Greek Connection

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jul 6, 2022



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-------------------------------------------------------------------- "Greek Connection" Starring Stephen Amell and Fabian Arnold --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story is set in autumn 2021 in Greece.


"Are you still going to the fashion show that Alexander recommended?" Stephen Amell looked up at his wife's question, watching as she flipped through the hotel's guidebook for the area. They'd come to Greece to relax and enjoy some time off after launching the new season of his show, Heels.

"Yeah, I think so. He's got good taste. Might find something that looks good." His wife looked up, smirking slightly.

"I'm sure you will. You have a good...eye." With a small wink, she tapped the page. "In that case, I'm going to book some time at a spa." She looked amused as Stephen wrapped his arms around her, planting a small kiss on her jaw.

"Sure you don't mind?"

Her smirk turned into a broad smile. "Honey - we're here to have fun. To unwind. No, I don't mind. Go, enjoy the fashion show. Slip into something comfortable." Her laughter rang through the hotel room as Stephen rolled his eyes with a chuckle, enjoying the double entendres woven thorughout their conversation.

"Alright. Enjoy the spa."

"Oh, I will." Her eyes lingered on a photo of a hot young Greek stud. "And if something catches your eye, just let me know." She winked as she picked up her bag. "I can always book an overnight stay at the spa." Planting a kiss on her husband's lips, she headed out of the room with a wave.

"Stephen!" Amell looked up from his seat near the catwalk. "You're a sight for sore eyes!" Hazel eyes twinkled with mischief as the man pulled Stephen into a big hug, planting a kiss on both of his cheeks.

"Mitch!" The other man's pleasant attitude was infectious, both of them now wearing broad grins.

"What brings you to the show?"

"Cassandra and I are in town for vacation. Alexander said I should check this out." He held one hand out, pointing to the indoor arena.

"Ahhh - Herr Ludwig. He has impeccable...well, everything." The twinking eyes winked. "But in this instance, yes, he has excellent taste."

"It's a good show?"

The eyes dimmed, dramatically. "I should slap you. I'm in the show. Of course it's excellent!" Glancing down at his watch, Mitch nodded his head towards the back wall. "Come. There is still nearly an hour before the show starts." His eyes were brilliant again, wide open with mystery and energy. "Come see what it is like backstage before the show, yes?"

"Do I have a choice?" Stephen winked at his old friend.

"I think perhaps you want me to slap you." Seeing Stephen shrug with a smirk, his eyes narrowed again, this time with laughter. "Well, if it's a good slapping you want, perhaps there's a little bar I recommend. But for now, come, come!" He took hold of Stephen's hand and led him away.

"Damn..." Amell looked around...and around...and around. There was a huge amount of energy and bustle and hustle. And yet, backstage didn't look as chaotic as he'd expected. His eyes darted everywhere, catching every color of the rainbow, mesmerized. "How do you...?"

"You focus. Or yes, it can be a lot to take in." Mitch crossed his arms, remembering his first time backstage, smiling warmly. "But it is so very beautiful. Welcome to my world, Stephen."

"Thanks, Mitch. Wow..."

"Okay, breathe later. Come, over here." He took Stephen's hand again, leading him over to his work area, pointing out the different crew members and explaining what was going on. Stephen nodded, trying to take it all in. "Ah, and here are meine kleinen Lieben - my favorites." Stephen found himself introduced to a handsome trio of male models, all of whom were finishing up getting ready. "Chris..." A man with light brown hair, kept short on the sides but long on top, and a broad warm smile reached out to shake Stephen's hand. "Tim..." An athletically-built man with dark blonde hair and blue eyes sparkling with excitement waved before shaking Stephen's hand vigorously. 'Good grip,' Amell thought appreciatively. "John..." Stephen's eyebrow flitted up on its own at the sight of the short-scruffy beard and short-cropped hair. His eyes darted down, noting that the other man definitely kept himself in good shape. Holding eye contact as they shook hands, Stephen swallowed hungrily, allowing the handshake to linger a beat longer than normal.

"Ah, and Fabian...Ack! You are still not dressed?"

A handsome man, his hair dark brown with sandy highlights, stood there in nothing but a pair of briefs, which showed off his assets quite nicely. Amell found his eyes raking down and back up. Glancing to his left, he noticed John's mouth turning in a small grin, knowing he'd been caught. He shrugged with a sheepish grin, receiving a wink back in return.

"Emma and I are trying to decide between two outfits."

"Ach. And which one does she prefer?"

"That's just it - we both like both of the outfits." Fabian waved at two sets of clothing hanging nearby. Mitch stood for a moment, tapping his finger against his lip, looking back and forth between the wardrobe assemblage and Fabian Arnold, who stood there casually, completely comfortable wearing next to nothing. "I think, yes, this one. Personally, I like the other one more, but this one will suit you much better." He picked it up and held it against Fabian's bare chest. "Ya. Very good. This one."

"What do you think, Mr. Amell?" Stephen looked over, caught off-guard that the model knew his name.

