Grandmothers Remedy

Published on Aug 24, 2001



If you are not an adult, do not read any further. If you want to see what this story and the rest of the stories in this series are about, then read the Remedy Intro, which explains the concept and different types of sex in the stories.

GRANDMOTHER'S REMEDY Chapter 1 - Humpty Dumpty on the wall Chapter 2 - Mother's advice. Chapter 3 - Obtaining the other ingredients Chapter 4 - The remedy Chapter 5 - David's story Chapter 6 - Donna's story Chapter 7 - Bernice's story Chapter 8 - Aunt Cecilia's story The End

A transgender story. by Waldo

Now that we have got rid of one third of the people, a brief synopsis of the story.

As usual with my stories, I don't concentrate on putting on the clothes and walking the walk. I concentrate on the emotions, the desires, the people behind the story and try to build a reasonable storyline. A lot of writing is intended to provide a storyline so that when the sex does occur, it has meaning. (just lost another one third of the potential readers). Someone reading the many chapters and missing a chapter or two might think that it was a normal (whatever that means) story.

In chapter 1, a young, attractive married woman discovers that her husband is coming out of the closet with some gay friends. Her best friend helps her analyze her marriage. Could the problem exist because the wife has masculine tendencies? Or because the husband is hiding feminine desires?

In chapter 2, the wife goes home to talk with her mother. Her mother, sends her to see an old Aunt. Someone who has lived long beyond her normal life and has seen a lot of life. Someone with some answers.

In chapter 3, the wife collects the Ingredients to a magical formula. It involves....well, at least collecting these ingredients is more fun than trying to get sweat from a toad.

In chapter 4, the transformation occurs. The wife shows the hubby that she is now wearing the pants in that marriage. While the transformation is primary discussed in this chapter, it is also discussed from three different viewpoints in the next three chapters.

In chapter 5, the new male in the family is helping his new wife adapt to her new forced change in lifestyle. Told from the new man's viewpoint.

In chapter 6, the new female in the family has to learn how to cope with the drastic change in lifestyle, looks, and functions around the house. Told from the new woman's viewpoint.

In chapter 7, the best friend knows that something has happened to the heroine. But doesn't know what. She suspects the husband of doing something, and it takes a little bit of convincing, before she accepts that her best friend is now a man, and that her best friend's body has a new inhabitant, who needs a best friend.

In chapter 8, everyone has adapted and life has returned to normal. They go home to visit the new woman's "mother".

The End has a follow-up five years after the transformation.

Grandmother's Remedy by Waldo

Chapter 1 - Humpty Dumpty on the wall

The big travel van pulled up in front of the house and blew the horn as the driver kept the engine running. Within a couple of seconds, the front door of the house opened and a woman dressed in a Giant Food Market's community league softball uniform acknowledged the van's horn-blowing notification with a friendly wave.

The attractive, young woman waving, was about five feet four inches tall, appeared to be very good shape under the loose fitting uniform, had her dark short hair tucked under a baseball cap, and was wearing her baseball shoes with the cleats. She was carrying a softball glove and a softball jacket, also emblazoned with the Giant logo; which carried her keys and billfold in an inner pocket.

A tall, well-built young handsome man followed her out of the house and walked to the van, carrying a bag of baseball bats. He was about six feet two inches, one hundred and ninety pounds, and had the general athletic build expected of a former high school quarterback that hasn't played football in five years. He opened the door to the van for the woman and said "Hi, Jeri. Understand that you plan on kicking Rockheel Shoe's team ass tonight."

"Yeah David, they beat us in the semi-finals last year and we have been looking forward all of our spring softball season to stomping them tonight. Your wife is going to be our secret weapon and we expect her to set a new league record for stolen bases tonight. Donna and I have been practicing our stolen base slides for the last couple of weeks." said the van driver.

Donna pulled off her cap, and tilted her head back so he could kiss her. David leaned forward and lightly touched her lips with his lips with a "good luck" kiss. As Donna turned, stretched her leg to climb into the high van, David patted her on the butt. She climbed into the passenger seat, winked at David and said "We are going to stop off for pizza and beer after the game. Don't wait up on me."

David said nothing and shut the van door as he blew his wife a good luck type of silent kiss. Jeri put the van into gear and drove the van down the street. About two blocks away from the house, Jeri turned right and pulled up beside a waiting white Toyota car. Donna opened her door and stepped out of the van. As she shut the door, she said to Jeri "Don't forget to write down what happened at the game and to put the results in my mailbox. I will need to know, in case David questions me later."

Jeri smiled at her and said "Going to miss you tonight. We won't stand a chance without you, but this is much more important than a ball game. Good luck."

Donna opened the passenger side door of the Toyota and climbed in. As she shut the door, she looked at the driver and started laughing. The driver snapped "You don't like this wig? Or is there something else about me that you think is funny?"

"Bernice, I love that wig and think you ought to wear it more often. Or you could dye your hair that mousy color." teased Donna.

"This mousy color is almost your color, so don't give me any shit over it. David knows that your best friend has red hair and a white car. With me wearing this dark wig and sunglasses, he will never recognize me or know that we are following him around town tonight. Reach behind your seat and get that black sweatshirt. You need to hide your bright softball uniform top."

Donna pulled the sweatshirt from behind her and put it on. Then Bernice handed her a blonde wig and sunglasses to complete her disguise. Donna removed her cap, placed the curly blonde wig on her head and fluffed the hair before putting on the sunglasses. When she was finished putting on her disguise, Bernice started up the Toyota and made a U turn back up the street toward Donna's house. About three quarters of a block away, Bernice pulled over in front of a house and killed the motor.

They did not have to wait long. Within a couple of minutes, David came out of the house, wearing a topcoat. He got into his car, and backed out into the street. Bernice started her engine. As David pulled out, Bernice followed him, keeping far enough back so that David would not recognize them.

As David's car pulled onto the freeway, Bernice let a couple of cars get between them and she followed him on the freeway until he pulled off at a downtown exit ramp. Following him through city traffic was bad, and she almost lost him once because of the traffic between them stopping for changing lights, but David was also stopped at a light two blocks away. They quickly caught back up, while maintaining a discrete separation between the two cars. They watched him pull into a parking lot and Bernice found a vacant street parking spot where they could watch David.

Donna slumped down in the seat so she couldn't be seen and used a pair of binoculars to watch David get out the car and remove his topcoat. "Son-of-a-bitch. He changed clothes as soon as I left the house. He had on jeans and a pull-over shirt when I was home. Now, he is wearing dress slacks and one of those brightly colored silk shirts that he has been buying lately."

Through the binoculars, Donna watched him as he casually looked around the street before walking across the street and into a doorway entrance. Donna aimed the binoculars higher and looked at the name above the door that said "Wild Thing Lounge" above the door. Under her breath, she whispered to Bernice although no one was close enough to hear her normal voice "My husband just went into a gay bar."

Bernice said "I am sorry. I know that we both secretly suspected this and tried to come up with other things that he could be doing. And now we know why he has been acting funny for the last year."

A small tear flowed down Donna's cheek as she said "Three years of acting weird. We had one good year of marriage and then he started acting funny and doing strange things. Some of the stuff that he was telling me didn't add up, and I thought at first, that he was having an affair with another woman. Or hoped that he was having an affair with a woman, because I knew that I could compete with another woman. Then I found his little hidden clothes storage area in the garage. The clothes were his size, but were too flaming bright, feminine, and gay-looking. There was a small purse, with a tube of bright red lipstick and several condoms also. For weeks, I walked around the house feeling miserable about what I had discovered, knowing that the facts just added up to one thing. I worried myself sick and then decided that I had to know what was going on with David. So I came up with this plan to follow him when he thought that I would be gone all evening. When I had my schedule set up last week, I started talking to David about how I would be gone for several hours to this big softball game. When I asked him to attend, he came up with some excuse which I expected."

"Do you want me to sneak in there and see if I can see what he is doing?" asked Bernice.

"No, I don't think many women go in there and you would stand out. There might be a lot of men wearing wigs that help them look like women in there. David would recognize you and wonder why you were in a gay bar wearing a wig. I would have to face him. I am not ready to discuss this with him yet. Give me a cigarette." she said in a voice that sounded as if she was holding back tears.

As Bernice handed Donna a cigarette, Bernice said softly "Maybe you have seen enough and we should go home now."

As Donna lit her cigarette, she looked at Bernice in the dim glow from her burning cigarette. She had a pouting mouth with a small, upturned nose, huge dark eyes and a creamy pale and lightly freckled skin. Her Irish blood showed clearly. Bernice was tall for a woman, just a little under six feet tall. Donna had always desired to be tall and statuesque like Bernice instead of being short and petite. Although Bernice was always complaining about the small size of her breasts, Donna thought Bernice's breasts were perfect; even if they were only an B-cup. Donna liked the way that they were shaped like classic champagne glasses with large, pronounced nipples. Donna also thought that Bernice has such nice long, shapely legs and a round, sexy ass; even though she knew that she should not be thinking about Bernice like that.

She slowly exhaled a warm smoke cloud out the opened window and listened to her voice crack as she replied "He might be doing some research for his book. If he carries his research too far, I will kill him."

After an hour of watching gay men enter and leave the club, they saw David and two men walk out. David was between them and one of the men had his arm around David's waist as they walked over to one of the men's white Bronco. The man with his arm around David's waist held the door open as David slid into the middle of the front seat. After a couple of minutes sitting there in the dark car, the driver started the engine and pulled out of the lot onto the street.

Bernice looked over at Donna who was biting her lips as she said "Yes, please follow them."

Bernice started her car, turned on her headlights and waited until the Bronco turned the corner about three blocks away. Then she sped up and turned onto the same side street. The Bronco was about two blocks away and getting into a lane to get on the freeway. Bernice narrowed the distance between them and was able to be only five cars back when the Bronco got on the freeway. She followed them at a distance, keeping several cars between them and slowed down when the Bronco pulled off the freeway. There were no cars between them when the Bronco was stopped by a red-light. So Bernice stayed in the same lane and back a little, hoping that the headlights helped disguise them.

Donna said "One of them has his arm around David."

Bernice said "Those are small seats and big men. It is probably more comfortable to sit like that."

Donna looked at her friend and softly smiled as she said "Thanks, but we both know what is going on. David just let himself be picked up by two men in a gay bar who are taking him somewhere that they can have sex in private."

When the light changed, Donna pulled into a 7-11 parking lot and let the Bronco go on because there were no other cars on this stretch of road. When the Bronco was about six blocks away, she pulled out again and watched the Bronco turn into a residential street.

She also turned into the street and saw the Bronco about a block away, pulling into a driveway. She continued on down the street past the house, looking straight ahead as Donna watched the Bronco pull into a garage and the garage door shut. Bernice turned a corner and pulled over.

"Have you seen enough?" she asked.

"No, I have to see what is going on inside that house."

"Damn it, Donna. You know what is going to happen. Why do you have to hurt yourself more? You know that I don't have anything against them, but he just proved that he is gay. He is there for one and only one reason. To have sex with those two men. Why don't we get out of here, go get your things, and you can stay with me until your lawyer has worked out the legal issues." said Bernice.

"There appears to be an alley running behind the houses. Come with me while I look into the windows." asked Donna as she opened the door and stepped out of the car.

Bernice jumped out of the car and caught up with her rapidly walking friend as she quietly said "Real people do not get away with doing this. This only works on television. We can go to jail if we are caught. They might even shoot us. What if there are dogs?"

"Wait for me in the car. I have to go." said Donna as she found the alley entrance.

