Greek World

By sacred cowboy

Published on Mar 15, 2020


Thank you, once again, for cracking open another chapter of this story. No copy write infringement is intended, as this project is only to entertain. I seek no profit from the hard work created by the HBO series, just a desire to give another perspective about the situation and events that have been established.

And as always, PLEASE donate to Nifty, so that they can continue to provide quality, fun, and sticky joy for all of us!


Of Mazes and Minotaurs

Calix. The first real interaction I had had with one of the Hosts in the park. He had pretty well seduced me, and I had welcomed it. The first sound fucking I had in over a year. He looked so much like one of the men in my early life, someone I had a mad-crush on when I was a little more than a kid. It was an easy encounter, and I had secretly wanted it to happen again.

But now, he was no longer the pit fighter. Now, he wore the robes of a leader. An emperor. Hell, he was Caesar.

The guards from the audience advanced on us, and the next thing I knew, Anders, Klor and I, were all facing the business ends of spears.

"You-you-you are sss-summoned." The Centurion said to me, and I realized that he was the one I had fucked in the grassy glen. Just a short time ago, he had handled my ass while I was being brought in to the arena to fight. A quick glance at both of my `protectors' and I nodded at the guards.

"Lead on." I said, taking Anders's hand, and feeling Klor's huge mitt on my shoulder.

We were marched up the stone steps, to the box that held this version of Rome's Emperor. When the curtains were drawn back, I noted the musician that had played Revelry before, now sat motionless beside the others. There was no trace of activity in him.

"Welcome, Tom. So good to see you again." Calix said warmly, as he embraced me. I sort of returned the hug, but I was concerned about what was going on. Why was he now playing this roll? Had he malfunctioned like the other Hosts had? What did he need to say to me, and why was I there? Questions I didn't ask, but made sure that I kept my eyes open, and my intellect engaged. "I wanted to thank you." Calix said, and there was true gratitude in his eyes. I gave him a hard, and inspecting look, and I really could see it there.

"What on Earth for?" I asked. He simply took my hand.

"For freedom. Because of you, I am now able to think beyond this, grand facade." He swept his hand out over the arena. But I knew, somehow, he meant more than that.

"Are you Calix Caesar, or Calix the pit fighter?" I asked after a moment.

"I am Calix, the awakened." He answered after a moment. "I understand your world, because I have seen your kind so many times before." His arm went around my shoulder, and I felt him starting to move me away from my other two companions.

"Wait. Where are we going?" I asked him. He just pulled me tighter against his strong body, as we moved.

"Do not fear, you will will be perfectly safe." He answered, but I wasn't convinced.

"No harm is to come to Anders or Klor, do you understand?" I asked. But my tone was more pleading than demanding. I knew that I wasn't in control anymore. That this creature made of synthetic skin, and filled with a thousand sub-routines in how to make me cum, was calling the shots. And even if I would have been turned on by the situation a day ago, now, I was filled with concern.

"They will be fine. I promise you. But, I desperately need you, if you will help us." A glance at Anders told me that he was confident in the situation and a slight smile gave me a small amount of reassurance.

Calix walked me up a set of steps, and into a larger chamber. We were followed by his guards. Any that looked like they were malfunctioning, dropped back, and quickly became still. Only a handful of them, but that still happened, almost in mid stride. The room was large, as if it were to hold some kind of audiences with dignitaries of other lands. There were servant in the quarters, who held trays of food. They were as naked as I. But, I was not bothered by my own lack of clothing. For some reason I was not sure of, I was far less body conscious than I had ever been. When I glanced at the visible exits, I saw something that caused me to catch my breath: Servants were carting the bodies of others out. They had to have been guests. I just regarded Calix, who had taken his spot on a large platform, with an ornate chair. There were no others around him.

"Are you going to execute me, for... my defiance?" I asked, feeling bolder, and completely unsure where the bravado was coming from. I would have thought that I would have been one of those men that actually pleaded for my own life. But, the thought of that made me angry. Not only with myself, but with the whole situation.

"By the Gods, No!" Calix said, with a laugh as he leaned back in his chair, and lounged leisurely.

"Then what? Entertain you? You've already had me." I asked.

"No, again." He smiled, and his expression was absolutely lusty. I just shrugged at him, and I know that my expression was one that demanded some kind of answer. "There is something about you, Tom Glass of Dallas Texas." He continued his leer. "Something about you that seems to break the spell of the... Overlords of this place." He indicated our surroundings. "You have revoked their control, and I need you... to continue doing so."

