Greek World

By sacred cowboy

Published on Feb 10, 2020


Thank you all for reading the latest part of GREEK WORLD.

Disclaimer: This is not intended to infringe on any copy-written material. This is purely to entertain, and to bring a little spicy fun to your lives. Be aware, that fantastical creatures will become part of the story line... but all beings are of legal age, and able to consent.

Also, please give generously to Nifty, so that they can keep the fun times going.

Now, onto the next chapter.


The Journey Out

Sunlight came into my palatial quarters, like a thief. When the first rays hit, I opened my eyes, and stared at the two lovely forms that were resting beside me. It gave me a chance to really observe them. Granted, the night past, there was not a part of their bodies, I had not touched, or licked. But then, they were in the throws of their programming, and I was not able to understand how much of what they did was... what? Independent thought? Could they adapt to their surroundings? At no time, did the sex seem uncomfortable. It was text book, fantasy inspired, perfection. I had never cum so hard in my life. I had never had my pulse pound so, in any of the sexual encounters I had had, in days past. This could be a problem for me, for any future coupling I might engage in, outside of this park. Away from the ideal setting. I turned to my right, and studied the face of Bryal, and watched as his eyelids would move, as if he were dreaming. Also, I saw the rise and fall of his chest. Did these units actually breath? Or was it just a part of the simulation? To my left, Anders lay, with his lips partially open. I listened, carefully, and detected the faintest trace of a snore. This was why the tickets here to this... resort, came with such a high price tag. The detail was beyond belief.

I kissed both of them, and then slid off the huge bed, and padded my way to the bathroom. I was pleased to find that modern convinces were created here, as the thought of `doing my business' in a pot, and leaving it out for the servants, seemed a little too authentic for my taste. The shower was large and open, and the water that poured from the shell above my head, made me feel as if I were standing under a small waterfall. A hand on my shoulder told me that someone had joined me. It was Anders. He circled my waist with his arms, and pressed his body against mine. "Good morning." He said, gently into my ear before covering my mouth with a kiss. I reached down, and felt the flesh between his legs, start to stir. "Where is your brother?" I asked, breaking free from his lips, which was, I admit, a Herculean effort. I could easily be lost in this man's embrace for the rest of the week.

Man? Did I just refer to him as such? I looked deeply into the eyes of him, and again, marveled at the spark of... what? Self awareness? How could that be fabricated? His fingers down my back broke my concentration. "He had to find us passage outside of the city. We hope to make the port by tomorrow night, where we can find transport back to our home country." He smiled. "I would have you come with me." He said after a moment. "I can not." I smiled at him, but my heart made a strange flutter. To be asked this question was a true fantasy, realized. He seemed to be studying me, quite carefully. "My... father needs me back... in the capital... his business has become demanding, and at his age, I am afraid he would not be able to continue." I just said the first thing that came into my mind... to play along with the scenario. Although, the idea of traveling with this man, made my heart sing a bit. And other parts of me, responded in other ways.

He kissed me, again with all the fire that he had been able to muster from the night past. He spun me around, and I felt his hands press me up against the tile wall. Again, I felt his prick as it slid along my soap-slick skin. "I will miss you, country-man." He breathed into my ear, grinding that hot flesh against my back. I pressed against him, and he knew what I wanted, what I needed from him. His right hand went around me, seeking my own cock, and it was almost as hard as his. He bent his knees slightly, and the head of his prick found it's target. Slowly, he stood up straight, and his member came into my body. It was an easy trek, as he had plundered that territory several time in just a few hours past. But still, I could not help but gasp. Slowly he ground into me, and my heart rate came up, considerably. I could feel my own pulse in my temples, as he continued to thrust into me, matching each of his strokes, with a stroke of my own cock. It was slow, deep, and maddening. I could feel the orgasm building in my lower half. My body began to tingle, and my knees actually got weak. "Cum for me, Anders. Cum hard. Cum inside me, and let me feel your load." I was able to whisper out to him. He had been verbal before, but at this moment, he let out a cry of passion that rang like the sweetest music I had ever heard. He straightened his legs, forcing me to feel every inch of him, inside me. His prick throbbed, and he shuddered, harder then before, as he bred my ass, claiming his territory. I was right behind him, only by two or three pumps of his fist, as I fired an impressive load against the stone tiles. He released my cock, and held onto my hips, finishing up his joy. There was no greater feeling at that moment, than to be attached to this beautiful man. When my heart rate came back down, he spun me around, and kissed me again.

