Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on May 8, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 11

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life epeople. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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Morning had come and with it my mind was running a thousand races. Father had lied about so much I was no longer sure what was true. Had mom really been sleeping around all this time or was it another of his lies? Harris had seemed close with her, closer than a one-night stand anyhow. My world was crumbling, and I moved through the day like a puppet lost in my thoughts trying to figure out what was real and what was fathers gaslighting in my life. I went to class with Logan and then we had to go to separate classes. I would have been alright had my phone not pinged at me halfway through class. I did not want to answer it. The professor was one of those `anti phone in class' sorts so I waited. After class I stepped outside and drew my phone out, the message was from an unknown phone number and said simply. "I hope u R happy. Meredith Aberg killed self this morning." Tears poured white hot and someone yelled in agony, it took me a moment to even register it was my own voice. People went wide around me in the hallway as I nearly collapsed into the floor. No, it had to be more of his lies. But what if it was not? Had he done something to Mother? A thousand questions tumbled wildly through my head as arms pulled me off the floor. Pete was there looking worried, but I could not understand a word he was saying, and the words would not part my knotted throat, nor would my hands loosen their death grip on my phone. He led me outside towards the dorms and I sobbed a few moments on his shoulder but felt like I had to escape. Anywhere was better than here. I had to go, to run, get away. He knew where I was. He knew what college, if he did something to mother then what would stop him coming here and hurting me? Hurting Logan? What about Ab's? did she know? Was she in on it too or as much a victim of Daniels cruelty as mother and me? Suddenly peace found me. Logan's strong arms around me, pulling me to him and away from Pete. They were talking but the words made no sense. Logan tossed his backpack to his roommate and guided me towards one of the walking paths, but I could only look at him as he spoke. "Spill it Pat, I know you are worried about your family but there is more to this than that isn't there?" I nodded and tried to get the words out. Unable to do so I finally unclenched my hands from my cellphone and unlocked the screen though it took two tries with how my hands were shaking. I brought the message up and showed it to Logan. His face went pale then angry scarlet and he pulled me to a bench off to the side of the path and forced me to sit. The cold metal seat a bit shocking through my jeans and shirt as I eked out the words. "It can't be real... Ab's would have called, wouldn't she?" "We'll find out Pat, deep breaths love. If this isn't real this is beyond gaslighting. This... Man. Come here. You have Neil's number in there?" "Yea... he's in class though I think." "Got Gabes?" I just nodded affirmation to his question as he sat beside me and pulled my head against his shoulder. I did not care right now if someone saw us. He held me to the real world while googling on his own phone then texting on mine to the others. Neil sending reply back that he would do some research online as well and Gabe suggesting a call to the police but saying as well that he had Harris's phone number and sending it to us. Logan paused a moment, nearly hitting the link that would dial the number. "Pat, come on, pull yourself together a minute. I know it's hard, trust me do I ever. But she may be fine. Harris and Meredith were going to get a truck today and move her out, right? Maybe she's with him? Want me to make the call?" "I... yes. Please. I don't think I can do it Logan... If... If... she is okay? Is this something we can call the police for?" "I don't really know but we will find out, together love alright? I'm not about to leave this to you alone" It was only mid-September now and this was going to be a hell of a school year at this rate. I just gave Logan what I hoped was my best smile and He gave a faint one back. Cupping my cheek to which I found myself leaning into his hand before he withdrew and hit the link then the call button. He put it on speakerphone and with every ring I felt my chest tightening more and more until Harris answered. "Harris Duncan, Can I help you?" "Mr. Duncan it's Logan. You met me last night with Patrick. Is Mrs. Aberg there? We got a text from an unknown phone number about her." "Yes, she's unpacking in her new room Logan. Mind my asking what the text was? Her phone broke this morning while we were trying to hurry. Daniel decided to come home early from his trip, and she dropped it in the driveway." Logan paused and looked at me. I just nodded for him to tell Harris and mom. Relief swept