Greek World

By sacred cowboy

Published on Feb 3, 2020


Greek World -Jess Du'Prix

Disclaimer: First and foremost, this is a work of fiction, and I do not wish to infringe on any copyright laws. The main characters are mine, but the setting and the circumstance belong to others. This is Testament of admiration, and intended, at it's core, to be entertaining. Not profitable.

That being stated, please donate to Nifty, so that they can keep the fun rolling out, and the hot times just simmering along.

Part One:

The Senator's Invitation

The hover train glided effortlessly down it's single track. I was amazing that the the only sensation of movement was a slight vibration under my seat. It only flared up a handful of times during the 7 hour trip.

"Can I get you something from the bar?" A beautiful blond woman smiled at me. She was, in a sense, perfection. Skin that was absolutely flawless. Her eyes were a shade of lavender that seemed to just sparkle. Her figure was amazing, and when I had watched her move between the other guests, it was poetry.

"Yes, a vodka tonic." I answered. She gave me a polite smile and a nod, and stepped away from my seat. She had no name badge, because, quite frankly, she had no name. Probably a model number, and that would be it. She was a synthetic host. One of several that were tending to the passengers as we made our way to the park.

The Park. A destination for the very rich and the very bored. But I was neither. My ticket for seven days to this... experience, was purchased for me by my company. I had entered an internal contest several months ago, and produced the slogan that would be the next great catch-phrase: Geo-Fund: We're the `Company you Keep.' Besides a healthy promotion, and a jump in pay, I was given this holiday. An all expense week of fun, with no moral compass to get in the way. The only draw back, was that I was traveling with a woman from my own organization. Stella Price was sent as well. She had convinced me to take a week in the Western themed area. I had allowed her to talk me into joining her. But, I was not interested in gun slingers and cowboys. I wanted something else. Still, she was one of the founders of the company. And it was an unspoken rule that what she wanted, she got. She sat across from me, and absently thumbed through her fourth fashion magazine.

"Careful Tom, you don't want to fall in love too early in this trip." She teased, regarding the hostess that had delivered my drink, and walked away.

"Oh, not my cup of tea, for sure." I answered. It was well known throughout the branch that I worked in, that my taste were geared more to the masculine. However, Stella was of the belief that a `good woman' could set me straight.

The scenery that flew by the window at a dizzying speed, shifted. We were in a tunnel, and I could feel that the train was starting to decelerate. A pleasant voice came over then intercom.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are approaching our first stop. Greek World. For those of you that will be disembarking, we hope that your trip was pleasant. Enjoy your stay, and we look forward to serving you, soon." I just nodded.

Outside the car, I could see the huge screens that lined the tunnel, and could make out an advertisement for the many worlds The Park could produce. Old West, Safari, Raja, Magical, and various decades of American history. I stood up to stretch my legs, but Stella had set her seat back, and covered her face with her magazine.

"Our stop is last on the line." She said, sleepily. No doubt the Whiskey that she had been enjoying had caught up to her. Still, I walked around the large car. I marveled at the interior, and the clean lines, of the decor, as well as the fit and finish of the accommodations. Beside me, a door silently slid open, and I could smell something in the airflow that drifted into this cabin. It was sweet, spicy, and held the promise of adventure. Surely, a step onto the platform would be acceptable, I thought to myself, as I walked through the opening.

Several hosts stood by, waiting for guests. Dressed I. White, they all looked as if they had stepped out of a Grecian Temple. Some took hands, and others embraced warmly, as if they were greeted by old friends. One of the men that stood by, was a tall, well built bruiser, with a dark tan. His toga draped over a shoulder, exposing a pec and a perfect nipple. His face was dangerously handsome, and when he smiled at me, I actually felt a flutter in my stomach.

"Welcome, Tom. We have everything prepared for you." He said, and held out a strong hand to me. I glanced back at the train. Sure

Y there was a mistake. My reservation was at some boarding house set in the 1800's. Should I just get back on the car, and retake my seat? After all, the West was waiting for me.

"I'm not supposed to be in Greek World." I said, and was about to flee, when something stopped me. I watched the door to the train close, and just as quickly, it disappeared down the tunnel. I just turned to the strange man, with the eyes that were the color of new leaves.

"We've prepared everything for you, Tom. Don't worry. This is exactly where you are supposed to be." I looked nervously around me, afraid that others might see me take his hand. But the smile on his face was as warm as noon-day sun. I reached back for him, and our fingers intertwined. His touch was warm. His skin was rough, like a man who was used to physical work. He pulled me close to him, and I felt his arm go around my waist. I was off center, with this display. But somehow, I knew this was... perfect.