"Shit. Now I know how Ethel Mertz felt whenever Lucy got one of her harebrained schemes. Wait for me Lucy!" said Bernice as she caught up with Donna.

They found the back of the house and there was an eight foot high brick wall. The gate was locked and there was no peepholes. Donna whispered "Boost me up so I can see over the fence."

Bernice rolled her eyes skyward, then put her back to the wall, braced herself and said "Take off those baseball cleats and that blond wig. It's light color will be too easily seen in the dark."

Donna pulled the wig off, untied her sports shoes, stepped out of her shoes and put her sock-covered foot into her friend's hand. Then using her friend as a ladder, she climbed up the wall, until she was standing on Bernice's shoulders and holding onto the top of the wall. She was barely able to see over the top but she was able to see through the glass patio doors into the den. She watched for a minute and then felt Bernice squirm as she said "I can't hold you for long."

Donna eased back down the wall and sat down on the ground against the fence. She asked "Did you bring your cigarettes?"

Bernice handed her one and lit one for herself; as she pulled her dark wig off. A rich mass of long reddish hair spilled over her shoulders and chest. They sat there, in the dark, backs against the fence, smoking for several minutes as they stared at the wall of the fence across the alley. Finally Donna said "David was giving one of them a blow job. I saw him take the man's huge cock into his mouth. I can't even get him to take his vitamins at home because he can't swallow pills. And here he is, taking a big cock down his throat. I need to look again."

Bernice stood and braced herself again. Donna climbed back up the wall, watched for about a minute and came down. She put on her baseball shoes and said "I have seen enough. I need to get out of here. Let's go home."

They walked back to the car, Bernice started it and drove past the house. Donna did not look at it, but kept staring straight ahead as she bit on her lips. She dropped her head and started shaking her head, causing a curtain of dark hair to cover her eyes and face. She threw her head back against the seat back as she reached up and pushed most of the mass of hair back from her face although several stray strands still clung to her mouth. As they pulled onto the freeway ramp, she started crying. Bernice pulled over and held her friend as she cried. When she could cry no more, she gasped "All three of them were naked; except for David, who was wearing bright red lipstick, nylons, a garter belt, and a black bra. He was sucking the other man's cock while the first man was butt fucking him."

"Shit. Well, let's go to your house and get your clothes. I will take you to see my lawyer in the morning."

"I don't want a divorce. I will do whatever I have to do, to stay married to him. If that includes letting him have a male lover, I will have to learn to accept that. I love him and never want him to leave me. He is kind to me. Our sex life has dropped off the last three years, but when we do have sex, he is a good lover. I just can't give him what he really wants for sex." she blurted between gasps of sobbing.

Bernice lit another cigarette and said "It's all my fault. I was the one that introduced David to you. I was living with Wayne in college and David was his best friend. I thought that David was the most attractive man that I had ever seen and I wanted him. He was the complete image of male sex appeal. Wide broad shoulders, sharp chiseled chin, beautiful brown eyes, cute butt. What more could you want in a man? I wanted to have an affair with David but didn't want to break up with Wayne. I couldn't have an affair with him at that time, so I introduced him to you, my best friend, little realizing that you would fall in love with him and marry him. Three weeks before David proposed to you, Wayne and I broke up. The week that he proposed to you, I was seriously thinking about seeing if I could take David from you, but I did not want to hurt you. I just wanted to let you know that I also found him very attractive, sexy and did not observe this behavior or expect this personal sexual development with him. So don't blame yourself for not seeing it coming back then."

"Thanks, but you don't understand why I am crying. I don't blame you for introducing us. Nor him for what he is doing now. It is something within him that he desires and can no longer resist, that I can't fight or offer him. If it was another woman, I could compete with her. But how can I compete with a nine-inch cock down his throat?"

"Nine-inch cock?? Wonder if he is bi and would like to meet an attractive redhead with slightly sagging boobs, who also wears black bras?" joked Bernice.

Donna laughed as tears flowed down her mascara covered face. "We have a good marriage except for the sex. At first, it was nightly. Then it became every other night. Now it is had changed to an every two or three weeks schedule. I thought that it was a normal marriage problem caused by being around each other too long. I never thought our sexual problems was because he no longer thought I was attractive or was not feminine enough. I can't help it if I like to play rough and tumble sports, feel more comfortable in jeans instead of a dress, and don't like to mess with long hair."

Bernice looked at her friend and said "You were born a tomboy and you never grew up. You grew out and I wish that I had a body like yours. Your body is perfect, even if you are very petite. How many other women have a 36-22-34 centerfold body on a five foot four ninty-seven pound frame? With your tiny frame and minuscule waist, your breasts appear to be much larger. And you have a beautiful face that could grace any magazine cover. Everything about you is sexy. Shapely slender legs, a round, firm ass, firm breasts, a small pert nose, full sensuous lips, sexy creamy smooth skin. And beautiful silky hair. You don't need to wear any more make-up than lipstick and a little eye touch-up with your natural good looks. If you were to let your hair grow long again, change the color to blonde and put a little style into it, you would be one of the most beautiful women around here. But that sort of a woman would not be you. You are more comfortable wearing basketball shoes or baseball cleats than high heels. You are twenty-four years old and have never pierced your ears. I didn't realize it them, but now it all makes sense. When David married you, he knew that you were more of a man than he was. He married you because you are you and not one of those slinky wives. If you were to change the way that you look and dress, he might not like it as much as he likes the way you are now."

Donna stopped crying and looked at her best friend's face under that cheap wig. Then she softly replied "You are right. I do have a lot of male traits and habits. And I never could figure out what David saw in me. Now I realize that he saw me as being the answer to his dreams. A woman's body, but a man's attitude and thinking. While he had a man's body, but was always so soft and sensitive like a woman. He liked to cook and clean house while I hated being typecast from birth as the homemaker. I preferred pushing the lawnmower and getting all sweaty; rather than to iron the clothes. He picked out the living room furniture and the wallpaper. I selected the big screen television so I could watch my sports programs. I like to sit around and drink beer while watching football games, while David likes to drink wine and listen to romantic music. I know every football players vital stats and David can't even match the team name with the city. The Home and Garden magazine subscription is his, even though he put my name on it because he didn't want the postman to get curious. Our marriage is different from most people's marriage. We were opposites in more ways than one and I thought that we were a perfect match with our different likes and dislikes."

"What are you going to do?" Bernice asked.

"Take me home. I will pretend that I went to the game and will think about what I need to do."

Donna was lying in bed by herself facing the wall, waiting in the dark. Her face felt puffy from where she had been crying since she came home. She heard the car pull up into the garage and the car door softly shut. She heard David enter the house. He undressed in the hallway bathroom and softly opened the door to their bedroom. As he tip-toed in, she said in her most casual, relaxed voice "We lost. Seven to six. I just got home a couple of minutes ago myself. Thought that you were going to do some typing tonight?"

He slid in bed under the sheet, curled up around her and put his arm around her waist, allowing his hand to cup her upper breast as he said "Sorry about that. I was working on my book, when they called from the office, with some equipment failure. So I spent the last several hours checking cables and trying to find out what was wrong."

"Good night." she said as she changed position slightly to curl against his body pressing against her back. After several minutes, she heard the soft breathing that she knew meant he had fallen asleep. She could smell the strong cigar odor from those horrible cigars that he liked to smoke. She thought about how that cigar odor masked other odors and she wondered if that was why he had smoked one tonight just before coming home. He knew that she didn't like for him to smoke just before coming to bed.

Chapter 2 - Mother's advice.

The next three days were pure hell for Donna. She pretended that everything was normal and would lie in bed unable to sleep beside him at night, with his large hand cupping her breast. There was no more sex between them than that, which she was grateful for.

That Saturday morning, she put on a set of sweats, a baseball cap, and some running shoes and left a note for David saying she had gone to visit her mother. When she got on the freeway, she drove the one hundred and thirty miles north to her mother's house. Within ten minutes of walking into her mother's front door, she was sitting on the couch in her mother's arms, crying her broken heart out to her mother. It took almost ten minutes of sobbing and dabbing wet eyes to blurt the whole story out.

Her momma held her for awhile and let her cry her frustration out. For the rest of the day, they sat and talked about David, about Donna, about David and Donna, and about their lives. Donna told her mother stuff that she had never told anyone else, not even Bernice. By the end of the afternoon, her mother had a very clear picture of David's and Donna's relationship.

While Donna was in the bathroom, her Mother called someone and talked quietly to the person, so that Donna would not hear her. When she was finished with her call, she sat down on the couch and waited for Donna to come back.

Donna's face was puffy from where she had been crying. Her hair was a mess, but that was normal for Donna when she was just hanging around the house. As Donna sat back down on the couch, her mother said "Donna, do you remember your great Aunt Cecilia?"

"Barely. She used to live out in the woods by the old barn. I thought that she had died years ago."

"No, she is still alive. I just called her, explained your problem to her, and she said that she may have a solution. You should go by and see her."

"I can't see anybody today. I look like a mess and feel like a fool."

"Donna, you told me several times tonight that you would do anything to keep David. I took you at your word and made a call to Aunt Cecilia. I think that you need to go by and listen to her."

She didn't know why she was doing this. But she had learned a long time ago, that she could not win an argument with her mother. As she pulled off onto the old road leading back into the woods, she thought about the few times that she had seen this old woman, who was a mystery, even in her own family. No one knew how old she really was, and she had been living here for as long as anyone could remember.

She stopped in front of the old house, looked in the mirror at her puffy eyes and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to make the unkempt hair look more planned.

She walked up on the porch and before she could knock on the door, the old woman said "Come in, my dear. I have been waiting on you."

Donna walked into the old house, hearing the floors creak under her steps. She entered the living room and saw her great Aunt sitting in a comfortable chair, with a shawl around her shoulders. She walked over to the old woman and kissed her lightly on the cheek as the old woman said "It is so good to see you, my dear. I know that you have a problem and let's not waste time with useless chit-chat. You can come back some day when you have more time and we can chat then. Why don't you sit down and tell me about your problem."

Donna spent the next half hour telling the old woman about her problem with David. A couple of times, Donna thought that the old woman had drifted asleep, but Aunt Cecilia would ask a question that clearly indicated that she had heard every word and understood exactly what was going on.

Then Cecilia said in her quaking voice "The problem definition is simple. Your man is not satisfied with being a man anymore. He most likely thinks that he is a woman trapped in a man's body. To adapt to his forced masculine lifestyle, he has adopted a private female personality for when he is alone or with people that would not be shocked. He also likes to wear as much of the female dress that he can, with his obvious male body, whenever he can. From what you observed over the fence, he also likes to be subordinate to men. In other words, he likes to be a slut when participating in sex. In your marriage and daily relationship, he does the tasks that the woman normally does, while you take on the male tasks. It was only natural for him to start desiring more of his feminine personality to take over and to express his feminine personality in his sex life. Had he ever tried to have sex with you, while he wore lingerie?"

"Yes, he came to bed one night with false eyelashes, some blush and lipstick. I laughed at him and he never did it again. He explained that it was only a joke, to see if he could amuse me." replied Donna, remembering that not so distant night.

"Just as the problem was easy to define, so the solution. Only you must make a very important choice that will impact the rest of your life and your spouse's life. Your mother said that you were willing to do anything to save this relationship. Will you give up your life as the wife of David as you know it now, to save your marriage?" asked Aunt Cecilia.

"How can that be possible." asked Donna.

"Yes or no. Everything will become clear later."

"Yes." she replied.

