Grass Is Blue

By moc.loa@bsissarG

Published on Feb 11, 2005


This is my first story. As always, if you're not supposed to be here, please leave. In other words, if men kissing, fucking, or doing anything remotely sexual offends, disgusts, or angers you then you should get out of here. This story includes sex between two men. But it is at heart, a love story. Plenty of sap, romance, and professions of love. So be warned.

This work is copyrighted and may not be used without explicit permission from the author.

Comments, suggestions, complaints are all much appreciated and welcomed at

Thank you to everyone who has sent encouraging notes and suggestions so far. It means a lot. I apologize for taking so long to respond to some of them but I found them in my spam folder two weeks after I received them. Keep them coming though. I love hearing from all of you.

The song "It's All Wrong but It's Alright" is copyrighted by Velvet Apple Music. Words and Music by Dolly Parton.

Enjoy, Anthony

Chapter Two - It's All Wrong but It's Alright

"Hello are you free tonight, I like your looks I love your smile

Could I use you for awhile? It's all wrong but it's alright

The amber sunset glow has died, my needs are very much alive

Is it okay if I stop by? It's all wrong but it's alright

"I have coffee, tea, soda, water. I think I might have some beer but it's warm."

He sounded so nervous. I wanted to rip his clothes off and do him right there on the kitchen floor. But I also knew I wanted to do this right.

"Water is fine. That shrimp was a little spicier than I expected." I told him watching as his perfectly round ass bent down to retrieve the bottle from the refrigerator. I looked around. The apartment was really nice, a little smaller than mine but a typical Studio apartment. A nice size living room, a tiny kitchen and what looked to be a fairly sized bedroom from where I was standing. Hopefully I'd get an even better view soon enough.

"So what do you think?" he asked as I sat down on a stool across from him.

"I think for someone who moved in yesterday, it looks like you've lived here for months." I told him. It took me three months to just unpack all my stuff when I moved into my first apartment and another three just to make it look presentable.

He laughed. "Yeah I know. I stayed up all night unpacking and arranging things. The furniture came with the place but it was so..." he looked around "...drab. I needed to liven things up a bit."

"Well I think it's wonderful." I replied honestly. I wished I could do this with my apartment. For a gay man, I always seemed to be missing that decorative gene that so many of my friends had. I bought the books, subscribed to the magazines, did everything I could. But I never seemed to get the hang of it. I glanced towards his TV. Beside it was a huge stereo and what looked like hundreds of CD's.

I walked over to them and began scanning the titles. "These are all yours?" I asked. I thought I owned a lot of CD's but this put my collection to shame.

"Oh yeah. I'm sort of like a music fanatic." he said over his shoulder while he rifled through the cupboard for plates.

I scanned the titles. You can tell a lot about someone from the kind of music they listen to. Personally I'm an eclectic kinda guy. I can listen to anything. Country, jazz, pop, dance, rock. I like it all. Looking over his list, I noticed he seemed to be the same way. Of course he had the requisite gay section. Bette, Cher, Madonna but he also had some great rock albums and what seemed to be every Billy Joel album known to man. Including my personal favorite "The Nylon Curtain." And then I stumbled upon a whole bunch that bared the same name. I scanned down the row. Dolly Parton, Dolly Parton, Dolly Parton.

"I see you've found my obsession." He was right behind me. I could feel the heat radiate from his body. He was holding a glass out to me. I took it and gulped down the water as it soothed my now incredibly dry throat.

He plopped down on the coach and laughed. "Being from Tennessee, there was no way I could grow up without knowing who Dolly Parton was. I mean everyone does, but when you're from her home state it's like a rule." He smiled. "Well anyway, I guess being a hick combined with being a fag, I sorta went overboard and became, well a fanatic." He smiled sheepishly. "My father used to think I liked her because of her... well... endowments but as we both know that was never it." He sat up on the couch and gave me a serious look. "She's so different, you know. But people accepted her anyway. That was such a comforting thought." He stood up and shrugged. "Plus I'm a fag and it's my duty to love Dolly, Liza, Cher, and Judy. And depending on the decade Bette."

I laughed. "You are pretty fucking adorable, you know that?" I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

He smiled and whispered, "You're not so bad yourself." And then we kissed. No hesitation there this time. God he tasted so fucking good. A little bit sweet and sour shrimp, a little bit chocolate brownie. But at the same time all him. Let me just cut to the chase and say it was the best fucking taste in the world. Reluctantly, I pulled away so we could both get some air. His eyes were glazed over as he looked at me.

"Jesus Christ! You should fucking patent that!" He started to nibble on my earlobe as I chuckled. At that I shuddered.