"I, uh..." He tilted his head, clearing his throat. "Yeah, it looks really really good on you." Stephen took the opportunity to look down Fabian's very well-toned body again, his eyes lingering on the bulge contained by the white briefs. Bringing his eyes back up, he saw a pair of warm brown eyes gazing back at him, amused.

"Thank you." The sexy lips stretched into a broad friendly smile. "Nice to meet you. I'm a big fan of your work." Stephen took the outstretched hand, their fingers lingering against each other's palms.

"Thanks, appreciate it."

"Mitch...did you invite Mr. Amell to the photoshoot tomorrow?"

The designer shook his head. "No, we just now saw each other and I haven't had a chance to bring it up. If it's not an intrusion on your vacation..."

Stephen tilted his head, curious. "It shouldn't be. We're playing it by ear." His eyes darted back and forth between Fabian and Mitch.

"Ah, good. That's the best way to be on holiday. We are working at a hotel tomorrow, taking some photos. There's a small party after. You are, of course, invited. It would be a pleasure."

"That sounds..." His eyes flicked back and forth again, between his old friend and his new acquaintance. "...delicious." He noted the small movement at the corner of Fabian's mouth, curling up with humor.

"Wonderful! I will message you with the details. Thank you Fabian, I'd forgotten to mention it."

"Not a problem at all. Looking forward to being...delicious." With a small smirk, he took the pair of pants and began sliding his long legs into them. Stephen nodded and waved at the other models, making his good-byes as Mitch began escorting him back to his seat, noting the time.

Back in his seat, Stephen pulled out his phone and pulled up Instagram. With a few keystrokes, he was swiping through a series of hot photos, his underwear beginning to become tight as his manhood responded to the cascade of hotness his eyes were taking in.

Switching to the messages app, he sent a message to his other half.

  • Found try on.

He received a thumbs-up emoji. Feeling the phone vibrate in his hand, he looked down to see that Cassandra had responded to say that she had run into a friend of theirs and was going to go ahead and book a 3-day weekend at the spa, followed by a happy face. As the music changed to indicate that the show was about to begin, Stephen wrapped up the conversation, sending a link to Fabian's Instagram page and promising her more details later.

~ ~ ~ ~ The Next Day ~ ~ ~ ~

"Stephen! My friend, so glad you could make it!" Mitch trotted over and wrapped his hand around Amell's waist, guiding him over to where the photoshoot was setup. An assistant brought over a glass of sparkling water and showed Stephen to a spot for visitors - close enough to see what was going on, yet distant enough to make sure that they were out of the way.

"Mr. Amell - it's nice to see you again." Fabian briefly waved before reaching out to shake their guest's hand. Stephen's eyes squinted slightly, trying to read Fabian's expression but drawing a blank. Chris, John, and Tim were nearby as well - and all four of the men were wearing robes that were very loosely tied around their waists, putting a delicious amount of their chest, abs, and groin on display...and only hiding the good bits. Picking up on Stephen's curiosity, John spoke up.

"It's to avoid lines." He grinned as Amell's eyebrows furrowed, still confused. "If we put on underwear or clothing, it might press against our skin and leave a mark...and that would ruin the shot."

"Ahhh, that makes sense."

"For example, the underwear you have on. If you were to check, you'd find faint lines where the elastic band is pressed against your skin." Tim's eyes flicked down as he spoke, prompting Stephen to reach down and pull the waistband of his pants and underwear away from his body, leaving about a half-inch gap. Sure enough, Tim was right...the mark was faint but it was there. Glancing back up, he caught an amused grin.

"Mine Lieben..." Mitch made a 'tsk tsk' sound that was undermined by a big smile. "Let our guest settle in. We have work to do." Amell sat in a chair and relaxed, watching the crew do their thing. One by one, the models turned their backs towards the set, opening their robes in order to put on clothing needed for each shot. After the photographer would describe what he hand in mind, the model would get into position, sometimes with an assistant stepping out to guide them through small adjustments. Pose after pose after pose - it was fascinating to watch...especially anything where the four men were wearing next to nothing. The shots with the models in just their underwear were particularly enticing. One of the last shots had two of the guys in nothing but briefs, their legs dangling in a pool, their crotches oh so close to the top of the water. After ending that set, Stephen noticed as Fabian made eye contact and dipped his hips down, dropping them below the water line. Standing back up, his now-wet underwear clung like a second skin to his body, showing the contour of every muscle and bit of flesh. Without realizing it, the tip of Amell's tongue darted out, wetting his lips. Fabian's mouth curled up into a grin as he sauntered over and reclined against a column, asking Stephen what he thought of the photoshoot so far. The conversation was engaging...and the sight of Fabian's scantily-clad body was also alluring.

While still speaking, answering one of Stephen's questions, Fabian pulled away from the column and began making his way back over to the clothing area. Continuing the conversation, Amell found himself following along. Wrapping up his explanation of how he'd gotten into modeling, Fabian picked up two pieces of cloth, holding them up. "What do you think - blue or red?"