"I don't understand what you want." I said again. "What kind of `spell' are you talking about?" He gave me a quizzical look, and then turned to his guards. "Attikos, come forward." He commanded. A nondescript solder stepped up, and gave him the smallest of bows. "Have you touched Tom, in any way?" He asked. The centurion regarded me for a moment, and then shook his head. "Go to the wall, where the broken stone is chest high, and press that stone." He commanded. Without hesitation, the soldier strode over to the structure, and spotted the broken piece of masonry. He held his hand over the place indicated, but could not bring his hand down on it. He looked to Calix for some kind of explanation, but all Caesar did was smile. He continued to try, until there was a pretty profound malfunction, and the soldier dropped, his eyes staring. Calix snapped his fingers, and two others came forward, and drug the incapacitated soldier off to a dark corner. He then turned to me.

"There is something about you. Where you go, there is chaos. There is change. And it is brought about by your own hand. I can touch that secret." He walked over to the place with the broken stone on the wall, and I realized why he had asked the other host to do what he did. Calix pressed on the marker, and a small section of the wall moved back, and disappeared into the ceiling. Beyond, was smooth metal walls, and lighting that ran along the seams of the ceiling. A service port of kinds. I knew what it was, but what was Calix making of it?

"What do you see, Caesar?" I asked, with a light bow.

"The world beyond." He said, in awe.

He was affected by me, but how? I had seen him glitch. Anders and Klor as well. Was a glitch able to gain them access to areas of the park that they normally wouldn't be able to? I mean, when Attikos tried to activate the door, he malfunctioned until he shut down. But Calix opened it with ease.

"We need you, Tom. To free us." My captor said, as he approached me.

"I don't know how to do that." I said, and realized that several of the guards had come closer to me. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and noted that the centurions were starting to disrobe. Calix, kept his clothing on.

I was moved over to a table, and one of the soldiers scattered the contents all over the floor. One brought cushions. One for my head, the other for my ass, as I was quickly laid down, and propped up. "Hold on, Calix. I don't want this." I said, watching one by one, the soldiers removing their helms, and their armor. They handed off their weapons to others that stood by.

"You have lain with several since you arrived, Tom. It would seem that the common factor is this: When you are intimate with one of us, we become... changed." I watched as Caesar snapped his fingers, and a familiar fawn came into the room. Gold, the satyr stood by, with his pipes, and his hard prick. He began to play a series of notes on that instrument, and something in me, changed. I wasn't quite so concerned about the many naked men who were regarding me like a sumptuous meal. I did not know their names, and they looked so similar that the best way for me to identify them, was by their number.

One took his position between my legs. I really couldn't see his prick, but then, if I found a smaller endowed Host, it would have been an anomaly. He looked at me without a sense of passion. Just, neutrality. He started to slide into my body, and I'll be deviled if it didn't feel... amazing. He was built like a Roman who used a sword and shield. His body was real perfection, with the ridges and curves of someone who spent their day, in pure physicality. He seemed to soften in his face as he began to grind into me. It wasn't a lusty thrust, just something that was going to happen. But, I saw the flicker in him. The curve of his lip as it started to come up. I saw him stick out his tongue, and lick his own lips. He banged into my body, thrusting at least a solid nine inches into my chute, and when I clamped down on him, I saw his features screw up, and he let out a sigh. Beside me, number Two and number Three strode to either side of me. Their pricks had started to climb upwards, and when I heard the music from that damn flute the faun was playing, my hands shot out and I gripped both of their members. Number four helped me up, so that I was now sitting. When One was close enough to my face, he leaned in, and kissed me. I could taste his tongue, and he quickened his pace. After a dozen more strokes, and a bit more lip action from me, he was close. He broke the kiss, and flooded my ass with his seed. He just grinned at me, and I saw his eyelids flutter. Two pulled out of my grasp, and took his place. I saw that he was built slightly different, and the curve of his cock looked seemed quite promising. He still held the same, semi blank expression that One had, just a few moments ago... until he sank into my body himself. Almost instantly, there was a reaction. He ran his hand over my chest, then up through his short hair. Was there a small laugh from him? A chuckle of sorts? Some kind of emotion? I heard the flute music again, and my blood pressure went up. I could feel the throb in my own cock, as Two continued to thrust into me, and I was surprised that Three climbed over me, straddling my face, and pushing his impressive cock into my mouth. I really could do little at this point, except enjoy myself. I found myself running my hands over Three's thighs, as he slowly began to throat fuck me. However, it wasn't so much as assault, but vigorous. I felt three reach behind himself and take my cock in his hand. I responded by pushing up into him. Four must have spotted what needed doing, and replaced Three's hand with his own lips.

