Grass Is Blue

By moc.loa@bsissarG

Published on Jan 17, 2006


As always, if you're not supposed to be here, please leave. In other words, if men kissing, fucking, or doing anything remotely sexual offends, disgusts, or angers you then you should get out of here. This story includes sex between two men. But it is at heart, a love story. Plenty of sap, romance, and professions of love. So be warned. This work is copyrighted and may not be used without explicit permission from the author.

Comments, suggestions, complaints are all much appreciated and welcomed at

Thank you to everyone who has sent encouraging notes and suggestions so far. It means a lot. Keep them coming. I love hearing from all of you.

Also I thought I should mention that while David and Sam do not use protection in this story, you should. This is fiction where most things end happily. Alas life is not always the same. Better be safe than sorry.

I've kinda fast forwarded the story a bit. The present state is, of course, the same. But the flashbacks, the heart of the story, have been fast forwarded four years. I hope it doesn't confuse any of you. I just felt that the story was dragging on. So anyway I hope you'll enjoy.

"Longer Than Always" - Dolly Parton

Present Day "So which one is he?" "He's not here yet and could you be a little louder?" "Sorry." Here I was again. Ready to hear some more sad stories. Ready to ultimately shed some more tears. Greggy came with me to lend moral support. And maybe for another reason too. The thing was, the past week, I just simply couldn't stop thinking about the guy. God that sounds so twelfth grade. The guy. Anyway, I didn't know his name. All I knew from last week was that he lost his six year old daughter and that was why he was there. "Is that him?" Greggy nudged me. And there he was. The same sad face. But my was he gorgeous. It's odd. I'd be lying if I didn't still see men as attractive, hot even. I mean I ain't dead. But he was the first man I'd seen who, to put an old cliche to use, took my breath away. Maybe it was the mystery, maybe the fact that he was gorgeous, maybe it was because I knew what it was like to be that sad. Maybe it was a combination of all those things. I'm not really sure. But the truth of the matter was I could not get this man out of my mind. Not for the life of me. Just exactly what that meant? Don't ask me. "He's yummy." I scowled at Greg. "Thank you for that remarkable amount of insight." He laughed at me. "Are we channeling our inner Bette Davis tonight? You're doing a fabulous job I might add." "Would you just..." "Is this seat taken?" Oh my God! It was him. What in the flying fuck was the matter with me? This isn't high school. "Um... no." I moved my jacket. "Sorry about that." He smiled. A weak smile. But a smile nonetheless. "Name's Jack." I smiled back, albeit maybe a bit too eagerly. "David. And this is my friend Greg." Greggy smiled. "Nice to meet you." Stuart, a.k.a. Bob Newhart, stood up in front of the group and everyone quieted down. We went through the usual. Introducing the newbies and having them share their stories and experiences with us. In an extremely odd way, it was especially comforting to hear that I wasn't the only person who still seemed to be dealing with death, even two years since it happened. I wasn't the only wacko who still cried at the silliest things. That was something I needed to hear. Hear from people who had gone through what I went through. Don't get me wrong. I had nothing against my family and friends for giving me advice and many a shoulder to cry on. But this group, dare I say it, was a good idea. It wasn't as crowded as last week so Bob ended the meeting a little earlier than usual. Believe it or not, I had pretty much forgotten about the hunk sitting next to me during the meeting. But be rest assured, as soon as he stood up, his presence was made known to me again. He was huge. I guess I wouldn't say too muscular. But just so goddamned tall. He was bald, by choice I gathered from the peach fuzz atop his head. I was guessing he was younger than me. Maybe, maybe not. But he had such a baby face. Not that he was seventeen mind you. But he must have been in his late 20's. He stood there just looking around, looking like a lost soul. It sounds so corny and stupid but if I could, I would have just went up to him and gave him a hug and just told him that everything would be alright. If I did that, though, I'm sure he probably would have slugged me or even worse thought I was as mental as I really was. "Well good night then." What? He was putting on his jacket. Shit. I couldn't go another week thinking about this guy. I had to do something. "You wouldn't want to get a cup or coffee or something?" I spit the phrase out like it was one word. He smiled. God I could get used to that smile. "Sure." But then the smile faded. "My babysitter has gotta get home." He reached for his wallet and pulled out his card. "Give me a call tomorrow and we'll figure it out." And then he was gone. Hmmm. He had another kid? Was he straight? Involved in a relationship? "That was smooth." I turned to Greg and shrugged. "I didn't know what else to do." I sighed. "What do you think?" He sat down. "Well he's a hunk. That's for sure. And he's gotta be gay. Cause he was so checking you out when you stood up." I rolled my eyes. "You think I'm doing the right thing?" Greggy looked at me closely. "About what? You didn't propose marriage. You asked him if he wanted to get coffee." He motioned for me to sit next to him. "David. I loved Sam almost as much as you did. He was my best friend. I miss him every day." He reached for my hand. "But he would want you to move..." He stopped himself. "... no not move on. He'd want you to love again. If there was anything in the world that Sammy was passionate about, other than you know who, it was love." He smiled at me. "You'll never forget him. You couldn't. But go. You need to." I looked at him and smiled. "I hate you." He smiled. "I'm always right."