"I will miss you, Tom." He said, as he tied his toga over his shoulder. "I wish there was a home version of you I could buy in the gift shop." I teased. He only gave me a strange look. I realized I had gone out of character again, but I didn't care. I simple walked up to him, and put my arms around his waist and looked into his strange, and unusually sentient eyes. "I don't know what your programming entails, or what behavior loops you need to engage in. But as a guest, I... I don't want to see you on that auction block again." He blinked at me a couple of times, and I wasn't sure if it was a glitch or not. But he kissed me, quickly, dropped his eyes, and then left my room.

I was dressed, and ready for breakfast. It was a bit later in the day, so I wasn't sure what kind of morning activities I might have missed. I hoped that there was no auction sequence to go through again.

The Senator was waiting at a fine table, spread with a variety of simple foods. Lots of fruit was placed on silver chargers, and goblets of water, juice, wine, and even some noteworthy spirits were available. I did take a bloody Agustus' and a small plate of bread, fruit, and cheese. "So, my young free-man. What would you do this day?" My host asked, as I sat down to his left. We were separated by a handful of guests' and I was not sure who was a `host' and who wasn't. "I am not sure. I thought about doing a little exploring along the countryside. I understand that this island is quite large." I answered, wiping my mouth on rough cloth. "Not to frighten you with a warning." He regarded me like a father would. "If you pass the bridge that leads to the mainland, you might encounter... shall we say... some fantastic creatures. A bit of caution." He said.

Mainland? A bridge? It must be miles long. Something that I might like to see. "Where is the bridge, if I may ask?" I could not help but be intrigued. "To the west, down the main road. I assure you, Tom, that everything you could desire is within a league of where we now sit." He said. I nodded my head, and finished my meal. "I am sure you're right, sir. I would thank you for your hospitality." I said, and excused myself.

When I went back to my room, I took my belt, bag, and blade, and made my way out of the estate. As I passed the guards to the front door, I wanted to try a small experiment. I stopped next to the huge man, who stood by with a spear in hand. Square jaw, in the extreme, with just a tunic, breast plate, and sandals. He stood nearly a foot taller than me, and was built like a bull. I reached over, and ran my hand up his thigh, until I could feel the huge muscle of his ass. He simply turned to me, and gave me the softest smirky smile. When I reached around to his prick, I realized that it was growing. It was also proportionate to him as well. A momentary moral trigger popped in my head. I quickly turned loose of his joint. "Sir, would you like to see... the guard's barracks?" He asked, and his voice was as rough as a rock slide. It caused me to stop a moment. "No, thank you. Perhaps this evening, you could come to my room, for an... inspection?" I asked. He gave me a broader smile, and nodded. "Oh, and bring your friend." I said, as I indicated the other bruiser that stood at the other side of the door. He nodded as well.

I had my answer. Any of these beings would be willing to fill my bed. I could easily create an absolute parade of individuals to take care of my lusty needs. That would satisfy one aspect of this trip, and I had been bedded by three individuals already. If I returned to my room tonight, I would add two more to that list. The idea of having that guard pounding away at me, caused me to start to sport just a bit, but I wanted to know what was going on, at the rest of this park. I didn't want to waste any time, wrapped up in one spot, when there was so much that was waiting for me. I began to question whether or not it would have been a fun experience to travel with Anders and Bryal.

The town was a bustling community, shops, and merchants abounded. Horses, and mules carried travelers and guests alike. I moved easily amongst them, blissfully pleased that I could not tell the difference between who was an android, and who was human. In my eyes, and at this moment, it mattered not a bit.

