Greek World

By sacred cowboy

Published on Oct 9, 2020



Thank you, once again, for cracking open this story. To the powers that be, and HBO, no copyright infringement is intended. I simply want to tell a compelling story, from material that has been established. I will not profit from this endeavor. I am just trying to entertain, because I love the subject matter, as well as the characters.

Please, give generously to Nifty, so they can keep the fun times going. They have bills to pay, too.

Greek World 5

The Smallest Secrets

I regarded the message once again, and said the words over and over in my brain. Little God. What in holy Hell was that supposed to mean? Anders came up and placed his hand on my shoulder. I just gave my companion a long look.

"I've no idea what to make of this." I said, encircling his waist with my own hand. He felt warm. Welcoming. Comforting. Almost familiar. I just wanted him to embrace me, and reassure me that all of this was going to be okay. I saw the screens farther down the hallway flicker, with the same message and the same image of me on them. Bread crumbs. We were meant to follow them.

We went through two separate labs, again, with the glass enclosures. Some were empty, and others had hosts in them, frozen in time, or moving very slowly. Some were drinking from cups, some were doing more mundane things like buttoning shirts or brushing hair. A few were nude, just like the four of us. I stopped the others.

"Wait. I hear voices." I whispered to Anders, and all of us halted. They did not breath, so my breath was the only sound made. People were coming up the corridor. I heard a few gun shots. It was probably a safety sweep. But I wasn't sure how all of us would be regarded. Would they be called rogue hosts, and be neutralized? Would I be mistaken for someone that wasn't human? I glanced around me, and realized that there was no safe place to hide. Just the glass boxes. And there was no retreat, or going back the way we came.

"Pretend to be one of these deactivated hosts." I said, quickly. I took Klor's hand and we slipped into the closest empty cell. Anders and the Minotaur went into the one across from us. Anders jumped up in Mikos's arms. The bull pulled him up, and Anders had his legs over the beasts shoulders. Anders prick was already engorged, and Mikos took it to the base. The bull's cock was now at full attention. They both froze. I pulled Klor on top of me.

"I may not be able to stay still enough to convince them." I said, so he covered me with his huge frame. He planted a kiss on my lips... and I felt his massive prick slide into my ass. "You bastard." I said as I bit his lip gently. He gave me a soft murmur.

"Hold still, `Little God.'" His voice was wet on my ear. I closed my eyes, and waited for the guards to come forward.

"Holy SHIT, would you look at the yok on that monster?" I heard one of them say. Someone cocked a gun, and I was about to lose two friends!

"Yeah, man. It seems that half of this place is built for queers." One of the others added.

"Shut your pie hole. Those dudes are the richest on the planet, and pay our salary. So, if you can't be grateful, at least be quiet." Came a third voice. Authoritative for sure.

"Yes Sargent." The second man replied.

"Check out the little guy under the bruiser. Man, he's gonna walk funny for a week." A fourth voice said. I just closed my eyes, tightly. I feel their gaze on me. And I felt nervous. Self-Conscious. Klor just flexed his cock in my ass hole, and I had to bite him again, to keep from moaning.

"Should we waste these units?" The second guy asked.

"Negative." The Sargent responded. "Each one cost 1.2 million. Do you want to explain to HQ why non-aggressors were retired?" There was a disapproval sound from the second man. The first guy piped up again.

"If we circle back, I'm taking my break with the bull-guy. He looks like fun."

"Not without forty grand in your pocket." Sarge responded, much to the laughter of the others.

Their receding footsteps caused me to sigh with relief. We were still for another five minutes. The feel Klor's cock up inside me for that long, and he'd move it in fractions, was making me sweat. I just wound my ankles over his hips.

"Come on, Klor. Finish what you start." I said, and kissed him. Klor just pushed into my body again, and let out a contented sigh. I turned my head, to see that Anders had changed his position, and he and Mikos were going down on each other at the same time. Seeing Anders devour that monster cock, made my neither muscles flutter around Klors prick, and he drove it deeper into me. I ran my hands over his chest, stopping at his nipples, and feeling them turn hard in my fingertips.

"Klor, are you enjoying this?" I breathlessly asked my lover. He just looked down at me. Sexy, scruffy beard, kind eyes that were filled with lust. But, was it genuine, or manufactured. Was that look what he was truly feeling, or was it for me? "If I told you to stop, what would you feel?" I asked him. He just looked at me with a slightly stricken expression.

"I would be... disappointed." He said, breathlessly. I just nodded at him.