Chapter Six ~ Longer Than Always

"I will love you longer than always, longer than always I'll love you

Longer than always and forever, love you honest, love you true

You have been my inspiration, guiding light and sweetest friend

I will love you longer than always, with a love that has no end"


"Dad, I been thinking." Whenever you hear those words coming from a four year old, there's bound to be something up. "Just what have you been thinking bout bud?" His ears perked up. "I know what I wanna get you and Dad for Christmas." I smiled. "Really?" I knew where this was going. Now he was excited. He had my attention. "Yeah. Well I was thinking maybe I could get you and Daddy a trip to Florida." He tried to stay calm but it didn't work. "Maybe Disney World." I decided to play along. "Hmm. Sounds good to me. Maybe Aunt Issy can watch you. Or Grandma maybe." His face fell. I had to laugh, bad as it was. But of course, being ever the optimist, he perked up again. "Or maybe I could just come." I scooped him up and began tickling him relentlessly. "You really are a little devil." He was hysterical. "No I'm not. I'm your little angel. Remember." I kissed his cheek. "You're right kiddo." I put him down. "Now." I said using my best army general's voice. "Go wash your hands and your face and meet me back in the kitchen in five minutes." He saluted me and ran to the bathroom. I smiled and glanced at the wall. Sammy had made sure that every wall in the apartment was plastered with pictures. Mostly of Mikey. I have to admit, that in the past four years, we went a bit overboard. Christmas and Easter were a given but we also liked to do the lesser holidays. Like Columbus Day and Valentine's Day. I wish I could blame just Sammy but I got caught up in it too. I glanced at the picture we took the day of our wedding. White suits. What in God's name were we thinking? Four years. Could it have possibly been that long? Didn't seem that way to me. "I'm ready." I heard a little boy's voice in the kitchen. That was the reason it didn't seem like four years. A funny thing had happened. I already knew I loved Sammy. That was a given. But Mikey. He really stole my heart. It's funny because as a gay men, I'd always just assumed my chance at fatherhood had passed. Thank God it didn't. I simply couldn't imagine life without the sweet little boy who gets me up at six in the morning for our secret club meetings, the little boy who always lifts me up when I'm down, the little boy who tells me he loves me every night. My father once told me that becoming a father was the greatest thing that ever happened to him, next to marrying my mother. I, of course, thought he was just blowing smoke up my ass. But the truth, the sappy truth, is that he was right on target. I could go on and tell you all about our life in the past four years but it's rather boring. We were happy. That pretty much sums it up. We had lots of steamy, earth shattering sex and we took care of our son. Dolly Parton, of course, remained a vital and integral piece of our lives. We'd seen her in concert twice already. I'd tried, in vain, to get backstage passes so Sammy could meet her but I couldn't. But all in all, life was looking pretty damn good. I was still teaching and Sam had landed an assistant job for one of Isabel's vice- presidents. The money wasn't bad and it was a job where he could put his organizational skills and analness to go use. Of course there was another place where his anal skills were put to good use. God. Did I just say that. I'm venturing into cornpone territory. I made my way into the kitchen finding a very happy little boy playing Gameboy. "Alright bud. It's time to help Daddy make dinner." I kneeled down in front of him. "What should we have tonight?" Normally I'd never ask him this question because it always elicits the same answer. But tonight I knew he'd be overjoyed at what we were making. He smiled. "I think we should make pizza." I pretended to think. "Hmm. I was thinking tuna casserole." He let out an exaggerated "Ewwwww!." I pulled him to me and kissed his neck. "Ewwwwww is right kiddo." He was hysterical. "Pizza it is." As my son did a little victory dance around the kitchen, I went to the refrigerator to get everything I needed. An hour later and the kitchen looked as if a bomb had just struck. I'm not a bad cook but I'd be the first to tell you that I am not an organized one. A can of soup and I've got three pots going. So imagine what happens when I make something as complicated as pizza. "You know what Dad?" I looked over at my flour faced son. "What's that sweetheart?" He smiled at me. "I love you." I smiled. "How much." He looked up at me again and smiled. "Longer than always Daddy." Yes. Life was good indeed.