He laughed. "Hmm. I think we found one of your hot spots. I think I wanna find some more." And with that he started to lick his way down my jaw line gently nipping at my skin. "You smell fucking wonderful." God was this guy good. But if he didn't stop what he was doing I was going to cum right then and there and I didn't want that.

"Sam..." Lick. "Sammy..." Lick, lick. "Stop, please."

He looked worried all of a sudden. "Oh I'm sorry. I... I... I'm going too fast aren't I?"

I had to smile. "No." And to seal the deal I sucked his tongue into my mouth once more. "But... I'm ready to explode and I don't want it to end yet."

He smiled sheepishly. "Oh."

He started to say something else but I stopped him. "And don't apologize. Nothing to be sorry about. Let's just say I get excited very easily. Especially around you."

He smiled. "The feeling is mutual. Believe me." We kissed again. Lord I couldn't get enough of this boy's mouth.

As we kissed he gently kneaded the muscles in my back, his hands slowly making a descent down to my ass cheeks. He left my mouth and continued on down to my neck licking, caressing me with that wonderfully talented tongue of his. As he did this, he never broke eye contact with me.

That's something I've always loved. I know it's kinda weird and very slutty but there is something so sexy about seeing a guy look up at me while he's licking, sucking, blowing, or doing whatever else he might be doing. I'm sure there is some thinly veiled psychological explanation there but I'm not even going into that right now.

He was now undoing my belt buckle still looking up at me with that glazed, lustful look on his face. Then he spoke. "How bout we get you out of these clothes and I show the bedroom." He smiled devilishly while grasping my already erect cock through the confines of my jeans.

I looked down at him and smiled. "Best offer I had all day." And with that I pulled him up to meet me face to face. "But only if I get to undress you and perform dirty, lewd acts on you all night."

He laughed. "Keep talking like that and I'm gonna cum right here."

I lifted him up off the ground and wrapped his legs around my waist cupping his ass with my hands. I licked the side of his jaw line as I walked through the doorway to his bedroom, which was a bit on the small side, but decorated nicely nonetheless. I laid him down on the bed and whispered in his ear. "I'm going to make love to you over and over tonight." I looked down at him and for the first time in my life knew what it was like to fully and totally love another human being so much it hurt. And for a moment I was confused. How could this happen? How could I just fall in love so quickly? Maybe it was lust. So many things went through my mind. He must have sensed what I was thinking because he took my face in his hands and pulled me in for another kiss.

He looked up at me. "I'm just as scared as you are but trust me. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not in this for a one night stand. And I know you aren't either. And..." he added tenderly "... I love you." Then he flashed a mischievous little smile. "Now would you please fuck the shit out of me."

I clapped my hands together and did a horrible Barbara Eden impression. "Your wish is my command." And thus ended the conversation. This was what we wanted, where we wanted to be. I slowly and surely removed every piece of his clothing until he was laying there in front of me in a pair of blindingly white briefs. His cock was screaming for release and I was more than ready to help it out. I reached to pull his briefs down but he stopped me. I looked down at him and gave him a questioning look.

He chuckled. "You're not naked."

"Oh. Duh!" I smiled. "You think you could help me out with that?"

He raised his eyebrows. "I suppose." And in one fluid movement he was now on top of me straddling my hips. Slowly and seductively, he removed my belt. Working his way up he slid my shirt up massaging as he went along. The shirt off, he only had one more article of clothing left and I couldn't wait for him to remove them. He slid down my legs and pulled the denim down to my ankles, my already erect cock poking out of the slit in my boxers. Damn it. If I would have known I was having sex tonight I would have worn a sexier pair of underwear. He didn't seem to care though.

He was more preoccupied with my dick, giving me what was perhaps the best blowjob I've ever received in my life, gobbling that cock down like there was no tomorrow. But all too soon I felt that familiar tingle in my balls which meant I wasn't really going to last much longer. I tried to pull him off but the jaws of life couldn't have pried him away. I came, or should I say exploded, and he swallowed every drop.

I looked down at him and he smiled at me. "You like?"

"Do I like?" I asked incredulously. "Where did you learn to do that?" I pulled him up to me and kissed him tasting the remnants of my previous explosion. Oddly enough it was nowhere near as disgusting as it sounded. In fact it was fucking hot.

He sat up straddling me, my limp dick directly under his ass.

I looked up at him. "I'd sort of like to return the favor." And without even getting an answer I pulled him to me so that he was now straddling my face and took his rock hard cock into my mouth working it as best as I could. Apparently I must have been doing a pretty good job from the sounds and moans he was making. Reaching behind him, he grabbed my dick, still a little sensitive and jerked it a little causing pre-cum to ooze. Scooping it up, I saw him start to lube his ass up. This of course made me even hotter and I worked like a madman to make him cum. And cum he did. So much so that some of it ended up smeared on my face.