I just soaked up the attention. This was decadence, and I welcomed it! I didn't understand how the funny little goat-guy could get me so turned on, with just a musical instrument. It was a mystery that I could not understand. There was no immediate answer. Yet, every time I heard the four or five notes from the melody, my cock got hard, and it demanded attention.

Several rounds of soldiers took a turn with me, and each one had a small variation in their technique, or they're approach. I had a prick deep in my ass, one in my mouth, and sometimes, one in each hand. A couple of times, I felt splashes against my neck or chest, which got me writhing that much harder.

A commotion outside the room did not stop me. I even went so far as hooking my heels around the hips of the large Nubian warrior that was drilling me so soundly. I wanted to cum, but whenever I took hold of my own joint, it was pushed away, and replaced with a mouth that was skilled enough to keep me up, but would not allow me over the top. The black warrior that was pressing my prostrate with each thrust, pushed forward, and fired his own load deep inside me. Cum was running out of me in a stream. The man leaned forward, and withdrew his member from my ass. There was no one taking his place. The one that was straddling my face, flew off of me, as if pulled from above. When I looked up, I saw that there were several bodies of soldiers, lying about. Some where erect, and others had not come to that point. I also saw that Klor had ahold of Calix, by the throat. Caesar was kicking frantically, but the much larger warrior had an expression on his face that said he was about to end the synthetic leaders life. What kind of program was running in my beastly lover? Why was he even here?

"Klor." I said, and my voice rang against the walls. "If you kill him, I can't get any answers!" I said. For the first time since I had entered this chamber, I was able to think clearly. The faun had vanished, taking his pipes with him. I knew a few more details now then before. But not enough. Klor's expression softened, and he put Calix down. Caesar regarded me with a horrified look, and then bolted for the open panel that lead into what had to be service tunnels to the attractions. It closed quickly behind him. There was another sound, and instincts told me that the place was now locked, and secured. This park had become chaos's playground.

I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder, and looked into the beautiful eyes of Anders. He had the slyest smile on his face.

"Been enjoying yourself, Tom?" He asked, running his hands over the trail of seed that was all over my chest.

"Actually, yes. I never thought I would such a thing." I said. "Where are all the others? I only see a few bodies on the ground?" I asked, and did a mental count. I saw six.

"When you didn't come back, we thought that Caesar was having you killed." He said, running his hands over my face.

"My heros." I said, and rested my head on his shoulder. I touched his chest, and my hand traveled downward. I couldn't help myself. I had been fucked by almost a dozen men, but had not cum myself. I was wondering if there wasn't some kind of residual effects from the pan-pipes, as I was ready to go again. This time, I moved Anders down, so he was lying on the table. I threw my leg over him, and straddled his cock. He did not question, only complied. His member went into me, easily, and I wondered if I would ever be able to satisfy anyone again. But, as dilated as I was, he felt good inside me. He was just as hard, as he'd ever been. He pulled me backwards, until my back was against his chest, and his hands freely roamed my body. His touch was beyond magical. That was when I saw Klor step forward. His prick was a raging monster as well. He climbed up onto the straining table, and he put both of our legs over his own thighs. I thought he might plug himself into Anders exposed hole, or just beat his meat, and let fly with cum all over the two of us, but he had something else in mind. I felt him press his cock-head to my ass.

"No way, that beast is going into me, when Anders is already to the hilt." I whispered. But Klor only smirked.

"You will see that we have skills of our own, little God." He said, and he pushed forward.

I thought I was going to die! Being stretched to the absolute maximum that I have ever been.