"Relax, Tom. You've nothing to fear from me." He said, warmly. He was moving us towards an escalator, and I realized we were the last on the train station.

"But my bags are on board." I started to say, when I felt him place his palm on my chest.

"Not to worry. They are already unloaded." He said. "But first, we must get you ready for your time in Ancient Greece." There was a small chuckle in his tone, and we took the moving stairs.

I was studying him, profoundly, as we walked. He was barefoot, which I liked. Not that I enjoy feet in a sexual manner. I simply like seeing people... with as little on as possible.

"Do you..." I started to say, and he smiled again. I could see that his face was slightly scared. Almost like a bit of an acne problem when he was a child, or something. He also had a small thin line that led from his cheekbone to the base of his jaw. His hair was cut short, closely cropped and he had just a trace of hair on his forearms. I leaned in for a fraction of a moment, and inhaled. I could actually smell something on him. Olive oil... rosemary. Something that made my nostrils rejoice. That jaw of his... I wanted so badly to touch it with fingers. Maybe to feel the brush of his slight whiskers against my own cheek. I shuddered a moment.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Do you have a... name?" I had the hardest time spitting that out, being so distracted.

"Yes. Of course. I am Calix." He answered. He guided me into a large room, with white tiled floors, and impressive lighting. There were dark wooden panels on the walls, that held the local costumes. This, was a prep area. For a guest to dress the part.

"I have... so many questions." I said, nervously. He simply leaned forward, and touched the back of my neck and looked me in the eyes.

"All of our guests do, the first time they arrive. That is normal." He responded, and then ran his hands over my shoulders, and to my chest. "We have carefuly studied your profile, and determined exactly what you would need, to make you feel at home, and to provide you with an experience unlike any other." He slowly began to undo my shirt. I knew that I was starting to blush a little, and he gave me just a trace of his crooked smile.

"I believe it." I said, and allowed him to remove my top garment. "Your name, means handsome. And you look surprisingly like my college wrestling coach." He ran his warm hands over my shoulders, and looked me in the eyes.

"Telious Industries determined that your rate of pleasure could be sustained at 96.2% But I believe we can get that number just a bit higher." He said. I reached out, and touched him back. I placed my hand on that perfect pec of his, and instantly withdrew from him. He grabbed my wrist. "Yes, you feel a heart beat." He said, and then placed my fingers at his temple, and then at his neck. "A pulse as well." He then placed my fingers in his mouth, and sucked them for just a moment. I could feel a tongue, and... saliva. "We were created to give you, the most convincing experience that you could ever desire." He traced his own chest with my fingers, and went down to his own groin. I felt a rather impressive cock under the tunic. I did pull my hand back a bit. I wasn't certain if I was ready for this. "If I am stabbed, it will look like I am bleeding. And when I fuck, I can cum." He stated. "I am here for you." Calix said with just a touch of a leer. I just gave him a hard look back.

"You are, perfect. Exactly the kind of man, that I would want to ravish me within an inch of my life." I retook his fingers, and he leaned in to kiss me, but I moved my head, just a bit. "You are very good at putting things together. But let me have a go at this." He seemed amused.

"By all means." He said back.

"Your hands are rough, so you do menial labor, or, you are intended to look like you work with your hands." He nodded. "You do not strike me as someone who normally serves guests. What is your primary role here in the park?" I asked him.

"Normally, I would fight in the pits, in armed combat." He said, taking my wrist, and moving my arms until they were open. "But your profile said that you would not respond to someone who was overtly attractive." He released me, and then placed his fingers on either side of my hips, drawing me to him. "You are a man, who values the form and function of powerful men. You appreciate it. Crave it. You desire to be be admired by men like me." He said, briskly, and my own pulse and heart rate went up. "You are not sure if you could couple with someone like us. So you play a little game with yourself to convince your own ego, that you have no choice. You desire to be taken. And taken, hard." And he pulled me, into a kiss. A kiss that I did not think I would experience. One that caused lightning to shoot up my spine, and settle in my cock. I couldn't help it. I kissed him back.

"Wait - what if... someone sees?" I asked, breathless, feeling his hands fumble with my belt.

"What if they do?" He nearly breathed into my mouth. His tunic dropped, and one of the most perfect specimens I had ever seen, stood before me. He was taller than I, by a handful of inches. He was lean, with the most exquisite amount of muscle over his frame. His cock, was a work of art. Thick, uncut, and standing at attention, with the kind of curve in it that told me he would be able to make me hit all the high notes.

"I want to suck you." I said, removing my mouth from his, and running my hands along the hot skin of his back. He looked me in the eyes.

"No. You want me to FUCK you!" He countered, and spun me around after kicking my discarded clothing away from us.