"Listen closely to me, my dear. I am one of the last old ones. Some people call us witches, but we prefer to be known simply as the old ones. We have seen many things. And we know how to bend some of the natural laws that everyone else has to live around. That is why we are the old ones. You would not believe me if I told you how old I really am, but someday, your great grandchildren will cringe at the sight of their great Aunt also. But I digress. On the table beside you are two vials. One cork top has an X carved into it, while the other does not. If you mix the contents of the vials with the correct additives, it creates a powerful potion. One that will allow you to change bodies with your mate. You will become him and he will become you. You will no longer be the wife because you will become the husband and he will become the wife. You will be David and he will become Donna. As your wife, he will be happy with his new female role and will make you happy. He will be able to make love to a man, which will now be you."

She paused and looked at Donna, as she continued "Think about it. Your man loves you and will anything for you. However your man secretly wants to be a woman. In your relationship, he has accepted and sought out the tasks and responsibilities that a woman typically has, while at the same time bypassing those tasks that men like to do. And you allowed him to do that, because you liked to do what he did not want to do. When he goes out looking for sex, he goes to places where he will be accepted in the feminine sense. He allows men to take him and use his body for pleasure however they choose. Your husband may not realize it now, but he should have been born a woman. In time, he will seek more of the female role, doing whatever is necessary to obtain the momentary satisfaction."

Donna started crying as she realized that her Aunt was probably correct. as she held her crumbled handkerchief to her eyes, the old woman continued "And you also have never fully accepted the traditional roles that society places upon men and women. You abhor doing the tasks that most women accept as natural as their monthly periods. You prefer doing things with your hands and participating in sports. You would jump at the chance to be the football player and turn down being the cheer leader. While you may not have realized it yet, you are almost as much out of synchronization with the typical female stereotype as your husband is. You would probably have been happier also, if you had been born a man, instead of a woman. Those vials will permit you to swap bodies with your husband. He will take your body and become the woman that you would never be; while you become the male that is more suited with your personal desires."

"David will never agree to this. I know him too well." said Donna.

"What makes you think that he will get a choice? If you follow my instructions to the letter, he will be a little angry the first couple of hours, but he will quickly get over it and learn to like it. You see, you have to establish control and dominance over him; which is something else that he desires. Once he accepts your dominance, he will not resist any more. Within a couple of weeks or a month, he will be so happy with his new life, that he would not go back to his former life if the opportunity presented itself."

"How do I establish dominance over him?" asked Donna.

"Have sex with him. Not normal loving sex, but rough sex at first. If he declines, then rape him. He may resist a little, but once the female hormones kick in, he will enjoy it. And you only have to do it once. It will be easy. You will be in his strong male body and he will be in your much weaker female body. Just remember that you will have balls then and a well directed knee can ruin many a plan."

They talked until it was almost sundown. Then the old woman said that she had to go to bed. Donna left with the vials, directions on how to make the potion, and a clear understanding of what would occur if she was to use the potion on her and David.

She spent the night at her mother's house. Her mother told her about her Aunt and how she had always lived there in the old house, never aging, never dying. Her mother told her about her grandmother telling her about how no one knew how old Aunt Cecilia was. She had always been around and had frequently offered some sort of magical assistance to family members.

Donna told her about the vials and what was supposed to occur. Her mother was deadly serious when she expressed belief in the potions. Donna's mother told her about some of the things that Aunt Cecilia had done for other family members with her magic powers.

She also told Donna that she felt that this was something that Donna should do. She told her that after the exchange, that she would still love her and accept her as her child, only now Donna would be a son instead of a daughter. She reminded Donna of her childhood and how she had always played with boy toys and hated her dolls. How she hated putting on her Sunday go-to-church dress and taking off her jeans. How Donna cried when she started developing breasts because she would have to wear one of those "stupid" bras.

By the time that they turned in that night, Donna had almost made up her mind to give it a try. When she woke the next morning, in her childhood bedroom, she felt very calm because during the middle of the night, she had decided to use the potion in the vials on her and David.

Chapter 3 - Obtaining the other ingredients

She drove home thinking about what she was going to have to do, to obtain one of the ingredients. Aunt Cecilia's instructions had been very clear.

  1. The vial with the X on the top, must have David's cum mixed with it and must sit for at least six hours.

  2. The un-X vial must have her cum mixed with it and also sit for six hours.

  3. Then they must drink the contents of each other's vial within ten hours of when it was ready. It could be mixed with grape flavored wine without being noticed.

  4. They must have sex as a prerequisite for the body exchange to occur and after the sex, they would both fall into a deep sleep, when the body exchange would really occur.

  5. The new male must establish the dominate relationship over the new female to complete the mental bonding.

Somehow, she was going to have to capture some of David's cum to mix into the vial. And she had to be careful. It could not be contaminated with any of her body fluids, so she could not use a vagina or oral sample. And David was not going to beat off into a test tube for her.

When she pulled into the driveway just before lunchtime, she saw David's car parked in the garage. He was here. If she could get the sample now, it would have time to mix and then they could have sex. But even on their honeymoon, David was not interested in having sex multiple times in one day. Getting David to have sex twice today would require some work on her part.

She entered the house and found David sitting on the couch reading a book. It was one of those paperback romance novels with a front cover showing a virile, half naked barbarian man holding a wisp of a woman that he was so fond of. The house smelled from where he had been smoking one of those damn cigars again. She said "Hi, honey. I am back. I am going to take a quick shower and then tell you about my visit with my mother."

David mumbled something as he continued reading his book. Donna went into the bedroom, took a quick shower, and put on a loose fitting sweatsuit, that had a zipper buttoning up the jacket. She did not zip up the front.

She sat down beside David and said "Mother wants us to come up for supper sometime in the next couple of weeks."

"Ok." he replied, still keeping his attention focused on the book.

"I found a old fuck movie that I had hidden years ago in my room. One that was given to me in high school and that I used to watch all the time, pretending that I was one of the stars. I watched it after Mother went to bed last night and wished that you had been there on the couch with me." she said, in a very soft, seductive whisper.

"That's nice." he replied as he continued reading the book.

"Watching the movie made me feel funny inside and brought back some fond memories of when we were courting. It made me want you right then. I had to resist masturbating myself on my mother's couch, knowing that she would catch me. I woke up this morning, still feeling very horny and wanting to make love to you. So I left Mother's house right after breakfast, drove down here hoping that you would be home. I imagined that when I walked through the door, that I would grab you and make love to you on the living room floor or where ever you were at the moment." she said as she pushed the book down.

For the first time, he realized what she had been saying as he had concentrated on reading his romance novel. He looked at the gleam in her eyes, the fresh gloss of her lipstick on her lips and her very nice firm breasts that were partially hidden by the open sweat jacket. A faint smile crossed his face as she removed the book from his hands and dropped it on the floor beside the couch. She took his hand and placed it inside her open jacket on her breast. Then she unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his bare chest.

He began to play with Donna's nipples, and she responded to his touch by moving closer and whispering in his ear, letting her warm breath caress his skin. "I want you, but I want it my way, David. I want to make love to you. Let me live the fantasy that I have been thinking about all night."

Donna turned her body so that her head was nuzzling against his chest. She began kissing down his chest, around his nipples and over his stomach. "Do you like this? " she smiled, between licks of his chest.

David stroked her hair as her tongue darted out and licked his navel as he groaned "Yes, and it's been a long time since you have been this horny in the middle of the afternoon."

She raised her head and stared him straight in the eyes as she whispered "If you want the best blow job that you have ever had in your life, take your pants off. NOW!"

With one quick motion, he unsnapped his belt, popped his trousers and arched his back as he slid his trouser and underwear to the floor. She grinned and proceeded to move further down his body, taking David's semi-erect dick in her hands. "I have been thinking about what I would like to do with this all day. I like nice hard erections." She whispered as she took him into her mouth.

He moaned softly and leaned his head back as he arched his body so that she would have full access to him. "Your cock tastes great," Donna said, temporarily letting David's cock slide out of her mouth. Her mouth was working over him, licking up and down his shaft. She teased the head and watched as it twitched from her tongue's slightest touch. She looked at him with a smile, then proceeded to take as much of him into her mouth and she could.

"Do you like the way that I do this?" Donna gasped, and proceeded to take the full length of David's dick into her mouth and throat. David moaned as he felt his hard cock captured within her warm, wet, hungry and deep mouth.

She manipulated his rock-hard dick with her mouth. As she increased the intensity of her sucking, he began to thrust gently into her mouth, urging her on with his moans. She began caressing his balls with her fingertips as she urged his cock deeper and deeper into her warm, wet and hungry mouth.

As she sucked his cock in her mouth, she wondered when he would come and how much he would come. She continued working her mouth over him, massaging his balls and stroking a finger gently against his ass, which seemed to really get him going.

David began moaning louder and louder, looking down at his dick vanishing into Donna's very unfamiliar but desirable mouth. Then he began to feel it and grabbed her head, not pushing it down, but he had to hold onto something.

A few moments later, she began to feel his cock begin to twitch and grow harder and she knew that he was just seconds away from coming. She moved her mouth up to the very tip of his dick and sucked very hard. Just as she felt his come making it's way up his length, she moved her mouth and began jerking him off so that his cum spurted all over her bared chest and boobs. He came quite a bit.

When he quit jerking and spewing his cum all over her boobs, she stood up and smiled as she said "I have to take another shower. Your book is on the floor."

Donna walked into the bathroom and opened the vial with the X on the top. She scooped off big globs of his drying cum off of her chest and dropped it into the vial, watching the power absorb some of the cum's moisture. When the vial was full, she replaced the stopper and removed the vial for her cum. She undressed and sat down on the commode as she spread her legs.

The sweet smell of her womanly scent quickly filled the air within the small bathroom. She had not smelled that scent in awhile. She shut her eyes and ran her hands down over her breasts, down her stomach and through her neatly trimmed pubic hair. Just this light touch by herself is enough to make her moan with pleasure. After all, she was still turned on from what she had just did with David. She ran one hand back up her body to her nipple that she teases with her fingers.

With her other hand, she finds her vulva, places two fingers on either side of her labial and parts her lips. She tweaks and squeezes her clit, teasing it until she can stand no more. She slides two fingers into her vagina, relieving some of the tension that she has built up. She stretches her vagina by putting the two fingers in her and spreading them apart inside herself.

Donna is beginning to sweat now, and her nipples are tingling. Her pussy tightens up on her as she strokes her two fingers in and out. Her vaginal walls spasm in and out as her fingers found her hymen. She slipped in two more fingers into her vagina and jumped from the jolt of lightening flowing through her body. She moaned softly as she begins to orgasm. She twists and turns her fingers inside herself. She works her fingers in and out of her now sopping hole between her legs. A soft undulation begins in her stomach as she strokes faster, then it begins. Her female juices flow freely onto her hands.

She catches the juice as it flows down, into her vial. When it was full, she caps it and stands very unsteadily on her feet. She climbed into the shower and relaxed as the hot shower flowed around her.

David was a little more romantic the rest of the afternoon. She wanted him that way, but was not ready for him yet; so she had a difficult time of keeping him aroused, but postponed until the vials were ready. After all, it takes six hours for the mixture to combine and she did not want him to be ready too soon and then not able or willing to participate when it was time.

He was very curious about the movie that she had watched. He kept hinting that he would make a copy to keep at their house for their private use.

Chapter 4 - The remedy

A naked David is sitting in a bedroom chair, watching Donna's sleeping naked body. They had made love earlier and the bed was a mess. The room smelled of dried cum and would need airing out tomorrow. And the sheets would need changing.

In the dim moonlit light, the woman's sleeping face looked so innocent and angelic. The man lit a cigarette and smoked it quietly, while the woman slept. There was so much that they had to say to each other, but it could wait until both of them had finished their sleeping.