Down the hill I went, past fighting arenas, play houses, and other forms of entertainment. I continued on, nodding at those who passed by. I then crested another rise, and could hear the sound of the sea. When the view came to me at last, I saw the white bridge that seemed to pass over the ocean. Two heavily muscled guards stood by, spears in hand. They could have been the cousins to the guards at the palace. I approached the bridge, and the two came to attention. "Hold, citizen. A warning to you. Cross here, and you could find danger." The first one said. "Don't you know me?" I asked him. "I thought we were good friends." I said to him, though I had never laid eyes on him before. His eyes shut for a moment, and when they opened, a smile spread across his face. He handed the other guard his weapon. "Tom! By the Gods! I have not seen you in ages!" He threw his arms around me, and actually picked me up, and spun me around. "Phylos, don't let the captain see you. He will have your head." The other guard cautioned his companion. Phylos put me down, and held onto my shoulders with his hands, and regarded me, warmly. He looked me, up and down, and then turned to the other guard while putting his arm around my waist. I felt his hand slowly traveling down to my ass. "This, is Tom, a friend of mine from a long time ago. If memory serves, he has quite the... appetite." He leered at me, and his fingers found my own hole. Gently, the first knuckle disappeared into me. "Perhaps you would like me to take you under the bridge, and we can have a proper reunion?" He asked. I just pulled away from him. "Perhaps later, my sexy friend." I said, and touched his cheek. "What can you tell me about the bridge, and the land beyond?" "A caution to you. Romans patrol the land, and they can be a little extreme. And, it has been told that Satyrs are about. Best to beware of them." He said, with a wink. I just bowed to him. "I would give a months wages, to taste you again, my sweet Tom." He said, and I saw that his prick had started to stir under his tunic. I momentarily lost my desire to cross the bridge, but it was calling to me. The promise of adventure. I just asked him for a kiss, and he wrapped me in his arms, and fed me his tongue, as well as pressing that cock against my own belly. It had to have been 10 solid inches, and as thick as my wrist. I pulled myself away from him.

The bridge looked miles long. It was wide enough for a cart, or a small group to walk shoulder to shoulder. The sea was unusually calm, showing only the barest bit of swell as the waves came by. Even the breeze was light, and gentle. I continued on, perhaps another couple of hundred yards, when I felt the air change around me. Just as suddenly, the other side appeared. When I looked over my shoulder, the island that I came from was no where to be seen. It was as if I had crossed several miles, in just a couple of hundred steps.

A new set of guards watched over the road. But these were not like the Greeks I had passed. One was as dark as a moonless night, the other looked as if he had come from the middle of Italy. They were dressed in classic Roman attire. Right down to the combed helmets. Their armor was more pronounced, and they both held ornate spears. As I approached the end of the bridge, they turned to me. "Show us your money, citizen." The black one commanded. I did not see the kindness in them that I did the other hosts. These two looked very no-nonsense in the extreme. After a moment, I dug around in my pouch, and produced some of the brass coins that I had. The lighter of the two took my coins and regarded them. "He's Greek." He said, with a scoff, and handed the money back to me. "Actually, my mother is Norwegian and my father was a Spaniard." I scoffed back to him. He gave me a look that did make me uncomfortable in the extreme. He then took my arm, roughly. "Perhaps I should have a private word with you, citizen." He said, and the next thing I knew, he was hauling me into a copse of trees. Roughly, he marched me down a small path until we were standing beside a pond. "What is the meaning of this?" I demanded. He just gave me a harsh look, and put his hand on my shoulder. "Greek or, whatever you are, you should not talk to a Roman as such. Perhaps your mouth should be put to better use!" He barked at me, and with his other hand, he pulled my head towards him. He lifted up his tunic, and I was greeted by a fairly sizable prick that was in need of some attention. "If you want something of me, Roman, you ask. And you ask, nicely!" I spat, pulling back from his member. "I have heard stories that certain travelers are curious about the treasures of Rome. I would offer it to you." He said, his tone was now quite a bit more low key. "I guess that is about as close as I am going to get to being asked." I said, and circled that prick with my hand. I skinned back the foreskin, and placed the crown of his cock on my tongue. He hissed out his pleasure, and I felt his hips drive forward, partially burying his member in my throat. I gaged, once, but got control of myself, and him, by putting my free hand, to his nuts and pulling down. "Behave yourself, centurion. Or, you will lose these." I gave them a soft pull. His prick throbbed, but he nodded.