I felt him press me up against the cool glass that held the ancient swords, and belts of the time frame. I could feel his strong arms along my thighs, and his feet between mine, as he pushed them apart. His `weapon' was pressed against my cleft, and he stroked himself using the cheeks of my ass. His own hands found my cock, and he slowly encircled my member with that rough hand. That warriors hand. I felt his teeth on my neck, and then his lips. Slowly, he kissed upwards until I felt his tongue in my ear. He then bit gently at my lobe, causing me to shudder under him.

"Tell me that you want it." He breathed. I just nodded. He squeezed my prick, roughly. "Tell me!" He demanded.

"I want you." I whispered back.

"You want me... to what?" There was the devil in his voice, and it thrilled me.

"I want... I want you to fuck me." I said. As the words came out of my mouth, I felt him push forward, and his cock began to part my flesh. I hissed out a moment, letting him know that his massive member needed to go in, slowly. But at this point, I don't think he cared. In tiny increments, he invaded my body, until I felt his thighs against mine. His other hand found the top of my hair, and he took a handful of of it, as he sank into me, letting out a content sigh. I found my self grinding into his hand. He continued to pump my prick, and I was surprised that my own foreskin did not require lube. His cock was already slick from a source that must have come from something within his own construction.

He moved his hips, and I felt the slick slide of his uncut cock as it glided in and out of my ass. That curve! That evil twist of his flesh was finding spots inside me, that made stars explode in my vision. He was so in tune with my own body, that he would flex in one direction, and I would just feel full. In another, my knees would shake. It was as if he was learning my body. He gave me a handful of hard thrust, and then just as many slow, easy strokes. My own dick was leaking a stream under his careful manipulations. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. His soft grunts.

"How do you want to cum, Tom?" He asked, breathlessly, and I could feel that he was building up quite a layer of sweat.

"Kissing me." I answered back. He straightened up, withdrew that massive prick of his and spun me around. His arms went around me, as his mouth found mine. I was lost in that kiss...

Calix was a machine. He was a collection of parts, held together by programming. That was all that he was. I was being fucked by a self-sustaining dildo. But... it was just... so good! I couldn't help myself. I surrendered to his routine. I didn't care if he could make toast in his chest, he was touching parts of my body that had been ignored for so long. And, he was about to make me cum, without touching myself.

He ran his hands along my back, over my ass, until he was at the top of my thighs. Pressing hard against me, I found myself pulled off the ground. He was strong. And he lifted me up without a thought. Without breaking the kiss, he got my legs over his shoulders, and reinserted his dick into my ass. I slid all the way down onto his pole. I was now getting that curve from another perspective, and my body responded. I trashed a bit, but he still held me soundly, not allowing me to move, or fall out of his reach. My legs began to twitch, and I felt this unusual heat somewhere in the base of my torso. I realized that I was moments away from an orgasm. But, the kiss he was delivering to me, never wavered. He stuck his tongue into my mouth, and I welcomed it, as much as his other member.

I took a deep breath in, and held it. Unsure of what the sensation was, but it was starting somewhere in my spin, and spinning out to my other extremities. The moment that sensation hit my balls, I cried out louder than I ever have before. My body spasmed, and I felt the push of cum as it was firing out of my own joint. Five, or six blasts, and my vision started to go dark. He doubled his efforts, and the last of my orgasm was spent in his savage embrace. He pushed all the way into me, cried out a sound of ultimate pleasure, and I felt his seed rushing into me. A lot of it. I had never experienced this kind of blast, from anyone before. He shuddered a few more moments, and then he gently let me down. He did not remove his hands from me until he was certain I was stable. I gave him a strange look, for sure. Somewhat guilty, mixed with surprise.

"How do you feel, Tom?" He asked, his tone pleasant, and not the ruffian he had just been. I smiled, laughed a little nervously.

"I'm stuffed." I said. I discovered that my reservations, my embarrassment and vulnerability had started to melt away. Calix touched one of the dark panels, and a door slid into the floor. Through it was a washroom, with a sizable shower. He escorted me in, and we proceeded to erase my initiation into the park.

I chose a a simple tunic, with a silver belt, and a small short sword and bag. Strap sandals adorned my feet. I was pleased to see that underwear was not normally worn, and I continued with the age old style. When both of us were dressed, Calix finished up the final parts of my attire, and put his hands around my waist.

"The village is quite simple. There is a lot of entertainment to be had. You simply ask, and it will be provided." He said. "The farther you move from the city center, the more... extreme your experiences will become."

"Will you be going back to the fighting pits?" I asked. He nodded, and gave me a slight smile.