I knew he was home just by the smell that wafted into the room. Sammy had a distinct smell all his own. He wore no cologne. He just always smelled a little bit like ivory soap, a little bit like his aftershave, and a whole lot like Sammy. Its way too hard to understand so I won't even pretend to think you do. But I loved his smell nevertheless.

I felt a kiss brush across my temple as he sat down on the couch where I was laying. He pulled my feet up and placed them in his lap.

"I know you're up so quit playing possum." I could hear the smile in his voice. "I have some incredibly naughty things planned for you tonight."

I kept my eyes closed but smiled. "How naughty?"

He laughed. "Naughty enough." He climbed on top of me and placed light kisses all over my face. He started to whisper. "First, we're going to take a long hot shower together." Kiss. "Then I'm gonna dry you from head..." he cupped my balls through my pajama pants "... to cock."

I laughed. "Not to toe?"

He smiled. "Anything below your cock is irrelevant." Kiss. "Then I'm going to give you the tongue bath of a lifetime. Paying particular attention to my little pal David Jr. over here." He quickly traced the outline of my hard cock through my pants. "He's not so little now is he?"

I smiled. "You excite him."

He grinned. "I'm glad." And then he finally let me have the kiss I'd been waiting for for six days. And let me tell you. It was so worth the wait.

He sat up and straddled me. "I missed ya."

I smiled. "How was the conference?"

He grimaced. "Same old, same old. Boring fashion queens, coked out of their minds." He kissed my neck. "How's our little terror?"

I laughed. "He missed the hell out of you." I thought for a second. "He got all A's on his report card." I told him as my hands roamed over his broad, muscular back.

Sammy winced.

"What's the matter?"

He smiled. "I forgot that report cards were this week. I wanted to be here." He smiled sadly and laid his head on my chest.

I looked down at him. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'll just make sure I'll be here next time." And suddenly that little bit of sadness was gone.

For a minute I got worried. But then I ruffled his hair. "Babe, don't worry about it. I gotta warn you though. Avoiding the D word isn't gonna be easy now that he's starting getting grades and stuff. He's gonna expect rewards."

He groaned into my chest. "Disney world?"

I laughed and pulled his face up to mine. "Yep."

He kissed me again. "Christmas?"

I smiled. "I already made the reservations."

"Shit, right there." Sammy moaned into the pillow. "Yeah babe. Fuck me harder." We'd already made love two times. Once in the shower because I couldn't keep my hands off my stud muffin and once on the floor of our bedroom because I dropped him when he wouldn't stop tickling me so much while I was carrying him to the bed. Now we were having another session. This one a bit more forceful and animalistic. "Oh God yeah. Fucking ram that rod up my ass." I smiled down at him. "You sure are a tiger tonight." I said between heavy breaths. He smiled. "I haven't had my David fix." He pinched one of my nipples. "I'm expecting retroactive fucks." I knew he was getting close from his breathing and I was too so I reached for his cock, that was so hard it could have cut through marble, and started to stroke it quickly. Four strokes later and spurt after spurt of his hot seed covered his taut belly. I followed close behind and collapsed breathless on my lover's sticky stomach. He ran his fingers through my hair. "Is it just me or does it get better?" I licked his left nipple. "Oh it gets better." I laughed. "Fuck. Imagine what it'll be like when we're forty?" He pulled my face up and gave me a wet sloppy kiss. "I love you David." I smiled. "I love you too. Longer than always baby."

