

Published on Feb 5, 2012



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This is a work of fiction, based off of my experience in college, and what I wanted to happen.

Gray, Part 1.

Let me start off by saying that I wasn?t allowed to play sports when I was in high school, or before then. My parents constantly told me and my brothers how doing sports would take away from our school work and make our grades go down. Needless to say this pissed me off, because as I loved to play sports with my friends, them getting formal training eventually made them way too much better than me. And at a point I stopped having fun with sports, and stopped playing, because I didn?t like losing all of the time. After a while I was around 160 pounds, and definitely had a look of pudge about me.

Luckily that changed my junior year of high school, when I finally proved to my parents that sports were good for the academics of students. It took the entire first semester, but they finally allowed me to join the track team when March came around. I originally wanted to be a sprinter, but when I saw all of the guys walking over to the sprints area, I freaked out and thought I?d never be able to be like them, so I went over to the distance team. It turned out to be good for me because by the end of the year, I had lost my pudge, and was just your average twink. That continued through my senior year of high school, and I ended up deciding to go to a DIII private college where I would be able to compete in cross-country even though I wasn?t the best out there. After a while though, I got bored and decided to finally try out sprinting in track. I started gaining weight pretty slowly, but I was eventually up to 170 pounds, and although I wasn?t the leanest man, I wasn?t fat by a long shot. I had a pretty nice chest, and my upper abs were visible, leaving just a tiny bit of flab keeping my lower abs from being exposed. I was pretty comfortable with myself, at 6?1, dark brown hair that I tended to buzz off so it didn?t look like a mop, green eyes, and a pretty good smile that had never needed braces before.

Sprinting was where I met Gray, a multi-eventer who was a grade ahead of me. He was for the most part, my ideal man. He was right around my height, although he might have been closer to 6?2 than 6?1, blond, muscular, and he had a quirky smile that you couldn?t help but to smile back at. Grand and I became pretty good friends from the get-go, him helping me train since I hadn?t ever lifted weights before, and it became a pretty common occurrence for people to see us together wherever we went. Of course, I personally liked being in the locker room with him the best. Our locker room was set up so that there were a couple of backless benches sitting in front of each wall of lockers. Gray?s locker was right behind my bench, so I would generally get dressed as fast as I humanly could, and then wait for him sitting on the bench near me. Because I would be talking to him, I?d always just face him as I sat, generally still putting my shoes on. That is where I first saw Gray naked. He had an amazing body, and it definitely extended to his ass, which was made of two plump mounds of muscle that looked almost like basketballs had been put under the flesh. Seeing that made my cock jump the first time I saw it, so I decided that I would make the most of my new Droid Incredible?s camera. As I cornily acted like I was trying to get service, since the locker room was in the basement and pure concrete, I took a few pictures of him while he was completely naked.

The only downside to Gray?s physique was his dick. Unfortunately for the bottom in me, it looked to be about an inch or two at most. But for some reason that made me want to try to get it hard, because he didn?t have the stereotypical attitude of someone with a tiny dick, and I clung to the idea that there was a chance of him being a grower. Other than being kind of small, his dick was actually really sexy. It was pretty thick, and looked like a perfect tube until the end, where the head flared out and gave it the perfect mushroom look.

From then on I would constantly take breaks from our workouts to go to the bathroom, and when he didn?t also need to go, I?d go back to the locker room and go into his locker, which he generally kept unlocked. He would almost always have an old pair of spandex in there that was full of his musk, not any smell of shit, just of sweat and groin. I can?t even count the times that I buried my nose in it, instantly getting hard. Then I really would need to go to the bathroom, but only to take care of my raging boner so that I could go back out, and workout with the man of my dreams. One day for some reason I decided that I needed to take the spandex with me, so during my break, I took them, and placed them in my spike bag. When we got done and he started changing out he didn?t say anything of it, probably out of embarrassment that someone had stolen his used workout stuff.

After a while I found that a lot of guys left their used spandex unattended, either while showering, or working out. Sometimes guys would just leave it out after they were done and had left, which honestly just makes me think that they wanted to let someone have them. No one ever actively searched for whoever the fag was that kept stealing underwear and spandex, but there were definitely murmurs about it around the locker room whenever I would take someone?s stuff. I liked it because it gave faces to the smells that I had become accustomed to, and it definitely turned me on to think that I now knew what a lot of these guys? cocks smelled like without them having a clue. I had a drawer in my dorm room where I kept all of the dirty ones, and once they started losing their smell I would wash them and start wearing them to practice, just to see if maybe someone would recognize their favorite pair or something. The idea always turned me on, and although people would probably kick my ass if they found out, I kept doing it.

One day though, that changed. I was hanging out with Gray and we decided to go back to my room. Unfortunately I had left his pair of spandex, which I had never had the heart to wash, lying on my pillow after sleeping with my face nestled in it. I saw it and thought I would play it cool, so I jumped on the bed and quickly just put them under my covers, but he caught that I was trying to hide something. He joked around saying, ?Oh, you trying to keep porn secret from me, Simon?? I didn?t have any idea what to do, so I just joked around and feigned that he was an idiot, and that no one used paper porn anymore. But then he decided that it was his job to find out what I was hiding. He jumped on my bed and started wrestling, until we both fell off and since he was way stronger than me, he pinned me to the ground, jumped up, and grabbed the underwear from under the blankets. Looking at him, my heart relaxed when he simply had a look of confusion on his face. He started to ask why I was getting riled up about a pair of spandex, but stopped mid-sentence. His eyes started to look surprised and then he simply said, ?Why the fuck do you have my old spandex? These got stolen from the locker room.?