"I will be there this evening, for there are Celts about, and they are fierce warriors. I believe the spectacle will be impressive. Would you... come see me in the games?" He asked, almost hopefully.

"Oh, Calix. I couldn't." I answered, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"They are not for the faint of heart, I assure you." He said.

"It's not that. I don't think I could stand watching you be... injured." I answered. He regarded me for a very long moment. He then did something that caused me to wondered if there was a glitch in his programming. He blinked a handful of times in quick succession. When he realized that I was studying him, he leaned in and kissed me again. It was not like before. This one, was oddly... tender.

He indicated that I should go through the door at the end of the prepping area, which I did. I turned, one last time, to see the man of my dreams, swallowed by darkness.

The next room was a true marvel. When the small wooden door opened, I was greeted with bright sunlight and sea air. When I closed the portal behind me, I was not aware that it had faded into the paneling of a small room. I was on board a ship! The rocking of the deck told me somehow, I was not just 150 yards away from a train platform, but was actually on a sailing vessel, now approaching a small dock. I was standing with a number of people, and judging from the bits of conversation I heard, they were guests as well.

"I understand that to be invited to the Senator's Mansion, is the highest honor." One woman said to he male companion. "I've been coming here for a few years, and never get invited." She added, forlornly.

"Maybe you should flash him your tits." Said her companion, while taking her hand, and kissing it. I just moved away from their conversation.

The island nation was impressive. A series of cliffs, that held snow white dwellings that looked over a sea that was of a shade of blue I had not seen before. The roads that lead upwards, were cobbled. There were many trades-people walking with baskets of various goods. Carts tended by beautiful people that held wine and various drinks to have. It was looking a little too old world, and I wondered how people would adapt without their creature comforts. Cell phones were banned from the park, so photographs, and the net, were strictly not allowed. I was still pondering this, when I saw the large crowd forming. Not knowing where to go, or what to do, I decided to investigate.

It was a slave auction. I found it to be... distasteful, in the extreme, to purchase flesh like this. But then, chances were that the ones being sold, were programmed to be. It was part of this culture, this immersion. I decided to watch.

There were a few people who stood in chains. Mostly women. Naked. Looking somehow tragic and alluring at the same time. I saw guests checking their own purses, and I could hear the sound of coins being shuffled. No doubt, a guest would procure a little company for the evening. I was about to move away, to try to find where my lodgings were to be for the evening, when I noticed a striking man, standing on the auction block.

He was a lot like Calix, in his strength and his build. His chest was huge, his abs were well defined, and his cock looked like a weekend of fun. He sneered at the audience, then spit. Defiant. He wore his hair long, with braids at the temple. A small facial tattoo graced his cheek and brow. He did not look like a standard Greek citizen. So, I stopped, and enjoyed the view.

"And what am I bid for this fine specimen of man flesh?" The little fat auctioneer asked the audience, as he held the chain that was attached to the man's neck. The audience was strangely silent. It was at that moment that the long haired bruit jerked his body, getting the chain out of the sellers hand. Though the captive had his hands secured behind him by shackles, he was still making a break for it.

"Watch this." The same woman from the boat said. "The guards will catch him, and skewer him with their spears." She said, with glee in her voice. I was appalled.

The captive kicked a guard, knocking him backwards, he then jumped off the main staging area, and almost ran right into me. The Protectorate were on him, almost instantly. One of the armored warriors delivered a punch to the captive's jaw, spinning him around, and knocking him to his knees. Another guard came up, with his spear, about to run the man through. I stepped up.

"Hold it!" I shouted at the armed man. "Do NOT harm him!" I said. The patrolman stayed his hand, and I was greeted with a few cat calls from the rest of the audience. They wanted to see the man die. I, however, did not. "How much was the first bid for this man?" I demanded of the auctioneer. He just regarded me for a few moments.

"Five brass coins." He answered after I snapped my fingers at him. I went to my the bag at my belt, and found that it was loaded with currency. Thank you, Calix, for seeing to this. I withdrew a single gold coin, and pitched it to the seller. "Now, give me the key that will unshackle him." I demanded. A key was passed to me, and I helped the long haired warrior to his feet. When he turned his back to me, I caught sight of his perfect ass. A part of me wanted to just take the man with me, find a room, and then spend the next hour exploring him. But, this was a scenario that had played out every day since this narrative came to pass. Tomorrow, as part of the ongoing show, he would die by a spear. But... not today. When his shackles were removed, he turned and gave me the hardest of looks.

"I suppose you want to bed me now?" He said, with a scoff and a sneer.