He leaned down and licked every drop off of my face then shared it with me in a kiss. Again this falls under the sounds disgusting but is amazingly hot category. Something you definitely have to experience to understand.

We finally broke the kiss and he looked down at me. "I have condoms in my drawer if we need them." He was slowly jerking me off as he talked which didn't really help as I couldn't think straight.

I looked up at him. "I was tested last week and I'm negative. I haven't been with someone for a couple of months now. You?"

He smiled sheepishly. "I... um... I've never..."

I was more than shocked. "You've never been with anyone before?" He shook his head no.

Now I was nervous. What if I hurt him? "Are you sure you want to do this?"

He smiled. "I'm more sure of this than I've ever been of anything in my life."

I rolled him over and gently placed myself on top of him. "We're gonna need a little more lube."

He reached over to the nightstand drawer, retrieved a tube and handed it to me.

I squeezed out a dollop and looked at him. "If it hurts, tell me and we'll stop. I don't want to hurt you."

He smiled at me. "I know."

Slowly I entered him with one finger loosening his very tight sphincter. "How's that baby?"

He gasped. "It feels weird, but a good weird."

I tried for a second finger and this time there was no gasp but a moan, a moan of pleasure. "I think we found your prostate. Feel good?"

He nodded, his eyes closed. "Incredibly."

"Alright. One more finger." He was still tight and I was afraid this would hurt. "Come on baby. Sammy open up for me." The third finger slid in and where I expected a gasp or a cry instead came another moan, a louder one.

"Oh God. Yes." He was practically clawing at the sheets.

"Still feel good?" I asked him tentatively.

He smiled up at me, his brow thoroughly covered with a coat of sweat. "Feels like I died and went to heaven."

I laughed. "Good. That's how I want it to be for you. I want this first time to be the most pleasurable and enjoyable you'll ever have. So you'll never forget it."

"You're definitely succeeding at that."

Now came the clincher. "Alright, I'm taking my fingers out now. I think you know what is going to take their place."

He looked a little scared. "Yeah."

I leaned down and kissed him. "I won't hurt you. I promise. It might sting a little at first but I would never hurt you. You know that right?"


I positioned the head of my cock at his hole. I looked up at him. "You're sure."

He laughed. "Absolutely fucking positive." "Alright."

Slowly I entered his tight ass. I'll admit I was a bit tentative at first fearing that I'd hurt him. But when he pulled me to him trying to push me further inside I knew he was enjoying it.

"Oh God, David. I never knew..." He was in ecstasy and I was loving it.

"I know." I leaned down and kissed him. "I love you." I whispered.

"God I love you so much." He had his hands on my back, massaging, scratching, pounding. "Harder baby, let loose. I can handle it."

I looked down at him worried. "You're sure."

He gave me one of those "Are you kidding me" looks. "Yes. Oh God yes."

And with that I gave in. I wanted him so much. Wanted him to feel how much I loved him. How much he turned me on. How hot he made me feel.

"Oh God. Sammy I'm gonna cum in you. You want that? You want me to cum inside of you?" I was a wild man now.

"Yes. Fill me up babe. Come on." He was jerking his cock now with one hand and kneading my ass cheeks with the other. "Oh God I'm going to..."

And we both just exploded. I was screaming like a psycho and he wasn't any better. It was the best and most intense orgasm I've ever had in my life. I'd like to tell you that was just because Sammy was the hottest guy I'd ever met. And he was but it was so much more than that. Here was a guy I was in love with, a guy who loved me. Who gave himself completely to me. That, to me, made all the difference.

He was breathing hard. "You okay?" I asked him still trying to recover myself.

He mashed his mouth to mine. When we finally broke it, he smiled. "Never been better."

"I wanna know everything there is to know about you."

We were lying in bed, blanket covering us, recovering from the best sex both of us had ever had. He was spooning me. His now limp dick nestled snugly in the crack of my ass. He snuggled closer to me and ran his fingers through my hair. "What are your parents like? What's your favorite food? How many brothers and sisters do you have?"

I smiled. This is what I always wanted. Someone to share all of this stuff with. "Well my favorite food is easy. I love, love, love potatoes. Fried, mashed, au gratin. You name it. I love it." His hand was slowly rubbing the small of my back while I talked and although I couldn't see his face, I knew that I had his full attention.

"My parents are, for lack of a better word, tolerable. They weren't exactly thrilled with the whole gay thing and they still haven't really accepted it. My mother more than my father. They're both devout Catholics so of course they think its wrong." I turned around to face him. "What about yours?"

