Greek Surrender

By paul green

Published on Mar 24, 2001



Greek Surrender

DISCLAIMER: This story is completely fiction apart form it's "frame", consisting of the two characters, the time and the location it is set in. It's about a guy who's been inhabiting my sexual fantasies since I first met him. As far as I know he is perfectly straight unfortunately, and nothing of the following happened in reality. But our dreams (especially the wet ones!) are free and there's nothing that can stop me from enjoying what could have taken place, if .!

You should be of legal age and without any other objections to read the following because of it's graphic descriptions of male to male sex.

All character's names were changed. Remember that this is FICTION and so they don't have to use condoms - YOU should ALWAYS practice save sex!!

When he smiled my whole world came to a halt - a little shy boy in a men's body but apparently pretty much aware of his potentials. Dimitrios was just gorgeous - dark eyes half hidden by long black leashes on each side of a slightly curved nose above full lips. Always a one day's growth of black stubble spread over his manly jaws, topped by wavy black curls, which he used to keep out of his face by a baseball cap, a bandanna or a hat. At about 6.0feet he was of masculine edgy built, a bit to the skinny side but with broad shoulders and a nice set of "soccer player's legs". His butt was a bit skinny too, as far as I could make out through his jeans or shorts but I didn't mind at all. To get my hands on this cute guy would be an dream come true - worth a sin ore two!

We met on my first day in the kitchen of our student house during my time in Edinburgh and despite his initially grumpy behaviour we had a quite nice chat about the "wheres" and "whys" in our lifes.

He turned out to be a postgraduate student in politics from Greece, 25 years of age and in Scotland for several years. I'm a medical student form Germany, same age but in Edinburgh only for an eight weeks elective during my final year. His Greek accent was so cute - all the soft "s'" and "ths" let my horny mind wonder, what else this skilled tongue would be able to do? I was quite tempted to test him for my chances there and then but didn't really fancy to out myself to this sexy stud without any clue about his background.

During the following week we met occasionally and I observed Mr. Hottie, searching for signs of his attitude towards me or his own gender in general. Apart from a few winks while talking to me (I saw him doing this to both girls and guys) there was nothing suggesting he could be interested - damn!! We watched football games on tv together and while I was enjoying the anatomy of some of the players (Beckham should be forced to play without clothes in my opinion!!) he seemed to be very much into the games and scores.

Pretty frustrated by the unfulfilled longing to touch this Latin Lover properly, I tried to get some benefit from doing it "by accident": passing him in the hall I brushed against his hard tummy with my hand, doing the dishes next to him gave me the opportunity to get in contact with his thighs and a joke cracked by him made me slap him on his v-shaped back. This teasing thing gave me more material for my frequent jack off sessions but didn't really satisfy my need to do things to him he would never forget.!

The whole situation became quite bizarre and I gradually lost interest to pursue my evaluation of chances to lay this typical sample of a Mediterranean macho guy. But in the back of my mind - or rather somewhere more caudal and less related to the CNS - there still was a sparkle of hope for an incredible encounter with Mr. Gorgeous which kept tormenting me every time my eyes got hold of him and during the nightly intercourse with my right palm.

Almost two weeks went by without any change. He seemed to be less talkative from time to time but I explained that with the exhausting work for his PhD thesis.

One evening though when our usually busy kitchen was deserted apart form Dimitrios and me watching a late night sport show on telly, I happened to recognise that his fly wasn't closed. Trying to get a picture of what lied beneath I must have stared a bit too intense and suddenly found myself in the very embarrassing situation of feeling Dimitrios stare back. The only thing my freaking mind was able to manage at this very moment was a weak apologetic grin. He just looked away and closed his fly mechanically making me feel like the filthiest pervert on god's wide earth. I wanted to shrink and hide and must have blushed three shades of crimson, I assume.

There was no further word between us the whole remaining game. I thought about leaving and going to bed but couldn't persuade myself to get up from the couch worried he would recognise my raging hard on - always proving his own stubborn mind, my dick was real excited about being caught by this stud and identified as a "perverted faggot". I was even leaking a good amount of fluid and in immediate danger to get a wet spot on the front of my sweatpants. Shit!!

You can imagine my relief when the game finally finished and Mr. Cool got up heading to the sink to wash his dishes. I followed quietly, not intending to stay there longer than absolutely necessary.

I was passing him with a plate and cup in my hands when he suddenly stepped back a bit and I bumped into his right buttock with the full glory of my angry, drooling boner. Totally confused I started to apologise profusely and tried to get away from him as quick as possible feeling even worse than 40 minutes ago when he'd caught me staring. Clumsily stumbling around him to the second sink I dropped my cup which went down like in slow motion and cracked to smithereens on the floor.