Slowly the room begins to lighten as the first gray tinges of the sunrise fills the room. He watches as he sees the slight fluttering of her eyelashes as she begins to wake up.

She slowly opens her eyes and does not see anything as she focuses on the very familiar room. Then she turns her head and sees the man sitting in the chair.

She sits up and stares at him, with a very puzzled look on her face. Then she gasps "Who are you?"

The man smiles and says "I am now David and you are now Donna. We exchanged bodies last night."

The woman looks down at her naked body for the first time and sees the breasts hanging from her small chest. She jumps out of bed and stands with her mouth open as she sees herself for the first time. She just stares into the bedroom mirror at her naked body; not saying a word. For several moments, she just stares, then she slowly turns.

"What happened. How is this possible?" she asks, in a very quaking voice.

"I will tell you what you need to know, when you are ready. For now, just be satisfied with the simple explanation, that you are now a woman. I was not able to turn your former body into a woman's body, so I did the next best thing. I gave you my body and took your body. Because we exchanged bodies, we also have to exchange identities. From now on you are my wife and I am your husband. You may call me David as I intend to call you Donna." said the man.

"The fuck I will. I am David and nothing can change that. How did I get into your fucking body? Tell me." screamed the woman.

"Screaming at your husband will get you no where. You need to calm down and prepare us breakfast before you clean our bedroom." said the man.

"Breakfast?? All you are concerned about is your breakfast after you stole my body. Tell me how it was done." screamed the almost hysterical woman.

"Very well. You have a right to know the facts but I was going to delay this discussion until later in the day. I discovered a couple of weeks ago, that you were gay and were having homosexual affairs with men. That you were taking the female role and even wearing female clothes during your affairs. I was very depressed about it and discussed it with someone whose identity I will keep secret for now. She gave me the secret for exchanging bodies, which I used on us last night. While we slept, we swapped bodies. I woke up first and have been sitting here waiting for you to wake up. I exchanged bodies with you so that you can be the woman that you secretly desire to be." said the man.

"So I had an affair with a man. Is that any reason to do this to me? Listen, Donna, you have to swap us back. NOW. I can't be you." groaned the woman.

"But you are. Just as you made the best of being David, you now have to work on being Donna."

"Never." said the woman as she grabbed David's shirt from last night that was lying on the floor. As she started to walk by the man, he stepped in front of her blocking the door.

The woman's face grimaced as she said "Are you going to hold me prisoner until I give in?"

"No, just until the sun goes down. Then you will feel more comfortable with your new body."

"Fuck off, sister. Or brother, as the case may be now." said the woman as she swung at the man. He did not dodge the fist but just let it bounce off of his chest. The woman hit him again. And again, before the man grabbed her hands, held her and easily carried her back to the bed.

"What are you going to do now, rape me?" asked the pissed off woman as he dropped her on the bed and started climbing on top of her. Her eyes dropped from his face to see an erected cock hanging from his body.

"Yes." said the man, as he used his body weight to hold her under him.

She tried to push me away but I grabbed her much smaller hands in my new large male hands. Although my former woman's body has a better muscle to weight ratio because of my previous overall good physical conditioning, those muscles are no match for my new larger male muscles. As soon as she realized that she was no match for me in her former body, she throws a knee toward my balls. I was expecting it and managed to deflect most of the knee so it did not hurt as it was intended to.

Although I was very interested in exploring and learning what it was like to have a cock, and to have sex as a man; I knew that I must concentrate upon dominating her and forcing her to become a woman. I had never had sex with another woman before but it was something that did not turn me off. The though of having sex with my former body had been very appealing. Prior to her waking up in that body for the first time, I had worked out a general plan of how to accomplish this first task in establishing a new relationship between us.

I lay flat on top of her, holding her under me. She tries to move me off of her body but I tightens my holds until she stops resisting. I bring my face closer to hers as I kiss her while passionately trying to slip my tongue inside her resisting mouth. My hard and engorged cock is throbbing against her body wanting to sink itself into her, but she is still resisting me. I starts to thrust the lower part of my body against her body.

She thrashes about on the bed, struggling furiously to escape, but was unable to do anything against her former body's weight and natural male strength. I knew as she struggled madly, that she was fighting both to break free and to fight down the waves of unfamiliar lust crashing over her body. Smiling at her futile struggle, I whispered "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

She shook her head although I could tell that she felt another surge of unfamiliar but wonderful sexual heat flow through her body. I knew that she was determined to resist anything until she had time to think about what had occurred and what needed to be done.

"No..." she gasped not realizing that she was no longer struggling.

I slowly dragged one of my long fingers down her trembling leg and onto her exposed pussy. Involuntarily, her legs closed on my hand, as if trying to suck it into her sopping cunt. I placed a finger inside her as she resisted. A few seconds later, I brought a shiny, wet finger up to her face. "You have tasted this before and always proclaimed how delicious it was." I whispered.

She clamped her mouth firmly shut and turned her head away as I rubbed my wet finger across her lips. She didn't' resist and just laid there with her pussy juice glistening on her lips.

I began to slowly began knead her lightly veined white breasts, as I whispered "You always did like my breasts. Now they are your breasts. Do you like it when I do this? I know that I used to enjoy it very much. I think that you will like being a woman, having your man fondle your breasts as I am doing now. You have so much to experience and it is all so wonderful. All I ask, is that you relax and let your wonderful new body take control. Let it do what it wants to. Let it show you what it is like to be a woman."

I was cupping my large warm hands under her breasts and that simple motion had caused her to relax, so that I felt that I did not have to hold her any more. I knew that she did not want to escape this now.

Slowly, so as not to break the trance, I whispered, "Just the heat of my hands feels so wonderful, doesn't it. You could lay here for hours and let my hands slowly explore your body, touching you, finding new spots, new emotions. You enjoy this, don't you? I can tell by the way that your nipples respond to my touch?" I placed my fingers on her sensitive nipples and began a pinching motion with my fingers, which caused her to lightly groan and tilt her head back.

With that involuntary reaction, I rolled off of her body so that I was lying beside her. She did not try to escape as I continued pinching the hard little nubs of her nipples.

I touched my lips to her left breast, making sure the nipple was warmed by my wet tongue as I continued whispering. "You knew how to please me and I remember what you used to do to me. You would start by getting me so aroused that I couldn't see straight. You would play with my nipples until I was so horny that I would have fucked a flagpole. You knew the way to touch me and to turn me on. Now, I am going to do to you, what you used to do to me. I will show you what it felt like to have a man make love to his woman. You will feel and experience what it feels like to be a woman. You will enjoy it. I will make sure that you enjoy it. All you have to do is relax and let me make love to you. Let this man make love to you. I am a man. You are a woman."

I gently took her nipples between my fingers and began rolling and pulling them in slow, alternating circles. I was rolling her hard nipples between my strong fingers, knowing that this effect was electric. She moaned loudly and her upper body jerked forward at the first pinch. "See how sensitive your new nipples are. That feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yes," she moaned.

"I want you to try and lay still as I bite and suck them. I don't think that you can." I forcefully sucked her breast into my warm, hungry mouth, as my wet tongue flicked her nipple. I bit her nipple roughly, knowing that it was sending jolts of pleasure into her increasingly wet loins.

Knowing that she liked it rough, I grabbed her breasts at the base and gradually milked them outward as I alternated sucking on the breasts, until only the enlarged nipple remained in my mouth. Her almost constant low moan became forcibly guttural, which was unusual in our previous love sessions. In her former male body, Donna had never been vocal during sex.

The rougher I was on her breasts, the more she responded, until she was squeezing her legs and buttocks together in an unsuccessful attempt to ease the obviously growing aches of her clitoris. She thrust her hips forward, desperate to feel the pressure against her new hungry vagina. I knew that she was becoming more and more aroused as I fondled her body. Her eyes fluttered and a spasm rocked her body as she grabbed my head and held me tightly to her breasts. At that moment, I knew that she would do whatever I wanted.

When she recovered her breath, I slid a knee between her legs, placing it easily against the softness of her exposed vulva. As I pulled the tender flesh of her nipples, she ground her pussy against my knee. I felt the lips of her vagina part, and the wetness of her secretions soon covered my leg. The more force I applied with my knee, the harder she ground herself against me. All resistance to my advances had been replaced by the need to satisfy her new very strong sexual desires.

Dropping down quickly between her legs so I could see what my fingers were doing, I spread her labia and forcefully squeezed the clitoris hood, pulling it up and down over the wet, swollen head of her clit. I did not have time to examine my former clit from this new perspective because she responded immediately to my simple action. She was moaning and whimpering as my fingers stroked her clit. I felt her move and looked up to see that she was pinching her own nipples with her new slender fingers.

While one of my fingers slowly stroked her clit, I slid another finger into the pink darkness of her wet vagina, causing her to moan loudly and jerk from my penetration. I slowly probed the opening, feeling the tight muscles surrounding the vagina.

She tried to pull me up on top of her, as she wanted me to mount her and fuck her now, but mounting her at this time, was not part of my carefully thought-out plan.

I resisted her tugging and distracted her by inserting a second finger into her. Her body tensed and her back arched as my new long thick fingers pushed into her warm flesh and penetrated to my hand. My fingers starting sliding in and out rhythmically, as I pulled at her inner lips.

She had quit playing with her breasts and was arching her back slightly. Her arms were stretched out on the bed and her head was slowly rotating from right to left and back as she moaned. I knew that she was getting ready to experience her first female orgasm, and she would never want to be a man again after experiencing that wonderful feeling.

Copious amounts of pussy juice were flowing down my hand, and I soon had another finger jammed into her hot and wet box. She started humping my hand and I eased my fourth finger into the sticky folds of her cunt. That simple motion caused her to scream "Oh god, Donnnna!"

I pulled my hand out and looked into her glazed over eyes as I said "What is my name? You made a mistake and called me Donna. I won't continue until you call me the right name."

"Fuck me. Please fuck me. I have to have you. Please fuck me, Davvid." she grunted as she tried to pull me on top of her again.

I put my fingers back in her vagina as I bowed my head over her clit and began to suck her greatly engorged clit into my mouth. After a long, low scream of pleasure, she began to climax. Her vagina opened completely, and then a series of pulsing contractions began as she screamed "Arrghhh..."

She twisted and thrashed on the bed, screaming with release as the never before experienced orgasm finally exploded in full force, sending wave after wave of intense pleasure crashing through her body.

I waited until her breathing returned to normal. She laid on the bed, with a very peaceful look on her face. I re- positioned myself on the bed so that when she opened her eyes, she found herself looking directly at my cock aimed at her face.

"You have some more things to learn about being a woman, but I won't show you the rest of it, until you have demonstrated that you accept me as your man. I know that you know how to suck cocks. Show me what you can do with your mouth. " I said.

She looked at the cock and quietly said "I don't understand what has happened to us and still feel as if I am dreaming. I will do what you want me to do."

I rolled over on my back and she sat up and bent over my cock. I felt her long, slender fingers wrap around the shaft as she started rubbing my hard cock against her closed lips.

Then she took a deep breath as she opened her mouth and shoved my cock back down the chute of her tongue

I felt it hit the roof of her mouth and it stopped at her throat as she made a gargling sound and almost gagged. Then I felt a warm wetness as the glands under her tongue welled with a flow of saliva.

She gave a slight moan as she began to move it back and forth into her mouth. She formed an O with her lips and dug into my ass with her fingernails, showing me what she wanted me to do. She wanted me to fuck her in the mouth. At first I went slowly, rocking my hips from side to side so my cock would rub against her inner cheeks.