He looked scared and nervous and I didn't want him to feel like that. I intertwined my fingers with his. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

He grabbed my hand and brought it to his chest and held it there while he talked. "My mother died during childbirth a year ago while having my brother. He was sort of like a change of life baby and the doctors were worried that she wouldn't be able to handle the delivery. My father wanted her to terminate the pregnancy but she wouldn't hear of it." Tears started to trickle down my face as I listened to him talk. "She was fine the entire time. Then came the delivery. She just couldn't handle it. Her body gave out and well..." By this time I was sobbing like a baby. He looked over at me and hugged my body to his quietly comforting me.

I looked up at him. "I should be the one comforting you. I'm so sorry."

He smiled at me. "Its taken awhile but I've accepted it. At first I blamed my brother. But it took me only two seconds to realize that that innocent child had nothing to do with my mother's death. She died because of her love for her child. She was always the bravest person I'd ever known and with that act of courage she just proved it."

"What happened to your father?" I asked tentatively. I noticed he hadn't really mentioned much about him.

"He lost the little bit of sense he had. My dad was never a loving person. He was the tough love kind. If you got in a fight, he wanted you to win. If you didn't win, then he'd show you how to fight. My father never told me once in my life that he loved me. I wish I could blame my homosexuality but he was too stupid or drunk to even notice. I never understood what my mother saw in him. She was this loving, caring woman and he was this monster." He shook his head slowly. "But she loved him."

"How did he react when you left?" Was I being too nosey? I hoped not.

"Let's just say not too well. I didn't want to go and leave the baby. I still regret that. But he hired a really wonderful woman to take care of him. Michael. She wanted to name him after Michael the archangel. Once I knew that he'd be cared for I had to get out of there." He looked so sad, his face devoid of the happiness that I had seen there before.

I pulled his entire body of top of me and pulled his face down to meet mine. "I'm glad you came here."

He looked down at me and smiled. "So am I."

I woke up to the shrieking of an alarm in my ears and the warm hand of a hot man sprawled over my chest. So all in all it wasn't too bad of a wake up. As I hit the snooze button, I snuggled closer and wrapped my arm around his waist. It was a little chilly and being naked really didn't help. Not that I was complaining mind you. I pulled the covers up to our chins and tried to get four more minutes of sleep before the alarm would decide to wake me up yet again.

Not a minute later, it decided to start blaring. Exasperated, I shut it off and got up. I figured it was better if I just got up instead of delaying it. Slipping on my boxers, I heard something rustle under the blanket behind me. Feeling playful I bent down and yanked the covers off my still groggy lover.

"Oh God you're a morning person." He groaned.

"You bet your cute ass I am. Now get out of that bed and come take a shower with me." I said as cheerful as I could.

He leapt up and pulled me back on the bed with him, his hard cock poking me in the stomach. He was now straddling my lap.

"Watch that thing. You might poke my eye out or something." I said laughing.

"Oh I'm gonna poke something alright but it's not going to be your eye." He said grinding it once again against my abs. He looked over at the clock. "What time you have to be at school?" he asked while he gently sucked the skin on my neck.

"Well if you keep doing that, I'm gonna be playing hookie today." I moaned as his tongue began to caress my left nipple.

He looked up at me and smiled. "I love you. Maybe last night was tentative or premature or whatever, but today I can say with full conviction that I love you so much." He started to tear up and furiously rubbed at his eyes.

God I hated it when he cried. "Hey, nothing to be upset about. If you haven't already noticed I'm pretty head over heels in love with you too." I brought my hand up to his face and wiped his tears away.

He looked down at me and smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I so killed the mood, didn't I?" He laid his head on my chest and sighed, a content sigh. "It's just that when I came here, I didn't... I didn't expect to find someone like you. I came here... came here to get away from everything and then I fell in love and everything just seems perfect." He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.

I lifted his head and could see tears continually streaming from his eyes. Slowly, surely I kissed away every one of them. "It seems perfect..." I started, "... because it is. Some people may scoff at the whole love at first sight notion but all I know is you've done things to me in the last twenty four hours..." He smiled devilishly at that. "... to my heart you little perv. Things that no one has ever been able to do. The truth of the matter is in a matter of a day, you've become my whole life, my whole world." Now I was the one bawling. "And that to me is perfect. You are perfect."

We laid there for a long time just holding each other.

"David?" He broke the silence.

"Hmm?" I was lightly stroking his back.

"You're perfect to me too." He lifted his head from my chest and looked up at me with those gorgeous eyes and gorgeous lips and the most beautiful nose, yes nose, in the world. This man, this gorgeous man, this incredible man was mine. In love with me. I think the enormity finally hit me like a ton of bricks. I pulled his head down to meet mine kissing him frantically, urgently trying desperately to make him a part of me. But I knew, though, there was only one way to do that.