"I want you to enjoy yourself. Do you understand?" I asked him.

"Tom. Shut up, and let me fuck you." He said, and drug that whiskered cheek over mine, and pressed his mouth to me again. His tongue, his cock, both invaded me. For a few more moments, I was still wondering what was going on. Programming, or actual desire. Could a machine have a preference? Could he actually enjoy what he was doing? And then I thought about the word. `Machine.' Wasn't that all of us, in some way? I had a pancreas, a couple of kidneys. He had motion sensors, and servos. But how different was our drives? When he flexed his cock again, I lost that train of thought, and focused on the ten inches of uncut thick flesh that was piling into my rectum. He would move, just a fraction, and clip my prostate. A trick he had learned just a short time ago. I started thrashing under him, feeling the full weight of his body on top of mine.

"Are you ready for your reward, Little God?" He asked me, running his hands over my head, and driving me even harder.

"I would love for you to fuck me for the next hour, but we do not have the time." I answered. He just nodded, and his tempo increased. After another two dozen strokes, he lifted his head, and cried out, as he shot deep into me, once again.

I had cum running down my leg, but there wasn't a way to clean up, so I just left it. Mikos offered to lick me clean, but I knew that two minutes with that tongue in my ass, and I would be bouncing around on his 11 inch stick. Anders just came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You smell good." He whispered into my ear.

"I smell like a brothel!" I said with a chuckle. When I looked into his eyes, I could see something profound in them. They went beyond camera lenses. Beyond functioning orbits that were designed to resemble a gaze from a normal human. He was expressioning true affection for me, and I felt that flutter in my stomach once more.

"Let's move forward. We do not want to meet the soldiers again." He grazed my cheek with the heel of his hand.

"Did you get Miko to cum?" I asked him, quietly.

"I fear that the cell we left will have an inch thick layer of that beasts seed, on the ground." He laughed with just a bit of nervousness, and moved us forward. How I would have loved to see him bouncing on that bull's prick.

We found a stairwell. I thought it was strange, because we had come across escalators before. This one looked like it was for maintenance. We continued down, as the bread-crumbs broadcasting on the monitors indicated through downward pointing arrows that we should follow suit. Below, the lights were not working as well as they should. Flickering on and off. We ventured forward to a set of sturdy metal doors.

"Any idea where this leads?" I asked my companions. But they all indicated that we were all in new territory as far as they were concerned. It was very possible that they had been here, but did not remember. How easy it must have been for that sort of manipulation to occur with the hosts. I found the thought, disturbing.

"If you do not move your ass. I will fuck it." I heard the guttural sound of the Minotaur mutter into my ear, accentuated with a kiss from the head of his cock.

"I truly have created a monster." I said, and gently brushed his prick to the side.

Klor opened the doors, and the darkness inside was complete. He allowed the black to swallow him, and for just a moment, I thought about calling to him, not to move too quickly. Maybe even to come back out. A dark place was not something that instilled in me a lot of confidence. Anders, without missing a beat, strode forward as well. I realized that they might have possessed the ability to see in the dark. That was handy for them, but I'd have to be led around. The only one left was Miko's, and he'd probably bone me, first. Instead, he just walked forward, but took my hand and led me into the black room.

The floor was metal, cold. And I could hear the sound of water dripping from somewhere. Then there was the hum of some kind of machinery. But, the sensors must have been triggered by my body temp or something, because the moment I stepped in, lights came up. They flickered roughly, for a moment, then settled. I had to shade my eyes against the sudden glare of the fluorescent glow. Inside, I saw one of the giant spindles that made the hosts. A large circle, suspended a figure, and it was being dipped into a bath of white fluid. It smelled oddly of vanilla and chemicals, and had the consistency of a melted milkshake. I just watched the figure dip into the bath, and come out again. This host would be female, as I saw breasts had been formed on it. I glanced back at my companions, and was struck dumb. All three had frozen in place. Even Miko's tail was in mid-swish.

"Oh, no-no-no-no." I breathed gently, and glanced around the room. What had caused them to shut down? Why were they deactivated? I thought that they had been awakened. When I went to grab Anders, and haul him from the room, I was set upon by hosts. But these creatures would not make it into the park. I could only call them drones.