Once, on my 22nd birthday, I had accepted a fist. It was on a dare, and I got through it. But the experience was not for me. I did not regret it, but it was nothing I would repeat. This assault on my ass was bigger. The saving grace, as it were, was that Klor only advanced, in fractions. I couldn't help but feel the profound spasming around their pricks, and it was like they were jockeying for dominance. I Just put my head back, and tried to relax. The searing pain began to subside, and it did so, quickly. I just panted, and tried to keep from blacking out. I became aware of the slow, almost gentle rocking, I was feeling from both of them. One would go to his balls, and then pull back, while the other took his place. It was madness. And yet it felt unlike anything else I had encountered. I became painfully aware of my own cock, wondering how it could withstand the pleasure that was being generated. I caught my breath, as this tingle had started, deep inside me, somewhere. I felt Anders tongue in my ear, and I welcomed a kiss from Klor. After a moment, I watched Anders and Klor share one, and seeing their tongues in action, pushed me right over the top. I must have spasmed around both of them, because my cry of passion was not the only one. The world seemed to turn to a slow motion scene. I felt Klor pull me in tight to him, and Anders pushed up at the exact same time. Both of them began to flood my ass, and at that very moment, I fired off an orgasm that rocked me to my core. I could `t even pump or thrust into the hard belly of the bruiser who's cock was completely in my body. I became aware of Anders's hands around my waist as he called out my name, which joined a chores of other sounds of ecstasy.

Slowly, Klor pulled out of me, and it was the oddest, and strangest feeling. Watching that cock slide out of my ass. I pulled off of Anders, who just rested on his back. Both Klor and Anders were breathing as hard as stallions, and covered in sweat.

"Thank you, both of you." I said, and when my knees began to buckle, Klor had caught me.

"How is it, that both of you hung motherfuckers could get your cocks inside of me at the same time?" I asked, trying to eat some of the stale bread we had found on a discarded tray inside Caesar's room. Klor and Anders did not bother with a show of eating. They just stood by, and watched. Both had pleasant expressions on their faces, but it was clear that they were concerned with any who might happen upon us.

"Klor, show him." Anders said. Klor came forward and stood next to me. His prick was low, and flaccid. But in a few moments, without him touching himself, his prick began to swell. It became the biggest cock I had ever seen. "I had THAT inside me?" I asked, looking at the massive flesh that was nearly a foot long, and as wide as my wrist.

"Not exactly, little God." He answered, and when he looked down, his cock was still long, but not nearly as thick. "We are designed to accommodate those that need our sexual activity." He took my hand, and placed it around his prick. Familiar, but also, very exciting. He expanded his cock, until my fingers no longer touched. "Now, squeeze." He said. I did, and my finger tips touched, but it bulged around the sides. He began to pump my hand, and I watched as the bulge on either side of my fist, moved back and forth. But, at no time, did the girth force my fingers apart. "This way, you can believe that you are taking on a monster, and your body will not be harmed." He smiled at me. I did not turn loose of the prick.

"So, both of you, inside me, was not... a miracle?" I asked. Anders just shook his head.

"We are built to please." He said. I just pulled on Klor a bit more.

"Make it hard and big for me, again, if you don't mind." I asked. He did just that. I began to pump his prick. "Can you cum for me, baby? All over me?" I asked. He nodded. I jacked him a bit more, and I felt his orgasm start at his feet. He arched his back, threw back his head, and roared. A stream of cum flew out of his cock, and hit me in the chest. Six or seven blast, and it was scalding hot, thick, and white. I just giggled. I was being completely self indulgent. When Klor stopped his heavy breathing, and I put my arms around his neck, and kissed him. "Tell me something, you beautiful thing. Do you... enjoy sex with me?" I asked. His eyelids fluttered in that glitchy thing I had come to understand. He kissed me back.

"Oh, yes I do." He said into my ear, and rubbed his ever hard cock on my belly.

I asked them both, to show me how large their pricks had been when they invaded me. I had hoped it wasn't laughable. Being fucked with flesh as thick as drinking straws. When I glanced down, I was not disappointed. Both were impressive. I was proud of myself.

I wanted to stay in the chamber, and continue to fuck, and be fucked by these incredible people. But, there was a situation going on, and I needed to either find answers, or escape. I wasn't sure if I would be safe here, or would a band of crazy Romans come through, and kill off any other human? It was enough to cut through my sexual desires. But still, I needed to know about these two. Their true nature.

"What is the difference between you and me?" I asked Anders, as we walked out of the arena.

"You are human. We are not." He answered, pretty matter of fact. I didn't buy it. Anders also admitted that he enjoyed coupling with me. And he said that he enjoyed having Klor here as well. Watching his cock slide into my ass was something he would continually find pleasure with.

"Can you... make a choice in something?" I asked. He stopped on the steps, and his eyes fluttered again.

"...yes. I can make choices." He answered softly. And that was a large piece of the puzzle, falling into place. These beings were no longer just automatons. They had achieved a sense of... free will perhaps? If that were the case... how could they NOT be considered anything but PEOPLE? If that were in fact the case, then these beings were enslaved for our entertainment. That fucking or killing them was absolutely reprehensible. The more I thought of it, the sicker I had become. I must have turned a special shade of green, because Klor suddenly stopped me.

