Green Door Cocksucking

By Jennifer James

Published on Nov 11, 2011


Green Door Blowjobs

Part II - April 23, 2011

by Jennifer James

This past Easter Holiday I knew I wasn't going to get out on Sunday, which is my regular social girl day out. On Sundays I dress in girl casual and go to various mainstream bars and restaurants where I know bartenders and some regular patrons, and it's always a strictly social day... never sexual.

Friday I had planned on going out, stopping at my regular bookstore to suck a few cocks and swallow a few loads of cum and then go to my regular club where I'd hang out with my gay and tranny friends and maybe suck someone off at the end of the night in my van if a regular, or interesting new guy, showed up. But when Friday rolled around I wasn't able to get out for various personal reasons.

So on Saturday morning I woke up and decided I'd get dressed and take a ride to the Green Door, the sex club in PA that I had previously been to. So after taking care of some chores I got dressed, putting on a purple tunic sweater as a very short dress with knee high stiletto heeled boots, the sweater barely covering my crotch but showing off my pantyhosed legs.

I got in the car and drove to the sex club, arriving at 1:45 PM, and after paying the $12 entry charge I went inside. I'd only been there once before, and it was almost pitch black inside, but after a few moments my eyes adjusted and I went into the theater that was showing tranny movies.

There's a bench along the back wall and I went in and sat, and looking over to my right I saw a guy stroking his hard and rather large cock so I slid over to the end of the bench and opened my mouth and he pushed his cock in. He was really hard and tasted of precum and I'd barely sucked his cock for a minute when he groaned and my mouth filled as his cum streamed into my mouth. I sucked it all out and swallowed, then he said thanks and pulled up his pants and I stood up to let him out.

And then I noticed another guy who'd apparently been watching so I slid over to the other side of the bench and opened my mouth and he stepped in and I began sucking his smallish cock... and again, it wasn't a minute later that he shot his load into my mouth and I kept my lips there till he was done, savoring the taste and warmth, and as I swallowed he said 'I'm sorry I came so fast' And I replied 'No problem, as long as you came' and smiled.

I had only been in the place 5 minutes and had already swallowed several loads of cum.

Outside the room was a friendly gay guy I'd talked to on my previous visit, and he said hi, and we talked for a little bit. He told me for the second time that I was the only passable girl he'd seen there, and the only one who came in fully dressed. And said he thought it was very cool that I was comfortable enough with myself to do that, and to spend time out in public as a woman. We talked a little more and I walked away

I made the rounds, there was no one by the booths, even the gloryholes, and the private rooms were all open, and as I walked around I was being eyed by many of the guys standing along the hallways. And a few minutes later an older guy asked if I wanted to go in a room with him, so we took the room way in the back.

He started rubbing my cock through my pantyhose as I rubbed his cock, and he took his pants off completely and I squatted before him and started sucking him softly, and he grew to about 5 inches long. And then he pulled me up and leaned over to take my cock in his mouth and as usual I couldn't even get hard, much less cum. After a few minutes he sat up and started telling me that he usually came there dressed (and he would have been an ugly woman) and I told him that if he was dressed he wouldn't be in the room with me because I didn't like that at all (especially with ugly trannies.)

Anyway, I went back into a squat amd started sucking him seriously, medium rhythm with lots of suction and tongue and a few minutes later he asked 'Do you want to take the load?' I made an 'mmmm' noise and seconds later his sperm spurted onto my tongue and I softly nursed on his cock till he was drained, swallowed, and stood up. He was leaning back against the wall as I rearranged my pantyhose and panties and then I said 'Bye' and opened the door and left.

Right outside the door was another older guy, who asked if I wanted to go in a room with him - and I said 'Sure, if you want your cock sucked... I don't want mine sucked' He agreed, though he looked a little disappointed, and we went into a different room and I squatted down as he dropped his pants, and then I started sucking him off. He wasn't getting hard, but I kept working and he got firm at least,but no more than that. But he was moaning and I kept moving my mouth back and forth over his cock keeping up a light suction, and a few minutes later without warning my mouth got wet as his sperm gushed into my mouth. And after gulping it down I stood up and stretched a little as he left.

I was going to head into the bathroom but a short stocky guy walked in and said 'You look great baby' 'Thanks' I said 'Do you like getting your cock sucked?' 'Doesn't everyone?' he replied, and I said 'I haven't asked everyone - or sucked off everyone - yet' And smiled

I left the door open and noticed a few guys standing in the doorway and I squatted sideways to the door and began sucking on his cock. He was about average size, maybe 6" and medium width, and I started moving my mouth back and forth along his cock, going deep, and maybe an inch slipped into my throat on the in strokes. My tongue was pressed against the bottom of his shaft so his entire cock was sheathed by my mouth, and I kept up a steady rhythm.