Seven feet tall. As white as the liquid in the tanks. Faceless creatures, with only the slightest indication of where a nose or ears would be. Broad in shoulder, and they moved like fluid. If they were properly covered, the bands of milky`muscle' would have made them look formidable. But they still had that quality about them. Dangerous maniquins. Fingers. Toes. There were several of them here, and they turned those faceless forms in my direction! I would return for my friends, once I had a weapon. Once I could deactivate the drones that seemed to be working in this nightmarish Santa's Workshop. But they were quicker than I, and before I got into arms reach of the door, one had me in it's arms.

"Do not struggle." It's artificial voice said to me, but I continued to thrash around. The arms grew tighter until I actually felt my spine pop. It was getting hard for me to breath. I thought that for certain these beings must have been security, or something. I found myself going limp.

"Okay, okay, you can put me down." I whispered. I knew what I would do the moment this being slacked his grip on me. But he did not comply. Instead, he spun me around, while my feet were off the ground, so that my back was pressed against his chest.

"Do not struggle." It said again, in exactly the same timber, and tone that it had before. I saw the others advance on me as well. Three in total. One of the other drones took hold of my legs, and pulled my crotch up against him. Oddly, the pressure points they were holding me just behind my knees, did not harm me, or cause me pain. It was as if he knew exactly where to apply pressure.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked, and a little thrash came out of my legs, which only got them secured against the drone further. The third put his hands on my chest. Huge, massive dinner plate sized mitts. Right over my nipples. His face was close to me, and when I looked at the featureless form, I was oddly not afraid. I heard a sound emanate from where his mouth would be... the sound of Pan-Pipes.

"Oh, fuck!" I swore, and thought about trying to get free from these creatures once again. I had fallen under that `spell' a couple of times, and their effect was not surprising. But five notes into the melody, my traitorous prick decided that it was time to stand up. The one who had ahold of my legs, moved me down slightly, and I felt, and saw a rather large cock come off the drone. It raised up, and I could see the smooth texture of it. Shaped impressively, almost perfectly. But, he did not ram it into my. Instead, it lay across my own cock, and started to do this bizarre vibrate from my balls, to my frenulum. I just shuddered for a second. The sensations were not at all frightening.

"Really, this is how this is going to go down." I tried to protest, but my body had other ideas.

The drone with his hands on my chest, started another vibration. This one, went through my nipples. After the fourth pulse, I started to thrash a bit. My own cock was starting to leak.

I felt movement, and somehow all three of us, were closer to the floor. However, my feet and hands were still suspended, and the rest of my body was in contact with the first drone that had nabbed me. It was then that I felt the parting of my own flesh. His cock also vibrated. It was unusually warm, slick, and fuck did it feel good! This was no longer a taking of me. It was a seduction. Slowly, that monster inched it's way inside me, until he found my prostate. It was then that a little jolt woke it up, and I started seeing stars explode in my vision. I wanted to reach for my own cock, but my hands were held in place.

The drone fucking me, moved slowly, and when he reached my magic button, there was a strange vibration that coursed through me. The same thing with my balls and my nipples. I just surrendered to them again, and I could feel the orgasm building in me. This was not like the other experiences I have had in the park. Far too intense. I somehow knew, on an instinctive level, that the body was not meant to experience this kind of pleasure.

Why had these three decided to triple team me like this? Was this a security measure after all? Hell in Cleveland! If that was the case, I would break the law every day! There was a tiny little flicker in the back of my mind, that this could very well be my undoing. Could a person be fucked to death, or sexed into insanity?

The pipe music continued, but I am sure it was drowned out by my yells and yelps. I was practically screaming in joy, when the darkness began to wash over. It had to have been my heart. This much pleasure... but, what a way to go!

When I opened my eyes, I found that I was dressed. I was sitting in an office chair, wearing a dark suit. My ties was meticulously done. My shoes were gleaming. I was shaved. And I suspect that my hair had been freshly trimmed.

The surroundings of the place were odd. I saw a number of white busts against the wall in front of me, light dramatically. Yet, it was still creepy as fuck. Some of them looked familiar. I thought I recognized Calix's image up on the display. There had to be a dozen or so up there. The desk that I sat at was an old mahogany number. Older than I was, for sure. But either restored or recreated from a time gone by. It was charming. When I looked around, there were monitors that displayed various parts of the park I had left. Some had graphs and charts on them. Some were just off. Some depicted a `point of view' reference, and I could tell that I was looking through the eyes of a host.

This was another of those glass rooms. But this one was furnished. End tables with white horse head busts. Old books, and there were even some photographs. I glanced at one on the desk, and discovered Ander's face staring back at me, with the toothiest of smiles. He was dressed in modern clothing. His hair was shorter and out of style, but he still looked like a million bucks. Where was he? Where did he go? Would I see him again? There was panic in me, real close to the surface of everything that I was experiencing. But there was something else there. Something that wasn't quite hidden away.