This all happened in the fraction of an instant and when I bent down attempting to pick up the broken china with trembling hands I heard my Greek boy saying: "I am not sorry!" Stunned I looked up and met his beautiful, almost black eyes, soft and deep with what seemed to be lust. Could that really be true? Was my confused mind misinterpreting something?

I got up slowly and put the plate with the pieces of the cup on it in the sink not breaking our eye contact. Then I made a step towards him still not sure what all this meant - but simultaneously to my movement he turned away from me continuing his cleaning under the running tap.

Not even aware of the possible consequences of what I did, my arms wrapped themselves around his body till my hands met on the smooth and firm surface of his tummy just above his bellybutton. With my chin lying on his strong left shoulder I whispered through his black long curls in the direction where his ear had to be "Did you mean that like I think you did?!"

As an answer he just leaned back, giving my very happy stiffy the possibility to slide into the crevice of his ass. Here I was, closer to the object of my admiration than ever before, my mind spinning and desperately trying not to cum that very moment.

My right hand slipped under his T-shirt and ran up his warm, hard tummy aiming directly towards his left nipple which I pinched gently while my left one caressed the area around his navel in small circles. He sighed softly and put the crockery he was rinsing back into the sink.

I gave in to the strong urge to kiss his neck and the sharp edge of his jaw - trying to inhale his scent and tasting him thoroughly, my tongue slowly made it's way all over the triangle of skin I was able to reach from my position.

Dimitrios bent his head back to rest it on my shoulder moaning softly by now, probably caused by the dance my hands performed on his body: my right one teased his erect nipples in turns, lightly touching the flat smooth skin between them while my left hand had made it's way to the waist band of his jeans and was trying to get closer to the hidden treasure, led by a thin trail of dark curls from his navel downwards. Retracting his already flat tummy a bit he allowed me to get into the warm comforting zone beneath his jeans and boxers and I was rewarded with the feeling of a thick bush of pubic hair and what seemed to be the fleshy base of his cock when my wrist got stuck at the level of the waist band of his trousers. Desperately trying to get any further down I recognised that it was just too narrow for both of us and after giving his willy's base a gentle squeeze I reluctantly withdrew from it's confinement. "Let's go somewhere safe!" I seductively whispered into Dimitrios' ear.

Without a single word he pulled the plug, turned and led me by my shoulder all the way down the hall towards his room. In there he gently pushed me backwards until I sat on top of his desk.

His hot lips met mine when I felt his skilled hands battling with the cord in the waistband of my sweaters. He finally succeeded and I gasped into his open mouth as he wrapped his powerful, warm hand around my aching pole. He took advantage of that and pushed his tongue almost down to my tonsils - I tasted a slight hint of garlic and bread but enjoyed it as if it was Ambrosia.

He gave my wet cock head a few quite rough strokes under its foreskin (even fully aroused my head remains still mostly hidden under it's coat!) what made me suck on his tongue like a starving baby - it felt sooo unbelievably good to be groped by this Greek god!!

Partly recovering from my lust trip I managed to get his T-shirt up to his chin - we had to break our breathtaking kiss to get this guy undressed above his waist at least. Then my searching fingers found the buttons of his fly and undid them quickly. I glanced down to the promising wet spot on the right sight of his green boxers - touching the fabric there and bringing my finger up to my nostrils was one single movement. I inhaled his very private scent - male, fresh, powerful and intoxicating like nothing else in this world!

I took hold of his throbbing member through the cotton of his boxers - slightly stroking up and down the fairly long and nicely wide shaft. It was Dimitrios' turn to moan with pleasure now - fondling my humming balls in their hairy sack with both his hands at the same time. He even squeezed them a bit but I was far form complaining about the brief shot of pain to my cock.

Unable to resist the desire to get hold of this sexy guy's pride any longer, I finally got my fingers beneath the waist band of his boxer short. The contact of his hot, very smooth hardness with my fingertips sent bolts of electricity through my whole body gathering mainly in my cock and balls. Enjoying this as long as possible I ran my fingers up and down his powerful pole, hitting the sensitive rim of his moist head from time to time. My lover boy moaned with delight about this treatment and started to push his pelvis against my roaming hands.

Making it slowly down from his nose and cheeks with my wet tongue and burning lips I licked, kissed, sucked and bit my way along his jaw line to his neck - enjoying the scratching sensation of his stubble - and further down over his smooth chest to the erect nipples which I teeth-tortured for a while, making Dimitios shake and moan in lust. I then came to his flat tummy, feeling the hint of a "washboard" underneath the silky skin with the tip of my tongue and proceeded into the hollow of his navel and down the treasure trail soaking it totally with huge amounts of saliva.

When I reached his boxers I had to slide down from my place on the desk. Getting down on my knees in front of my black-eyed hunk I pulled the last bit of fabric over his little butt all the way to his ankles.