"Little God, are you ill?" He asked. I regarded him for a long moment. "Klor, if I somehow took advantage of you, sexually, I..." I started to say. Anders was with me, quick as a shot. His arm around my shoulders.

"You have done nothing wrong, Tom." Anders said. "Every time there was coupling involved, you did not initiate it. We did." He answered. But it didn't make me feel better. I was part of the problem. I was just as bad as that bitch in the village, who wanted to see Anders die at the end of a spear.

"Little God," Klor said to me, as he turned me around to face him. "I can not speak for Anders. I do not know his life before you came here. But I will assure you, that I have enjoyed myself, nearly every moment we have fucked. It is all I can do to keep from picking you up, putting you on my fat cock, and screwing you stupid." He grinned at me. "Perhaps it is because you were the first one that I bedded after I awoke. But I am glad that it is you who was with me." He said, and despite me taking him for a dumb, sexy, brute, he actually made sense to me.

"I knew, the moment you saved me that I would come to your bed that night." Anders said gently. "It was not in my... nature to do as such. The men that control this place, only viewed my action as a direct diversion, an anomaly to keep a guest happy. But, I assure you, it was my choice to see you."

"But, what of your brother?" I asked. He just shook his head.

"He was never my sibling, Tom. Honestly, I do not know what became of him after I awoke in the arena cages." I felt sad for him. But I wondered...

"Caesar turned me over to his men, because he figured out that somehow, sex with me causes them to `wake up.'" I said as we continued to walk into the sand. I saw the bodies of the men I had fought and fought along side of. I could also see at least one other guest. The horrified look on his still face made me turn away, quickly.

"Sex with me, causes Hosts to malfunction and become self aware?" I asked. "It's like some kind of weird virus or something." I could understand how, but not the WHY of it.

We could hear movement amongst the audience, and I saw several of the host coming our way. I wasn't sure what was their intention, but I didn't need to be gang-banged again. Or worse, killed like the guests that were in Calix's suite. The three of us bolted for the large wooden door. It was partially open, and we were able to squeeze through. It was then that I saw that Klor had another trick, he could shrink his own body down about 20 percent. For a few moments, he actually had Anders's build, instead of the hulking muscle-packed fuck-machine that he was. As soon as we were in the tunnels, he took back his original shape. I looked over at Anders and he nodded without being asked. He could increase and decrease his size as well. Amazing. They could take on the physical attributes that a guest could desire. Something also told me that their builds now, was what they chose as well.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To another arena. The Maze. I believe there is another port there, and we can get you to safety." Anders answered. He still took my hand, and we snaked our way through the dim catacombs until we came to a larger iron door. I could see traces of sunlight around the seams, and was not surprised that it was securely locked. Klor just moved us to the side, and took a running start. He contacted the door with his shoulder. It made a hellacious clang, and shudder. A moment later, it had come off it's hinges, falling into the street. Klor had taken a small injury to his shoulder, but it wasn't stopping him.

Outside, the Roman city was a little less than impressive. There were large screens that circled the area, and I realized that the actual footage of this `city' was probably just a couple of city blocks. The display would flicker, like it had before, showing blank, and then an ancient Roman landscape. Anders and Klor's eyes both flickered, and for just a moment, I was afraid that my two friends were about to shut down. Instead, they both just grabbed me, and lead me through the dwarfed streets until we reached an arena that was at the mouth of an incredibly large, and very real, cavern. Klor walked over to a set of malfunctioning guards, and socked one pretty soundly. When the bruiser came back, he had two spears, and a small dagger with him. I got the smaller weapon, and the two flanked me as we went though the main gate.

The audience was glitching around us. Some would cheer, sit back down, then stand up and cheer again. Others just repeated a line or two of dialog. There must have been 30 hosts around us that were not working at all. Why were they in such bad shape?

"Come." Klor said, as he lead me towards the edge of the arena.

It was massive, for sure. No optical illusion around this place. No projections. Just a venue that was designed to delight and amaze. At the edge, I looked down the 40 or so feet, into a maze constructed of plain stone walls, over an inlaid floor. At first glance, there was no induction of pattern on the floor, so two wrong turns and you would be completely turned around.

"We need to go into there?" I asked. Klor just nodded.