through me and tears came fresh though I was trying my best not to cry. It was not something men were supposed to do. I shouldn't be breaking down in tears so easily, especially in front of Logan, but he was not judging me for it and silently pulled out a fast-food napkin from his pocket for me as he spoke. "Mr. Duncan, whoever they are wrote that they hoped Patrick was happy now because Meredith Aberg just killed herself." "That SONOVABITCH!" He shouted and I winced. Mother must have come flying into the room as I heard her feet thumping the floor, she asked what happened and Harris repeated it. Mom gasped. "Oh! Pat are you okay? Do I need to come over? Don't delete that text. I'm calling the police. That's just too much!" "No mom. Stay with Harris..." I croaked out, getting control of my voice and worry creeping in. "I need to call Abigail. I haven't heard from her and don't know if he sent her the message or not too" "Let me Pat. Logan? Take care of my boy... I didn't think Daniel was capable of anything like this." "Some people are just damaged Mrs. Aberg. Don't you worry about Patrick. I'm not letting him out of my sight the rest of the day." He hung up and I just stared at him a moment. "Logan. you have classes" "Just one. it's a lecture hall and Gabes in it. He can take notes for me. However, we are going out." "I'm not in any state to go out though." I looked down over my sodden shirt. Logan just smiling. ~~~~Logan~~~~ I knew he did not feel like going out, but Harris had our number and Pat needed to stop wallowing. His mom was safe and with Harris. "I need to go get dads truck; you are not going out of my sight so that means we both are going." Pat just stared a moment. his dark hair was all over the place and red cheeks were streaked. I could not help but wipe his cheeks a bit and smooth out his hair before standing. "Tell you what though. First, I think we both need a shower. Come on. Maybe Pete and Neil will let us sneak in together?" Patrick gave a little smile and suddenly let out a giggle that had me grinning. He sighed though. "You have seen how little those bathrooms are right? I guess we could always snag a towel and go back to the upper floor and sneak a shower there... kind of risky though." "Yea, I think we've had enough adventure for one day. Come on Pat." I slipped an arm around him and headed back into C dorm. thinking things over a moment. "Hey, why is your sisters last name Conch when yours is Aberg?" That one seemed to take him by surprise which was my intent. I felt like Patrick needed a distraction from all this mess. We got up to the rooms and found both our roommates gone. I sent Pete a text quickly that Pat was better, and we were going to shower and go to my dad's for the evening just so he did not worry. Patrick finally answered while we were both undressing to shower. "She left when she was sixteen. I was maybe twelve at the time or so. Turned up two years ago having bought some guys bike repair shop in Asheville. His name was Conch and when she took over, she changed her last name to it. I guess partially for business and partially as a 'fuck you' to dad." I had not met Ab yet but already thought I liked her, and this sealed it. Patrick stripped down to bare skin and while I really felt myself wanting to touch him it felt wrong somehow with the state of mind he was in. We both stepped under the spray wands warmth and I took the rag from his shaking hands. Running the soapy cloth across Patrick's body left him leaning on the wall making faint sounds a moment until I heard him murmur something under his breath. putting it aside I leaned over and embraced him from behind. "What was that lover?" "I'm worthless... He's right you know? I'm just a big baby. Soon as something happens I break down screaming and crying. I can't do anything right." "Hey, No, Hell no. Patrick you saved my life, I love you for more than that too. You are incredibly smart, kind, funny and yes sexy as hell too. When mom..." I choked a bit, even two years later it was hard not to do so thinking about her laying in that hospital bed. "When mom died my world went dark Pat, like it had when my brother passed too. I didn't eat for four weeks. I only drank because one of my friends forced me and dad both to do so. I cried until there were no tears left and felt like I had done something wrong. it was my fault somehow, she got cancer. If I had been a better son maybe we had found out sooner? You know? But it wasn't my fault and this sure as hell is not your fault. You acted like any son who was just told their mother was killed and then found out she was alive. It's got to be a hell of a whiplash." I held him a bit longer, but he said nothing and just leaned back against me until the hot water started running cooler, his eyes had closed, and I sank back against the cold tiles of the shower and held him. Skin to skin I could feel his heartbeat. His breathe. Daniel was going to pay for this, one way or another.

Next: Chapter 12

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