Greek World

By sacred cowboy

Published on Feb 24, 2020


Thank you for picking up part three of this ongoing story. My simple disclaimer is thus: This is a work of fiction, and all characters are of age, and are able to consent. At no time, do I wish to violate copy right laws. This work of fiction is intended to run along side the popular theme presented by HBO and the writers there of. I intend to make no profit from this endeavor. Just to tell a thought provoking, and hopefully, erotic story from another perspective.

As always, please contribute to Nifty, so that they can keep the doors open, and the fun times rolling along. Give, folks. Show them some love!

-Jess Du'Prix


A Glitch in the System

I awoke alone in my hosts hut. He had gone out to do, whatever Centaurs do in a place like this. It was then that I had to remind myself that he was probably not out picking berries. Most likely, he was in a work room, getting refilled with whatever it was that passed for... cum.

Oh, man, did I just think that? But the reality was that he had taken me a couple of times, and I had coaxed out of him a couple more orgasms over the night. I just chuckled to myself. How decadent had I become? I only hoped that no one I knew had seen me, bouncing shamelessly on a massive cock, convinced that I was about to happily die on such a thing. I stretched, and lounged for a few more moments before rising, and locating my clothing. A quick splash of water from a near by basin, and I was prepared to leave. I just questioned where my friend had gone to. A part of me wondered if it wouldn't be fun to just wait for his return, to have another run with that handsome beast. Clearly, the thought of that horse-sized cock, deep in my body, thrilled me. And the feel of that fire-hose blast of semen, hitting my face and chest... or better yet, running down my thighs... But, there was still several days of exploration that I could take part in. Who knew what was waiting around the corner from me. What if I were to come across someone from legend? Say... Hercules? To be part of his great tests of strength? To be ravished by a Demi-god? Could my poor body endure such a thing? Had I reached the edge of what I would consider extreme? I mean, I had dabbled, outside of the park, with S&M, bondage, even a few more extreme encounters that had cost me a fortune, (and self respect.) But those experiences came no where near scratching the kind of itch that I needed relief from. What could this place offer me? The thought of being beaten by a handful of Roman soldiers really held no appeal to me. I am sure that the scenario would have been welcomed by others. But not me. There was something out there that would test me. Make me feel more challenged than a fourteen inch cock (mostly) up my ass, could provide. I took a deep breath and I realized that just about any truly sentient creature would be fair game.

While getting myself ready to leave, I discovered sliced apples and sweet bread had been left on the Centaurs table. I quickly ate, and exited his home. Sad that I could not run the corona of his impressive prick, once more around my lips and tongue.

Not more than two hours walk from the Centaurs hut, I had heard the unmistakable sound of flute music. Odd that it was so... captivating. There were tones in the that melody that actually made my blood pressure go up. I found myself drawn to the strange sounds, and actively began searching for the source. It took me off the path, which has always been a bit of trouble for people like me.

I had pushed through some low foliage, and came across a scene that might have been taken from a fresco, or an urn. Three Satyrs were in mid-frolic. And by that, I mean that they were erect, and rutting with each other. One was golden. His hair, beard, and lower body, was the color of a lion's mane. He was the one playing the haunting tune on a set of reed pipes. He would stop a moment, and caress the head of the red one, who was feasting on his unusually large prick. The one who's hair and fur were brown was buried up to his nuts in Red's ass. They continued to undulate back and forth, and it really did look like quite a little dance they were preforming. I found myself growing more excited by them. So much so, that I didn't even bother to duck down, and try to hide. I had always loved watching people when they were in mid-fuck, being just a bit of a voyeur. But somehow, I knew on an instinctive level, that I would not stay long on the side-lines.

Gold saw me, and a smile spread across his handsome face. His nose was pointed, and his jaw was square. He could easily have been a lumberjack, save for the horns on his head, the goat legs, and being smaller than me. His member was wet, slick, and looked impressively tasty, and I wondered what it would be like, to take Red's place. Would I allow myself to have some goat being, have a go at my back side? Would I venture farther down the road of the mystical beast-men? When I found my feet, moving in their direction, I had my answer. It was as if the tunes Gold was playing, had snared me.