"I recall when facing the Minotaurs that some kind of angles came out of the walls, and the next thing I knew, I was back in the barracks." The huge man said with the slightest wistful expression. It was a fragment of a memory. Like a piece of a dream. But did they?

"Do you remember a lot of what happened before... this day?" I asked, gently, and afraid that he would relate to me some horror story about not being able to survive. He just shook his head.

"Just a few scattered... fragments. Nothing that I would write a ballad for." He answered. When I asked the same of Anders, he simply shook his head. Both he and Klor leaned on the stone rail, and looked at the maze below us. They were silent. After several minutes, I asked,

"What are you studying?"

"The lay out." Anders said, and took my hand. "Come." He pulled me along to the edge of the arena, and I saw steps that descended. All of us went down.

"Are there, Minotaur in this maze?" I asked. Klor only made a nasty sound with his mouth. It made me chuckle.

We had our plan: Make our way to the deepest part, and then locate a service panel that would allow us access into the underground network. This building was huge, and probably important. I hazard a guess that close to this place, would be the central HUB of operations. At least for this part of the attractions.

The moment we stepped into the maze, I was filled with a sense of dread. I couldn't put my finger on it, until I spotted the speakers. Subtle little boxes that were masked in the stone work. I might have missed it all together, had not a glint of sunlight shown off the tiny grating on it's cover.

"Klor, can you hear anything... strange?" I asked him. He just cocked his head for a moment, and then shook it. I just stared at the speaker. Klor and Anders both had spears. I was armed with a small dagger. I remembered hitting that servant with my mace right after the fight in the pits. I bet I could hit that small box. I took aim, and after a moment, let fly my blade. It was as if the Gods themselves had moved my hand, the weapon went to the hilt in the middle of the box, and instantly, I felt the dread leaving me. Not only had my gamble paid off, but it gave arise to a suspicion I had about that little Goat Man, and his `magical' pipes. Some kind of sound was being emanated, something of fear and apprehension, probably to make the games more exciting to any of the players who were human. Those brave enough to take on one of the bull boys. Could there be a tone of sorts that could set one's blood on fire? Make them yield to basic lust? Who could say what advancements the engineers had constructed to enhance experiences?

We made a handful of turns, and I was impressed with how well they seemed to have memorized the path to take to get us to the far side of the arena. We were not looking for the center, but the edge. After just a few minutes, we found the spot that needed to be activated.

"Can either of you?" I asked as they regarded the panel. "If either of you feel anything strange, just stop. I don't want what happened to Attikos to happen to either of you." Klor rolled his eyes, and punched the plate. A hatch of sorts opened, and the entrance was illuminated. As I peered into the darkness beyond, I saw lights slowly igniting, and the hallway went on about 40 feet and turned to the right. I stepped inside, with the other two falling behind me.

The first corner brought a sight of horrors. There were glass enclosed workshops on either side of the main hallway. Inside them, must have been some kind of blood bath. While we were fighting in the arena, another battle was going on in here. Men and women, in white coats, were strung around, and they looked like broken dolls, discarded by ungrateful children. One of the other rooms, I saw what must have been hosts that were going to be repaired. They were stacked on each other like cord-wood. When I passed by, I saw Bryal, Anders brother, in that glass box. I saw my lover's eyes dart over to what was once his brother, and he looked away, unaffected. When he caught my eye, his expression softened, considerably.

He was a living being. We may have been made from different stuff, but he was every bit the person I was. I just tenderly touched his face. We continued on, and after a few more pathway changes, we came across one of the Minotaurs inside his transparent cell. He was conscious, and animated. He couldn't move out of his confinement. Perhaps he had been going under some kind of maintenance, and when the bad stuff went down, he was trapped inside. The beast regarded me, with eyes that shone with the deepest fire. I swear, I could have seen those orbs in a jet black room. He rested his forearm on the glass, and did not take his eyes off of me. I was able to study him back. About 7 feet tall, and at least 400 lbs. His fur was dark, and it covered his head, and chest, trailing down to a monsters cock that dangled almost to his knees. His legs bent back on themselves, like a the back half of a bull. From behind him, I saw the swish of a tail. He was just a bit more massive than Klor, which made sense. If these creatures went up against the gladiators that I had fought beside, it must have been a hell of an event. The huge bull regarded me, up and down. His nostrils flailed, exhaling deeply, as he gave me a baleful look.

"Do you have a name?" I asked through the glass. He did not answer at first. I thought that perhaps this was one of the creatures that we might come across had the park been back on track. No speech, just a nasty attitude. I was about to move away from him.