Amell pointed towards the scrap of fabric in Fabian's left hand, a denim blue color. "That one, the blue."

"You have a good eye." Winking, Fabian picked the conversation back up, giving background information on the photographer and how he knew Mitch. As he spoke, he discarded the red cloth and bent, peeling the briefs down his long toned legs. Standing back up, very comfortable being in the nude around other people, he casually stepped into the blue speedo, taking his time to cover himself back up. His eyes darted down and then back up, the shadow of a smirk appearing. The linen pants that Amell had chosen to wear weren't tight...but they also didn't do much to disguise the swelling of his bulge.

"What do you think - down or to the side?"


Fabian's eyes flashed with mischief, his finger grazing over his bulge. He looked down and then back up, his eyes catching Stephen's. "Do you think I should tuck down, or let it lay to the side?"

"Oh." Stephen cleared his throat, enjoying the opportunity to stare at the other man's crotch. "Um, to the side. It's more, uh, natural."

Fingers slid beneath the waistband of the speedo as Fabian adjusted himself, setting his manhood to point towards the left.

"Again - you have good taste. Maybe you should try something on and come take some photos with us." With a wink, Fabian was heading back towards the pool, following the photographer's directions as they worked through a myriad of poses.

Soon, the photographer and Mitch called it a day, wrapping up the shoot. Drinks and snacks appeared, as the crew relaxed and enjoyed the warm Greek sun and seaside air. Stephen noticed that the four models appeared to be in no hurry to get dressed...and found many opportunities to casually touch Stephen as they spoke, hands lightly pressing against his arm, his shoulder, his lower back. Throughout it all, Fabian kept catching his gaze, his eyes locking onto Stephen's, energy connecting the two from across whatever amount of distance happened to separate them.

Stepping away to get a drink, Stephen heard light footsteps approach.

"I was serious by the way. You should try modeling. I think..." Fabian's eyes looked down Amell's muscular form. "...that you would be well-suited to it. The camera would like you."

"Oh, the camera would like me?" He brought the champagne glass up to his lips, smiling at Fabian.

"Yes. The camera would definitely...appreciate you."

"Just the camera?" An eyebrow went up, noticing Amell's light taunt.

"I think, more than the camera. Possibly the photographer too."

"Who - Jack?" Stephen nodded in the direction of the photographer.

"I had...someone else in mind." Fabian's finger traced its way down the side of his glass, somehow looking quite evocative.

"Someone who knows what he wants?" He watched as Fabian leaned in close. To anyone else watching, it looked as if he were simply whispering in Amell's ear. Which...he was...while cupping his hand over Stephen's bulge, pressing lightly.

"Someone who believes that if you want something, you reach for it." His fingers squeezed, driving home his point.

Amell leaned forward, wedging his manhood against Fabian's palm. "I think I'd like to meet this photographer."

"Ah. I believe he is upstairs."

The two men smiled wickedly as Fabian leaned back, putting a few more inches between their bodies. "Room 5. The fifth floor." That smirk appeared again as Fabian turned and headed inside.

Swallowing with hunger, Stephen turned and made his way over to Mitch, thanking him for the invitation and making small talk with Jack, the photographer.

As the small talk continued longer than he had expected, Stephen found himself getting antsy.

Finally finding an opportunity to politely end the conversation, Stephen walked past the hotel...and turned, entering it from the other side, out of sight from the photography crew. Not seeing an elevator, he ducked into a door with a stairs sign above it, clearing the steps two at a time. Reaching the fifth floor, the stairwell opened to a small area with one door. Knocking, he waited...and not for long, as Fabian answered, the door opening to reveal that he'd changed into a pair of white briefs, hugging his hips and ass, putting his long legs on display...and well, everything else too. Stepping inside, the door closed behind him. A warm hand took hold of his, laying his fingers flat and setting a piece of cloth against his palm.

"Your wardrobe, Mr. Amell." Looking down, he realized it was a pair of briefs, an exact match for what Fabian was wearing. "You can change in there." His host nodded towards the bathroom.

"I thought I might follow your lead..." Stephen began disrobing, laying his clothes down in a chair nearby, until he was down to his briefs. Copying Fabian's earlier move, he peeled his boxer-briefs down his legs, dropping them on top of his other clothes, his pulse picking up as he pulled the briefs up his muscular hairy legs. Finished, he looked over to find Fabian taking in the sight of his body, seeming to like what he saw.

"Right this way, Mr. Amell." Fabian turned and headed out onto the patio.

Stephen followed Fabian out onto the hotel room's deck, noting that the penthouse suite had a great view of the Greek landscape and the sea. His host waited by the pool, his phone in his hand, wearing only the white briefs and a smile. "Your turn, Stephen." There was something about the other man's voice - its timbre, his accent, the musical quality of it - that sent a shiver down Amell's spine, right down to his balls, which nicely filled out the pouch of the white briefs that Fabian had given him.

"Where would you like me?" Fabian's smile grew, his teeth flashing, as he imagined all the places he'd like Stephen...but he wanted to start slow.