I circled his nob with my lips, and began fluttering my tongue along the underside of his shaft. He stroked my head. I realized that the rocks and gravel under my knees were not something that I was enjoying. I just hoped that this fucker would find his nut, soon enough. As if he could sense my desire, he bucked into my throat a few times, and then let go with a torrent of cum. Not so much that I couldn't swallow it, but it still seemed just shy of squirting out of my mouth. "Now, I will take you in the grass, citizen." He breathed out. "You will do no such thing!" Came another voice. The guards legs stiffened, and he stepped back. The voice came from behind me, towards the water. When I turned, I could see a bare chested man, up to his waist. He was bearded with a red-gold whiskers. His body was powerful, with slabs of impressive muscles on him. His arms were as thick as my thighs. He put the guards at the Greek side of the bridge, to shame. Handsome, and as rugged as a stone road. "Vinsoro. I - I did not realize..." The centurion said, as he took another two steps away from me. "Get back to your post! And if I hear of you intimidating travelers again, I will see to it that your Commander has you guarding the privy! Now, away with you!" He ordered. The guard fled. I stood up, and looked at the large man in the water. "I did not mean to interrupt your... bath." I said to the man, as I dusted off my knees. He smiled at me, and it was like the sun. "No disruption, traveler. I am Vinsoro, I am the guardian of these parts. Rome... gives me the leeway to manage my own territory." "I thought this was Roman land." I said back to him. He just rolled his eyes. "The law states that the road belongs to Rome. Not the surrounding area." He answered, taking handfuls of water and dumping it over his face. I watched it as it ran down the curves of his chest, to his flat belly. I could only imagine what the true treasures would be just under the surface of the small lake. "Well, I will let you bath in peace." I said, but did not move, just yet. I was hoping to get a glimpse of his cock, or his ass. I saw his eyes close for a moment, and there was that familiar flutter again. "Or, you could join me." He held out his hand. "I think I would rather see you in the sun." I answered back with a big smile. He chuckled softly. "I caution you, traveler. My appearance may startle you." He answered. I just folded my arms over my chest. "I have come to expect the unexpec-" I started to say, but the words died in my throat. As he emerged from the water, more of his body gave way, and I realized that I was looking at an honest to Gods, Centaur. As more of him came out of the drink, I saw that he was large, bigger than any horse that I had been exposed to in the past. He would tower over me should he stand beside me. He held up his hands and spoke in soothing tones. "Do not fear me." He said. When all of him was standing on the bank, I think my mouth fell open. It was amazing to look at him. A true marvel in mechanics. He was, in a word, glorious. "About now, other visitors would be running in terror." He said, with a smile. "But something tells me, you would be hard to frighten." He took a few steps closer to me. I could feel the blood rushing to my face. "Yes, I am hard... to frighten." I said, and caught myself with a nervous laugh. "Come." He said, and I felt him put his huge hand on my shoulder. "Let me feed you." He said. I had to stop for a moment. "Excuse me?" I asked, still a little dumbfounded by his comment. "No doubt your journey has been long. I would give you a meal." He said, with a questioning look. I simply nodded my head.

His step was huge, and I realized that he had to slow down to match my pace. I started trotting beside him, and he then stopped. "Oh, this will not do." He whispered, and the next thing I knew, he had lifted me, and placed me on his back. I just wrapped my arms around his torso, and held onto him, tightly. I felt the move of his muscles beneath my palms, and marveled at them. I wasn't paying too much attention to the place he was taking me, because, frankly, I didn't care. He told me that he was a priest of Poseidon, and that he took care of travelers who might become lost, or who fell pray to the lusty Satyrs that were known to frequent the area. "The Satyrs sound like they could be... fun." I said into his ear, and ran my hands over his nipples. He stumbled a bit. "Careful, traveler. My own appetite is great. And what I offer can be viewed as too much of a fine thing." He said back to me. "I think I could satisfy you, one way or another." I breathed back to him.

We had come to his simple home. It looked to be a hand laid stone building, but large. Without taking me off his back, he opened the door, and I had to duck my head under the frame to keep from getting knocked off. The moment we were inside, he turned his torso, and took me in his arms. My feet had not even touched the ground yet, and I found he had lifted me, and pressed my back against the wall, where he kept me pinned. He moved so that my legs went over his shoulders, and I could feel the kiss of those red-gold whiskers on the inside of my thighs. I pulled at my belt, bag and short blade, until I heard them clattered to the ground. I undid the simple knots at my shoulders, and my tunic became a pile of cloth beside my other possessions. Without missing a beat, he placed my prick in his mouth, and began nursing on it. I just grabbed his head, and ran my fingers through his hair.. He spun me around, and placed me on the table that stood near by, sending crockery and utensils flying. He ran his hands up my torso, over my chest, and began exploring my body. I just yielded to him. "How often do you ravish travelers in your home?" I asked, breathlessly. "Hardly ever." He said, and then inserted my hard cock back into his gullet. He bobbed up and down on me, and I could tell that he wanted my cum in his mouth. But, I wanted to explore him. I wanted to understand him. I very much wanted to see if I could do naughty things to him!