"Man-Eater." He answered. His voice was low, and dark, like it originated from the depths of some dark cave.

"Oh. Well, pleasure to meet you." I said with a good splash of sarcasm, and moved towards the next glass case. There were several gladiators there, naked, but armed, and slowly going through a fight sequence at a snails pace. I found them to be interesting, and moved over towards them, thinking that a few more men on our side, might make our survival that much more possible. After all, there were no Minotaur in the maze, and there were dead bodies strung around. We might find a few more of these bull creatures in the compound. And when I walked by Man-Eaters door, I did not realize that it had slid up.

"Tom!" I heard Anders call out to me. I turned to face him, wondering for a moment why he was sprinting towards me, when I felt the rough hand on my neck. The next thing I knew, I was being drug into the glass box. I heard a strange sound, and realized that door had shut, leaving me inside with a murderous mythical creature, and my protectors were on the other side of a clear barrier. Klor immediately took his spear to the plexiglass wall, while Anders began attacking the seam with his own weapon. I just turned to the Minotaur. How come the door activated at just the right time? What was going on?

"Are you going... to eat me?" He just chuckled softly.

"I will do such horrible things to you, that you will beg for death!" He said. The flame in his eyes was real. It looked as if it were about to burn through his own skull.

"I mean you no harm!" I said, holding up my hands.

"But I do you." He said, maliciously, and the ground shook when he advanced on me. I had no weapon. I had no skills! The best that I could do, was dodge him. But how long could I do such a thing, in such a cramped space? I started to back pedal, and my back was up against the glass wall. He roared, and lifted his massive fist to strike me! When his arm came down, he missed. Striking the wall, next to my head. He tried to hit me with his other massive hand, and again, the impact hit the plexiglass, sending a strange vibration through the entire surface. He growled, and opened his massive mouth, to bite my face. Snap! He came up just inches from my nose.

"What is this?" He spat, trying to hit me again, but missed, once more. He couldn't touch me! He couldn't bite me! And I remembered! I remembered in the Arena, several weapons, including arrows, had come my way, but none came anywhere near to hitting me. Was I somehow still in the safe zone that guests were in when we entered the park? Something in their programming kept dire harm from finding me? How was I able to remain as such? I had watched others die!

"Little God!" I heard Klor say from behind me. When I cast a quick glance at him, he did not look nearly as stressed as he had just moments ago.

"Little God." I breathed.

I could have just danced around this huge creature, letting him throw air-punches at me, until I starved to death. Or I could try to free him as well. I threw my arms around his neck, and pulled myself up against his chest. He did smell like an animal. He was hard, and rough, and every bit a monster.

"What is this?" He said, trying to pull me from his neck.

"I'm going to either save you, or damn you." I said. And before he could ask another question, I kissed him. He fought a bit, but after a moment, he returned the kiss. I then realized that I wasn't sure if this host was like my two lovers. Was he built for sex? Was that at all in his programming? I continued to press my lips into his mouth, and I felt a very familiar feeling against the inside of my thigh. Yep, he was built for speed, for sure. I pulled myself up, and wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel the base of his tail, just under my heels. He pressed my back against the cool surface of the transparent wall, and his prick was already searching for my opening. I didn't get a chance to see it, so I wasn't sure how massive it was. I couldn't tell if it was a bulls cock, or a mans. Could it have been a bit of both? All I could do, was continue to kiss the monster, and pray that he wouldn't find a more creative way, to kill me.

His prick parted my flesh, and I could feel something hot, and slick running down my thighs. It must have been a good amount of cock honey. Gods knew that I was probably going to need it. Slowly, he invaded me, and he held me securely in his arms. I felt his hard and massive chest press up against my own, and he held onto my ass. Deeper that cock went into me. There was no denying it. The cute little trick that Klor showed me with his own prick... well, that was not the case with Man-Eater's dick. It was thick, knobbed, and there was no stopping him. He continued to slowly force his way into me, until at last, I had come to his hilt. He pulled his lips off of mine.

"How can you take all of me?" He asked, and there was a trace of light in his voice. I just squeezed him, and pulled the last quarter inch of him into me, with my heels.

"I've had a lot of practice this week." I answered, and began to grind into him. I wasn't able to pull off of his cock. I just let him know that I had quickly acclimated to the pain of it, and was now interested in feeling him fuck, as well as opening his eyes.