I lost control from the flood of strange feelings that I was experiencing. I quickly found that I was humping her mouth in and out, faster and faster as if I was fucking a pussy. I could feel my balls bounce around as I pumped up and down. I can't tell you what if felt like to look down and watch my new cock slide in and out between the lips of my former body. She knew what she was doing because she didn't choke or gag after the initial swallow, even with the pounding of my cock against the back of her throat.

She was gulping in breaths of air around my humping cock. I felt something stir back inside some deep place within my new body and knew that I would be cumming soon. Then it hit me. I threw my head back and felt my abdomen jerked as I exploded into her waiting mouth.

As the first explosion of cum from my throbbing cockhead pumped into her mouth, she pulled back, keeping her lips wrapped tightly around my cock; until only the cockhead was in her mouth. Then she started sucking and continued sucking as I jerked and pumped several loads of my cum into her waiting mouth. I could see some of it leaking from the corners of her mouth, but I could feel her as she swallowed load after load of my thick cum.

When I finally stopped, she let go of my cock and sat up straight on the bed, looking at me. She had a trace of my cum drooling down one side of her mouth as she asked "Why did you hate to give me a blow job? It was your job as my wife to satisfy me."

I sat up slowly and replied "And now it is your job."

Chapter 5 - David's story

It was an hour later. I was lying on the bed naked, smoking a cigarette. She was also naked and was lying beside me twirling a cigar around with her fingers as she took some puffs of the now too strong cigar.

She looked at the cigar and said "No wonder you never liked these cigars. Just two puffs and it makes this body so light headed that I would fall if I tried to stand up."

"You need to either quit smoking or find something more suited for your new body." I said as I caressed one of her firm breasts with my still hard-to-get-used-to huge hands. I pinched a nipple hard, causing it to tighten into a little pink knot. She moaned from the unfamiliar pleasure that simple action caused. I knew that she had discovered in the last hour, how wonderful it felt to have the female nipples mauled. Among other strange feelings that she had also learned to appreciate.

She was much calmer now as she laid naked beside me in her former body. The former body that had raped her new body. Although she had resisted the change, as her hormones kicked, she discovered that sex as a woman was fantastic.

"Why did you do this to me?" she asked as she examined the familiar, but from a different perspective, woman's hand holding the cigar. The long delicate fingers and fingernails were at the end of a very slim and feminine woman's hand. The wrist and silky soft tanned forearm were slender without a trace of hair.

"I told you. You really wanted to be a woman. I could not turn your body into a woman, so I gave you my body and accepted your body as my new body." I replied.

"Is there any way to change back?" she continued as she put the cigar down into an ashtray The movement caused a slight weight change as the female breasts slightly shifted, resulting in a very unfamiliar different sensations. I smiled as I knew that it would take some time to get used to the fact that there were female breasts on her chest now.

"No. That is why you must learn to adapt as quickly as possible. Remember the old duck principle. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck. You are now Donna and I am David. We both have to be who we are now." I replied.

"I can't call you that." she said softly, listening to the different sounds of her new voice.

I ran my large hands over her very familiar body, stroking her long, hard thighs, massaging her hips and buttocks gently as I replied. "It will be so easy. All you have to do, is just relax and accept it. You are now in a body that is more suited to your personality and desires."

"I did enjoy the fucking that we just did. I can't call it love, because it was clearly a fucking." she murmured. "Having your cock slide in and out of me felt really good. I thought that having a cock in my male ass felt wonderful, but it was nothing compared to having pussy lips wrapped around a cock." and she gave a big smile as she added "And it was such a big cock. Was that the biggest cock that this tongue has every wrapped around?"

"Yes, and the only one. I saved myself for you." I whispered as I gingerly inserted a finger past soft pubic hair covering her pubic mound into the outer lips of her pussy and gently stroked her still wet cunt lips before I rotated her suddenly limp body into the position that I wanted. My cock was erected already, straining, and oozing precum as I began to rub the head up and down her crack, from her cunt, over her asshole, and back again. She groaned and rolled over fully onto her stomach spreading her legs for me. There would be no resistance from now on from her. She accepts her new sex role. Now all I have to do, is convince her to accept her new female identity also.

I rolled over on top of her and between her legs. I rubbed my erected cock against her wet cunt, and worked it up and down a couple of times, feeling her jerk with the sensation. She was sopping wet already. I began to press it against her cunt with a firm steady pressure.

"Donna......" She gasped.

The cockhead slipped, and she shrieked a small scream as she dug into my back with her fingernails. I began to move it into her slowly, introducing a little more cock with each tiny stroke.

"Please don't stop it. I want it. Let me have it" she whispered.

I whispered back "Only if you call me David and you answer to Donna."

Her face tightened up into a grimace as she tried to pretend that she was angry. I continued rubbing the cock against her pussy lips and quietly asked "What is your name?"

She bit her lip and then grunted "Donna. I am Donnnnnnaaaa. Fuck me."

I smiled because I knew that I was successful. I began stroking harder as she began to struggle to get me to put it inside her. She was very eager to have my cock now.

I had nicked my chin while shaving my face for the first time. I had called in to David's boss and requested three days of sick leave; to give me time to adjust to being David and to make sure that the new Donna was under control.

I looked at my new body in the bathroom mirror. When I was a woman, I always wondered what it would feel like to have a flat muscular chest. And now I had one. It was not as muscular as I would have liked, but that will occur soon as I begin my workouts, that will turn this body into a masterpiece.

I rubbed the chest hair, smiling at the way that felt. It was one of the first things that I had noticed when David and I first met years ago. I liked that virile look of the chest hair sticking out from his open shirt.

I climbed into the shower, bumping my head against a very short shower curtain bar. Being tall would take a little getting used to. As the warm water showered on me, I thought about what it was like to make love to my former husband in her new body. I liked it. I enjoyed sucking on breasts that until yesterday were on my body. I enjoyed the feel of her hard nipples against my tongue. I enjoyed the feeling of her wet lips on my hard cock. I enjoyed pumping a cock into a female body.

As I thought about the sex, I felt my cock grow hard again. I smiled as I realized that I enjoyed being a man. I put some soap on my hand and slowly started pumping my erect cock. My fist made long, leisurely strokes up and down what felt like a massive organ. I paused momentarily to gather some of the copious pre-cum from my cockhead as I traced a little circle around the cockhead with a finger.

I closed my eyes and titled my head back, feeling the warm water pound against my body, thinking about Donna rubbing her pussy against my hard cock. I imagined that she was in the shower with me, down on her knees. That it was her hand and mouth on my cock. That it was her soft cheek rubbing against my balls. Finally she would suck the head of my cock into her hot, wet mouth. I pumped my fist faster, feeling my balls churning the cum in preparation for the impending explosion.

I imagined my cock was in her mouth as she deep throated me again. I could imagine her moaning with delight and then felt my asshole clenched as my orgasm spilled forth from my throbbing penis.

I placed one hand against the shower wall as I exploded and watched it wash down the shower drain. When I recovered my breathing, I finished washing and dried myself off.

When I dried off, I walked naked into the bedroom. The bed was stripped naked of the sheets and Donna was not there. I put on a pair of shorts and walked bare-chested through the house. Although in my former life as Donna, I had frequently walked bare-chested around the house; it was very much different now. I felt so relaxed and at ease, knowing that I could walk out and get the newspaper, dressed like this.

I found Donna in the kitchen, fixing breakfast. She was wearing a flimsy silk nightgown that had been a wedding gift to me. As Donna, I had never worn it much, preferring the T-shirts instead. She must have gone through the drawers to dig it out. She was cooking some pancakes in a skillet and I stepped behind her, brushed my cock against her ass as one hand fondled her breasts through the nightgown. I bowed my head and nuzzled her neck, feeling her ass press against my quickly hardening cock. She said "You feel and smell so good. It feels so funny to feel the cock press against me, knowing that until yesterday it was on my body."

I released her and sat down at the table. As she turned, I saw that she had put some lipstick on and brushed her hair while I was taking my shower. She smiled and said "It feels like a dream. Any minute now, I know that I am going to wake up and discover that it was only a dream. But I feel so natural and everything feels so normal. Even sitting here, looking at my former almost naked body seems some-how kinda of natural. I am sorry that I got scared at first but it's all your fault. If you had told me what you wanted to do, and what would happen, I might have consented to it."

I looked at the little plate of pancakes and said "They look good, but this body needs more energy."

She looked down at the three small pancakes and laughed as she replied "Sorry. I fixed what I used to fix for you. You are right and you do have a man's size appetite now. Eat those, while I make some more."

As they ate, she asked "What happens now?"

"We have to resume each other's life. I gave it a lot of thought and we know enough about each other, to be able to live and work as our new identity. We will be in our new bodies for the rest of our lives and we need to quickly adapt. I plan to treat your former male body as my body and to live the rest of it's natural life, the way that I desire. I will join some men's baseball leagues, get this body into shape quickly, and come home to my loving wife. What will you do?" I replied.

She smiled and said "I don't know. It is all happening so fast. But I see what you mean when you say that we have to quickly adapt. Would you mind if I changed my hair color and let it grow out?"

It was working. My grandmother had been right. I nodded and said "No. What else?"

She lit one of my cigarettes and looked at the smoke ring as she thought about what she wanted to do. Then she said "I would like a new wardrobe. Most of your clothes are too plain and business like. I want some clothes that show off this body and enhance it's sexy, lithe, attractive curves. And I want to learn how to put on make-up and fix my hair. Our friends will notice that Donna Bledsoe has suddenly changed a lot."

"For the better." I added.

After breakfast, I said "Come with me."

We went into the bathroom and I started running a bubble bath with some sweet smelling bath beads. She obeyed when I told her to undress and to take a relaxing bath.

I returned in a couple of minutes, with a glass of wine for her and a beer for me. I lit both of us a cigarette and sat down on the commode lid. She took a sip of her wine and said "I didn't realize how wonderful, that a very warm, relaxing, refreshing, and smoothing bubble bath is. How come you always preferred showers instead of sitting in a wonderful bath?"

I took a sip of my beer and replied "My mother thought that sitting in a bathtub full of fragrances would turn me from a tomboy into a dainty little girl. She would make me take them all the time and I never took one after I moved out. Those bubbles are year's old Christmas presents. Before you get out of there, you need to shave your legs and under your arms."

She took a sip of her wine and giggled as she rubbed her body with the bubbles. I got down on my knees, got a washcloth and asked "Do you want me to wash your back?"

She leaned forward, with a real mischievous look on her face as she tilted my face and placed her lips against my lips. Then she held my head as her tongue pushed between my lips and into my mouth. She teased my tongue and quickly pulled back before she replied "No, I want you to get naked and get in here with me."

"We got a lot to do today." We have some things that you must learn, if you are going to impersonate Donna." I replied.

She took a sip of the wine, which was clearly affecting her much lighter body and laughed as she said "I won't impersonate anyone. I will be her. No one will ever know that I am not Donna. I will do what is needed to keep her body firm, her tummy flat, her long legs supple and her hips shapely. I always envied her, the way that her firm, shapely breasts stood proudly from her chest; with her nipples becoming erect so easy. I used to daydream and tried to imagine what I would look like with perky breasts with big womanly nipples on my chest. My dream has come real and I want to enjoy every minute of it. Now, get undressed and get in this tub, big boy."

"Later." I replied, knowing that I have to still maintain control over her until she completely develops her new identity.