I tried saying that they somehow ended up in my laundry locker, but he didn?t believe me. He looked pissed as hell, and started walking towards me. I got up, and was about to run, but I realized we were in my room, and I didn?t have anywhere to run to. Besides, he was still a lot stronger and faster than me, so I stood no chance. But he didn?t charge or anything. Just kept walking across my room. I could see everything in slow motion. His face the maddest looking I had ever seen it, spandex still in hand. When he reached me, he said, ?You?re a fag?? but the way he said it wasn?t so much a question as it was an assertion. I?d never seen his usually sweet blue eyes look this evil, and couldn?t even say anything. Then he lifted up the spandex and stuck them in my face.

There was still a small trace of his smell on them, and I couldn?t help but bone up even though I knew it would mean I would get my ass kicked. He grabbed my crotch and proclaimed he had found a fag for sure, by the size of my boner. I started freaking out, and thought he was just going to kick my ass, but instead he told me that if I wanted to be a fag, I would be treated like one. He ripped my shirt off of me, not gently, but literally ripping the shirt down the front. Then he told me to take off my pants and underwear and sit on the bed. He took his belt and swatted me in the lap with it. It hurt like hell, but I still couldn?t keep my dick from twitching. He took his pants off and revealed that he wasn?t even wearing underwear that day. His dick sat, completely soft against his large ball sac, and he ordered me to get on my knees and suck it. I was confused as hell at this point. I always wanted this, but never wanted it this way. The former won out in the end, and I got on my knees. I engulfed the entire cock in one swoop, and then I felt it getting hard in my mouth. He was a grower for sure, because although his dick didn?t feel like a python, it definitely filled up my mouth quite a bit. I looked up at him and the look of anger was gone. He was just grinning at me like crazy and said, ?You have no idea how long I?ve known.?

I sucked him off for a while, and didn?t even care about my own dick because his tasted so amazing to me. He leaked copious amounts of precum into my mouth, and the salty sweet taste was enough for me to lose all remembrance of even having my own hard 6-inch cock throbbing below us. After I felt that he had been sufficiently sucked, I stopped. He looked mad again, and asked what the hell I thought I was doing, but I simply told him to lay on the bed so I had a better position. He was happy enough to do it, but much to his surprise, it wasn?t my mouth that had a good position now. I got up on top of him, and angled his dick straight up to the ceiling. Then, while facing him, I slowly impaled myself on his hard 5-inch cock. It had grown substantially and I was extremely pleased with how thick it had gotten. As soon as I put his dick in me, I knew that it was a perfect fit. The head of his cock was constantly tickling my prostate, and I couldn?t help but moan out in pleasure. I looked down at him and he said, ?I never go bareback.? but I knew that he didn?t actually have a problem doing it with my by the smile on his face. So I told him that I wanted him to breed my ass and make me his forever. Once he said okay, I leaned over and kissed him more passionately than I had ever kissed anyone. At first I flicked my tongue over his lips, just to let him know what I wanted, and then I dove in with my lips. We didn?t battle tongues or anything for quite a while, we just let the passion of a kiss overwhelm us.

He moaned pretty loudly, so I kissed him harder, and then all of a sudden he started thrusting as deep into me as he possibly could. I could feel his cum coating my insides, and just from the sensation, I started cumming all over us. He stopped kissing me for a little bit, and took some of my cum from his chest. Then he brought it up to his lips and went back to kissing me. I was never into the taste of my own cum, but it was so hot that he wanted it, that I complied instantly. After kissing for a while, and eventually battling tongues, he said that he was still horny, and I said that I was too. He rolled me on my front and dove into my crack. His tongue quickly found my hole and started lapping the cum that had started to leak out a little bit. It felt so good that I boned up right away. Then I decided to return the favor so I turned him around and started lapping at his hole. I noticed that his hole was a little puffy, and it turned me on a lot. I sucked one of my fingers for a little bit and started rubbing his hole. It was impenetrable at first, but as I rubbed it slowly loosened up. I started applying more pressure and he started moaning louder. His face was buried in the pillows so I didn?t take any time to position my cock head against his entrance without him noticing what was going on. I decided that he needed punishment for scaring me and making me think that he was going to kick my ass earlier, so I pushed as hard as I could, bottoming out faster than I ever had before. To my surprise though, he just moaned in pleasure, and pushed his amazing bubble butt into my groin. I laid on top of him and just sat there, wiggling my cock inside of him for a little bit, listening to him moan and groan in ecstasy. Then I went into pushup position and started fucking him slowly and deeply. After a while I thought that I might be ready to come soon, so I turned him over, pulled him to the edge of the bed, placed his legs on my shoulders, and started jack hammering him. I shot at least five spurts of my cum deep into his gut. Then he said that he wanted to taste it from the source, I pulled out of him, and brought my cock to his face. He inhaled my now semi hard cock and cleaned it completely for me. I noticed that his cock had still been untouched, so I got down and started sucking it deep into my throat. It wasn?t too long before I tasted his semen flow into my mouth. Although I had never liked the taste of my jizz, his was amazing. I thought to myself that if I were fed that every day, I would be happy, and get big and strong like him. I swallowed most of it, and then we kissed a deep passionate kiss. I thought life was perfect.

End of part one

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