"Right here, please." He patted the edge of the pool and watched as Amell came closer, sitting at the pool's edge, his legs draping into the water. Lowering himself into the pool, Fabian turned on the phone app and positioned himself in front of Stephen, looking up as he snapped a photo. Looking down at the screen, he smiled again, enjoying the view. Playing the part of photographer, he lightly touched Stephen's legs, repositioning him and taking another photo. And then again. And again. Each time, the touch was a little firmer and lingered a little longer. By the time the shutter sound clicked for the tenth time, the pouch of Stephen's briefs was no longer 'filled out' but straining to contain his manhood.

Fabian smirked a little as he ran a hand up Stephen's leg, appreciating the wet hair plastered to the other man's skin. "I think, maybe, you should cool off before the next photo." Setting the phone at the edge of the pool, he gently tugged at Stephen's knees, guiding the 'Green Arrow' star to lower himself into the pool.

"Am I the only one who needs to cool off?" Fabian's nostrils flared with a deep breath as Amell's hand closed around the model's bulge, giving it a light squeeze. "What was it you said? If you want something, reach for it?" His grip tightened a little more, earning the slightest rattle of a moan from the German model.

"True. I also said the camera might like you."

"Might?" Stephen's eyebrow rose up, amused. "So..." His thumb rolled around the hardness in his grasp. "...does it?"

"Oh, yes." Fabian's eyes drifted over to his phone and then back to Amell, focusing on the sexy lips, surrounded by the short-trimmed beard. "I think that the camera likes you...very much." Leaning forward, he took Stephen's lower lip between his teeth, giving a gentle nibble before his tongue separated Amell's lips and slid inside.

Their bodies came together, grinding, hands wandering, as the kiss deepened. Light moans and hungry growls were interspersed with the sound of water lapping against the side of the pool. Breaking the kiss, Fabian nudged Amell back over to the edge of the pool, motioning for the actor to pull himself up. Going along with the fun, Stephen smiled as he lifted himself up, the muscles of his upper body flexing with the motion. Resting his rear on the tiled edge, the bright light of the setting sun made his wet white briefs translucent, the head and shaft of his meat easily visible, causing Fabian to lick his lips.

Moving in closer, he angled the camera and took a photo...then moved closer in and took another, until most of the view was Stephen's bulge, his chest glistening beyond.

"If you get any closer..." Fabian looked up at the words, grinning as he leaned in and slid his nose up and over the rigid shaft, teasing his new friend before surprising Stephen by moving away. Climbing the steps of the pool, his muscles gleamed in the sun as the water dripped down, his underwear now fully-revealing as well, from both the water and the strain as his cock pushed against the cotton fabric.

Coming around behind, Fabian's lips were near Amell's ear. "Down or to the side?"

The amusement rang in Stephen's voice as he responded, "To the side. It's more...natural."

Grinning with delight, Fabian slid his hand down the chiseled abs, his fingers ducking under the waistband. Taking hold of the hard shaft, he gently tugged it to the right, causing a tent to form as the throbbing pole pushed up, filling the small amount of cover provided by the briefs. After a quiet chuckle, Amell heard the sound of the camera clicking again. Fabian repositioned Stephen's manhood twice more, taking photos each time, before hopping back into the pool and returning to the space between the meaty thighs.

"Oh - much better." He licked his lips again, swallowing hard as he took in the magnificent sight of Stephen's straining underwear, which left nothing to the imagination...which was good because Fabian's was running through a litany of lustful thoughts. Taking another photo, he leaned in and gripped the white cotton fabric with his teeth, pulling at it - at the same time, he held the camera out and took another photo as he teased Stephen.

A hand at the back of his head indicated Amell's eagerness....deciding that playtime was over, Fabian set the camera back down, running his hands up and down the muscular legs before taking hold of the briefs and yanking them down. A thick meaty member swang out, striking Fabian on the forehead with a weighty smacking sound. Hungrily, he opened his mouth and inhaled half of the length, sucking hard, his tongue lashing about. His eyes gazed upward, shining bright with the fires of lust, moaning around the meat in his mouth as he savored the sweet taste of Stephen's juices, the precum pulsing onto his tongue. The fingers digging into his hair encouraged him, as he began bobbing up and down, eager to work more of the girthy rod down his throat. After his lips had slid up and down several times, he found his lips wrapped around the base of Stephen's shaft, successfully having taken the entire length. Amell's eyes rolled back as he moaned - the feel of Fabian's tight throat, the hungry look in his eyes, the sexy way his lips were stretched around his girth.

Taking hold of the other man's head, he guided it up and down, watching as the veiny spit-covered shaft reappeared...and then disappeared.

"Yeah, that's what you've been wanting all day?"

"Mmmhmmmm." Fabian nodded, his response sending a vibration down Stephen's pole, causing his toes to curl.

"Yeah? You usually get what you want?"

The eyes crinkled with humor, the corner of Fabian's lip somehow curling up into a grin despite his mouth being crammed full of cock. "Mmmmmmmmhmmmmmmm."