I went back to the kitchen and filled her wine glass. When I returned, she had one leg up in the air, and was gently shaving her leg with a pink razor. I sat the wine down and said only one word "douche" as I put the materials on the counter that she would need to cleanse the private female body parts. As a woman, she will need to learn to take care of herself and she might as well start now. I left her to her bath as I selected some clothes for her to wear. I re-entered the bathroom and placed a lacy pink robe which was a gift from David. I put the box of body powder, and puff on the counter knowing that she was watching what I was doing.

I returned to the bedroom and selected a pair of high-cut lacy pink panties with a matching lace bra, knowing that she would prefer that over the usually cotton one's that I wore most of the time. When she came out of the bathroom, I pointed to the clothes that I had laying on the bed. She removed the robe, dropping it on the bed. As she picked up the panties, I saw that she had also trimmed her pubic area while she was shaving her legs.

She pulled on the panties and turned to look at herself in the full-length mirror. She put on the sheer pantyhose and slowly rubbed her fingers over her nyloned legs. Then she picked up the bra, and rubbed it's soft lacy cloth against her face. She smiled at me and on the first try, put it on properly. I was expecting her to need some help but she put it on as if she had been wearing them all of her life.

I had selected a spandex summer tank-style T-shirt and short skirt for her to wear around the house. I watched as she pulled the clingy top over her head, and adjusted it as she observed herself in the mirror.

I had selected this outfit because it showed off so much of her new female form. I wanted her to feel and look very attractive and feminine.

I watched as she put the skirt on and discovered that there was no belt. She opened my dresser drawer, I mean my former dresser drawer and selected a belt as she looked at herself in the mirror again.

I pulled out the chair at the make-up table and held it for her. She sat down in it as I said "I never liked to fool with make-up. The only time that I ever really fixed up my face was when we got married. So I can't give you too much training in cosmetics, but I can do something about that hair. I didn't like to fool with it, so I kept it in a short style, that only required a blow dry. You need to go get a perm so it will have more body. For today, let's concentrate on the basics. Tilt your head back and let me work this brush and rat tail comb through your hair. You know this dark auburn with highlights of a lighter red is my natural color."

I put her wet hair up in a couple of tight rollers, to give her a little curl. Then I hold up one of her hands as I say "My mother used to hide my baseball glove whenever my fingernails got this ugly. While your hair is drying, let's give you an old fashioned manicure. You should consider letting them grow out a little longer, but I couldn't because I kept stabbing myself or breaking them off when I played football. It is easy to get used to long nails."

As I reached for a bottle of clear nail polish, she handed me a bottle of bright red polish. I smiled and accepted her preferred color choice as I started touching up her nails with an emery board. After I finished filing her nails, she applied the coat of bright red nail polish as I dried and brushed her hair. She watches and listens as I instruct her how to brush her hair, and how to take care of it. As I blow dry her hair, I take out the rollers and add a touch of hair spray. She is watching me in the mirror as I fix her hair. I don't feel any different and it is almost as if I am doing my sister's hair.

Then I talked to her as I applied her makeup "Now let's put on a little makeup. I never liked to wear much makeup and if we were just going to hang around the house, would not wear any. There are several different ways that you apply makeup. Going to a party at night, you would want to do your makeup a little more dramatic than you would for work. First we apply a base being careful to select the correct shade. After the base, you want to do your eyes and eyebrows. Your brows just need a little brush and color. Apply your eyeshadow first, then a little eye liner. Now some mascara, you don't need not a lot."

She was watching my every move in the mirror as I applied a dark shadow along the regular line. I put some liner just above her upper lashes, extended out beyond the corner. When I finished her eyes, I said "You should spend time with your eyes because they are very attractive eyes. Now, let's do your lips. I like to exaggerate the natural lip line with a lip pencil, then use a lip brush to fill in the lips. Then blot before applying a finish coat. There, that looks perfect."

When I was finished, I put just a touch of perfume on her wrists and neck. I handed her a simple gold clip-on earrings because I never had my ears pierced and a small gold necklace. As she put the jewelry on, I walked over to the wardrobe and selected a pair of flat sandals. She looked in the mirror and said "No, I have to learn how to deal with heels sooner or later. Give me the dark pair of open toed, dress sandals with straps."

I got the shoes she requested. Then I opened the jewelry box and handed her my wedding ring. She smiled as she put it on and said "I would like to have a second wedding someday, when we become more adapted to our new lives. We can tell our friends that we are re-affirming our vows."

"I would like that. Does that mean that I can have a bachelor's night out on the town, just before the wedding?"

The first two days were a blur. We made love in every room of the house and everyway that we could. We did not have this much sex on our total honeymoon. It was as if some dam within both of us had opened, turning on strong sexual desires that neither one of us could resist. Or wanted to resist.

I showed her how to apply her make-up and let her practice as she prowled through the closets, picking out clothes to try on; and determining what she would immediately throw away.

I called my mother... I mean Donna's mother. When she answered the phone, I said "Hello Mother. This is your new son calling you."

"It's good to hear your voice. I was getting worried. How is my daughter taking the change?" she asked.

"Good now. The first couple of hours were bad, but she quickly adjusted."

I was working on my new body's overall physical conditioning. I started doing pushups and sit-ups. I went outside and ran for a couple of miles, feeling funny as I ran through the neighborhood bare-chested. When I returned to the house all sweaty, I saw something that I had not been expecting. Bernice's car was parked in front. And she doesn't know anything about the exchange.

Chapter 6 - Donna's story

The first several hours were a nightmare. Not only had my deepest secret been revealed, but somehow my wife had found a way for us to swap bodies. I was in her body and she was swaggering around in my body, not answering questions and telling me what to do. It was a different side of Donna that I had never seen before.

I admit that I was scared. What was happening was something that I had daydreamed about before, but now that it had occurred, I was scared shitless. I felt like I was awake but I couldn't be.

And when she told me that we were going to have sex, I resisted because she was acting so butch. She has always been very masculine in some of her actions, but this level of masculinity was very unexpected.

I knew that my former body was stronger than my new body and that it was useless for me to resist. But I had to. After all, she stole my body without asking me. If she had given me a little bit of time, I would have probably agreed to the switch after thinking about it. To have a sex change and identity change forced upon you is very traumatic.

I was raped. At least for the first three minutes. Somewhere between the boob sucking and the pussy eating, I became a very willing participant. Scared but willing. I can't explain the difference or what I felt. I just know that it was more wonderful than I ever thought it would be.

And when I had to give my old body a blow job, it felt so natural. Ever since high school, I had these strange feelings and desires, but always kept them hid. In college, I got drunk and got picked up by a gay older man.

I ran from those memories and tried to be so masculine, but I knew that it wasn't the real me. I guess that is why I fell in love with Donna, because she was everything that I wanted to be, but she did not want to do the housewife things which I loved to do. It gave me the opportunity to pretend around the house that I was the little housewife, waiting for her husband to come home from work. Then I went on a business trip, and woke up to find myself spending the weekend in a hotel with two gay men. After that, I did a lot of daydreaming. I found myself sneaking out of the house and into the gay bars to spend a couple of minutes. Over the last three years, I have had about ten different lovers.

Don't get me wrong. I still loved Donna and our life, but there was something missing. When she stuck her new cock in my face and told me to give her a blow job, something within me changed. I felt normal. I felt that I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. I felt that what I had been looking for in the gay bars was now in my marriage. I was a woman and had a man for my lover.

It felt so natural to lay in bed, smoking a cigar after making love. But I quickly discovered that my new body was not able to cope with the very strong heady feelings that a good cigar can give you. As I laid there, relaxing for the first time after having sex as a woman, I had all sorts of thoughts flashing through my mind.

The first time that I said something, the voice was familiar but sounded so different. It was Donna's voice but also was not her voice that spoke. I was expecting my normal baritone voice and heard my spoken words from a soprano's voice. If Donna only knew how often, I had practiced trying to speak that way without any success. Then bingo.

I tried to keep from looking at my chest. Although I had seen and played with those breasts so many times, it was so different when they were on my chest. I knew that they were soft and jiggled, but to be attached to them was something that had been prayed for so many sleepless nights.

I don't think that I will ever get used to the weight of the breasts. Or the way that they jiggle when I walk. That little jiggle was one of my first indications that I was not dreaming and it had really occurred. Just walking around, I could feel my new breasts bouncing against my chest, causing me to get aroused again.

This body is so small. It makes everything around me look bigger. Shelves that used to be easy, now require something to stand on.

Peeing is a private matter. But when I walked into the bathroom and had to sit down and piss for the first time, I was so proud that I wanted to climb up on the roof and show all of the neighbors how I peed now.

Most of the morning, we laid there in bed. We would make love, curl up against each other and just relax.

I remember lying there with my ass curled in his lap, and his cock still semi-hard in me. I pushed back slowly, taking his cock into me slowly until I was again filled. Then I just laid there, enjoying the wonderful feeling of that tender organ within me. I could feel the beat of his heart as it trobbed within me.

"What's your name?" he asked.

I knew his game now and was more than willing to play it. I replied "Donna. So glad to meet you. From the feel of the cock in my pussy, you must be David. Or are you the Postman? Know that you can't be the Milkman because his day is Thursday."

He grumbled and said "Postman's day is tomorrow when I am at work. You need to remember your new schedule." as he began a very slow, easy, thrusting motion, sliding his cock backwards from the depths of her vagina, until his cockhead was almost completely removed, just as slowly pushing it back in to the hilt.

I moaned softly, and reached behind me to find his hand, which I placed on my still tender breast. I whispered, "Don't fuck me. Make love to me. Slow love."

My breathing became deep as I became aroused; and I could feel my breasts bob and sway from his gentle thrusts. I looked across the room into a doorway mirror and looked at the changing expressions on my face, showing desire, horny, hunger, and pleading. It was expressions that I had never seen on this face before.

We slowly brought ourselves to orgasm by just barely moving against each other. At least, it started out that way before I was flipped on my back and had my ankles up around his shoulders as he humped me.

I had my legs spread wide as he pumped that wonderful cock in and out, in and out, faster and faster. In this position, he was able to go deeper than I ever imagined it was capable of reaching. And it was so tight when you get that deep.

He pulled it out, in a teasing motion and I looked at it glistening with moisture of the gods from deep inside me. Moisture from my arousal caused by my wonderful lover. In the dim light, his cock looked almost purple as I look at the cock that appeared to be longer and harder than when it belonged to me.

My body stiffened as he stroked it back into me, going for the maximum penetration. I wanted him to go deep within me, deep into this body where I had never been, when I was a man. I felt myself getting ready to cum, which would be my third orgasm from this coupling. As orgasm after orgasm racked my body, I could feel my tight vagina muscles grasping his cock, my breath gasping as I held onto this wonderful man between my legs. My orgasms came one after another, building in intensity each time.

When he finally let me out of the bedroom for the first time, I felt very feminine. Especially after being fucked about four times, giving one blow job and about thirty mind-blowing orgasms. Having multiple, heavy orgasms during one session is a wonderful feeling.

As a man, sometimes my cock would get sore if there was not enough lubrication. As a woman, almost everything is sore. My breasts are tender and swollen from the sucking and rough manipulation. My nipples are sore from the almost constant engorgement. My vagina is sore from the repeated pounding and thrusting of that big hunk of meat. My back is sore from all of the various positions that I wound up in and had to support my weight plus his weight. My face, chest and pubic area is sore from his beard where he rubbed and scrubbed against very tender skin. My legs are sore from where his thighs beat against them and where I squeezed against him as I held my legs up in the air. My tongue is sore from all of the rough kissing and sucking that we did on each other. But it was so wonderful that I would do again.