I looked up at him. "Make love to me. I need you..." I stopped before I became a blubbering mess again. "...I need you in me. To be a part of me."

"Are you sure?" He asked. And by the way he asked I knew the answer. This was about reciprocity. About giving and taking. He gave himself to me completely last night and I needed, and not to mention wanted, to do the same.

"Absolutely." I smiled.

"Well then, I think it might be better if we got these off of you." He had his hands on my thighs, pulling down my boxers slowly licking and caressing the exposed skin inch by inch. He looked up at me. "You taste fucking incredible." And with that he pulled the underwear completely off and plunged down on my cock.

I think my eyes rolled to the back of my head. "Go easy there stud. A little more of that and this volcano is gonna erupt. How bout you swing around here and let me help you along." And with that he swung around and gave me free access to that gorgeous cock of his. Just as I was about to devour it, I heard the shrill ring of a phone.

He poked his head up. "I think its yours."

"Its my cell phone. Just let it ring." I reached for him but he pulled away and padded across the room for the phone and threw it to me.

"What if its important?" He asked plopping back down on the bed.

"Nothing is as important as this." I said as I stroked his cock. I looked at the caller ID and instantly was jolted back to reality. This wasn't a dream. And that meant that we'd have to face others and if there was one person I was nervous of facing, it was my sister.

"Hello." I said as I flipped the phone open. "No. I was in the shower. I must not have heard the phone ring." I hated to lie to her and I hated it even more because I wanted to shout from the rooftops that I was with the man of my dreams who I loved more than life itself and who loved me just as much back. But I also knew I couldn't do it justice over the phone. "Now... But I have school... Well yeah I guess... Alright. Love you too. Bye." I snapped the phone shut and banged my head against the pillow.

I felt a shift in the bed and the hot breath of my man on my neck. "Reality finally sets it right?" He asked quietly. He climbed on top of my back and started to massage the tense muscles. "If you aren't ready to..."

I had to stop him. "God no. Believe me that's not it. I just... well you've never met my sister. She's a wonderful person but she's well... very... she's intense to say the least and telling her over the phone just isn't an option." I turned myself over and rolled his body with me gently laying myself on top of him. "She will find out about you. Everyone I know will. I promise you that. You're mine now and I plan to show you off to everyone."

He smiled at me. "So I'm yours now am I? I like the sound of that."

"So do I." I pulled his face up to mine and gently kissed him on the lips.

He reluctantly pulled away. "Alright. You need a shower and as much as I hate to say this its gonna have to be alone or we'll never get out of here." He rolled off the bed and started shuffling through drawers showing his perfect ass as he bent down to retrieve a pair of underwear. I was just lying there enjoying the view when he turned around and smiled.

"You just gonna lie there all die and stare at me?"

I laughed. "I was seriously considering it."

"No stud. You take a shower and I'll make some coffee." And with that he was gone.

The shower was quick and when I got out, I found a warm towel and clothes waiting for me. I dressed quickly and made my way into the kitchen where Sammy was drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper.

I hugged him from behind. "Gonna miss me today?"

He sighed. "You have no idea." He turned around and kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"He lives." My sister said dramatically as I sat at the opposite end of the booth across from her.

"Hello to you too." I replied sarcastically while scanning the menu. For some reason I was extremely nervous and I knew the bitch could tell.

"So what have you been up too?" She asked just a little too sarcastically for my tastes. Then she added quickly, "Or should I say what has been up you."

"Could you have just a little less class?" I asked as the waiter came to take out orders.

We ordered and she made a few more off brow comments, this time directed at our incredibly cute but incredibly young waiter. As he left blushing, I wondered for the millionth time if she and I really were related.

"He's a little young don't you think?" I asked her as soon as he was out of earshot.

"Oh who cares? Did you see the size of that package?" She asked still staring over at him as he leaned against the counter.

Now don't get me wrong here. I'm painting her as some shallow, sex craved slut. Well actually she was all of those things. But I loved her anyway. Isabel was the kind of girl who'd give you the shirt off her back, the last dollar she had in her wallet. She was the most unselfish person I'd ever met in my life and I was proud to call her my sister.

But at the same time she also loved men and she loved sex even more. But more importantly she didn't care what people thought about her or the way she dressed or the way she unabashedly flirted with anyone she wanted. Sure she got herself in plenty of trouble over the years but as she always says, she had a ton of a fun in the process.

My sister has always been my best friend, my confidant. She was the first person I went to when I knew I was gay, the first person I went to when I had my first crush, the first person I went to when Matt broke my heart. So, of course, it made sense for her to be the first person I'd go to when I fell in love.