Whatever witty response Stephen had faded from his mind as his hormones took over, replaced by moans as his hips rolled, gently thrusting into the other man's mouth.

He found his voice again, panting as he spoke. "Good. I know what I want."

"Mmmmmm?" Fabian's question was muffled, unwilling to remove the hot dick from his mouth.

"I think it's what you want too."

"Mmmmmmm..." Reaching an unspoken understanding, Fabian redoubled his efforts, slurping ravenously, his lips making it up and down the entire several inches of man meat, an oral feast.

"I'm getting..."

"Mmmmmmm...." The suction of Fabian's lips increased, along with the speed of his mouth as it glided up and down.



"Fuck. Fabian. DAMN! Unngghhhhh!" Stephen roar with his release, his cock swelling even thicker right before it began firing, volleys of cum blasting the back of Fabian's throat. He swallowed fervently, not wanting to miss a drop of this stud's load.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuuuuuck!" Amell's head rolled back as his orgasm began to fade. His chest rose and fell, heaving as he worked to bring his breath back to normal. He groaned as Fabian continued suckling on his meat, working to get every last drop. As his dick became too sensitive, he pressed his thumb to Fabian's forehead and pulled his hips back, his member sliding out from between those cute lips with a heavy plop, resting against his large balls.

Fabian swallowed, his throat thick...both from the ramming of Amell's pole and the cum now coating his insides.

"You get what you wanted?" Stephen winked, enjoying teasing this Euro stud. He watched as Fabian opened his mouth and stuck his tongue halfway out - the pink flesh was a muted color with a layer of Stephen's juices. Fabian winked as he closed his mouth and ran his tongue around, swallowing again.

"Good." Stephen slid down into the pool, using his strength to easily lift Fabian's toned form up, resting him at the edge of the pool. His eyes flashed devilishly.

"My turn."

Fabian's head was rolling back, his mouth open with moans as Stephen began working his mouth up and down the model's pole. His fingers playing between the toned thighs brought out a small whimper of pleasure, prompting Amell to pull his lips off and dive down. His tongue and mouth worked at Fabian's balls. When the sexy model spread his legs to grant Amell more access, the actor took it willingly. He lifted Fabian's legs and moved down, his tongue sliding along until he found the crack of Fabian's ass, pulling out more whimpers. Soon, Fabian was resting on his back, legs pushed up, writhing on the ground as Stephen ate his ass out.

"Please..." The sound was hungry, begging for more. Amell's index finger joined in, giving the stud even more pleasure, his toes curling in the air.

Suddenly, he rolled away. Casting a cocky look over his shoulder, he stood and made his way back inside, the strut of his walk putting the muscles of his ass on display. Growling, Amell lifted himself out of the water and trotted inside, finding Fabian laying face down on the bed, his legs spread and his hips pushed up, waiting. Grinning, he crawled onto the mattress and shoved his face in between the luscious globes, devouring Fabian's rear.

Several minutes later, Fabian pulled away again, his breath panting and his body covered in a light sheen of sweat.

Tugging at Stephen's shoulders, he laid the muscular hunk out on the bed and rose up over him, bringing his ass back down as he began to ride Amell's face, clutching at the tight abs.

Looking down, he finally got a good look at Stephen's cock. He'd been so hungry for it earlier that he'd devoured it within seconds. A hefty ramrod of flesh stood before him, in what could only be described as a handsome dick, matching its owner's good looks. Looking to be a little over seven inches long, the shaft was straight as an arrow, a few thick veins coursing down its length. Like most Americans, he was cut, his dick topped with a nice round head. Continuing to grind against his lover's mouth, Fabian reached out and took the member in his hand, feeling its heat and heft against his palm, causing his mouth to water...and his hole to twitch.

Grinning eagerly, he leaned to the left and reached into the nightstand drawer, finding a tube that he quickly opened, slathering Stephen's meat with a good amount of lube, earning another growl from Amell. Rising up again, Fabian turned around, bringing his mouth down and latching his lips against Stephen's as he slid his hips back. Feeling something thick and hard bump against his ass, he swiveled his hips until he was properly lined up and then pushed back...and then growled with frustration as nothing happened.

Between Stephen's girth and his own tightness, Fabian realized that this was not going to be an easy stud to mount. His jaw set with determination, he slowly bucked his hips, working his entrance against the bulbed head. Below, Stephen took hold of Fabian's waist and ground his hips up. Finally, after both of them had been working at it for several moments, Fabian's knot gave way and Amell's tip slip inside. Feeling his entrance begin to stretch, Fabian's jaw dropped as he sucked in a deep breath. He managed to take a couple of inches before placing his palm against the meaty chest, closing his eyes and letting out a long exhale as his insides adjusted to the thick intrusion.

"You okay?" Fabian smiled and nodded, his eyes still closed. He could feel Amell's hips rocking, the tip of his cock gently sliding back and forth ever so slightly, continuing to work him open. His chest rising with a deep breath, Fabian leaned back and relaxed his body, sliding another couple of inches down Amell's pole. He stopped again, his eyes scrunching. Waves of pleasure and pain emanated out from his hole, a wonderful stretch that was just going to take a moment to get used to.