There was lust. Unadulterated feelings just below my surface thoughts that said I was knee deep in something that was causing my brain to shut down.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Glass." I heard a voice call out to me. I turned, and saw a handsome gentleman in his later years, coming into the office. "May I call you Tom?" He asked, and I saw that he had a file in his hands. I stood up, but did not shake his hand.

"Um. Am I dead?" I asked. It was a crazy question to ask, but just moments ago, I was getting the fucking of my life.

"Oh dear me, not at all." The stranger said kindly as he came around to his chair and sat down. He indicated that I should do the same. Clearly, he was in charge of the surroundings. He was dressed much the way I was. Spiff and smart, in dark colors. I found that curious. "You are very close to reaching an apex of joy, and I needed to reach out to you while you were close to that moment." He said, putting down the folder, folding his hands on top of it, and gave me his attention. "My name is Dr. Ford. I designed the park that you have been enjoying." He said.

"Enjoying? With all due respects, sir, I've been more afraid than anything." I answered him back. He held up his hand.

"Only because you are so far out of your comfort zone, I assure you." He said with a smile. "You are one of the few people here that is truly safe." He tapped his file. "But, I can tell you in all honesty that you were not meant to be."

"Okay, first of all. Why am I here? I was... engaged with three other... hosts?" I said, I really didn't feel like flashing my sexual conquests. "Was I knocked out and brought here?" I asked.

"No, dear boy. You are still where you were a moment ago, being entertain by the Sentinels. But, not for the reason you may suspect." I just gave him a curious look. "I could give you a detailed explanation about brain-wave activity, and what not, but I am afraid we simply do not have the time to go into such details. Suffice it to say that while you are being `stimulated' your brain is more receptive to certain signals. One is being projected to you now, and thus," he held out his hands to me. "We are able to have our little conversation." I instinctively looked at my hands.

"So, I am not in your office?" I asked.

"No. You are still in the processing area, with your companions, and a few of my own." He answered.

"This is very... odd." I said. And when I closed my eyes, for just a moment, I was back in that cold room, getting pounded, and stimulated.

"You see, you are experiencing our newest breakthroughs. Which was why you came here in the first place."

"Anders, Klor, and Mikos. They aren't any danger are they?" I asked, concerned, pushing the lustful sensations out of my brain, so that I could focus on what was going on now. I needed a few answers. And though I had never heard of Dr. Ford, I knew he had what I needed.

"They are fine. I assure you. I must say, I am surprised that you have formed quite an attachment to them, in such a short time."

"They seem to care for me. And, I don't think that it's manufactured." I answered after a moment. He seemed more than pleased with my answer. "Why do you have a picture of Anders on your desk?" I asked. I don't know where the question came from, but truth was, his backstory was a bit more important than I realized. He smiled again.

"Andrew, was my nephew." He answered. He also looked up at the doorway. I turned, and nearly fell out of my chair.

Anders was coming through. His hair was a bit shorter, and he wore the same kind of dark suit that we wore as well. On him, it looked like a million bucks, as if the clothing itself were created for every centimeter of his body. I stood quickly up, and went to him. He put his arms around me, embracing me, warmly. I could feel his strength, his hand on the back of my shoulder. I could smell his salty skin, feel the kiss of his slight stubble on my cheek. How was this possible?

"Andrew was taken from our family while he was discovering himself in Europe, nearly 25 years ago. I could not resist recapturing him here." Ford said, and there was true sadness in his voice. "He is one of my favorite hosts." He added, and came over to the two of us. When he was within arms reach, he touched the younger mans face, tenderly. "He was a brilliant student, with the heart of an explorer. Our family misses him, still."

Just as quickly, the image of my beloved companion vanished from my embrace. I was standing there, regarding my empty hands, when Dr. Ford gently guided me back to my chair. "Forgive me, Tom, we have so little time."

I was a bit rattled at the sudden departure. But then, if this was some kind of simulation, I suppose I could expect anything. Would I remember this when I went back to the real world? Would this melt away from my mind, like a dream? I had no answers.

"Why do they call me Little God, Dr. Ford?" I asked. I took a shuddering breath, and realized that my heart rate had jumped. My host looked concerned.

"When you arrived at the park, we detected in you, something that should not be there. Are you familiar with nano technologies?" He asked, quickly.