"Come, friend. We have wine. We have music. You will be more than entertained." Gold said to me, with a small chuckle that sounded like a bleat. He put his lips up to the pipe and blew out a soft little tune that seemed to go straight to my dick. How was this possible? I mean, a constructed man was a true feat of tech. And the ability to read and understand the guests, was also a marvel. But magic? How was it that the tune from a simple instrument, could cause my blood-pressure to increase so? How could it make the base of my spine, tingle and throb with the promise of lust? Five more steps closer to the Satyr's `dance' and I flat out didn't care!

Gold put his hands on my face, and looked at me with such tenderness. I felt Red's hands at my shoulder, undoing my garment, and Brown was fondling my ass. In just moments, I was now as naked as the other three. And without hesitation, I knelt down, and put Gold's cock in my mouth. His flesh was hot, and slick, and there was such a strong scent of maleness about it, that I startled me. I am not afraid of, nor a fan of the smell of a man. But Gold was so masculine, that it caused me to dive in, to his balls. He laughed, and ran his hands over my head, keeping me secured on his knob. I then felt the unmistakable feel of a furnace on my own cock. Red had gone down on me. Brown pressed his sizable prick against my ass cleft, and left it there. He was teasing me with his girth, letting me feel the heat of that flesh, as it rested against my own. His rough hands were on either side of my hips, and he rocked himself into me, sawing away at my skin, but not penetrating me.

"You do that so well, human. Are you not part Satyr yourself?" Gold asked, and he thrust forward into me a few strokes. I knew he wasn't looking for an answer. But I still reached up and stroked his massive furry nuts, with my thumb. Red continued to bob on me, until I was just as hard as all three of them were. I felt him pull off my cock, and the next sensation I felt was him plugging my cock into his furry little ass. By the Gods, he was still as tight as a virgin, and he took me to the base. When I felt his fuzzy lap against mine, I moved my hips just a fraction, and gently plowed into him a bit deeper. He let out a little sound that was classically goat, and pushed his ass harder onto my dick. It was then that I felt the tip of Brown's cock as it started to part my own flesh. I reached behind myself, took hold of my cheeks, and pulled them apart for him. He responded in kind. I felt him inch past my sphincter, and into deeper places. His hands got very tight on me, and Brown began to thrust into me with purpose.

Gold continued to play his flute, a few more haunting notes at a time, and then run his fingers through my hair. Red continued to back into me while Brown rammed his cock deeper. Though I had a Centaur in me, not 12 hours ago, I was surprised at the stretch this smaller being was able to give me. It was incredible, almost to the point of becoming unnerving.

I started to quake in my knees, and realized that I would not be able to maintain this position for much longer. I pulled off Gold, and disengaged myself from the other two. Looking around me, I realized that the meadow was actually ideal for this kind of adventure. I don't think I had ever felt softer grass, so I just lied down, and called them to continue on with me. Gold played a few more notes, and then straddled my face, plugging his prick back between my lips. Red sat back down on my cock, almost the moment my ass reached the ground, and Brown went back to assaulting my back door.

I was enjoying this situation, tremendously. The feel of the flesh against my own, was utterly intoxicating. But, I didn't want to be trapped by these horny Satyrs for the rest of my day. I wondered when it would be that I would feel their joy hit them. And as if cued, the three hit their stride. I felt Gold take my head in his hands, and he grunted loudly, firing a load into my gullet. I then felt Red clamp down on me, as he sat perfectly still. I could feel his ass spamming around my cock, and I could feel splashes hit my chest and throat. No doubt, he had also hit Gold's ass with his white ropes. Brown began to bellow, and let go an absolute torrent up my ass. I felt his thick cock pulse over and over again, as his seed trickled out of me, and coated my own cock. I was about to reach for my own dick, and give it just a few more jerks, when the three of them lifted off of me.

"Thank you, son of the Gods." Gold said, licking my lips. Red gave me a sleepy look, and kissed me, meekly. Brown just smacked my ass cheek, and the next thing I heard, was their laugher, and they disappeared into the bushes. I just sat there, stunned, and with the hardest cock I had experienced. I couldn't help but chuckle softly. Should I just take hold of my crank, and just whack one out for the bushes, or should I run after the three? Perhaps some other great joy would be waiting for me in the brush. I just hoisted myself up on my elbows.

