Green Door Cocksucking

By Jennifer James

Published on Nov 17, 2011


Green Door Cocksucking

Part IV - July 22, 2011

by Jennifer James

On July 22nd I went over to the Green Door again, a sex club I've written about in the past. I discovered the place a few months ago and it was different from the ABS's I usually go to in several ways. The ABS crowds are generally much more gay and I'm a niche market in them... most of the action is guy to guy and I'm frequently ignored. In this place when I've been almost all the guys were interested in me and while there must be some guy to guy stuff going on I haven't seen it. And the guys I've sucked off in this place tended to have much larger ejaculations than the ABS crowd... maybe because of the $12 entrance fee the guys don't show up as often and are storing it up longer?

I'd been on vacation and hadn't sucked any cocks for several weeks. The last 3 times I went to this sex club the magic number seemed to be 8 cocks before the place was empty and I was hoping for that same number and maybe I'd stop by my usual ABS afterwards for a few more afterwards. And this time I'd posted the day before on Squirt that I'd be there from 3 to 5ish hoping a lot of guys would show up looking for relief... and one guy responded saying he'd definitely be there to use my mouth.

It was 104 degrees and humid and I dressed in a black miniskirt with tiered ruffles and a black strapless top of a similar almost sheer material which was also ruffled in front, and it looked like a very small dress. Even though it was daytime I had no plans to go out in the mainstream because of the heat so I'd put on heavy eye makeup and silver jewelry with 3 pairs of large graduated hoop earrings and black medium heeled slides with my usual shoulder length blonde hair. Looking in the mirror before I left I thought I looked pretty good and my dress was very hot looking.

On the drive there a lot of the truckers were coasting right next to me, staring, and a few beeped, and I got there right a few minutes before 3 to find there was only one car in the lot, not generally a good sign. And following me in the door was a male/female couple which frequently detracted from me. I sat in the straight film theatre and only seconds later the door bell rang a bunch of times and when I stepped out in the hallway I now saw that there were now a bunch of guys.

I went in the room without doors and sat, watching a hetero blowjob movie and a nice looking guy walked in. He walked over to me and bent down a little and ran his hands up my thighs and feeling them smooth he kept stroking my thighs and lower legs. I reached over and started rubbing his cock through his pants and then 2 more guys came into the room, one sat next to me and the other stood on the side watching and both had their cocks in their hands. The guy I was facing opened his belt and his cock popped out and I leaned forward and took him in my mouth and started sucking him softly, getting him rock hard. Then he stepped back and squatted down before me and slipped my cock out of the side of my panties and took my cock in his mouth.

It felt ok but I never cum in those situations but I let him keep going and I leaned over sideways to the guy next to me and took his cock in my mouth and started sucking him. The guy sucking me stood up and I moved back over to his cock and started sucking him again but moved my hand to the other cock and was stroking him at the same time.

The cock in my mouth exploded as he groaned and my mouth filled with cum, and I kept sucking till he moved away, and then swallowed... then I squatted in front of the guy sitting next to me and took him back in my mouth... and I noticed there were several other guys watching.

It took almost no time before he groaned and ejaculated in my mouth, and I stayed there till he was done and swallowed down his load. And before I had a chance to stand the guy who'd been watching from the beginning stepped over next to me and I swiveled on my heels to face him. He pushed his medium sized cock in my mouth and shot his load on my tongue almost immediately.

I gulped down his cum and got up and left the room and walked around for a few minutes stretching my legs, which were already a little tight from squatting. When I got back by the rooms there was a tall hispanic guy who asked if I'd suck his cock so we went into the room in the back and he closed the door. His cock was maybe 6 inches, but thin, and I squatted in front of him and took him in my mouth, and he immediately started moaning and talking, telling me how pretty I was, how nice my mouth felt, etc.

After awhile, though, I could tell he was holding back so I told him I needed a break, but he said 'Please stay, I'll cum soon' So I stayed in a squat and he held my head and he thrusted into my throat several times and them held it, his cockhead solidly in my throat and groaned and I could feel the warmth of his sperm as he flooded my throat with sperm. I moaned at the warmth and taste and then he pulled out, I swallowed what little was still on my tongue, and he said 'Thanks' with a big smile and left the room.