"In all that is true, I would enjoy it." I said, as I opened my bag again. "But I do not take from people, what they will not give, freely." I answered. I pulled out five coins. "Find clothing for yourself." I said. I gave him another two coins. "Find a meal, or a bath, or... whatever you would like." I pressed the money into his large hands. He sighed heavily.

"Yes, master." He responded. I glanced at him, trying to read the emotions he was delivering to me.

"No. I am not your master. I give you your freedom." I said. His look just softened, almost becoming the polar opposite of how he had regarded me just moments before.

"Why would you do this? Setting me free?" He asked. "Why would you lift a hand to see me spared?"

"Because no man deserves to die in chains." I answered. "All that I ask, is tell me your name."

"I am Anders." He said, with a small smile. And he turned, and began walking away from me... in all his naked glory.

"Well done, sir!" I heard a voice call out to me. When I turned, a middle aged man was striding up to me. He was flanked by guards. He was dressed in robes that looked a little too warm for the season. He actually wore a laurel in his hair. He continued to approach. "That was the most interesting display I have witnessed in many days." He took my hand and shook it with both of his. "You are new here to the island?" He asked.

"Yes. I've only just arrived. Perhaps you could point me in the right direction to where I might find a place to stay?" I said, and continued to hold his hands.

"Oh dear boy, you simply must stay at my estate! It would be an honor to have one so noble, walk my humble halls." He said. "I am the Senator." He said, and finally released me. "Come. Let me show you." He indicated that I should walk with him. When I passed the crowd, I saw the lady from the boat. She looked at me with absolute disgust. I simply smiled at her, and left her behind.

The Senator's had one of those Greek names that left my memory as soon as it left his lips. But, he was used to it, no doubt, as he instructed me to simply refer to him by his title. It seemed appropriate to do just that. He was a fine man, but I got very little from him, sexually. I would have thought him to be a fop, for sure, but he watched various women as they walked by. No doubt, taking note of their breasts, or ass. He never said a word about them, but his eyes told his story as sure as I walked beside him. We chatted about the local region, and Rome's influence. How negotiations with the surrounding Provences had broken down almost instantly, and how they hoped that a good man could unite the land. I tried to stay `in character' as much as possible.

His palace was, in fact, a sprawling abode. Immense, with gardens, and servants galore. We walked through the front doors, and I marveled at the abundance of marble, and polished stone. It was amazing to look at. If my luck held, I would spend my week not far from this place, living like royalty.

"And what was YOUR name, my fine free-man?" He asked. I answered, without thinking. I should have chosen a Greek name, to fit in. But, I stated what my parents had christened me, and received the oddest look. "Tom? My boy, you do not look like you come from Britain. You are... far too civilized to have come from barbarian stock." He said with a scoff and a laugh. "I would guess that you were the son of a traveler, and your father had... shall we say, a rather... interesting sense of humor." I just nodded at his assessment.

The Senator presented me to one of his servants. A handsome young man, who wore very little. He looked to be about 20, with a slender build, and a shock of dark brown hair. He looked like a youth who might play a harp, and his image belonged on a beautiful urn. He escorted me down several hallways, and I passed many doors. Behind those doors was the sounds of physical activity going on. Very noticeable. I just smiled at the young man, who walked me to my own door. He opened the portal, and I looked in at one of the finest rooms I had ever seen. White marble, was the dominant feature. A low wall separated the inside from the out, and I saw a small private bath there. The bed was unusually large, and covered in silk and linen. I just stared at the place, wondering if I could ever get used to such opulence. When I turned to my guide, he had already removed his simple loin-cloth, and was lounging on my bed. He held his hand out to me.

"No, sweet one. You are not for me." I said, as I picked up his discarded garment, and handed it to him. He genuinely looked stricken that I would turn him down.

"Have I offended you?" He implored. I simply shook my head.

"No, your sin as that you are too young." I said, as he stepped back into his meager clothing. But, before he could flee, I simply took his face in my hands. "You have done nothing wrong, sweet boy. I simply regard your beauty as something that is pure, and unspoiled." I would have reminded him that he would grow into someone I would find attractive, but he would forever be in this stage. Always a lovely youth . But as far as I was concerned, he was but scenery.

I wandered through the palace, as at no time, was I forbidden to explore. I found what must have been several parties going on. And they were in various stages. One large room held a collection of people, conversing, dining, and drinking. Lounging about on cushions, with beautiful people draped everywhere like exquisite furniture. Further to the west, I wandered into a full on orgy. I watched for a few moments, declining the hands that reached out to me, as I felt no desire to take part. I continued on.