"You got away from them, fairly unscathed." I heard a deep voice say to me, from the direction I had come. When I looked up, I saw another Roman. His armor was far different than the guards at the bridge. There was some kind of city insignia on his breast-plate. He was moving towards me, with purpose. I just sat up.

"I am fine, Centurion." I said, nervously that I had been discovered in such a state. I thought he would offer me a hand up. But instead, I saw that he was unbuckling his belt. His sword came down, and he continued to stride my way. When his tunic fell away, I saw something of true beauty was heading my way. He had a prick on him that was just as big as one of the twins. Thick, hooded, and ready for action. "Well, this is unexpected." I said, with a smile. When I looked at him, he was not smiling.

"You are in peril, citizen." He said, as he stepped over me, and his prick bobbed inches from my mouth. I reached up for it, but he pushed my hand away.

"You do not realized that those vile little beasts have poison within their veins. You will need to cum, and quickly." He said. He knelt down, and the next thing I felt, was the passage between his muscled ass, as he slid down my cock. I just looked at him, and from beneath his helm, I could make a set of beautiful eyes. He took my hands, and placed them around his waist. I could feel the kiss of the bronze breast-plate against my thighs. He pulled off of me by more than half, and then sat back down. How was it possible that I could meet someone, and twenty seconds later, my prick would be up their ass? But, there it was.

"Poison you say?" I asked. Not believing the man, but then, I didn't want break the scene by smashing the spell. There had been tales of fauns, who drove men mad with lust, due to tainted kisses and such. But that was just stories, and this place was based on them. I went along with it.

"Yes." He said, and I watched him reach back, and unhook his armor. He then threw it aside. I could see the massive chest, with the slight spray of golden hair that traveled gently down his belly, to the thick cock that hung like a piece of forbidden fruit, just inches from my tongue. "You would be enslaved to them, but the feel of a human directly after, should burn it from your heart." He said, and he continued to ride my cock. I ran my hands up over his chest, pinching his dark nipples. He flexed his hips, and pushed me further up him.

"Then, it is fortunate that you came along when you did. If indeed, you are able to save me." I said, and then spun him over, so I could pound into his body. I pushed his legs up, and apart, and he yielded to me, completely. There is something to be said about fucking a Roman, in a combed helm, and sandals. He just nodded his head, and I continued to pound away. I took hold of his cock, and began to yank at it, and he tightened down on me, even harder than before. I just sighed, and stroked him, and continued to bury myself as far into his flesh as I could.

In only a matter of minutes, the being below me began to thrash, as if he was in the throws of the best orgasm of his life. This caused my excitement level to peek, and when his prick began to fire his joy, I aimed it at my mouth. The moment the first of his salty goodness hit my tongue, I went to the hilt, closed my eyes, and emptied myself into his accepting body. I must have thrashed on him for another thirty seconds, feeling the spasms all the way to my toes. When I could uncross my eyes, I glanced down at his smiling face, and noticed there was something about his eyes. Despite the helm, I could still see that there was something in those orbs. He squeezed his ass down on my prick, before giving it back to me. But, his heels on my hips held me, securely.

"Will I survive the poison, Centurion?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes, but only barely." He leered at me, and to be honest, I could have easily stayed exactly where I was, until my flesh and my lust returned. "Pity that you will be taken into custody, Citizen. You breed like a stallion." He said, and his grip on me got very tight. There was a flash in his eyes. It caught me, like the strobe from a camera. My world began to spin, and the next thing I knew, I was no longer in the grassy glen.

I do not know what manner of device took me, but something happened. Perhaps the strange burst of light that came from my Roman Lover, had over-saturated my retinas, causing some kind of cascade to overtake me. I was not epileptic, nor was I prone to such fits or seizures. But I had been incapacitated. The first sensation I felt, was rocking. I was in a wagon, perhaps. Why would this happen? Why would I need to be stunned in such a manner? Certainly, no part of my fantasy would require me to become knocked senseless. But when I did open my eyes, I was sitting next to another man. He was huge, dirty, and smelled like he'd been working on a dock for the last 48 straight hours. I was, along with the others in this caged wagon, quite naked.

