to just kiss him and forget the rest of the world. But there was no telling when someone else would come in, not to mention I did not like having an audience, four legged or not. "How many people live here?" "In the house? Just me and dad. There's a set of rooms above the stable and that's where Charles and the other two stable hands stay. Megs nice, bit loud though and Faye can get a horse to do anything you want. She just has a gift with them. They got disowned by their parents, so dad gave them a place to stay as long as they care for everything. Room and board and all. Mountain Glen is a safe haven riding facility and sometimes they take the horses into towns to do therapy rides and Lucy goes to hospitals and the like sometimes. She's certified." He walked as he spoke, showing me where the bathroom was, the upstairs rooms as well and coming back downstairs we headed outside though Logan paused at a shed and sighed. "That's where the chief is supposed to be. I hope dad can pick it up soon." "I hope so too. Ab's is good though, if she says she can fix it, she will. Likely it's just finding the parts for it since it's an older bike and all." "I know Pat, that's what I get for taking a classic to campus right? Ah well. Come on and meet the gang. We have six and dad was getting three more. They are all rescues though. " He headed into the stable and I followed. I was a bit surprised by the smell. Manure, horse sweat, old leather, hay, and soap. Two ladies were at the other end of the stable mucking out the stalls and Logan waved at them, getting a wave back before the pair kept going. He would introduce me to each horse by name and warned me `this one bites sometimes' `that one kicks if you come to her right side' but for the most part the names ran together and the horses seemed happy to meet me, likely expecting a treat or two. Logan's family had two thoroughbreds, one of the big Budweiser Clydesdales and three average looking horses, one having spots over just its rear end. It was not long before we heard a truck rumbling up the drive and our escorts, Ruby, Max, and Lucy, all tore off towards the road, ducking under the fence wire. Logan smiling. "Dad's home. Come on. Let's see what he got and introduce you. I'll warn you though, he is a hugger" "I'll keep that in mind." I was suddenly quite worried. What if he did not like me? What if he did not agree with Logan being gay? I could not remember suddenly if Logan had told me he was out or not and found myself freezing in place as the trailer was backed up to the fence gate. Logan stopped and turned those brilliant emerald green eyes on me, holding out a hand. ~~~~Logan~~~~ Pat took my hand and I pulled him out the gate and around to the front. Dads old f150 rumbled and coughed before he cut it off and hopped out of the cab. His hair was a gray `high and tight' cut and I swore he looked older every time I saw him. "Hey dad, we came by to get the truck. I want you to meet Patrick first though. Need a hand unloading these three?" "That Pat? The one who found you right?" He gave Patrick an odd look a moment and I could feel Pat getting nervous and edging just behind me a bit, but he managed to squeak out a few words. "Yes sir." "Hell boy don't sir me. C'mere!" Next thing I knew Dad had Patrick in a bear hug and Patrick just gave me the most `save me' look he could muster while I was trying not to laugh. "I warned you, dad's a hugger." "Thank you sir, and yes, you did Logan." "Told you, no sir'. I aint that old yet. Call me pop if you want. You two staying the night?" "Yes Mr. Divan err, Pop. And tomorrow morning if that's alright. But we have to get back to campus soon too." one of the horses in the trailer bellowed and Lucy reared up, putting her hooves on the side and snuffling at the new animals. I motioned Patrick aside so he would not get hurt. "How bad off were they dad? On the Henenke scale?" Patrick just shot me a confused look and slowly approached the window of the trailer, attempting to see inside while dad went around to open the gates and ramps. I figured he did not know what the Henenke scale was. "Henenke scale is what they use to say how much body fats on animals. one is the lowest you can go without being dead. Lucy was a one when we got her. She didn't even have enough muscle on her to stand up on her own really. And a nine is morbidly obese. Arthur, the appaloosa I introduced you to earlier was that way. They just fed him so much sweet feed he was sick. Erm, appys are the spotted one if you don't know Pat." "I didn't know that. I don't understand how anyone could do that to another living thing" He looked down hearted again and I stepped up as dad had not said he needed help. The ladies and Charles had come forward anyhow, so I just took Patrick in my arms against my chest. "Me either. But that's what dad does here. He puts it right. Come on, lets step back. They don't always understand they are being helped." Charles went into the trailer and a moment later was backing out an animal that looked like Famine was perched on its back. The palomino was at best a two on the scale. But her eyes were dull, and ears drooped in a fashion I saw only on starved animals. She barely picked her feet up and had healing sores on her legs and chest. Dad always picked the worst of the lot from the overcrowded shelters. He said someone had to give them a chance and if they did go down, at least they knew they were loved before they were put into the back field. The other six were in their pasture running back and forth, whinnying, bellowing, and calling out to the newcomers. Ever so slowly the mare looked over at them, uttered a sound deep in her throat and followed Megs. "Meg's is going to put her in the quarantine stable with these other two, they'll have her on a strict diet. If you feed them too much at first, it'll kill them as fast as starving does." "Three more, I got four this time." Dad called out of the trailer and led a fuzzball on overgrown hooves out. A Shetland pony, great. I must have cussed as Patrick gave me a strange look. "But it's adorable Logan." "Pat... love... You know those little rat dogs that think they are the size of Max and Ruby and have the attitude that they are kings of the world? I'd say eighty percent of the time, That's the attitude of a Shetland. And they are Smart too. Can open any door they can reach and some they can't. we used to have two out here, but they kept escaping and taking long walks. We finally had to sell them off because we couldn't keep them put. Dad really?" "she was out of time at the shelter Loggy, I thought she'd be good friends for Lucy once her feet have mended." I could not argue with that but Patrick started laughing at the nickname. I had to smile; it was worth the embarrassment just to hear him laugh. The next horse off the trailer took my breath away, given the gasp from Patrick it did his too. The buckskin mustang was young still. Ebony hair matted and coat showing numerous scars and welts across her back and sides. Her head hung in defeat and she was barely a three on the scale. But her left eye was dark blue and right eye was missing entirely. `wall eyed' horses were often rumored to be blind, but I knew that was bullshit. It just meant they had blue eyes. Faye lifted a hand to get Charles's attention while she was holding the mustangs lead rope and the horse flinched back sharply and seemed to come to life out of nowhere. The mustang reared and screamed, yanking her head high and Faye just started talking in a calm quiet voice, letting the rope out enough to give her space but getting dragged along a few feet as well until the animal quieted down. I had taken a step to go help but saw Faye easily regaining control of the trembling horse, looking back at Patrick I saw him shaking too and went to him. "She's just scared and tried to get away is all Pat." "I know... I know how she feels. Can I meet her tomorrow maybe? She's gorgeous." Dad had the last animal out of the trailer, mud brown, a good 15 hands or 60 inches tall at the shoulders. It looked to be a mix breed gelding who got the worst of both parents' sides. Damned backyard breeders. Dad must have overheard the comment and stepped up to the fence after Charles took the last one's rope and slowly led the animal away. "Another convert Logan?" "He followed me home Dad, can I keep him?"

Next: Chapter 13

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