I took a small meal from that one of the many servants that stood by, waiting. Simple roast fowl, with a handful of local vegetables. It was meager, but well spiced, and I found the food to be surprisingly sumptuous. I had retired to my room, not having found anything that I took to be particularly interesting. Once I had retaken my chamber, I discovered that my bags had arrived. When looking though them, I found my toiletries, but my clothing had been replaced with garb that would fit in. I just smiled at this. I unbuckled my belt, and sandals, and removed my own toga. Naked had always felt good to me. And standing in a room that was open, was a treat that I rarely afforded myself back home. I moved over to the private pool, and tested the water with a toe. It was perfect. I slid in, neatly, and floated in the water for a moment. I did not realize that servants had come into my room, and lit the lamps for me. When I came up for a breath of air, I spotted the young man who brought me here, lighting the oil containers around the small garden. He just gave me a sweet smile, before he left. I just put my arms over the lip of the pool, leaned back, and stared up at the stars. How lucky had I been this day? I had been royally fucked by a walking stud, before I had even picked out my clothing. I had garnered an invitation to the Senator's home. And when the sun rose, I would start my adventure. What did Calix state to me? That the farther away from this community, the more extreme my experience would become. I wondered what he had meant by such a thing? Would it be dangerous? Would these experience eclipse what I had already partaken in today? I remembered that there was some kind of pleasure index that Calix had quoted. Did the company really have that kind of data on each guest? And what was the story with the mechanical fuck machine who initiated my ass to the park? Was he supposed to look like my old coach? Or, was that just a very lucky coincidence? What kind of mischief could I find when the sun rose? Would I discover satyrs in the woods? My prick kind of stirred at the thought. I couldn't wait to pleasure myself in that huge bed... to feel the kiss of those sheets against my skin...

I felt strong hands on my shoulders. Instantly, I started, but the hands were powerful, and kept me from splashing away. When I looked up, I saw a familiar face.

"Anders?" I asked, seeing the face above me, and catching, for the first time, a warm smile from him.

"Yes." He said. "I am sorry if I frightened you." He said, and let me go. I turned around, and saw him dressed like a local. He was freshly cleaned. His wrists shown no signs of the shackles he had worn just a few hours before.

"I-I'm delighted to see you." I said, and he stood up. "How did you get in here?" I asked. He simply pointed at the wall. It was low enough to easily come over, but he had to travers a rather treacherous cliff to get to it. The sea below was beautiful and just as dangerous. "Why are you here?" I asked, not sure if I was comfortable being `the naked one.' I just stood at the shallow part of the pool, and regarded him.

"I came to thank you." He said, calmly. "I wanted you to know that I was grateful for what you did today." I regarded him for a long moment. He was a machine. An automation. Yet, I couldn't help but marvel at him. I wanted to ask him programming questions. Like, what kind of functions do you usually take part in? Did he have a loop for behavior? But, it was against the game. He would not respond outside of his character. And at the moment, he was a grateful former slave.

"I freed you, because it was the right thing to do. I don't believe that... anyone should live under the yoke of others." He simply walked around the small pool. He reached for the small knot at his shoulder, and dropped his own toga. Once again, I was treated to the sight of him. The definition of his body made me catch my breath. He was built differently than Calix, but just as noteworthy. He was smooth, having very little hair on him, other than his impressive lion's mane. His pubes were light, possibly even trimmed back. His prick had to have been 8 inches soft. If it swelled larger than that, I would be in for a rough ride, for sure.

"No man should live under the oppression of another. You sound very... Greek. But, I recognize you as one of my own countryman." He said, and dropped neatly into the pool. I wasn't sure if I was ready for this, so I backed up to the very edge. I was now standing in the shallowest part of the water. He flowed to me, as if he were actually a water nymph. I wasn't sure if I wanted this action. This experience. And then I realized that it was part of this elaborate game. Yes, I could send him away, just like I did my little `bell-hop' that had brought me to this room. But why? Why would I do such a thing? What would it accomplish? I was alone. He was here for my entertainment. I could quietly explore every inch of him. And in the morning, he would leave me, and go back to wherever his kind were housed... that seemed sad to me. His hand on my hip brought me out of my questioning dialog with myself. His touch was warm, gentle. He looked into my eyes, and I'll be deviled if I didn't see something beyond those artificial irises. There was a spark in him. Something... magical. Something... alive. He pressed his skin up against mine, and I could feel that his prick was still soft, but thickening. Anders leaned forward, gently tasting my lips, and then he would pull back, to look at my expression. He'd grin like a satyr, and then come in for a harder kiss. I felt his prick throb against my thigh, and it was becoming the kind of member that I would dream about. I hopped up on the edge of pool, and presented my own prick to him. He looked at me with a leer, and encircled my cock with his hard palm, before slowly licking up the shaft. He did this a handful of times, until I was as hard as the the marble that surrounded us. I watched as my shaft disappeared past his lips, and he never stopped looking into my eyes. I ran my fingers through his long hair, and he gave me a satisfied grunt when I did this. I wanted to taste him as well. I wanted him on my bed and in my mouth. I pulled away from him.