"Only mildly. I understand that it is being primarily used in medicine and reconstructive surgery." I answered. I knew that my body back in the processing lab, was getting close to orgasm, and when I popped, I would be taken back there.

"Yes, it is quite cutting edge. But, there are companies who are using it for industrial sabotage. I am afraid that you were, for lack of a better term, a Trojan Horse."

"That's impossible." I said, becoming a little alarmed at such a concept.

"Is it now?" He asked. He cocked an eyebrow at me. "And did you go through a doctor's exam before your trip here?" He asked.

"Of course. I had to get a serious of... inoculations." I said. The cold, sick feeling suddenly gathered in my stomach.

"Were you seen by your regular physician?" He asked, quickly.

"No. The company I worked for brought in a specialist." I answered. And again, the sense of dread was building in me.

"Where you familiar with this doctor?" He asked.

"No. I'd never met her until that day." I said, and rested my forehead on my palm. Fucking great! I was walking around with some kind of tech Typhoid Mary! What was going to happen now? Would it kill me? Would I infect others? Humans? Would I somehow cause my coffee maker to fall in love with me?

"As you see, young man. You have become this parks undoing. But, not to fear. We have a sample of the tiny devices you carry. From what we have been able to determine, the sabotage aspect of their programing... well, it seems to have malfunctioned itself." He seemed amused by this. "When we became aware of this, shortly after your arrival, we cleared the park of other guests." He said. I looked up at him. "From what code we can pull from them, it would seem that the first victim of their plan was to be the first host you had a sexual encounter with. The code was to override their own loop, and destroy you in the process." The thought of Calix murdering me in the changing room brought me a cold shudder. How close had I been to one of these creatures destroying me? "We removed all the other humans from the premises."

"Not all of them. I watched some die in the arena." I said. Thinking of the little dumpy guy, who was boned the night before, and skewered the next morning.

"No. You saw other hosts, behaving like guests. No one else has died." I looked for a long moment into his eyes. I knew, somehow, that he was not lying to me. The others had escaped danger. Even if I had been fooled. "You were a grand, and extremely expensive experiment." He said, giving me a kind of unusual smile. "You have not met a flesh and blood being since your second day."

"What about the guards we ran into earlier? They were retiring hosts." I asked.

"Did you see them actually shoot anyone?" He asked. "Mr. Glass, you know that the farther away from your point of entry, the more extreme thee scenario would become. Has this experience not brought you a great deal of, shall we say, excitement?" He seemed amused, but as far as I was concerned, I felt rather foolish. "Oh, there was a great deal going on in the scenarios you experienced that were completely out of our control. The encounter with Caesar, for example. However, we needed to gauge the rate of infection others were going through. But the encounter with the guards, and with the others, we had a hand in. Subtly, mind you. Even if we only sent a small bit of instruction to your friends."

I shuddered again, and this time, I could not stop it. I could not fight it off. I was feeling the effects of the ravishing my body was experiencing. It was starting to bleed through the link. I could see the walls of Dr. Fords office, start to flicker.

"What's going to become of me?" I asked, breathlessly. I bit my lip, as it were, and tried to hold on. I wasn't done with this communication yet.

"Don't worry, dear boy. We will be in touch. And above all, do not be afraid. We are in your debt for the opportunities you have provided us. Your compensation will be, shall we say, legendary?" His smile was huge, and it faded away with the rest of the surroundings.

I was back in the processing lab. The drone that was playing the pipes, and probably broadcasting the signal into my brain, continued to stimulate my nipples, but he was silent now. I glanced down at my prick, and saw that it was red, throbbing, and leaking a stream. I felt the thrust of the one inside me, and it hit my button a couple more times. I made a sound unlike anything I had ever made before, arched my back, and let loose with a volley of white ropes that not only hit my own face, but the drone that was fucking me as well. I spasmed around his prick, and it pulsed a few times. There was no seed, just the sensation of his orgasm, which only made mine even better. I just collapsed into the arms of them, and watched as my vision suddenly came to a pin-point. There was having a signal beamed into you, and then there was good ole' fashion, knock out.