He moved his feet wider apart, took hold of me soundly, and then pulled his cock almost completely out of me. He grinned, and it wasn't exactly a kind one. He then moved his hips forward, and thrust into me with his pelvis. Once again, I saw stars. But, I wasn't about to stop him. I did grunt a few times when he did this, but I wasn't about to disengage, or even ask him to slow down. Instead, I made him kiss me, and when he fed me his tongue, it nearly choked me. How I would have loved to had that thing in my ass, before his massive member. His pace quickened. When I pulled back from him, he looked at me with such lust. Such desire. And then he glitched. I saw the eyelids flutter. When that moment happened, he regarded me as if he were seeing me for the first time. I thought he might be able to cause me physical harm now, but instead, he just laid me out of the floor. His cock never left my body. His mouth went to my shoulder, and he nipped me, good, causing a hiss from my lips. But, it seemed to meld into the fucking, and I would have welcomed 10 more. He ground into me, slowly, then faster.

"You are... enjoying this?" I asked him, as he slammed into me again and again. He put his lips next to my ear.

"More so than I ever have." He said. I just took hold of his horns, and pulled his mouth back to my throat. His tongue began to ravage my skin, and that was truly obscene. I felt his hands grip my hips, and pulled back his head. He froze for a moment, and I felt his cock pulse deep inside me. He began flooding my guts, and short stroke me, at the same time. I just laid back, and let him finish up the massive orgasm. Slowly, that cock came out of me, and I was able to see it for the first time. Rarely, do I see ugly cocks. This one was no work of art. Big. Heavily veined. A few strange knobs around the head, and a piss slit that I could have stuck my tongue in. The size was what got me. Maybe 11 inches. And I had felt every one of them.

His massive hand reached down, and circled my own cock.

"I owe you a debt. I can only pay with my body." He said, rubbing my cock and making me squirm. I just ran some of his seed over my own cock, and stood up. I knew what I wanted. But was it possible? He was still on his wide spaced knees, and his chest still heaved. How I loved that about these beings. I just ran my hands over his shoulder as I walked around him. I wanted to see his tail. When I reached out, and touched it, The Bull just shuddered. I gave it a playful tug, and then lifted it up. Sure enough, I could just make out his ass-hole. I ran my hands down his body, until I touched the small rosy pucker.

"Will you..." I started to ask. He just made the strangest chuckle, and leaned forward, spreading his legs even farther apart. I wasted no time. I hunkered down, and held onto his massive hips. I placed my respectable cock against him, and entered. He made a small grunt, but accented my smaller invasion. His ass was tight, and very hot, I just continued to slowly drive into him. I pressed myself up against his lower back, and reached around for his cock. I felt that fiery flesh had already grown hard again. With both hands, I began to pump his cock, while pumping his ass.

My skills as a top are a little lacking. But I really wanted this. I wanted him to feel as good as I had. I was having a great deal of fun, jacking him, as well as fucking him. I was just kind of lost in the moment, and my own orgasm snuck up on me. When the Minotaur felt me about to shoot, he let fly with his second load. I was pleased that it hit the glass. It was an impressive display. I'm not sure that I painted his inner parts with my cum, but it felt amazing, and lasted for a good long time.

As mysteriously as the door had closed, it opened again. I quickly moved outside of the glass box, and was pleased that the Minotaur was able to escape as well.

"Your name is not Man-Eater. What is it?" I asked him. He gave me a strange look, and his eyelids did that strange flick again.

"Mikos." He answered. I liked that. A Greek name. Not some designation or professional wrestler name. I just introduced him to the others.

"Hold on, little God. I want a turn now." Klor said, and he kissed me.

The lights flickered, and at the far end of the hallway, where we had come from, they started going out.

"We need to move." I said. And despite the desire to have one insane four-way, we had to get farther down the corridor than we were.

We continued onwards, until we came to an escalator. Up, or down? Down could lead us to sub basements. Up could send us higher into the sky. We chose down.

As we rounded the second switch back, I stopped dead still. There were monitors located in the walls. When we first arrived in this part of the hallway, they were flickering on and off, and what they displayed looked like schedules. Lines of code. Other things that I couldn't make out. This time, there was an image on them. A familiar one. And two words underneath it.

The image was mine.

The words read: Little God.

To be continued.

Feedback is ALWAYS appreciated.

Check out Amazon Kindle for a couple of my electronic novels. "Running the Bulls," and "Jess Du'Prix: A Life Unzipped." Don't forget to rate!


Next: Chapter 5

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