When he began moaning I moved my lips to just encircle his cockhead as his sperm streamed onto my tongue and I kept sucking softly till I'd drained his balls completely. And finally I took my mouth off and swallowed as I stroked his cock from botton to tip, pulling out a last globule which I licked off. And then I stood up, pushed past the guys who were standing in the doorway, and went upfront to get the bathroom key and then went into the bathroom where I peed, wiped some cum and saliva off my chin, fixed my makeup and lipstick, brushed my hair, and left the bathroom and returned the key.

I went back into the theater, and there were several guys but no one had his cock out, so I sat and looked around. By the door there was a really good looking guy, about 6' tall and slim but well built. I'm not really into guys in general, just their cocks and their cum, but he had a really cute face... but when I saw that both his ears were pierced I figured he was gay, which would make him not my type. So I got up and left, and passed several guys in the hallway who didn't look very palateable, and I avoided eye contact.

But as I walked through the back hallway the cute guy in the theater walked up and said 'You really look hot', and I said 'So do you' Standing there face to face we looked into each others eyes, and he kissed me on the lips with a little tongue, and then he said 'Let's take a room', so I followed him into one of the rooms and closed the door.

There was a carpeted bench along the back wall and he sat and I sat next to him, and I reached over and started rubbing his cock slowly through his pants, and his cock appeared to be large. He reached over and slipped his hand uder my sweater dress and started rubbing me softly as we looked at each other. I was hoping he wanted to kiss for awhile first, and when he moved a little towards me I leaned in and kissed him gently, and we sat there for awhile kissing softly, touching tongues and lips gently, and I was getting really turned on.

After awhile I said 'Why don't we get comfortable' and he stood up and took his jeans and underwear completely off and I saw that his cock was very large. It was about 9 inches with a very prominent cockhead and I leaned over his lap and took his cock into my mouth and got it wet with a few slow mouth strokes and then sat up again, and we started kissing again.

When he reached down and started rubbing me I asked him if he wanted me to take my cock out and he said yes, so I slid my panties and pantyhose down to my boot tops and sat back down and we kissed some more, stroking each others cocks. I almost never get hard but he was hot and the kissing was really turning me on, and my cock did get pretty hard and grew to it's regular 6 inches as we stroked each other.

Then I leaned down into his lap and took his cock back into my mouth and softly sucked and took him deep, slowly, letting his cock pop into my throat before moving out and repeating. And then I stopped and sat up, not wanting him to cum too quickly (which is rare for me, but I was really getting into the whole thing)

We kissed some more while we stroked each other, and then he asked me to stand, and when I did he leaned in and started sucking my cock. He was actually pretty good, soft mouth and soft suction, and I got as hard as I ever get, and it felt nice so I let him suck me for awhile. For a few seconds I thought I might even be able to cum, but almost as soon as that thought passed through my mind my cock started getting a little soft, and he took his mouth off my cock and sat up, and asked me to turn around.

I did, and he leaned his face in towards my ass and I bent over as he started licking across my asshole. It felt nice and warm as always, and I felt his tongue start moving in and out of my asshole as he reached around and started stroking my cock at the same time. I only got semi hard, but the whole thing was very pleasant. He stopped for a second and asked if it felt good, and I replied 'Wonderful', and he started tongueing my asshole some more as he stroked my cock.

Eventually my cock got soft and he moved back and I turned around and leaned down towards him and we started kissing again. I could taste my asshole in his mouth, but it wasn't strong, and we touched tongues for awhile and then I leaned back.

I squatted down between his legs and he leaned forward and kissed me again, and then I leaned over and took his cock into my mouth. His cock filled my mouth completely, and I began sucking him softly, using my tongue along the bottom, and I began to take him into my throat in a slow steady rhythm.

His cock would have gagged me if he'd started thrusting, because of his large cock head, but he let me do all the work, and it wasn't a problem. I didn't change my rhythm at all, and after a few minutes he asked 'Do you want my cum?' I 'mmmm'd' without changing my rhythm, and he started moaning softly and then said 'Here it cums'

I took his balls in my left hand and massaged them softly, and put my right hand behind his balls - and when I felt the pulse against my lips I pushed my middle finger up his ass and he screamed softly as his cum started shooting into my mouth in a strong steady stream, and I could feel his balls get smaller in my left hand as my mouth filled almost completely with his sperm.

I started swallowing with his cock still in my mouth and could feel it sliding warmly down my throat, and when he stopped I stroked his cock slowly a few times, which brought up several large globules of cum, and I licked them off the end and then kept my mouth softly around his cock till he started getting soft.