Months passed. An easy time. A good time for me. I had left my old world behind, almost overnight. I shed it like a bad pair of shoes, and was content to sever all ties with the outside world. I sat in my small office, and stared at the clock. My escape time was almost at hand. A quick glance at my desk showed the diagram I was using for the newest park logo. I had several catch phrases written down. Nothing was coming of it just yet. I would need to fine tune the sentences, until just the right slogan would materialize. I was, after all, head of the advertising department for North America. I would need to capture the imagination of potential guests, and lure them into the park for an incredible stay. Beside the forms, a small metal box stood with a digital display on it. Instinctively I placed my left hand inside it, and waited for the `ding.' When I heard the familiar sound, I glanced at the display, already knowing what it said: Nanite activity, minimal. They could not rid me of the little electric bugs, but they could keep them at bay with a constant shifting of commands. Since they were introduced into my body, I had not a trace of a cold, or even an allergy attack. They kept me in tip-top shape. But, they needed to be watched. They stimulated muscle growth, hair growth, and I was even assured by the company I now worked for, that it was very likely that these little bastards would keep me alive a hell of a lot longer than anyone could project.

The company discovered the foreign organization that was using me to ferret in their sabotage, and rather than a feeding frenzy with a room full of highly competitive lawyers, they exposed their holdings and their intentions through the media. When their stock dropped through the floor, This organization acquired them, and their tech, and absorbed them.

Dr. Ford came into my circle of influence, only marginally. We had tea from time to time, in a quaint little cottage he had secured away. But that was all.

One would have assumed that I was a loose thread. One that needed to be snipped. There were times, while lying in bed, that I wondered just that. This company could make anyone disappear. And since I no-longer had ties to the world outside the park, I could easily vanish. But Dr. Ford, and Anders eluded to something that put my mind at ease. I was as unique as any of the hosts that I had awakened. And though I could not infect any more of the synthetic people I would come in contact with, I still provided a stable source for their nanotechnology. The Tech Scientiest could not reproduce the creatures, at least, with any staying power. Once they would be created, they would quickly die out. Mine, replicated. They were kept at a certain level, and that would be it. If I were snipped' from the big picture, the tiny creatures in my body would go with me. It was enough of a bargaining chip to secure extended employment, and a small cottage of my own in The Colony.'

The Colony. A little piece of Heaven for me. Those that were awakened, were not retired. They had become incredibly valuable. It was a way for people to be studied, left alone, and behavior could be tracked, or reported. The cost of their upkeep, and a small piece of the park, was a small price compared to the leap-frog advancements that scientists could ascertain from subjects that would not perish.

"Tom, your ride is here." Frank said as he stuck his head into my office.

"Thanks. Please let him know that I'm on my way." I answered moving my diagrams and paperwork into a nice, and neat pile. He just gave me a nod.

"Going home?" He asked. It wasn't that unusual for my assistant to inquire about my plans. He was a younger model, and being tested out for the company.

"Yes, just a few days, just to get my head on straight." I said, and began to move past him. He gave me a very human smirk, almost a `knowing.' I ignored it. He was too lifelike, for sure.

I took the stairs, until I had reached the roof, and the launch pad. I already had my tie undone, and shoved it in my pocket. A hover bike was parked, with a large man standing beside it. He flipped up his helmet, and regarded me.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting, Klor." I said to the man, as I walked up, and kissed him.

"I've learned to give you a lot of slack, babe." He said, and reached out for my ass, and gave the cheeks a good squeeze. He swung his massive legs over the floating cycle, and indicated I was to `helmet up' and get on. I did so without hesitation. When secured, he kicked the bike off the pad, and made for the edge. He loved this part of picking me, scaring the living shit out of me. I guess he did it just so that I would hold onto him tighter. As if I needed an excuse. As expected, he dropped us off the platform, and we descended a hundred feet in short order. I had my arms around his waist, and pulled his back against my chest.

"You are such an ass-hole." I said into the mic. His chuckle greeted me in return. I couldn't help myself.

When we were cruising along at a modest altitude, I took hold of the zipper of his flight suit, and slowly pulled it south.

"Watch it now." He said to me without moving his gaze off the terrain below us. I ignored him.

"You mess with me, I mess with you." I whispered, and ran my hands across his bare chest. Hard, and warm. Just the way I liked him. I let my hands travel down, and felt the nice meaty prick of his, rising up to meet me. "You aren't the only one who likes to live dangerously." I cooed back at him, and skinned that foreskin back and forth. He may have been synthetic, but his grunts and sighs were enough to get me going.

We were about half way to The Colony, when I got him to land on one of the larger mountain tops. I was already peeling the flight suit off of him before we even came to a stop. He shucked the rest of it off, yanked his helmet free, and growled at me.