"So who is he?" She broke me from my reverie. I should also mention she knew me better than I knew myself.

I must have looked at her strangely because she just laughed.

"Oh come on. You come in here looking like you've won the lottery, giddy as a schoolgirl and you're gonna tell me you didn't meet someone." She looked me over. "And by the bags under your eyes, one can deduce that you and he had quite a good time." She laughed at this.

I looked up at her and debated whether or not to tell her everything. Would she approve? Would she think it was too soon?

"I love him." God so much for beating around the bush. She looked shocked.

"Hold on there Casanova. Love who?" She was flustered. Mental point for me.

And so for the next hour I sat there and gushed and gushed and gushed some more about the man who in a matter of a day had become my life, my entire world. I told her everything about him, well everything I knew.

"So that's it? You think he's the one?" I could tell by her voice she was concerned.

"I don't think. I'm sure of it." She still looked skeptical. I took a breath. "Look Is. I know it sounds crazy. And I really can't explain any of it but I love him. That I know. And the best part of it is he loves me back. He is in love with me." I looked down now to hide the tears that were forming in my eyes.

Suddenly I felt the weight of the seat next to me shift and I felt her soft hands rub my shoulders. "No need to cry sweetie. Being in love is a wonderful thing."

I looked up at her and then glanced around. Thank God it was empty otherwise my little breakdown would have been a show for everyone.

She smiled at me. "You do know though, he is gonna have to pass the Isabel Stanton test. But in the meantime, dish. What's he look like, where is he from, what's his cock size?" See I told you no one would ever accuse her of being shy.

I had to laugh. She had that effect on me. "I couldn't possibly do him justice. But he is the most incredible man I've ever met in my life and the best lover I've ever had. Not that I have much to compare to."

"It's not the quantity, it's the quality." Did I just hear those words come out of her mouth? She must have sensed what I was thinking because laughed again. "Yes I did just say that. Who knows? Maybe there is a monogamous woman inside of this body trying to get out." She patted my back and then scooted back over to her seat. "So it's settled then. You, me, him. Dinner tonight."

Oh God. She'll eat him alive. "Um... I don't know. It might be a little..."

She cut me off. "No buts. Tonight. Seven thirty at the Blue Water Grill." She looked at me. "And I promise I'll be nice."

"Yeah sure and someday I'll be crowned Miss New York." I replied sarcastically.

"One snip and that could be very possible." My sister, always the comedian.

It was no use in trying to talk her out of this though. "Alright. You'll get your way. But, and that's a very big but, if you say one thing that makes him uncomfortable the evening ends. Deal."

She smiled. "Deal." Oh God.

"Alright guys. Settle down please." The class suddenly began to take shape. I was always amazed at how I was able to settle these kids down. I mean it's not like they were bad or anything like that. This was actually a great high school to teach in. Sure you had your occasional asshole but I was very lucky. I taught Freshmen Honors English and Advanced Senior English so most of my students actually wanted to be there.

"I know its last period and everyone is itching to get out of here but this is still class and we still need to prepare for the AP exam that's coming up."

I hated to have them last period. Like I said, they were never really bad but they were so antsy. Looking at their watches, staring out the windows, getting ready to turn their cell phones on. I always made my seniors a deal when I had them last period, which was two times a cycle. If they paid attention and did their work, we'd stop class ten minutes early so they could be ready as soon as the bell rang. I figured they'd be smart enough to take me up on the deal and they always did. Plus they were seniors and it didn't hurt if I bolstered their egos by giving them special treatment. It didn't hurt my popularity either.

The class went extremely well. Today's discussion was on the previous night's reading of "A Streetcar Named Desire." They were really into it and brought up a ton of valid points before I could. All too soon, the period was near over and I ended the class early like I always did. As they sat and talked quietly I started to gather my lecture papers and the essays that I had to grade that night. Finishing up I felt my pants pocket begin to vibrate and I reached in to see who was calling me. Seeing the name on the caller ID, my heart (and my cock) did a small flutter.

Trying to be discrete, I turned around and flipped it up to answer it. "Hello."

"Look out the window." His voice sounded so sweet.

"Why?" He had my curiosity now.

"Oh so you don't trust me now?" He asked his tone playful. "Come on. Look out the window."

"Alright, alright." I walked carefully to the window and looked down and there he was waving up at me with the goofiest grin I've ever seen in my life sticking his tongue out.

Now it was my turn to be playful. "You better not go flaunting that thing all over the place. Its mine and mine alone..." I turned around to see if any of the kids were listening. They weren't. "... and I was hoping to use mine on you for some really naughty purposes later."