I woke up to the smell of something wonderful. Knowing my lover's talents in the kitchen, I knew better than to follow my instincts and roll over. Slipping on my boxers, I relieved myself in the bathroom and made my way to the kitchen. I stood at the doorway as my two men sat at the table next to each other talking with their backs to me.

"So did you miss me?" This from my little guy.

"Course I did." He was cutting Mikey's french toast. "You miss me?"

Mikey giggled. "I missed you lots Dad." He threw his hands up in the air. "I forgot to tell you. I got my first report card." He leaned in and whispered. "Guess what I got?"

Sammy laughed. "All Q's." Mikey shook his head no. "Hmmm. G's?" Again he got a nod no. "I'm thinking maybe A's."

Finally he shook his head yes.

Sam leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. "I'm proud of you kiddo."

Mikey looked up at him. "You are?" It was in that astonished kid voice as if they couldn't believe what they'd heard.

"Yep I am. A's aren't easy to get. Ya gotta work for em."

"Did you get A's in school a lot."

Sammy grew silent. Then he smiled. "Sometimes. You know who got lots of A's?"

Mikey nodded. "I bet Daddy did." That his way of distinguishing us. Sam was Dad. I was Daddy.

I smiled.

He continued. "That's why he's a teacher. So he can teach other kids to get good grades. Right Dad?"

Sammy nodded and ruffled his hair. "Right kiddo. You're Daddy is a really smart guy."

I walked up behind them and wrapped my arms around them both. "Enough already. My ego is getting too big."

Mikey jumped up. "Daddy, we made you your favorite for breakfast. I helped."

I hoisted him up and sat on my lap and sat down. "You gonna eat some with me?" He nodded and we began to dig in. I thought of something and looked over at Sam. "Should we tell him?"

His ears perked up at that and he twisted in my arms to looked at me. "Tell me what?" He asked through a mouth full of french toast.

I laughed. "Well we decided to sell you to some really nice monkeys."

Sammy smiled while Mikey contemplated whether or not this could have been true. "Daddy and I decided that since you did extra good on your first report card we're gonna take you somewhere for Christmas vacation." He looked at me.

"We decided that since Mickey Mouse is just dying to see ya, we'll take you to his place." I tried to be as vague as possible and it paid off as I saw the confused expression on my son's face. Finally, he realized where I was talking about.

"You mean Disney World?"

Sammy laughed. "Yep."

Suddenly Mikey jumped out of my lap and began to jet out of the kitchen. I yelled behind him. "Where ya going?"

He was already in the living room. "To pack."

We both laughed and then Sammy looked at me. "So we can afford this?"

I smiled as I began scarfing down my food. "Yes Mom." He glared at me. "I did all of the calculations and stuff. I got a great deal on a package with tickets and all that shit."

He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

I patted my lap and he moved over. I pulled him to me. "Don't worry. I still love ya."

He laughed. "Well if that's the case." He looked at me closely. "Ya got some syrup right here. He inched in closer and kissed me with his body sideways. The kiss quickly became much more passionate and he was soon straddling my lap running his fingers through my hair. We finally came up for air.

I looked up at him. "Geez. I thought I woulda worn you out last night."

"Not a chance." He smiled and then groaned. "We gotta do laundry today."

I pouted. Doing laundry was probably my least favorite chore. "Can't we just walk around naked?" I whined.

Sammy laughed. "As fun as that sounds, I don't think so." He got up and pulled me with him. "Now come on. I'll let ya fold my underwear."

When the world has turned the last time, when it all is turned to dust You can always turn to me, pure gold will never rust I will love you longer than always, longer than always I'll love you Longer than always and forever, love you honest, love you true

Alright, that's it for now. I know it's starting to drag. I promise the next one will be a lot more eventful. I'm working on a new story that should be out tomorrow in the College section called "Travelin' Thru." Thanks again to everyone and a belated Happy New Year.

Next: Chapter 7

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