And immediately a large guy walked in and said 'Hi, I'm the one who wrote you on your posting... you look great' He opened his pants and his cock looked exactly like he'd described, barely 5 inches long but very thick, my favorite kind. So I squatted before him as he sat back and took him into my mouth and started sucking him softly. He was moaning steadily and I kept up a slow rhythm, his thick cock filling my mouth completely but not going into my throat. He said 'Keep doing that, I'm getting close' and I kept up the same rhythm till he said 'Here it cums' and his sperm started streaming onto my tongue in a steady flow.

I moaned again at the taste and kept my mouth there as he continued to fill my mouth with a very large load, and when he stopped I pulled my mouth back and closed my lips. Then looking up at him I opened my mouth to show him his cum, and then closed my lips and swallowed as his warm sperm slid down my throat. We talked for a few minutes and traded emails, and he told me he'd like to take me out to dinner sometime then head back to his hotel afterwards when he was in my neighborhood traveling.

He opened the door but before anyone else came in I squeezed out, needing to stretch my legs and pee, so I went to the bathroom and peed and fixed my makeup since my mascara was running from the previous throat fucking.

Right out of the bathroom there was a guy waiting, and he asked if I wanted to go to a room. He was nice looking with a short beard but once we got in a room and he closed the door I remembered him from a previous time. He had pantyhose on under guy clothes and a small skirt, and I remembered he didn't like to be sucked without a condom. Like the last time he started telling me how beautiful I was and lifted up my feet and started sucking on my toes. But I pulled out his cock because I'd remembered it being huge, and it was, not fully hard but close to 10" long and wide.

I started stroking him as he moaned and then I said 'I know you don't like being sucked without a condom, how about if I jerk you off into my mouth?' He agreed so I squatted befor him and started stroking his cock with my hand, the tip a few inches from my mouth. And in no time at all he said 'I'm going to cum' so I stuck out my tongue under his cockhead with my open mouth an inch away and kept stroking and he moaned and I felt his cum splashing on my tongue. I stroked him a few more times, each time bringing out a little more cum, and then he was done and I pulled in my tongue, closed my lips, and swallowed his load. And then he got up, pulled on his guy slacks over his pantyhose and skirt, and left with a quick goodbye.

A heavyset guy was outside the door so I let him in and he quickly pulled out his cock and I squatted down and took him in my mouth and started sucking him rhythmically. But after a few minutes he reached under my arms and pulled me to my feet, then kneeled on the dirty floor and started sucking me. I couldn't even get hard from this and he quickly gave up and stood, but my cock in his mouth had made him horny so a minute or 2 after I took him back in my mouth he exploded and fed me a large load of cum. I stood to stretch, said good bye, and left the room... and it pinged in my brain that he'd been the seventh.

I walked the rounds stretching my legs and in the hall was was a small group of guys talking. One of them said 'We saw your post on Squirt, and you look hotter than your pictures there' 'Thanks' I said, and he said 'Would you be up for taking us all at once?' and I said 'Sure' So four of the guys followed me to the back room and we all squeezed in.

'How do you want to do this?' I asked, and the oldest guy said 'I'd like a blowjob first, the rest want to watch as a start' and I said 'Fine' and squatted and he pulled out his cock. I squatted back down and started sucking him slowly, and because of the other guys watching I put on a show, licking across his cock head in between mouth strokes, etc., and all the guys were commenting. The guy I was sucking said 'She has a wonderful mouth, you're going to love it' and someone else said 'I can't wait' I finally got into a steady slow rhythm, wetly with lots of tongue, and the guy said 'Do you want to swallow my sperm?' and I said 'mmmm' through a mouthful of cock. Then he said 'Here it is baby' and my mouth got wet and the taste hit me, and I moaned. 'Listen to her' someone said 'she loves drinking sperm' and I gulped it down and 'mmmmm'd' again.

He zipped up and I stayed there squatting and one of the other guys came over, he was much younger, and I took his cock in my mouth. It was still soft and stayed soft as I stroked him with my mouth wetly and the guy said 'I'm havin a hard time with an audience' I stopped and asked 'Why? You know you want to cum in my mouth... I'd love to drink your sperm' I went back onto his cock very steady with my tongue against his shaft and just a few minutes later he groaned loudly and began ejaculating into my mouth, and I kept up the soft suction and soon had him drained and his cum ingested. 'Wow' he said 'her mouth is even better than you'd said'

Another guy came over and almost as soon as I had him in my mouth he held my head in place and started very slowly fucking my throat. I adjusted my position, and because he was slow it didn't bother me and I moaned. This went on for awhile, I kept things slobbery as his cock slowly slid in and out of my throat and the guys were all making comments again. Then he pushed all the way in and groaned and I felt the warmth inside me as he shot his load directly in my throat, my nose pressed into his pubes, and then he pulled out and I moaned a little as the taste hit me strongly and I swallowed the last of his cum.