"Hmm. I like naughty. Naughty is good." I could hear the smile in his voice while he talked.

"So you gonna wait for me?" I asked him looking at my watch and realizing they were three minutes before the bell rang. I looked down at him and smiled.

"You betcha." He said, smiling back. "Plus I came to ogle all the cute guys."

I laughed, just a tad too loud. I lowered my voice to a whisper. "No ogling. I thought you told me last night I was all the man you could handle."

"Oh you are lover, you are." He practically purred.

At that the bell rang and all at once the kids got up and raced out of class. I was ready to jet out like the rest of them until I glanced up at the calendar on my bulletin board and realized today was an English department meeting. FUCK! Why today? Could I get out of it?

My phone rang again. "My tongue and I are waiting." Could this boy be any cuter?

"Hey listen. I just remembered I have a department meeting. It'll be about a half hour." I hoped he wouldn't be mad.

He wasn't though. "Okay. Listen I'm gonna head to the store for some groceries. I'm making you a real Southern dinner tonight. I'll meet you back here in forty five minutes. Sound good?"

"Sounds incredibly good. I'll see you soon. Love ya." I couldn't wait.

"Love you more." And then he was gone.

"So I think that should be about it. Test scores have all improved by over 25% for each year since the midterms so that is a good sign. Anyone have any questions?"

Normally I love department meetings. Call me crazy but I love being a teacher. And I love the staff I work with. In fact I had them as teachers not five years ago. You'd think they would look down on me but none of them did. But today I was just not into this meeting at all. My thoughts were definitely elsewhere.


I wonder if he'll want to move in together. I didn't want to mention it last night because I figured that was taking things way too fast.


Or maybe he just made all that shit up about being in love. No. He'd never do that. I'll ask him tonight if he wants to live together. Yeah. Or maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I'll just...


I looked up to see everyone in the classroom staring at me. God I hope I wasn't thinking aloud again.

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking." I replied hoping my embarrassment didn't show.

"I was just asking if your guys were prepared for the AP Exam." Tony the department chair asked me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh... um... yeah. We've done most of the required readings and their writing is phenomenal. I haven't had a student fail a paper yet. They need to hone their grammar skills but once that's done, they'll be set." Okay can we get the fuck out of here now?

"Great. So we'll all set here. Next meeting is a week from today. See you then." Tony said dismissing us from the meeting. I said my goodbyes and quickly made my way to the office to sign out. You could imagine my surprise when I made my way there and found Sam, my Sam, talking with Maureen, the secretary.

"Her best album, I think, was "Trio."" She was telling Sam.

"Oh definitely." He paused. "But solo wise, you just cannot beat "Eagle When She Flies." I think as a songwriter, she has matured so much."

"Sweetie pie, I couldn't agree anymore." That was Maureen, dripping with sugar. She called everyone hun and sweetie pie and was probably one of the nicest women I'd ever met. She glanced up and saw me standing in the door smiling.

"David, where on earth did you find this boy? He's adorable."

Maureen knew I was gay. It wasn't exactly something that I hid. Those days were behind me. Don't get me wrong. I didn't run around flashing the gay pride flag or singing show tunes but I also didn't deny it when people asked. And of course being the pushy, but in a good way, woman she is Maureen was the first to ask.

Sam turned his head around to look at me. "I figured I'd surprise you and wait. You're not mad right?"

God was this boy worried all the time.

I smiled and walked over to them. "Nah. I was just surprised. I see you've met our secretary extraordinaire."

Maureen blushed and looked at Sam. "He's a sweet talker this one. You watch yourself." We all laughed.

"Oh I think I'll be able to handle him." He replied.

I smiled and thought to myself. Oh he handles me just fine Maureen, don't you worry about that.

As they were laughing I signed myself out. "You ready?" I asked anxious to get out of there and do to him what I'd been daydreaming about doing all day. He seemed to have the same thoughts because he had that same "fuck me" look.

He smiled. "You bet." Then he turned to Maureen. "It was wonderful to meet you my dear. Any time you feel like talkin' Dolly, you know where to reach me." He flashed that thousand watt smile that he knew could hook anyone in.

We made our way out into the hallway. He looked to see if anyone was around and then pushed me against the wall and mashed his mouth to mine. A thousand thoughts went through my head. What if someone see us? What if I get too turned on? Just as I was getting into it though, he broke the kiss and pressed his face close enough to mine without touching it.

He whispered. "That's just to whet your appetite for later."

Later. Oh fuck. My sister.

He started to walk but I tugged at his arm. "Don't be mad but I sorta told my sister we'd have dinner with her tonight. Please don't be mad. She just wants to meet this guy who I've been going on and on about. If you don't want to go we don't..."

