Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Apr 17, 2020


Green Eyed Boy Part 1

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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The engine purred and miles passed without a care. The music rolling into my helmet drowned out all thoughts of the world I was leaving behind. Who could Imagine a year ago I would be flying up the mountain roads leaving behind family, friends... of which I only really cared for one. My mind was elsewhere as the miles passed by. I was strange perhaps with the music that my mp3 player whispered to my ears. `Celtic Melody's delicate and yet energetic tones of a fae lamenting her lover to join her. It was scarcely fall right now, I had been accepted to college last spring and come home for the summer. Only to find it really was not home anymore. My things were shipped ahead a week ago, good thing too as two days ago I had come out to my father. It had not gone well despite the fact they had gay friends. It was a different story when it was their son I suppose. When the music faded, and next song queued up I felt like one of those chunks of tire on the side of the road. The glimpse of which told me there had been a blowout, I had seen several of those since leaving the foothills and heading for the mountains. There was something this time that made me slow down, the tread marks looked fresh and dark brown was pooled on the pavement here and there ahead with tufts of deer fur blowing about. My finger flipped the music off at the bars and I pulled off to the side. A chunk of rubber was sticking up out of the ditch oddly and then I saw it. A rather sweet Indian motorcycle, or at least it was once, it was now tangled up with a rather dead looking young deer. Hopefully, the poor bastard did not know what hit him. I put the kickstand down and hopped off my own bike, a parting gift from my sister who had built it herself from scratch. Removing my helmet, I left it hanging on the luggage rack as I started to look around feeling an odd bit of panic in my chest. Maybe the rider had already been picked up? Maybe it was a day-old scene? I removed my gloves and put my hand near the Indians engine, and it was hot still. The deer's eyes suddenly opened, and I will never admit to anyone in a hundred years that I screamed like a little girl. It was like some zombie show my roomie loved to watch. The animal did not move again so it must have been a natural reflex, but I did hear a moan somewhere off to the side in response. "Hey? Someone here? You need help man?" "Shit-Shit-Shit" Yeup, they needed help. I followed the string of expletives to where someone was laying in the grass holding their arm and trying to lay flat. Good thing for them they had a helmet on. "Hey; stay still, I'll call an ambulance, may take a bit though." "No! no, I think I'm okay, just bruised... I can't afford one, don't." "Look, you get an ambulance now or may be a casket later if you have a hangman's fracture okay? Sorry bud. I'd rather not see you die, Names Patrick" I dialed emergency and told them where we were, not really that far from Ashborne College in Torrand, which itself was only a good hour or two drive from Ashville, North Carolina. I spotted the backpack nearby with the thunderbird rising from its nest. "Are you a student at Ashborne too?" "Yea, just made it this semester, I really don't think anything broken... How's the Indian?" "Umm... I hope you are a lot better than she is... sorry, that's a sweet classic, maybe it can be fixed up" "Damn... Pops going to kill me. That was my Grandmothers bike. Logan by the way." I could not really see what he looked like and he reached for the helmet, I thought he might try to take it off. "Just open the visor, don't move the helmet `till they get here Logan" He obliged on that at least and I felt an arrow through my heart when the brightest emerald green eyes I had ever seen peered at me from the shadow of the visor. I gave a glance across his body, at least what I could see of it in a heavy leather jacket, brown with green trim instead of the typical black, blue jeans that were shredded on one side, his thigh visible and well road burned, riding boots that looked more like what one would see on someone riding horses than motorcycles. I shucked my own standard black riding jacket and laid it over him as he was shivering. "I'll be right back Logan, going to make sure they don't pass us" I could hear the ambulance wailing and headed to the road. It would not take much longer to flag them down and before I knew it, they were loading him on a backboard, and I gave his arm a light pat as I took my jacket back. "I'll see you at Ashborne, want me to see your bikes safe?" "I'll have pop come and scoop it up, if you could just hide it or something for me?" "sure man." I separated it from the deer, not a job I ever cared to do again, and took a dollar store poncho from my own backpack, spreading it best I could over the bike that had now cooled. Before dragging the whole thing to the woods edge with a note that there is a tracker on the bike and left my phone number when I realized I did not have his. I did take the license plate and keys from the bike though in its shape I doubted it could be driven away. I would return those to Logan at some point. I hauled a few branches around the bike to shield it a bit more and hoped it was not hidden too much but there was no way I could take it to college with me on my bike. Wishing now I had a car instead. My own scratch built no name bike was sitting where I had left her on the side of the road, and we would tear off down the road. Those emerald green eyes full of fear and relief dancing in my head. ~~~~Logan~~~~ How long did I lay there in that grass and listen to the rasping of the wounded deer? Too scared to move from the pain that had radiated from the impact. I did not know if my back was broken, my neck? All the horror stories and my father calling it a donor-cycle came to mind. But then a startled yelp and those blue eyes looking at me full of worry had appeared. He was decently tanned, raven black hair in curls I wanted to run my fingers through and eyes so blue I had never seen before. I wanted to reach for him and did so this time. The pain shooting through my arm made me snap awake and I pulled it back. Safe in the hospital room now. I could only imagine how much this was going to cost my family, but it was a good thing I had been brought to the hospital. The doctor had told me I had some internal bleeding and as if that was not bad enough, they had taken me straight to surgery. Somehow it was always more terrifying when they did not make you wait. I had called dad soon as I came around enough, he was beyond livid but promised to get the Chief first on his way up. He asked me how I was, I told him, and his voice was blank for a moment, reminding me how he sounded when I had first told him I was bi. "I'm glad you were wearing your helmet son." His parting words as he hung up. I had not allowed myself to be scared, I am twenty for crying out loud. This is part of growing up. The tears came whether I want them or not and I was just glad it was lights out. Dad arrived the next morning with a bag of clothes and other things. Due to insurance issues they were discharging me, stating I was now fine... other than surgery the day before and a potentially broken arm but yea. Fine. "I called your RA, are you sure you feel up to college now Logan?" "I've got too much invested dad. Anyhow, I'll recoup in the dorm room just as well as I will at home, won't I? and at least there I will have a roommate who can call for help if somethings wrong." "I suppose so. I could cancel my trip?" "No dad, you have been looking forward to this for years. Go. How is the chief?" His expression fell a bit and I winced at his next words. "War bonnets smashed; I think the frames twisted. Fella who found you left a note and had it under a poncho and some branches though so at least it was not stolen, he took the keys and license plate, said he'd return it to you at college. Left his number. Want me to call him?" "Damn. Grans going to kill me. No, I'll call him. Thanks dad." "She's only going to kill us for not saving the deer and bringing her some venison and you know it. Let's get you signed out and safe somewhere. Did you call Madeline?" I winced at the name, my ex-girlfriend had suddenly decided I was not allowed friends and that I was straight not bi. I was forbidden to even glance at a cute guy around her and if I dared look at a girl. it was a major war. I had not told dad about that yet. I thought he had liked Madeline. "We broke up last week." "About damn time. She was too controlling. Even hated Lucy, who the hell hates Lucy?" I had to laugh about that, ever since mom passed Dad had devoted his life to Lucy, that was the most pampered animal to ever live. "Just... give me the number and I'll call him, let's get out of here."

Next: Chapter 2

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