"What is the meaning of this?" I started to protest, but the flat part of a short sword, struck against the bars, was enough to still my tongue. I had, after all, agreed to this. I had chosen to cross the bridge, and take myself out of the safety of the small harbor community that I discovered on my arrival. When I cast a quick glance around me, I saw that we were now in a fairly sizable city. However, there was something wrong with the scenery. A glitch of sorts passed through my line of vision, and I realized that we were in fact, traversing a long hallway, with monitors on either side. The images flickered, for just a moment, and then they went back to the regular scenery of a large city. The illusion would have been perfect, save for the momentary flick. This was part of the narrative. I just openly looked at those in front of us, on horseback. Romans. One must have been my little fuck-box that had captured me. A part of me was annoyed, but another part of me, stirred with the idea of screwing him at least once more. Behind us, another wagon full of captured souls. All male. I could not tell if they were guests, or hosts. Who would be part of the story line, and who was being carried along with it.

We came to a large colosseum, where we were met by crowds of people. Some jeered at us, throwing things at the cages. I watched our driver, kick a young man in the head, and send him sprawling. No doubt, the Roman would not appreciate the lip of a spectator.

We were brought out of the cages, and unceremoniously divided into what I could only call, large pens. I was standing with other men, just as naked, and I felt more exposed than I ever had. What I wouldn't give for just a simple loin cloth.

There were a dozen other souls in my group. They ranged from what I could only call, Nubian, to Northern European. All were of a physical nature that said that I was the odd man out. I did not look like any of them. My build was not slender, but modest. I was athletic, but only marginally so. These men looked like they belonged on Venice Beach.

"What is wrong with your prick, little man?" One of them said to me, from across the room. I looked him up and down. Well over 6 feet tall, outweighed me by at least a hundred pounds, and not a trace of fat on him. His hair was cut almost to the scalp, and he looked like he came from the northern part of Italy. He had a broken nose, and a dimpled chin. Not handsome at all, but sexy as weekend with some rough trade.

"I'm circumcised." I said. He just gave me an odd look, and walked over to me. His own uncut meat bounced from thigh to thigh, as he made his way towards me.

"I hope your skills are at loving. If you are a fighter, you will feed the sand your blood long before the sun dies this day." He said, and with his massive paw, he reached out, and took hold of me. His skin was rough, but it wasn't unpleasant. I was just not in the mood to have some fun with these guys, in such a place. I wanted to know where I was, and how I was going to escape. I leaned over, and licked his nipple. I felt his hand go to my head, but I wasn't done there. I bit down on that nip, hard. He hissed a moment, and then he began to howl. He pushed me, roughly away from him. I almost took the piece of skin with me.

"You do not take, what I will not give, freely. If it cost me the beating of my life, so be it. But I will not yield to you!" I shouted at him. He just cupped his hand over his peck, and gave me the most baleful look I think I had ever received.

"Away with you, Klor." I heard a familiar voice say. When I turned around, I was struck speechless.

There, was Anders. I was not sure what to make of this. But, I did see the momentary bit of recognition on his face. I couldn't stop myself, I quickly ran to him, and threw my arms around him. He welcomed me back.

"Kinsman. What are you doing so far from the island?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.

"I went exploring. And I guess, I got... captured as a slave." I answered, but not quite sure what to make of the narrative. "You were on your way home. I thought you and your brother were escaping." I asked. He just gave me the softest smile.

"Our ship was captured. The captain sold all of the passengers to save his crew and his boat." He answered. "All aboard were Greek. Not a Roman amongst them. So, the sale of all that human cargo was allowed." He said, with no small amount of scorn. I just nodded my head, and looked deeply into his eyes. It really was so good to see him.

"What kind of peril are we in?" I asked, softly, but I did not relinquish my grip on his perfect form.

"Slaves. And those of us that were captured at this time, are destined for the arena." He replied, gently. "But fear not, my sweet Tom, I will die before I allow any harm to come to you." I knew he was sincere with his promise. I was also very pleased that he remembered my name.