I didn't really take my time to admire his beautiful sculptured body in it's naked glory but went straight on, to the object of my strongest desire at that time. His cock was almost 7 inches long, of a nice pale colour, topped by one of the darkest purple heads I've ever laid my eyes on, still to one third hidden by a smooth pale foreskin. Because the whole dick was bent to the right in a very sexy kind of way, the leaking piss slit had spread precum all over his right groin and the top of the slightly fur covered thigh.

I caught a crystal clear drop of his nectar with my tongue right from it's well and took the swollen red tip of his cock head between my lips, exploring his wide pee slit with the tip. He tasted so wonderful that I tried to get as deep down as possible causing my "captive" to grunt in ecstasy. He shook and goose bumps ran all over his skin by now, making the dark bush of pubic hair around his cock standing "at attention".

Next I teasingly stuck a bit of my tongue under the fold of his foreskin, making my way around the rim of his head down to the most sensitive spot. I stayed there for a while and proceeded to stimulate Dimitrios gently - being rewarded with a constant stream of precum into my hungry mouth.

Then in one swift motion I engulfed his whole prong burying my nose in his pubic hair and inhaling the aroma of sweat and precum deeply. He was obviously surprised by that manoeuvre and sighed deeply, grabbing my head on both sides with his hands. As much as I enjoyed him penetrating me past my tonsils I had to get back up not to be suffocated by his fleshy gag.

Repeating the up and down movements for a while - alternating between "hoovering" his prong and wiggling my head around every time he was deep down my throat - my right hand found my own leaking member still in my pants and I began to jack myself off. I used the other hand to get hold of his perfectly seized nuts in their wrinkled hairy sack - rolling them around and exploring the soft skin of his perineum with my index finger seemed to press secret buttons on my Greek mate - his shaking increased and I could feel his balls drawing up toward his body. I didn't want him to cum already so I let his wet stiffy "blopp" out of my mouth and sucked in his balls instead, drawing them slightly down. Obviously desperate to release the pressure from his swollen gonads he moaned in despair looking down and observing my doing: "Please suck me off!!" he plead with a sexy hoarse voice.

I shook my head and answered "Not now!" with his plums still in my mouth, what made him smile in his cute boyish smile.

Instead I went on further between his muscular thighs and lapped at the hard bridge between his sack and his hole. I could smell his musky ass scent now, which drove me absolutely wild: grabbing his hip bones on either side I turned my friend around, parted his hairy cheeks and dived into the crevice between them. I was in ass eater's heaven - not that this is a common topic in my sexual repertoire but sometimes a clean pucker is just irresistible. And his was prime stuff - dark pink and twitching with anticipation in a clearing of the coarse hairs between his cheeks.

First I teased him a bit, going in circles around the centre but went down and inside soon pushing my wet tongue through the sphincter into the entrance to his deep, warm cavity. He let out a long loud moan, his head dropped down on his chest and his whole body shivered - I seemed to have hit another joy-button of my lover's body.

I gave his hole the best tongue treatment I was capable of - soaking his orifice with my spit and loosen his sphincters step by step. He was very clean down there and just smelled a bit like mushrooms and soap! In response he pushed his little butt in my face that hard, I had problems to breathe properly - but I gave my best while my hands ran up and down his thighs and cheeks and the small of his back with this cute deep dimples on each side of the spine and his balls and drooling cock.

Having his ass lubed like hell I started to probe his chute with my index finger - pushing in gently, meeting almost no resistance. I got to his prostate and teased it a bit, causing further deep grunts from above. A second finger went in - gradually loosening his manhole for the final mission, and then a third. When my thumb finally passed the ring of muscles I was sure he was ready for me.

"Would you like me to fuck you??" I asked my shivering lover.

"Oh yeah - give it to me dude!!" he answered without any hesitation.

Assuming that my spit and precum would be lube enough for my Greek guy, I just stepped out of my sweat-shorts and boxers and positioned myself behind him. I bent him over a bit more, pushing the small of his back down and guided my 6-1/2 inches of proud uncut man-meat to his waiting pucker.

Entering him with just the head of my drooling cock was no problem at all - the warm, gripping orifice welcomed my intruder with delight. But when I tried to get the folds of extra skin pass it, Dimitrios cried out in pain. I stopped and withdrew from him, not wanting to hurt him.

"We better try some more lube." I said - he straightened and went into the bathroom returning with a bottle of KY and a towel.

He took my hand and led me over to the bed, spreading the huge towel over the middle-section and placed himself on top of it, doggy style. I smiled at him, took the KY and lubed his hole and my hard on profusely. Then I approached to enter him again - eased by the lubricant and his more relaxed position - and hit home without any obstacles. He was obviously no stranger to getting fucked.