Relaxing again, he lifted his hips up and dropped them back down, his ass sliding up and down the greased rod, taking another half inch or so with each thrust. Before too long, his rear was nestled up against the close-cropped bush, both men letting out long happy moans.

The girthy member throbbed inside, showing Stephen's eagerness. Finally feeling more ecstasy than discomfort, Fabian began riding up and down, his hands holding onto Stephen's pec muscles for balance. He began moving harder and faster, until he was riding Amell's dick like a bitch in heat, both of them groaning and panting. Fabian's fingers dug into the broad chest, clinging to it so that he wouldn't bounce right off of the other man's body as his ass cheeks clapped against the thick thighs. Taking hold of Amell's wrist, he pulled the other man's hand up to his mouth, burying the fingers inside and sucking on them with the same intensity as his thrusts. His cock bounced up and down, slapping against Stephen's abs, precum landing everywhere as he began leaking like crazy.

As his balls boiled, his attention focused on Stephen's beard and that handsome face. Crying out something in German, he suddenly pulled off, leaning forward to plant his knees on either side of Amell's shoulders as he grabbed his dick and began stroking it. Stephen barely had time to close his eyes before he felt hot juices begin to splash against his cheek, nose, forehead...hell, his whole face was soon covered with Fabian's load...and it kept coming. Still spouting off in his native tongue, Fabian groaned as his balls continued to unload all over the superhero actor's handsome features.

Finally spent, he grabbed the headboard, his shoulders heaving as he worked to catch his breath...and then he let out a surprised shout as he was flipped over onto his back. Before he knew it, his legs were up in the air. Wiping his face, Stephen wrapped his hand around his pole, slicking it up with Fabian's load before ramming it back in.

The German stud clutched at the sheets, his feet flexing and toes curling as Amell pushed his legs down until they were pressed against his chest, bending him in half as the American began pounding his hole. Amell's eyes blazed with intense lust as they locked onto Fabian's, his hips going faster and stronger as he drilled the model's rear.

" got...a...taste..." Stephen's words came out haltingly, between heavy breaths, his body soaked in sweat. He never finished the sentence, instead letting out a roar as he rammed forward, his large balls slapping against Fabian's ass one last time as he began breeding the stud. Having already shot one load down his throat, Stephen was now filling up Fabian's other end, coating his insides with his seed. His upper lip curled as he continued half-groaning and half-growling, his hips still flexing with each shot fired inside his host.

"Fuck! Fuuuuuuuck...ahhhhhhhh." Letting out a long satisfied sigh, Stephen slumped down and then rolled over, laying down next to Fabian on the bed.

They lay there quietly for a bit, catching their breath and slowly coming back to the present. Fabian turned onto his side, cuddling up and smiling when Amell slung his arm around, pulling Fabian in closer.

"That was...very hot."

"Fuck yeah. You've got a tight little ass."

"Little?" Fabian pretended to pout, sticking out his lower lip and wiggling his hips.

"Okay." Amell let out a good hearty laugh. "A tight little hole. That ass is definitely not little. It's quite the handful actually." He grinned as Fabian gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Did you..." Fabian's words trailed off, hesitant.

"Did I what?" Stephen's fingers trailed through Fabian's hair.

"Did you, um, want to spend the night?" He looked up from Stephen's chest, watching as one bushy eyebrow rose up.

"Do you want me to?"

"I'd...yes, I'd like that."

The corner of Stephen's mouth curled up, amused. "What happened to Mister 'you reach out and grab what you want in life'?"

Fabian reached down and took hold of Amell's balls, getting a feel for the low-hanging orbs. They felt smooth, so soft and sensual on a man who was so muscular and thick. "You fucked my brains out, that's what."

A finger reached out and traced down Fabian's nose, tapping at his lips. "Well, we'll just have to fuck some sense back into you then. Later though. I would love to send the night." He smiled at the big grin stretching across Fabian's face. "But..." Fabian's features fell, expecting an excuse.


"But..." Stephen lifted his other arm, taking a pretend sniff. "We should shower first. Ow!" He laughed as Fabian swatted Stephen's chest, pushing himself up and off of the bed. Amell watched as the perky ass glided away, disappearing into the bathroom, hearing the sound of shower spray start up.

"Are you coming?" A voice called out from the bathroom.

"I already did. Twice!" He laughed at the resulting groan, lifting himself up and heading towards the doorway.

It was Amell's turn to moan softly as Fabian's hands kneaded down the muscles of his body, working the soap against his flesh. As the hot model's mouth nibbled on Stephen's ear, fingers slid down, tracing along his spine, until they reached his entrance and teased it. Slick with soap, one digit slowly entered inside, testing the waters. Stephen's moan returned, deeper this time. A second finger soon pressed in, beginning to ply the actor's hole open, his moans echoing off of the tiled wall of the shower. When both his breathing and his cock became harder, Fabian turned off the water with a grin. Grabbing the towel, he quickly wiped their bodies dry and then took Amell by the hand, guiding him back to the bed, positioning him face down.