A few hours passed, and I was sitting with my protector in the corner of the earthen barracks. I was able to look around at the impressive surroundings. I honestly felt like I was in a Turkish jail, as the settings were as rough as could be. If the park was going for authenticity, it had succeeded by leaps and bounds. As pristine as my quarters had been at the Senators mansion, this was the opposite side of that coin. The floor was dirt, with sand mixed in. Tables and chairs were rough, and put together with pegs and twine. Bowls and cups were the simplest of pottery and there were only wooden flat spoons to use as utensils. From the cage next to us, I saw another dozen or so men. One in particular was on his knees, accepting the offerings of a man from behind, while sucking one in front of him. He saw me staring, disengaged himself from the warrior, and gave me a thumbs up. A guest, for sure, and taking advantage of the situation. While sitting next to Anders, I put my hand on his bare thigh, and he put an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"I don't know if I can fight, Anders. I don't think I have never held a weapon before." I said, snuggling into his warmth. And yes, the idea of him being an artificial human, seemed light years away at that moment. He just rubbed his whiskered chin on my head, and shushed me, gently.

Klor, the brute from before, was staring at me, intently. What I first took for hostility, slowly dissolved into something that I could only call, curiosity. He slowly approached me. I felt Anders stiffen, just a little.

"Do not fault Tom for protecting himself." Anders cautioned the huge man. When I looked at his chest, I was surprised to see that there was no trace of my teeth that I had left him, just hours ago.

"I would ask for your pardon." He said to me. And his expression had become absolutely sheepish.

"No harm, no foul." I said after a moment. He nodded, and then sat down.

"I would request a trade from you, smaller man." He said, and glanced over his shoulder for a moment. When he looked back at me, he had such a smile on his broad, square face.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"I offer you... protection in the arena, for... your ass." He said. And when I glanced down at his cock, I could see that it was starting to stir.

"I have the protection of Anders." I answered, trying not to sound too defiant.

"Kinsman. Perhaps, you should accept his offer." Anders said into my ear. "I can protect you only as long as I am standing. Another to protect you would make your chances of survival, better. I do not think he will harm you."

"But, how do you feel about that?" I asked, pressing myself up against his side.

"Business is business." He answered with a bit of a wink. "I offer my protection to you, because of what you have done for me in the past." He answered. "I have a debt that must be repaid."

"Anders, I did what I did because... because... I think you are incredible. Not that I was trying to score points." I said back to him, taking his hand. "After you left the first morning, I chided myself for NOT going with you and your brother. I wish I had!" He seemed pleased with my words. He looked up at Klor. "I offer him to you, with the understanding that you will die before he does." Anders said.

"Agreed." Klor said, quickly. I felt the huge man take my hand, as he stood back up.

"Anders, you come, too. I want you... close by." I said, quickly. Anders smiled, and stood up.

The main part of the barracks was open. The others could sit, and play dice at the table. But Klor led us back to a darker part of the dwelling. We entered a room with several cots. Not all were unoccupied.

"Get. Out." Klor said to those that lingered. Soon enough, the room was empty. From elsewhere, I could hear the cries of lust, and it made my own prick start to chub. When I looked over at Klor, I saw that he was sitting on one of the heavier cots, his legs spread wide. I saw that monster prick of his, swell up to ten inches in length. It was impressively thick, and covered with a beautiful foreskin. I felt Anders hand on my ass, and turned to him. I just kissed him, as tenderly as I could. He pushed me towards the brute, and leaned up against the far wall. I could see that he was starting to sport as well.

"You be gentle with me, Giant. Or I will bite other things off." I cautioned the man, as he absently pumped his prick, making it not just harder, but darker as well. He reached out for me, and almost reluctantly, I took his hand. He pulled me into his embrace. But, his lips did not meet mine. Instead, he kissed down my throat, to my chest. He licked one nipple, than the other, and then flipped me, upside down, so that I was facing his monster. His tongue went into my ass, and he began working that evil mouth snake up my back side. I balanced one hand on his thigh, and with the other, I encircled his cock, and began skinning it back. He grunted and if I thought his tongue was deep in me, I was not prepared for it going even deeper. I started seeing stars. I placed the head of his cock, between my lips, feeling the absolute girth of it as it seemed to stretch my jaws out. This was decadent , for sure. I felt all kinds of emotions flooding through me, and all of them were attached to absolute lust. I pushed down on his shaft, sending more and more of that fleshy beast into my throat. I felt him grind forward, gently, to get more of it in my gullet. I could feel him slide into my throat, and then he held me there, for a few dozen or so seconds, before allowing me to pull back. When I lifted off of him, to breath, I saw his cock was slick and glistening. I allowed myself to put my weight on the man beneath me, and was able to take his prick in both of my hands. How could something so massive not cause some kind of internal pressure loss? If he were human, he would have fainted from a lack of blood to his brain! When I looked over at Anders, he was slowly fisting his own cock.