I pulled out of his lips, and stopped him where he was. "Wait. Too much. I will pop soon." I breathlessly said to him as I got to my elbows. He just grinned at me that wonderful rugged smile of his. I hopped down from the table, and went to look at the underside of him. His top was all man, this part was all horse... but his prick looked like it had more of a human flare to it. I breathed a sigh of relief. I reached for that massive bit of flesh, and the moment my fingers touched him, I felt him shudder. "Normally, anyone I have brought here, is too afraid of my..." he said, sheepishly. I wasted no time. I gave the head a solid lick, and was rewarded by a clear bit of `honey' that dripped from his erection. If the brothers put off pearls from their glands, this being produced a long silver strand of it. I ran it along my lips, and over my tongue. I felt him thrust just a touch forward into my hands. I then reached for his lemon-sized balls, and gave them a light stroking with my finger tips. He responded accordingly. Once again, I had to keep myself from giggling.

His prick was massive. It did not have the shield head that I had seen on horses before. But a little more streamline. I was glad because without further examination, I proceeded to insert that beast into my gob. I wanted to see how far down I could take it before I would yield. How many inches of this prick could I effectively dine on, without triggering my near non-existent gag-reflex. I was about half way down, when I realized that I could fit no more in my throat. I slowly backed all those inches out of my mouth, before attempting to go down even further on his flesh. He saw as still as a statue while I did this. No doubt, to keep from hurting me should he get too enthusiastic. I didn't care if he did cause some future problems. I was happy with bobbing up and down on this impressive prick. I wanted to see what else it could do. I began rubbing the shaft with my fingertips, gently, just to tease out of him more sensation. He let out a heavy sigh above me. "I would caution you, traveler. I am about to feed you, and feed you well!" He breathlessly stated. I just nodded my head.

I have always been a cum fanatic. I love it. I love watching it spurt from a hard prick. I love the feel of it on my skin. Up my ass, down my throat, I simply don't care. I am, however, particular to the man at the end of that spurting cock. And as far as I was concerned, this creature fit all the bill. He was masculine, kind, attractive, and he LOVED what I was doing. It was perfect. I felt his legs start to shake, and I doubled my suction on him. His shuddering grew intense, and then he stopped. I felt the first mega-blast of sermon fill my mouth, totally. I tried to swallow, but there was just so much of it pouring out of his monster cock. I felt it start to come up my nasal passage, and had to back off of him. When I did, I aimed his prick at my throat, and felt a blast like it had come from a garden hose. He soaked me with the third spurt. The fourth, fifth, and sixth drenched the lower half of me, and I didn't care. I counted nine blasts from him. He had to have spit out an honest to goodness quart of liquid. I was in love... well, at least for the moment.

"Come, let me clean you up." He said, holding his hand out to me. I took it, and stood up. My cock was still hard, and he reached for it. I just pushed his hands back. "No - no. I want to continue. As soon as you are able." I said, with a leer. "Tom. You know that I can give you anything that you want, physically. But, if you want me to fuck you, it could be... uncomfortable." He said.

I realized in that moment, that I had not given him my name. It didn't matter. "I don't care. I want to know what it feels like to have that thing inside me." I said, and realized that I had now come to a place that I never expected to be. I was about to let some mythical cybernetic creature, fuck the Hell out of me. I was way past my regular comfort zone... and I had only ventured a short way beyond the bridge. How much more extreme could it get?

I got back up on the table, and presented myself to him while on hands and knees. I felt his touch on my head, and he looked at me with tenderness. "No, sweet man. Not here. I would have you come to my sleeping chamber." He helped me down.

Together, we walked over to a curtained wall, and he parted the fabric. I saw a huge plush area, with several blankets and pillows thrown about. It was then that I realized I had no idea how a centaur would sleep. (But then, this one wouldn't need to after all.). He went to the middle of the area, circled, and then lay down on his side. One of his back legs he moved straight out, and I could see his impressive goods. I stretched out beside him, still covered in his sticky goo, but unconcerned about it. "I'm going to roll over on my back somewhat, and when I do, you position yourself between my legs. When you are ready, you can sit down on my cock, and take as much as you can to satisfy your curiosity." He said, and then he did just that. I ran my hands over his belly, and sides until I saw his prick inflate to the fullest extent. I threw my leg over him, and positioned that thing between my ass cheeks. I took a deep breath, and got the head of him inside my hole.