The last guy was sitting on the bench and I squatted before him and started sucking him slowly and wetly. He got really hard and he reached over and started stroking himself so I just sucked and licked on his cockhead as he jerked himself off. I knew he was getting close and then he stroked hard and groaned and his cock slipped out of my mouth and cum started shooting like a fountain all over his chest and abdomen. I took his cock back into my mouth to catch the rest and drained the final drops, and then looking up I saw he had some huge globs of cum on himself... so I leaned forward and began to slurp the sperm off him, licking his chest and abdomen clean, and when it was all in my mouth I gulped it down... to dead silence. But he said 'That was wonderful, thank you' and the other guys all said at once 'That really was great... let us know when you're coming back, I'll leave you an email on squirt. And then I sat up on the bench and said 'Thanks for the cum' as they all left... and then the hispanic guy from before walked in.

'You already came' I said, and he replied 'I'm reloaded'. I said I was getting kind of tired and he said 'Please baby, I'll be fast' So I squatted back down and started sucking his cock again. He took my hand and slid it between his legs and I stuck my middle finger up his asshole and started moving it in and out while I sucked. He said 'Keep doing that, I'm really close' so I kept my finger sliding in his asshole and he held my head again, pushed into my throat, and I felt the warmth of his cum and a pulsing deep inside me. And as soon as he finished and I'd swallowed the remains I pulled my mouth off his cock and stood up and stretched.

He said goodbye, and I followed him out the door and went to the bathroom to pee again and fix my makeup. I realized I'd swallowed an even dozen loads of cum at that point and I could feel a heaviness in my stomach... and out of the bathroom again I saw that the crowd had thinned appreciably. I decided to see if anyone was at the gloryhole so I walked over there and went into the gloryhole booth but left the door wide open.

I heard the door in the next booth close so I squatted in front of the hole and then I heard my booth door close. I looked up and saw a guy in with me and he asked if he could watch. 'Sure' I replied and turned back to the hole just as a very long and very thin cock came through.

I engulfed it in my mouth and started sucking it softly and then slid my head in and let the cock slide into my throat. And then I started very slowly moving my mouth back and forth, taking it into my throat in the instrokes. The guy in my booth said 'Wow, I love watching you do that', and I kept up the steady rhythm on the cock. After awhile, out of nowhere, my mouth filled with cum and I slid back to the end as his sperm started covering my tongue, and I started moaning softly... then the cock was pulled back and I gulped down the load. I stood for a minute to stretch and the guy in my booth said 'I love watching you do that... you're so hot' 'Thanks' I said, and I heard the adjoining booth door close so I squatted back down.

This time the cock that came through was small, maybe a couple of inches long but on the thick side, and barely an inch made it through the hole. I took it between my lips and started sucking softly on the head, using both my lips and tongue to stroke it, and it got harder but only a little bit bigger. I stayed there sucking for awhile as the guy in my booth made comments, and then my mouth got wet as his cum started flooding in. The cock was small but the load of cum wasn't and as it kept streaming in I moaned and started swallowing as it was still shooting. And then he pulled back and I swallowed the last mouthful.

I stood up and stretched again, and the guy in my booth said 'That was really hot to watch... you are a pro' I said thanks but was thinking of leaving when the guy asked 'Will you suck my cock?' 'Sure' I said and went back into a squat as he pulled down his pants, When I saw his cock it was the smallest one of the day, maybe 2 inches total. But I took him in my mouth and started using suction with my tongue licking across his cock head... and it wasn't long before he ejaculated into my mouth, and his cum was strong tasting and fairly large in quantity. I gulped it down and stood as he zipped up and said thanks and left the booth.

I left also, my calf muscles were really tight from all that squatting and my stomach was starting to hurt just a little bit. I went into the bathroom and fixed my makeup and peed again, then went out on the floor. The place was almost empty, there were a few of the guys I'd already blown lingering in the hallway and one guy in the gay theatre jerking off. I said good bye to the guys in the hallway, and one of them said 'I hope you're coming back.' I said I would eventually and I walked to the front and out the door and got in my van and drove away.

I saw on the clock that it was just past 5, and my belly was hurting a little from the 15 loads of cum I'd swallowed. And instead of stopping by my usual bookstore I stopped and had dinner at McDonalds from the drivethrough and then went to my regular club where I remained strictly social.

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