"You're enjoying this?" I asked him, and tried not to smile. He just grinned at me, and shook that impressive cock of his in my direction.

Klor had enough of rimming me, and I felt him easily spin me around so that I was hovering over his lap, still facing my chosen lover. Klor's strong hands held me just under my arm pits, and he moved me around as if I weighed nothing at all. I put both of my feet flat against his thighs, and held my dripping ass over his cock. Between the two of us, there was no need for lube. Slowly, he lowered me, until I felt the kiss of his flesh to mine. His member was scorching hot, and I tried to relax, though I knew he was going to go a little more roughly than I expected. But not just yet. I felt the tip's pressure against my tender opening. He moved slowly at first, and I felt the head of that prick start to stretch me out. His cock was not as long as the centaurs, but he was definitely thicker. I took a breath, and pushed down. The head disappeared inside of me. I gasped a moment, and looked over at Anders, who's prick was leaking a beautiful silver string. Because Klor had my arms, I couldn't exactly reach my own cock. I wanted to give it a good skinning, to take my mind off the stretch I was feeling. I was in pain, to be sure, but not so much that I was going to stop him. Provided he kept his pace as slow as he was.

"Anders, could you... kiss me?" I asked my friend, who wasted no time. He stepped over to me, and laid a lip lock on me that made me gasp. I guess I spasmed around Klor's cock, because he pushed upwards. Again, I caught my breath, but Anders tongue was in my mouth. I felt my companion press his hard cock against my nuts, and our shafts rubbed against one another. Klor pushed upwards, and soon enough, I was to the hilt. I nodded, and Anders stepped back, looking at the dilation of my ass, around such a monster. With his thumb, Anders traced my own shaft, downwards, and stroked my own balls. I couldn't help but suck in breath.

Klor lifted me up, until the head of his cock was just left inside of me, and then he lowered me, quickly until he was back to the base. I pulled one of my arms free, and rested against his chest. He turned loose of my torso, and began running his hands over my chest and belly.

"Not many can take me, little man." He cooed into my ear.

"Keep me safe of the battle field, and we will have a repeat performance." I said back, and welcomed Anders kiss, once more.

Klor had assaulted my innards for a good ten minutes, and then he had decided that he wanted to be on top. I let me. He spun me around until my legs were around his hips, and he was over me. I felt him press even harder into my flesh, and then he started this rocking, which clipped my prostrate, and caused me to shudder anew. He continued to pile drive me, making me feel every bit of the thickness of him. He would shift his approach, and cause me to cry out. Not so much in pain, but just in surprise. Whatever discomfort I felt, was quickly melted into the roughest pleasure I had ever encountered. He thrashed on me, and soon enough, he had found his joy. His legs stiffened, and then he buried himself into me, letting go of a torrent of semen. It was hot, and thick, and sprayed out of me like a pipe had burst. I could do nothing, but lay there, allowing him to finish. I just held onto the cot, and was grateful that it had not given way.

He was not finished with me.

I found myself on my knees, on the dirt floor. Klor was behind me, and I swear his prick had not lessened in the least. He was still just as hard, and ready to go. I was wondering if there was something amiss with his programming. But, he had ahold of my hips, and continued to pound into me. I felt his spent seed, running down my own balls, and coating my own thighs. When my head came up, I found that Anders was in front of me, and his prick was inches from my mouth. I wasted no time, I engulfing his beautiful cock, and marveled at how easily I took him to the base. My hands went up to his hips, and I began to stroke Anders with my fingertips. I ran my middle finger over his ass hole, and slowly began to insert it. He continued to pump his prick into my throat, and I was happy getting fucked at both ends. I now knew why the other guest in the cage next door, had given me the thumbs up.