A few minutes later and Amell found himself panting, his pulse pounding in time with his throbbing dick at the mercy of Fabian's tongue and now-three fingers that were working his muscular ass open. Where Fabian had earlier repositioned him for taking photos, Stephen found himself being moved into a new position for another playful activity. His chest and knees were still against the mattress but his hips were now in the air, his legs spread apart. Fabian's tongue was working up and down, slicking up his crack, getting him ready.

Glancing down, Fabian noticed the large set of balls that Stephen was blessed with, heavy with a pent-up load. Turning his attention south, he took first one nut and then the other into his mouth, rolling each one around on his tongue. The texture was smooth, compared to the coarse hair elsewhere.

"You shave?"

"Uh, yeah." Stephen's words were heavy, his voice thick with lust. "I shaved them once and really liked the way it felt, so been doing it ever since."

"Nice. They're really smooth. It's sexy." Taking one of the orbs in his fingertips, he tugged down, earning a happy groan. Grinning, Fabian began gently pulling on Stephen's nuts as he tenderly licked them, feeling the beefy legs flex with pleasure. Pulling away, he rose up with a hearty swat against Amell's ass, taking hold of it with both hands as he pulled himself upright and began tapping his rock-hard dick against the two buns. Taking hold of the lube, he drizzled the clear liquid along the crack of Amell's ass, sliding his meat up and down, getting it slick with his grinding. Angling his rod, he began pressing forward - worked open by three fingers, the hole quickly gave way as Fabian's shaft disappeared from view, swallowed up by Amell's hole.

As he thrusted, Fabian began squeezing Stephen's cheeks. Earning a moan in response, he began clenching harder, his fingers digging against the meaty haunches, spreading that handsome ass apart as he began pounding it.

"Yeah, you like that?"

"Fuck me."

"Big muscle stud likes getting fucked, yes?"

"Yeah - harder." Amell's mind flashed to memories of hooking up with Alexander while they were filming 'Heels', taking turns drilling each other's tight holes. Between the lustful thoughts and Fabian's thrusts, he found himself leaking profously, his cock drooling nearly nonstop, making a sticky puddle on the bedspread. He grunted and groaned as Fabian began swatting his ass, enjoying each spanking and asking for more.

Soon they were both sweaty again, rutting against each other in heat, driving towards getting each other off again. Whenever Fabian would stop the motion of his hips, Amell would pick it up by swiveling his own, fucking himself on the lengthy tool until the German stud swatted him and took hold of his hips, pounding him once more.

The motions became more intense, Fabian's nostrils flaring with heavy breath. Taking hold of Stephen's hair, he tugged up, making the Green Arrow actor see himself in the mirror a few feet away - a sweaty sexy mess, rolling back and forth on his hands and knees as the hunk behind him used nearly every muscle in his body to drive pleasure in through his hole.

"Getting close?" He grinned, still feeling cocky.

"Yes, did you put it? You already got...a" Fabian bared his teeth as he slammed balls-deep, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths as his nuts began unloading his seed deep inside. He felt Stephen's hole clenching around his shaft, milking it, wanting every drop of the German's juices in his ass. When he was finished, he grabbed Stephen's ass with his hands, locking his elbows to keep from slumping down, admiring the muscles of the other man's broad backside.

"Getting close?" He looked up, catching Stephen's eyes in the mirror.

" almost got me off just from the fucking."

"Can I get another taste?" Fabian's mouth tugged up in a crooked grin. Stephen answered without words, pulling himself off of the hard rod still buried in his ass and stepping onto the floor. At the same time, he took hold of Fabian's shoulders and turned his body, bringing the model to lay face-up on the bed, his head hanging off the edge of the mattress.

Stephen lined his cock up with Fabian's open, hungry mouth and began sinking it inside, watching as the tanned throat swelled to accommodate his girthy member.

Gently holding Fabian's head, he continued plunging in and out, taking care not to go too rough, feeling his nuts pulls up. Withdrawing nearly all the way out, he kept just the head in between Fabian's lips, watching the shaft jerk with each shot that it was firing down into Fabian's throat, the Adam's apple bobbing with each swallow. He pulled out at the end, the last couple of volleys streaking across Fabian's features, giving him a little bit of the facial that he'd been treated to earlier.

Spent, the pair crawled up towards the head of the bed and slid under the covers, their limbs entangled as they cuddled, lips playing at each other until they drifted off to sleep.

~ ~ ~

The next morning, Stephen woke up to the feeling of warm suction encasing his cock. Opening his eyes and looking down, he found Fabian between his legs, his mouth wrapped around Stephen's meat and feasting on it.

"Couldn't wait for breakfast, huh?"

The younger man pulled off, grinning. "Room service takes awhile. They're on their way though." He returned the cock to his mouth, happily slurping away until hearing a knock at the door.

Stephen tilted his head, curious why Fabian wasn't bothering to get up...and then heard the door open and footsteps padding through the hotel room. "Breakfast is...damn, you couldn't wait, huh?"