"Come on. I want to have some fun away from the water." I took him by the hand, and helped him out of the small pool. We padded inside, and I just pointed at him to lie down. He went into the spot I wanted him to, just with his head hanging slightly off. I positioned my cock over his mouth, and sank back down into that luscious furnace of a mouth. I saw that his prick had gone past the nine inch mark, and the foreskin that protected the head, was only slightly pulled back. I wanted to feel that prick against my cheek, and on my lips. I wanted to feel his seed as it shot into my mouth. I couldn't wait. I slowly lowered myself, until we were both plugged into each other. I took his prick, and marveled at it's thickness. My fingers could barely touch as I encircled his girth. I pulled back his foreskin, and discovered a perfect clear pearl on the end of his tip. I lick brought it into my mouth, and I was pleased that it was slightly salty, and so very slick. I put the gland in my mouth, and slowly started my descent onto his flesh. His member was so hard, it could have used as a deadly weapon. He continued to slowly nurse on me, and the feeling was beginning to build in my thighs. I wanted this to last, so I tried focusing on other things. Like, how could he taste so good to me? Why was my head swimming as such. This was one step away from jacking off with a sleeve. Yet, I couldn't help myself. I wanted to giggle. To laugh. To drive his dick down my throat. And that was what I did. I inhaled that prick, almost to the base. And with my other hand, I managed to get a finger into his ass. He bucked against me once, than twice... the next thing I felt, was the spurting of his prick! There was just so much cum rushing out, that I was in fear of choking. HE continued to thrash against me, and I hung onto him, not releasing him with my mouth. He must have fired off 10 long spurts, before his orgasm subsided. I was not as close as I thought, so I was afraid that the encounter had reached it's conclusion. But I realized that he was not removing me from his gullet. He continued to apply enough suction, to make it interesting. I regarded his cock, and noticed that there was no reduction in how rigid he was. I skinned back the foreskin, and looked at the gland. Another pearl was forming. Clearly, he was not done. I put him back into my mouth, and decided that I would see if I could coax out of him another few bolts. His tongue was on the base of my shaft... and I felt it start to lap at my ass hole. I then felt another set of hands griping my ass cheeks, and pulling them apart. A whispered face was between them, and an insanely long tongue was beginning to burrow into me, all the while, I was still getting my prick serviced.

I came off the cock, but both sets of hands kept me in place. Their grip was insistent, and kept me from coming off the bed. I did look over my shoulder, and found something truly amazing. Anders had a twin.

"What the fuck?" I breathed out.

"Easy, Tom. This is my brother, Bryal." Anders said after he spit out my prick. "The money you gave me today, allowed me to free him, as well. We thought we would show you... our appreciation." They did let me up, and I flipped over onto my back. Bryal gave Anders his hand and they both stood up so that I could see them. They were carbon copies of each other, but Bryal had no tattoo. They regarded each other for a moment, and then they took each other in their arms, and shared a rather passionate, unbrotherly kiss." Once again, Ander's cock reached it's full potential, and his brother's was just as impressive. They broke their kiss, and then joined me on the bed.

While Bryal and I engaged in a little oral action on each other, Anders had taken to eating my ass as well. His tongue, like his brothers, seemed to bore into me deeper than I had ever expected. He was hot, wet, and I found that waves of pleasure had started to emanate from the very core of me. I wasn't sure how long I would last with such an assault going. Anders disengaged himself from my back side, after a few more intense minutes. I felt his hands on my hips, and he started grinding that powerful member along my skin. I could feel the shaft of his prick as it slide along my slick ass hole, and once again, I saw little explosions of light, despite my eyes being closed. I could feel my heart starting to race at the anticipation of the invasion that was about to come. I just focused on the beautiful cock that was between my lips, and tried to take it even deeper. Bryal was already to the base of my cock, and what his tongue was doing to the shaft of my prick, should have been outlawed.