All this time I was staring at his chest because I didn't want to face him fearing that for some reason he'd finally come to his senses and realize that I wasn't good enough for him. Yes I know. I've always been a drama queen. Norma Desmond ain't got nothing on me.

But he finally shut me up by pushing my chin up with his finger to look him in the face.

"You worry too much. You do know that right." He smiled at me. God that smile could melt away the coldest person's heart. "I'd love to meet your sister. In fact I'm flattered that you're nervous over it." He started to walk away.

Flattered? I started walking to catch up to him. "What do you mean flattered?"

He stopped this time and looked at me. "I'm flattered that you thought I'd be upset." I guess I looked at him kind of strangely because he put his hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to worry about that. I'll meet your sister. I'll meet your parents. I'll meet with the entire fucking United Nations if you want me to. I'm yours and your mine." He laughed. "God I'm getting into corny mode now. You see what you fucking do to me." Then his facial expression changed as if something dawned on him. "Oh fuck. What am I gonna wear tonight? Is this casual, dressy? Should I wear a suit? What do you..."

"Shhh." I whispered as I put my finger over his mouth. "You could go nude and I wouldn't care. On second thought I would because then everyone would be able to ogle your hot bod and I wanna be the only guy with those privileges." I smiled. "Come on. We'll stop by my place and get some clothes and then you can go home and model every outfit you have." I started to walk but quickly turned around and laughed. "You wouldn't by any chance be willing to model some underwear for me would ya?"

I got a slap on the head for that one.

"Are you ready?" He asked me for the sixth time in fifteen minutes.

I walked out of the bedroom pulling on my sweater and smiled at him. "You do know we have like two hours before we have to be there?" I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Hmm. Wonder how many times we could do it in two hours."

"Don't even think about it. We have sex now and your sister will be able to tell and then she'll think I'm some sort of slut or something." I was nibbling on his earlobe. He whined. "David. Come on babe. You know that drives me wild." I moved down to his neck. "Fuck that feels good." He seemed to really be getting into it until I started to unbutton his shirt. He pulled away from me and buttoned it back up. I must have pouted a little bit because he came over to me and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"And don't pout. I promise when we get home tonight I'll make good on the little task that I couldn't finish today."

I smiled. "I'm going to hold you to that too."

He walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water. "Want?"

I shook my head. I walked over to the CD case and perused it. "So where would a beginner like me start in this sea of Dollymania."

He laughed and walked up behind resting his chin on my shoulder. "Hmmm. Well what albums have you heard?"

"I have one at my apartment. I'm not sure which one. It has that freaky sounding song about the little dog."

He laughed. "Oh "Me & Little Andy.""

I nodded. "Yeah. That song use to scare the shit out of me."

"That was "Here You Come Again." Probably her second best album. A lot of people dismissed it because they felt it was too pop but with the exception of the title song and "Two Doors Down," it was a country album. An excellent one at that." He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry bout that. Sometimes I go off on little Dolly tangents."

I turned around and pulled him to me. "Don't worry. I like how you're so passionate about something. You should be like a Dolly historian or something. Go on talk shows and do interviews."

He laughed. "That would be a fun job wouldn't it. I have an interview tomorrow. I forgot to tell you."

"Where?" I asked.

"A law firm. Its an administrative assistant job. Pay is decent."

I lifted him up off the floor and twirled him around the room. "Good for you babe."

"Well I didn't get it yet."

"All they have to do is meet you and they'll love you." I kissed him. "I know I do."

"Move in here with me." He just blurted that out.

"What?" I was a little surprised, but happy surprised.

He closed his eyes. "I don't want to be away from you. I want to wake up every morning in your arms. I want to go to bed every night making love to you." He opened his eyes to reveal tears.

"Sammy baby don't cry. Of course I'll move in here. I was just afraid to bring the subject up. Just please don't cry. You rip my heart out when you do." I looked around. "Where the hell is my junk gonna fit in around here?"

"We'll make room for it." He laughed. "You said yes. God I was so afraid I would scare you away." He walked over to the window and looked out on the streets of New York. I walked up behind him wrapping my arms around him, enveloping his body. He sighed contently and looked up.

He whispered softly. "God thank you for David, for bringing me this beautiful angel to watch over and protect me. To love me."

I thought about adding something or trying to put into words what he just said meant to me but I didn't bother. It would have ruined the moment. Instead I just hugged him tighter. There we were, David and Sam. Two people in love.

That's it for Part II folks. Hope it was worth the wait. There's more to come in the lives of David and Sam. And I promise next time I'll be quicker about doing it.

Next: Chapter 3

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