It felt very natural to put on her nightgown because I can't walk around the house topless anymore. Not one of the ones that she usually wears, which could be mistaken for a T- shirt, but a beautiful gossamer silk chemise that I had purchased for one of her birthdays, that she very seldom wore. After I peed and looked at my new face in the bathroom mirror, it felt so natural to brush my hair and put on some lipstick when I finished brushing my teeth.

I fixed us some breakfast while he was showering. It was breakfast for us, but it was really almost two in the afternoon. I found that I had easily slipped into thinking of the new David as he and myself as she during the last eight hours of lovemaking.

While we ate, I found myself wanting this wonderful dream to never end. I was looking forward to going to the beauty shop and walking out as a beautiful blonde, which had also been of my frequent dreams. So when he led me into the bathroom and fixed me a bath, I was very appreciative. My body had been abused by making love all morning and a bath would cleanse me and make me feel so normal.

I laid in the warm water, feeling the bubble burst against my skin, feeling the tiredness leave my body. I was beginning to feel slightly intoxicated from only two glasses of wine and realized that I could not drink as I used to.

The douche was another first for me. I knew the principles but did not have any working experience with doing. I read the directions, made sure the water temperature was correct and the mixture was correct. Then I inserted the nozzle into my vagina and proceeded to flood my most inner area with the cleansing fluid, which I let drain. I guess that doing this will have to become a serious habit.

When David brought me into the bedroom and showed me the clothes, I could almost burst with happiness as I realized that my longtime dream of being able to wear women's clothes had occurred. I didn't like his choice of clothes but at that time, I was willing to wear anything that he asked me.

I quickly dressed and he had me sit down while he fixed my hair and gave me a makeup lesson. I already knew most of what he demonstrated to me, from a couple of overnight business trips where I had experimented with makeup on my former male body's face. But I listened to him, fighting the urge to take the makeup away from him and try it myself.

When he was finished, he changed clothes and escorted me to the mall. As we started to walk out of the house, he said "Don't forget your purse. Make sure that everything that you might need is in there. You can't carry everything that you need in your pockets now."

He picked up a big, heavy, leather purse with a long shoulder strap and handed it to me. I opened it and saw that it had lipsticks, compacts, and blusher, some old golfballs and other miscellaneous junk. I also saw Donna's billfold, which I knew had her driver license and credit cards. I closed the purse and David said "My mother used to tell me to carry an extra pair of panties and several tampons just in case I had an emergency. You have to start thinking about how to take care of your new body."

As we walked to the car, he held my arm, opened the door for me and shut the door after I sat down. I again realized how much smaller this new body was when I sat down in the now big car.

We drove to the mall and went inside. I kept expecting someone to call me David or recognize that I was not a natural female, but aside from a few appreciative stares, no one paid any attention to me. In the mall, David took me to a clothing store and let me try on several dresses and to buy a new one.

I selected a long, tailored crepe black blazer and matching broomstick skirt, with an surplice collar ivory georgette blouse. It surprised David a little, when I identified what I was buying. Although David had been a woman all of his life, he was never interested in nice women's clothes and didn't know what a georgette was.

After shopping, we stopped to get something to eat. I started to order my normal size meal and remembered that would be too much for this small body, so I changed my steak order to a chicken salad.

After knocking around the mall and buying me a new smaller purse, David took me home. I was lying in bed, wearing my new mallard-blue, satin jacquard chemise, with a delicate v-front bodice that I had spotted as we were leaving the mall and bought. David had shaved at my request and we were lying curled up.

"Am I going to wake up tomorrow morning and discover that this was only a wonderful dream?" I asked.

"No, things for us will be the same as they are now. How do you feel after your first day being a woman?" he asked in a soft voice.

Just hearing that tone of voice made me horny. I rolled over so that I was lying in his armpit, with my right hand resting on his chesthair, and my right leg laying across his leg. I bent my head and nibbled on his neck as I replied "From today on, the old me does not exist anymore. I am a new person that was created by you. I will not go back to being the old person. I am whoever and whatever you want me to be. I will be your whore, your slut, your mistress, your lover, your slave, your wife, or your lady. Whatever you desire, I will do. All you have to do is ask and I will do it. My desired role is to be your wife, lover and lady. I will share you with other women or other men, if you desire. Because I am your woman now and forever. I will follow you anywhere and do anything that you ask. I only ask that you treat me with the same respect that I give you and let me share your new life."

We made love twice before we went to sleep. When I first woke up very early in the morning while it was still dark, I thought that my beautiful dream had come to an end. But then I felt the soft nightie on my small body and felt the pressure from where I was lying wrong on my breasts. It had really happened.

The next two days were a blur of sexual activity and discovery. I shall never be able to go into the laundry room again without thinking of me with my back pressed to the wall and my legs spread around David's hips as he fucked me standing up. Riding his cock as he bounces up and down is a feeling that can't really be described.

We went shopping some more as I cleaned the closets and picked out the clothes that I would really wear. I didn't want to hurt his feelings but as soon as I could, most of the clothes were going to be given away and I would buy new clothes. As a woman, David had no taste in clothes. I also picked up some more makeup stuff and had a professional makeup session.

But I was not the only one shopping. While I was trying on skirts and smelling new fragrances, he was buying a baseball uniform, gloves, a heavier bat, running shoes, and all of those jock things. I don't know which one of us was happier with the sex exchange, him or me.

The only negative thing was that I could not have children. We both knew that when we got married and said that we would do something when it was time. Now that I am a woman and see babies in the mall, I feel so much more motherly and wished that I could get pregnant now.

Hearing Donna's mother over the telephone, call me Donna was strange. Ever since we got married, I have called her "mother" but this was the first time that it was really true. She is my mother now just as I am her daughter.

I change clothes about four times a day to experiment with the wardrobe color combinations and to see how the different clothes look on me. I had just changed clothes when the doorbell rang, and was smoking a cigar as I folded the laundry. It wasn't one of my usual heavy duty cigars but was a much milder one that didn't have as much kick to it. I knew that David was out running and figured he didn't have his key. I was very surprised when I opened the door and saw Bernice standing there.

"Hi, hon. You haven't returned any of my calls that I left on your answering machine. I came by to see how you are doing. Is David here? I smell one of his damn cigars." she asked as she walked by me into the house. She doesn't know about the exchange and thinks that she is talking to the real Donna.

"He's out running. We had the telephone bell turned off and I just haven't checked it for messages. I was just getting ready to fix something to eat. Would you like to join me?" I asked.

"Naw, no offense, but you can't cook. If it wasn't for David's cooking, you would starve." she said. Then she took a look at what I was wearing and the makeup that I was wearing.

"You must be going to a job interview. I haven't seen you in a skirt in months and have never seen you wear makeup when you were just hanging around the house." she said as she put her purse down.

I laughed and said "Come on back to the kitchen. Got some fresh coffee."

As we walked, she asked "So what happened to you and David. I have been worrying myself to death, thinking that you were going to kill him or cut his balls off."

I had to laugh. If she only knew that my balls had indeed been removed from me. I replied "We had a long talk and worked out some problem areas between us. We came to a new living arrangement and things appear to be working for the better now. We are both much happier with the changes that we made."

"So you kicked his ass out of your bedroom. Good, he deserves it." she said, misunderstanding my double-entendre statement.

"No, it was nothing like that. It's hard to describe what really occurred, but just accept the general statement that we became a more loving couple and found a solution to our individual problems." I replied, seeing the confused look on her face.

There was a long pause and she said "You ain't acting right. You never dress up or wear makeup and you are talking all lovey dovey after you caught your husband getting buggered by two gay men. What has he done to you? I read about the Stepford Wives and can see where something has happened to you. Is he giving you drugs?"

I laughed out loud. Clearly Bernice is too close of a friend to not recognize the differences in our personalities. There is no way that we will be able to keep the secret from her. If we don't tell her, she will worry us until she finds out the truth or until we lose her as a friend.

I take her hand in mine and smile as I say "Thank you for being a good friend all these years and I hope that nothing ever happens to ruin our friendship. When David comes back from his morning run, we have something that we would like to discuss with you."

Chapter 7 - Bernice's story

I had been worried sick about Donna. After that night in the alley, I talked to her everyday on the phone, giving her advice. Then she went to her mother's place and I didn't hear anything more from her. I called her mother and her mother didn't want to tell me where Donna was, although she knew how close we were. I called Donna's number and left repeated messages on the recorder. Then I drove by her house and saw her come out of her house, all dressed up, followed by a smiling David. They were walking hand-in- hand and appeared to be newly-weds.

I followed them to the mall, hoping to find a moment to accidentally run into Donna, but David was staying by her side as she went shopping. I saw her holding up the type of dresses that she had always hated. Donna is a pretty woman and doesn't need to wear makeup so she was able to always get by without wearing any, but here she is, out shopping and wearing makeup as if she was getting ready to have her picture taken. And the way that she was prancing around the store floor was not right either. I knew something was wrong with her.

I followed them back home and watch him escort her into the house. I called again knowing they were home and still got the answering machine.

That night, I opened my emergency-only bottle of Jack Daniels and took a strong swallow. There was something wrong at that house and I have to do something to help my friend.

I parked down the street the next morning and watched the house until I saw David come out in his jogging shorts and shoes. I ducked down as he jogged on the other side of the street, then I drove up to the front of their house.

When Donna opened the door, she was not only acting funny, she was looking funny. She had on a skirt, a blouse, and makeup. I thought that she was not going to ask me in so I just barged on in, hoping that she wouldn't throw me out.

After less than two minutes in the kitchen with her, I knew that something was wrong. The person sitting across from me was not Donna. She may look somewhat like Donna and try to act like Donna, but that was not her. This person was too lady-like in the way that she sipped her coffee, her mannerisms, and general speech. Donna's favorite expression is "Get fucked if you don't like me." and this person's favorite expression was straight out of the Stepford Wives. Everything is not ok, no matter what they say.

I don't believe them. It is not possible. Body swapping is not possible. That might explain some of what I am seeing, but it is not possible.

I was pulled back to reality by David saying "Go ahead, ask me anything that only Donna would know. I will prove to you that I used to be Donna."

There were so many things but wives have a way of sharing secrets with husbands, so I humored him by asking "I have a mole on which butt cheek?"

David quickly replied "Neither. That little mole that bothers you is located on the bottom of your left boob."

I looked at Donna, who was sitting there with a funny little smile on her face. She had to tell him. "All right, what is the color of my aunt's kitchen."

David thought for a moment and said "The only time I visited your aunt's house, we never went into the kitchen. But I remember you telling me one time that she was putting up new wallpaper."

I jumped at that answer because it was correct and so trivial that there was no way that Donna would ever tell him about it. Then I said "I admitted something to Donna once that I know that she would never tell you. What is it?"

Donna had a real puzzled look on her face as David thought and then he replied "The other night in the car, while we were following David, you admitted to having a crush at one time on David."

Donna started laughing and I just sat there with my mouth open as I exclaimed. "I hear it but I don't believe it."

Donna replied "It's true. I didn't believe it at first. I thought it was a dream and then I wanted the dream to never end. For the last three days, I have been a woman and trying to live Donna's life. Before that, I was David. Will you still be our friend? After all, David needs a woman friend that he can talk to and confide in; and I will need a best friend to go shopping with."

For the next week, I went over to their house every night. David had gone back to work as an office manager and Donna was practicing her new feminine skills. About two or three days after our discussion, I finally accepted what they had told me as being the truth. It was the only plausible answer with all of the facts that I knew.