Between the two of them, the rocking got so intense, that I was afraid that I might break something. But, they continued to pound away at me. Klor found his joy much quicker this time, than before. Once again, he poured into my body an absolute flood. Anders joined him, soon enough, and he painted my throat and tongue with his tasty seed. Klor pulled back, with his prick still deep in me, and we took the position I had started out in. My feet firmly planted on Klor's thighs, but this time, Anders knelt before me.

"You are due release, my sweet one." He said, taking my prick in his hands. He then began to lick up my shaft, never breaking his gaze. With that log still up me, and pumping gently, I felt the pressure against my prostrate, as Anders tongue continued to coax out of me pleasure that was threatening to cost me my sanity. Certainly, my dignity. I was a slobbering, groaning, thrashing mess. Klor continued to thrust, gently up into me, and I realized that his pleasure was not his focus. I just rested against his massive chest. His incredibly powerful arms, folded around me, and his thumbs found my nipples. I could feel his tongue in my ear. Anders continued to slowly bob up and down on my prick, flicking the crown with his demon tongue, and I just... let... go...

The orgasm that washed over me, shook me to my very foundation. I had never experienced such a release. I was vaguely aware that while I danced around on the end of Klor's cock, he was blasting yet another sticky load into my guts. And Anders held onto my thighs with a death grip. I was not going to be pulling out out him.

A awoke to Anders, with a basin beside me, cleaning me as gently as I have ever been.

"Oh by the Gods." I swore, with a tired, and very happy smile. "I think if that ever happens to me again, I will be meeting Hades at the gates of the underworld." I couldn't help but laugh. "I suppose that I summoned everyone in this pod to check on me?" I asked. He just leaned forward, and kissed me.

"I need to warn you, that within the hour, we will be summoned into the arena." He said, after a moment.

"I can't fight, Anders. I barely argue well." I said. Suddenly, I got a little alarmed. I knew that the sex would become more extreme, as would the story lines as I ventured outwards. But could I be allowed into an actual fighting arena?

"Do not fear, my love." He said, and when he referred to me as that, I actually felt something inside me, flutter. How long had I waited for someone to refer to me as such? "I will protect you as will Klor. He has a debt to repay." He said, reapplying the rough soaked cloth to my chest.

"Anders, you owe me, nothing. Do you understand? If you wish to protect me, I welcome it, gladly. But I expect nothing from you, other than what you WANT to give me." I said, taking the rag from him and forcing him to look me in the eye. He blinked a couple more times, quickly, and I saw the glitch again. But, his expression went back to what it had been.

From somewhere in the arena, we heard the sound of horns being blasted. It seemed to shake the very barracks we were in. Anders took my face in his hands.

"Listen, we will keep any enemy in hand to hand, away from you, but should an enemy break through, you use your weapon. You use it because your life is in peril. Do you understand?" He asked. I just gave him a quick nod. He took my hand, and when he was certain I could stand, he guided me out of the sleeping pod.

Armed Roman guards lined the hallway outside the bars. An ancient gentleman came forth with a large brass key, and unlocked our main cell.

"Fight well for Greece, or die for the pleasure of Rome." He said, without meeting any of our eyes. I followed Anders, and Klor fell into step behind me. While moving forward, I felt a hand on my ass, and when I turned, I was expecting it to be Klor. Instead, it belonged to the Roman who had captured me. He gave me an air kiss, and I was shoved forward.

We stopped at a large wooden gate, where other slaves came from the side chamber, and tied strips of cloth around our right forearm. We all wore red. I found it to be just a little jarring, as I was prepared to see enough red out there. We were then moved forward, tightly, against the gate. Klor did press his cock up against me, and his right arm snaked around my waist.

"I will keep you out of harms reach, little man." He pressed himself up against me, again, and I swear my pucker dilated just a bit. "I would trade with you again, this evening." He pressed his lips to my ear, and when he pulled back, I suspected there would be a silver string that would attach his flesh to my own.

The gates opened to the sound of cheering. Sunlight poured in, and it was later in the day. We would most likely be the last event.

There was so much blood on the sand in here, that I couldn't help but shudder. Anders put his own hand on my shoulder, and I found strength in it. The other team wore strips of cloth that were yellow. And to my great surprise, I saw that one of the members of the opposing side, was the man who was getting spit roasted earlier. The `thumbs up' guy.