Then I sat up next to him, and he leaned against the back wall and I leaned against him with my head on his shoulder as we both caught our breaths. He said 'That was really something', and I replied 'That was great... what's your name anyway?' He told me his, I told him mine, and I gave him my card with my email address, even though he said he didn't really use email. Then we kissed for a few more minutes, said goodbye, and he left.

I left the room also and made the rounds again, and ran into the gay guy I'd talked to in the hallway. 'How many cocks have you sucked so far? I've watched you suck a few of them' he asked, and I said 'I'm not really counting... but it is 6 so far' and he laughed. Then he said 'The last guy you were with was really cute and buff' and I said 'Yes, he was... and very sweet and nice. I didn't expect to find intimacy here.' 'You never know' he said, and I kept walking.

In the theater on the bench was a guy who'd been staring at me all day but hadn't said a word, so I sat next to him. 'Are you having any fun yet?' I asked and smiled, and he said 'You are really beautiful' (only for that place, I thought), and I said 'Thanks... do you like getting your cock sucked?' He looked at me for a few minutes, then said 'I would love that. But I'm not comfortable here, I like privacy. And even in the rooms people barge in. Would you want to go somewhere and get a room?' 'Thanks for the thought' I said 'But I won't be around that much longer, I have to be home at a reasonable hour. Take care' and I got up and left.

In the back hallway was a middle aged medium height guy, not bad looking, and he approached me and said 'I love having my cock sucked'. I replied 'And I love sucking cock' and he stepped into the room closest to the front hallway and I followed him in.

I left the door open as that room was very visible for an audience, and he didn't close it. He sat down and took his shoes off, then his slacks and underwear, and his cock was half hard. Looking at it I saw that it was about 7 inches long but fairly thin, with a slightly tapered head.

So I squatted sideways right in the doorway and he stepped over in front of me and I leaned in a little and took his cock in my mouth and got it really wet, sucking softly, and it got rock hard and a little wider and was maybe 8 inches long. I started taking it deeper, and a few inches slid into my throat with each mouth stroke.

Then he reached down and held my head in place and pushed all the way into my throat and held it, his balls pressing against my chin and my nose pressed into his pubes. I was fine with that, but then he began to fuck my throat, slowly at first, but then he thrust rapidly a few times and I gagged and he pulled out. But I took a single deep breath and took his cock back into my mouth and started deepthroating him again, slowly and wetly.

He started thrusting into my throat again, but slowly, and I was getting into it. I left my mouth a little loose as he fucked my face, and I could feel some saliva running down my chin. And then he reached down and held my head again and started fucking my throat hard and really fast and I gagged again and my eyes started tearing and I pulled back.

I caught a few good breaths this time and was right back on his cock. He started slowly fucking my throat again, and then he asked 'Do you want me to fuck you? I stopped for a minute and said 'Not today' and he was back in my mouth. He was thusting deep and slowly and then he said 'Do you want my cum?' I made an 'mmmm' sound with his cock still in my mouth and a few strokes later he pushed all the way in and shot his load into my throat as my nose was pressed against his pubes and his balls pushed against my chin. I stayed there till he finished and when he pulled out some of the cum slid back into my mouth and the taste hit my senses and I swallowed, and then stood up.

He said thanks and left, and I was going to leave myself when another guy walked in with his cock out and I squatted and took him into my mouth. But this guy was ready and after several mouth strokes he moaned and my tongue filled with his cum. And I swallowed as he left.

I picked up my purse and left the booth and walked through the place and out the door and out to my van. As I got in the van another one parked next to me and the guy got out and walked over to my window. He was in his mid-fifties, clean cut looking, and he asked 'Leaving already?' 'I am' I replied, and he said 'Too bad... you're a pretty girl and I need my cock sucked. So I said 'Come around the other side' and when he did I stepped through to the back and let him in the side door of my van.

He got in and sat on the seat and I kneeled before him and waited. And then he said 'Do you come here often?' I replied 'Not often, and I really do have to go... but I'll suck your dick right now if you want' So he opened his belt and slid down his slacks and boxers and I leaned over into his lap and took his cock in my mouth and started sucking him in a steady rhythm, with medium suction and lots of tongue and within a few minutes he groaned and I got ready, and his sperm gushed into my mouth. I stayed there till he was done and swallowed, and then said 'I really do have to leave'

He pulled up his pants and I opened the back door and waited, and he slipped outside. 'Bye' I said and he got in his car. I looked in the vanity mirror to fix my makeup and was surprised to see it was a real mess. My eye makeup had run down my cheeks from the earlier face fucking, my chin was wet looking, and there was a little cum at the side of my lips. I wiped myself off with a paper towel, powdered my face, cleaned up under my eyes with cover creme, and reapplied lipstick. And then I started my van and left for the drive home, the taste of cum very strong in my mouth from the 9 loads of cum I'd swallowed.

Next: Chapter 3

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