The man's voice revealed an Australian accent as he began unbuttoning his trousers, wearing a wicked grin.

"This is...uh..."

"Yeah - it's a pretty normal breakfast for my friend here." The other man waved as Fabian turned around, sitting on Stephen's cock. Still loosened up from the previous evening, it still took some work until he'd taken the entire thick length inside. The room service attendant's grin grew into a wide smile as Fabian inhaled his cock. "Oh...JJ by the way. Nice to, well, meet you. Sorta."

"Nice to...yeah." Amell grinned, enjoying the absurd and unexpected situation. JJ removed his shirt, neatly hanging it over a nearby chair before returning his hands to Fabian's head, guiding his friend's mouth up and down his dick. Stephen admired the tight lean muscles of the other man's body, noticing a tattoo along his side. He made a note to ask Fabian about him later, returning his attention to the beautiful bottom bouncing up and down on his dick at the moment. Moving out from underneath the model, Stephen got up on his knees and parked his cock back inside Fabian's hole, thrusting in and out as he and JJ leaned forward, making out while they pleasured their mutual friend from both ends.

JJ grunted against Stephen's lips as he began shooting down Fabian's throat, delivering on the promised 'breakfast' that his guest had ordered. Zipping up, JJ smirked as he watched Amell begin pounding harder, pushing himself over the edge and breeding Fabian. Pulling himself up on his knees, Fabian jerked his cock, both men watching as JJ knelt down and wrapped his lips around the uncut head, his tongue flicking the tip until Fabian began cumming. JJ swallowed every drop, savoring the familiar taste of his friend's juices.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Amell." He stood up, sliding his hands downward to smooth out his outfit. "Hopefully you'll find our hotel's services...satisfactory." Winking, he exited the room.

Taking the tray, Fabian sauntered outside, still nude. Following his host's lead, Stephen shrugged and made his way outside as well, ignoring his clothes still tucked away on top of the dresser. The pair began enjoying breakfast and each other's company, chatting and comparing the life of a model and an actor.

"So, is that your usual breakfast?"

Fabian smiled lightly, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Yes. When I am in Greece. JJ is...he provides excellent service."

"I see that!" Stephen leaned back with a hearty laugh. "He's cute too."

"Yes, he is."

"So is this the usual life of a model?" He leaned back, lightly teasing his new friend.

"Well, not usual, no. I enjoy it though." Fabian looked up to see Stephen's amused expression. "Hey, I worked hard for this body." He waved his hand up and down. "Why should I not enjoy it?"

"That's fair." Amell sipped his coffee, appreciating the view of Fabian's nude body, feeling his loins begin to stir again.

"Fair?" Fabian winked as he got up and went inside. Curious, Stephen followed, finding the model standing and flicking through his phone. Fabian put out his hand, silently stopping Stephen and nudging him to sit at the edge of the bed. Finding what he was looking for, he handed the phone to Stephen and knelt down, sucking on Amell's nipples before finishing his descent, on his knees between the actor's legs.

Looking at the screen, Stephen saw Fabian's backside. Whoever was holding the camera was near the German's ass. On the other side, past Fabian's shoulders was one of the models from the previous day. Stephen tapped his nose, trying to remember names - it'd been quite the active vacation since then. The short-haired well-toned stud in the video had his hand on the top of Fabian's head, guiding him up and down as the eager bottom licked at his friend's hefty nut sack. Closer in view, a nice cock was sliding in and out of Fabian's hole. As whoever was holding the camera handed it over, Stephen finally placed the model's name.


"Mmhmm." Fabian's response was muffled around Stephen's cock. On screen, the American model was stroking his heavy-looking cock before sliding it back into Fabian's mouth, filming as he got a blowjob. Tilting the camera, the other man came into view.

"Is that...holy shit, Richard Madden?" Fabian just nodded, focused on sucking Stephen's cock. "Daaaaamn."

Reaching up, Fabian took hold of the phone, switching to another app. The sound of ringing filled the air before stopping. "Hey Fabian, what's...oh wow. Early morning, huh?" Fabian nodded, winking. "Damn man, you certainly love the D, don't you? Can't get enough." John reached down, grabbing his own crotch as he watched his friend at work.

Fabian pulled off, looking up at Stephen. "How does the model life look?"

"I think I need to switch careers." Both men chuckled.

"Fabian, dude, who are you with? Hope you enjoy that as much as you enjoy MY thick piece of meat." Fabian turned the camera, bringing Stephen into view. "Oh damn! Damn!! Hi Stephen!" John was grinning ear to ear.

"You want to come over?" John turned his attention as Fabian spoke.

"Oof - damn straight, I'd like to come over. You know I'm only one floor down."

"Head on up then." Amell sighed as he spoke, enjoying Fabian's sweet tight throat.

"Woohoo! I'll be right..." In his eagerness, John hung up before he finished the sentence, already climbing out of bed.

Looking up, Fabian winked at Stephen as he lowered his lips, taking every inch once more.

The End

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