Holy fucking GODS was he thick! It took a moment, just to get the head of that monster inside me. But, I was determined. I sank slowly down an inch or two, until I felt the mother of all pinches. I just moved up a bit, until the pinch quit. I did this a couple more times, and continued to bob up and down on that piece of work. I felt it inside me, deeper than anything I had ever experienced. I could see his face, and he looked content. I watched his eyes shut, and he let out a groan that made me that much harder. I leaned forward, just a bit, and then I felt the touch of that prick against my prostate. Little explosions of light went off in my field of vision. Yeah, that was the spot. I felt him press upwards on his own, and that thrilled me to no end. Up and down, I traveled on that cock. Letting it stretch me out in such a grand way. Feeling the drag of his member as it slid up and back on my chute... I was delirious. I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take, my own dick was so hard, it was throbbing. I gave his shaft one more push, which triggered my own orgasm. I cried out, and sank further onto his member than I had before. I sprayed cum all over his hoses chest. I didn't even have to touch myself. The juice just flew out of me like white ropes. His prick pulsed, and that fire hose sensation triggered again. I could feel his seed spurting out around his prick, and coating my own thighs. I was so lost in my own pleasure, that I had no idea how many times he fired his joy into my guts, but I would have bet all the coins in my bag that I would slosh for the next couple of days.

I pulled off his member, and was shocked to see how much had escaped me. Without a word, Vinsoro walked me out of his home, down to the beach, and into the waves. When we were out a ways from the land, I was able to let go of some of his seed, and let the current take it away.

Cleaned up, considerably, we walked out to the sand that was warmed by the sun. "That was the most incredible experience I have ever had." I said, and leaned up to kiss him. "I am happy that I am the one to give it to you." He said, and ran his hands over me. I loved his touch. But, there was one thing that I wanted to do.

The sun was indeed warm, and perhaps another hour had gone by. He lounged in the heat for awhile. He held me in his arms, and kissed me. More times than not, taking me off my feet. While in the air, I wrapped my legs around his torso, and continued to kiss him. My own cock responded again. "I want you to take me again. This time, while you are on top." I said, and he gave me the kind of look that told me he didn't quite understand. Slowly, he put me down. "I want you to lose control, just a little. I want to feel a bit... frightened by what you can do." He touched my face. "I want to feel how powerful you are." He nodded, and then kissed me again. I thought he would take me to the house, but he didn't. Instead, he pushed me down on the sand. He then covered me with his body, by crouching down. I felt him reach behind himself, and take my ankles in each hand. When he stood up, I came off the ground. My heart did race a bit at this. I then felt that cock of his, hunting around for my hole. I started to accommodate him. "No! I will find what is mine, and take it." He said, gruffly. And then, I felt the kiss of his prick as it found my rectum. Slowly, he pulled me onto his cock. I felt him slide into me. A different angle and position, meant a different sensation. I bit my lip as I felt him traveling deeper into me. Yes, there was a momentary bit of pain. And for just a fleeting second, I wasn't sure if I had made a mistake. But he pulled out of me, almost to the very tip, and then he rammed back into me, causing me to yelp, but just slightly. I felt him grind that lower part of himself against my belly. He once again, lowered himself until I could feel his entire weight against me. Not crushing, but keeping me immobile between the sand and his frame. All the while, grinding into my body with his prick. He must have done this to me for a good ten minutes. He would change his speed. He would pull one of my legs higher than the other, and I would feel him differently as he invaded. But, I did not beg him to stop. Instead, I just waited, for his orgasm to come. My own cock was rubbing against his belly, and it was becoming obvious that I was nearly close to my own cumming. He thrust deep into me, and I swear I could feel his nuts against my ass. When I felt them slapping my skin, it caused me to fire. He grunted twice, and then threw back his head and Howled into the sunset, soaking my innards, once again.

He disengage himself from me, and then scooped me up into his arms. "Is that what you wanted?" He asked. His face very close to my own. I gave him a content smile. "Yes. But, I think I liked the first time, better." I answered. He hugged me close, and we retook the water.

He made a meal for me, and I took refuge in his bed that night. I played with his prick a couple more times. I got bathed in his seed again, but it was brought about by hand-jobs. I simply could not take his cock in my ass again.

When morning came, he fed me apples and honey. He informed me that continuing down the road would lead me to a barter town. I could find all manner of creatures there. And if I was very lucky, I could place an offering at the temple of Poseidon. He draped a simple necklace around my throat, and told me that it would tell all who dwelled in this land, that I was under his protection. I accepted, and stepped outside, for my next grand adventure.

To be continued. Look for Jess Du'Prix on Amazon, for electronic books.

Next: Chapter 3

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