A basket of weapons was brought out, and I settled on a mace. It was heavy for sure. In my hands, it felt enough like a baseball bat, which was about as familiar as I was with any kind of weapon. I glanced around the fighting area, and realized that I had gotten the dimensions wrong on all of my assumptions when it came to how big the arenas were. It couldn't have been more than 50 yards across. I was expecting something as big as a football field, but this place was no where near that size. Stone bleachers wrapped around the area, and in the middle, was a grand platform, with guards and nobility seated comfortably up there. Below them, trumpeters stood at attention.

"When the gong sounds, fall behind me." Anders said. I nodded, and looked at the other `team.' They were all huge. I could easily pick out the guests from the hosts, as we stood out conspicuously. But, I would take my place beside my friend. And prayed that I would be safe. I had to remind myself that this was a game. This was not real. But there was something about this situation that had a validity to it. I told myself that should anyone come close to me, I would brain them with my weapon, to the best of my ability.

One of the trumpeters suddenly went off and it jarred everyone pretty badly. It was strange, like he was calling forth revelry, or something. Completely our of theme. Others stopped and regarded him. One of the other musicians took his horn away from him, which started a strange little scuffle. I looked over at my long haired friend, and he just gave me a shrug.

The gong sounded, and the group became a bloodthirsty mass. I had never experienced something like this, and to be frank, I never wanted to again. To describe the carnage would to do it a grave injustice. But within moments, I realized that something had gone very wrong. The thumbs up guy was set on by a couple of warriors with red bands on their arms. He tried to deflect a couple of their blows, but one came in, quickly, and gave him a mortal wound. He clutched his chest, looked out at the rest of the madness, and shouted something that chilled me to my marrow.

"This isn't what I paid for!" He shrieked, before another came forward, and ended him.

Anders and Klor kept their word to me. Nothing came close to me on that field. And blessedly, it was over quickly. Our side had sustained losses, about a third had fallen. The other team was mopped up. I wasn't sure how many of them that lay on the ground were guests.

The old man who let us out of the cages, took the main platform.

"Your attention." He called out to the cheers of the crowd. "As our illustrious red team has been victorious, we will now see who is the grandest of the warriors. They will now fight each other, until the final man stands." The audience erupted in wild cheers. I glanced at Anders, who looked just as stricken as I did. Klor only shook his head.

"No!" I shouted at the old man, before I could stop myself. "I have fought for your pleasure, and was prepared to die. But I will not kill any of my brothers to amuse you! This game is ended!" I said, and did something completely out of character. I threw my mace at the man. He ducked, but it did strike a servant, who went down hard. There was a strange murmur coming from the spectators. It sounded like odd gibberish. As if they were speaking in another language. I also noted that the old man had started to malfunction as well. His hand gestures began to repeat themselves. When I looked over at my contemporaries, something else happened. I watched as two of my group, dropped their weapons, and suddenly began to spin around like Dervishes. Faster and faster they spun. Anders came up, and stood beside me, his arm around my waist. I leaned into him for a moment. "Anders, please. Talk to me as a host, not as a freed slave. What's going on?" I asked him. After a very long, uncomfortable moment, he whispered into my ear.

"Mmmalfuction. The mainframe is collapsing." I turned to him, horrified.

"Are you shutting down?" I asked, taking his face in my hands.

"No. But you are in real danger now, Tom." He said, and he took my hand. "I need to get you out of here." We started moving towards the wooden gate.

"Hold, citizen Tom!" I heard another voice come from the curtained area. It was also familiar.

"Who in the hell is that?" I asked.

"Caesar." Anders said, and we both looked up. The fabric parted, and a figure came forward. He was dressed in gold, and fine gemstones. His tunic was long, flowing, and probably came from the best merchants in Persia. He spread out his arms, and regarded me.

"I would welcome one as brave and as defiant as you. Come, to my chair so that I could see you again." He said, and I breathed out his name.

Caesar was Calix.

To be continued.

Look for "Running The Bulls" by Jess Du'Prix on Amazon, an e-book for your electronic reader.

Next: Chapter 4

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