I stayed there for a few moments enjoying the smooth heat radiating form the walls of his guts into my aching boner, my balls and wet, dark pubic hair pressed against his sexy buttocks. Then I started to pull out slowly until the rim of my swollen head hit his sphincter from the inside.

"Fuck me Paul!" he grunted over his shoulder, "Fuck me hard!"

Changing the angle I pushed in again, but only until the tip of my cock hit his prostate, what made him jump on the bed. I repeated this a few times, much to his delight, feeling his pucker violently contracting around my tender shaft.

Back to deep fucking I gradually increased my speed, sensing him getting closer and closer to the point of no return. I reached around his body up to his chest to straighten him up in front of me, continuing to deep shaft him vigorously. Our upper bodies touched and I could feel the heat of him all over me - I gently bit into the skin of his strong neck and my right hand got hold of his very hard and wet member. I pumped him 3 or 4 times - that was all he needed and with an impressive shout of pleasure he spew his cum all over my hand, the towel, the bed and even the wall in front of us.

The multiple, orgasmic contractions of his anus, prostate and gut walls gave me a very exciting strangled feeling in my most private region and roaring with passion I drove into him with all my lust and power. Instantly I filled his bowels with the essence of life - copious hot shots of white cum into the dark tunnel of his love chute. I pressed him against my sweating body and nibbled on his earlobe for the next minutes - just enjoying the waves of the afterglow in both of us.

We carefully laid down on our left sides - me staying inside of him all the time and I fondled his balls and now very sensitive cock gently.

"That was absolutely amazing!" I whispered into his neck, nibbling at his smooth skin.

"Yeah, we were great!" he smiled, twisting his cute butt into my groin.

Finally my almost limp wet cock slipped out of it's velvety sheath. I leaned over and kissed my lover passionately on his full lips, which led to another long tongue battle.

"Let's have a nice hot shower!" I suggested and reluctantly we got up from our love bed holding each other by our waists.

"What a mess!" Dimitrios pointed grinning at the cum all over the place.

We giggled our way into the shower where we enjoyed and explored each others bodies, carefully soaping and rinsing under the relaxing spray of hot water.

I even got down on his already half hard willy again but he was still too sensitive and we saved the fun for later.

We slept in a nice embrace - his front against my back, his half hard cock in the cleft between my ass cheeks and his masculine arms around my chest - HEAVEN!

The next morning I woke up from a funny feeling down my behind - it took me a second to recognise that Dimitrios was fingering my hole with what seemed to be a well lubed index finger. I smiled and couldn't suppress a light moan caused by the dance of his fingertip on my prostate. This guy knew how to catch my attention!

He kissed me on the ear and shoved a second finger in, carefully loosing my sphincters. "A nice way to be woken up!" I murmured sleepily "Anything special in mind?"

Dimitrios smiled and placed a third finger at the entrance to the depths of my body "Just couldn't help my horniness! Do you mind??"

I shook my head and tried to get more of his fingers into me by pushing down on them a bit. A hot mixture of pleasure and pain took over my body and I suddenly wanted my Greek stud in me desperately "Fuck me buddy! Now!!"

I could hear him spreading more lubricant over his cock and then there was the unmistakable feeling of his swollen cock head pressing against my asshole. He pushed in very slowly - giving me time to adjust to the width of his fleshy intruder step by step. It was the best thing I had felt in a long time - being gently taken by this gorgeous Greek guy - never had imagined he would be capable of so much affection!

Dimitrios literally made love to me for an eternity, gradually changing angle and speed of his movements - carefully avoiding to bring both of us over the edge too soon. His masculine hands roamed over my whole body and his lips explored every part of my face neck and shoulders - stopping at my mouth for passionate deep kisses in between.

After what seemed to be like hours I felt the familiar tingling feeling in my balls and around my cock for the 7th or 8th time and wanted to cum desperately now. I led his left hand to the shaft of my raging hard on and he began to pump up and down. It took me only a few strokes of his strong hand and with a cry of pure pleasure I began to fill the air with thick globs of white semen. I came for ages - him still pumping and fucking me with hard thrusts.

His breathing against the back of my neck became recognisably fast and shallow and a few seconds later he drove home with all his force and I could feel jets of hot cum splashing against the walls of my gut. He bit me in the crest of my shoulder muscle to muffle his orgasmic noises - what a climax!

Cooling down from the heights of our orgasms took us a while - we just laid there, close to each other without any recognition for space and time.

Reluctantly releasing his shrinking pride I finally crawled out of bed heading for the bathroom to take a leak and another shower. He soon joined me in there and apart from a lot of touching and caressing I got a first class blow job. Totally drained we decided to have a big breakfast at a place nearby to recharge our batteries - we might need them later on .!?!

Hope you did enjoy the hormone driven adventures of these two lads as much us I did. Please feel free to send comments and suggestions to Copyright 2001 Paul Green

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