So I spent a lot of time with Donna, going to the grocery store with her, going to the mall with her, and just sitting around talking. All of those years, I had known her as David and never really got to know the real person that was trapped in that man's body, which he had kept hidden from the world. I discovered a real sensitive caring person in this new personality in my best friend's body.

I went with her to the beauty salon because she wanted my opinion on the shade of blonde coloring that she wanted. Her hair is short now, but she also wants to change the style and to let it grow long. We looked through two picture albums of hair styles before she found one that she liked. She actually found several that she liked, but her hair was not long enough for them yet. So she selected a progression of different hair styles that she would like to have, as her hair grew longer. It felt so funny to be sitting there in the beauty salon, laughing with her at the different hair styles, knowing that only last week she was a man.

She showed the style that she wanted to the hairstylist. The beautician looked at the length of Donna's short existing wedge cut and told her that her hair was too short for that style now. The stylist recommended putting some curl into her existing style to give it a little body; and she could come back in about six weeks when her hair would be barely long enough for the style that she really wanted. Donna looked at me and I agreed. Then the hairstylist showed us the different blonde shades and she picked out a honey-blonde color. The chair next to Donna was empty and I sat in it and talked to Donna as the stylist worked on her.

"I remember going with my mother to the beauty salon when I was a kid and I hated it. The strange smells and the noises of female voices talking loud over the hot hair dryers was something that I hated. I remember looking at my mother with a head full of curlers sitting under a hot hair dryer and then looking like she had stuck her finger into an electric socket for several days." she said as the stylist placed the protective apron around her neck. Donna leaned her head back into the shampoo sink as the stylist lathered and rinsed her hair. Then she combed the hair as she applied the hair color.

While her hair was being colored, the manicurist rolled a portable nail station over and started working on her nails. She removed the current polish, cleaned and shaped the nails for a few minutes and then began to attach a set of two inch long tapered acrylic nails. I looked at her and she smiled as she answered "I though that I would try long fingernails. The existing nails were kept filed short so that the hands would fit into a ball glove. I am trying to establish my own identity and personality on this body. I don't know what I will be able to do with these long fingernails. Yet, I must try them. Do you understand?"

The color alarm went off and the stylist checked the hair, rinsed the solution out of the hair, then combed out her wet hair, before she separated the first strand, and wound a curler into it. She continued putting a mixture of small and large curlers in the hair, then the stylist applied the perm solution to the hair. Donna looked over at me and said "This was the smell that I hated."

The stylist let her sit for awhile and then removed the curlers as she combed out the curls and brushed it into a soft flowing style, with plenty of body. When we were finished, she fluffed her hair and looked at herself. She turned to me with a big smile and said "Only one more thing to do today and then I will buy us a glass of wine."

We went to the mall and to an jewelry store. She selected a couple of pairs of earrings and then had her ears pierced.

As we walked through the mall, I knew that men were looking at us and were focusing on her. She was very beautiful and it was obvious that she was proud of it. The woman that walked with me into the bar was a woman that I had never really seen before. She had beautiful, short curly honey-blonde hair, with soft curls on the sides and a touch of bangs hanging over her eyes. Her makeup was flawlessly applied, with high arched brows emphasizing the sultry smoldering eyes. A light touch of blush brought out her cheekbones. Her lips were outlined and filled into a picture- perfect set of voluptuous lips, coated with a glistening lipstick. Small dangling gold earrings hung down from each ear.

She was wearing a black slinky knit mid-thigh dress with a revealing décolletage. While she was not showing too much cleavage, she was also revealing that she was not wearing a bra under the dress. Not that she had to, with a body like that. Her dark skin-toned pantyhose highlighted her long, slender, well-formed athletic legs. She was walking in a pair of 3 inch high heeled mules, which made her look taller and also made her hips look rounder.

Hanging from her neck was a simple, small gold necklace, with a small pendant pointing down toward her cleavage. On one arm was a simple gold bracelet and on the other was a ladies watch. She wore a gold wedding ring and a birthstone ring. Her long beautiful pearlescent red fingernails were wrapped around a small clutch purse.

The waiter escorted us to a table and pulled out our chairs, seating us in turn. As she sat down, I noticed that she demurely sat down and pivoted, as expected from a lady. The waiter took our wine order and she opened her purse and offered me a cigarette. If we would have been in the privacy of her home, she would have lit up one of those new small weaker cigars she discovered that she likes. As we talk, her face is animated, she uses hand gestures and has a very vivacious personality. Everything about her is so alive and happy.

As we sat smoking and sipping our wine, I thought about the difference between this Donna and the old Donna.

The old Donna preferred baggy sweats, messy short dark hair, little makeup, wore no jewelry except her wedding ring, preferred beer, and sat with her legs spread apart most of the time. No one ever saw anything because she wore jeans or sweats all the time.

Donna smiled and asked "What do you think of my progress? Do you think that I have adapted to my new life?"

I held my wine glass up and simply said "Your great aunt's remedy has changed your life for the better. I look forward to many years of friendship, and going shopping with my new best friend; and to going to baseball games with her husband."

I looked at the birthstone ring that she was wearing and asked "What day are you celebrating as your birthday?"

She held the ring up and smiled as she said "I am very lucky. I have three birthdays. I celebrate the day that David was born, the day that Donna was born and the day that I became Donna."

And the new David. He is my best friend also. He still takes me with him to the ballgames. That part of his personality will never change. We have long talks and I found out something very disturbing to my peace of mind.

He is now the man that I always thought that he was. Only we are much closer and I am afraid that I will fall in love with him if I am not careful.

Chapter 8 - Aunt Cecilia's story

David was driving to Donna's mother house. It had been almost three weeks since the exchange and things were beginning to become more normal at their household. If normal is an acceptable concept for what had occurred between them.

Donna was in the front passenger seat wearing a sandwashed silk crêpe de Chine suit, with double breasted jacket and a slim vented skirt. Under the suit, was a matching silk blouse. As usual with her current personality, her makeup was flawless and every curl on her head was in place. In her purse, was an extra pair of panties and tampons because she had just finished her first period during the night; and needed the security of having something close in case there was an accident.

When she had her period, she and Bernice had long talks about how the hormones affect the body and personality. Donna clearly had some bitchy moments that she had difficulty in controlling. Especially when her period started while she was shopping and wearing white slacks. That will never occur again. David had been no help during that time and had been just as aggressive sexually. After looking at the sheets after a sexual coupling, Donna decided that blow jobs were the most effective means of satisfying David during those red flag days.

David was wearing a comfortable pair of blue jeans and a T- shirt and hadn't shaved since last night. He had managed to get onto a couple of baseball teams and was very happy with his playing performance. His hair was much shorter now, just a little bit longer than a flat-top, so it was easy to keep clean.

Since becoming a man, he had discovered that he really liked sex. Maybe it had something to do with his male hormones or it could be that Donna had such a sexual sensuality about her that kept David aroused so much. As he was driving, he glanced over to see if he could sneak a look up her skirt as she sat turned on the seat to talk with Bernice.

He was happy with the way that Bernice had accepted them in their new roles and was becoming such a good friend to Donna. Bernice is a hell of a woman and if anything ever happened to him and Donna, he would seriously consider trying to work something out with Bernice. As he thought about her, he realized that he was getting a hard-on as he drove the car.

In the back seat, Bernice was talking to Donna about a flower arrangement that she wanted to make. She was silently wondering why they were so insistent that she accompany them this weekend.

Things had become normal for Bernice also. She now accepted both of her friends for who they were now. She had become very close to the new Donna and never lost any of her old friendship with the new David. As a good family friend, she got to see them horseplay and romance each other a lot. A couple of times, they had almost been caught while they were having sex. They gave her a key, and when she walked in one day, they were lying naked on the couch. She was very familiar with Donna's body but was surprised when she saw the heavy cock hanging between David's legs. As Donna pulled a pink robe over them covering the private areas, she had jokingly asked Bernice if she wanted to join them. Bernice told them that she was going to make some coffee and went straight to the kitchen. While she was making coffee, she heard Donna get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower. David came up behind her as she was standing at the counter and rubbed slightly against her rear as he whispered "Would you like some cream in your coffee?". He was standing behind her, with his arms around her waist. She laughed and didn't reply. After standing like that for a second, he raised his hands and copped a light feel of her breasts before turning and walking away. She turned and saw his bare ass as he walked to the bedroom. She was left standing there in the kitchen, with her knees suddenly weak and feeling very confused inside.

David pulled into the driveway of Donna's mother's house. After he parked the car, he walked around to the passenger side and held the doors open for Donna and Bernice. Donna's mother came out to greet them and met Donna with a big hug. After hugging her, she stepped back and took a long look at her new daughter. She gave her a big smile and another hug, before giving David a big hug.

After dinner, Bernice was sitting on the porch with Donna's mother as David rode an old bicycle through the fields and Donna cleaned up the kitchen. The older woman said "It's so wonderful to have everyone here this weekend. I miss the kids so. When you don't see them on a daily basis, you notice changes so much more. Donna has gone through such a wonderful metamorphosis since I last saw her and turned out to be so beautiful, charming, and happy. She and David appear to be so happy now. I was worried about her, but knew that Aunt Cecilia has a way of knowing what is best and how to make it occur. When Donna was a small girl, I prayed that she would grow up to be a beautiful woman, live as a lady, and be a mother to her kids. For years, I was not sure if I would ever get most of my wish. Seeing her now all dressed up so pretty, wearing makeup, wearing coordinated clothes and seeing my new handsome son makes me very happy. Did they tell you why I insisted on you coming up with them?"

"No, they didn't."

"Well, it's because they don't know. Aunt Cecilia wants to see the three of you tomorrow. And before you leave, she will offer you a vial. Donna can't have children but you can. If you pour the vial into a drink and Donna, David and you drink from the mixture; it will change your relationship. The three of you will become closer as friends and will become lovers. Yes, I may be old, but I know about affairs of the heart and see nothing wrong with the three of you being lovers. The vial will help you become pregnant by David. The first child will be borne by you, but will be the child that David and Donna could never have, without your help. Any more children will be your and David's children. The decision about drinking the mixture belongs to you. I thought that you would like to think about it before the vial is given to you. Well, I think that I will go in and help my daughter clean the kitchen. I don't usually allow anyone else to do my work, but it seemed so nice for her to offer and then to do it. She used to grab her baseball bat and sneak out when it was time to clean up. She sure looks nice and I think that the change was for the best. For both of them."

The older woman got up and walked into the house, leaving Bernice to think about what she had just been told; and to decide what she was going to do.

The End


Five years after that weekend:

David has a mantle full of trophies. He is actively sought by several league baseball teams to play and coach for them.

Donna has a new business. She has her own model agency, has been the model for several fashion photo shoots, and is working on a personal clothing line. She has long blonde wavy hair and has turned several opportunities to move to Hollywood, so that she could stay with her family.

Bernice sold her house, moved in with David and Donna; and adopted David's last name of Bledsoe. In their personal arrangement, she is a full and active participant, having discovered that she enjoyed making love to both David and Donna. She is a part owner in Donna's business and is a sponsor of a league baseball team. Since her first baby, her breasts have grown much larger, going from a B cup to a DD cup, making her much happier.

Aunt Cecilia is still alive and living in the same house. All of the Bledsoe family go by to see her on a frequent basis.

Donna's mother has set up a psychic hotline and is working from her house.

Linda is 4 years old and knows that her mother is Donna. She looks so much like a small version of Donna.

Wayne and Troy are twins and 3 years old and their mother is Bernice.

Alice is 2 years old and her mother is Bernice.

Allen is one year old and knows that his mother is Donna.

Everyone is one big happy family.

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