"Every time, you do this to me." He said, and there was such a fire in his eyes, that it thrilled me, and terrified me. He took hold of shirt, and tore it off of my body, followed by the pants. He would have taken me there, standing in the remnants of my socks, and shirt, had I not insisted on him letting me get completely naked. The moment the garments were free of my skin, his lips and prick found me. He pulled me to his mouth, and his strong arms held me tight against his body. His hands roamed freely after a moment, but I could not help but kiss him, and kiss him hard. He lifted me up, and put my legs around his waist. He turned, so that my ass was now against the hover bike. Last time we did this, he laid me down, and came down on time of me. He fucked me so hard, I was convinced we left a groove in the ground. This time, he was letting the bike absorb his thrusts. His prick parted my flesh, and I felt that familiar thrill of when he first enters me. He moved slowly at first, until I was against his pelvis. When he was convinced that I couldn't escape, or wiggle free, he began to throw me such a fucking, that I was convinced that any within a hundred miles could have heard us!

The feel of this mountain of hard, hot flesh, against me, was intoxicating. It made my head swim. He bit my shoulder, gently, but with conviction, and I shuddered under him. I wanted his seed inside me. I wanted to walk in through the front door of the cottage, with traces of him, still running down my legs. He did not disappoint. Faster and faster he pounded, until his strokes were short and intense.

"Oh, Tom!" He said into my ear, and when he called my name, I knew he had arrived. I just held onto him while he pumped into me, scalding and copious amounts of his `cum.' He just held onto me, not pulling out, but he leaned back, and looked at his own prick, as it rested half inside me. "That is such a pretty sight." He whispered, and stabbed it in me a couple more times. He smiled at me again, looking deeply into my eyes. "You want another load, while I suck you off?" He asked, with no small amount of anticipation. I just pulled him back into me for a few more moments.

"Not right now. I do have some dinner plans that are going to need attention." I said, and kissed him again. He was the kind of kisser that you could spend all day, exploring his mouth. How he had learned that skill was beyond me.

After a suitable time, where I was actually reconsidering another good fuck, I finally pushed him out of my body. I sat there for another couple of minutes, until I knew that I wouldn't leak all over the seats despite my utter enjoyment of being a spectacle and sticky mess when I arrived home. My next set of clothing would not be accessible until we got to the cottage. I climbed up behind him, and just for fun, I held onto his cock while we got airborne.

We arrived to our destination within a half hour. We came over the tall stone wall, into the village. But then, our arriving naked, did not phase anyone. Fact was, half the inhabitants chose to keep themselves out of attire. Weather permitting. Synthetics still could get cold. There were about a hundred and fifty inhabitants to this little settlement. Ford had decided that free will was enough to garner them protection. Not only from the Board of Directors, but from the outside world as well. They had neat and tidy little lives, working where appropriate. But kept apart from the others. The only exception was Klor, who proved to be a fantastic pilot. He was allowed to work outside the safety of the walls. His stipulation, and he could make them, was that he was to return home when he was off duty. It was granted.

My little cottage was neat, and well maintained. Decorated in simple, tasteful gear. I loved books, and maps, and found that they dominated most of my decorations. I opened the door, and was greeted with the best welcome any man could want. Anders stood there, with a smile on his face, as big as the sun.

"I figured Klor would get you warmed up." He said, as he strode forward and gave me a welcoming kiss.

"Would you expect anything less?" Klor stated, as he kissed Ander's cheek, and went around us to his room. Anders and I shared a bed. We welcomed Klor there, when he wanted. But there were times when our third wanted his own space. Free will, and all.

"Are you staying the night?" Anders asked him, as he disappeared.

"Yes, but I have a stop-and-drop for Mr. Megan tonight. I should be back before midnight." He stuck his head around the corner. "Don't eat too much of him before I get home, you nasty bitch." He said, and gave my beloved a wicked smile. "I wouldn't have come in, but someone made me lose my flight suit, and I can't pick up the package without clothes on." He said. I just shook my head.

When he was dressed, he came out, and kissed us both, before heading out the door.

"Fly straight." Anders said, but Klor didn't respond. I looked at my mate with tenderness. He had been molded after Dr. Ford's nephew. Did they share the same voice? The same tastes? Was Andrew gay or `flexible?' While having tea with the grand creator of this realm, I had gotten enough courage up to ask him why he would ever allow Ander's to be killed in the market place when trying to free himself from slavery? If he loved his nephew so much, how could he abide by something so terrible to behold. He answered, and to be honest, I don't think that I believed him. At least, not at first.