I felt the tip of his prick, pressing against my opening. He teased that little rose bud of mine, until I was almost begging for it. I heard his soft little chuckle, and the kiss of his lips against the spot between my shoulder blades. Gently, he started to enter into me. Slowly, and by fractions. Normally, the first assault into my body, would have required a couple of tries. But, not this time. It was as if he could read my body, and knew how much it would endure. As if my pleasure was the focus of him. His own joy was secondary. For the briefest moment, I wondered if these creatures did feel pleasure? Was it something they could engage in? Was there something in their programming that would allow them some kind of sexual release, or was everything they did, just a response? I didn't know. But when I put a hand on Bryal's chest, and traced his nipple, he thrust his cock deeper into my mouth, and made the appropriate sound of a man who had just gotten a jolt of pure pleasure. At that point, Anders had finished his descent into my body, and I felt him pull me up tight against his thighs. He leaned forward, once again, kissing my shoulders, and then the back of my neck. He pulled back from me, and I swear I could feel every inch of him as it passed over my skin. He moved slowly forward, and there was that invasion feeling all over again. I almost bit Bryal, but stopped myself. Instead, I just moaned, loudly. If anyone passed my door at that moment, they would have heard me making the same sounds I had witnessed just a few hours ago.

Anders continued to grind into me, and I still would not relinquish my mouth hold on his brother. I even gripped his prick with my fish, and pumped that foreskin back and forth, as I frantically licked his own gland. I was close. I did not realize that I was almost to my popping point. But before I found my own joy in this encounter, I wanted to feel there's. I wanted that cum from them. Hot, and prominent. As if they could sense this, I pulled back from Bryal, and continued to pump his prick, but kept my tongue on the corona of his gland. He thrashed below me, and his hips shop up. He fired his cum directly into my mouth. When he jerked slightly, a blast of his caught my face, and I was treated to the best facial I had ever experienced. A pity that there was no camera on me, as the eight or nine blast he blew, splattered against my cheeks, forehead, and mouth. I could not have been happier.

A few moments later, Anders began to grunt in a very familiar way. His thrust grew much more powerful. More determined, that he would plant his seed deep into my body. He continued to thrash on top of me, and I realized that his body was moving at a slightly different angle. When he did that, I caught my breath. He had clipped my prostrate, absolutely on point. He buried his bone deep, and then cried out himself. When his seed began to fire... so did mine. I had just touched my own prick, and I was blasting all over Bryal's face, as he had withdrawn my cock from his mouth, and was watching his brother fire into me, as I exploded all over his chest.

The three of us collapsed onto the bed, a sticky and sweating mess.

"Can you both stay with me tonight?" I asked, feeling Bryal nuzzle my neck, as his brother kissed my cheek.

"Of course." He said, sweetly, and I reached up to pull his lips to mine.

I must have dozed off. But when I awoke, I was treated to the sight of the two brothers, going down on each other. Despite the load I had plastered all over Bryal's chest, I instantly started sporting again. Anders, who was underneath, withdrew the prick from his mouth, and regarded me.

"Are you awake?" He asked, with a wicked smile. I just manipulated my own member, until it was hard again.

"Oh, very much so." I answered. He patted his brother on the side, who disengaged himself, the two then crawled over the bed, and both took me in their arms. Anders was in front of me, and his twin was behind. I wrapped my arms around Ander's waist, and pressed my cock up against his perfect ass. Bryal pressed his cock against my freshly fucked butt hole, as well. Anders reached down, and I felt him slide my member into him. I sank into that flesh, and I swear my nuts started singing. It was a feeling unlike any other I had had with any human. I kissed Ander's shoulder, and slowly began to grind into him. Bryal moved forward, and I felt him plug my own hole.

Together, we rocked back and forth. I took ahold of Ander's cock, and began to jack him with each thrust.

"By the Gods!" He breathed, and started to pant. "You are most assuredly, part Satyr!" He said, and threw his head back onto my shoulder and sighed. I swear, Bryal's cock felt as if it were getting thicker... almost to the point of becoming just a touch uncomfortable. I reached behind me, and felt the base of his dick, and realized that my fingers could not touch. His prick had actually gotten larger! I didn't care. I was enjoying the ride he was giving me.

The boys reached their point first. Anders firing off his impressive blasts all over the side of the bed... and then his brother followed suit. I was not far behind the two, letting loose with a modest volley into the Celt, while his siblings seed coated my own hole and balls. It was just as powerful as the one before.

Both of the brothers fucked me again, and I even was treated to watching Anders drop a load into his siblings ass hole, while I was blowing him. I was not able to fire again, as four times was my absolute limit.

When the sun started to come up, we finally stopped this physical madness.

"Will you be here when I rise? I asked Anders as he stoked my face, tenderly.

"Why would you want me here when there is a whole world for you to explore?" He asked, gently.

"The thought of you back at the slave auction just fills me with such... horror. I want you safe." I answered. He gave me that quick double blink that Cali did, before we parted. I just rested on his chest.

But, I knew he was right. There was more of an adventure to be had. I was, after all, only in the first day of my week. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next!

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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