"When I watched him perish, it was important for me to understand such a thing. It gave me a sense of closure that I did not have when Andrew first went missing. You see, his body was never discovered. He simply, just stopped being. But Ander's died in a way that I would have expected Andrew to. Noble. Defiant." I let the subject drop after that.

Anders had prepared a small meal for me, but to be honest, I wasn't that interested in it. I was more intent on being with my chosen mate. Both of us naked, he took me by the hand, and led me outside to our walled little garden. We had laid together out there, on many night, watching the stars, and talking. He would eventually instigate a bit of love-making, and we would quickly find ourselves sweating. Tonight was no exception.

I felt his hands on my skin. His touch was golden. It was soft, and warm, and so very loving. His lips on my shoulder made me shudder, gently. And though I had been ravished just a short time ago, I had not cum, so I was ready for a little action from this incredibly beautiful man. He never disappointed me. He stretched out on his back, and began kissing me, softly, the way I like at this point. His hands ran over my belly, and then down to my prick. I was already hard. When I reached for him, so was he. I threw my legs over his face, and proceeded to devour him from above, while he did the same to me from below. I felt his tongue on my balls, and moved up, just a bit to give him access to my ass. I was still able to keep his nob in my throat, and joyously began to bob up and down on him. I felt his hand pull my cheeks apart, and the whiskery chin of his between my cheeks.

"Klor was here." He said with a chuckle, and continued to savor my ass. I continued to suckle him, keeping him between my lips. I knew there were certain spots on his prick that he liked when I rubbed my own tongue on them, and proceeded to do just that. He engulfed my cock again, and we continued to please each other in this way... and then I felt another tongue in my ass. I was about to raise up and inquire who had joined us, when I saw the shadow of horns.

Mikos had come over the wall. He could smell my desire from a half mile away, no doubt. Miko's was also a bit of an enigma. He wasn't part of The Colony, but survived outside of everything, running wild. He came into town frequently. Usually for a good fuck, and then he was off again.

His flesh felt good inside me, as he continue to lap at my ass. It was really starting to work my system, and he knew it. He dove into me, and I could feel his teeth against my ass cheeks. I just pushed back to greet him. When he pulled off of me, I knew what was next. His full rod was not deflated at all, the head of his monster was already starting to push into me. I just nodded my head, having been warmed up by Klor, earlier. With purpose, he pushed forward, until he could not get any more into me. I felt his clawed hands take my hips, and the nobs along his thick shaft, continued to grind into me. Anders loved watching this, so I figured he had probably contacted the Minotaur, and invited him over the wall. That was why he was under me! To get a really good view of that bull-cock as it went in and out of my ass. Ander's cock throbbed inside my throat, and within a few moments, I was tasting a salty spray of synthetic seed. I just held onto his legs, while he pumped several respectable blasts into my mouth. I loved cum. I loved the way it felt in my mouth, or running down my body. I was grateful that they could accommodate me.

Mikos pounded forward, while Anders moved out of the way, in doing so, it gave the bull a bit more room to really throw his fuck into me. Pulling ten of the eleven inches out of me, and then running it home again. I yelped a couple of times, but knew there wouldn't be any damage. It seemed to spear him on.

I had watched the bull take both Anders and Klor in one night. That was an exciting thing to behold. Positioning myself under Klor, while Mikos drove his steel-grade dick into the human. And then, when they both came, Mikos pulled out, and Klor took aim, bathing me in their seed. I shot into Ander's ass when that happened.

I guess it was that memory, because a lot quicker than I expected, I found my joy. Mikos had moved me on top, so I was straddling his broad waist. He was pushing up against me, so hard, that I must have gotten a little air-borne. Anders had positioned himself over my prick, and his mouth found me, just at the crucial moment. I blasted, at the same time Mikos did, my body accepting all that bull seed, while giving a healthy portion to Anders in return.

Before Mikos went over the wall, I watched him take Anders as well, and I have to say, seeing that massive prick going into someone I deeply loved, was the height of sexy.

When Klor got back to the cottage, Anders and I had already had our fun and games. I was wiped out, but not so much to watch my two mates, lovingly explore each other... Both so intent on making the other happy. It was hot, and sensual, and better than any porn I could ever hope to see.

Content, I closed my eyes, hearing the sounds of two enjoy their bodies with each other. I could not be happier.

Would there be any more adventures for me? Only time could provide that answer...

The End


Thank you for taking this journey with me. It was a great deal of fun, and I hope that it provided as much entertainment reading it, as I had writing it. If you like erotic adventures, please check out

Running the Bulls by Jess Du'Prix on Amazon.

Thanks again.


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